**	Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
**	Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
**	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
**	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
**	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
**	(at your option) any later version.
**	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**	GNU General Public License for more details.
**	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
**	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

/* $Header: /CounterStrike/CONNECT.CPP 1     3/03/97 10:24a Joe_bostic $ */
 **   C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D    S T U D I O S        **
 *                                                                         *
 *                 Project Name : Command & Conquer                        *
 *                                                                         *
 *                    File Name : CONNECT.CPP                              *
 *                                                                         *
 *                   Programmer : Bill Randolph                            *
 *                                                                         *
 *                   Start Date : December 20, 1994                        *
 *                                                                         *
 *                  Last Update : May 31, 1995 [BRR]								*
 * Functions:    			                                                   *
 *   ConnectionClass::ConnectionClass -- class constructor                 *
 *   ConnectionClass::~ConnectionClass -- class destructor                 *
 *   ConnectionClass::Init -- Initializes connection queue to empty			*
 *   ConnectionClass::Send_Packet -- adds a packet to the send queue			*
 *   ConnectionClass::Receive_Packet -- adds packet to receive queue			*
 *   ConnectionClass::Get_Packet -- gets a packet from receive queue			*
 *   ConnectionClass::Service -- main polling routine; services packets		*
 *   ConnectionClass::Service_Send_Queue -- services the send queue			*
 *   ConnectionClass::Service_Receive_Queue -- services receive queue		*
 *   ConnectionClass::Time -- gets current time										*
 *   ConnectionClass::Command_Name -- returns name for a packet command		*
 * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

#include	"function.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mem.h>
#include <sys\timeb.h>
#include "connect.h"

#include "WolDebug.h"

********************************* Globals ***********************************
static char *ConnectionClass::Commands[PACKET_COUNT] = {

 * ConnectionClass::ConnectionClass -- class constructor                   *
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		numsend			desired # of entries for the send queue					*
 *		numreceive		desired # of entries for the receive queue				*
 *		maxlen			max length of an application packet							*
 *		magicnum			the packet "magic number" for this connection			*
 *		retry_delta		the time to wait between sends								*
 *		max_retries		the max # of retries allowed for a packet					*
 *							(-1 means retry forever, based on this parameter)		*
 *		timeout			the max amount of time before we give up on a packet	*
 *							(-1 means retry forever, based on this parameter)		*
 *		extralen			max size of app-specific extra bytes (optional)			*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/20/1994 BR : Created.                                              *
ConnectionClass::ConnectionClass (int numsend, int numreceive,
	int maxlen, unsigned short magicnum, unsigned long retry_delta,
	unsigned long max_retries, unsigned long timeout, int extralen)
	Compute our maximum packet length
	MaxPacketLen = maxlen + sizeof(CommHeaderType);

	Assign the magic number
	MagicNum = magicnum;

	Initialize the retry time.  This is the time that t2 - t1 must be greater
	than before a retry will occur.
	RetryDelta = retry_delta;

	Set the maximum allowable retries.
	MaxRetries = max_retries;

	Set the timeout for this connection.
	Timeout = timeout;

	Allocate the packet staging buffer.  This will be used to
	PacketBuf = new char[ MaxPacketLen ];

	Allocate the packet Queue.  This will store incoming packets (placed there
	by Receive_Packet), and outgoing packets (placed there by Send_Packet).
	It can optionally store "extra" bytes, which are stored along with each
	packet, but aren't transmitted as part of the packet.  If 'extralen'
	is 0, the CommBufferClass ignores this parameter.
	Queue = new CommBufferClass (numsend, numreceive, MaxPacketLen, extralen);

}	/* end of ConnectionClass */

 * ConnectionClass::~ConnectionClass -- class destructor                   *
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/20/1994 BR : Created.                                              *
ConnectionClass::~ConnectionClass ()
	Free memory.
	delete [] PacketBuf;
	delete Queue;

}	/* end of ~ConnectionClass */

 * ConnectionClass::Init -- Initializes connection queue to empty				*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/20/1994 BR : Created.                                              *
void ConnectionClass::Init (void)
	NumRecNoAck = 0;
	NumRecAck = 0;
	NumSendNoAck = 0;
	NumSendAck = 0;

	LastSeqID = 0xffffffff;
	LastReadID = 0xffffffff;


}	/* end of Init */

 * ConnectionClass::Send_Packet -- adds a packet to the send queue			*
 *                                                                         *
 * This routine prefixes the given buffer with a CommHeaderType and			*
 * queues the resulting packet into the Send Queue.  (It's actually the		*
 * Service() routine that handles the hardware-dependent Send of the data).*
 * The packet's MagicNumber, Code, and PacketID are set here.					*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		buf			buffer to send															*
 *		buflen		length of buffer														*
 *		ack_req		1 = ACK is required for this packet; 0 = isn't				*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		1 = packet was queue'd OK, 0 = wasn't											*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/20/1994 BR : Created.                                              *
int ConnectionClass::Send_Packet (void * buf, int buflen, int ack_req)
	Set the magic # for the packet
	((CommHeaderType *)PacketBuf)->MagicNumber = MagicNum;

	Set the packet Code: DATA_ACK if it requires an ACK, NOACK if it doesn't
	Set the packet ID to the appropriate counter value.
	if (ack_req) {
		((CommHeaderType *)PacketBuf)->Code = PACKET_DATA_ACK;
		((CommHeaderType *)PacketBuf)->PacketID = NumSendAck;
	else {
		((CommHeaderType *)PacketBuf)->Code = PACKET_DATA_NOACK;
		((CommHeaderType *)PacketBuf)->PacketID = NumSendNoAck;

	Now build the packet
	memcpy(PacketBuf + sizeof(CommHeaderType), buf, buflen);

	Add it to the queue; don't add any extra data with it.
	if (Queue->Queue_Send(PacketBuf,buflen + sizeof(CommHeaderType), NULL, 0)) {
		if (ack_req) {
		else {
	else {

}	/* end of Send_Packet */

 * ConnectionClass::Receive_Packet -- adds packet to receive queue			*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		buf		buffer to process (already includes CommHeaderType)			*
 *		buflen	length of buffer to process											*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		1 = packet was processed OK, 0 = error											*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/20/1994 BR : Created.                                              *
int ConnectionClass::Receive_Packet (void * buf, int buflen)
	CommHeaderType *packet;								// ptr to packet header
	SendQueueType *send_entry;							// ptr to send entry header
	ReceiveQueueType *rec_entry;						// ptr to recv entry header
	CommHeaderType *entry_data;						// ptr to queue entry data
	CommHeaderType ackpacket;							// ACK packet to send
	int i;
	int save_packet = 1;									// 0 = this is a resend
	int found;

	Check the magic #
	packet = (CommHeaderType *)buf;
	if (packet->MagicNumber != MagicNum) {

	Handle an incoming ACK
	if (packet->Code == PACKET_ACK) {

		for (i = 0; i < Queue->Num_Send(); i++) {
			Get queue entry ptr
			send_entry = Queue->Get_Send(i);

			If ptr is valid, get ptr to its data
			if (send_entry != NULL) {
				entry_data = (CommHeaderType *)send_entry->Buffer;

				If ACK is for this entry, mark it
				if (packet->PacketID==entry_data->PacketID &&
					entry_data->Code == PACKET_DATA_ACK) {
					send_entry->IsACK = 1;


	Handle an incoming PACKET_DATA_NOACK packet
	else if (packet->Code == PACKET_DATA_NOACK) {
		If there's only one slot left, don't tie up the queue with this packet
		if (Queue->Max_Receive() - Queue->Num_Receive() <= 1) {

		Error if we can't queue the packet
		if (!Queue->Queue_Receive (buf, buflen, NULL, 0)) {



	Handle an incoming PACKET_DATA_ACK packet
	else if (packet->Code == PACKET_DATA_ACK) {
		If this is a packet requires an ACK, and it's ID is older than our
		"oldest" ID, we know it's a resend; send an ACK, but don't queue it
		if (packet->PacketID <= LastSeqID && LastSeqID != 0xffffffff) {
			save_packet = 0;

		Otherwise, scan the queue for this entry; if it's found, it's a
		resend, so don't save it.
		else {
			save_packet = 1;
			for (i = 0; i < Queue->Num_Receive(); i++) {
				rec_entry = Queue->Get_Receive(i);

				if (rec_entry) {

					entry_data = (CommHeaderType *)rec_entry->Buffer;

					Packet is found; it's a resend
					if (entry_data->Code == PACKET_DATA_ACK &&
						entry_data->PacketID == packet->PacketID) {
						save_packet = 0;
		}	/* end of scan for resend */

		Queue the packet & update our LastSeqID value.
		if (save_packet) {
			If there's only one slot left, make sure we only put a packet in it
			if this packet will let us increment our LastSeqID; otherwise, we'll
			get stuck, forever unable to increment LastSeqID.
			if (Queue->Max_Receive() - Queue->Num_Receive() <= 1) {
				if (packet->PacketID != (LastSeqID + 1) ) {

			If we can't queue the packet, return; don't send an ACK.
			if (!Queue->Queue_Receive (buf, buflen, NULL, 0)) {


			Update our LastSeqID value if we can.  Anything less than LastSeqID
			we'll know is a resend.
			if (packet->PacketID == (LastSeqID + 1)) {
				LastSeqID = packet->PacketID;
				Now that we have a new 'LastSeqID', search our Queue to see if
				the next ID is there; if so, keep checking for the next one;
				break only when the next one isn't found.  This forces
				LastSeqID to be the largest possible value.
				do {
					found = 0;
					for (i = 0; i < Queue->Num_Receive(); i++) {

						rec_entry = Queue->Get_Receive(i);

						if (rec_entry) {
							entry_data = (CommHeaderType *)rec_entry->Buffer;

							Entry is found
							if (entry_data->Code == PACKET_DATA_ACK &&
								entry_data->PacketID == (LastSeqID + 1)) {

								LastSeqID = entry_data->PacketID;
								found = 1;
				} while (found);
		}	/* end of save packet */

		Send an ACK, regardless of whether this was a resend or not.
		ackpacket.MagicNumber = Magic_Num();
		ackpacket.Code = PACKET_ACK;
		ackpacket.PacketID = packet->PacketID;
		Send ((char *)&ackpacket, sizeof(CommHeaderType), NULL, 0);



}	/* end of Receive_Packet */

 * ConnectionClass::Get_Packet -- gets a packet from receive queue			*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		buf		location to store buffer												*
 *		buflen	filled in with length of 'buf'										*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		1 = packet was read, 0 = wasn't													*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/20/1994 BR : Created.                                              *
int ConnectionClass::Get_Packet (void * buf, int *buflen)
	ReceiveQueueType *rec_entry;					// ptr to receive entry header
	int packetlen;										// size of received packet
	CommHeaderType *entry_data;
	int i;

	Ensure that we read the packets in order.  LastReadID is the ID of the
	last PACKET_DATA_ACK packet we read.
	for (i = 0; i < Queue->Num_Receive(); i++) {

		rec_entry = Queue->Get_Receive(i);

		Only read this entry if it hasn't been yet
		if (rec_entry && rec_entry->IsRead==0) {

			entry_data = (CommHeaderType *)rec_entry->Buffer;

			If this is a DATA_ACK packet, its ID must be one greater than
			the last one we read.
			if ( (entry_data->Code == PACKET_DATA_ACK) &&
				(entry_data->PacketID == (LastReadID + 1))) {

				LastReadID = entry_data->PacketID;
				rec_entry->IsRead = 1;

				packetlen = rec_entry->BufLen - sizeof(CommHeaderType);
				if (packetlen > 0) {
					memcpy(buf, rec_entry->Buffer + sizeof(CommHeaderType),
				(*buflen) = packetlen;
			If this is a DATA_NOACK packet, who cares what the ID is?
			else if (entry_data->Code == PACKET_DATA_NOACK) {
				rec_entry->IsRead = 1;

				packetlen = rec_entry->BufLen - sizeof(CommHeaderType);
				if (packetlen > 0) {
					memcpy(buf, rec_entry->Buffer + sizeof(CommHeaderType),
				(*buflen) = packetlen;


}	/* end of Get_Packet */

 * ConnectionClass::Service -- main polling routine; services packets		*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		1 = OK, 0 = error (connection is broken!)										*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/20/1994 BR : Created.                                              *
int ConnectionClass::Service (void)
	Service the Send Queue:  This [re]sends packets in the Send Queue which
	haven't been ACK'd yet, and if their retry timeout has expired, and
	updates the FirstTime, LastTime & SendCount values in the Queue entry.
	Entries that have been ACK'd should be removed.

	Service the Receive Queue:  This sends ACKs for packets that haven't
	been ACK'd yet.  Entries that the app has read, and have been ACK'd,
	should be removed.
	if ( Service_Send_Queue() && Service_Receive_Queue() ) {
	else {

}	/* end of Service */

 * ConnectionClass::Service_Send_Queue -- services the send queue				*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		1 = OK, 0 = error																		*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/20/1994 BR : Created.                                              *
int ConnectionClass::Service_Send_Queue (void)
	int i;
	int num_entries;
	SendQueueType *send_entry;						// ptr to send queue entry
	CommHeaderType *packet_hdr;					// packet header
	unsigned long curtime;							// current time
	int bad_conn = 0;

	Remove any ACK'd packets from the queue
	for (i = 0; i < Queue->Num_Send(); i++) {
		Get this queue entry
		send_entry = Queue->Get_Send(i);

		If ACK has been received, unqueue it
		if (send_entry->IsACK) {

			Update this queue's response time
			packet_hdr = (CommHeaderType *)send_entry->Buffer;
			if (packet_hdr->Code == PACKET_DATA_ACK) {
				Queue->Add_Delay(Time() - send_entry->FirstTime);

			Unqueue the packet

	Loop through all entries in the Send queue.  [Re]Send any entries that
	need it.
	num_entries = Queue->Num_Send();

	for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) {
		send_entry = Queue->Get_Send(i);

		if (send_entry->IsACK) {

		Only send the message if time has elapsed.  (The message's Time
		fields are init'd to 0 when a message is queue'd or unqueue'd, so the
		first time through, the delta time will appear large.)
		curtime = Time();
		if (curtime - send_entry->LastTime > RetryDelta) {

			Send the message
			Send (send_entry->Buffer, send_entry->BufLen, send_entry->ExtraBuffer,

			Fill in Time fields
			send_entry->LastTime = curtime;
			if (send_entry->SendCount==0) {
				send_entry->FirstTime = curtime;

				If this is the 1st time we're sending this packet, and it doesn't
				require an ACK, mark it as ACK'd; then, the next time through,
				it will just be removed from the queue.
				packet_hdr = (CommHeaderType *)send_entry->Buffer;
				if (packet_hdr->Code == PACKET_DATA_NOACK) {
					send_entry->IsACK = 1;

			Update SendCount

			Perform error detection, based on either MaxRetries or Timeout
			if (MaxRetries != -1 && send_entry->SendCount > MaxRetries) {
				bad_conn = 1;

			if (Timeout != -1 &&
				(send_entry->LastTime - send_entry->FirstTime) > Timeout) {
				bad_conn = 1;

	If the connection is going bad, return an error
	if (bad_conn) {
	else {

}	/* end of Service_Send_Queue */

 * ConnectionClass::Service_Receive_Queue -- services receive queue			*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		1 = OK, 0 = error																		*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/20/1994 BR : Created.                                              *
int ConnectionClass::Service_Receive_Queue (void)
	ReceiveQueueType *rec_entry;					// ptr to receive entry header
	CommHeaderType *packet_hdr;					// packet header
	int i;

	Remove all dead packets.
	PACKET_DATA_NOACK: if it's been read, throw it away.
	PACKET_DATA_ACK: if it's been read, and its ID is older than LastSeqID,
	throw it away.
	for (i = 0; i < Queue->Num_Receive(); i++) {
		rec_entry = Queue->Get_Receive(i);

		if (rec_entry->IsRead) {
			packet_hdr = (CommHeaderType *)(rec_entry->Buffer);

			if (packet_hdr->Code == PACKET_DATA_NOACK) {

			else if (packet_hdr->PacketID < LastSeqID) {


}	/* end of Service_Receive_Queue */

 * ConnectionClass::Time -- gets current time										*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/20/1994 BR : Created.                                              *
unsigned long ConnectionClass::Time (void)
	static struct timeb mytime;			// DOS time
	unsigned long msec;

#ifdef WWLIB32_H

	If the Westwood timer system has been activated, use TickCount's value
	if (TimerSystemOn) {
		return(TickCount);				// Westwood Library time
	Otherwise, use the DOS timer
	else {
		msec = (unsigned long)mytime.time * 1000L + (unsigned long)mytime.millitm;
		return((msec / 100) * 6);


	If the Westwood library isn't being used, use the DOS timer.
	msec = (unsigned long)mytime.time * 1000L + (unsigned long)mytime.millitm;
	return((msec / 100) * 6);


}	/* end of Time */

 * ConnectionClass::Command_Name -- returns name for given packet command  *
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		command		packet Command value to get name for							*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		ptr to command name, NULL if invalid											*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   05/31/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
char *ConnectionClass::Command_Name(int command)
	if (command >= 0 && command < PACKET_COUNT) {
	else {

}	/* end of Command_Name */

/************************** end of connect.cpp *****************************/