/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /CounterStrike/MENUS.CPP 1 3/03/97 10:25a Joe_bostic $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : MENUS.CPP * * * * Programmer : Phil W. Gorrow * * * * Start Date : September 10, 1993 * * * * Last Update : Oct. 24, 1996 Victor Grippi * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * Main_Menu -- Menu processing * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "ccdde.h" #else //WIN32 #include #endif /***************************** ** Function prototypes ******************************/ PRIVATE int Coordinates_In_Region(int x, int y, int inx1, int iny1, int inx2, int iny2); PRIVATE int Select_To_Entry(int select, unsigned long bitfield, int index); PRIVATE void Flash_Line(char const *text, int xpix, int ypix, unsigned nfgc, unsigned hfgc, unsigned bgc); int UnknownKey; PRIVATE int MenuUpdate=1; PRIVATE int MenuSkip; #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 #include "WolStrng.h" #endif /*=========================================================================*/ /* SELECT_TO_ENTRY: */ /* */ /* This routine converts a selection to the correct string entry. It */ /* does this by search through a long bitfield starting at position index */ /* until it finds the correct conversion to entries. */ /* */ /* INPUTS: int selection from menu, long the bit field to search, int */ /* the starting index within the bit field. */ /* RETURNS: int the index into the table of entries */ /*=========================================================================*/ PRIVATE int Select_To_Entry(int select, unsigned long bitfield, int index) { int placement; if (bitfield==0xFFFFFFFFL) /* if all bits are set */ return(select); /* then it as is */ placement=0; /* current pos zero */ while (select) { /* while still ones */ if (bitfield & (1L<<(placement+index))) /* if this flagged then */ select--; /* decrement counter */ placement++; /* and we moved a place */ } while (!(bitfield & (1L<<(placement+index)))) { placement++; } return(placement); /* return the position */ } /*=========================================================================*/ /* FLASH_LINE: */ /* */ /* This routine will flash the line at the desired location for the */ /* menu routine. It is way cool awesome! */ /* */ /* INPUTS: char *text, int x position on line, int y position, char */ /* normal foreground color, char hilight foreground color, char */ /* background color */ /* RETURNS: none */ /*=========================================================================*/ PRIVATE void Flash_Line(char const *text, int xpix, int ypix, unsigned nfgc, unsigned hfgc, unsigned bgc) { int loop; for (loop=0;loop<3;loop++) { Hide_Mouse(); Plain_Text_Print(text, xpix, ypix, hfgc, bgc, TPF_8POINT|TPF_DROPSHADOW); Delay(2); Plain_Text_Print(text, xpix, ypix, nfgc, bgc, TPF_8POINT|TPF_DROPSHADOW); Show_Mouse(); Delay(2); } } /*=========================================================================*/ /* COORDINATES_IN_REGION: */ /* */ /* Test to see if a given pair of coordinates are within the given */ /* rectangular region. */ /* */ /* INPUTS: int x to be tested, int y to be tested, int left x pos, */ /* int top y pos, int right x pos, int bottom y pos */ /* RETURNS: none */ /*=========================================================================*/ PRIVATE int Coordinates_In_Region(int x, int y, int inx1, int iny1, int inx2, int iny2) { return((x>=inx1)&&(x<=inx2)&&(y>=iny1)&&(y<=iny2)); } #ifdef NEVER /*=========================================================================*/ /* FIND_MENU_ITEMS: */ /* */ /* This routine finds the real total items in a menu when certain items */ /* may be disabled by bit fields and the like. This is done by looping */ /* through the fields, starting at the position passed in index and */ /* counting the number of bits that are set. */ /* */ /* INPUTS: int the maximum number of items possible on the menu, long */ /* the bit field of enabled and disabled items, char the index */ /* point to start at within the list. */ /* RETURNS: int the total number of items in the menu */ /*=========================================================================*/ int Find_Menu_Items(int maxitems, unsigned long field, char index) { int loop,ctr; if (field==0xFFFFFFFFL) /* if all bits are set */ return(maxitems); /* then maxitems set */ for (loop=ctr=0;loopClear(); } /*=========================================================================*/ /* CHECK_MENU: */ /* */ /* */ /* */ /* INPUTS: */ /* RETURNS: */ /*=========================================================================*/ int Check_Menu(int menu, char const * text[], char *, long field, int index) { int maxitem,select,key,menuy,menux; int mx1,mx2,my1,my2,tempy; int drawy,menuskip,halfskip; int normcol,litcol,item,newitem,idx; int * menuptr; //selection++; /* get rid of warning */ menuptr = &MenuList[menu][0]; /* get pointer to menu */ maxitem = menuptr[ITEMSHIGH]-1; /* find max items */ newitem = item = menuptr[MSELECTED]%(maxitem+1); /* find selected */ select = -1; /* no selection made */ menuskip = FontHeight+MenuSkip; /* calc new font height */ halfskip = MenuSkip>>1; /* adjustment for menus */ menuy = WinY+menuptr[MENUY]; /* get the absolute */ menux = (WinX+menuptr[MENUX]); /* coords of menu */ normcol = menuptr[NORMCOL]; litcol = menuptr[HILITE]; /* ** Fetch a pending keystroke from the buffer if there is a keystroke ** present. If no keystroke is pending then simple mouse tracking will ** be done. */ key = 0; UnknownKey = 0; if (Keyboard->Check()) { #ifdef WIN32 key = (Keyboard->Get() & ~(WWKEY_SHIFT_BIT|WWKEY_ALT_BIT|WWKEY_CTRL_BIT) ); /* mask off all but release bit */ #else key = (Keyboard->Get()&0x08FF); /* mask off all but release bit */ #endif } /* ** if we are using the mouse and it is installed, then find the mouse ** coordinates of the menu and if we are not somewhere on the menu get ** the heck outta here. If we are somewhere on the menu, then figure ** out the new selected item, and continue forward. */ mx1=(WinX)+(menuptr[MENUX]*FontWidth); /* get menu coords */ my1=(WinY)+(menuptr[MENUY])-halfskip; /* from the menu */ mx2=mx1+(menuptr[ITEMWIDTH]*FontWidth)-1; /* structure as */ my2=my1+(menuptr[ITEMSHIGH]*menuskip)-1; /* necessary */ tempy=Get_Mouse_Y(); if (Coordinates_In_Region(Get_Mouse_X(), tempy, mx1, my1, mx2, my2)&& MenuUpdate) { newitem=(tempy-my1)/menuskip; } switch (key) { case KN_UP: /* if the key moves up */ newitem--; /* new item up one */ if (newitem<0) /* if invalid new item */ newitem=maxitem; /* put at list bottom */ break; case KN_DOWN: /* if key moves down */ newitem++; /* new item down one */ if (newitem>maxitem) /* if new item past */ newitem=0; /* list end, clear */ break; case KN_HOME: /* if top of list key */ case KN_PGUP: /* is selected then */ newitem=0; /* new item = top */ break; case KN_END: /* if bottom of list is */ case KN_PGDN: /* selected then */ newitem=maxitem; /* new item = bottom */ break; /* ** Handle mouse button press. Set selection and then fall into the ** normal menu item select logic. */ case KN_RMOUSE: case KN_LMOUSE: if (Coordinates_In_Region(Keyboard->MouseQX, Keyboard->MouseQY, mx1, my1, mx2, my2)) { newitem = (Keyboard->MouseQY - my1) / menuskip; } else { UnknownKey = key; // Pass the unprocessed button click back. break; } /* ** Normal menu item select logic. Will flash line and exit with menu ** selection number. */ case KN_RETURN: /* if a selection is */ case KN_SPACE: /* made with key */ case KN_CENTER: select=newitem; /* flag it made. */ break; case 0: break; /* ** When no key was pressed or an unknown key was pressed, set the ** global record of the key and exit normally. ** EXCEPTION: If the key matches the first letter of any of the ** menu entries, then presume it as a selection of ** that entry. */ default: for (idx = 0; idx < menuptr[ITEMSHIGH]; idx++) { if (toupper(*(text[Select_To_Entry(idx, field, index)])) == toupper(Keyboard->To_ASCII((KeyNumType)(key&0x0FF)))) { newitem = select = idx; break; } } UnknownKey = key; break; } if (newitem!=item) { Hide_Mouse(); idx=Select_To_Entry(item, field, index); drawy=menuy+(item*menuskip); Plain_Text_Print(text[idx], menux, drawy, normcol, TBLACK, TPF_8POINT|TPF_DROPSHADOW); idx=Select_To_Entry(newitem, field, index); drawy=menuy+(newitem*menuskip); Plain_Text_Print(text[idx], menux, drawy, litcol, TBLACK, TPF_8POINT|TPF_DROPSHADOW); Show_Mouse(); /* resurrect the mouse */ } if (select!=-1) { idx=Select_To_Entry(select, field, index); Hide_Mouse(); /* get rid of the mouse */ drawy=menuy+(newitem*menuskip); Flash_Line(text[idx], menux, drawy, normcol, litcol, TBLACK); Show_Mouse(); select=idx; } menuptr[MSELECTED]=newitem; /* update menu select */ return(select); } /*************************************************************************** * Do_Menu -- Generic menu processor. * * * * This helper function displays a menu of specified entries and waits * * for the player to make a selection. If a selection is made, then * * a whole number (starting at 0) is returned matching the entry * * selected. If ESC is pressed, then -1 is returned. * * * * INPUT: strings -- A pointer to an array of pointers to text strings. * * Each entry in the list will be a menu entry that * * can be selected. * * * * blue -- Should the special blue color be used to display * * the menu? * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the cardinal number of the selected menu entry. * * If ESC was pressed, then -1 is returned. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/16/1994 JLB : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int Do_Menu(char const ** strings, bool ) { int count; // Number of entries in this menu. int length; // The width of the menu (in pixels). char const ** ptr; // Working menu text pointer. int selection; // Selection from user. if (!strings) return(-1); Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); Keyboard->Clear(); /* ** Determine the number of entries in this string. */ ptr = strings; count = 0; while (*ptr++) { count++; } MenuList[0][ITEMSHIGH] = count; /* ** Determine the width of the menu by finding the length of the ** longest menu entry. */ Plain_Text_Print(TXT_NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, TPF_8POINT|TPF_DROPSHADOW); length = 0; ptr = strings; while (*ptr) { length = max(length, (int)String_Pixel_Width(*ptr)); ptr++; } length += 7; MenuList[0][ITEMWIDTH] = length >> 3; /* ** Adjust the window values to match the size of the ** specified menu. */ WindowList[WINDOW_MENU][WINDOWWIDTH] = (MenuList[0][ITEMWIDTH] + 2) * 8; WindowList[WINDOW_MENU][WINDOWX] = (19 - (length >> 4)) * 8; WindowList[WINDOW_MENU][WINDOWY] = 174 - (unsigned)(MenuList[0][ITEMSHIGH] * (FontHeight+FontYSpacing)); WindowList[WINDOW_MENU][WINDOWHEIGHT] = MenuList[0][ITEMSHIGH] * FontHeight + 5 /*11*/; /* ** Display the menu. */ Change_Window((int)WINDOW_MENU); Show_Mouse(); Window_Box(WINDOW_MENU, BOXSTYLE_RAISED); Setup_Menu(0, strings, 0xFFFFL, 0, 0); Keyboard->Clear(); selection = -1; UnknownKey = 0; while (selection == -1) { Call_Back(); selection = Check_Menu(0, strings, NULL, 0xFFL, 0); if (UnknownKey != 0 || UnknownKey == KN_ESC || UnknownKey==KN_LMOUSE || UnknownKey==KN_RMOUSE) break; } Keyboard->Clear(); Hide_Mouse(); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage); //WindowList[WINDOW_MAIN][2] = SeenBuff.Get_Width();//BG Change_Window((int)WINDOW_MAIN); Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); return(selection); } /*************************************************************************** * Main_Menu -- Menu processing * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * index of item selected, -1 if time out * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/17/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int Main_Menu(unsigned long ) { /* ** Dialog & button dimensions */ int d_dialog_w = 152 * RESFACTOR; #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 int d_dialog_h = 100 * RESFACTOR; #else //#ifdef WIN32 //Extra 'Internet' option on WIN32 menu #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(INTERNET_OFF) // Denzil 5/1/98 - No internet play int d_dialog_h = 100 * RESFACTOR; #else // #if defined(MPEGMOVIE) // Denzil 6/25/98 - Video settings // int d_dialog_h = 100 * RESFACTOR; // #else int d_dialog_h = 80 * RESFACTOR; // #endif #endif //WIN32 #endif //FIXIT_VERSION_3 int d_dialog_x = 85 * RESFACTOR; int d_dialog_y = 75 * RESFACTOR; int d_dialog_cx = d_dialog_x + (d_dialog_w / 2); int d_start_w = 118 * RESFACTOR; int d_start_h = 9 * RESFACTOR; int d_start_x = 102 * RESFACTOR; #ifndef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // Removed button from main menu. #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(INTERNET_OFF) // Denzil 5/1/98 - no internet play int d_internet_w = 118 * RESFACTOR; int d_internet_h = 9 * RESFACTOR; int d_internet_x = 102 * RESFACTOR; #endif //WIN32 #endif //#if defined(MPEGMOVIE) // Denzil 6/26/98 Video settings // int d_movie_w = 118 * RESFACTOR; // int d_movie_h = 9 * RESFACTOR; // int d_movie_x = 102 * RESFACTOR; //#endif int d_load_w = 118 * RESFACTOR; int d_load_h = 9 * RESFACTOR; int d_load_x = 102 * RESFACTOR; int d_multi_w = 118 * RESFACTOR; int d_multi_h = 9 * RESFACTOR; int d_multi_x = 102 * RESFACTOR; int d_intro_w = 118 * RESFACTOR; int d_intro_h = 9 * RESFACTOR; int d_intro_x = 102 * RESFACTOR; int d_exit_w = 118 * RESFACTOR; //changed value to 118 V.Grippi int d_exit_h = 9 * RESFACTOR; int d_exit_x = 102 *RESFACTOR; //Added V.Grippi int starty = d_dialog_y + (12 * RESFACTOR); //#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(INTERNET_OFF) // Denzil 5/1/98 - No internet play //#ifndef FIXIT_VERSION_3 static int max_buttons = 7; //#else // static int max_buttons = 6; //#endif //#if defined(MPEGMOVIE) // Denzil 6/26/98 Video settings // max_buttons++; //#endif /* ** Button enumerations: */ // Enums in Select_Game() must match order of buttons in Main_Menu(). #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 enum { BUTTON_EXPAND=100, // (CS) BUTTON_EXPAND_AM, BUTTON_START, BUTTON_LOAD, BUTTON_MULTI, BUTTON_INTRO, BUTTON_EXIT, }; #else // FIXIT_VERSION_3 enum { BUTTON_EXPAND=100, BUTTON_START, #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(INTERNET_OFF) // Denzil 5/1/98 - No internet play BUTTON_INTERNET, #endif //WIN32 //#if defined(MPEGMOVIE) // Denzil 6/26/98 Video settings // BUTTON_MOVIE, //#endif BUTTON_LOAD, BUTTON_MULTI, BUTTON_INTRO, BUTTON_EXIT, }; #endif // FIXIT_VERSION_3 /* ** Dialog variables: */ #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 bool bExpansionCS = Expansion_CS_Present(); bool bExpansionAM = Expansion_AM_Present(); #else #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 bool expansions = Expansion_CS_Present() | Expansion_AM_Present(); #else bool expansions = Expansion_CS_Present(); #endif #endif KeyNumType input; // input from user int retval; // return value int curbutton; TextButtonClass * buttons[7]; unsigned long starttime; /* ** Buttons */ ControlClass * commands = NULL; // the button list #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 int ystep = 14 * RESFACTOR; if( bExpansionCS ) { if( bExpansionAM ) ystep = 12 * RESFACTOR; else ystep = 13 * RESFACTOR; } else if( bExpansionAM ) ystep = 13 * RESFACTOR; TextButtonClass expandbtnCS( BUTTON_EXPAND, TXT_WOL_CS_MISSIONS, TPF_BUTTON, d_start_x, starty, d_start_w, d_start_h ); if( bExpansionCS ) starty += ystep; TextButtonClass expandbtnAM( BUTTON_EXPAND_AM, TXT_WOL_AM_MISSIONS, TPF_BUTTON, d_start_x, starty, d_start_w, d_start_h ); if( bExpansionAM ) starty += ystep; #else int ystep = 12 * RESFACTOR; if (expansions) ystep = 10 * RESFACTOR; TextButtonClass expandbtn (BUTTON_EXPAND, TXT_NEW_MISSIONS, TPF_BUTTON, d_start_x, starty, d_start_w, d_start_h); if (expansions) starty += ystep; #endif TextButtonClass startbtn(BUTTON_START, TXT_START_NEW_GAME, TPF_BUTTON, d_start_x, starty, d_start_w, d_start_h); starty += ystep; #ifndef FIXIT_VERSION_3 #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(INTERNET_OFF) // Denzil 5/1/98 - no internet play TextButtonClass internetbutton (BUTTON_INTERNET, TXT_INTERNET, TPF_BUTTON, d_internet_x, starty, d_internet_w, d_internet_h); starty += ystep; #endif //WIN32 #endif //#if defined(MPEGMOVIE) // Denzil 6/26/98 Video settings // TextButtonClass moviebutton(BUTTON_MOVIE, "Movie Settings", TPF_BUTTON, d_movie_x, starty, d_movie_w, d_movie_h); // starty += ystep; //#endif //WIN32 TextButtonClass loadbtn(BUTTON_LOAD, TXT_LOAD_MISSION, TPF_BUTTON, d_load_x, starty, d_load_w, d_load_h); starty += ystep; TextButtonClass multibtn(BUTTON_MULTI, TXT_MULTIPLAYER_GAME, TPF_BUTTON, d_multi_x, starty, d_multi_w, d_multi_h); starty += ystep; TextButtonClass introbtn(BUTTON_INTRO, TXT_INTRO, TPF_BUTTON, d_intro_x, starty, d_intro_w, d_intro_h); starty += ystep; TextButtonClass exitbtn(BUTTON_EXIT, TXT_EXIT_GAME, TPF_BUTTON, d_exit_x, starty, d_exit_w, d_exit_h); starty += ystep; /* ** Initialize */ if (RequiredCD != -2) { RequiredCD = -1; Force_CD_Available(RequiredCD); } Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); Keyboard->Clear(); starttime = TickCount; /* ** Create the list */ commands = &startbtn; #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 if( bExpansionCS ) expandbtnCS.Add_Tail(*commands); if( bExpansionAM ) expandbtnAM.Add_Tail(*commands); #else if (expansions) { expandbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); } #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(INTERNET_OFF) // Denzil 5/1/98 - No internet play internetbutton.Add_Tail(*commands); #endif //WIN32 #endif //#if defined(MPEGMOVIE) // Denzil 6/26/98 Video settings // moviebutton.Add_Tail(*commands); //#endif loadbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); multibtn.Add_Tail(*commands); introbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); exitbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); /* ** Fill array of button ptrs */ #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 curbutton = bExpansionCS ? 0 : ( bExpansionAM ? 1 : 2 ); buttons[0] = &expandbtnCS; buttons[1] = &expandbtnAM; buttons[2] = &startbtn; buttons[3] = &loadbtn; buttons[4] = &multibtn; buttons[5] = &introbtn; buttons[6] = &exitbtn; #else if (expansions) { curbutton = 0; } else { curbutton = 1; } buttons[0] = &expandbtn; buttons[1] = &startbtn; buttons[2] = &internetbutton; buttons[3] = &loadbtn; buttons[4] = &multibtn; buttons[5] = &introbtn; buttons[6] = &exitbtn; #endif buttons[curbutton]->Turn_On(); Keyboard->Clear(); Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_NONE, 0, 0, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_CENTER|TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_NOSHADOW); fixed oldvolume = Options.ScoreVolume; if (oldvolume == 0) { Options.Set_Score_Volume(fixed(4, 10), false); } Theme.Play_Song(THEME_INTRO); /* ** Main Processing Loop. */ bool display = true; bool process = true; while (process) { #ifdef WIN32 /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored) { AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display = true; } #endif /* ** If timeout expires, bail */ // if (timeout && TickCount - starttime > timeout) { // retval = -1; // process = false; // } /* ** Invoke game callback. */ Call_Back(); /* ** Refresh display if needed. */ if (display) { /* ** Load the background picture. */ Load_Title_Page(); CCPalette.Set(); /* ** Display the title and text overlay for the menu. */ Set_Logic_Page(HidPage); // Dialog_Box(d_dialog_x, d_dialog_y, d_dialog_w, d_dialog_h); // Draw_Caption (TXT_NONE, d_dialog_x, d_dialog_y, d_dialog_w); commands->Draw_All(); #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 Fancy_Text_Print("V%s", d_dialog_x+d_dialog_w- (18 * RESFACTOR), d_dialog_y+d_dialog_h-(5 * RESFACTOR), GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_EFNT|TPF_NOSHADOW|TPF_RIGHT, Version_Name()); #else #ifndef WIN32 Fancy_Text_Print("V%s", d_dialog_x+d_dialog_w- (18 * RESFACTOR), d_dialog_y+d_dialog_h-(8 * RESFACTOR), GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_EFNT|TPF_NOSHADOW|TPF_RIGHT, Version_Name()); #else Fancy_Text_Print("V%s", d_dialog_x+d_dialog_w- (18 * RESFACTOR), d_dialog_y+d_dialog_h-(11 * RESFACTOR), GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_EFNT|TPF_NOSHADOW|TPF_RIGHT, Version_Name()); #endif #endif /* ** Copy the menu to the visible page. */ Hide_Mouse(); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage); Show_Mouse(); Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); display = false; } /* ** Get and process player input. */ input = commands->Input(); #ifndef FIXIT_VERSION_3 #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(INTERNET_OFF) // Denzil 5/1/98 - No Internet play /* ** Check to see if WChat has told us to start playing an internet game */ if (DDEServer.Get_MPlayer_Game_Info()) { retval = BUTTON_INTERNET - BUTTON_EXPAND; process = false; input = KN_NONE; } #endif //WIN32 #endif /* ** If there is input, then take this opportunity to seed some bits ** to the cryptographic random number generator. */ if (input != 0) { #ifdef WIN32 SYSTEMTIME t; GetSystemTime(&t); CryptRandom.Seed_Byte(t.wMilliseconds); #else struct timeb t; ftime(&t); CryptRandom.Seed_Byte(t.millitm); #endif } /* ** Dispatch the input to be processed. */ switch (input) { case (BUTTON_EXPAND | KN_BUTTON): retval = (input & 0x7FFF) - BUTTON_EXPAND; process = false; break; #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 case (BUTTON_EXPAND_AM | KN_BUTTON): retval = (input & 0x7FFF) - BUTTON_EXPAND; process = false; break; #endif case (BUTTON_START | KN_BUTTON): retval = (input & 0x7FFF) - BUTTON_EXPAND; process = false; break; #ifndef FIXIT_VERSION_3 #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(INTERNET_OFF) // Denzil 5/1/98 - Internet play case (BUTTON_INTERNET | KN_BUTTON): retval = (input & 0x7FFF) - BUTTON_EXPAND; process = false; break; #endif //WIN32 #endif // #if defined(MPEGMOVIE) // case (BUTTON_MOVIE | KN_BUTTON): // retval = (input & 0x7FFF) - BUTTON_EXPAND; // process = false; // break; // #endif case (BUTTON_LOAD | KN_BUTTON): retval = (input & 0x7FFF) - BUTTON_EXPAND; process = false; break; case (BUTTON_MULTI | KN_BUTTON): retval = (input & 0x7FFF) - BUTTON_EXPAND; process = false; break; case (BUTTON_INTRO | KN_BUTTON): retval = (input & 0x7FFF) - BUTTON_EXPAND; process = false; break; case (BUTTON_EXIT | KN_BUTTON): retval = (input & 0x7FFF) - BUTTON_EXPAND; process = false; break; #if (0) case KN_BACKSPACE: Show_Who_Was_Responsible (); display = true; Theme.Play_Song(THEME_INTRO); break; #endif //(0) case KN_UP: buttons[curbutton]->Turn_Off(); buttons[curbutton]->Flag_To_Redraw(); curbutton--; #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 switch( curbutton ) { case -1: curbutton = max_buttons - 1; break; case 0: if( !bExpansionCS ) curbutton = max_buttons - 1; break; case 1: if( !bExpansionAM ) { if( bExpansionCS ) curbutton = 0; else curbutton = max_buttons - 1; } break; } #else if (expansions) { if (curbutton < 0) { curbutton = max_buttons-1; } } else { if (curbutton < 1) { curbutton = max_buttons-1; } } #endif buttons[curbutton]->Turn_On(); buttons[curbutton]->Flag_To_Redraw(); break; case KN_DOWN: buttons[curbutton]->Turn_Off(); buttons[curbutton]->Flag_To_Redraw(); curbutton++; #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 if( curbutton == max_buttons ) { if( bExpansionCS ) curbutton = 0; else if( bExpansionAM ) curbutton = 1; else curbutton = 2; } else if( curbutton == 1 && !bExpansionAM ) curbutton = 2; #else if (curbutton > (max_buttons - 1)) { if (expansions) { curbutton = 0; } else { curbutton = 1; } } #endif buttons[curbutton]->Turn_On(); buttons[curbutton]->Flag_To_Redraw(); break; case KN_RETURN: buttons[curbutton]->IsPressed = true; buttons[curbutton]->Draw_Me(true); retval = curbutton; process = false; break; case KN_LMOUSE: if (Coordinates_In_Region(Keyboard->MouseQX, Keyboard->MouseQY, 9*RESFACTOR, 10*RESFACTOR, 79*RESFACTOR, 24*RESFACTOR)){ Show_Who_Was_Responsible(); display = true; Theme.Play_Song(THEME_INTRO); break; } #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS #ifdef FIXIT_PATCH_108 if (Is_Counterstrike_Installed() == true) { #endif if ((Keyboard->Down(KN_LSHIFT) || Keyboard->Down(KN_RSHIFT)) && Coordinates_In_Region(Keyboard->MouseQX, Keyboard->MouseQY, 260*RESFACTOR, 0, 320*RESFACTOR, 50*RESFACTOR)) { AntsEnabled = true; process = false; #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 retval = 2; // To match SEL_START_NEW_GAME #else retval = 1; #endif } #ifdef FIXIT_PATCH_108 } #endif #endif default: break; } } Options.Set_Score_Volume(oldvolume, false); return(retval); }