/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION #ifndef WIN32 #error WOLAPI_INTEGRATION can't be specified for non WIN32 version! #endif // rawolapi.h - WOLAPI sinks declarations. // ajw 07/10/98 // Based somewhat on Neal's Borlandized version, "chatapi.h". #ifndef RAWOLAPI_H #define RAWOLAPI_H #include "function.h" //#include "cominit.h" #include // From OBJBASE.H #define interface struct // From RPCNDR.H #define DECLSPEC_UUID(x) #include //namespace WOL // namespace is workaround due to the use of "Server" as a global in Red Alert. // ajw - Can't use namespaces in Watcom 10.5 it seems... //{ #include "wolapi\wolapi.h" #define IID_DEFINED //#include "wlib/wdebug.h" #include "wolapi\chatdefs.h" #include "wolapi\downloaddefs.h" #include "wolapi\ftpdefs.h" //}; //using namespace WOL; #include //#include #include //*********************************************************************************************** // For debugging chat defined hresults... void ChatDefAsText( char* szDesc, HRESULT hRes ); void DebugChatDef( HRESULT hRes ); int iChannelLobbyNumber( const unsigned char* szChannelName ); #define REASONABLELOBBYINTERPRETEDNAMELEN 50 void InterpretLobbyNumber( char* szLobbyNameToSet, int iLobby ); class WolapiObject; #define MAXCHATSENDLENGTH 71 // Mainly aesthetic, and because of the length of edit line. enum CHANNELFILTER { CHANNELFILTER_NO, CHANNELFILTER_OFFICIAL, CHANNELFILTER_UNOFFICIAL, CHANNELFILTER_LOBBIES, CHANNELFILTER_LOCALLOBBYGAMES, }; #define WOLCOLORREMAP_ACTION PCOLOR_GREY #define WOLCOLORREMAP_SELFSPEAKING PCOLOR_RED #define WOLCOLORREMAP_LOCALMACHINEMESS PCOLOR_REALLY_BLUE // Color of system messages that originate locally. #define WOLCOLORREMAP_PAGE PCOLOR_GOLD #define WOLCOLORREMAP_KICKORBAN PCOLOR_GREEN //LTBLUE #define WOLCOLORREMAP_PUBLICMESSAGE PCOLOR_NONE #define WOLCOLORREMAP_PRIVATEMESSAGE PCOLOR_ORANGE #define WOLSOUND_ERROR VOC_SYS_ERROR #define WOLSOUND_LOGIN VOC_RADAR_ON #define WOLSOUND_LOGOUT VOC_RADAR_OFF #define WOLSOUND_ENTERCHAN VOC_PLAYER_JOINED #define WOLSOUND_EXITCHAN VOC_PLAYER_LEFT #define WOLSOUND_ONPAGE VOC_INCOMING_MESSAGE #define WOLSOUND_KICKORBAN VOC_TANYA_KISS #define WOLSOUND_ENTERGAME VOC_INVULNERABLE #define WOLSOUND_EXITGAME VOC_DOOR enum DISCONNECT_PING_STATUS { PING_UNSTARTED, PING_WAITING, PING_GOOD, PING_BAD, }; #define DISCONNECT_PING_COUNT 5 //*********************************************************************************************** class RAChatEventSink : /////public CComObjectRoot, /////public IConnectionPoint, public IChatEvent { public: RAChatEventSink( WolapiObject* pOwner ); virtual ~RAChatEventSink(); // BEGIN_COM_MAP(RAChatEventSink) // COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IChatEvent) // END_COM_MAP() // IUnknown STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(const IID& iid, void **ppv); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(); // IChatEvent STDMETHOD(OnServerList)(HRESULT res, Server* servers); STDMETHOD(OnLogout)(HRESULT r, User *user); STDMETHOD(OnBusy)(HRESULT r); STDMETHOD(OnIdle)(HRESULT r); STDMETHOD(OnPageSend)(HRESULT r); STDMETHOD(OnPaged)(HRESULT r, User *, LPCSTR); STDMETHOD(OnFind)(HRESULT r, Channel *); STDMETHOD(OnConnection)(HRESULT r,LPCSTR motd); STDMETHOD(OnChannelCreate)(HRESULT r, Channel *channel); STDMETHOD(OnChannelModify)(HRESULT r, Channel *channel); STDMETHOD(OnChannelJoin)(HRESULT r, Channel *channel, User *user); STDMETHOD(OnChannelLeave)(HRESULT r, Channel *channel, User *user); STDMETHOD(OnChannelTopic)(HRESULT r, Channel *channel, LPCSTR topic); STDMETHOD(OnGroupList)(HRESULT r, Group *); STDMETHOD(OnPublicMessage)(HRESULT r, Channel *channel, User *user, LPCSTR text); STDMETHOD(OnPrivateMessage)(HRESULT r, User *user,LPCSTR text); STDMETHOD(OnSystemMessage)(HRESULT r, LPCSTR); STDMETHOD(OnNetStatus)(HRESULT r); STDMETHOD(OnChannelList)(HRESULT r, Channel* channels); STDMETHOD(OnUserList)(HRESULT r, Channel* channel, User* users); STDMETHOD(OnUpdateList)(HRESULT res, Update *); STDMETHOD(OnServerError)(HRESULT res); STDMETHOD(OnMessageOfTheDay)(HRESULT res, LPCSTR); STDMETHOD(OnPrivateAction)(HRESULT r, User *, LPCSTR); STDMETHOD(OnPublicAction)(HRESULT r, Channel *, User *, LPCSTR); STDMETHOD(OnPrivateGameOptions)(HRESULT r, User *, LPCSTR); STDMETHOD(OnPublicGameOptions)(HRESULT r, Channel *, User *, LPCSTR); STDMETHOD(OnGameStart)(HRESULT r, Channel *, User *, int); STDMETHOD(OnUserKick)(HRESULT r, Channel *, User *, User *); STDMETHOD(OnUserIP)(HRESULT r, User *); STDMETHOD(OnServerError)(HRESULT res, LPCSTR ircmsg); STDMETHOD(OnServerBannedYou)(HRESULT r, time_t bannedTill); STDMETHOD(OnUserFlags)(HRESULT r, LPCSTR name, unsigned int flags, unsigned int mask); STDMETHOD(OnChannelBan)(HRESULT r, LPCSTR name, int banned); unsigned long GetPlayerGameIP( const char* szPlayerName ) const; void DeleteUserList(); // Deletes from heap all users pointed to through pUserList. void DeleteUserIPList(); unsigned long GetUserIP( const char* szName ) const; void ActionEggSound( const char* szMessage ); public: // These vars are rather hackish. Basically, they are set before a callback is expected to be fired, and // then checked immediately afterwards. The rest of the time, their values are meaningless. // The idea is to force wolapi act in a modal way. In many places I "block" until a callback response to a // wolapi request has been received. bool bRequestServerListWait; bool bRequestConnectionWait; bool bRequestLogoutWait; // bool bRequestChannelListWait; bool bRequestChannelJoinWait; bool bRequestChannelLeaveWait; bool bRequestUserListWait; bool bRequestChannelCreateWait; bool bRequestFindWait; bool bRequestPageWait; bool bRequestChannelListForLobbiesWait; bool bIgnoreChannelLists; // Used to temporarily turn off response to channel lists, when we are in the midst // of some processing that depends on pChannelList remaining constant. bool bRequestGameStartWait; Server* pServer; // Server to connect to, acquired from OnServerList. bool bConnected; // True when user is logged in to chat server. bool bJoined; // True when user has joined a channel. Channel* pChannelList; // First element of channel list, or null. CHANNELFILTER ChannelFilter; // Affects what channels are included in channel list when built. User* pUserList; // First element of user list, or null. User* pUserTail; // Last element of user list, or null. char* szMotd; // Message of the day. HRESULT hresRequestConnectionError; // Used to pass error hresult. HRESULT hresRequestFindResult; // Used to pass hresult. Channel OnFindChannel; HRESULT hresRequestPageResult; // Used to pass hresult. HRESULT hresRequestJoinResult; // Used to pass hresult. bool bGotKickedTrigger; // Special flag meaning do some more processing after callback has exited. User* pGameUserList; // First element of start game user list, or null. int iGameID; // WW Online game id received from OnGameStart. // Is also a flag indicating "OnGameStart() called, TriggerGameStart() not yet called". User* pUserIPList; // List that holds user IP's, used for pinging in game channel. User* pUserIPListTail; protected: WolapiObject* pOwner; // Link back to the object that contains me. void DeleteChannelList(); // Deletes from heap all channels pointed to through pChannelList. bool DownloadUpdates( Update* pUpdateList, int iUpdates ); bool bSpecialMessage( const char* szMessage ); void InsertUserSorted( User* pUserNew ); private: long m_cRef; // Reference Count }; //*********************************************************************************************** class RADownloadEventSink : /////////// public CComObjectRoot, public IDownloadEvent { public: RADownloadEventSink(); virtual ~RADownloadEventSink() {}; // BEGIN_COM_MAP(RADownloadEventSink) // COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDownloadEvent) // END_COM_MAP() // IUnknown STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(const IID& iid, void **ppv); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(); // IDownloadEvent STDMETHOD(OnEnd)(void); STDMETHOD(OnError)(int error); STDMETHOD(OnProgressUpdate)(int bytesread, int totalsize, int timetaken, int timeleft); STDMETHOD(OnStatusUpdate)(int status); STDMETHOD(OnQueryResume)(void); public: bool bFlagEnd; bool bFlagError; bool bFlagProgressUpdate; bool bFlagStatusUpdate; bool bFlagQueryResume; int iBytesRead; int iTotalSize; int iTimeTaken; int iTimeLeft; int iStatus; bool bResumed; private: long m_cRef; // Ref count }; //*********************************************************************************************** class RANetUtilEventSink : // public CComObjectRoot, public INetUtilEvent { public: RANetUtilEventSink( WolapiObject* pOwner ); virtual ~RANetUtilEventSink(); //BEGIN_COM_MAP(CNetUtilEventSink) // COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(INetUtilEvent) //END_COM_MAP() // IUnknown STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(const IID& iid, void **ppv); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(); STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(); // INetUtilEvent STDMETHOD(OnGameresSent)(HRESULT res); STDMETHOD(OnLadderList)(HRESULT res, Ladder *list, int totalCount, long timeStamp, int keyRung); STDMETHOD(OnPing)(HRESULT res, int time, unsigned long ip, int handle); void DeleteLadderList(); // Deletes from heap all users pointed to through pUserList. unsigned int GetUserRank( const char* szName, bool bRankRA ); Ladder* pLadderList; // First element of Ladder list, or null. Ladder* pLadderTail; // Last element of Ladder list, or null. Ladder* pLadderListAM; // First element of Aftermath Ladder list, or null. Ladder* pLadderTailAM; // Last element of Aftermath Ladder list, or null. protected: WolapiObject* pOwner; // Link back to the object that contains me. private: long m_cRef; // Reference Count }; //*********************************************************************************************** // SKU, reported to WOLAPI for the purpose of finding patches. #ifdef ENGLISH #define GAME_SKU 0x1500 #else #ifdef GERMAN #define GAME_SKU 0x1502 #else #define GAME_SKU 0x1503 #endif #endif #define GAME_VERSION 0x00030003 #define GAME_TYPE 21 #define LOB_PREFIX "Lob_21_" // Sent to gameres server in order to receive Red Alert or Aftermath ladder rankings. (Sent in RequestLadderList.) #define LADDER_CODE_RA 1005 #define LADDER_CODE_AM 500 #endif #endif