/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /CounterStrike/MAPEDIT.H 1 3/03/97 10:25a Joe_bostic $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : MAPEDIT.H * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : May 14, 1994 * * * * Last Update : May 14, 1994 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * This class is derived from the normal display map class. It exists * * only to allow editing and adding items to the map. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * House-setting functions: The editor contains several house maintenance routines: * * Verify_House: tells if the given ObjectType can be owned by the given HousesType * * Cycle_House: Finds the next valid house for the given ObjectType; used when a new object * * can't be owned by the current editor HousesType. * * Change_House: attempts to change the owner of the currently-selected object * * Toggle_House: cycles the HousesType of a pending placement object * * Set_House_Buttons: sets house buttons in accordance with the given HousesType * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #ifndef MAPEDIT_H #define MAPEDIT_H #include "function.h" /* ** This is the maximum # of ObjectTypeClasses the editor has to deal with. */ enum MapEdit1Enum { MAX_EDIT_OBJECTS = // max # of ObjectTypeClasses allowed (int)TEMPLATE_COUNT + (int)OVERLAY_COUNT + (int)SMUDGE_COUNT + (int)TERRAIN_COUNT + (int)UNIT_COUNT + (int)INFANTRY_COUNT + (int)VESSEL_COUNT + (int)STRUCT_COUNT, MAX_TEAM_CLASSES = // max # ObjectTypeClasses for a team (int)UNIT_COUNT + (int)INFANTRY_COUNT + (int)AIRCRAFT_COUNT, // NUM_EDIT_MISSIONS = 6, // # missions that can be assigned an object NUM_EDIT_CLASSES = 9, // # different classes (templates, terrain, etc) MAX_MAIN_MENU_NUM = 8, MAX_MAIN_MENU_LEN = 20, MAX_AI_MENU_NUM = 6, MAX_AI_MENU_LEN = 20, POPUP_HOUSE_X=10, POPUP_HOUSE_Y=100, POPUP_HOUSE_W=60, POPUP_HOUSE_H=(190-100), // POPUP_GDI_W = 50, // POPUP_GDI_H = 9, // POPUP_GDI_X = 10, // POPUP_GDI_Y = 160, // POPUP_NOD_W = 50, // POPUP_NOD_H = 9, // POPUP_NOD_X = 10, // POPUP_NOD_Y = 169, // POPUP_NEUTRAL_W = 50, // POPUP_NEUTRAL_H = 9, // POPUP_NEUTRAL_X = 10, // POPUP_NEUTRAL_Y = 178, // POPUP_MULTI1_W = 25, // POPUP_MULTI1_H = 9, // POPUP_MULTI1_X = 10, // POPUP_MULTI1_Y = 160, // POPUP_MULTI2_W = 25, // POPUP_MULTI2_H = 9, // POPUP_MULTI2_X = 35, // POPUP_MULTI2_Y = 160, // POPUP_MULTI3_W = 25, // POPUP_MULTI3_H = 9, // POPUP_MULTI3_X = 10, // POPUP_MULTI3_Y = 169, // POPUP_MULTI4_W = 25, // POPUP_MULTI4_H = 9, // POPUP_MULTI4_X = 35, // POPUP_MULTI4_Y = 169, POPUP_MISSION_W = 80, POPUP_MISSION_H = 40, POPUP_MISSION_X = 70, POPUP_MISSION_Y = 150, POPUP_FACEBOX_W = 30, POPUP_FACEBOX_H = 30, POPUP_FACEBOX_X = 160, POPUP_FACEBOX_Y = 160, POPUP_HEALTH_W = 50, POPUP_HEALTH_H = 10, POPUP_HEALTH_X = 200, POPUP_HEALTH_Y = 170, POPUP_BASE_W = 50, POPUP_BASE_H = 8, POPUP_BASE_X = 300 - 50, POPUP_BASE_Y = 0 }; /* ** These are the button ID's for the pop-up object-editing gizmos. ** The house button ID's must be sequential, with a 1-to-1 correspondence to ** the HousesType values. */ enum MapEditButtonIDEnum{ POPUP_SPAIN=500, POPUP_FIRST=POPUP_SPAIN, POPUP_GREECE, POPUP_USSR, POPUP_ENGLAND, POPUP_ITALY, POPUP_GERMANY, POPUP_FRANCE, POPUP_TURKEY, POPUP_HOUSELIST, // House selection list. POPUP_SELLABLE, // Allowed to sell. POPUP_REBUILDABLE, // Allowed to rebuild. POPUP_MISSIONLIST, // list box for missions POPUP_HEALTHGAUGE, // health of object POPUP_FACINGDIAL, // object's facing POPUP_BASEPERCENT, // Base's percent-built slider MAP_AREA, // map as a click-able thingy BUTTON_FLAG=0x8000 }; class TeamTypeClass; class MapEditClass : public MouseClass { /* ** Public Interface */ public: /* ** mapedit.cpp */ MapEditClass(void); MapEditClass(NoInitClass const & x) : MouseClass(x) {}; bool Get_Waypoint_Name(char wayptname[]); void Update_Waypoint(int waypt_index); virtual void One_Time(void); // One-time init virtual void Init_IO(void); // Inits button list virtual void AI(KeyNumType &input, int x, int y); virtual void Draw_It(bool forced = true); virtual bool Scroll_Map(DirType facing, int & distance, bool really=true); virtual void Read_INI(CCINIClass & ini); virtual void Write_INI(CCINIClass & ini); virtual void Detach(ObjectClass * object); void Detach(TARGET target, bool all=true) {MouseClass::Detach(target, all);} void Clear_List(void); bool Add_To_List(ObjectTypeClass const *object); void Main_Menu(void); void AI_Menu(void); bool Mouse_Moved(void); bool Verify_House(HousesType house, ObjectTypeClass const * objtype); HousesType Cycle_House(HousesType curhouse, ObjectTypeClass const * objtype); // int Trigger_Needs_Team(TriggerClass *trigger); void Fatal(int txt); /* ** mapeddlg.cpp */ int New_Scenario(void); int Load_Scenario(void); int Save_Scenario(void); int Pick_Scenario(char const * caption, int & scen_nump, ScenarioPlayerType & playerp, ScenarioDirType & dirp, ScenarioVarType & varp); int Size_Map(int x, int y, int w, int h); int Scenario_Dialog(void); void Handle_Triggers(void); int Select_Trigger(void); /* ** mapedplc.cpp */ int Placement_Dialog(void); void Start_Placement(void); int Place_Object(void); void Cancel_Placement(void); void Place_Next(void); void Place_Prev(void); void Place_Next_Category(void); void Place_Prev_Category(void); void Place_Home(void); void Toggle_House(void); void Set_House_Buttons(HousesType house, GadgetClass *btnlist, int base_id); void Start_Trigger_Placement(void); void Stop_Trigger_Placement(void); void Place_Trigger(void); void Start_Base_Building(void); void Cancel_Base_Building(void); void Build_Base_To(int percent); /* ** mapedsel.cpp */ int Select_Object(void); void Select_Next(void); void Popup_Controls(void); void Grab_Object(void); int Move_Grabbed_Object(void); bool Change_House(HousesType newhouse); /* ** mapedtm.cpp */ void Draw_Member(TechnoTypeClass const * ptr, int index, int quant, HousesType house); void Handle_Teams(char const * caption); int Select_Team(char const * caption); int Team_Members(HousesType house); /* ** Private Interface */ private: /* ** This is the last-requested variation of a loaded/saved/new scenario. */ // ScenarioVarType ScenVar; /* ** Array of all TypeClasses the user can add to the map; cleared by ** Clear_List(), added to by Add_To_List() */ ObjectTypeClass const * Objects[MAX_EDIT_OBJECTS]; int ObjCount; // # of objects in the Objects array /* ** Last-selected object to place, and last-selected house of object */ int LastChoice; // index of item user picked last HousesType LastHouse; // house of last item picked /* ** Variables for grabbing/moving objects */ ObjectClass * GrabbedObject; // object "grabbed" with mouse CELL GrabOffset; // offset to grabbed obj's upper-left unsigned long LastClickTime; // time of last LMOUSE click /* ** Number of each type of object in Objects, so we can switch categories */ int NumType[NUM_EDIT_CLASSES]; // # of each type of class: // 0 = Template // 1 = Overlay // 2 = Smudge // 3 = Terrain // 4 = Unit // 5 = Infantry // 6 = Vessels // 7 = Building // 8 = Aircraft /* ** The offset of each type of object within the Objects[] array */ int TypeOffset[NUM_EDIT_CLASSES]; // offsets within Objects[] /* ** The "current" trigger for point-and-click trigger setting */ TriggerTypeClass * CurTrigger; // current trigger /* ** The "current" team type for editing & associating with a trigger */ TeamTypeClass * CurTeam; // current team /* ** Bitfields for flags & such */ unsigned Changed : 1; // 1 = changes are unsaved unsigned LMouseDown : 1; // 1 = left mouse is held down unsigned BaseBuilding : 1; // 1 = we're in base-building mode /* ** Variables for pre-building a base */ // int BasePercent; // Percentage the base will be built /* ** Variables for supporting the object-editing controls at screen bottom */ ListClass * HouseList; ListClass * MissionList; TriColorGaugeClass *HealthGauge; Dial8Class *FacingDial; ControlClass *MapArea; TextLabelClass *HealthText; TextButtonClass * Sellable; TextButtonClass * Rebuildable; static char HealthBuf[20]; GaugeClass *BaseGauge; TextLabelClass *BaseLabel; static MissionType MapEditMissions[]; }; #endif