/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /CounterStrike/VESSEL.CPP 1 3/03/97 10:26a Joe_bostic $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : VESSEL.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : 03/13/96 * * * * Last Update : July 31, 1996 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * VesselClass::AI -- Handles the AI processing for vessel objects. * * VesselClass::Assign_Destination -- Assign a destination for this vessel. * * VesselClass::Can_Enter_Cell -- Determines if the vessel can enter the cell specified. * * VesselClass::Can_Fire -- Determines if this vessel can fire its weapon. * * VesselClass::Is_Allowed_To_Recloak -- Can the vessel recloak now? * * VesselClass::Class_Of -- Fetches a reference to the vessel's class data. * * VesselClass::Combat_AI -- Handles firing and target selection for the vessel. * * VesselClass::Debug_Dump -- Dumps the vessel status information to the mono monitor. * * VesselClass::Draw_It -- Draws the vessel. * * VesselClass::Edge_Of_World_AI -- Determine if vessel is off the edge of the world. * * VesselClass::Enter_Idle_Mode -- Causes the vessel to enter its default idle mode. * * VesselClass::Fire_Coord -- Fetches the coordinate the firing originates from. * * VesselClass::Greatest_Threat -- Determines the greatest threat (best target) for the vesse* * VesselClass::Init -- Initialize the vessel heap system. * * VesselClass::Mission_Retreat -- Perform the retreat mission. * * VesselClass::Overlap_List -- Fetches the overlap list for this vessel object. * * VesselClass::Per_Cell_Process -- Performs once-per-cell action. * * VesselClass::Read_INI -- Read the vessel data from the INI database. * * VesselClass::Repair_AI -- Process any self-repair required of this vessel. * * VesselClass::Rotation_AI -- Handles turret and body rotation for this vessel. * * VesselClass::Shape_Number -- Calculates the shape number for the ship body. * * VesselClass::Start_Driver -- Starts the vessel by reserving the location it is moving to. * * VesselClass::Take_Damage -- Assign damage to the vessel. * * VesselClass::VesselClass -- Constructor for vessel class objects. * * VesselClass::What_Action -- Determines action to perform on specified cell. * * VesselClass::Write_INI -- Write all vessel scenario data to the INI database. * * VesselClass::~VesselClass -- Destructor for vessel objects. * * operator delete -- Deletes a vessel's memory block. * * operator new -- Allocates a vessel object memory block. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::VesselClass -- Constructor for vessel class objects. * * * * This is the normal constructor for vessel class objects. It will set up a vessel that * * is valid excepting that it won't be placed on the map. * * * * INPUT: classid -- The type of vessel this will be. * * * * house -- The owner of this vessel. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/14/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ VesselClass::VesselClass(VesselType classid, HousesType house) : DriveClass(RTTI_VESSEL, Vessels.ID(this), house), Class(VesselTypes.Ptr((int)classid)), IsToSelfRepair(false), IsSelfRepairing(false), DoorShutCountDown(0), PulseCountDown(0), SecondaryFacing(PrimaryFacing) { House->Tracking_Add(this); /* ** The ammo member is actually part of the techno class, but must be initialized ** manually here because this is where we first have access to the class pointer. */ Ammo = Class->MaxAmmo; /* ** For two shooters, clear out the second shot flag -- it will be set the first time ** the object fires. For non two shooters, set the flag since it will never be cleared ** and the second shot flag tells the system that normal rearm times apply -- this is ** what is desired for non two shooters. */ IsSecondShot = !Class->Is_Two_Shooter(); Strength = Class->MaxStrength; /* ** The techno class cloakabilty flag is set according to the type ** class cloakability flag. */ IsCloakable = Class->IsCloakable; /* ** Keep count of the number of units created. */ // if (Session.Type == GAME_INTERNET) { // House->UnitTotals->Increment_Unit_Total((int)classid); // } } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::~VesselClass -- Destructor for vessel objects. * * * * The destructor will destroy the vessel and ensure that it is properly removed from the * * game engine. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/14/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ VesselClass::~VesselClass(void) { if (GameActive && Class.Is_Valid()) { /* ** Remove this member from any team it may be associated with. This must occur at the ** top most level of the inheritance hierarchy because it may call virtual functions. */ if (Team.Is_Valid()) { Team->Remove(this); Team = NULL; } House->Tracking_Remove(this); /* ** If there are any cargo members, delete them. */ while (Is_Something_Attached()) { delete Detach_Object(); } Limbo(); } ID = -1; } /*********************************************************************************************** * operator new -- Allocates a vessel object memory block. * * * * This routine is used to allocate a block of memory from the vessel heap. If there is * * no more space in the heap, then this routine will return NULL. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the pointer to the allocated block of memory. * * * * WARNINGS: This routine could return NULL. * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/14/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void * VesselClass::operator new(size_t) { void * ptr = Vessels.Alloc(); if (ptr != NULL) { ((VesselClass *)ptr)->IsActive = true; } return(ptr); } /*********************************************************************************************** * operator delete -- Deletes a vessel's memory block. * * * * This overloaded delete operator will return the vessel's memory back to the pool of * * memory used for vessel allocation. * * * * INPUT: ptr -- Pointer to the vessel's memory block. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/14/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::operator delete(void * ptr) { if (ptr != NULL) { assert(((VesselClass *)ptr)->IsActive); ((VesselClass *)ptr)->IsActive = false; } Vessels.Free((VesselClass *)ptr); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Class_Of -- Fetches a reference to the vessel's class data. * * * * This routine will return with a reference to the static class data for this vessel. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a reference to the class data structure associated with this vessel. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/14/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ ObjectTypeClass const & VesselClass::Class_Of(void) const { assert(IsActive); return(*Class); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Can_Enter_Cell -- Determines if the vessel can enter the cell specified. * * * * This routine is used by find path and other movement logic to determine if this * * vessel can enter the cell specified. * * * * INPUT: cell -- The cell to check this vessel against. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the movement restriction associated with movement into this object. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/14/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ MoveType VesselClass::Can_Enter_Cell(CELL cell, FacingType ) const { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if ((unsigned)cell >= MAP_CELL_TOTAL) return(MOVE_NO); CellClass const * cellptr = &Map[cell]; /* ** Moving off the edge of the map is not allowed unless ** this is a loaner vehicle. */ if (!ScenarioInit && !Map.In_Radar(cell) && !Is_Allowed_To_Leave_Map()) { return(MOVE_NO); } MoveType retval = MOVE_OK; /* ** If there is blocking terrain (such as ice), then the vessel ** can't move there. */ if (cellptr->Cell_Terrain() != NULL) { return(MOVE_NO); } /* ** If the cell is out and out impassable because of underlying terrain, then ** return this immutable fact. */ if (Ground[cellptr->Land_Type()].Cost[Class->Speed] == 0) { return(MOVE_NO); } /* ** If some allied object has reserved the cell, then consider the cell ** as blocked by a moving object. */ if (cellptr->Flag.Composite) { if (cellptr->Flag.Occupy.Building) { return(MOVE_NO); } TechnoClass * techno = cellptr->Cell_Techno(); if (techno != NULL && techno->Cloak == CLOAKED && !House->Is_Ally(techno)) { return(MOVE_CLOAK); } /* ** If reserved by a vehicle, then consider this blocked terrain. */ if (cellptr->Flag.Occupy.Vehicle) { retval = MOVE_MOVING_BLOCK; } } /* ** Return with the most severe reason why this cell would be impassable. */ return(retval); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Shape_Number -- Calculates the shape number for the ship body. * * * * This routine will return with the shape number to use for the ship's body. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the shape number to use for the ship's body when drawing. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/31/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int VesselClass::Shape_Number(void) const { /* ** For eight facing units, adjust the facing number accordingly. */ FacingType facing = Dir_Facing(PrimaryFacing.Current()); int shapenum = UnitClass::BodyShape[Dir_To_16(PrimaryFacing)*2]>>1; /* ** Special case code for transport. The north/south facing is in frame ** 0. The east/west facing is in frame 3. */ if (*this == VESSEL_TRANSPORT) { shapenum = 0; } #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (*this == VESSEL_CARRIER) { shapenum = 0; } #endif /* ** Door opening and closing animation stage check. */ if (!Is_Door_Closed()) { shapenum = Door_Stage(); } return(shapenum); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Draw_It -- Draws the vessel. * * * * Draws the vessel on the tactical display. This routine is called by the map rendering * * process to display the vessel. * * * * INPUT: x,y -- The pixel coordinate to draw this vessel at. * * * * window-- The window to base clipping and coordinates upon when drawing. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/14/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::Draw_It(int x, int y, WindowNumberType window) const { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); /* ** Verify the legality of the unit class. */ void const * shapefile = Get_Image_Data(); if (shapefile == NULL) return; /* ** If drawing of this unit is not explicitly prohibited, then proceed ** with the render process. */ if (Visual_Character() != VISUAL_HIDDEN) { int facing = Dir_To_32(PrimaryFacing); int tfacing = Dir_To_32(SecondaryFacing); DirType rotation = DIR_N; int scale = 0x0100; /* ** Actually perform the draw. Overlay an optional shimmer effect as necessary. */ Techno_Draw_Object(shapefile, Shape_Number(), x, y, window, rotation, scale); /* ** If there is a turret, then it must be rendered as well. This may include ** firing animation if required. */ if (Class->IsTurretEquipped) { int xx = x; int yy = y; /* ** Determine which turret shape to use. This depends on if there ** is any firing animation in progress. */ int shapenum = TechnoClass::BodyShape[tfacing]+32; DirType turdir = DirType(Dir_To_16(PrimaryFacing)*16); switch (Class->Type) { case VESSEL_CA: shapefile = Class->TurretShapes; shapenum = TechnoClass::BodyShape[Dir_To_32(SecondaryFacing)]; Class->Turret_Adjust(turdir, xx, yy); Techno_Draw_Object(shapefile, shapenum, xx, yy, window); xx = x; yy = y; turdir = DirType(Dir_To_16(PrimaryFacing+DIR_S)*16); Class->Turret_Adjust(turdir, xx, yy); break; case VESSEL_DD: shapefile = Class->SamShapes; shapenum = TechnoClass::BodyShape[Dir_To_32(SecondaryFacing)]; Class->Turret_Adjust(turdir, xx, yy); break; case VESSEL_PT: shapefile = Class->MGunShapes; shapenum = TechnoClass::BodyShape[Dir_To_32(SecondaryFacing)]; Class->Turret_Adjust(turdir, xx, yy); break; default: shapenum = TechnoClass::BodyShape[Dir_To_32(SecondaryFacing)]; Class->Turret_Adjust(turdir, xx, yy); break; } /* ** Actually perform the draw. Overlay an optional shimmer effect as necessary. */ Techno_Draw_Object(shapefile, shapenum, xx, yy, window); } } DriveClass::Draw_It(x, y, window); /* ** Patch so the transport will draw its passengers on top of itself. */ if (!Is_Door_Closed() && IsTethered && In_Radio_Contact() && !Contact_With_Whom()->IsInLimbo) { assert(Contact_With_Whom()->IsActive); Contact_With_Whom()->Render(true); } } #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Debug_Dump -- Dumps the vessel status information to the mono monitor. * * * * This routine will display the vessel's status information. The information is dumped to * * the monochrome monitor. * * * * INPUT: mono -- Pointer to the monochrome screen that the information will be displayed * * to. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/20/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::Debug_Dump(MonoClass * mono) const { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); mono->Set_Cursor(0, 0); mono->Print(Text_String(TXT_DEBUG_SHIP)); mono->Set_Cursor(47, 5);mono->Printf("%02X:%02X", SecondaryFacing.Current(), SecondaryFacing.Desired()); mono->Fill_Attrib(66, 13, 12, 1, IsSelfRepairing ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Fill_Attrib(66, 14, 12, 1, IsToSelfRepair ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); DriveClass::Debug_Dump(mono); } #endif /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Overlap_List -- Fetches the overlap list for this vessel object. * * * * This routine will fetch the overlap list for this vessel type. It takes into * * consideration any movement the vessel may be doing. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a pointer to the overlap list for this vessel. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/20/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ short const * VesselClass::Overlap_List(bool redraw) const { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); #ifdef PARTIAL if (Height == 0 && redraw && Class->DimensionData != NULL) { Rect rect; int shapenum = Shape_Number(); if (Class->DimensionData[shapenum].Is_Valid()) { rect = Class->DimensionData[shapenum]; } else { rect = Class->DimensionData[shapenum] = Shape_Dimensions(Get_Image_Data(), shapenum); } if (IsSelected) { rect = Union(rect, Rect(-32, 32, 64, 64)); } return(Coord_Spillage_List(Coord, rect, true)); } #else redraw = redraw; #endif return(Coord_Spillage_List(Coord, 56)+1); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::AI -- Handles the AI processing for vessel objects. * * * * This routine is called once for each vessel object during each main game loop. All * * normal AI processing is handled here. This includes dispatching and maintaining any * * processing that is specific to vessel objects. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/20/1996 JLB : Created. * * 07/16/1996 JLB : Prefers anti-sub weapons if firing on subs. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::AI(void) { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (Mission == MISSION_NONE && MissionQueue == MISSION_NONE) { Enter_Idle_Mode(); } /* ** HACK ALERT: ** If the ship finds itself in a hunt order but it has no weapons, then tell it ** to sail off the map instead. */ if (Mission == MISSION_HUNT && !Is_Weapon_Equipped()) { Assign_Mission(MISSION_RETREAT); } /* ** Act on new orders if the unit is at a good position to do so. */ if (!IsDriving && Is_Door_Closed() /*Mission != MISSION_UNLOAD*/) { Commence(); } #ifndef CLIPDRAW if (Map.In_View(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord())) && Visual_Character() != VISUAL_HIDDEN && Visual_Character() != VISUAL_NORMAL) { Mark(MARK_CHANGE); } #endif #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 // Re-stock the ammo of any on-board helicopters on an aircraft carrier. if (*this == VESSEL_CARRIER && How_Many()) { if (!MoebiusCountDown) { MoebiusCountDown = Rule.ReloadRate * TICKS_PER_MINUTE; ObjectClass *obj = Attached_Object(); while (obj) { long bogus; ((AircraftClass *)obj)->Receive_Message(this,RADIO_RELOAD,bogus); obj = (obj->Next); } } } #endif /* ** Process base class AI routine. If as a result of this, the vessel gets ** destroyed, then detect this fact and bail early. */ DriveClass::AI(); if (!IsActive) { return; } /* ** Handle body and turret rotation. */ Rotation_AI(); /* ** Handle any combat processing required. */ Combat_AI(); /* ** Delete this unit if it finds itself off the edge of the map and it is in ** guard or other static mission mode. */ if (Edge_Of_World_AI()) { return; } if (Class->Max_Passengers() > 0) { /* ** Double check that there is a passenger that is trying to load or unload. ** If not, then close the door. */ if (!Is_Door_Closed() && Mission != MISSION_UNLOAD && Transmit_Message(RADIO_TRYING_TO_LOAD) != RADIO_ROGER && !(long)DoorShutCountDown) { LST_Close_Door(); } } /* ** Don't start a new mission unless the vehicle is in the center of ** a cell (not driving) and the door (if any) is closed. */ if (!IsDriving && Is_Door_Closed()/*&& Mission != MISSION_UNLOAD*/) { Commence(); } /* ** Do a step of repair here, if appropriate. */ Repair_AI(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Per_Cell_Process -- Performs once-per-cell action. * * * * This routine is called when the vessel travels one cell. It handles any processes that * * must occur on a per-cell basis. * * * * INPUT: why -- Specifies the circumstances under which this routine was called. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/19/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::Per_Cell_Process(PCPType why) { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); BStart(BENCH_PCP); if (why == PCP_END) { CELL cell = Coord_Cell(Coord); /* ** The unit performs looking around at this time. If the ** unit moved further than one square during the last track ** move, don't do an incremental look. Do a full look around ** instead. */ Look(!IsPlanningToLook); IsPlanningToLook = false; if (IsToSelfRepair) { for (FacingType face = FACING_N; face < FACING_COUNT; face++) { CELL cell = Coord_Cell(Adjacent_Cell(Center_Coord(), face)); SmartPtr whom; whom = Map[cell].Cell_Building(); if (whom != NULL && ((*whom == STRUCT_SHIP_YARD) || (*whom == STRUCT_SUB_PEN)) ) { if (IsOwnedByPlayer) Speak(VOX_REPAIRING); IsSelfRepairing = true; IsToSelfRepair = false; break; } } } /* ** If this is a loaner unit and is is off the edge of the ** map, then it gets eliminated. */ if (Edge_Of_World_AI()) { BEnd(BENCH_PCP); return; } } if (IsActive) { DriveClass::Per_Cell_Process(why); } BEnd(BENCH_PCP); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::What_Action -- Determines what action would occur if clicked on object. * * * * Use this function to determine what action would likely occur if the specified object * * were clicked on while this unit was selected as current. This function controls, not * * only the action to perform, but indirectly controls the cursor shape to use as well. * * * * INPUT: object -- The object that to check for against "this" object. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the default action to perform. If no clear action can be determined, * * then ACTION_NONE is returned. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/16/1996 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ ActionType VesselClass::What_Action(ObjectClass const * object) const { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); ActionType action = DriveClass::What_Action(object); if (action == ACTION_SELF) { if (Class->Max_Passengers() == 0 || !How_Many() ) { action = ACTION_NONE; } else { // check to see if the transporter can unload. bool found = 0; #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (*this != VESSEL_CARRIER) #endif for (FacingType face = FACING_N; face < FACING_COUNT && !found; face++) { CELL cellnum = Adjacent_Cell(Coord_Cell(Coord), face); CellClass * cell = &Map[cellnum]; if (Map.In_Radar(cellnum) && Ground[cell->Land_Type()].Cost[SPEED_FOOT] == 0 || cell->Flag.Occupy.Building || cell->Flag.Occupy.Vehicle || cell->Flag.Occupy.Monolith || (cell->Flag.Composite & 0x01F) == 0x01F) { continue; } else { found = true; } } if (!found) { action = ACTION_NONE; } } } /* ** Special return to friendly repair factory action. */ if (House->IsPlayerControl && action == ACTION_SELECT && object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { BuildingClass * building = (BuildingClass *)object; if (building->Class->ToBuild == RTTI_VESSELTYPE && building->House->Is_Ally(this)) { action = ACTION_ENTER; } } #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (action == ACTION_ATTACK && object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_VESSEL && (*this == VESSEL_MISSILESUB || *this == VESSEL_CA) ) { action = ACTION_NOMOVE; } #endif /* ** If it doesn't know what to do with the object, then just ** say it can't move there. */ if (action == ACTION_NONE) action = ACTION_NOMOVE; return(action); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Active_Click_With -- Intercepts the active click to see if deployment is possib* * * * This routine intercepts the active click operation. It check to see if this is a self * * deployment request (MCV's have this ability). If it is, then the object is initiated * * to self deploy. In the other cases, it passes the operation down to the lower * * classes for processing. * * * * INPUT: action -- The action requested of the unit. * * * * object -- The object that the mouse pointer is over. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/16/1996 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::Active_Click_With(ActionType action, ObjectClass * object) { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); // if (action != What_Action(object)) { action = What_Action(object); switch (action) { case ACTION_ENTER: action = ACTION_MOVE; // BRR 10/18/96 IsToSelfRepair = true; break; default: // action = ACTION_NONE; break; } // } // if (action == ACTION_ENTER) { // BRR 10/18/96 IsToSelfRepair = true; // action = ACTION_MOVE; // } else { // if (action != ACTION_NONE) { // BRR 10/18/96 IsSelfRepairing = IsToSelfRepair = false; // } // } DriveClass::Active_Click_With(action, object); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Active_Click_With -- Performs specified action on specified cell. * * * * This routine is called when the mouse has been clicked over a cell and this unit must * * now respond. Notice that this is merely a placeholder function that exists because there * * is another function of the same name that needs to be overloaded. C++ has scoping * * restrictions when there are two identically named functions that are overridden in * * different classes -- it handles it badly, hence the existence of this routine. * * * * INPUT: action -- The action to perform on the cell specified. * * * * cell -- The cell that the action is to be performed on. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/16/1996 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::Active_Click_With(ActionType action, CELL cell) { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); // BRR 10/18/96 IsToSelfRepair = false; // if (action != ACTION_NONE) { // BRR 10/18/96 IsSelfRepairing = false; // } DriveClass::Active_Click_With(action, cell); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Take_Damage -- Assign damage to the vessel. * * * * This routine is called to apply damage to this vessel. The amount and type of damage * * to apply is passed as parameters. This routine could end up destroying the vessel. * * * * INPUT: damage -- Reference to the amount of damage to apply to this vessel. The damage * * value will be adjusted so that the actual damage applied will be * * stored into this variable for possible subsequent examination. * * * * distance -- The distance from the center of the damage to the vessel itself. * * * * warhead -- The warhead type of damage to apply. * * * * source -- The perpetrator of this damage. Knowing who was responsible allows * * retaliation logic. * * * * forced -- Is this damage forced upon the vessel by some supernatural means? * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the result of the damage applied. This enumeration indicates the * * general effect of the damage. Examine this return value to see if the vessel * * has been destroyed. * * * * WARNINGS: The vessel could be destroyed by the call to this routine! * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/13/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ ResultType VesselClass::Take_Damage(int & damage, int distance, WarheadType warhead, TechnoClass * source, int forced) { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); ResultType res = RESULT_NONE; /* ** In order for a this to be damaged, it must either be a unit ** with a crew or a sandworm. */ res = FootClass::Take_Damage(damage, distance, warhead, source, forced); if (res == RESULT_DESTROYED) { Death_Announcement(source); if (Class->Explosion != ANIM_NONE) { AnimType anim = Class->Explosion; new AnimClass(anim, Coord); /* ** Very strong units that have an explosion will also rock the ** screen when they are destroyed. */ if (Class->MaxStrength > 400) { Shake_The_Screen(Class->MaxStrength / 150); } } /* ** Possibly have the crew member run away. */ Mark(MARK_UP); while (Is_Something_Attached()) { FootClass * object = Detach_Object(); /* ** Only infantry can run from a destroyed vehicle. Even then, it is not a sure ** thing. */ object->Record_The_Kill(source); delete object; } /* ** Finally, delete the vehicle. */ delete this; } else { /* ** When damaged and below half strength, start smoking if ** it isn't already smoking (and it's not a submarine). */ #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (Health_Ratio() <= Rule.ConditionYellow && !IsAnimAttached && (*this != VESSEL_SS && *this != VESSEL_MISSILESUB) ) { #else if (Health_Ratio() <= Rule.ConditionYellow && !IsAnimAttached && (*this != VESSEL_SS) ) { #endif AnimClass * anim = new AnimClass(ANIM_SMOKE_M, Coord_Add(Coord, XYP_Coord(0, -8))); if (anim != NULL) anim->Attach_To(this); } } return(res); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Can_Fire -- Determines if this vessel can fire its weapon. * * * * This routine is used to determine if this vessel can fire its weapon at the target * * specified. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target candidate to determine if firing upon is valid. * * * * which -- Which weapon to use when considering the candidate as a potential * * target. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the fire error type. This enum indicates if the vessel and fire. If * * it can't fire, then the enum indicates why. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/13/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ FireErrorType VesselClass::Can_Fire(TARGET target, int which) const { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); DirType dir; // The facing to impart upon the projectile. int diff; #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (*this == VESSEL_CARRIER) { if(!How_Many() || Arm) { return(FIRE_REARM); } else { return(FIRE_OK); } } #endif FireErrorType fire = DriveClass::Can_Fire(target, which); if(*this==VESSEL_DD) { Mono_Set_Cursor(0,0); } if (fire == FIRE_OK || fire == FIRE_CLOAKED) { WeaponTypeClass const * weapon = (which == 0) ? Class->PrimaryWeapon : Class->SecondaryWeapon; /* ** Ensure that a torpedo will never be fired upon a non naval target. ** Unless that non-naval target is a naval building (sub pen/ship yard) */ bool isseatarget = Is_Target_Vessel(target); bool isbridgetarget = false; if (weapon->Bullet->IsSubSurface) { isbridgetarget = Is_Target_Cell(target); // enable shooting at bridges isseatarget |= isbridgetarget; } BuildingClass * bldg = ::As_Building(target); if (bldg != NULL && bldg->Class->Speed == SPEED_FLOAT) { isseatarget = true; } dir = Direction(target); if (weapon->Bullet->IsSubSurface) { if (!isseatarget && Is_Target_Object(target)) { return(FIRE_CANT); } /* ** If it's a torpedo, let's check line-of-sight to make sure that ** there's only water squares between us and the target. */ ObjectClass * obj = As_Object(target); COORDINATE coord = Center_Coord(); if (obj != NULL) { int totaldist = ::Distance(coord, obj->Center_Coord()); while (totaldist > CELL_LEPTON_W) { coord = Coord_Move(coord, dir, CELL_LEPTON_W); if (Map[coord].Land_Type() != LAND_WATER) { if (!isbridgetarget) { return(FIRE_RANGE); } } /* ** Check for friendly boats in the way. */ TechnoClass * tech = Map[coord].Cell_Techno(); if (tech != NULL && tech != this && House->Is_Ally(tech)) { return(FIRE_RANGE); } totaldist -= CELL_LEPTON_W; } } } /* ** Depth charges are only good against submarines. */ if (weapon->Bullet->IsAntiSub) { if (!isseatarget) { return(FIRE_CANT); } else { #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (Is_Target_Vessel(target) && (*As_Vessel(target) != VESSEL_SS && *As_Vessel(target) != VESSEL_MISSILESUB) ) { #else if (Is_Target_Vessel(target) && *As_Vessel(target) != VESSEL_SS) { #endif if (!Is_Target_Vessel(target) || !weapon->Bullet->IsSubSurface) { return(FIRE_CANT); } } } } else { #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (Is_Target_Vessel(target) && (*As_Vessel(target) == VESSEL_SS || *As_Vessel(target) == VESSEL_MISSILESUB)) { #else if (Is_Target_Vessel(target) && *As_Vessel(target) == VESSEL_SS) { #endif return(FIRE_CANT); } } /* ** If this unit cannot fire while moving, then bail. */ if (!Class->IsTurretEquipped && Target_Legal(NavCom)) { return(FIRE_MOVING); } /* ** If the turret is rotating and the projectile isn't a homing type, then ** firing must be delayed until the rotation stops. */ if (!IsFiring && IsRotating && weapon->Bullet->ROT == 0) { return(FIRE_ROTATING); } /* ** Determine if the turret facing isn't too far off of facing the target. */ if (Class->IsTurretEquipped) { diff = SecondaryFacing.Difference(dir); } else { diff = PrimaryFacing.Difference(dir); } diff = ABS(diff); if (weapon->Bullet->ROT != 0) { diff >>= 2; } if (diff > 8) { return(FIRE_FACING); } } return(fire); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Fire_Coord -- Fetches the coordinate the firing originates from. * * * * This routine is called to determine the coordinate that a fired projectile will * * originate from. * * * * INPUT: which -- Which weapon is this query directed at? * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the coordinate where a projectile would appear if it were fired. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/13/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ COORDINATE VesselClass::Fire_Coord(int which) const { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); COORDINATE coord = Center_Coord(); if (*this == VESSEL_CA) { if (IsSecondShot) { coord = Coord_Move(coord, PrimaryFacing + DIR_S, 0x0100); } else { coord = Coord_Move(coord, PrimaryFacing, 0x0100); } coord = Coord_Move(coord, DIR_N, 0x0030); coord = Coord_Move(coord, Turret_Facing(), 0x0040); return(coord); } if (*this == VESSEL_PT) { coord = Coord_Move(coord, PrimaryFacing, 0x0080); coord = Coord_Move(coord, DIR_N, 0x0020); coord = Coord_Move(coord, Turret_Facing(), 0x0010); return(coord); } return(DriveClass::Fire_Coord(which)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Init -- Initialize the vessel heap system. * * * * This routine is used to clear out the vessel heap. It is called whenever a scenario is * * being initialized prior to scenario or saved game loading. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: All vessel objects are invalid after this routine is called. * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/13/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::Init(void) { Vessels.Free_All(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Greatest_Threat -- Determines the greatest threat (best target) for the vessel * * * * This routine is used by ships to determine what target they should go after. * * * * INPUT: threat -- The threat type that this ship should go after (as determined by the * * team mission or general self defense principles). * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the target that this ship should attack. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/13/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ TARGET VesselClass::Greatest_Threat(ThreatType threat) const { if (*this == VESSEL_SS) { threat = threat & ThreatType(THREAT_RANGE|THREAT_AREA); threat = threat | THREAT_BOATS; //BG: get subs to attack buildings also. threat = threat | THREAT_BUILDINGS; threat = threat | THREAT_FACTORIES; } else { if ((threat & (THREAT_GROUND|THREAT_POWER|THREAT_FACTORIES|THREAT_TIBERIUM|THREAT_BASE_DEFENSE|THREAT_BOATS)) == 0) { if (Class->PrimaryWeapon != NULL) { threat = threat | Class->PrimaryWeapon->Allowed_Threats(); } if (Class->SecondaryWeapon != NULL) { threat = threat | Class->SecondaryWeapon->Allowed_Threats(); } // threat = threat | THREAT_GROUND | THREAT_BOATS; } // Cruisers can never hit infantry anyway, so take 'em out of the list // of possible targets. if (*this == VESSEL_CA) { threat = (ThreatType) (threat & (~THREAT_INFANTRY)); } } #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (*this == VESSEL_CARRIER) { return(TARGET_NONE); } #endif return(FootClass::Greatest_Threat(threat)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Enter_Idle_Mode -- Causes the vessel to enter its default idle mode. * * * * This routine is called when the vessel is finished with what it is doing, but the next * * action is not known. This routine will determine what is the appropriate course of * * action for this vessel and then start it doing that. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/09/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::Enter_Idle_Mode(bool ) { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); MissionType order = MISSION_GUARD; /* ** A movement mission without a NavCom would be pointless to have a radio contact since ** no radio coordination occurs on a just a simple movement mission. */ if (Mission == MISSION_MOVE && !Target_Legal(NavCom)) { Transmit_Message(RADIO_OVER_OUT); } Handle_Navigation_List(); if (Target_Legal(NavCom)) { order = MISSION_MOVE; } else { if (Class->PrimaryWeapon == NULL) { if (IsALoaner && Class->Max_Passengers() > 0 && Is_Something_Attached() && !Team) { order = MISSION_UNLOAD; } else { order = MISSION_GUARD; Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); Assign_Destination(TARGET_NONE); } } else { if (Mission == MISSION_GUARD || Mission == MISSION_GUARD_AREA || MissionControl[Mission].IsParalyzed || MissionControl[Mission].IsZombie) { return; } if (House->IsHuman || Team.Is_Valid()) { order = MISSION_GUARD; } else { if (House->IQ < Rule.IQGuardArea) { order = MISSION_GUARD; } else { order = MISSION_GUARD_AREA; } } } } Assign_Mission(order); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Receive_Message -- Handles receiving a radio message. * * * * This is the handler function for when a vessel receives a radio * * message. Typical use of this is when a unit unloads from a lst * * class so that clearing of the transport is successful. * * * * INPUT: from -- Pointer to the originator of the message. * * * * message -- The radio message received. * * * * param -- Reference to an optional parameter the might be needed to return * * information back to the originator of the message. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the radio message response. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/31/1996 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ RadioMessageType VesselClass::Receive_Message(RadioClass * from, RadioMessageType message, long & param) { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); switch (message) { /* ** Asks if the passenger can load on this transport. */ case RADIO_CAN_LOAD: if (Class->Max_Passengers() == 0 || from == NULL || !House->Is_Ally(from->Owner())) return(RADIO_STATIC); if (How_Many() < Class->Max_Passengers()) { #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if(*this == VESSEL_CARRIER && from->What_Am_I() == RTTI_AIRCRAFT) { return(RADIO_ROGER); } #endif /* ** Before saying "Sure, come on board", make sure we're adjacent to ** the shore. */ CELL cell; Desired_Load_Dir(from, cell); if(cell) { return(RADIO_ROGER); } } return(RADIO_NEGATIVE); /* ** This message is sent by the passenger when it determines that it has ** entered the transport. */ case RADIO_IM_IN: #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if(*this != VESSEL_CARRIER) { #endif if (How_Many() == Class->Max_Passengers()) { LST_Close_Door(); } else { DoorShutCountDown = TICKS_PER_SECOND; } #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 } #endif return(RADIO_ATTACH); /* ** Docking maintenance message received. Check to see if new orders should be given ** to the impatient unit. */ case RADIO_DOCKING: /* ** If this transport is moving, then always abort the docking request. */ if (IsDriving || Target_Legal(NavCom)) { return(RADIO_NEGATIVE); } /* ** Check for the case of a docking message arriving from a unit that does not ** have formal radio contact established. This might be a unit that is standing ** by. If this transport is free to proceed with normal docking operation, then ** establish formal contact now. If the transport is completely full, then break ** off contact. In all other cases, just tell the pending unit to stand by. */ if (Contact_With_Whom() != from) { /* ** Can't ever load up so tell the passenger to bug off. */ if (How_Many() >= Class->Max_Passengers()) { return(RADIO_NEGATIVE); } /* ** Establish contact and let the loading process proceed normally. */ if (!In_Radio_Contact()) { param = TARGET_NONE; Transmit_Message(RADIO_HELLO, from); Transmit_Message(RADIO_MOVE_HERE, param); return(RADIO_ROGER); } else { /* ** This causes the potential passenger to think that all is ok and to ** hold on for a bit. */ return(RADIO_ROGER); } } /* ** */ if (Class->Max_Passengers() > 0 && *this == VESSEL_TRANSPORT && How_Many() < Class->Max_Passengers()) { DriveClass::Receive_Message(from, message, param); if (!IsDriving && !IsRotating) { // if (!IsDriving && !IsRotating && !IsTethered) { /* ** If the potential passenger needs someplace to go, then figure out a good ** spot and tell it to go. */ if (Transmit_Message(RADIO_NEED_TO_MOVE, from) == RADIO_ROGER) { CELL cell; DirType dir = Desired_Load_Dir(from, cell); /* ** If no adjacent free cells are detected, then passenger loading ** cannot occur. Break radio contact. */ if (cell == 0) { Transmit_Message(RADIO_OVER_OUT, from); } else { param = (long)::As_Target(cell); /* ** If it is now facing the correct direction, then open the ** transport doors. Close the doors if the transport is full or needs ** to rotate. */ if (!Is_Door_Open()) { LST_Open_Door(); } /* ** Tell the potential passenger where it should go. If the passenger is ** already at the staging location, then tell it to move onto the transport ** directly. */ if (Transmit_Message(RADIO_MOVE_HERE, param, from) == RADIO_YEA_NOW_WHAT) { if (Is_Door_Open()) { param = (long)As_Target(); Transmit_Message(RADIO_TETHER); if (Transmit_Message(RADIO_MOVE_HERE, param, from) != RADIO_ROGER) { Transmit_Message(RADIO_OVER_OUT, from); } else { Contact_With_Whom()->Unselect(); } } } } } } return(RADIO_ROGER); } #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (Class->Max_Passengers() > 0 && *this == VESSEL_CARRIER && How_Many() < Class->Max_Passengers()) { TechnoClass::Receive_Message(from, message, param); /* ** Establish contact with the object if this building isn't already in contact ** with another. */ if (!In_Radio_Contact()) { Transmit_Message(RADIO_HELLO, from); } if (Transmit_Message(RADIO_NEED_TO_MOVE) == RADIO_ROGER) { param = As_Target(); if (Transmit_Message(RADIO_MOVE_HERE, param) == RADIO_YEA_NOW_WHAT) { Transmit_Message(RADIO_TETHER); } } return(RADIO_ROGER); } #endif break; /* ** When this message is received, it means that the other object ** has already turned its radio off. Turn this radio off as well. */ case RADIO_OVER_OUT: if (Mission == MISSION_RETURN) { Assign_Mission(MISSION_GUARD); } DriveClass::Receive_Message(from, message, param); return(RADIO_ROGER); } return(DriveClass::Receive_Message(from, message, param)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Desired_Load_Dir -- Determines the best cell and facing for loading. * * * * This routine examines the unit and adjacent cells in order to find the best facing * * for the transport and best staging cell for the potential passengers. This location is * * modified by adjacent cell passability and direction of the potential passenger. * * * * INPUT: passenger -- Pointer to the potential passenger. * * * * moveto -- Reference to the cell number that specifies where the potential * * passenger should move to first. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the direction the transport should face before opening the transport * * door. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/01/1996 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ DirType VesselClass::Desired_Load_Dir(ObjectClass * passenger, CELL & moveto) const { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); /* ** Determine the ideal facing that provides the least resistance. This would be the direction ** of the potential passenger or the current transport facing if it is going to unload. */ DirType faceto; if (passenger != NULL) { faceto = Direction(passenger); } else { faceto = PrimaryFacing.Current() + DIR_S; } /* ** Sweep through the adjacent cells in order to find the best candidate. */ FacingType bestdir = FACING_N; int bestval = -1; for (FacingType face = FACING_N; face < FACING_COUNT; face++) { int value = 0; CELL cellnum = Adjacent_Cell(Coord_Cell(Coord), face); /* ** Base the initial value of the potential cell according to whether the passenger is ** allowed to enter the cell. If it can't, then give such a negative value to the ** cell so that it is prevented from ever choosing that cell for load/unload. */ if (passenger != NULL) { value = (passenger->Can_Enter_Cell(cellnum) == MOVE_OK || Coord_Cell(passenger->Coord) == cellnum) ? 128 : -128; } else { CellClass * cell = &Map[cellnum]; if (Ground[cell->Land_Type()].Cost[SPEED_FOOT] == 0 || cell->Flag.Occupy.Building || cell->Flag.Occupy.Vehicle || cell->Flag.Occupy.Monolith || (cell->Flag.Composite & 0x01F) == 0x01F) { value = -128; } else { if (cell->Cell_Techno() && !House->Is_Ally(cell->Cell_Techno())) { value = -128; } else { value = 128; } } } #if(0) /* ** Give more weight to the cells that require the least rotation of the transport or the ** least roundabout movement for the potential passenger. */ value -= (int)ABS((int)(signed char)Facing_Dir(face) - (int)(signed char)faceto); if (face == FACING_S) { value -= 100; } if (face == FACING_SW || face == FACING_SE) value += 64; #endif /* ** If the value for the potential cell is greater than the last recorded potential ** value, then record this cell as the best candidate. */ if (bestval == -1 || value > bestval) { bestval = value; bestdir = face; // } else { // ObjectClass * obj = Map[cellnum].Cell_Occupier(); // if (obj) obj->Scatter(Coord, true); } } /* ** If a suitable direction was found, then return with the direction value. */ moveto = 0; if (bestval > 0) { static DirType _desired_to_actual[FACING_COUNT] = {DIR_S, DIR_SW, DIR_NW, DIR_NW, DIR_NE, DIR_NE, DIR_NE, DIR_SE}; moveto = Adjacent_Cell(Coord_Cell(Coord), bestdir); return(_desired_to_actual[bestdir]); } return(DIR_N); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::LST_Open_Door -- Opens a LST door. * * * * This routine will initiate opening of the doors on the LST. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/01/1996 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::LST_Open_Door(void) { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (!IsDriving && !IsRotating) { Open_Door(5, 6); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::LST_Close_Door -- Closes a LST door. * * * * This routine will initiate closing of the LST door. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/01/1996 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::LST_Close_Door(void) { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); Close_Door(5, 6); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Mission_Unload -- Handles unloading cargo. * * * * This is the AI control sequence for when a transport desires to unload its cargo. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the delay before calling this routine again. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/01/1996 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int VesselClass::Mission_Unload(void) { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); enum { INITIAL_CHECK, MANEUVERING, OPENING_DOOR, UNLOADING, CLOSING_DOOR }; DirType dir; CELL cell; switch (Class->Type) { case VESSEL_TRANSPORT: switch (Status) { case INITIAL_CHECK: dir = Desired_Load_Dir(NULL, cell); if (How_Many() > 0 && cell != 0) { Do_Turn(dir); Status = MANEUVERING; return(1); } else { if (!How_Many()) { // don't break out if still carrying passengers Assign_Mission(MISSION_GUARD); } } break; case MANEUVERING: if (!IsRotating) { LST_Open_Door(); if (Is_Door_Opening()) { Status = OPENING_DOOR; return(1); } } break; case OPENING_DOOR: if (Is_Door_Open()) { Status = UNLOADING; return(1); } else { if (!Is_Door_Opening()) { Status = INITIAL_CHECK; } } break; case UNLOADING: if (How_Many()) { /* ** Don't do anything if still in radio contact. */ if (In_Radio_Contact()) return(TICKS_PER_SECOND); FootClass * passenger = Detach_Object(); if (passenger != NULL) { DirType toface = DIR_S + PrimaryFacing; bool placed = false; for (FacingType face = FACING_N; face < FACING_COUNT; face++) { DirType newface = toface + Facing_Dir(face); CELL newcell = Adjacent_Cell(Coord_Cell(Coord), newface); if (passenger->Can_Enter_Cell(newcell) == MOVE_OK) { ScenarioInit++; passenger->Unlimbo(Coord_Move(Coord, newface, CELL_LEPTON_W/2), newface); ScenarioInit--; passenger->Assign_Mission(MISSION_MOVE); passenger->Assign_Destination(::As_Target(newcell)); passenger->Commence(); Transmit_Message(RADIO_HELLO, passenger); Transmit_Message(RADIO_TETHER, passenger); if (passenger->What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT) { ((UnitClass *)passenger)->IsToScatter = true; } placed = true; break; } } /* ** If the attached unit could NOT be deployed, then re-attach ** it and then bail out of this deploy process. */ if (!placed) { Attach(passenger); /* ** Tell everyone around the transport to scatter. */ for (FacingType face = FACING_N; face < FACING_COUNT; face++) { CellClass * cellptr = &Map[Coord].Adjacent_Cell(face); if (cellptr->Is_Clear_To_Move(SPEED_TRACK, true, true)) { cellptr->Incoming(0, true); } } // Status = CLOSING_DOOR; } } } else { Status = CLOSING_DOOR; } break; /* ** Close LST door in preparation for normal operation. */ case CLOSING_DOOR: if (Is_Door_Open()) { LST_Close_Door(); } if (Is_Door_Closed()) { if (IsALoaner) { Assign_Mission(MISSION_RETREAT); } else { Assign_Mission(MISSION_GUARD); } } break; } break; default: break; } return(MissionControl[Mission].Normal_Delay()); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Assign_Destination -- Assign a destination for this vessel. * * * * This routine is called when a destination is to be assigned to this vessel. * * * * INPUT: target -- The destination to assign to this vessel. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/09/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::Assign_Destination(TARGET target) { assert(IsActive); /* ** Abort early if there is anything wrong with the parameters ** or the unit already is assigned the specified destination. */ if (target == NavCom) return; /* ** Transport vehicles must tell all passengers that are about to load, that they ** cannot proceed. This is accomplished with a radio message to this effect. */ if (In_Radio_Contact() && Class->Max_Passengers() > 0 && (Contact_With_Whom()->Is_Infantry() || Contact_With_Whom()->What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT)) { long param = TARGET_NONE; Transmit_Message(RADIO_MOVE_HERE, param); // should stop objects heading toward this transport. Transmit_Message(RADIO_OVER_OUT); if (!Is_Door_Closed()) { LST_Close_Door(); } } if (!Is_Door_Closed()) { LST_Close_Door(); } DriveClass::Assign_Destination(target); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Mission_Retreat -- Perform the retreat mission. * * * * This will cause the vessel to run away from the battlefield. It searches for an escape * * map edge according to the reinforcement edge specified in the house. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of game frames to delay before this routine is called * * again. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/09/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int VesselClass::Mission_Retreat(void) { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); enum { PICK_RETREAT_POINT, TRAVEL }; switch (Status) { case PICK_RETREAT_POINT: IsALoaner = true; if (!Target_Legal(NavCom)) { // CELL cell = Map.Calculated_Cell(House->Control.Edge, (Team.Is_Valid()) ? Team->Class->Origin : -1, -1, Class->Speed); CELL cell = Map.Calculated_Cell(House->Control.Edge, (Team.Is_Valid()) ? Team->Class->Origin : -1, Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()), Class->Speed); if (Team.Is_Valid()) { Team->Remove(this); } Assign_Destination(::As_Target(cell)); } Status = TRAVEL; return(1); case TRAVEL: if (!Target_Legal(NavCom)) { Status = PICK_RETREAT_POINT; } break; default: break; } return(MissionControl[Mission].Normal_Delay()); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Is_Allowed_To_Recloak -- Can the vessel recloak now? * * * * Asking this question is part of the recloak process. If the answer is no, then * * recloaking is postponed. This facilitates keeping submarines visible for longer than * * they otherwise would be. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Can this vessel recloak now? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/09/1996 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool VesselClass::Is_Allowed_To_Recloak(void) const { return(PulseCountDown == 0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Read_INI -- Read the vessel data from the INI database. * * * * This will read and create all vessels specified in the INI database. This routine is * * called when the scenario starts. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the INI database to read the vessel data from. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Vessels will be created and placed on the map by this function. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/09/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::Read_INI(CCINIClass & ini) { VesselClass * vessel; // Working vessel pointer. HousesType inhouse; // Vessel house. VesselType classid; // Vessel class. char buf[128]; int len = ini.Entry_Count(INI_Name()); for (int index = 0; index < len; index++) { char const * entry = ini.Get_Entry(INI_Name(), index); ini.Get_String(INI_Name(), entry, NULL, buf, sizeof(buf)); inhouse = HouseTypeClass::From_Name(strtok(buf, ",")); if (inhouse != HOUSE_NONE) { classid = VesselTypeClass::From_Name(strtok(NULL, ",")); if (classid != VESSEL_NONE) { vessel = new VesselClass(classid, inhouse); if (vessel != NULL) { /* ** Read the raw data. */ int strength = atoi(strtok(NULL, ",\r\n")); CELL cell = atoi(strtok(NULL, ",\r\n")); COORDINATE coord = Cell_Coord(cell); DirType dir = (DirType)atoi(strtok(NULL, ",\r\n")); MissionType mission = MissionClass::Mission_From_Name(strtok(NULL, ",\n\r")); vessel->Trigger = NULL; TriggerTypeClass * tp = TriggerTypeClass::From_Name(strtok(NULL, ",\r\n")); if (tp != NULL) { TriggerClass * tt = Find_Or_Make(tp); if (tt != NULL) { tt->AttachCount++; vessel->Trigger = tt; } } if (vessel->Unlimbo(coord, dir)) { vessel->Strength = vessel->Class->MaxStrength * fixed(strength, 256); if (vessel->Strength > vessel->Class->MaxStrength-3) vessel->Strength = vessel->Class->MaxStrength; // vessel->Strength = Fixed_To_Cardinal(vessel->Class->MaxStrength, strength); if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL || vessel->House->IsHuman) { vessel->Assign_Mission(mission); vessel->Commence(); } else { vessel->Enter_Idle_Mode(); } } else { /* ** If the vessel could not be unlimboed, then this is a catastrophic error ** condition. Delete the vessel. */ delete vessel; } } } } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Write_INI -- Write all vessel scenario data to the INI database. * * * * This routine is used to add the vessel data (needed for scenario start) to the INI * * database specified. If there was any preexisting vessel data in the database, it will * * be cleared * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the ini database to store the vessel data into. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/09/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::Write_INI(CCINIClass & ini) { /* ** First, clear out all existing vessel data from the ini file. */ ini.Clear(INI_Name()); /* ** Write the vessel data out. */ for (int index = 0; index < Vessels.Count(); index++) { VesselClass * vessel = Vessels.Ptr(index); if (vessel != NULL && !vessel->IsInLimbo && vessel->IsActive) { char uname[10]; char buf[128]; sprintf(uname, "%d", index); sprintf(buf, "%s,%s,%d,%u,%d,%s,%s", vessel->House->Class->IniName, vessel->Class->IniName, vessel->Health_Ratio()*256, Coord_Cell(vessel->Coord), vessel->PrimaryFacing.Current(), MissionClass::Mission_Name(vessel->Mission), vessel->Trigger.Is_Valid() ? vessel->Trigger->Class->IniName : "None" ); ini.Put_String(INI_Name(), uname, buf); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Start_Driver -- Starts the vessel by reserving the location it is moving to. * * * * This routine is called when the vessel starts moving. It will reserve the destination * * cell so that it won't be occupied by another vessel as this one is travelling. * * * * INPUT: headto -- The coordinate that will be headed to. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the destination location successfully marked? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/09/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool VesselClass::Start_Driver(COORDINATE & headto) { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (DriveClass::Start_Driver(headto) && IsActive) { //BG IsActive can be cleared by Start_Driver Mark_Track(headto, MARK_DOWN); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::What_Action -- Determines action to perform on specified cell. * * * * This routine will determine what action to perform if the mouse were clicked over the * * cell specified. * * * * INPUT: cell -- The cell that the mouse might be clicked on. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the action type that this unit will perform if the mouse were * * clicked of the cell specified. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/11/1996 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ ActionType VesselClass::What_Action(CELL cell) const { assert(Vessels.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); ActionType action = DriveClass::What_Action(cell); if (action == ACTION_NOMOVE && Map[cell].Land_Type() == LAND_BEACH) { return(ACTION_MOVE); } if (action == ACTION_NOMOVE && Class->PrimaryWeapon != NULL && Class->PrimaryWeapon->Bullet->IsSubSurface && Map[cell].Is_Bridge_Here()) { return(ACTION_ATTACK); } return(action); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Rotation_AI -- Handles turret and body rotation for this vessel. * * * * Any turret or body rotation for this vessel will be handled by this routine. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Only call this routine once per vessel per game logic loop. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::Rotation_AI(void) { if (Target_Legal(TarCom) && !IsRotating) { DirType dir = Direction(TarCom); if (Class->IsTurretEquipped) { SecondaryFacing.Set_Desired(dir); } } IsRotating = false; if (Class->IsTurretEquipped) { if (SecondaryFacing.Is_Rotating()) { Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); if (SecondaryFacing.Rotation_Adjust((Class->ROT * House->GroundspeedBias)+1)) { Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); } /* ** If no further rotation is necessary, flag that the rotation ** has stopped. */ IsRotating = SecondaryFacing.Is_Rotating(); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Combat_AI -- Handles firing and target selection for the vessel. * * * * This routine will process firing logic for the vessel. It includes searching for targets * * and performing any adjustments necessary to bring the target to bear. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Only call this routine once per vessel per game logic loop. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::Combat_AI(void) { if (Target_Legal(TarCom) && Is_Weapon_Equipped()) { /* ** Determine which weapon can fire. First check for the primary weapon. If that weapon ** cannot fire, then check any secondary weapon. If neither weapon can fire, then the ** failure code returned is that from the primary weapon. */ int primary = What_Weapon_Should_I_Use(TarCom); FireErrorType ok = Can_Fire(TarCom, primary); switch (ok) { case FIRE_OK: Fire_At(TarCom, primary); break; case FIRE_FACING: if (Class->IsTurretEquipped) { SecondaryFacing.Set_Desired(Direction(TarCom)); } else { if (!PrimaryFacing.Is_Rotating()) { PrimaryFacing.Set_Desired(Direction(TarCom)); } } break; case FIRE_CLOAKED: Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_UP); IsFiring = false; Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_DOWN); Do_Uncloak(); break; } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Edge_Of_World_AI -- Determine if vessel is off the edge of the world. * * * * In addition to detecting the edge of world case, this routine will delete the vessel * * if it occurs. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the vessel deleted by this routine? * * * * WARNINGS: Be sure to examine the return value and if true, abort any further processing * * for this vessel since it has been deleted. This routine should be called once * * per vessel per game logic loop. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool VesselClass::Edge_Of_World_AI(void) { if (!IsDriving && !Map.In_Radar(Coord_Cell(Coord)) && IsLocked) { if (Team.Is_Valid()) Team->IsLeaveMap = true; Stun(); delete this; return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Repair_AI -- Process any self-repair required of this vessel. * * * * When a vessel repairs, it does so 'by itself' and not under direct control of another * * object. This self repair logic is processed here. Upon repair completion of money * * exhuastion, the repair process will terminate. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Call this routine only once per vessel per game logic loop. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1996 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void VesselClass::Repair_AI(void) { if (IsSelfRepairing) { if ((Frame % (TICKS_PER_MINUTE * Rule.RepairRate)) == 0) { Mark(MARK_CHANGE); int cost = Class->Repair_Cost(); int step = Class->Repair_Step(); if (House->Available_Money() >= cost) { House->Spend_Money(cost); Strength += step; if (Strength >= Class->MaxStrength) { Strength = Class->MaxStrength; IsSelfRepairing = IsToSelfRepair = false; if (IsOwnedByPlayer) Speak(VOX_UNIT_REPAIRED); } } } } } #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 /*********************************************************************************************** * VesselClass::Fire_At -- Try to fire upon the target specified. * * * * This routine is the auto-fire logic for the ship. It will check * * to see if we're an aircraft carrier, and if so, launch one of our * * aircraft. If we're not an aircraft carrier, it lets the higher-level * * Fire_At logic take over. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target to fire upon. * * * * which -- Which weapon to use when firing. 0=primary, 1=secondary. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Did firing occur? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/26/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ BulletClass * VesselClass::Fire_At(TARGET target, int which) { assert(Units.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (*this == VESSEL_CARRIER) { Arm = CarrierLaunchDelay; FootClass * passenger = Detach_Object(); if (passenger != NULL) { ScenarioInit++; passenger->Unlimbo(Center_Coord()); ScenarioInit--; passenger->Assign_Mission(MISSION_ATTACK); passenger->Assign_Target(TarCom); passenger->Commence(); // If we've launched our last aircraft, discontinue attacking. if (!How_Many()) Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); } } else { return DriveClass::Fire_At(target, which); } return (NULL); } #endif