/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /CounterStrike/MP.CPP 1 3/03/97 10:25a Joe_bostic $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : MP.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : 04/26/96 * * * * Last Update : July 2, 1996 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * _Byte_Precision -- Determines the number of bytes significant in long integer. * * memrev -- Reverse the byte order of the buffer specified. * * XMP_Abs -- Perform an absolute value on the specified MP number. * * XMP_Add -- Add two MP numbers with a carry option. * * XMP_Add_Int -- Add an integer to an MP number (with carry). * * XMP_Compare -- Compare one MP number with another. * * XMP_Count_Bits -- Count the total number of bits (precision) in MP number. * * XMP_Count_Bytes -- Counts the number of precision bytes in MP number. * * XMP_Dec -- Decrement the MP number by one. * * XMP_Decode_ASCII -- Convert ASCII into an MP number. * * XMP_DER_Decode -- Decode a DER number into an MP number. * * XMP_DER_Encode -- Encode a number into a buffer using DER. * * XMP_DER_Length_Encode -- Output the length of a DER block. * * XMP_Double_Mul -- Double precision MP multiply. * * XMP_Encode -- Encode MP number into buffer as compactly as possible. * * XMP_Fermat_Test -- Performs Fermat's Little Theorem on an MP number. * * XMP_Hybrid_Mul -- Special hybrid short multiply (with carry). * * XMP_Inc -- Increment an MP number by one. * * XMP_Init -- Initialize an MP number to a starting value. * * XMP_Inverse_A_Mod_B -- Inverts and performs modulus on an MP number. * * XMP_Is_Prime -- Determine if the specified MP number is prime. * * XMP_Is_Small_Prime -- Determine if MP number is a small prime. * * XMP_Mod_Mult -- Perform a multiply - modulus operation. * * XMP_Mod_Mult_Clear -- Remove temporary values from memory. * * XMP_Move -- Assign one MP number to another. * * XMP_Neg -- Negate the specified MP number. * * XMP_Not -- Perform bitwise NOT operation on MP number. * * XMP_Prepare_Modulus -- Prepare globals for modulus operation. * * XMP_Rabin_Miller_Test -- Performs the Rabin Miller test for primality. * * XMP_Randomize -- Generate a random MP number between the boundaries specified. * * XMP_Randomize -- Generate a random MP number. * * XMP_Reciprocal -- Compute the reciprocal (inverse) of the MP number. * * XMP_Rotate_Left -- Rotate specified MP number leftward. * * XMP_Shift_Left_Bits -- Shifts the MP number left by the specified bit count. * * XMP_Shift_Right_Bits -- Shift the MP number right by specified bit count. * * XMP_Signed_Decode -- Decode a number as if it were signed. * * XMP_Signed_Div -- Signed divide of one MP number into another. * * XMP_Signed_Mult -- A signed multiply between two MP numbers. * * XMP_Signed_Mult_Int -- Multiply an MP number by a signed simple integer. * * XMP_Significance -- Fetch the precision (bytes) of the MP number. * * XMP_Small_Divisors_Test -- Perform the small divisors test on an MP number. * * XMP_Sub -- Subtract one MP number from another (with borrow). * * XMP_Sub_Int -- Subtract an integer from an MP number (with borrow). * * XMP_Unsigned_Decode -- Decode a number as if it were unsigned. * * XMP_Unsigned_Div -- Unsigned divide of one MP number into another. * * XMP_Unsigned_Div_Int -- Perform a short integer divide into an MP number. * * XMP_Unsigned_Mult -- Multiply two unsigned MP numbers together. * * XMP_Unsigned_Mult_Int -- Multiply an MP number by a simple integer. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "mp.h" #ifndef __BORLANDC__ #define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define _USERENTRY #endif /*********************************************************************************************** * _Byte_Precision -- Determines the number of bytes significant in long integer. * * * * This utility routine will determine the number of precision bytes exist in the long * * integer specified. There are some optimizations that can occur if the byte precision * * is known. * * * * INPUT: value -- The value of the long integer that the byte precision will be calculated * * for. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of bytes that the long integer requires (at a minimum) * * to cover the precision of the integer. The minimum value will be 1, the maximum * * will be 4. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static int _Byte_Precision(unsigned long value) { int byte_count; for (byte_count = sizeof(value); byte_count; byte_count--) { if (value >> ((byte_count-1)*8)) break; } return(byte_count); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_DER_Length_Encode -- Output the length of a DER block. * * * * This routine will output the length of the block using Distinguished Encoding Rules. * * The rest of the block must be filled in as appropriate. For data blocks that are less * * than 128 bytes long, the header consists of only one byte. Longer buffers lengths * * can consume up to 5 bytes (depends on magnitude of the length value). * * * * INPUT: length -- The length of the data block to be output. * * * * output -- Pointer to the memory block that will be set up. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of bytes (header) that was used to store the length * * value. Subsequent data must be placed after the header. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int XMP_DER_Length_Encode(unsigned long length, unsigned char * output) { assert(output != NULL); int header_length = 0; if (length <= SCHAR_MAX) { output[header_length++] = (unsigned char)length; } else { output[header_length++] = (unsigned char)(_Byte_Precision(length) | 0x80); for (int byte_counter = _Byte_Precision(length); byte_counter; --byte_counter) { output[header_length++] = (unsigned char)(length >> ((byte_counter-1)*8)); } } return(header_length); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_DER_Encode -- Encode a number into a buffer using DER. * * * * This routine is used to encode a number into a buffer using Distinguished Encoding * * Rules. The number of bytes used will be, typically, two bytes more than the number of * * precision bytes in the number. * * * * INPUT: from -- Pointer to the multi-precision number. * * * * output -- Pointer to the buffer that will hold the DER encoded number. * * * * precision-- The precision of the multi-precision number. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of bytes used in the output buffer. * * * * WARNINGS: Make sure the buffer is big enough to hold the DER encoded number. For safety * * make sure it is precision+6 bytes long. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int XMP_DER_Encode(digit const * from, unsigned char * output, int precision) { assert(from != NULL); assert(output != NULL); assert(precision > 0); unsigned char buffer[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION*sizeof(digit)+1]; int header_count = 0; unsigned number_count = XMP_Encode(buffer, from, precision); output[header_count++] = 0x02; header_count += XMP_DER_Length_Encode(number_count, &output[header_count]); memcpy(&output[header_count], buffer, number_count); return(header_count+number_count); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_DER_Decode -- Decode a DER number into an MP number. * * * * Use this routine to decode a Distinguished Encoding Rules number into a multi-precision * * number. This is the counterpart function to the XMP_DER_Encode() function. * * * * INPUT: result -- The buffer the hold the result MP number. * * * * input -- Pointer to the DER encoded number. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP number. This is the maximum precision the * * DER number can be. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_DER_Decode(digit * result, unsigned char const * input, int precision) { assert(result != NULL); assert(input != NULL); assert(precision > 0); if (*input++ == 0x02) { unsigned byte_count; if ((*input & 0x80) == 0) { byte_count = *input++; } else { int length = *input++ & 0x7f; if (length > 2) return; byte_count = *input++; if (length > 1) byte_count = (byte_count << 8) | *input++; } if (byte_count <= (precision * sizeof(digit))) { XMP_Signed_Decode(result, input, byte_count, precision); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Encode -- Encode MP number into buffer. * * * * This routine will encode an multi-precision number into a buffer of specified length. * * The number of stored in "big endian" format with appropriate sign extension. * * * * INPUT: to -- Pointer to the buffer to place the number. * * * * tobytes -- The number of bytes to use in the destination buffer. * * * * from -- Pointer to the MP number to be encoded. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of bytes placed into the destination buffer. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ unsigned XMP_Encode(unsigned char * to, unsigned tobytes, digit const * from, int precision) { assert(to != NULL); assert(from != NULL); assert(tobytes > 0); assert(precision > 0); unsigned frombytes = precision * sizeof(digit); unsigned char filler = (unsigned char)(XMP_Is_Negative(from, precision) ? 0xff : 0); int index; for (index = 0; index < (int)(tobytes-frombytes); index++) { *to++ = filler; } const unsigned char * fptr = ((const unsigned char *)from) + min(tobytes, frombytes); for (index = 0; index < (int)min(tobytes, frombytes); index++) { *to++ = *--fptr; } return(tobytes); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Encode -- Encode MP number into buffer as compactly as possible. * * * * This routine will encode the MP number into the specified buffer. The number will be * * encoded using the least number of bytes possible. * * * * INPUT: to -- The buffer to encode the MP number into. * * * * from -- Pointer to the MP number to be encoded. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of bytes used in the destination buffer to hold the * * encoded number. * * * * WARNINGS: Be sure the destination buffer is big enough to hold the encoded MP number. * * A safe size would be the precision plus one. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ #pragma warning 364 9 unsigned XMP_Encode(unsigned char * to, digit const * from, int precision) { assert(to != NULL); assert(from != NULL); assert(precision > 0); bool is_negative = XMP_Is_Negative(from, precision); unsigned char filler = (unsigned char)(is_negative ? 0xff : 0); unsigned char * number_ptr; unsigned char * const end = (unsigned char *)from; for (number_ptr = (unsigned char *)end + precision - 1; number_ptr > (unsigned char *)end; number_ptr--) { if (*number_ptr != filler) break; } unsigned index = 0; if (((*number_ptr & 0x80) && !is_negative) || (!(*number_ptr & 0x80) && is_negative)) { to[index++] = filler; } to[index++] = *number_ptr; while (number_ptr != end) { to[index++] = *--number_ptr; } return(index); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Signed_Decode -- Decode a number as if it were signed. * * * * Use this routine to convert a coded number back into an MP number. The coded number * * is presumed to be signed. * * * * INPUT: result -- Pointer to the buffer that will hold the decoded MP number. * * * * from -- Pointer to the encoded MP number. * * * * frombytes-- The number of bytes consumed by the encoded MP number. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP number (maximum) of the result. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Be sure that the precision is sufficient to hold the decoded MP number. * * Otherwise, the result is undefined. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Signed_Decode(digit * result, const unsigned char * from, int frombytes, int precision) { assert(result != NULL); assert(from != NULL); assert(frombytes > 0); assert(precision > 0); unsigned char filler = (unsigned char)((*from & 0x80) ? 0xff : 0); int fillcount = precision * sizeof(digit) - frombytes; unsigned char * dest = (unsigned char *)&result[precision]; /* ** Fill in any excess significant bytes. */ int index; for (index = 0; index < fillcount; index++) { *--dest = filler; } /* ** Move in the remaining bytes. */ for (index = 0; index < frombytes; index++) { *--dest = *from++; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Unsigned_Decode -- Decode a number as if it were unsigned. * * * * Use this routine to decode a MP number and treat it as if it were unsigned. * * * * INPUT: result -- Pointer to the buffer to hold the result MP number. * * * * from -- Pointer to the encoded MP number. * * * * frombytes-- The number of bytes in the encoded number. * * * * precision-- The precision of the result MP number -- maximum precision. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Be sure the result MP precision is sufficient to hold the decoded number or * * else the result is undefined. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Unsigned_Decode(digit * result, const unsigned char * from, int frombytes, int precision) { assert(result != NULL); assert(from != NULL); assert(frombytes > 0); assert(precision > 0); int fillcount = precision * sizeof(digit) - frombytes; unsigned char * dest = (unsigned char *)&result[precision]; /* ** Fill in any excess significant bytes. */ int index; for (index = 0; index < fillcount; index++) { *--dest = '\0'; } /* ** Move in the remaining bytes. */ for (index = 0; index < frombytes; index++) { *--dest = *from++; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Significance -- Fetch the precision (bytes) of the MP number. * * * * This routine will return with the precision of the MP number expressed as bytes. The * * MP number is presumed unsigned. * * * * INPUT: number -- Pointer to the MP number to examine. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number to examine. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the minimum number of bytes consumed by this MP number. * * * * WARNINGS: Passing a signed MP number to this routine will return an artificially greater * * precision than it really is. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int XMP_Significance(const digit * number, int precision) { assert(number != NULL); assert(precision > 0); number += precision; do { if (*(--number)) break; } while (--precision); return(precision); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Inc -- Increment an MP number by one. * * * * This will increment the MP number by one. * * * * INPUT: number -- Pointer to the MP number to increment. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: If the number wraps around the maximum precision, the results are undefined. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Inc(digit * number, int precision) { assert(number != NULL); assert(precision > 0); do { if (++(*number)) break; number++; } while (--precision); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Dec -- Decrement the MP number by one. * * * * Use this routine to decrement the specified MP number by one. * * * * INPUT: number -- Pointer to the MP number to decrement. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number to decrement. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: If the number wraps below zero, the results are undefined. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Dec(digit * number, int precision) { assert(number != NULL); assert(precision > 0); do { *number -= 1; if ((*number) != ~(digit)0) break; number++; } while (--precision); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Neg -- Negate the specified MP number. * * * * This routine will negate (reverse sign) of the specified MP number. * * * * INPUT: number -- Pointer to the MP number to negate. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Neg(digit * number, int precision) { assert(number != NULL); assert(precision > 0); XMP_Not(number, precision); XMP_Inc(number, precision); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Abs -- Perform an absolute value on the specified MP number. * * * * This will perform the absolute value function on the specified MP number. That is, if * * the MP number is negative, it will be transformed into a positive number. If the number * * is already positive, then it will be left alone. * * * * INPUT: number -- Pointer to the MP number to ABS. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Abs(digit * number, int precision) { assert(number != NULL); assert(precision > 0); if (XMP_Is_Negative(number, precision)) { XMP_Neg(number, precision); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Shift_Right_Bits -- Shift the MP number right by specified bit count. * * * * Use this routine to perform a right shift of the MP number by the number of bits * * specified. * * * * INPUT: number -- Pointer to the MP number to perform the shift upon. * * * * bits -- The number of bits to shift. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: This is an unsigned shift. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Shift_Right_Bits(digit * number, int bits, int precision) { assert(number != NULL); assert(bits >= 0); assert(precision > 0); if (bits == 0) return; /* shift zero bits is a no-op */ /* ** If the shift is by whole bytes, then the shift operation can ** be performed very quickly. */ if (bits == UNITSIZE) { number += precision; digit carry = 0; while (precision--) { number--; digit temp = *number; *number = carry; carry = temp; } return; } /* ** If the number of bits to shift is less than one byte, then the ** shift operation is a relatively simple "ripple" effect through ** the MP number buffer. */ if (bits < UNITSIZE) { number += precision; digit carry = 0; digit bitmask = (1L << bits) - 1; int unbits = UNITSIZE - bits; while (precision--) { number--; digit temp = *number & bitmask; *number >>= bits; *number |= carry << unbits; carry = temp; } return; } /* ** General purpose slow right. */ int digits_to_shift = bits / UNITSIZE; int bits_to_shift = bits % UNITSIZE; int index; for (index = digits_to_shift; index < (precision-1); index++) { *number = (*(number + digits_to_shift) >> bits_to_shift) | (*(number + (digits_to_shift + 1)) << (UNITSIZE - bits_to_shift)); number++; } if (digits_to_shift < precision) { *number = (*(number + digits_to_shift) >> bits_to_shift); number++; } for (index= 0; index < min(digits_to_shift, precision); index++) { *number++ = 0; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Shift_Left_Bits -- Shifts the MP number left by the specified bit count. * * * * Use this routine to perform a left shift of the specified MP number. * * * * INPUT: number -- Pointer to the MP number to perform the shift operation on. * * * * bits -- The number of bits to shift the MP number leftward. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Shift_Left_Bits(digit * number, int bits, int precision) { assert(number != NULL); assert(bits >= 0); assert(precision > 0); if (bits == 0) return; /* shift zero bits is a no-op */ /* ** If the shift is by whole bytes, then the shift operation can ** be performed very quickly. */ if (bits == UNITSIZE) { digit carry = 0; while (precision--) { digit temp = *number; *number = carry; carry = temp; number++; } return; } /* ** If the number of bits to shift is less than one byte, then the ** shift operation is a relatively simple "ripple" effect through ** the MP number buffer. */ if (bits < UNITSIZE) { digit carry = 0; digit bitmask = ~(((digit)-1) >> bits); int unbits = UNITSIZE - bits; /* shift bits must be <= UNITSIZE */ while (precision--) { digit temp = *number & bitmask; *number = (*number << bits) | (carry >> unbits); carry = temp; number++; } return; } /* ** General purpose slow left; */ int digits_to_shift = bits / UNITSIZE; int bits_to_shift = bits % UNITSIZE; int index; number += precision-1; for (index = digits_to_shift; index < (precision-1); index++) { *number = (*(number - digits_to_shift) << bits_to_shift) | (*(number - (digits_to_shift + 1)) >> (UNITSIZE - bits_to_shift)); number--; } if (digits_to_shift < precision) { *number = (*(number - digits_to_shift) << bits_to_shift); number--; } for (index = 0; index < min(digits_to_shift, precision); index++) { *number-- = 0; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Rotate_Left -- Rotate specified MP number leftward. * * * * This routine will rotate the MP number to the left by one bit. The rotation passes bits * * through a "carry" bit position. The initial value of this "carry" bit is passed to the * * routine and the final value is returned as the result. * * * * INPUT: number -- Pointer to the MP number to perform the left rotate upon. * * * * carry -- The initial value of the "carry" bit. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number specified. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the final value of the carry bit. This is the the bit value of the * * upper most bit of the MP number prior to the rotate operation. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool XMP_Rotate_Left(digit * number, bool carry, int precision) { assert(number != NULL); assert(precision > 0); while (precision--) { bool temp = ((*number & UPPER_MOST_BIT) != 0); *number = (*number << 1); if (carry) *number = *number + 1; carry = temp; number++; } return carry; } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Not -- Perform bitwise NOT operation on MP number. * * * * Perform a bitwise NOT operation. * * * * INPUT: number -- Pointer to the MP number to operate on. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Not(digit * number, int precision) { assert(number != NULL); assert(precision > 0); for (int index = 0; index < precision; index++) { *number = ~(*number); number++; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Init -- Initialize an MP number to a starting value. * * * * This will initialize (assign) a number to an MP number. The initial value is limited * * to the precision allowed by a DIGIT type. * * * * INPUT: number -- Pointer to the MP number to initialize. * * * * value -- Initial integer value to assign to the MP number. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Init(digit * number, digit value, int precision) { assert(number != NULL); assert(precision > 0); memset(number, '\0', precision * sizeof(digit)); *number = value; } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Count_Bits -- Count the total number of bits (precision) in MP number. * * * * This routine will count the maximum number of bits used by this MP number. The result * * could be referred to as the "bit precision" of the MP number. * * * * INPUT: number -- Pointer to the MP number to examine. * * * * precision-- The (digit) precision of the MP number. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of significant bits in the MP number. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ unsigned XMP_Count_Bits(const digit * number, int precision) { assert(number != NULL); assert(precision > 0); int sub_precision = XMP_Significance(number, precision); if (!sub_precision) return(0); int total_bit_count = XMP_Digits_To_Bits(sub_precision); number += sub_precision-1; digit high_bit_mask = UPPER_MOST_BIT; while (!((*number) & high_bit_mask)) { high_bit_mask >>= 1; total_bit_count--; } return(total_bit_count); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Count_Bytes -- Counts the number of precision bytes in MP number. * * * * This routine will scan the MP number and determine the number of bytes needed to * * represent the MP number. Consider the result the "byte precision" of the number. * * * * INPUT: number -- Pointer to the MP number to examine. * * * * precision-- Precision of the MP number. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of bytes required to represent the precision of the number.* * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int XMP_Count_Bytes(const digit * number, int precision) { unsigned char * ptr = (unsigned char *)number; int count = 0; for (unsigned index = 0; index < precision*sizeof(digit); index++) { if (!*ptr) break; count++; ptr++; } return(count); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Move -- Assign one MP number to another. * * * * This will move one MP number over the top of another. * * * * INPUT: dest -- Destination MP number (will get clobbered). * * * * source -- Source MP number. * * * * precision-- Precision of both MP numbers. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Both MP numbers must have the same precision. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Move(digit * dest, digit const * source, int precision) { memcpy(dest, source, precision * sizeof(digit)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Compare -- Compare one MP number with another. * * * * This routine will compare two MP numbers. It will return a value indicating which MP * * number is greater or if they are equal. * * * * INPUT: left_number -- The left hand MP number. * * * * right_number-- The right hand MP number. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP numbers. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns -1 if the left_number is less than the right_number. * * Returns 1 if the left_number is greater than the right number. * * Returns 0 if both numbers are identical. * * * * WARNINGS: Both numbers must have the same precision. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int XMP_Compare(const digit * left_number, const digit * right_number, int precision) { left_number += precision-1; right_number += precision-1; do { if (*left_number < *right_number) return -1; if (*left_number > *right_number) return 1; left_number--; right_number--; } while (--precision); return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Add -- Add two MP numbers with a carry option. * * * * Use this routine to add one MP number to another. There is an optional "carry" value * * that (when true) will add an additional 1 to the result. * * * * INPUT: result -- Pointer to the MP buffer that will hold the result. This can be the * * same value as the left_number or right_number pointers. * * * * left_number -- The left hand MP number. * * * * right_number-- The right hand MP number. * * * * carry -- Optional carry flag (typically this will be false). * * * * precision -- The precision of the numbers involved. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the carry flag after the addition. If the value is true then an * * overflow occurred. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool XMP_Add(digit * result, const digit * left_number, const digit * right_number, bool carry, int precision) { while (precision--) { digit term = *left_number + *right_number; digit final = term + carry; carry = (term < *left_number || (carry && final == 0)); right_number++; left_number++; *result++ = final; } return(carry); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Add_Int -- Add an integer to an MP number (with carry). * * * * This routine will add an integer number to an MP number. There is an optional carry * * parameter. If the carry flag is true, and additional 1 will be added to the result. * * This routine is much faster than adding two MP numbers together. * * * * INPUT: result -- Pointer to the result MP number. This pointer can be the same as * * the left_number parameter. * * * * left_number -- Pointer to the left hand MP number. * * * * right_number-- The integer number to add to the left hand number. * * * * carry -- Input carry flag. If this is true, then an additional one will be * * added to the result. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP numbers. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the result carry flag. A true value means the addition overflowed. * * * * WARNINGS: All MP numbers must share the same precision. Negative numbers are not * * supported. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool XMP_Add_Int(digit * result, const digit * left_number, digit right_number, bool carry, int precision) { while (precision--) { digit term = *left_number + right_number; digit final = term + carry; carry = (term < *left_number || (carry && final == 0)); right_number = 0; left_number++; *result++ = final; } return(carry); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Sub -- Subtract one MP number from another (with borrow). * * * * This routine will subtract one MP number from another. There is an optional borrow * * flag that can be specified. * * * * INPUT: result -- Pointer to the MP number that will hold the result. This pointer * * can be the same as the left_number or right_number parameters. * * * * left_number -- The left hand number (value will be subtracted from this). * * * * right_number-- The right hand number (the value to subtract from the left number) * * * * borrow -- The optional borrow flag. If this flag is true, the an extra one * * will be subtracted from the result. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP numbers involved. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the borrow result flag. If the value is true, then an underflow * * occurred during subtraction. * * * * WARNINGS: All MP numbers must share the same precision. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool XMP_Sub(digit * result, const digit * left_number, const digit * right_number, bool borrow, int precision) { const unsigned short * left_number_ptr = (const unsigned short *)left_number; const unsigned short * right_number_ptr = (const unsigned short *)right_number; unsigned short * result_ptr = (unsigned short *)result; precision *= 2; while (precision--) { digit x = (digit) *left_number_ptr - (digit) *right_number_ptr - (digit) borrow; right_number_ptr++; left_number_ptr++; *result_ptr++ = (unsigned short)x; borrow = (((1L << 16) & x) != 0L); } return (borrow); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Sub_Int -- Subtract an integer from an MP number (with borrow). * * * * This will subtract an integer from the specified MP number. There is an optional borrow * * flag available. * * * * INPUT: result -- Pointer to the MP buffer that will hold the result. * * * * left_number -- Pointer to the MP number that will be subtracted FROM. * * * * right_number-- The integer to subtract from the left hand number. * * * * borrow -- The optional borrow flag. If this value is true, then an extra one * * will be subtracted from the result. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP numbers involved. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the borrow flag of the result. If this value is true, then an * * underflow occurred during subtraction. * * * * WARNINGS: The precision must be identical between the MP numbers involved. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool XMP_Sub_Int(digit * result, const digit * left_number, unsigned short right_number, bool borrow, int precision) { const unsigned short * left_number_ptr = (const unsigned short *)left_number; unsigned short * result_ptr = (unsigned short *)result; precision *= 2; while (precision--) { digit x = (digit) *left_number_ptr - right_number - borrow; left_number_ptr++; *result_ptr++ = (unsigned short)x; borrow = (((1L << 16) & x) != 0L); right_number = 0; } return (borrow); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Unsigned_Mult -- Multiply two unsigned MP numbers together. * * * * This routine will multiply two MP numbers together. The result will have the sum of the * * significance of the two. * * * * INPUT: prod -- Pointer to the product MP buffer that will hold the result. * * * * multiplicand-- Pointer to the multiplicand MP number. * * * * multiplier -- Pointer to the multiplier MP number. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP numbers. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Be sure the product will fit within the precision of the result. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int XMP_Unsigned_Mult(digit * prod, const digit * multiplicand, const digit * multiplier, int precision) { XMP_Init(prod, 0, precision); /* ** Multiplying by zero is always a zero product. */ if (XMP_Test_Eq_Int(multiplicand, 0, precision) || XMP_Test_Eq_Int(multiplier, 0, precision)) { return 0; } int total_bit_count = XMP_Count_Bits(multiplier, precision); digit high_bit_mask = XMP_Bits_To_Mask(total_bit_count); int sub_precision = XMP_Bits_To_Digits(total_bit_count); if (!sub_precision) return(0); multiplier += sub_precision; while (total_bit_count--) { XMP_Shift_Left_Bits(prod, 1, precision); if ((*(multiplier-1)) & high_bit_mask) { XMP_Add(prod, prod, multiplicand, 0, precision); } high_bit_mask >>= 1; if (!high_bit_mask) { high_bit_mask = UPPER_MOST_BIT; multiplier--; } } return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Unsigned_Mult_Int -- Multiply an MP number by a simple integer. * * * * This is a very fast multiply since the multiplier is just an integer integral. * * * * INPUT: prod -- Pointer to the product MP number. * * * * multiplicand-- Pointer to the MP number that is the multiplicand. * * * * multiplier -- The integral integer that is the multiplier. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP numbers. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: The multiplier must fit in a signed integer (although it isn't a signed value). * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int XMP_Unsigned_Mult_Int(digit * prod, const digit * multiplicand, short multiplier, int precision) { const unsigned short * m2 = (const unsigned short *)multiplicand; unsigned short * pr = (unsigned short *)prod; unsigned long carry = 0; for (int i = 0; i < precision*2; ++i) { unsigned long p = (((unsigned long)multiplier) * *m2) + carry;; *pr = (unsigned short) p; carry = p >> 16; m2++; pr++; } /* Add carry to the next higher word of product / dividend */ // *pr += (unsigned short)carry; return(0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Signed_Mult_Int -- Multiply an MP number by a signed simple integer. * * * * This will multiply the specified integer with the MP number. It is a much faster * * multiply than when multiplying two MP numbers. * * * * INPUT: prod -- Pointer to the product MP number. * * * * multiplicand-- Pointer to the MP number that serves as the multiplicand. * * * * multiplier -- The simple integral integer used as the multiplier. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP numbers involved. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: The multiplier must fist within a signed short integer. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int XMP_Signed_Mult_Int(digit * prod, const digit * multiplicand, signed short multiplier, int precision) { if (XMP_Is_Negative(multiplicand, precision)) { digit abs_multiplicand[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Move(abs_multiplicand, multiplicand, precision); XMP_Neg(abs_multiplicand, precision); if (multiplier < 0) { multiplier = (signed short)-multiplier; XMP_Unsigned_Mult_Int(prod, abs_multiplicand, multiplier, precision); } else { XMP_Unsigned_Mult_Int(prod, abs_multiplicand, multiplier, precision); XMP_Neg(prod, precision); } } else { if (multiplier < 0) { multiplier = (signed short)-multiplier; XMP_Unsigned_Mult_Int(prod, multiplicand, multiplier, precision); XMP_Neg(prod, precision); } else { XMP_Unsigned_Mult_Int(prod, multiplicand, multiplier, precision); } } return(0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Signed_Mult -- A signed multiply between two MP numbers. * * * * This routine will perform a multiply between two signed MP numbers. * * * * INPUT: prod -- Pointer to the product MP number buffer. * * * * multiplicand-- Pointer to the multiplicand MP number. * * * * multiplier -- Pointer to the multiplier MP number. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP numbers involved. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: This is not a very fast routine. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int XMP_Signed_Mult(digit * prod, const digit * multiplicand, const digit * multiplier, int precision) { if (XMP_Is_Negative(multiplicand, precision)) { digit abs_multiplicand[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Move(abs_multiplicand, multiplicand, precision); XMP_Neg(abs_multiplicand, precision); if (XMP_Is_Negative(multiplier, precision)) { digit abs_multiplier[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Move(abs_multiplier, multiplier, precision); XMP_Neg(abs_multiplier, precision); XMP_Unsigned_Mult(prod, abs_multiplicand, abs_multiplier, precision); } else { XMP_Unsigned_Mult(prod, abs_multiplicand, multiplier, precision); XMP_Neg(prod, precision); } } else { if (XMP_Is_Negative(multiplier, precision)) { digit abs_multiplier[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Move(abs_multiplier, multiplier, precision); XMP_Neg(abs_multiplier, precision); XMP_Unsigned_Mult(prod, multiplicand, abs_multiplier, precision); XMP_Neg(prod, precision); } else { XMP_Unsigned_Mult(prod, multiplicand, multiplier, precision); } } return(0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Unsigned_Div_Int -- Perform a short integer divide into an MP number. * * * * This routine performs a fast divide of the specified MP dividend by a simple * * short integer. The division is an UNSIGNED division however. * * * * INPUT: quotient -- Pointer to the MP number buffer where the quotient will go. * * * * dividend -- Pointer to the MP number that serves as the dividend. * * * * divisor -- The simple signed short integer that serves as the divisor. * * * * precision -- The precision that is used by the MP numbers involved. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the remainder of the division. * * * * WARNINGS: This is an UNSIGNED divide even. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ unsigned short XMP_Unsigned_Div_Int(digit * quotient, digit const * dividend, unsigned short divisor, int precision) { if (!divisor) return 0; /* zero divisor means divide error */ unsigned short remainder = 0; XMP_Init(quotient, 0, precision); int total_bit_count = XMP_Count_Bits(dividend, precision); int digit_precision = XMP_Bits_To_Digits(total_bit_count); digit const * dividend_ptr = dividend + (digit_precision-1); if (!digit_precision) return(0); digit high_bit_mask = XMP_Bits_To_Mask(total_bit_count); digit * quotient_ptr = quotient + (digit_precision-1); while (total_bit_count--) { remainder <<= 1; if ((*dividend_ptr) & high_bit_mask) remainder++; if (remainder >= divisor) { remainder -= divisor; *quotient_ptr |= high_bit_mask; } high_bit_mask >>= 1; if (!high_bit_mask) { high_bit_mask = UPPER_MOST_BIT; --dividend_ptr; --quotient_ptr; } } return(remainder); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Unsigned_Div -- Unsigned divide of one MP number into another. * * * * This will perform the (dog slow) divide of one MP number into another. Because of the * * slowness of this routine, both the quotient and the remainder are available as a * * result of the operation. * * * * INPUT: remainder -- Pointer to the MP buffer that will hold the remainder of the divide.* * * * quotient -- Pointer to the MP buffer that will hold the quotient of the divide. * * * * dividend -- The MP dividend (numerator) number. * * * * divisor -- The MP divisor (denominator) number. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP numbers involved. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: This is very slow. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int XMP_Unsigned_Div(digit * remainder, digit * quotient, digit const * dividend, digit const * divisor, int precision) { // check for divide by zero. if (XMP_Test_Eq_Int(divisor, 0, precision)) return(-1); XMP_Init(remainder, 0, precision); XMP_Init(quotient, 0, precision); int total_bit_count = XMP_Count_Bits(dividend, precision); int digit_precision = XMP_Bits_To_Digits(total_bit_count); if (!digit_precision) return(0); digit const * dividend_ptr = dividend + (digit_precision-1); digit * quotient_ptr = quotient + (digit_precision-1); digit high_bit_mask = XMP_Bits_To_Mask(total_bit_count); while (total_bit_count--) { XMP_Shift_Left_Bits(remainder, 1, precision); if (((*dividend_ptr) & high_bit_mask) != 0) { XMP_Inc(remainder, precision); } if (XMP_Compare(remainder, divisor, precision) >= 0) { XMP_Sub(remainder, remainder, divisor, 0, precision); *quotient_ptr |= high_bit_mask; } high_bit_mask >>= 1; if (!high_bit_mask) { high_bit_mask = UPPER_MOST_BIT; dividend_ptr--; quotient_ptr--; } } return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Signed_Div -- Signed divide of one MP number into another. * * * * This will perform a signed divide (very very slow) of one MP number into another. * * Because of the slow nature of this routine, both the quotient and the remainder are * * available as results. * * * * INPUT: remainder -- Pointer to the buffer that will hold the remainder of the divide. * * * * quotient -- Pointer to the buffer that will hold the quotient of the divide. * * * * dividend -- The dividend (numerator) MP number. * * * * divisor -- The divisor (denominator) MP number. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP numbers involved. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: This is very very slow. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Signed_Div(digit * remainder, digit * quotient, digit const * dividend, digit const * divisor, int precision) { bool negative = false; digit scratch_dividend[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Move(scratch_dividend, dividend, precision); digit scratch_divisor[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Move(scratch_divisor, divisor, precision); if (XMP_Is_Negative(scratch_dividend, precision)) { XMP_Neg(scratch_dividend, precision); negative = !negative; } if (XMP_Is_Negative(scratch_divisor, precision)) { XMP_Neg(scratch_divisor, precision); negative = !negative; } XMP_Unsigned_Div(remainder, quotient, scratch_dividend, scratch_divisor, precision); if (negative) { XMP_Neg(quotient, precision); if (!XMP_Test_Eq_Int(remainder, 0, precision)) { XMP_Dec(quotient, precision); XMP_Neg(remainder, precision); XMP_Add(remainder, remainder, scratch_divisor, 0, precision); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Inverse_A_Mod_B -- Inverts and performs modulus on an MP number. * * * * This is a utility routine that will perform an inverse on the MP number and then * * perform a modulus of that number by another MP number. There are some algorithms that * * require this process. * * * * INPUT: result -- Pointer to the MP buffer that will hold the result. * * * * number -- The MP number that will be inverted then modulo-ized. * * * * modulus -- The MP number to modulus the first number by. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP numbers involved. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Inverse_A_Mod_B(digit * result, digit const * number, digit const * modulus, int precision) { digit g[3][MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Move(g[0], modulus, precision); XMP_Move(g[1], number, precision); digit v[3][MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Init(v[0], 0, precision); XMP_Init(v[1], 1, precision); digit y[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; int i; for (i = 1; !XMP_Test_Eq_Int(g[i%3], 0, precision); i++) { XMP_Unsigned_Div(g[(i+1)%3], y, g[(i-1)%3], g[i%3], precision); XMP_Unsigned_Mult(result, v[i%3], y, precision); XMP_Sub(v[(i+1)%3], v[(i-1)%3], result, 0, precision); } if (XMP_Is_Negative(v[(i-1)%3], precision)) { XMP_Add(v[(i-1)%3], v[(i-1)%3], modulus, 0, precision); } XMP_Move(result, v[(i-1)%3], precision); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Reciprocal -- Compute the reciprocal (inverse) of the MP number. * * * * Use this routine to determine the inverse of the specified MP number. The inverse is * * defined as 1/number. * * * * INPUT: result -- Pointer to the result MP number buffer. * * * * number -- The number to be inverted. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int XMP_Reciprocal(digit * quotient, const digit * divisor, int precision) { digit remainder[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; if (XMP_Test_Eq_Int(divisor, 0, precision)) return -1; /* zero divisor means divide error */ XMP_Init(remainder, 0, precision); XMP_Init(quotient, 0, precision); /* normalize and compute number of bits in quotient first */ unsigned total_bit_count = XMP_Count_Bits(divisor, precision); digit high_bit_mask = XMP_Bits_To_Mask(total_bit_count + 1); /* bitmask within a single digit */ int sub_precision = XMP_Bits_To_Digits(total_bit_count + 1); XMP_Set_Bit(remainder, total_bit_count - 1); /* rescale quotient to precision of divisor bits */ quotient += sub_precision-1; while (total_bit_count--) { XMP_Shift_Left_Bits(remainder, 1, precision); if (XMP_Compare(remainder, divisor, precision) >= 0) { XMP_Sub(remainder, remainder, divisor, 0, precision); *quotient |= high_bit_mask; } high_bit_mask >>= 1; if (!high_bit_mask) { high_bit_mask = UPPER_MOST_BIT; quotient--; } } XMP_Init(remainder, 0, precision); return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Decode_ASCII -- Convert ASCII into an MP number. * * * * This routine will convert a supplied ASCII string into an MP number. * * * * INPUT: str -- Pointer to the ASCII string that will be converted. * * * * mpn -- Pointer to the MP number buffer that will be initialized. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP number. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Decode_ASCII(char const * str, digit * mpn, int precision) { /* ** Initialize the multiprecision number to zero. From this point ** onward, this object can be manipulated as a regular number. ** This is, in fact, what is done as the ascii string is parsed ** into a working number. */ XMP_Init(mpn, 0, precision); /* ** No string or zero length is considered '0'. */ if (!str) return; int i = strlen(str); if (i == 0) return; unsigned short radix; /* base 2-16 */ switch (toupper(str[i-1])) { /* classify radix select suffix character */ case '.': radix = 10; break; case 'H': radix = 16; break; case 'O': radix = 8; break; case 'B': /* caution! 'b' is a hex digit! */ radix = 2; break; default: radix = 10; break; } bool minus = (*str == '-'); if (minus) str++; digit c; while ((c = (unsigned char)*str++) != 0) { if (c == ',') continue; /* allow commas in number */ /* ** If not a hexadecimal (highest base) digit then it is ** clearly the end of the processable string. Bail out ** of the scan loop. */ if (!isxdigit((char)c)) break; /* ** Convert the character into an integer number 0 through 15. */ if (isdigit((char)c)) { c -= '0'; } else { c = (unsigned char)(toupper((char)c) - 'A') + 10; } /* ** If the integer digit is greater than the radix, then we ** know that further processing should stop. This is the ** end of the number string. */ if (c >= radix) break; /* scan terminated by any non-digit */ XMP_Unsigned_Mult_Int(mpn, mpn, radix, precision); XMP_Add_Int(mpn, mpn, c, 0, precision); } if (minus) { XMP_Neg(mpn, precision); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Hybrid_Mul -- Special hybrid short multiply (with carry). * * * * Multiply the single-word multiplier times the multiprecision integer * * in multiplicand, accumulating result in prod. The resulting * * multiprecision prod will be 1 word longer than the multiplicand. * * multiplicand is double precision words long. We add into prod, so caller * * should zero it out first. For best results, this time-critical * * function should be implemented in assembly. * * NOTE: Unlike other functions in the multiprecision arithmetic * * library, both multiplicand and prod are pointing at the LSB, * * regardless of byte order of the machine. On an 80x86, this makes * * no difference. But if this assembly function is implemented * * on a 680x0, it becomes important. * * * * Note that this has been modified from the previous version to allow * * better support for Smith's modmult: * * The final carry bit is added to the existing product * * array, rather than simply stored. * * * * INPUT: prod -- Pointer to the product MP number buffer. * * * * multiplicand -- Pointer to the multiplicand MP number. * * * * multiplier -- The short integer used as the multiplier. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP number used. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: The carry (if any) is added into the integer one beyond the end of the * * product buffer. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Hybrid_Mul(unsigned short * prod, unsigned short * multiplicand, unsigned short multiplier, int precision) { unsigned long carry = 0; for (int i = 0; i < precision; ++i) { unsigned long p = (unsigned long)multiplier * *multiplicand++; p += *prod + carry; *prod++ = (unsigned short) p; carry = p >> 16; } /* Add carry to the next higher word of product / dividend */ *prod += (unsigned short) carry; } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Double_Mul -- Double precision MP multiply. * * * * This will perform a double precision multiply of MP numbers. This means that the product * * will be twice the precision of the components. * * * * INPUT: prod -- Pointer to the result buffer. This buffer must be able to hold * * double the precision specified. * * * * multiplicand-- Pointer to the multiplicand MP number. * * * * multiplier -- Pointer to the multiplier number. * * * * precision -- The precision of the two component MP numbers. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Be sure the product buffer can hold a double precision number. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Double_Mul(digit * prod, const digit * multiplicand, const digit * multiplier, int precision) { /* ** Clear out the double precision product buffer. */ XMP_Init(prod, 0, precision*2); const unsigned short * multiplier_ptr = (const unsigned short *) multiplier; unsigned short * product_ptr = (unsigned short *) prod; // Multiply multiplicand by each word in multiplier, accumulating prod. for (int i = 0; i < precision*2; ++i) { XMP_Hybrid_Mul(product_ptr++, (unsigned short *)multiplicand, *multiplier_ptr++, precision*2); } } static int _modulus_shift; // number of bits for recip scaling static unsigned short _reciprical_high_digit; // MSdigit of scaled recip static unsigned short _reciprical_low_digit; // LSdigit of scaled recip static int _modulus_sub_precision; // length of modulus in MULTUNITs static int _modulus_bit_count; // number of modulus significant bits static digit _scratch_modulus[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; // modulus // The double precision modulus staging buffer. static digit _double_staging_number[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION * 2 + 2]; // most significant digits of modulus. static digit _mod_quotient[4]; static digit _mod_divisor[4]; /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Prepare_Modulus -- Prepare globals for modulus operation. * * * * Calculate the reciprocal of modulus with a precision of two MULTUNITs. * * Assumes that precision has already been adjusted to the * * size of the modulus, plus SLOP_BITS. * * * * Note: This routine was designed to work with large values and * * doesn't have the necessary testing or handling to work with a * * modulus having less than three significant digits. For such cases, * * the separate multiply and modulus routines can be used. * * * * INPUT: modulus -- Pointer to the modulus number. * * * * precision-- The precision of the modulus number. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int XMP_Prepare_Modulus(const digit * n_modulus, int precision) { XMP_Move(_scratch_modulus, n_modulus, precision); _modulus_bit_count = XMP_Count_Bits(_scratch_modulus, precision); _modulus_sub_precision = (_modulus_bit_count + 16 - 1) / 16; /* ** Keep 2*16 bits in _mod_divisor. ** This will (normally) result in a reciprocal of 2*16+1 bits. */ int sub_precision = XMP_Significance(_scratch_modulus, precision); // significant digits in modulus XMP_Move(_mod_divisor, &_scratch_modulus[sub_precision-2], 2); _modulus_shift = XMP_Count_Bits(_mod_divisor, 2) - 2 * 16; XMP_Shift_Right_Bits(_mod_divisor, _modulus_shift, 2); XMP_Reciprocal(_mod_quotient, _mod_divisor, 2); XMP_Shift_Right_Bits(_mod_quotient, 1, 2); /* Reduce to: 0 < _modulus_shift <= 16 */ _modulus_shift = ((_modulus_shift + (16 - 1)) % 16) + 1; /* round up */ XMP_Inc(_mod_quotient, 2); if (XMP_Count_Bits(_mod_quotient, 2) > 2 * 16) { XMP_Shift_Right_Bits(_mod_quotient, 1, 2); _modulus_shift--; /* now 0 <= _modulus_shift <= 16 */ } unsigned short * mpm = (unsigned short *) _mod_quotient; _reciprical_low_digit = *mpm++; _reciprical_high_digit = *mpm; return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Mod_Mult -- Perform a multiply - modulus operation. * * * * This routine will combine a multiply and a modulus operation. This takes advantage of * * a tremendous speed advantage possible if these two processes are combined rather than * * being performed separately. * * * * INPUT: prod -- Pointer to the MP buffer that will hold the result. * * * * multiplicand-- The number to multiply. * * * * multiplier -- The number to multiply by. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP numbers involved. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: The modulus must already have been prepared by the routine XMP_Prepare_Modulus. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int XMP_Mod_Mult(digit * prod, const digit * multiplicand, const digit * multiplier, int precision) { XMP_Double_Mul(_double_staging_number, multiplicand, multiplier, precision); int double_precision = precision * 2 + 1; _double_staging_number[double_precision - 1] = 0; /* leading 0 digit */ /* ** We now start working with MULTUNITs. ** Determine the most significant MULTUNIT of the product so we don't ** have to process leading zeros in our divide loop. */ int dmi = XMP_Significance(_double_staging_number, double_precision) * 2; // number of significant MULTUNITs in product if (dmi >= _modulus_sub_precision) { /* Make dividend negative. This allows the use of mp_single_mul to ** "subtract" the product of the modulus and the trial divisor ** by actually adding to a negative dividend. ** The one's complement of the dividend is used, since it causes ** a zero value to be represented as all ones. This facilitates ** testing the result for possible overflow, since a sign bit ** indicates that no adjustment is necessary, and we should not ** attempt to adjust if the result of the addition is zero. */ XMP_Inc(_double_staging_number, double_precision); XMP_Neg(_double_staging_number, double_precision); int nqd = dmi + 1 - _modulus_sub_precision; // number of quotient digits remaining to be generated /* Set msb, lsb, and normal ptrs of dividend */ unsigned short * dmph = ((unsigned short *)_double_staging_number) + dmi + 1; // points to one higher than precision would indicate unsigned short * dmpl = dmph - _modulus_sub_precision; /* ** Divide loop. ** Each iteration computes the next quotient MULTUNIT digit, then ** multiplies the divisor (modulus) by the quotient digit and adds ** it to the one's complement of the dividend (equivalent to ** subtracting). If the product was greater than the remaining dividend, ** we get a non-negative result, in which case we subtract off the ** modulus to get the proper negative remainder. */ for (; nqd; nqd--) { --dmph; --dmpl; unsigned short q = mp_quo_digit(dmph); // trial quotient digit if (q > 0) { XMP_Hybrid_Mul(dmpl, (unsigned short *)_scratch_modulus, q, precision*2); /* Perform correction if q too large. ** This rarely occurs. */ if (!(*dmph & SEMI_UPPER_MOST_BIT)) { unsigned short * dmp = dmpl; if (XMP_Sub((unsigned long *)dmp, (unsigned long *)dmp, _scratch_modulus, false, precision)) { (*dmph)--; } } } } /* d contains the one's complement of the remainder. */ XMP_Neg(_double_staging_number, precision); XMP_Dec(_double_staging_number, precision); } XMP_Move(prod, _double_staging_number, precision); return (0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Mod_Mult_Clear -- Remove temporary values from memory. * * * * Smith's mp_modmult function leaves some internal arrays in memory, * * so we have to call modmult_burn() at the end of mp_exponent_mod. * * This is so that no cryptographically sensitive data is left in memory * * after the program exits. * * * * INPUT: precision -- The precision of the numbers involved. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Mod_Mult_Clear(int precision) { XMP_Init(_scratch_modulus, 0, precision); XMP_Init(_double_staging_number, 0, precision); XMP_Init(_mod_quotient, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(_mod_quotient)); XMP_Init(_mod_divisor, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(_mod_divisor)); _modulus_shift = _modulus_bit_count = 0; _reciprical_high_digit = _reciprical_low_digit = 0; _modulus_sub_precision = /*mutemp =*/ 0; } /* ** The function mp_quo_digit is the heart of Smith's modulo reduction, ** which uses a form of long division. It computes a trial quotient ** "digit" (MULTUNIT-sized digit) by multiplying the three most ** significant MULTUNITs of the dividend by the two most significant ** MULTUNITs of the reciprocal of the modulus. Note that this function ** requires that 16 * 2 <= sizeof(unsigned long). ** ** An important part of this technique is that the quotient never be ** too small, although it may occasionally be too large. This was ** done to eliminate the need to check and correct for a remainder ** exceeding the divisor. It is easier to check for a negative ** remainder. The following technique rarely needs correction for ** MULTUNITs of at least 16 bits. ** ** The following routine has two implementations: ** ** Parameter: dividend - points to the most significant MULTUNIT ** of the dividend. Note that dividend actually contains the ** one's complement of the actual dividend value (see comments for ** XMP_Mod_Mult). ** ** Return: the trial quotient digit resulting from dividing the first ** three MULTUNITs at dividend by the upper two MULTUNITs of the ** modulus. */ unsigned short mp_quo_digit(unsigned short * dividend) { unsigned long q, q0, q1, q2; /* * Compute the least significant product group. * The last terms of q1 and q2 perform upward rounding, which is * needed to guarantee that the result not be too small. */ q1 = (dividend[-2] ^ SEMI_MASK) * (unsigned long) _reciprical_high_digit + _reciprical_high_digit; q2 = (dividend[-1] ^ SEMI_MASK) * (unsigned long) _reciprical_low_digit + (1L << 16); q0 = (q1 >> 1) + (q2 >> 1) + 1; /* Compute the middle significant product group. */ q1 = (dividend[-1] ^ SEMI_MASK) * (unsigned long) _reciprical_high_digit; q2 = (dividend[0] ^ SEMI_MASK) * (unsigned long) _reciprical_low_digit; q = (q0 >> 16) + (q1 >> 1) + (q2 >> 1) + 1; /* Compute the most significant term and add in the others */ q = (q >> (16 - 2)) + (((dividend[0] ^ SEMI_MASK) * (unsigned long) _reciprical_high_digit) << 1); q >>= _modulus_shift; /* Prevent overflow and then wipe out the intermediate results. */ return (unsigned short) min(q, (unsigned long)(1L << 16) - 1); } /* ** Russian peasant combined exponentiation/modulo algorithm. ** Calls modmult instead of mult. ** Computes: expout = (expin**exponent) mod modulus ** WARNING: All the arguments must be less than the modulus! */ int xmp_exponent_mod(digit * expout, const digit * expin, const digit * exponent_ptr, const digit * modulus, int precision) { digit product[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Init(expout, 1, precision); if (XMP_Test_Eq_Int(exponent_ptr, 0, precision)) { if (XMP_Test_Eq_Int(expin, 0, precision)) { return -1; /* 0 to the 0th power means return error */ } return 0; /* otherwise, zero exponent means expout is 1 */ } if (XMP_Test_Eq_Int(modulus, 0, precision)) { return -2; /* zero modulus means error */ } if (XMP_Compare(expin, modulus, precision) >= 0) { return -3; /* if expin >= modulus, return error */ } if (XMP_Compare(exponent_ptr, modulus, precision) >= 0) { return -4; /* if exponent >= modulus, return error */ } /* set smallest optimum precision for this modulus */ int limited_precision = XMP_Significance(modulus, precision); if (XMP_Prepare_Modulus(modulus, limited_precision)) { return -5; /* unstageable modulus (STEWART algorithm) */ } /* normalize and compute number of bits in exponent first */ // int exp_precision = XMP_Significance(exponent_ptr, limited_precision); // if (!exp_precision) return(0); // int bits = XMP_Digits_To_Bits(exp_precision); // exponent_ptr += (exp_precision-1); // digit high_bit_mask = UPPER_MOST_BIT; // while (! ((*exponent_ptr) & high_bit_mask)) { // high_bit_mask >>= 1; // bits--; // } int total_bit_count = XMP_Count_Bits(exponent_ptr, limited_precision); int sub_precision = XMP_Bits_To_Digits(total_bit_count); if (!sub_precision) return(0); digit high_bit_mask = XMP_Bits_To_Mask(total_bit_count); exponent_ptr += (sub_precision-1); /* We can "optimize out" the first modsquare and modmult: */ total_bit_count--; /* We know for sure at this point that bits>0 */ XMP_Move(expout, expin, limited_precision); high_bit_mask >>= 1; if (!high_bit_mask) { high_bit_mask = UPPER_MOST_BIT; exponent_ptr--; } while (total_bit_count--) { XMP_Mod_Mult(product, expout, expout, limited_precision); if (((*exponent_ptr) & high_bit_mask)) { XMP_Mod_Mult(expout, product, expin, limited_precision); } else { XMP_Move(expout, product, limited_precision); } high_bit_mask >>= 1; if (!high_bit_mask) { high_bit_mask = UPPER_MOST_BIT; exponent_ptr--; } } XMP_Init(product, 0, limited_precision); XMP_Mod_Mult_Clear(limited_precision); /* ask mp_modmult to also burn its own evidence */ return 0; } /*********************************************************************************************** * memrev -- Reverse the byte order of the buffer specified. * * * * This routine will reverse the byte order in the buffer specified. * * * * INPUT: buffer -- Pointer to the buffer that will be reversed. * * * * length -- The length of the buffer. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void memrev(char * buffer, size_t length) { char * r2 = &(buffer[length - 1]); while (buffer < r2) { char b = *buffer; *buffer++ = *r2; *r2-- = b; } } int _USERENTRY pfunc(const void * pkey, const void * base) { if (*(unsigned short *)pkey < *(unsigned short *)base) return(-1); if (*(unsigned short *)pkey > *(unsigned short *)base) return(1); return(0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Is_Small_Prime -- Determine if MP number is a small prime. * * * * This routine will compare the MP number against all known small prime numbers. It will * * return true if a match was found. * * * * INPUT: candidate -- Pointer to MP number that is to be tested. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP number specified. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the MP number a member of the small prime community? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool XMP_Is_Small_Prime(const digit * candidate, int precision) { /* ** If the number is too large for comparison to the known small primes table, then ** bail immediately. */ if (XMP_Significance(candidate, precision) > 1) return(false); if (*candidate > primeTable[ARRAY_SIZE(primeTable)-1]) return false; unsigned long * ptr = (unsigned long *)bsearch(&candidate, &primeTable[0], ARRAY_SIZE(primeTable), sizeof(primeTable[0]), pfunc); return(ptr != NULL); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Small_Divisors_Test -- Perform the small divisors test on an MP number. * * * * This test for primality will divide an MP number by the set of small primes. If any of * * these numbers divides evenly into the candidate number, then it is known that the * * candidate is NOT prime. * * * * INPUT: candidate -- Pointer to the MP number that is to be tested. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP number/ * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Did the MP number pass the small divisors test? * * * * WARNINGS: If the MP number passes, it doesn't mean that it is prime, just that is hasn't * * yet been proven to be not prime. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool XMP_Small_Divisors_Test(const digit * candidate, int precision) { digit quotient[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(primeTable); i++) { if (XMP_Unsigned_Div_Int(quotient, candidate, primeTable[i], precision) == 0) return(false); } return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Fermat_Test -- Performs Fermat's Little Theorem on an MP number. * * * * This is a more expensive but thorough test for primality. The aggressiveness of this * * test can be controlled by the number of rounds specified. Four rounds is usually * * sufficient. * * * * INPUT: candidate -- Pointer to the candidate MP number that is to be tested. * * * * rounds -- The number of rounds to test the MP number (keep it small). * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP number. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the number not proven to be not prime. A FALSE means that it is not * * prime. A TRUE means that it might be prime. * * * * WARNINGS: This takes a bit of time. The time it takes is directly controlled by the * * number of rounds specified. Keep the number of rounds as small as possible. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool XMP_Fermat_Test(const digit * candidate_prime, unsigned rounds, int precision) { assert(rounds < ARRAY_SIZE(primeTable)); digit term[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Move(term, candidate_prime, precision); XMP_Dec(term, precision); for (unsigned i = 0; i < rounds; i++) { // if ((x**(p-1)) mod p) != 1, then p is not prime digit result[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; digit small_prime[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Init(small_prime, primeTable[i], precision); xmp_exponent_mod(result, small_prime, term, candidate_prime, precision); if (!XMP_Test_Eq_Int(result, 1, precision)) return(false); } return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Rabin_Miller_Test -- Performs the Rabin Miller test for primality. * * * * This test for primality is even more expensive the Fermat's Little Theorem. It doesn't * * prove that a number is prime, but it can prove that it is not prime. * * * * INPUT: rng -- Reference to to a random number generator. * * * * candidate-- Pointer to the candidate MP number that is to be tested. * * * * rounds -- The number of test rounds to perform. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number specified. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the number not proven to be not prime? A FALSE means that the number is * * not prime. A TRUE means that it might be. * * * * WARNINGS: This routine takes a long time. Use as few rounds as possible. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool XMP_Rabin_Miller_Test(Straw & rng, digit const * w, int rounds, int precision) { digit wminus1[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Sub_Int(wminus1, w, 1, 0, precision); unsigned maxbitprecision = precision * sizeof(digit) * 8; unsigned a; for (a = 0; a < maxbitprecision; a++) { if (XMP_Test_Bit(wminus1, a)) { break; } } digit m[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Move(m, wminus1, precision); XMP_Shift_Right_Bits(wminus1, a, precision); for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++) { digit b[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; digit temp[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Init(temp, 2, precision); XMP_Randomize(b, rng, temp, wminus1, precision); digit z[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; xmp_exponent_mod(z, b, m, w, precision); if (XMP_Test_Eq_Int(z, 1, precision) || XMP_Compare(z, wminus1, precision) == 0) { continue; // passes this round } int j; for (j = 1; j < a; j++) { digit t2[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; xmp_exponent_mod(t2, z, temp, w, precision); if (XMP_Compare(t2, wminus1, precision) == 0) { break; // passed this round } if (XMP_Test_Eq_Int(z, 1, precision)) { return false; } } if (j == a) { return false; } } return true; } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Randomize -- Generate a random MP number. * * * * This routine will generate a random MP number with the number of bits precision * * specified. This is the starting point for generating large random prime numbers. It is * * very important that the random number generated is truly random. * * * * INPUT: result -- Pointer to the buffer that will hold the MP number. * * * * rng -- Reference to a random number generator. * * * * total_bits-- The number of bits precision that the MP number must have. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number to be generated (maximum) * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Randomize(digit * result, Straw & rng, int total_bits, int precision) { assert(XMP_Bits_To_Digits(total_bits) <= MAX_UNIT_PRECISION); total_bits = min(total_bits, precision * 32); unsigned nbytes = total_bits/8 + 1; XMP_Init(result, 0, precision); rng.Get(result, nbytes); ((unsigned char *)result)[nbytes-1] &= (unsigned char)(~((~0) << (total_bits % 8))); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Randomize -- Generate a random MP number between the boundaries specified. * * * * This routine will generate a random MP number but it will be bounded by the minimum * * and maximum MP numbers specified. * * * * INPUT: result -- Pointer to the MP buffer that will hold the result. * * * * rng -- Reference to a random number generator to use. * * * * minval -- Minimum value allowed. * * * * maxval -- Maximum value allowed. * * * * precision -- The precision of the MP numbers involved. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void XMP_Randomize(digit * result, Straw & rng, digit const * minval, digit const * maxval, int precision) { digit range[MAX_UNIT_PRECISION]; XMP_Sub(range, maxval, minval, 0, precision); unsigned int bit_count = XMP_Count_Bits(range, precision); do { XMP_Randomize(result, rng, bit_count, precision); } while (XMP_Compare(result, range, precision) > 0); XMP_Add(result, result, minval, 0, precision); } /*********************************************************************************************** * XMP_Is_Prime -- Determine if the specified MP number is prime. * * * * This routine will perform some checks to try and determine if the specified MP number * * is a prime number. The result of this test is not 100% conclusive, but it is pretty * * darn close. * * * * INPUT: prime -- Pointer to a candidate number to test for primality. * * * * precision-- The precision of the MP number specified. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the number not proven to be not prime? If FALSE, then the number is * * not prime. If TRUE, then it might be. * * * * WARNINGS: This can take a very very very very very long time. Especially for the larger * * numbers. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool XMP_Is_Prime(digit const * prime, int precision) { /* ** Even numbers are ALWAYS not prime. */ if (!(*prime & 0x01)) return(false); /* ** Compare the prime number against the exhaustive list of prime ** numbers below 14 bits in size. If it finds a match, then ** the number is a known prime. */ if (XMP_Is_Small_Prime(prime, precision)) return(true); /* ** Perform the small divisors test. This is not exhaustive, but ** will weed out a large percentage of non-prime numbers. */ if (!XMP_Small_Divisors_Test(prime, precision)) return(false); /* ** Perform Fermat's Little Theorum on the candidate prime. Run ** the theorum for several rounds to ensure a high degree of ** confidence. */ if (!XMP_Fermat_Test(prime, 2, precision)) return(false); /* ** If all of the above tests have not confirmed primality nor ** confirmed non-primality, presume that the number must be prime. */ return(true); } /* ** Complete list of all prime numbers that are less than 32719 (inclusive). */ unsigned short primeTable[3511] = { 0x0002,0x0003,0x0005,0x0007,0x000B,0x000D,0x0011,0x0013,0x0017,0x001D,0x001F,0x0025,0x0029,0x002B,0x002F,0x0035, 0x003B,0x003D,0x0043,0x0047,0x0049,0x004F,0x0053,0x0059,0x0061,0x0065,0x0067,0x006B,0x006D,0x0071,0x007F,0x0083, 0x0089,0x008B,0x0095,0x0097,0x009D,0x00A3,0x00A7,0x00AD,0x00B3,0x00B5,0x00BF,0x00C1,0x00C5,0x00C7,0x00D3,0x00DF, 0x00E3,0x00E5,0x00E9,0x00EF,0x00F1,0x00FB,0x0101,0x0107,0x010D,0x010F,0x0115,0x0119,0x011B,0x0125,0x0133,0x0137, 0x0139,0x013D,0x014B,0x0151,0x015B,0x015D,0x0161,0x0167,0x016F,0x0175,0x017B,0x017F,0x0185,0x018D,0x0191,0x0199, 0x01A3,0x01A5,0x01AF,0x01B1,0x01B7,0x01BB,0x01C1,0x01C9,0x01CD,0x01CF,0x01D3,0x01DF,0x01E7,0x01EB,0x01F3,0x01F7, 0x01FD,0x0209,0x020B,0x021D,0x0223,0x022D,0x0233,0x0239,0x023B,0x0241,0x024B,0x0251,0x0257,0x0259,0x025F,0x0265, 0x0269,0x026B,0x0277,0x0281,0x0283,0x0287,0x028D,0x0293,0x0295,0x02A1,0x02A5,0x02AB,0x02B3,0x02BD,0x02C5,0x02CF, 0x02D7,0x02DD,0x02E3,0x02E7,0x02EF,0x02F5,0x02F9,0x0301,0x0305,0x0313,0x031D,0x0329,0x032B,0x0335,0x0337,0x033B, 0x033D,0x0347,0x0355,0x0359,0x035B,0x035F,0x036D,0x0371,0x0373,0x0377,0x038B,0x038F,0x0397,0x03A1,0x03A9,0x03AD, 0x03B3,0x03B9,0x03C7,0x03CB,0x03D1,0x03D7,0x03DF,0x03E5,0x03F1,0x03F5,0x03FB,0x03FD,0x0407,0x0409,0x040F,0x0419, 0x041B,0x0425,0x0427,0x042D,0x043F,0x0443,0x0445,0x0449,0x044F,0x0455,0x045D,0x0463,0x0469,0x047F,0x0481,0x048B, 0x0493,0x049D,0x04A3,0x04A9,0x04B1,0x04BD,0x04C1,0x04C7,0x04CD,0x04CF,0x04D5,0x04E1,0x04EB,0x04FD,0x04FF,0x0503, 0x0509,0x050B,0x0511,0x0515,0x0517,0x051B,0x0527,0x0529,0x052F,0x0551,0x0557,0x055D,0x0565,0x0577,0x0581,0x058F, 0x0593,0x0595,0x0599,0x059F,0x05A7,0x05AB,0x05AD,0x05B3,0x05BF,0x05C9,0x05CB,0x05CF,0x05D1,0x05D5,0x05DB,0x05E7, 0x05F3,0x05FB,0x0607,0x060D,0x0611,0x0617,0x061F,0x0623,0x062B,0x062F,0x063D,0x0641,0x0647,0x0649,0x064D,0x0653, 0x0655,0x065B,0x0665,0x0679,0x067F,0x0683,0x0685,0x069D,0x06A1,0x06A3,0x06AD,0x06B9,0x06BB,0x06C5,0x06CD,0x06D3, 0x06D9,0x06DF,0x06F1,0x06F7,0x06FB,0x06FD,0x0709,0x0713,0x071F,0x0727,0x0737,0x0745,0x074B,0x074F,0x0751,0x0755, 0x0757,0x0761,0x076D,0x0773,0x0779,0x078B,0x078D,0x079D,0x079F,0x07B5,0x07BB,0x07C3,0x07C9,0x07CD,0x07CF,0x07D3, 0x07DB,0x07E1,0x07EB,0x07ED,0x07F7,0x0805,0x080F,0x0815,0x0821,0x0823,0x0827,0x0829,0x0833,0x083F,0x0841,0x0851, 0x0853,0x0859,0x085D,0x085F,0x0869,0x0871,0x0883,0x089B,0x089F,0x08A5,0x08AD,0x08BD,0x08BF,0x08C3,0x08CB,0x08DB, 0x08DD,0x08E1,0x08E9,0x08EF,0x08F5,0x08F9,0x0905,0x0907,0x091D,0x0923,0x0925,0x092B,0x092F,0x0935,0x0943,0x0949, 0x094D,0x094F,0x0955,0x0959,0x095F,0x096B,0x0971,0x0977,0x0985,0x0989,0x098F,0x099B,0x09A3,0x09A9,0x09AD,0x09C7, 0x09D9,0x09E3,0x09EB,0x09EF,0x09F5,0x09F7,0x09FD,0x0A13,0x0A1F,0x0A21,0x0A31,0x0A39,0x0A3D,0x0A49,0x0A57,0x0A61, 0x0A63,0x0A67,0x0A6F,0x0A75,0x0A7B,0x0A7F,0x0A81,0x0A85,0x0A8B,0x0A93,0x0A97,0x0A99,0x0A9F,0x0AA9,0x0AAB,0x0AB5, 0x0ABD,0x0AC1,0x0ACF,0x0AD9,0x0AE5,0x0AE7,0x0AED,0x0AF1,0x0AF3,0x0B03,0x0B11,0x0B15,0x0B1B,0x0B23,0x0B29,0x0B2D, 0x0B3F,0x0B47,0x0B51,0x0B57,0x0B5D,0x0B65,0x0B6F,0x0B7B,0x0B89,0x0B8D,0x0B93,0x0B99,0x0B9B,0x0BB7,0x0BB9,0x0BC3, 0x0BCB,0x0BCF,0x0BDD,0x0BE1,0x0BE9,0x0BF5,0x0BFB,0x0C07,0x0C0B,0x0C11,0x0C25,0x0C2F,0x0C31,0x0C41,0x0C5B,0x0C5F, 0x0C61,0x0C6D,0x0C73,0x0C77,0x0C83,0x0C89,0x0C91,0x0C95,0x0C9D,0x0CB3,0x0CB5,0x0CB9,0x0CBB,0x0CC7,0x0CE3,0x0CE5, 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