/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /CounterStrike/CELL.CPP 4 3/14/97 1:15p Joe_b $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : CELL.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : April 29, 1994 * * * * Last Update : October 6, 1996 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * CellClass::Adjacent_Cell -- Determines the adjacent cell according to facing. * * CellClass::Adjust_Threat -- Allows adjustment of threat at cell level * * CellClass::Can_Tiberium_Germinate -- Determines if Tiberium can begin growth in the cell. * * CellClass::Can_Tiberium_Grow -- Determines if Tiberium can grow in this cell. * * CellClass::Can_Tiberium_Spread -- Determines if Tiberium can spread from this cell. * * CellClass::CellClass -- Constructor for cell objects. * * CellClass::Cell_Building -- Return with building at specified cell. * * CellClass::Cell_Color -- Determine what radar color to use for this cell. * * CellClass::Cell_Coord -- Returns the coordinate of this cell. * * CellClass::Cell_Find_Object -- Returns ptr to RTTI type occupying cell * * CellClass::Cell_Infantry -- Returns with pointer of first infantry unit. * * CellClass::Cell_Object -- Returns with clickable object in cell. * * CellClass::Cell_Techno -- Return with the unit/building at specified cell. * * CellClass::Cell_Terrain -- Determines terrain object in cell. * * CellClass::Cell_Unit -- Returns with pointer to unit occupying cell. * * CellClass::Cell_Vessel -- Returns with pointer to a vessel located in the cell. * * CellClass::Clear_Icon -- Calculates what the clear icon number should be. * * CellClass::Closest_Free_Spot -- returns free spot closest to given coord * * CellClass::Concrete_Calc -- Calculates the concrete icon to use for the cell. * * CellClass::Draw_It -- Draws the cell imagery at the location specified. * * CellClass::Flag_Place -- Places a house flag down on the cell. * * CellClass::Flag_Remove -- Removes the house flag from the cell. * * CellClass::Goodie_Check -- Performs crate discovery logic. * * CellClass::Grow_Tiberium -- Grows the tiberium in the cell. * * CellClass::Incoming -- Causes objects in cell to "run for cover". * * CellClass::Is_Bridge_Here -- Checks to see if this is a bridge occupied cell. * * CellClass::Is_Clear_To_Build -- Determines if cell can be built upon. * * CellClass::Is_Clear_To_Move -- Determines if the cell is generally clear for travel * * CellClass::Occupy_Down -- Flag occupation of specified cell. * * CellClass::Occupy_Up -- Removes occupation flag from the specified cell. * * CellClass::Overlap_Down -- This routine is used to mark a cell as being spilled over (over* * CellClass::Overlap_Unit -- Marks cell as being overlapped by unit. * * CellClass::Overlap_Up -- Removes overlap flag for the cell. * * CellClass::Read -- Reads a particular cell value from a save game file. * * CellClass::Recalc_Attributes -- Recalculates the ground type attributes for the cell. * * CellClass::Redraw_Objects -- Redraws all objects overlapping this cell. * * CellClass::Reduce_Tiberium -- Reduces the tiberium in the cell by the amount specified. * * CellClass::Reduce_Wall -- Damages a wall, if damage is high enough. * * CellClass::Reserve_Cell -- Marks a cell as being occupied by the specified unit ID. * * CellClass::Shimmer -- Causes all objects in the cell to shimmer. * * CellClass::Spot_Index -- returns cell sub-coord index for given COORDINATE * * CellClass::Spread_Tiberium -- Spread Tiberium from this cell to an adjacent cell. * * CellClass::Tiberium_Adjust -- Adjust the look of the Tiberium for smooth. * * CellClass::Wall_Update -- Updates the imagery for wall objects in cell. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #include "vortex.h" /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::CellClass -- Constructor for cell objects. * * * * A cell object is constructed into an empty state. It contains no specific objects, * * templates, or overlays. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/09/1994 JLB : Created. * * 02/20/1996 JLB : Uses initializer list. * *=============================================================================================*/ CellClass::CellClass(void) : ID(Map.ID(this)), IsPlot(false), IsCursorHere(false), IsMapped(false), IsVisible(false), IsWaypoint(false), IsRadarCursor(false), IsFlagged(false), IsToShroud(false), Jammed(0), Trigger(NULL), TType(TEMPLATE_NONE), TIcon(0), Overlay(OVERLAY_NONE), OverlayData(0), Smudge(SMUDGE_NONE), SmudgeData(0), Owner(HOUSE_NONE), InfType(HOUSE_NONE), OccupierPtr(0), Land(LAND_CLEAR) { for (int zone = MZONE_FIRST; zone < MZONE_COUNT; zone++) { Zones[zone] = 0; } Flag.Composite = 0; for (int index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE(Overlapper); index++) { Overlapper[index] = 0; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Cell_Color -- Determine what radar color to use for this cell. * * * * Use this routine to determine what radar color to render a radar * * pixel with. This routine is called many many times to render the * * radar map, so it must be fast. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the color to display the radar pixel with. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/01/1994 JLB : Created. * * 04/30/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. * * 05/31/1994 JLB : Takes into account any stealth characteristics of object. * *=============================================================================================*/ int CellClass::Cell_Color(bool override) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); BuildingClass * object = Cell_Building(); if (object && !object->Class->IsInvisible) { return(ColorRemaps[object->House->RemapColor].Bar); } if (override) { return(TBLACK); } if (LastTheater == THEATER_SNOW) { return(::SnowColor[Land_Type()]); } else { return(::GroundColor[Land_Type()]); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Cell_Techno -- Return with the unit/building at specified cell. * * * * Returns an object located in the cell. If there is a * * building present, it returns a pointer to that, otherwise it returns * * a pointer to one of the units there. If nothing is present in the * * specified cell, then it returns NULL. * * * * INPUT: x,y -- Coordinate offset (from upper left corner) to use as an aid in selecting * * the desired object within the cell. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns a pointer to a building or unit located in cell. If * * nothing present, just returns NULL. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/05/1992 JLB : Created. * * 04/30/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. * *=============================================================================================*/ TechnoClass * CellClass::Cell_Techno(int x, int y) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); ObjectClass * object; COORDINATE click; // Coordinate of click relative to cell corner. TechnoClass * close = NULL; long distance = 0; // Recorded closest distance. /* ** Create a coordinate value that represent the pixel location within the cell. This is ** actually the lower significant bits (leptons) of a regular coordinate value. */ click = XY_Coord(Pixel_To_Lepton(x), Pixel_To_Lepton(y)); if (Cell_Occupier()) { object = Cell_Occupier(); while (object) { if (object->Is_Techno()) { COORDINATE coord = Coord_Fraction(object->Center_Coord()); long dist = Distance(coord, click); if (!close || dist < distance) { close = (TechnoClass *)object; distance = dist; } } object = object->Next; } } return(close); } /*************************************************************************** * CellClass::Cell_Find_Object -- Returns ptr to RTTI type occupying cell * * * * INPUT: RTTIType the RTTI type we are searching for * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/17/1995 PWG : Created. * * 06/12/1995 JLB : Returns object class pointer. * *=========================================================================*/ ObjectClass * CellClass::Cell_Find_Object(RTTIType rtti) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); assert(rtti != RTTI_NONE); ObjectClass * object = Cell_Occupier(); while (object != NULL) { if (object->What_Am_I() == rtti) { return(object); } object = object->Next; } return(NULL); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Cell_Building -- Return with building at specified cell. * * * * Given a cell, determine if there is a building associated * * and return with a pointer to this building. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a pointer to the building associated with the * * cell. If there is no building associated, then NULL is * * returned. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/05/1992 JLB : Created. * * 04/30/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. * *=============================================================================================*/ BuildingClass * CellClass::Cell_Building(void) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); return((BuildingClass *)Cell_Find_Object(RTTI_BUILDING)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Cell_Terrain -- Determines terrain object in cell. * * * * This routine is used to determine the terrain object (if any) that * * overlaps this cell. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a pointer to the terrain object that overlaps * * this cell. If there is no terrain object present, then NULL * * is returned. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ TerrainClass * CellClass::Cell_Terrain(void) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); return((TerrainClass *)Cell_Find_Object(RTTI_TERRAIN)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Cell_Object -- Returns with clickable object in cell. * * * * This routine is used to determine which object is to be selected * * by a player click upon the cell. Not all objects that overlap the * * cell are selectable by the player. This routine sorts out which * * is which and returns with the appropriate object pointer. * * * * INPUT: x,y -- Coordinate (from upper left corner of cell) to use as a guide when * * selecting the object within the cell. This plays a role in those cases * * where several objects (such as infantry) exist within the same cell. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with pointer to the object clickable within the * * cell. NULL is returned if there is no clickable object * * present. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/13/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ ObjectClass * CellClass::Cell_Object(int x, int y) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); ObjectClass * ptr; /* ** Hack so that aircraft landed on helipads can still be selected if directly ** clicked on. */ ptr = (ObjectClass *)Cell_Find_Object(RTTI_AIRCRAFT); if (ptr) { return(ptr); } ptr = Cell_Techno(x, y); if (ptr) { return(ptr); } ptr = Cell_Terrain(); if (ptr) return(ptr); return(ptr); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Redraw_Objects -- Redraws all objects overlapping this cell. * * * * This is a low level routine that marks all objects that overlap this * * cell to be redrawn. It is necessary to call this routine whenever * * the underlying icon has to be redrawn. * * * * INPUT: forced -- Should this redraw be forced even if flags * * indicate that it would be redundant? * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/18/1994 JLB : Created. * * 06/20/1994 JLB : Simplified to use object pointers. * * 12/24/1994 JLB : Only checks if cell is in view and not flagged already. * *=============================================================================================*/ void CellClass::Redraw_Objects(bool forced) { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); CELL cell = Cell_Number(); if (Map.In_View(cell) && (forced || !Map.Is_Cell_Flagged(cell))) { /* ** Flag the icon to be redrawn. */ Map.Flag_Cell(cell); /* ** Flag the main object in the cell to be redrawn. */ if (Cell_Occupier() != NULL) { ObjectClass * optr = Cell_Occupier(); while (optr != NULL && optr->IsActive) { #ifdef SORTDRAW if (optr->Is_Techno() && ((TechnoClass *)optr)->Visual_Character() != VISUAL_NORMAL) { optr->Mark(MARK_CHANGE); } #else optr->Mark(MARK_CHANGE); #endif if (optr->Next != NULL && !optr->Next->IsActive) { optr->Next = NULL; } optr = optr->Next; } } #ifdef SORTDRAW /* ** Flag any overlapping object in this cell to be redrawn. */ for (int index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE(Overlapper); index++) { if (Overlapper[index]) { assert(Overlapper[index]->IsActive); if (Overlapper[index]->Is_Techno() && ((TechnoClass *)Overlapper[index])->Visual_Character() != VISUAL_NORMAL) { Overlapper[index]->Mark(MARK_CHANGE); } } } #else /* ** Flag any overlapping object in this cell to be redrawn. */ for (int index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE(Overlapper); index++) { if (Overlapper[index] != NULL) { if (!Overlapper[index]->IsActive) { Overlapper[index] = NULL; } else { Overlapper[index]->Mark(MARK_CHANGE); } } } #endif } } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Is_Clear_To_Build -- Determines if cell can be built upon. * * * * This determines if the cell can become a proper foundation for * * building placement. * * * * INPUT: loco -- The locomotion of the object trying to consider if this cell is * * generally clear. Buildings use the value of SPEED_NONE. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is this cell generally clear (usually for building purposes)? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/18/1994 JLB : Created. * * 06/25/1996 JLB : Handles different locomotion types. * * 10/05/1996 JLB : Checks for crushable walls and crushable object. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool CellClass::Is_Clear_To_Build(SpeedType loco) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); /* ** During scenario initialization, passability is always guaranteed. */ if (ScenarioInit) return(true); /* ** If there is an object there, then don't allow building. */ if (Cell_Object() != NULL) { return(false); } /* ** Prevents a building from being placed over a flag object. */ #ifdef FIXIT_FLAG_CHECK if (IsFlagged) { return(false); } #endif /* ** Walls are always considered to block the terrain for general passability ** purposes. In normal game mode, all overlays are not buildable. */ if (Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE && (Overlay == OVERLAY_FLAG_SPOT || !Debug_Map || OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(Overlay).IsWall)) { return(false); } /* ** Building over a bib is not allowed. */ if (Smudge != SMUDGE_NONE && SmudgeTypeClass::As_Reference(Smudge).IsBib /* && Owner != HOUSE_NONE*/) { return(false); } /* ** Building on certain kinds of terrain is prohibited -- bridges in particular. ** If the locomotion type is SPEED_NONE, then this check is presumed to be ** for the purposes of building. */ if (loco == SPEED_NONE) { if (Is_Bridge_Here()) { return(false); } return(::Ground[Land_Type()].Build); } else { if (::Ground[Land_Type()].Cost[loco] == fixed(0)) { // if (::Ground[Land_Type()].Cost[SPEED_TRACK] == fixed(0)) { return(false); } return(true); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Recalc_Attributes -- Recalculates the ground type attributes for the cell. * * * * This routine recalculates the ground type in the cell. The speeds the find path * * algorithm and other determinations of the cell type. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/29/1994 JLB : Created. * * 06/20/1994 JLB : Knows about template pointer in cell object. * *=============================================================================================*/ void CellClass::Recalc_Attributes(void) { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); /* ** Special override for interior terrain set so that a non-template or a clear template ** is equivalent to impassable rock. */ if (LastTheater == THEATER_INTERIOR) { if (TType == TEMPLATE_NONE || TType == TEMPLATE_CLEAR1) { Land = LAND_ROCK; return; } } /* ** Check for wall effects. */ if (Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE) { Land = OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(Overlay).Land; if (Land != LAND_CLEAR) return; } /* ** If there is a template associated with this cell, then fetch the ** land type given the template type and icon number. */ if (TType != TEMPLATE_NONE && TType != 255) { TemplateTypeClass const * ttype = &TemplateTypeClass::As_Reference(TType); Land = ttype->Land_Type(TIcon); return; } /* ** No template is the same as clear terrain. */ Land = LAND_CLEAR; } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Occupy_Down -- Flag occupation of specified cell. * * * * This routine is used to mark the cell as being occupied by the specified object. * * * * INPUT: object -- The object that is to occupy the cell * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/18/1994 JLB : Created. * * 11/29/1994 JLB : Simplified. * *=============================================================================================*/ void CellClass::Occupy_Down(ObjectClass * object) { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); assert(object != NULL && object->IsActive); ObjectClass * optr; if (object == NULL) return; /* ** Always add buildings to the end of the occupation chain. This is necessary because ** the occupation chain is a single list even though buildings occupy more than one ** cell. If more than one building is allowed to occupy the same cell, then this chain ** logic will fail. */ if (object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING && Cell_Occupier()) { optr = Cell_Occupier(); while (optr->Next != NULL) { assert(optr != object); assert(optr->What_Am_I() != RTTI_BUILDING); optr = optr->Next; } optr->Next = object; object->Next = 0; } else { object->Next = Cell_Occupier(); OccupierPtr = object; } Map.Radar_Pixel(Cell_Number()); /* ** If being placed down on a visible square, then flag this ** techno object as being revealed to the player. */ if (IsMapped || Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL) { object->Revealed(PlayerPtr); } /* ** Special occupy bit set. */ switch (object->What_Am_I()) { case RTTI_BUILDING: Flag.Occupy.Building = true; break; case RTTI_VESSEL: case RTTI_AIRCRAFT: case RTTI_UNIT: Flag.Occupy.Vehicle = true; break; case RTTI_TERRAIN: Flag.Occupy.Monolith = true; break; default: break; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Occupy_Up -- Removes occupation flag from the specified cell. * * * * This routine will lift the object from the cell and free the cell to be occupied by * * another object. Only if the cell was previously marked with the object specified, will * * the object be lifted off. This routine is the counterpart to Occupy_Down(). * * * * INPUT: object -- The object that is being lifted off. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/18/1994 JLB : Created. * * 11/29/1994 JLB : Fixed to handle next pointer in previous object. * *=============================================================================================*/ void CellClass::Occupy_Up(ObjectClass * object) { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); assert(object != NULL && object->IsActive); if (object == NULL) return; ObjectClass * optr = Cell_Occupier(); // Working pointer to the objects in the chain. if (optr == object) { OccupierPtr = object->Next; object->Next = 0; } else { bool found = false; while (optr != NULL) { if (optr->Next == object) { optr->Next = object->Next; object->Next = 0; found = true; break; } optr = optr->Next; } // assert(found); } Map.Radar_Pixel(Cell_Number()); /* ** Special occupy bit clear. */ switch (object->What_Am_I()) { case RTTI_BUILDING: Flag.Occupy.Building = false; break; case RTTI_VESSEL: case RTTI_AIRCRAFT: case RTTI_UNIT: Flag.Occupy.Vehicle = false; break; case RTTI_TERRAIN: Flag.Occupy.Monolith = false; break; default: break; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Overlap_Down -- This routine is used to mark a cell as being spilled over (overla* * * * Most game objects can often have their graphic imagery spill into more than one cell * * even though they are considered to "occupy" only one cell. All cells overlapped are * * flagged by this routine. Using this information it is possible to keep the tactical map * * display correct. * * * * INPUT: object -- The object to mark as overlapping this cell. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/18/1994 JLB : Created. * * 07/04/1995 JLB : Ensures that buildings are always marked down. * *=============================================================================================*/ void CellClass::Overlap_Down(ObjectClass * object) { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); assert(object != NULL && object->IsActive); ObjectClass ** ptr = 0; if (!object) return; for (int index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE(Overlapper); index++) { if (Overlapper[index] == object) return; if (!Overlapper[index]) ptr = &Overlapper[index]; } /* ** Buildings must ALWAYS succeed in marking the cell as overlapped. Bump somebody ** else out in this case. */ if (!ptr && object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { for (index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE(Overlapper); index++) { switch (Overlapper[index]->What_Am_I()) { case RTTI_BUILDING: case RTTI_TERRAIN: break; default: Overlapper[index] = object; index = ARRAY_SIZE(Overlapper); break; } } } if (ptr) *ptr = object; /* ** If being placed down on a visible square, then flag this ** techno object as being revealed to the player. */ if (IsMapped) { object->Revealed(PlayerPtr); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Overlap_Up -- Removes overlap flag for the cell. * * * * This is the counterpart to Overlap_Down and is used to remove the overlap flag for the * * specified unit on the cell. * * * * INPUT: object -- The object to remove the overlap flag for. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void CellClass::Overlap_Up(ObjectClass * object) { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); assert(object != NULL && object->IsActive); for (int index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE(Overlapper); index++) { if (Overlapper[index] == object) { Overlapper[index] = 0; break; } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Cell_Unit -- Returns with pointer to unit occupying cell. * * * * This routine will determine if a unit is occupying the cell and if so, return a pointer * * to it. If there is no unit occupying the cell, then NULL is returned. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with pointer to unit occupying cell, else NULL. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ UnitClass * CellClass::Cell_Unit(void) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); return((UnitClass*)Cell_Find_Object(RTTI_UNIT)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Cell_Vessel -- Returns with pointer to a vessel located in the cell. * * * * Call this routine to query and return a pointer to a vessel located in the cell. If * * there is no vessel present, then this routine will return NULL. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a pointer to the vessel class object if one is present. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/20/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ VesselClass * CellClass::Cell_Vessel(void) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); return((VesselClass*)Cell_Find_Object(RTTI_VESSEL)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Cell_Infantry -- Returns with pointer of first infantry unit occupying the cell. * * * * This routine examines the cell and returns a pointer to the first infantry unit * * that occupies it. If there is no infantry unit in the cell, then NULL is returned. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with pointer to infantry unit occupying the cell or NULL if none are * * present. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/21/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ InfantryClass * CellClass::Cell_Infantry(void) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); return((InfantryClass*)Cell_Find_Object(RTTI_INFANTRY)); } #ifdef SORTDRAW static bool _Calc_Partial_Window(int cellx, int celly, int & drawx, int & drawy) { int & px = WindowList[WINDOW_PARTIAL][WINDOWX]; int & py = WindowList[WINDOW_PARTIAL][WINDOWY]; int & pw = WindowList[WINDOW_PARTIAL][WINDOWWIDTH]; int & ph = WindowList[WINDOW_PARTIAL][WINDOWHEIGHT]; int & tx = WindowList[WINDOW_TACTICAL][WINDOWX]; int & ty = WindowList[WINDOW_TACTICAL][WINDOWY]; int & tw = WindowList[WINDOW_TACTICAL][WINDOWWIDTH]; int & th = WindowList[WINDOW_TACTICAL][WINDOWHEIGHT]; px = cellx + tx; py = celly + ty; pw = CELL_PIXEL_W; ph = CELL_PIXEL_H; if (px < tx) { pw -= tx - px; px = tx; } if (pw < 1) return(false); if (py < ty) { ph -= ty - py; py = ty; } if (ph < 1) return(false); if (px + pw > tx + tw) { pw -= (px + pw) - (tx + tw); } if (pw < 1) return(false); if (py + ph > ty + th) { ph -= (py + ph) - (ty + th); } if (ph < 1) return(false); drawx = drawx - (px-tx); drawy = drawy - (py-ty); return(true); } static int _ocompare(const void * left, const void * right) { COORDINATE lcoord = (*((ObjectClass **)left))->Sort_Y(); COORDINATE rcoord = (*((ObjectClass **)right))->Sort_Y(); if (lcoord < rcoord) return(-1); if (lcoord > rcoord) return(1); return(0); } #endif /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Draw_It -- Draws the cell imagery at the location specified. * * * * This is the gruntwork cell rendering code. It draws the cell at the screen location * * specified. This routine doesn't draw any overlapping or occupying units. It only * * deals with the ground (cell) layer -- icon level. * * * * INPUT: x,y -- The screen coordinates to render the cell imagery at. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/18/1994 JLB : Created. * * 08/21/1994 JLB : Revised for simple template objects. * * 11/01/1994 BRR : Updated placement cursor; draws actual object * * 11/14/1994 BRR : Added remapping code to show passable areas * * 12/02/1994 BRR : Added trigger display * * 12/11/1994 JLB : Mixes up clear terrain through pseudo-random table. * * 04/25/1995 JLB : Smudges drawn BELOW overlays. * * 07/22/1996 JLB : Objects added to draw process. * *=============================================================================================*/ void CellClass::Draw_It(int x, int y, bool objects) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); if (!objects) { BStart(BENCH_CELL); TemplateTypeClass const * ttype = 0; int icon; // The icon number to use from the template set. CELL cell = Cell_Number(); void * remap = NULL; #ifdef SCENARIO_EDITOR TemplateTypeClass * tptr; // TriggerClass * trig; int i; char waypt[3]; #endif CellCount++; /* ** Fetch a pointer to the template type associated with this cell. */ if (TType != TEMPLATE_NONE && TType != TEMPLATE_CLEAR1 && TType != 255) { ttype = &TemplateTypeClass::As_Reference(TType); icon = TIcon; } else { ttype = &TemplateTypeClass::As_Reference(TEMPLATE_CLEAR1); icon = Clear_Icon(); } #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS /* ** Draw the stamp of the template. */ if (Debug_Icon) { LogicPage->Fill_Rect(Map.TacPixelX+x, Map.TacPixelY+y, Map.TacPixelX+x+ICON_PIXEL_W-1, Map.TacPixelY+y+ICON_PIXEL_H-1, Sim_Random_Pick(1, 254)); FontXSpacing -= 2; Fancy_Text_Print("%02X%02X\r%d%d%d\r%d %d", Map.TacPixelX+x+(ICON_PIXEL_W>>1), Map.TacPixelY+y, &GreyScheme, TBLACK, TPF_EFNT|TPF_CENTER|TPF_BRIGHT_COLOR|TPF_FULLSHADOW, Cell_Y(cell), Cell_X(cell), //(CurrentObject.Count() && CurrentObject[0]->Is_Techno()) ? ((TechnoClass *)CurrentObject[0])->House->Which_Zone(cell) : -1, Zones[MZONE_NORMAL],Zones[MZONE_CRUSHER],Zones[MZONE_DESTROYER], Overlay, OverlayData ); FontXSpacing += 2; } else { #endif #ifdef SCENARIO_EDITOR /* ** Set up the remap table for this icon. */ if (Debug_Map && Debug_Passable) { if (::Ground[Land].Cost[0] == 0 || (Cell_Occupier() != NULL && Cell_Occupier()->What_Am_I() != RTTI_INFANTRY)) { // impassable remap = DisplayClass::FadingRed; } else { if (::Ground[Land].Cost[0] > fixed(1, 3)) { // pretty passable remap = DisplayClass::FadingGreen; } else { remap = DisplayClass::FadingYellow; // moderately passable } } } #endif /* ** This is the underlying terrain icon. */ if (ttype->Get_Image_Data()) { LogicPage->Draw_Stamp(ttype->Get_Image_Data(), icon, x, y, NULL, WINDOW_TACTICAL); if (remap) { LogicPage->Remap(x+Map.TacPixelX, y+Map.TacPixelY, ICON_PIXEL_W, ICON_PIXEL_H, remap); } } #ifdef SCENARIO_EDITOR /* ** Draw the map editor's "current" cell. This is the cell that can be ** assigned attributes such as tag labels. ** This must be draw before the placement cursor, but after drawing the ** objects in the cell. */ if (Debug_Map && CurrentCell == Cell_Number()) { LogicPage->Draw_Rect(x+Map.TacPixelX, y+Map.TacPixelY, Map.TacPixelX + x + CELL_PIXEL_W - 1, Map.TacPixelY + y + CELL_PIXEL_H - 1, YELLOW); } #endif /* ** Redraw any smudge. */ if (Smudge != SMUDGE_NONE) { SmudgeTypeClass::As_Reference(Smudge).Draw_It(x, y, SmudgeData); } /* ** Draw the overlay object. */ if (Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE) { OverlayTypeClass const & otype = OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(Overlay); IsTheaterShape = (bool)otype.IsTheater; //Tell Build_Frame if this overlay is theater specific CC_Draw_Shape(otype.Get_Image_Data(), OverlayData, (x+(CELL_PIXEL_W>>1)), (y+(CELL_PIXEL_H>>1)), WINDOW_TACTICAL, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL|SHAPE_GHOST, NULL, DisplayClass::UnitShadow); IsTheaterShape = false; } #ifdef SCENARIO_EDITOR if (Debug_Map) { /* ** Draw the cell's Trigger mnemonic, if it has a trigger */ if (Trigger.Is_Valid()) { Fancy_Text_Print(Trigger->Class->IniName, x+Map.TacPixelX, y+Map.TacPixelY, &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_RED], TBLACK, TPF_EFNT|TPF_FULLSHADOW); } /* ** Draw the cell's Waypoint designation if there is one. */ if (IsWaypoint) { for (i = 0; i < WAYPT_HOME; i++) { if (Scen.Waypoint[i] == Cell_Number()) { if (i < 26) { waypt[0] = 'A' + i; waypt[1] = 0; } else { waypt[0] = 'A' + (i/26)-1; waypt[1] = 'A' + (i % 26); waypt[2] = 0; } Fancy_Text_Print(waypt, Map.TacPixelX + x + CELL_PIXEL_W / 2, Map.TacPixelY + y + (CELL_PIXEL_H / 2) - 3, &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_RED], TBLACK, TPF_EFNT | TPF_CENTER|TPF_FULLSHADOW); break; } } if (Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME] == Cell_Number()) { Fancy_Text_Print("Home", Map.TacPixelX + x, Map.TacPixelY + y + (CELL_PIXEL_H) - 7, &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_GREY], TBLACK, TPF_EFNT|TPF_FULLSHADOW); } if (Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_REINF] == Cell_Number()) { Fancy_Text_Print("Reinf", Map.TacPixelX + x, Map.TacPixelY + y + (CELL_PIXEL_H) - 7, &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_GREY], TBLACK, TPF_EFNT|TPF_FULLSHADOW); } } } #endif /* ** Draw the placement cursor: ** - First, draw the hash-mark cursor, so it will appear underneath ** any cursor being drawn ** - If the PendingObject is a template, overlay, or smudge, draw it ** - Otherwise, it's up to the Display.Refresh_Map() routine to draw it */ if (IsCursorHere) { SpeedType loco = SPEED_NONE; if (Map.PendingObjectPtr) { if (Map.PendingObjectPtr->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { BuildingClass * obj = (BuildingClass *)(Map.PendingObjectPtr); loco = obj->Class->Speed; // if (*obj == STRUCT_SUB_PEN || *obj == STRUCT_SHIP_YARD || // *obj == STRUCT_FAKE_PEN || *obj == STRUCT_FAKE_YARD) loco = SPEED_FLOAT; } } /* ** Draw the hash-mark cursor: */ if (Map.ProximityCheck && Is_Clear_To_Build(loco)) { LogicPage->Draw_Stamp(DisplayClass::TransIconset, 0, x, y, NULL, WINDOW_TACTICAL); } else { LogicPage->Draw_Stamp(DisplayClass::TransIconset, 2, x, y, NULL, WINDOW_TACTICAL); } #ifdef SCENARIO_EDITOR if (Debug_Map && Map.PendingObject) { switch (Map.PendingObject->What_Am_I()) { /* ** Draw a template: ** - Compute the icon offset of this cell for this template, using ** ZoneCell+ZoneOffset to get the upper-left corner of the placement ** cursor ** - Draw the icon */ case RTTI_TEMPLATETYPE: tptr = (TemplateTypeClass *)Map.PendingObject; if (tptr->Get_Image_Data()) { icon = (Cell_X(cell) - Cell_X(Map.ZoneCell + Map.ZoneOffset)) + (Cell_Y(cell) - Cell_Y(Map.ZoneCell + Map.ZoneOffset)) * tptr->Width; LogicPage->Draw_Stamp(tptr->Get_Image_Data(), icon, x, y, NULL, WINDOW_TACTICAL); } break; /* ** Draw an overlay; just use the existing 'OverlayData' even though ** it means nothing. */ case RTTI_OVERLAYTYPE: OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(((OverlayTypeClass *)Map.PendingObject)->Type).Draw_It(x, y, OverlayData); break; /* ** Draw a smudge */ case RTTI_SMUDGETYPE: SmudgeTypeClass::As_Reference(((SmudgeTypeClass *)Map.PendingObject)->Type).Draw_It(x, y, 0); break; default: break; } } #endif } /* ** Draw the flag if there is one located at this cell. */ if (IsFlagged) { void const * flag_remap = HouseClass::As_Pointer(Owner)->Remap_Table(false, REMAP_NORMAL); CC_Draw_Shape(MFCD::Retrieve("FLAGFLY.SHP"), Frame % 14, x+(ICON_PIXEL_W/2), y+(ICON_PIXEL_H/2), WINDOW_TACTICAL, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_GHOST|SHAPE_FADING, flag_remap, DisplayClass::UnitShadow); } #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS } #endif BEnd(BENCH_CELL); } #ifdef SORTDRAW if (objects) { BStart(BENCH_OBJECTS); /* ** Build a list of objects to draw into a working buffer. There is a ** big presumption here -- it is presumed that if the cell is to be ** redrawn, then all objects in the cell should properly be flagged to ** be redrawn as well. Normally, this isn't a problem, but for subs ** the IsToDisplay flag MUST REMAIN SET. This is because there is a ** hack overpass after the cells are redrawn so that subs can be ** redrawn separately. */ ObjectClass * optr[20 + ARRAY_SIZE(Overlapper)]; int count = 0; ObjectClass * object = Cell_Occupier(); while (object != NULL) { if (!object->IsActive) break; optr[count] = object; object->IsToDisplay = true; object = object->Next; count++; } for (int index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE(Overlapper); index++) { object = Overlapper[index]; if (object != NULL && object->IsActive) { object->IsToDisplay = true; optr[count] = object; count++; } } /* ** Sort the object list so that objects will be drawn from ** back to front. */ switch (count) { /* ** If there are zero or one object, then sorting is ** unnecessary. */ case 0: case 1: break; /* ** Two objects can be sorted with a single compare and swap. */ case 2: if (optr[0]->Sort_Y() > optr[1]->Sort_Y()) { swap(optr[0], optr[1]); } break; /* ** Three objects can be sorted with three compares and swaps. */ case 3: if (optr[0]->Sort_Y() > optr[2]->Sort_Y()) { swap(optr[0], optr[2]); } if (optr[0]->Sort_Y() > optr[1]->Sort_Y()) { swap(optr[0], optr[1]); } if (optr[1]->Sort_Y() > optr[2]->Sort_Y()) { swap(optr[1], optr[2]); } break; /* ** Large number of objects can be effeciently sorted by using ** a quicksort. */ default: qsort(optr, count, sizeof(optr[0]), _ocompare); break; } /* ** Draw any objects that happen to be in or overlapping this cell. */ for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { object = optr[index]; int xx,yy; if (object->IsToDisplay && (!object->Is_Techno() || ((TechnoClass *)object)->Visual_Character() == VISUAL_NORMAL) && Map.Coord_To_Pixel(object->Render_Coord(), xx, yy)) { if (_Calc_Partial_Window(x, y, xx, yy)) { object->Draw_It(xx, yy, WINDOW_PARTIAL); if (Debug_Map) { object->IsToDisplay = true; } else { object->IsToDisplay = false; } } object->IsToDisplay = false; } } BEnd(BENCH_OBJECTS); } #endif } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Concrete_Calc -- Calculates the concrete icon to use for the cell. * * * * This routine examines the cells around the current one and from this, determines what * * concrete icon shape to use (if any). The cell data is adjusted and the cell is marked * * for redraw if the icon changed. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/01/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void CellClass::Concrete_Calc(void) { #ifdef OBSOLETE assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); static FacingType _even[5] = {FACING_N, FACING_S, FACING_SW, FACING_W, FACING_NW}; static FacingType _odd[5] = {FACING_N, FACING_NE, FACING_E, FACING_SE, FACING_S}; FacingType * ptr; // Working pointer into adjacent cell list. int index; // Constructed bit index. int icon; // Icon number. bool isodd; // Is this for the odd column? #define OF_N 0x01 #define OF_NE 0x02 #define OF_E 0x04 #define OF_SE 0x08 #define OF_S 0x10 #define EF_N 0x01 #define EF_NW 0x10 #define EF_W 0x08 #define EF_SW 0x04 #define EF_S 0x02 /* ** Determine if the even or odd row logic is necessary. */ isodd = ((Cell_Number() & 0x01) != 0); /* ** Fetch correct pointer depending on whether this is for an ** odd or even row. */ ptr = (isodd) ? _odd : _even; /* ** Build an index according to the presence of concrete in the special ** adjacent cells. This is a short list of adjacent cell flags since ** only 5 adjacent cells need to be examined. The choice of which 5 ** depends on whether this is for an even or odd column. */ index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(_even)/sizeof(_even[0])); i++) { CellClass & cellptr = Adjacent_Cell(*ptr++); if (cellptr.Overlay == OVERLAY_CONCRETE) { index |= (1< 0 && Land == LAND_TIBERIUM) { if (OverlayData+1 > levels) { OverlayData -= levels; reducer = levels; } else { Overlay = OVERLAY_NONE; reducer = OverlayData; OverlayData = 0; Recalc_Attributes(); } } return(reducer); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Reduce_Wall -- Damages a wall, if damage is high enough. * * * * This routine will change the wall shape used for a wall if it's damaged. * * * * INPUT: damage -- The number of damage points the wall was hit with. If this value is * * -1, then the entire wall at this cell will be destroyed. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the wall destroyed? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/15/1995 BWG : Created. * * 03/19/1995 JLB : Updates cell information if wall was destroyed. * * 10/06/1996 JLB : Updates zone as necessary. * *=============================================================================================*/ int CellClass::Reduce_Wall(int damage) { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); if (Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE) { bool destroyed = false; OverlayTypeClass const & wall = OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(Overlay); if (wall.IsWall) { /* ** If the damage was great enough to ensure wall destruction, reduce the wall by one ** level (no more). Otherwise determine wall reduction based on a percentage chance ** proportional to the damage received and the wall's strength. */ if (damage == -1 || damage >= wall.DamagePoints) { destroyed = true; } else { destroyed = Random_Pick(0, wall.DamagePoints) < damage; } /* ** If the wall is destroyed, destroy it and check for any adjustments to ** adjacent walls. */ if (destroyed) { OverlayData+=16; if (damage == -1 || (OverlayData>>4) >= wall.DamageLevels || ((OverlayData>>4) == wall.DamageLevels-1 && (OverlayData & 0xF)==0) ) { Owner = HOUSE_NONE; Overlay = OVERLAY_NONE; OverlayData = 0; Recalc_Attributes(); Redraw_Objects(); Adjacent_Cell(FACING_N).Wall_Update(); Adjacent_Cell(FACING_W).Wall_Update(); Adjacent_Cell(FACING_S).Wall_Update(); Adjacent_Cell(FACING_E).Wall_Update(); Detach_This_From_All(As_Target()); /* ** The zone calculation changes now for non-crushable zone sensitive ** travellers. */ if (wall.IsCrushable) { Map.Zone_Reset(MZONEF_NORMAL); } else { Map.Zone_Reset(MZONEF_CRUSHER|MZONEF_NORMAL); } return(true); } } } } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Spot_Index -- returns cell sub-coord index for given COORDINATE * * * * INPUT: * * coord COORDINATE to compute index for * * * * OUTPUT: * * index into StoppingCoord that's closest to this coord * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/21/1994 BR : Created. * * 12/10/1994 JLB : Uses alternate sub-position algorithm. * *=============================================================================================*/ int CellClass::Spot_Index(COORDINATE coord) { COORDINATE rel = Coord_Fraction(coord); // Sub coordinate value within cell. /* ** If the coordinate is close enough to the center of the cell, then return ** the center position index. */ if (Distance(rel, (COORDINATE)0x00800080L) < 60) { return(0); } /* ** Since the center cell position has been eliminated, a simple comparison ** as related to the center of the cell can be used to determine the sub ** position. Take advantage of the fact that the sub positions are organized ** from left to right, top to bottom. */ int index = 0; if (Coord_X(rel) > 0x80) index |= 0x01; if (Coord_Y(rel) > 0x80) index |= 0x02; return(index+1); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Closest_Free_Spot -- returns free spot closest to given coord * * * * Similar to the CellClass::Free_Spot; this routine finds the spot in * * the cell closest to the given coordinate, and returns the COORDINATE of * * that spot if it's available, NULL if it's not. * * * * INPUT: * * coord coordinate to check (only sub cell position examined) * * * * any -- If only the closest spot is desired regardless of whether it is free or * * not, then this parameter will be true. * * * * OUTPUT: * * COORDINATE of free spot, NULL if none. The coordinate return value does not alter the cell * * coordinate data portions of the coordinate passed in. Only the lower sub-cell * * data is altered. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/08/1994 BR : Created. * * 12/10/1994 JLB : Picks best of closest stopping positions. * * 12/21/1994 JLB : Adds a mix-up factor if center location is occupied. * *=============================================================================================*/ COORDINATE CellClass::Closest_Free_Spot(COORDINATE coord, bool any) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); int spot_index = Spot_Index(coord); /* ** This precalculated sequence table records the closest spots to any given spot. Sequential ** examination of these spots for availability ensures that the closest available one is ** discovered first. */ static unsigned char _sequence[5][4] = { {1,2,3,4}, {0,2,3,4}, {0,1,4,3}, {0,1,4,2}, {0,2,3,1} }; /* ** In the case of the center coordinate being requested, but is occupied, then all other ** sublocations are equidistant. Instead of picking a static sequence of examination, the ** order is mixed up by way of this table. */ static unsigned char _alternate[4][4] = { {1,2,3,4}, {2,3,4,1}, {3,4,1,2}, {4,1,2,3}, }; coord = Coord_Whole(coord); /* ** Cells occupied by buildings or vehicles don't have any free spots. */ if (!any && (Flag.Occupy.Vehicle || Flag.Occupy.Monolith)) { return(NULL); } /* ** If just the nearest position is desired regardless of whether occupied or not, ** then just return with the stopping coordinate value. */ if (any || Is_Spot_Free(spot_index)) { return(Coord_Add(coord, StoppingCoordAbs[spot_index])); } /* ** Scan through all available sub-locations in the cell in order to determine ** the closest one to the coordinate requested. Use precalculated table so that ** when the first free position is found, bail. */ unsigned char * sequence; if (spot_index == 0) { sequence = &_alternate[Random_Pick(0, 3)][0]; } else { sequence = &_sequence[spot_index][0]; } for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++) { int pos = *sequence++; if (Is_Spot_Free(pos)) { return(Coord_Add(coord, StoppingCoordAbs[pos])); } } /* ** No free spot could be found so return a NULL coordinate. */ return(0x00000000L); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Clear_Icon -- Calculates what the clear icon number should be. * * * * This support routine will determine what the clear icon number would be for the cell. * * The icon number is determined by converting the cell number into an index into a * * lookup table. This yields what appears to be a randomized map without the necessity of * * generating and recording randomized map numbers. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the icon number for clear terrain if it were displayed at the * * cell. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/26/1994 JLB : Created. * * 06/09/1995 JLB : Uses 16 entry scramble algorithm. * *=============================================================================================*/ int CellClass::Clear_Icon(void) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); CELL cell = Cell_Number(); return((Cell_X(cell) & 0x03) | ((Cell_Y(cell) & 0x03) << 2)); // return((cell & 0x03) | ((unsigned(cell)>>5) & 0x0C)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Incoming -- Causes objects in cell to "run for cover". * * * * This routine is called whenever a great, but slow moving, threat is presented to the * * occupants of a cell. The occupants will, in most cases, stop what they are doing and * * try to get out of the way. * * * * INPUT: threat -- The coordinate source of the threat. * * * * forced -- If this threat is so major that the occupants should stop what * * they are doing, then this parameter should be set to true. * * * * nokidding -- Override the scatter to also affect human controlled objects. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/10/1995 JLB : Created. * * 08/02/1996 JLB : Added the "nokidding" parameter. * *=============================================================================================*/ void CellClass::Incoming(COORDINATE threat, bool forced, bool nokidding) { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); ObjectClass * object = NULL; object = Cell_Occupier(); while (object != NULL) { /* ** Special check to make sure that friendly units never scatter. */ if (nokidding || Rule.IsScatter || (object->Is_Techno() && ((TechnoClass *)object)->House->IQ >= Rule.IQScatter)) { object->Scatter(threat, forced, nokidding); } object = object->Next; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Adjacent_Cell -- Determines the adjacent cell according to facing. * * * * Use this routine to return a reference to the adjacent cell in the direction specified. * * * * INPUT: face -- The direction to use when determining the adjacent cell. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a reference to the adjacent cell. * * * * WARNINGS: If the facing value is invalid, then a reference to the same cell is returned. * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/19/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ CellClass const & CellClass::Adjacent_Cell(FacingType face) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); if ((unsigned)face >= FACING_COUNT) { return(*this); } CellClass const * ptr = this + AdjacentCell[face]; if ((unsigned)ptr->Cell_Number() > MAP_CELL_TOTAL) return(*this); return(*ptr); } /*************************************************************************** * CellClass::Adjust_Threat -- Allows adjustment of threat at cell level * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/24/1995 PWG : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void CellClass::Adjust_Threat(HousesType house, int threat_value) { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); int region = Map.Cell_Region(Cell_Number()); for (HousesType lp = HOUSE_FIRST; lp < HOUSE_COUNT; lp ++) { if (lp == house) continue; HouseClass * house_ptr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(lp); if (house_ptr && (!house_ptr->IsHuman || !house_ptr->Is_Ally(house))) { house_ptr->Adjust_Threat(region, threat_value); } } if (Debug_Threat) { Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Tiberium_Adjust -- Adjust the look of the Tiberium for smoothing purposes. * * * * This routine will adjust the level of the Tiberium in the cell so that it will * * smoothly blend with the adjacent Tiberium. This routine should only be called for * * new Tiberium cells. Existing cells that contain Tiberium follow a different growth * * pattern. * * * * INPUT: pregame -- Is this a pregame call? Such a call will mixup the Tiberium overlay * * used. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the added Tiberium value that is now available for harvesting. * * * * WARNINGS: The return value is only valid for the initial placement. Tiberium growth will * * increase the net worth of the existing Tiberium. * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/16/1995 JLB : Created. * * 02/20/1996 JLB : Takes into account the ore type. * *=============================================================================================*/ long CellClass::Tiberium_Adjust(bool pregame) { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); if (Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE) { if (OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(Overlay).Land == LAND_TIBERIUM) { static int _adj[9] = {0,1,3,4,6,7,8,10,11}; static int _adjgem[9] = {0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2}; int count = 0; /* ** Mixup the Tiberium overlays so that they don't look the same. ** Since the type of ore is known, also record the nominal ** value per step of that ore type. */ bool gems = false; int value = 0; if (pregame) { switch (Overlay) { case OVERLAY_GOLD1: case OVERLAY_GOLD2: case OVERLAY_GOLD3: case OVERLAY_GOLD4: value = Rule.GoldValue; Overlay = Random_Pick(OVERLAY_GOLD1, OVERLAY_GOLD4); break; case OVERLAY_GEMS1: case OVERLAY_GEMS2: case OVERLAY_GEMS3: case OVERLAY_GEMS4: gems = true; value = Rule.GemValue*4; Overlay = Random_Pick(OVERLAY_GEMS1, OVERLAY_GEMS4); break; default: break; } } /* ** Add up all adjacent cells that contain tiberium. ** (Skip those cells which aren't on the map) */ for (FacingType face = FACING_FIRST; face < FACING_COUNT; face++) { CellClass & adj = Adjacent_Cell(face); if (adj.Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE && OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(adj.Overlay).Land == LAND_TIBERIUM) { count++; } } if (gems) { OverlayData = _adjgem[count]; OverlayData = min(OverlayData, 2); } else { OverlayData = _adj[count]; } return((OverlayData+1) * value); } } return(0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Goodie_Check -- Performs crate discovery logic. * * * * Call this routine whenever an object enters a cell. It will check for the existence * * of a crate and generate any "goodie" it might contain. * * * * INPUT: object -- Pointer to the object that is triggering this crate. * * * * OUTPUT: Can the object continue to enter this cell? A false return value means that the * * cell is now occupied and must not be entered. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/22/1995 JLB : Created. * * 07/08/1995 JLB : Added a bunch of goodies to the crates. * * 06/17/1996 JLB : Revamped for Red Alert * *=============================================================================================*/ bool CellClass::Goodie_Check(FootClass * object) { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); if (object != NULL && Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE && OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(Overlay).IsCrate) { bool force_mcv = false; int force_money = 0; int damage; COORDINATE coord; /* ** Determine the total number of shares for all the crate powerups. This is used as ** the base pool to determine the odds from. */ int total_shares = 0; for (int index = CRATE_FIRST; index < CRATE_COUNT; index++) { total_shares += CrateShares[index]; } /* ** Pick a random crate powerup according to the shares allotted to each powerup. ** In solo play, the bonus item is dependant upon the rules control. */ CrateType powerup; if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { /* ** Solo play has money amount determined by rules.ini file. */ force_money = Rule.SoloCrateMoney; if (Overlay == OVERLAY_STEEL_CRATE) { powerup = Rule.SilverCrate; } if (Overlay == OVERLAY_WOOD_CRATE) { powerup = Rule.WoodCrate; } if (Overlay == OVERLAY_WATER_CRATE) { //Mono_Printf("%d-%s.\n", __LINE__, __FILE__); powerup = Rule.WaterCrate; } } else { int pick = Random_Pick(1, total_shares); int share_count = 0; for (powerup = CRATE_FIRST; powerup < CRATE_COUNT; powerup++) { share_count += CrateShares[powerup]; if (pick <= share_count) break; } assert(powerup != CRATE_COUNT); /* ** Depending on what was picked, there might be an alternate goodie if the selected ** goodie would have no effect. */ switch (powerup) { case CRATE_UNIT: if (object->House->CurUnits > 50) powerup = CRATE_MONEY; break; case CRATE_SQUAD: if (object->House->CurInfantry > 100) powerup = CRATE_MONEY; break; case CRATE_DARKNESS: if (object->House->IsGPSActive) powerup = CRATE_MONEY; break; case CRATE_ARMOR: if (object->ArmorBias != 1) powerup = CRATE_MONEY; break; case CRATE_SPEED: if (object->SpeedBias != 1 || object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_AIRCRAFT) powerup = CRATE_MONEY; break; case CRATE_FIREPOWER: if (object->FirepowerBias != 1 || !object->Is_Weapon_Equipped()) powerup = CRATE_MONEY; break; case CRATE_REVEAL: if (object->House->IsVisionary) { if (object->House->IsGPSActive) { powerup = CRATE_MONEY; } else { powerup = CRATE_DARKNESS; } } break; case CRATE_CLOAK: if (object->IsCloakable) powerup = CRATE_MONEY; break; // case CRATE_HEAL_BASE: // if (object->House->BScan == 0) powerup = CRATE_UNIT; case CRATE_MONEY: break; case CRATE_TIMEQUAKE: /* ** For the time quake crate, scan through and count up all the ** units (and infantry and ships and aircraft) and if either ** side has very few, allow the time quake. Otherwise, ** change the crate to money or something. Only do this for ** multiplay - for solo play, they get what they get. First, ** check for time - the chance for getting a time quake crate ** should be very very low when they first start the mission, ** but as time goes on the chance goes up. */ if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL) { int i,ucount; int minunits = 1000; bool found = false; unsigned long minutes = (Score.ElapsedTime / TIMER_MINUTE); if (minutes > 100) minutes = 100; if (Random_Pick(0,100-(int)minutes) == 0) { for (i=0; i < (Session.Players.Count() + Session.Options.AIPlayers); i++) { ucount = 0; HouseClass * hptr = Houses.Ptr(i + HOUSE_MULTI1); if (hptr != NULL && !hptr->IsDefeated) { int j; for( j=0; j < UNIT_COUNT; j++) { ucount += hptr->QuantityU(j); } for( j=0; j < INFANTRY_COUNT; j++) { ucount += hptr->QuantityI(j); } for( j=0; j < AIRCRAFT_COUNT; j++) { ucount += hptr->QuantityA(j); } for( j=0; j < VESSEL_COUNT; j++) { ucount += hptr->QuantityV(j); } int bcount = 0; for( j=0; j < STRUCT_COUNT; j++) { bcount += hptr->QuantityB(j); } ucount += bcount/2; // weight buildings less minunits = min(minunits, ucount); } } if (Random_Pick(0, minunits) == minunits) { found = true; } } if (!found) { powerup = CRATE_MONEY; } } break; } /* ** Possibly force it to be an MCV if there is ** sufficient money and no buildings left. */ if ( object->House->BScan == 0 && object->House->Available_Money() > ( (BuildingTypeClass::As_Reference(STRUCT_REFINERY).Cost + BuildingTypeClass::As_Reference(STRUCT_POWER).Cost) * object->House->CostBias) && Session.Options.Bases && !(object->House->UScan & UNITF_MCV)) { powerup = CRATE_UNIT; force_mcv = true; } /* ** If the powerup is money but there is insufficient money to build a refinery but there is a construction ** yard available, then force the money to be enough to rebuild the refinery. */ if (powerup == CRATE_MONEY && (object->House->BScan & (STRUCTF_CONST|STRUCTF_REFINERY)) == STRUCTF_CONST && object->House->Available_Money() < BuildingTypeClass::As_Reference(STRUCT_REFINERY).Cost * object->House->CostBias) { force_money = BuildingTypeClass::As_Reference(STRUCT_REFINERY).Cost * object->House->CostBias; } /* ** Special override for water crates so that illegal goodies items ** won't appear. */ if (Overlay == OVERLAY_WATER_CRATE) { switch (powerup) { case CRATE_UNIT: case CRATE_SQUAD: powerup = CRATE_MONEY; break; default: break; } } } /* ** Keep track of the number of each type of crate found */ if (Session.Type == GAME_INTERNET) { object->House->TotalCrates->Increment_Unit_Total(powerup); } /* ** Remove the crate from the map. */ Map.Remove_Crate(Cell_Number()); // Map[Cell_Number()].Overlay = OVERLAY_NONE; if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL && Rule.IsMPCrates) { Map.Place_Random_Crate(); } /* ** Generate any corresponding animation associated with this crate powerup. */ if (CrateAnims[powerup] != ANIM_NONE) { new AnimClass(CrateAnims[powerup], Cell_Coord()); } /* ** Create the effect requested. */ bool tospeak = false; switch (powerup) { case CRATE_TIMEQUAKE: TimeQuake = true; break; /* ** Give the player money. */ case CRATE_MONEY: crate_money: if (force_money > 0) { object->House->Refund_Money(force_money); } else { object->House->Refund_Money(Random_Pick(CrateData[powerup], CrateData[powerup]+900)); } break; /* ** Shroud the world in blackness. */ case CRATE_DARKNESS: if (object->House == PlayerPtr) { Map.Shroud_The_Map(); } break; /* ** Reveal the entire map. */ case CRATE_REVEAL: object->House->IsVisionary = true; if (object->House == PlayerPtr) { for (CELL cell = 0; cell < MAP_CELL_TOTAL; cell++) { Map.Map_Cell(cell, PlayerPtr); } Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); } break; /* ** Try to create a unit where the crate was. */ case CRATE_UNIT: { UnitTypeClass const * utp = NULL; /* ** Give the player an MCV if he has no base left but does have more than enough ** money to rebuild a new base. Of course, if he already has an MCV, then don't ** give him another one. */ if (force_mcv) { utp = &UnitTypeClass::As_Reference(UNIT_MCV); } /* ** If the player has a base and a refinery, but no harvester, then give him ** a free one. */ if (utp == NULL && (object->House->BScan & STRUCTF_REFINERY) && !(object->House->UScan & UNITF_HARVESTER)) { utp = &UnitTypeClass::As_Reference(UNIT_HARVESTER); } /* ** Check for special unit type override value. */ if (Rule.UnitCrateType != UNIT_NONE) { utp = &UnitTypeClass::As_Reference(Rule.UnitCrateType); } /* ** If no unit type has been determined, then pick one at random. */ while (utp == NULL) { #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 UnitType utype = Random_Pick(UNIT_FIRST, (UnitType)(UNIT_RA_COUNT-1 -3)); #else UnitType utype = Random_Pick(UNIT_FIRST, (UnitType)(UNIT_COUNT-1 -3)); #endif #else UnitType utype = Random_Pick(UNIT_FIRST, (UnitType)(UNIT_COUNT-1)); #endif if (utype != UNIT_MCV || Session.Options.Bases) { utp = &UnitTypeClass::As_Reference(utype); if (utp->IsCrateGoodie && (utp->Ownable & (1 << HouseClass::As_Pointer(object->Owner())->ActLike))) { break; } utp = NULL; } } if (utp != NULL) { UnitClass * goodie_unit = (UnitClass *)utp->Create_One_Of(object->House); if (goodie_unit != NULL) { if (goodie_unit->Unlimbo(Cell_Coord())) { return(false); } /* ** Try to place the object into a nearby cell if something is preventing ** placement at the crate location. */ CELL cell = Map.Nearby_Location(Cell_Number(), goodie_unit->Class->Speed); if (goodie_unit->Unlimbo(::Cell_Coord(cell))) { return(false); } delete goodie_unit; goto crate_money; } } } break; /* ** Create a squad of miscellaneous composition. */ case CRATE_SQUAD: for (index = 0; index < 5; index++) { static InfantryType _inf[] = { INFANTRY_E1,INFANTRY_E1,INFANTRY_E1,INFANTRY_E1,INFANTRY_E1,INFANTRY_E1, INFANTRY_E2, INFANTRY_E3, INFANTRY_RENOVATOR }; if (!InfantryTypeClass::As_Reference(_inf[Random_Pick(0, ARRAY_SIZE(_inf)-1)]).Create_And_Place(Cell_Number(), object->Owner())) { if (index == 0) { goto crate_money; } } } return(false); /* ** A one para-bomb mission. */ case CRATE_PARA_BOMB: if (object->House->SuperWeapon[SPC_PARA_BOMB].Enable(true)) { if (object->IsOwnedByPlayer) { Map.Add(RTTI_SPECIAL, SPC_PARA_BOMB); Map.Column[1].Flag_To_Redraw(); } } break; /* ** A one time sonar pulse */ case CRATE_SONAR: if (object->House->SuperWeapon[SPC_SONAR_PULSE].Enable(true)) { if (object->IsOwnedByPlayer) { Map.Add(RTTI_SPECIAL, SPC_SONAR_PULSE); Map.Column[1].Flag_To_Redraw(); } } break; /* ** A group of explosions are triggered around the crate. */ case CRATE_EXPLOSION: if (object != NULL) { int d = CrateData[powerup]; object->Take_Damage(d, 0, WARHEAD_HE, 0, true); } for (index = 0; index < 5; index++) { COORDINATE frag_coord = Coord_Scatter(Cell_Coord(), Random_Pick(0, 0x0200)); new AnimClass(ANIM_FBALL1, frag_coord); damage = CrateData[powerup]; Explosion_Damage(frag_coord, damage, NULL, WARHEAD_HE); } break; /* ** A napalm blast is triggered. */ case CRATE_NAPALM: coord = Coord_Mid(Cell_Coord(), object->Center_Coord()); new AnimClass(ANIM_NAPALM3, coord); if (object != NULL) { int d = CrateData[powerup]; object->Take_Damage(d, 0, WARHEAD_FIRE, 0, true); } damage = CrateData[powerup]; Explosion_Damage(coord, damage, NULL, WARHEAD_FIRE); break; /* ** All objects within a certain range will gain the ability to cloak. */ case CRATE_CLOAK: for (index = 0; index < DisplayClass::Layer[LAYER_GROUND].Count(); index++) { ObjectClass * obj = DisplayClass::Layer[LAYER_GROUND][index]; if (obj && obj->Is_Techno() && Distance(Cell_Coord(), obj->Center_Coord()) < Rule.CrateRadius) { ((TechnoClass *)obj)->IsCloakable = true; } } break; /* ** All of the player's objects heal up. */ case CRATE_HEAL_BASE: if (object->IsOwnedByPlayer) { Sound_Effect(VOC_HEAL, object->Center_Coord()); } for (index = 0; index < Logic.Count(); index++) { ObjectClass * obj = Logic[index]; if (obj && object->Is_Techno() && object->House->Class->House == obj->Owner()) { obj->Strength = obj->Class_Of().MaxStrength; } } break; case CRATE_ICBM: if (object->House->SuperWeapon[SPC_NUCLEAR_BOMB].Enable(true)) { if (object->IsOwnedByPlayer) { Map.Add(RTTI_SPECIAL, SPC_NUCLEAR_BOMB); Map.Column[1].Flag_To_Redraw(); } } break; case CRATE_ARMOR: for (index = 0; index < DisplayClass::Layer[LAYER_GROUND].Count(); index++) { ObjectClass * obj = DisplayClass::Layer[LAYER_GROUND][index]; if (obj != NULL && obj->Is_Techno() && Distance(Cell_Coord(), obj->Center_Coord()) < Rule.CrateRadius && ((TechnoClass *)obj)->ArmorBias == 1) { fixed val = ((TechnoClass *)obj)->ArmorBias * Inverse(fixed(CrateData[powerup], 256)); ((TechnoClass *)obj)->ArmorBias = val; if (obj->Owner() == PlayerPtr->Class->House) tospeak = true; } } if (tospeak) Speak(VOX_UPGRADE_ARMOR); break; case CRATE_SPEED: for (index = 0; index < DisplayClass::Layer[LAYER_GROUND].Count(); index++) { ObjectClass * obj = DisplayClass::Layer[LAYER_GROUND][index]; if (obj && obj->Is_Foot() && Distance(Cell_Coord(), obj->Center_Coord()) < Rule.CrateRadius && ((FootClass *)obj)->SpeedBias == 1 && obj->What_Am_I() != RTTI_AIRCRAFT) { FootClass * foot = (FootClass *)obj; fixed val = foot->SpeedBias * fixed(CrateData[powerup], 256); foot->SpeedBias = val; if (foot->IsOwnedByPlayer) tospeak = true; } } if (tospeak) Speak(VOX_UPGRADE_SPEED); break; case CRATE_FIREPOWER: for (index = 0; index < DisplayClass::Layer[LAYER_GROUND].Count(); index++) { ObjectClass * obj = DisplayClass::Layer[LAYER_GROUND][index]; if (obj && obj->Is_Techno() && Distance(Cell_Coord(), obj->Center_Coord()) < Rule.CrateRadius && ((TechnoClass *)obj)->FirepowerBias == 1) { fixed val = ((TechnoClass *)obj)->FirepowerBias * fixed(CrateData[powerup], 256); ((TechnoClass *)obj)->FirepowerBias = val; if (obj->Owner() == PlayerPtr->Class->House) tospeak = true; } } if (tospeak) Speak(VOX_UPGRADE_FIREPOWER); break; case CRATE_INVULN: for (index = 0; index < DisplayClass::Layer[LAYER_GROUND].Count(); index++) { ObjectClass * obj = DisplayClass::Layer[LAYER_GROUND][index]; if (obj && obj->Is_Techno() && Distance(Cell_Coord(), obj->Center_Coord()) < Rule.CrateRadius) { ((TechnoClass *)obj)->IronCurtainCountDown = (TICKS_PER_MINUTE * fixed(CrateData[powerup], 256)); obj->Mark(MARK_CHANGE); } } break; /* ** A chronal vortex appears targetted at the triggering object. */ case CRATE_VORTEX: if ( !ChronalVortex.Is_Active()) { ChronalVortex.Appear ( Cell_Coord() ); ChronalVortex.Set_Target ( (ObjectClass*) object ); Sound_Effect(VOC_TESLA_ZAP, object->Center_Coord()); } break; default: break; } } return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Flag_Place -- Places a house flag down on the cell. * * * * This routine will place the house flag at this cell location. * * * * INPUT: house -- The house that is having its flag placed here. * * * * OUTPUT: Was the flag successfully placed here? * * * * WARNINGS: Failure to place means that the cell is impassable for some reason. * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/23/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool CellClass::Flag_Place(HousesType house) { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); if (!IsFlagged && Is_Clear_To_Move(SPEED_TRACK, false, false)) { IsFlagged = true; Owner = house; Redraw_Objects(); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Flag_Remove -- Removes the house flag from the cell. * * * * This routine will free the cell of any house flag that may be located there. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Was there a flag here that was removed? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/23/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool CellClass::Flag_Remove(void) { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); if (IsFlagged) { IsFlagged = false; Owner = HOUSE_NONE; Redraw_Objects(); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Shimmer -- Causes all objects in the cell to shimmer. * * * * This routine is called when some event would cause a momentary disruption in the * * cloaking device. All objects that are cloaked in the cell will have their cloaking * * device shimmer. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void CellClass::Shimmer(void) { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); ObjectClass * object = Cell_Occupier(); while (object) { object->Do_Shimmer(); object = object->Next; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Is_Clear_To_Move -- Determines if the cell is generally clear for travel * * * * This routine is called when determining general passability for purposes of zone * * calculation. Only blockages that cannot be circumvented are considered to make a cell * * impassable. All other obstructions can either be destroyed or are temporary. * * * * INPUT: loco -- The locomotion type to use when determining passablility. * * * * ignoreinfantry -- Should infantry in the cell be ignored for movement purposes? * * * * ignorevehicles -- If vehicles should be ignored, then this flag will be true. * * * * zone -- If specified, the zone must match this value or else movement is * * presumed disallowed. * * * * check -- This specifies the zone type that this check applies to. * * * * OUTPUT: Is the cell generally passable to ground targeting? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/25/1995 JLB : Created. * * 06/25/1996 JLB : Uses tracked vehicles as a basis for zone check. * * 10/05/1996 JLB : Allows checking for crushable blockages. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool CellClass::Is_Clear_To_Move(SpeedType loco, bool ignoreinfantry, bool ignorevehicles, int zone, MZoneType check) const { assert((unsigned)Cell_Number() <= MAP_CELL_TOTAL); /* ** Flying objects always consider every cell passable since they can fly over everything. */ if (loco == SPEED_WINGED) { return(true); } /* ** If a zone was specified, then see if the cell is in a legal ** zone to allow movement. */ if (zone != -1) { if (zone != Zones[check]) { return(false); } } /* ** Check the occupy bits for passable legality. If ignore infantry is true, then ** don't consider infnatry. */ int composite = Flag.Composite; if (ignoreinfantry) { composite &= 0xE0; // Drop the infantry occupation bits. } if (ignorevehicles) { composite &= 0x5F; // Drop the vehicle/building bit. } if (composite != 0) { return(false); } /* ** Fetch the land type of the cell -- to be modified and used later. */ LandType land = Land_Type(); /* ** Walls are always considered to block the terrain for general passability ** purposes unless this is a wall crushing check or if the checking object ** can destroy walls. */ OverlayTypeClass const * overlay = NULL; if (Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE) { overlay = &OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(Overlay); } if (overlay != NULL && overlay->IsWall) { if (check != MZONE_DESTROYER && (check != MZONE_CRUSHER || !overlay->IsCrushable)) { return(false); } /* ** Crushing objects consider crushable walls as clear rather than the ** typical LAND_WALL setting. */ land = LAND_CLEAR; } /* ** See if the ground type is impassable to this locomotion type and if ** so, return the error condition. */ if (::Ground[land].Cost[loco] == 0) { return(false); } /* ** All checks passed, so this cell must be passable. */ return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Is_Bridge_Here -- Checks to see if this is a bridge occupied cell. * * * * This routine will examine this cell and if there is a bridge here, it will return * * true. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is there a bridge located in this cell? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/30/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool CellClass::Is_Bridge_Here(void) const { switch (TType) { case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE1: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE1H: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE1D: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE2: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE2H: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE2D: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1A: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1B: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2A: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2B: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3A: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3B: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3C: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3D: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3E: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3F: return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Can_Tiberium_Grow -- Determines if Tiberium can grow in this cell. * * * * This checks the cell to see if Tiberium can grow at least one level in it. Tiberium can * * grow only if there is Tiberium already present. It can only grow to a certain level * * and then all further growth is suspended. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Can Tiberium grow in this cell? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/14/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool CellClass::Can_Tiberium_Grow(void) const { if (!Rule.IsTGrowth) return(false); if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL) { if(!Session.Options.Tiberium) return(false); } if (Land_Type() != LAND_TIBERIUM) return(false); if (OverlayData >= 11) return(false); if (Overlay != OVERLAY_GOLD1 && Overlay != OVERLAY_GOLD2 && Overlay != OVERLAY_GOLD3 && Overlay != OVERLAY_GOLD4) return(false); return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Can_Tiberium_Spread -- Determines if Tiberium can spread from this cell. * * * * This routine will examine the cell and determine if there is sufficient Tiberium * * present that Tiberium spores will spread to adjacent cells. If the Tiberium level is * * too low, spreading will not occur. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Can Tiberium spread from this cell into adjacent cells? * * * * WARNINGS: This routine does not check to see if, in fact, there are any adjacent cells * * available to spread to. * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/14/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool CellClass::Can_Tiberium_Spread(void) const { if (!Rule.IsTSpread) return(false); if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL) { if(!Session.Options.Tiberium) return(false); } if (Land_Type() != LAND_TIBERIUM) return(false); if (OverlayData <= 6) return(false); if (Overlay != OVERLAY_GOLD1 && Overlay != OVERLAY_GOLD2 && Overlay != OVERLAY_GOLD3 && Overlay != OVERLAY_GOLD4) return(false); return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Grow_Tiberium -- Grows the tiberium in the cell. * * * * This routine will cause the tiberium to grow in the cell. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Did Tiberium grow in the cell? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/14/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool CellClass::Grow_Tiberium(void) { if (Can_Tiberium_Grow()) { OverlayData++; Redraw_Objects(); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Spread_Tiberium -- Spread Tiberium from this cell to an adjacent cell. * * * * This routine will cause the Tiberium to spread from this cell into an adjacent (random) * * cell. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Did the Tiberium spread? * * * * WARNINGS: If there are no adjacent cells that the tiberium can spread to, then this * * routine will fail. * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/14/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool CellClass::Spread_Tiberium(bool forced) { if (!forced) { if (!Can_Tiberium_Spread()) return(false); } FacingType offset = Random_Pick(FACING_N, FACING_NW); for (FacingType index = FACING_N; index < FACING_COUNT; index++) { CellClass * newcell = &Adjacent_Cell(index+offset); if (newcell != NULL && newcell->Can_Tiberium_Germinate()) { new OverlayClass(Random_Pick(OVERLAY_GOLD1, OVERLAY_GOLD4), newcell->Cell_Number()); newcell->OverlayData = 0; return(true); } } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * CellClass::Can_Tiberium_Germinate -- Determines if Tiberium can begin growth in the cell. * * * * This routine will examine the cell and determine if Tiberium can start growth in it. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Can Tiberium grow in this cell? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/14/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool CellClass::Can_Tiberium_Germinate(void) const { if (!Map.In_Radar(Cell_Number())) return(false); if (Is_Bridge_Here()) return(false); /* ** Don't allow Tiberium to grow on a cell with a building unless that building is ** invisible. In such a case, the Tiberium must grow or else the location of the ** building will be revealed. */ BuildingClass const * building = Cell_Building(); if (building != NULL && !building->Class->IsInvisible) return(false); if (!Ground[Land_Type()].Build) return(false); if (Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE) return(false); return(true); }