/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION // WolapiOb.h // ajw 07/10/98 // Class WolapiObject is mainly a container so I can avoid globals and keep things clean. // All WOLAPI interfacing will be done through this object. It's lifetime will begin when // API functions are first needed and end when we are finished with the API - this will // presumably parallel the duration of the user's connection to WOL. #ifndef WOLAPI_H #define WOLAPI_H #include "RAWolapi.h" #include "dibapi.h" #include "IconList.h" //*********************************************************************************************** class IconListClass; class WOL_GameSetupDialog; class ToolTipClass; #define PUMPSLEEPDURATION 300 // Milliseconds between PumpMessages() calls. #define EMERGENCY_TIMEOUT 40000 // Longest we wait for a wolapi response before terminating everything. // Milliseconds between automatic behaviors. #define WOLAPIPUMPWAIT 300 #define CHANNELUPDATEWAIT 45000 #define WOL_NAME_LEN_MAX 10 // Includes null-terminator. #define WOL_PASSWORD_LEN 9 // Includes null-terminator. #define WOL_CHANNAME_LEN_MAX 17 // Includes null-terminator. #define WOL_CHANKEY_LEN_MAX 9 // Includes null-terminator. #define CHAT_USER_SQUELCHED 0x0004 // Will theoretically be added to the api and implemented. #define LOBBYPASSWORD "not_a_valid_password" // Password removed per Security review - LFeenanEA, 26th February 2025 #define USERCANCELLED 1 #define PATCHDOWNLOADED 2 #define PATCHAVOIDED 3 // Special hidden descriptors added to channel list items. // These serve double-duty as tooltip help text. #define CHANNELTYPE_TOP TXT_WOL_CHANNELTYPE_TOP #define CHANNELTYPE_OFFICIALCHAT TXT_WOL_CHANNELTYPE_OFFICIALCHAT #define CHANNELTYPE_USERCHAT TXT_WOL_CHANNELTYPE_USERCHAT #define CHANNELTYPE_GAMES TXT_WOL_CHANNELTYPE_GAMES #define CHANNELTYPE_GAMESOFTYPE "GamesOfType" // Not seen. #define CHANNELTYPE_CHATCHANNEL "ChatChannel" // Not seen. #define CHANNELTYPE_GAMECHANNEL "GameChannel" // Not seen. #define CHANNELTYPE_LOADING TXT_WOL_CHANNELTYPE_LOADING #define CHANNELTYPE_LOBBIES TXT_WOL_CHANNELTYPE_LOBBIES #define CHANNELTYPE_LOBBYCHANNEL "LobbyChannel" // Not seen. enum WOL_LEVEL { WOL_LEVEL_TOP, // Viewing top level menu choices. WOL_LEVEL_OFFICIALCHAT, // Viewing official chat channels. WOL_LEVEL_USERCHAT, // Viewing user chat channels. WOL_LEVEL_INCHATCHANNEL, // In a chat channel. WOL_LEVEL_GAMES, // Viewing types (skus) of games. WOL_LEVEL_GAMESOFTYPE, // Viewing game channels of a type. WOL_LEVEL_INGAMECHANNEL, // In a game channel. WOL_LEVEL_LOBBIES, // Viewing the game lobbies. WOL_LEVEL_INLOBBY, // In a "lobby" chat channel. WOL_LEVEL_INVALID }; struct WOL_GAMETYPEINFO { int iGameType; char szName[128]; char szURL[256]; HDIB hDIB; // DIB handle. const char* pDIB; // What you get when you GlobalLock hDIB. }; // Header values for game options messages. Note that 0 is not used! enum WOL_GAMEOPT { WOL_GAMEOPT_REQCOLOR = 1, // REQuest = guest asks game host for a color WOL_GAMEOPT_INFCOLOR, // INForm = game host tells guests color of a single player (not "accept-canceling") WOL_GAMEOPT_INFPARAMS, // host tells guests all common game params WOL_GAMEOPT_REQHOUSE, // guest tells host he's changed house (REQ because it's guest->host) WOL_GAMEOPT_INFHOUSE, // host tells guests about new house of a single player WOL_GAMEOPT_REQACCEPT, // guest tells host he accepts current params WOL_GAMEOPT_INFACCEPT, // host tells guests that a player accepted WOL_GAMEOPT_INFSTART, // host tell guests to go into wait for start mode WOL_GAMEOPT_REQSTART, // guest acknowledges WOL_GAMEOPT_INFSTART WOL_GAMEOPT_REQSTART_BUTNEEDSCENARIO, // guests acks WOL_GAMEOPT_INFSTART and asks for scenario download WOL_GAMEOPT_INFCANCELSTART, // host tells guests to cancel game start, as a change arrived or player joined/left WOL_GAMEOPT_INFGO, // host tells everyone to start WOL_GAMEOPT_INFNEWGUESTPLAYERINFO, // host tells new guest a lot of stuff about everyone that's in the game }; enum DIBICON { DIBICON_OWNER, DIBICON_SQUELCH, DIBICON_LATENCY, DIBICON_ACCEPT, DIBICON_NOTACCEPT, DIBICON_USER, DIBICON_PRIVATE, DIBICON_TOURNAMENT, DIBICON_VOICE, }; #define NUMDIBICONS 9 struct DIBICONINFO { char szFile[50]; HDIB hDIB; const char* pDIB; }; // See SaveChat()... #define SAVECHATWIDTH 150 // Wider than text that will fit in the chat list window. struct CHATSAVE // What we save about each individual list item. { char szText[ SAVECHATWIDTH + 1 ]; IconList_ItemExtras ItemExtras; // Only color is used. CHATSAVE* next; }; struct CREATEGAMEINFO { enum GAMEKIND // Gets or'ed with lobby number in channel 'reserved' field. { RAGAME = 0x01000000, CSGAME = 0x02000000, AMGAME = 0x04000000, }; bool bCreateGame; // True if user confirms game creation. int iPlayerMax; // NOT number of players, but maximum number allowed into game channel. int iPlayerCount; // Number of initial human players in game. Set at game launch, used for stats. bool bTournament; bool bPrivate; GAMEKIND GameKind; char szPassword[ WOL_CHANKEY_LEN_MAX ]; // If not blank, key for private game. }; //*********************************************************************************************** HPALETTE GetCurrentScreenPalette(); void RemapDIBToPalette( HPALETTE hPal, const char* pDIB ); // Note: pDIB is treated as non-const. //char* LoadFileIntoMemory( const char* szFileName, int& iLength ); //*********************************************************************************************** class WolapiObject { public: WolapiObject(); virtual ~WolapiObject(); IChat* pChat; IDownload* pDownload; INetUtil* pNetUtil; DWORD dwChatAdvise; // Value that identifies the "connection" from chat to chatsink. DWORD dwDownloadAdvise; DWORD dwNetUtilAdvise; RAChatEventSink* pChatSink; RADownloadEventSink* pDownloadSink; RANetUtilEventSink* pNetUtilSink; bool bChatShownBefore; char szLadderServerHost[ 150 ]; int iLadderServerPort; char szGameResServerHost1[ 150 ]; int iGameResServerPort1; char szGameResServerHost2[ 150 ]; int iGameResServerPort2; bool bFindEnabled; // I have to maintain these, though wolapi should do it for me... bool bPageEnabled; // Note they are initialized true, as is currently the case in wol. bool bLangFilter; // bool bAllGamesShown; bool bEggSounds; // Easter egg related. True = user actions trigger sounds. bool bEgg8Player; // True = 8 player games can be created. This is hidden so that we don't really have to support the feature... WOL_LEVEL CurrentLevel; WOL_LEVEL LastUpdateChannelCallLevel; char szMyName[WOL_NAME_LEN_MAX]; // Local user's name, valid while connected. char szMyRecord[ WOL_NAME_LEN_MAX + 80 ]; char szMyRecordAM[ WOL_NAME_LEN_MAX + 80 ]; bool bMyRecordUpdated; // True when szMyRecord has changed and not yet recognized by chat dialog. char szChannelListTitle[ 100 ]; bool bChannelListTitleUpdated; char szChannelNameCurrent[WOL_CHANNAME_LEN_MAX]; bool bChannelOwner; char szChannelReturnOnGameEnterFail[WOL_CHANNAME_LEN_MAX]; int iLobbyReturnAfterGame; // When in game channel, part of the value of the channel's 'reserved' field. bool bReturningAfterGame; int iLobbyLast; // Number of last lobby we personally were in. // CREATEGAMEINFO::GAMEKIND GameKindCurrent; // Kind of game (Red Alert, CS, AM) we are in game setup for. CREATEGAMEINFO GameInfoCurrent; // Kind of game (Red Alert, CS, AM, tournament, private) we are in game setup for. bool bEnableNewAftermathUnits; // Used to pass game parameter back to init only. DWORD dwTimeNextWolapiPump; DWORD dwTimeNextChannelUpdate; DIBICONINFO DibIconInfos[ NUMDIBICONS ]; HRESULT hresPatchResults; // Used when a patch has been downloaded or cancelled. WOL_GameSetupDialog* pGSupDlg; // When in a game channel, setting up a game; ptr to the dialog. bool bInGame; // True while playing a game. bool bConnectionDown; // Flag used while in a game, set to true if connection goes down. bool bGameServer; // Flag used while in a game, true if game server (host). unsigned long TournamentOpponentIP; // Valid while playing a tournament game. IP address of opponent. bool bPump_In_Call_Back; // Used to enable PumpMessages during Call_Back(), for when we're in a modal dialog. bool bSelfDestruct; // If set true, causes logout and deletion of wolapi object. char szWebBrowser[ _MAX_PATH + 1 ]; // For "disconnect pinging". bool bDoingDisconnectPinging; bool bDisconnectPingingCompleted; int iDisconnectPingCurrent; DISCONNECT_PING_STATUS DisconnectPingResult_Server[ DISCONNECT_PING_COUNT ]; DISCONNECT_PING_STATUS DisconnectPingResult_Opponent[ DISCONNECT_PING_COUNT ]; // Used for in-game paging and responding. char szExternalPager[ WOL_NAME_LEN_MAX ]; // Last person to page me from outside the game, or blank for none. bool bFreezeExternalPager; bool bShowRankRA; // true = view RA rankings, false = view AM rankings bool bShowRankUpdated; // set true when bShowRankRA value changes // Standard wol buttons. char* pShpDiscon; char* pShpLeave; char* pShpRefresh; char* pShpSquelch; char* pShpBan; char* pShpKick; char* pShpFindpage; char* pShpOptions; char* pShpLadder; char* pShpHelp; ShapeButtonClass* pShpBtnDiscon; ShapeButtonClass* pShpBtnLeave; ShapeButtonClass* pShpBtnRefresh; ShapeButtonClass* pShpBtnSquelch; ShapeButtonClass* pShpBtnBan; ShapeButtonClass* pShpBtnKick; ShapeButtonClass* pShpBtnFindpage; ShapeButtonClass* pShpBtnOptions; ShapeButtonClass* pShpBtnLadder; ShapeButtonClass* pShpBtnHelp; ToolTipClass* pTTipDiscon; ToolTipClass* pTTipLeave; ToolTipClass* pTTipRefresh; ToolTipClass* pTTipSquelch; ToolTipClass* pTTipBan; ToolTipClass* pTTipKick; ToolTipClass* pTTipFindpage; ToolTipClass* pTTipOptions; ToolTipClass* pTTipLadder; ToolTipClass* pTTipHelp; WOL_GAMETYPEINFO OldRAGameTypeInfos[ 3 ]; // Used for storing old red alert icons only. public: bool bLoggedIn(); void LinkToChatDlg( IconListClass* pILChat, IconListClass* pILChannels, IconListClass* pILUsers, StaticButtonClass* pStaticUsers ); void ClearListPtrs(); void LinkToGameDlg( IconListClass* pILDisc, IconListClass* pILPlayers ); void PrepareButtonsAndIcons(); bool bSetupCOMStuff(); void UnsetupCOMStuff(); void PrintMessage( const char* szText, PlayerColorType iColorRemap = PCOLOR_NONE ); void PrintMessage( const char* szText, RemapControlType* pColorRemap ); HRESULT GetChatServer(); HRESULT AttemptLogin( const char* szName, const char* szPass, bool bPassIsMangled ); void Logout(); bool UpdateChannels( int iChannelType, CHANNELFILTER ChannelFilter, bool bAutoping ); void OnChannelList(); void ListChannels(); HRESULT ChannelJoin( const char* szChannelName, const char* szKey ); HRESULT ChannelJoin( Channel* pChannelToJoin ); bool ChannelLeave(); // bool UserList(); bool ListChannelUsers(); bool bItemMarkedAccepted( int iIndex ); bool MarkItemAccepted( int iIndex, bool bAccept ); bool bItemMarkedReadyToGo( int iIndex ); void MarkItemReadyToGo( int iIndex, const char* szReadyState ); bool bItemMarkedNeedScenario( int iIndex ); void PullPlayerName_Into_From( char* szDest, const char* szSource ); HousesType PullPlayerHouse_From( const char* szSource ); void WritePlayerListItem( char* szDest, const char* szName, HousesType House ); void RequestPlayerPings(); void SendMessage( const char* szMessage, IconListClass& ILUsers, bool bAction ); bool ChannelCreate( const char* szChannelName, const char* szKey, bool bGame = false, int iMaxPlayers = 0, bool bTournament = false, int iLobby = 0, CREATEGAMEINFO::GAMEKIND GameKind = CREATEGAMEINFO::RAGAME ); void DoFindPage(); HRESULT Locate( const char* szUser ); HRESULT Page( const char* szUser, const char* szSend, bool bWaitForResult ); void DoKick( IconListClass* pILUsersOrPlayers, bool bAndBan ); bool Kick( User* pUserToKick ); bool Ban( User* pUserToKick ); void DoSquelch( IconListClass* pILUsersOrPlayers ); bool Squelch( User* pUserToSquelch ); void DoOptions(); bool DoLadder(); bool DoHelp(); bool DoWebRegistration(); bool DoGameAdvertising( const Channel* pChannel ); bool SpawnBrowser( const char* szURL ); void ChannelListTitle( const char* szTitle ); bool EnterLevel_Top(); bool EnterLevel_OfficialChat(); bool EnterLevel_UserChat(); bool EnterLevel_Games(); bool EnterLevel_GamesOfType( WOL_GAMETYPEINFO* pGameTypeInfo ); bool EnterLevel_Lobbies(); bool OnEnteringChatChannel( const char* szChannelName, bool bICreatedChannel, int iLobby ); void OnExitingChatChannel(); bool ExitChatChannelForGameChannel(); bool OnEnteringGameChannel( const char* szChannelName, bool bICreatedChannel, const CREATEGAMEINFO& CreateGameInfo ); bool OnEnteringGameSetup(); void OnFailedToEnterGameChannel(); void OnExitingGameChannel(); void RejoinLobbyAfterGame(); bool RequestLadders( const char* szName ); bool RequestIPs( const char* szName ); void SaveChat(); void RestoreChat(); void AddHostLeftMessageToSavedChat( const char* szName ); void AddMessageToSavedChat( const char* szMessage ); void DeleteSavedChat(); void GenericErrorMessage(); bool GetNameOfBeginningLobby( char* szNameToSet ); bool GetLobbyChannels(); const char* pGameHostName(); User* pGameHost(); bool SendGameOpt( const char* szSend, User* pUserPriv ); bool RequestGameStart(); bool SendGo( const char* szSend ); void Init_DisconnectPinging(); bool Pump_DisconnectPinging(); void DisconnectPingResultsString( char* szStringToSet ); void SetOptionDefaults(); void SetOptions( bool bEnableFind, bool bEnablePage, bool bLangFilterOn, bool bShowAllGames ); protected: void GetGameTypeInfo( int iGameType, WOL_GAMETYPEINFO& GameTypeInfo, HPALETTE hPal ); void* IconForGameType( int iGameType ); const char* NameOfGameType( int iGameType ) const; const char* URLForGameType( int iGameType ) const; protected: // Used by the general chat dialog. IconListClass* pILChat; // Main messages list. IconListClass* pILChannels; // Channels list. IconListClass* pILUsers; // Users list. // IconListClass* pILDisc; // Main messages list. (pILChat is used.) IconListClass* pILPlayers; // Players list. StaticButtonClass* pStaticUsers; // Title for a users list. Used by main chat dialog only, not by game setup. WOL_GAMETYPEINFO* GameTypeInfos; unsigned int nGameTypeInfos; float fLatencyToIconWidth; CHATSAVE* pChatSaveList; CHATSAVE* pChatSaveLast; }; #endif #endif