/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /CounterStrike/COORD.CPP 1 3/03/97 10:24a Joe_bostic $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : COORD.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : September 10, 1993 * * * * Last Update : July 22, 1996 [JLB] * * * * Support code to handle the coordinate system is located in this module. * * Routines here will be called QUITE frequently during play and must be * * as efficient as possible. * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * Cardinal_To_Fixed -- Converts cardinal numbers into a fixed point number. * * Coord_Cell -- Convert a coordinate into a cell number. * * Coord_Move -- Moves a coordinate an arbitrary direction for an arbitrary distance * * Coord_Scatter -- Determines a random coordinate from an anchor point. * * Coord_Spillage_List -- Calculate a spillage list for the dirty rectangle specified. * * Coord_Spillage_List -- Determines the offset list for cell spillage/occupation. * * Distance -- Determines the cell distance between two cells. * * Distance -- Determines the lepton distance between two coordinates. * * Distance -- Fetch distance between two target values. * * Fixed_To_Cardinal -- Converts a fixed point number into a cardinal number. * * Normal_Move_Point -- Moves point with tilt compensation. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" /*********************************************************************************************** * Coord_Cell -- Convert a coordinate into a cell number. * * * * This routine will convert the specified coordinate value into a cell number. This is * * useful to determine the map index number into the cell array that corresponds to a * * particular coordinate. * * * * INPUT: coord -- The coordinate to convert into a cell number. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the cell number that corresponds to the coordinate specified. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/17/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ CELL Coord_Cell(COORDINATE coord) { CELL_COMPOSITE cell; cell.Cell = 0; cell.Sub.X = ((COORD_COMPOSITE &)coord).Sub.X.Sub.Cell; cell.Sub.Y = ((COORD_COMPOSITE &)coord).Sub.Y.Sub.Cell; return(cell.Cell); // return(XY_Cell(((COORD_COMPOSITE)coord).Sub.X, ((COORD_COMPOSITE)composite).Sub.Y)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Distance -- Fetch distance between two target values. * * * * This routine will determine the lepton distance between the two specified target * * values. * * * * INPUT: target1 -- First target value. * * * * target2 -- Second target value. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the lepton distance between the two target values. * * * * WARNINGS: Be sure that the targets are legal before calling this routine. Otherwise, the * * return value is meaningless. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/17/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int Distance(TARGET target1, TARGET target2) { return(Distance(As_Coord(target1), As_Coord(target2))); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Distance -- Determines the lepton distance between two coordinates. * * * * This routine is used to determine the distance between two coordinates. It uses the * * Dragon Strike method of distance determination and thus it is very fast. * * * * INPUT: coord1 -- First coordinate. * * * * coord2 -- Second coordinate. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns the lepton distance between the two coordinates. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/27/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int Distance(COORDINATE coord1, COORDINATE coord2) { int diff1, diff2; diff1 = Coord_Y(coord1) - Coord_Y(coord2); if (diff1 < 0) diff1 = -diff1; diff2 = Coord_X(coord1) - Coord_X(coord2); if (diff2 < 0) diff2 = -diff2; if (diff1 > diff2) { return(diff1 + ((unsigned)diff2 / 2)); } return(diff2 + ((unsigned)diff1 / 2)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Coord_Spillage_List -- Determines the offset list for cell spillage/occupation. * * * * This routine will take an arbitrary position and object size and return with a list of * * cell offsets from the current cell for all cells that are overlapped by the object. The * * first cell offset is always zero, so to just get the adjacent spill cell list, add one * * to the return pointer. * * * * INPUT: coord -- The coordinate to examine. * * * * maxsize -- The maximum width/height of the object (pixels). * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a pointer to a spillage list. * * * * WARNINGS: The algorithm is limited to working with a maxsize of 48 or less. Larger values * * will generate an incomplete overlap list. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/06/1993 JLB : Created. * * 03/25/1994 JLB : Added width optimization. * * 04/29/1994 JLB : Converted to C. * * 06/03/1994 JLB : Converted to general purpose spillage functionality. * * 01/07/1995 JLB : Manually calculates spillage list for large objects. * *=============================================================================================*/ short const * Coord_Spillage_List(COORDINATE coord, int maxsize) { static short const _MoveSpillage[(int)FACING_COUNT+1][5] = { {0, -MAP_CELL_W, REFRESH_EOL, 0, 0}, // N {0, -MAP_CELL_W, 1, -(MAP_CELL_W-1), REFRESH_EOL}, // NE {0, 1, REFRESH_EOL, 0, 0}, // E {0, 1, MAP_CELL_W, MAP_CELL_W+1, REFRESH_EOL}, // SE {0, MAP_CELL_W, REFRESH_EOL, 0, 0}, // S {0, -1, MAP_CELL_W, MAP_CELL_W-1, REFRESH_EOL}, // SW {0, -1, REFRESH_EOL, 0, 0}, // W {0, -1, -MAP_CELL_W, -(MAP_CELL_W+1), REFRESH_EOL}, // NW {0, REFRESH_EOL, 0, 0, 0} // non-moving. }; static short _manual[10]; //; 00 = on axis //; 01 = below axis //; 10 = above axis //; 11 = undefined static signed char const _SpillTable[16] = {8,6,2,-1,0,7,1,-1,4,5,3,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}; int index=0; int x,y; /* ** For mondo-enourmo-gigundo objects, use a prebuilt mammoth table ** that covers a 5x5 square region. */ if (maxsize > ICON_PIXEL_W * 2) { static short const _gigundo[] = { -((2*MAP_CELL_W)-2),-((2*MAP_CELL_W)-1),-((2*MAP_CELL_W)),-((2*MAP_CELL_W)+1),-((2*MAP_CELL_W)+2), -((1*MAP_CELL_W)-2),-((1*MAP_CELL_W)-1),-((1*MAP_CELL_W)),-((1*MAP_CELL_W)+1),-((1*MAP_CELL_W)+2), -((0*MAP_CELL_W)-2),-((0*MAP_CELL_W)-1),-((0*MAP_CELL_W)),-((0*MAP_CELL_W)+1),-((0*MAP_CELL_W)+2), ((1*MAP_CELL_W)-2),((1*MAP_CELL_W)-1),((1*MAP_CELL_W)),((1*MAP_CELL_W)+1),((1*MAP_CELL_W)+2), +((2*MAP_CELL_W)-2),+((2*MAP_CELL_W)-1),+((2*MAP_CELL_W)),+((2*MAP_CELL_W)+1),+((2*MAP_CELL_W)+2), REFRESH_EOL }; return(&_gigundo[0]); } /* ** For very large objects, build the overlap list by hand. This is time consuming, but ** not nearly as time consuming as drawing even a single cell unnecessarily. */ if (maxsize > ICON_PIXEL_W) { maxsize = min(maxsize, (ICON_PIXEL_W*2))/2; x = (ICON_PIXEL_W * Coord_XLepton(coord)) / ICON_LEPTON_W; y = (ICON_PIXEL_H * Coord_YLepton(coord)) / ICON_LEPTON_H; int left = x-maxsize; int right = x+maxsize; int top = y-maxsize; int bottom = y+maxsize; _manual[index++] = 0; if (left < 0) _manual[index++] = -1; if (right >= ICON_PIXEL_W) _manual[index++] = 1; if (top < 0) _manual[index++] = -MAP_CELL_W; if (bottom >= ICON_PIXEL_H) _manual[index++] = MAP_CELL_W; if (left < 0 && top < 0) _manual[index++] = -(MAP_CELL_W+1); if (right >= ICON_PIXEL_W && bottom >= ICON_PIXEL_H) _manual[index++] = MAP_CELL_W+1; if (left < 0 && bottom >= ICON_PIXEL_H) _manual[index++] = MAP_CELL_W-1; if (right >= ICON_PIXEL_H && top < 0) _manual[index++] = -(MAP_CELL_W-1); _manual[index] = REFRESH_EOL; return(&_manual[0]); } /* ** Determine the number of leptons "leeway" allowed this unit. */ int posval = Pixel2Lepton[(ICON_PIXEL_W-maxsize)/2]; x = Coord_XLepton(coord) - 0x0080; y = Coord_YLepton(coord) - 0x0080; if (y > posval) index |= 0x08; // Spilling South. if (y < -posval) index |= 0x04; // Spilling North. if (x > posval) index |= 0x02; // Spilling East. if (x < -posval) index |= 0x01; // Spilling West. return(&_MoveSpillage[_SpillTable[index]][0]); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Coord_Spillage_List -- Calculate a spillage list for the dirty rectangle specified. * * * * Given a center coordinate and a dirty rectangle, calcuate a cell offset list for * * determining such things as overlap and redraw logic. Optionally, the center cell * * location will not be part of the list. * * * * INPUT: coord -- The center coordinate that the dirty rectangle is based off of. * * * * rect -- Reference to the dirty rectangle. * * * * nocenter -- If true, then the center cell offset will not be part of the spillage * * list returned. This is handy when the center cell is known to be * * processed by some other method and it can be safely and efficiently * * ignored by the list generated. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a pointer to the spillage list that corresponds to the data * * specified. This is a pointer to a static buffer and as such it will only be valid * * until the next time that this routine is called. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/22/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ short const * Coord_Spillage_List(COORDINATE coord, Rect const & rect, bool nocenter) { if (!rect.Is_Valid()) { static short const _list[] = {REFRESH_EOL}; return(_list); } CELL coordcell = Coord_Cell(coord); LEPTON x = Coord_X(coord); LEPTON y = Coord_Y(coord); /* ** Add the rectangle values to the coordinate in order to normalize the start and end ** corners of the rectangle. The values are now absolute to the real game world rather ** than relative to the coordinate. */ LEPTON_COMPOSITE startx; LEPTON_COMPOSITE starty; LEPTON_COMPOSITE endx; LEPTON_COMPOSITE endy; startx.Raw = (int)x + (short)Pixel_To_Lepton(rect.X); starty.Raw = (int)y + (short)Pixel_To_Lepton(rect.Y); endx.Raw = startx.Raw + Pixel_To_Lepton(rect.Width-1); endy.Raw = starty.Raw + Pixel_To_Lepton(rect.Height-1); /* ** Determine the upper left and lower right cell indexes. This is a simple conversion from ** their lepton counterpart. These cells values are used to form the bounding box for the ** map offset list. */ int cellx = startx.Sub.Cell; int cellx2 = endx.Sub.Cell; int celly = starty.Sub.Cell; int celly2 = endy.Sub.Cell; /* ** Generate the spillage list by counting off the rows and colums of the cells ** that are affected. This is easy since the upper left and lower right corner cells ** are known. */ int count = 0; static short _spillagelist[128]; short * ptr = _spillagelist; for (int yy = celly; yy <= celly2; yy++) { for (int xx = cellx; xx <= cellx2; xx++) { short offset = (XY_Cell(xx, yy) - coordcell); if (!nocenter || offset != 0) { *ptr++ = offset; count++; if (count+2 >= ARRAY_SIZE(_spillagelist)) break; } } if (count+2 >= ARRAY_SIZE(_spillagelist)) break; } /* ** Cap the list with the end of list marker and then return a pointer ** to the completed list. */ *ptr = REFRESH_EOL; return(_spillagelist); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Coord_Move -- Moves a coordinate an arbitrary direction for an arbitrary distance * * * * This function will move a coordinate in a using SIN and COS arithmetic. * * * * INPUT: start -- The starting coordinate. * * * * dir -- The direction to move the coordinate. * * * * distance -- The distance to move the coordinate position (in leptons). * * * * OUTPUT: Returns the new coordinate position. * * * * WARNINGS: This routine uses multiplies -- use with caution. * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/27/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ COORDINATE Coord_Move(COORDINATE start, register DirType dir, unsigned short distance) { #ifdef NEVER short x = Coord_X(start); short y = Coord_Y(start); Move_Point(x, y, dir, distance); return(XY_Coord(x,y)); #endif Move_Point(*(short *)&start, *(((short *)&start)+1), dir, distance); return(start); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Coord_Scatter -- Determines a random coordinate from an anchor point. * * * * This routine will perform a scatter algorithm on the specified * * anchor point in order to return with another coordinate that is * * randomly nearby the original. Typical use of this would be for * * missile targeting. * * * * INPUT: coord -- This is the anchor coordinate. * * * * distance -- This is the distance in pixels that the scatter * * should fall within. * * * * lock -- bool; Convert the new coordinate into a center * * cell based coordinate? * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a new coordinate that is nearby the original. * * * * WARNINGS: Maximum pixel scatter distance is 255. * * * * HISTORY: * * 02/01/1992 JLB : Created. * * 05/13/1992 JLB : Only uses Random(). * *=============================================================================================*/ COORDINATE Coord_Scatter(COORDINATE coord, unsigned distance, bool lock) { COORDINATE newcoord; newcoord = Coord_Move(coord, Random_Pick(DIR_N, DIR_MAX), distance); if (newcoord & HIGH_COORD_MASK) newcoord = coord; if (lock) { newcoord = Coord_Snap(newcoord); } return(newcoord); } extern int calcx(signed short, short distance); #pragma aux calcx parm [ax] [bx] \ modify [eax dx] \ value [eax] = \ "imul bx" \ "shl ax,1" \ "rcl dx,1" \ "mov al,ah" \ "mov ah,dl" \ "cwd" \ // "and eax,0FFFFh"; extern int calcy(signed short, short distance); #pragma aux calcy parm [ax] [bx] \ modify [eax dx] \ value [eax] = \ "imul bx" \ "shl ax,1" \ "rcl dx,1" \ "mov al,ah" \ "mov ah,dl" \ "cwd" \ "neg eax"; // "and eax,0FFFFh" \ void Move_Point(short &x, short &y, register DirType dir, unsigned short distance) { static char const CosTable[256] = { 0x00,0x03,0x06,0x09,0x0c,0x0f,0x12,0x15, 0x18,0x1b,0x1e,0x21,0x24,0x27,0x2a,0x2d, 0x30,0x33,0x36,0x39,0x3b,0x3e,0x41,0x43, 0x46,0x49,0x4b,0x4e,0x50,0x52,0x55,0x57, 0x59,0x5b,0x5e,0x60,0x62,0x64,0x65,0x67, 0x69,0x6b,0x6c,0x6e,0x6f,0x71,0x72,0x74, 0x75,0x76,0x77,0x78,0x79,0x7a,0x7b,0x7b, 0x7c,0x7d,0x7d,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e, 0x7f,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7d,0x7d, 0x7c,0x7b,0x7b,0x7a,0x79,0x78,0x77,0x76, 0x75,0x74,0x72,0x71,0x70,0x6e,0x6c,0x6b, 0x69,0x67,0x66,0x64,0x62,0x60,0x5e,0x5b, 0x59,0x57,0x55,0x52,0x50,0x4e,0x4b,0x49, 0x46,0x43,0x41,0x3e,0x3b,0x39,0x36,0x33, 0x30,0x2d,0x2a,0x27,0x24,0x21,0x1e,0x1b, 0x18,0x15,0x12,0x0f,0x0c,0x09,0x06,0x03, 0x00,0xfd,0xfa,0xf7,0xf4,0xf1,0xee,0xeb, 0xe8,0xe5,0xe2,0xdf,0xdc,0xd9,0xd6,0xd3, 0xd0,0xcd,0xca,0xc7,0xc5,0xc2,0xbf,0xbd, 0xba,0xb7,0xb5,0xb2,0xb0,0xae,0xab,0xa9, 0xa7,0xa5,0xa2,0xa0,0x9e,0x9c,0x9a,0x99, 0x97,0x95,0x94,0x92,0x91,0x8f,0x8e,0x8c, 0x8b,0x8a,0x89,0x88,0x87,0x86,0x85,0x85, 0x84,0x83,0x83,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82, 0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x83,0x83, 0x84,0x85,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8a, 0x8b,0x8c,0x8e,0x8f,0x90,0x92,0x94,0x95, 0x97,0x99,0x9a,0x9c,0x9e,0xa0,0xa2,0xa5, 0xa7,0xa9,0xab,0xae,0xb0,0xb2,0xb5,0xb7, 0xba,0xbd,0xbf,0xc2,0xc5,0xc7,0xca,0xcd, 0xd0,0xd3,0xd6,0xd9,0xdc,0xdf,0xe2,0xe5, 0xe8,0xeb,0xee,0xf1,0xf4,0xf7,0xfa,0xfd, }; static char const SinTable[256] = { 0x7f,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7d,0x7d, 0x7c,0x7b,0x7b,0x7a,0x79,0x78,0x77,0x76, 0x75,0x74,0x72,0x71,0x70,0x6e,0x6c,0x6b, 0x69,0x67,0x66,0x64,0x62,0x60,0x5e,0x5b, 0x59,0x57,0x55,0x52,0x50,0x4e,0x4b,0x49, 0x46,0x43,0x41,0x3e,0x3b,0x39,0x36,0x33, 0x30,0x2d,0x2a,0x27,0x24,0x21,0x1e,0x1b, 0x18,0x15,0x12,0x0f,0x0c,0x09,0x06,0x03, 0x00,0xfd,0xfa,0xf7,0xf4,0xf1,0xee,0xeb, 0xe8,0xe5,0xe2,0xdf,0xdc,0xd9,0xd6,0xd3, 0xd0,0xcd,0xca,0xc7,0xc5,0xc2,0xbf,0xbd, 0xba,0xb7,0xb5,0xb2,0xb0,0xae,0xab,0xa9, 0xa7,0xa5,0xa2,0xa0,0x9e,0x9c,0x9a,0x99, 0x97,0x95,0x94,0x92,0x91,0x8f,0x8e,0x8c, 0x8b,0x8a,0x89,0x88,0x87,0x86,0x85,0x85, 0x84,0x83,0x83,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82, 0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x83,0x83, 0x84,0x85,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8a, 0x8b,0x8c,0x8e,0x8f,0x90,0x92,0x94,0x95, 0x97,0x99,0x9a,0x9c,0x9e,0xa0,0xa2,0xa5, 0xa7,0xa9,0xab,0xae,0xb0,0xb2,0xb5,0xb7, 0xba,0xbd,0xbf,0xc2,0xc5,0xc7,0xca,0xcd, 0xd0,0xd3,0xd6,0xd9,0xdc,0xdf,0xe2,0xe5, 0xe8,0xeb,0xee,0xf1,0xf4,0xf7,0xfa,0xfd, 0x00,0x03,0x06,0x09,0x0c,0x0f,0x12,0x15, 0x18,0x1b,0x1e,0x21,0x24,0x27,0x2a,0x2d, 0x30,0x33,0x36,0x39,0x3b,0x3e,0x41,0x43, 0x46,0x49,0x4b,0x4e,0x50,0x52,0x55,0x57, 0x59,0x5b,0x5e,0x60,0x62,0x64,0x65,0x67, 0x69,0x6b,0x6c,0x6e,0x6f,0x71,0x72,0x74, 0x75,0x76,0x77,0x78,0x79,0x7a,0x7b,0x7b, 0x7c,0x7d,0x7d,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e, }; distance = distance; // Keep LINT quiet. #ifdef OBSOLETE /* ** Calculate and add in the X component of the move. */ _AX = CosTable[dir]; asm imul word ptr distance asm shl ax,1 asm rcl dx,1 asm mov al,ah asm mov ah,dl _DX = _AX; x += _DX; #else x += calcx(CosTable[dir], distance); #endif // asm add [word ptr start],ax #ifdef OBSOLETE /* ** Calculate and add in the Y component of the move. */ _AX = SinTable[dir]; asm imul word ptr distance asm shl ax,1 asm rcl dx,1 asm mov al,ah asm mov ah,dl asm neg ax // Subtraction needed because of inverted sine table. _DX = _AX; y += _DX; #else y += calcy(SinTable[dir], distance); #endif // asm add [word ptr start+2],ax } /*********************************************************************************************** * Normal_Move_Point -- Moves point with tilt compensation. * * * * This routine will move the point in the direction and distance specified but it will * * take into account the tilt of the playing field. Typical use of this routine is to * * determine positioning as it relates to the playfield. Turrets are a good example of * * this. * * * * INPUT: x,y -- References to the coordinates to adjust. * * * * dir -- The direction of the desired movement. * * * * distance -- The distance (in coordinate units) to move the point. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/19/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ // Loss of precision in initializations (8 bits to 7 bits) warning. Hmmm.. can this be fixed? //lint -e569 void Normal_Move_Point(short &x, short &y, register DirType dir, unsigned short distance) { static signed char const CosTable[256] = { 0x00,0x03,0x06,0x09,0x0c,0x0f,0x12,0x15, 0x18,0x1b,0x1e,0x21,0x24,0x27,0x2a,0x2d, 0x30,0x33,0x36,0x39,0x3b,0x3e,0x41,0x43, 0x46,0x49,0x4b,0x4e,0x50,0x52,0x55,0x57, 0x59,0x5b,0x5e,0x60,0x62,0x64,0x65,0x67, 0x69,0x6b,0x6c,0x6e,0x6f,0x71,0x72,0x74, 0x75,0x76,0x77,0x78,0x79,0x7a,0x7b,0x7b, 0x7c,0x7d,0x7d,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e, 0x7f,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7d,0x7d, 0x7c,0x7b,0x7b,0x7a,0x79,0x78,0x77,0x76, 0x75,0x74,0x72,0x71,0x70,0x6e,0x6c,0x6b, 0x69,0x67,0x66,0x64,0x62,0x60,0x5e,0x5b, 0x59,0x57,0x55,0x52,0x50,0x4e,0x4b,0x49, 0x46,0x43,0x41,0x3e,0x3b,0x39,0x36,0x33, 0x30,0x2d,0x2a,0x27,0x24,0x21,0x1e,0x1b, 0x18,0x15,0x12,0x0f,0x0c,0x09,0x06,0x03, 0x00,0xfd,0xfa,0xf7,0xf4,0xf1,0xee,0xeb, 0xe8,0xe5,0xe2,0xdf,0xdc,0xd9,0xd6,0xd3, 0xd0,0xcd,0xca,0xc7,0xc5,0xc2,0xbf,0xbd, 0xba,0xb7,0xb5,0xb2,0xb0,0xae,0xab,0xa9, 0xa7,0xa5,0xa2,0xa0,0x9e,0x9c,0x9a,0x99, 0x97,0x95,0x94,0x92,0x91,0x8f,0x8e,0x8c, 0x8b,0x8a,0x89,0x88,0x87,0x86,0x85,0x85, 0x84,0x83,0x83,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82, 0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x83,0x83, 0x84,0x85,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8a, 0x8b,0x8c,0x8e,0x8f,0x90,0x92,0x94,0x95, 0x97,0x99,0x9a,0x9c,0x9e,0xa0,0xa2,0xa5, 0xa7,0xa9,0xab,0xae,0xb0,0xb2,0xb5,0xb7, 0xba,0xbd,0xbf,0xc2,0xc5,0xc7,0xca,0xcd, 0xd0,0xd3,0xd6,0xd9,0xdc,0xdf,0xe2,0xe5, 0xe8,0xeb,0xee,0xf1,0xf4,0xf7,0xfa,0xfd, }; static signed char const SinTable[256] = { 0x7f,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7d,0x7d, 0x7c,0x7b,0x7b,0x7a,0x79,0x78,0x77,0x76, 0x75,0x74,0x72,0x71,0x70,0x6e,0x6c,0x6b, 0x69,0x67,0x66,0x64,0x62,0x60,0x5e,0x5b, 0x59,0x57,0x55,0x52,0x50,0x4e,0x4b,0x49, 0x46,0x43,0x41,0x3e,0x3b,0x39,0x36,0x33, 0x30,0x2d,0x2a,0x27,0x24,0x21,0x1e,0x1b, 0x18,0x15,0x12,0x0f,0x0c,0x09,0x06,0x03, 0x00,0xfd,0xfa,0xf7,0xf4,0xf1,0xee,0xeb, 0xe8,0xe5,0xe2,0xdf,0xdc,0xd9,0xd6,0xd3, 0xd0,0xcd,0xca,0xc7,0xc5,0xc2,0xbf,0xbd, 0xba,0xb7,0xb5,0xb2,0xb0,0xae,0xab,0xa9, 0xa7,0xa5,0xa2,0xa0,0x9e,0x9c,0x9a,0x99, 0x97,0x95,0x94,0x92,0x91,0x8f,0x8e,0x8c, 0x8b,0x8a,0x89,0x88,0x87,0x86,0x85,0x85, 0x84,0x83,0x83,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82, 0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x82,0x83,0x83, 0x84,0x85,0x85,0x86,0x87,0x88,0x89,0x8a, 0x8b,0x8c,0x8e,0x8f,0x90,0x92,0x94,0x95, 0x97,0x99,0x9a,0x9c,0x9e,0xa0,0xa2,0xa5, 0xa7,0xa9,0xab,0xae,0xb0,0xb2,0xb5,0xb7, 0xba,0xbd,0xbf,0xc2,0xc5,0xc7,0xca,0xcd, 0xd0,0xd3,0xd6,0xd9,0xdc,0xdf,0xe2,0xe5, 0xe8,0xeb,0xee,0xf1,0xf4,0xf7,0xfa,0xfd, 0x00,0x03,0x06,0x09,0x0c,0x0f,0x12,0x15, 0x18,0x1b,0x1e,0x21,0x24,0x27,0x2a,0x2d, 0x30,0x33,0x36,0x39,0x3b,0x3e,0x41,0x43, 0x46,0x49,0x4b,0x4e,0x50,0x52,0x55,0x57, 0x59,0x5b,0x5e,0x60,0x62,0x64,0x65,0x67, 0x69,0x6b,0x6c,0x6e,0x6f,0x71,0x72,0x74, 0x75,0x76,0x77,0x78,0x79,0x7a,0x7b,0x7b, 0x7c,0x7d,0x7d,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e, }; distance = distance; // Keep LINT quiet. x += calcx(CosTable[dir], distance); y += calcy(SinTable[dir] / 2, distance); }