; ; Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ; Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ; ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ; ;**************************************************************************** ;* ;* C O N F I D E N T I A L -- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ;* ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;* ;* FILE ;* huffdcmp.asm ;* ;* DESCRIPTION ;* Huffman order 0 decompressor. ;* ;* PROGRAMMER ;* Denzil E. Long, Jr. ;* ;* DATE ;* May 22, 1995 ;* ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;* ;* PUBLIC ;* HuffDecompress - Decompress Huffman order 0 encoded data. ;* BuildHuffTree - Build the Huffman decode tree. ;* ;**************************************************************************** IDEAL P386 MODEL USE32 FLAT LOCALS ?? STRUC TreeNode count DD ? ;Weight of the node child0 DW ? ;Child node 0 child1 DW ? ;Child node 1 ENDS TreeNode HUFF_EOS EQU 256 CODESEG ;**************************************************************************** ;* ;* NAME ;* HuffDecompress - Decompress Huffman order 0 encoded data. ;* ;* SYNOPSIS ;* Size = HuffDecompress(Data, Buffer, Length, Temp) ;* ;* long = HuffDecompress(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, long, char *); ;* ;* FUNCTION ;* Expand data that has been compressed with order 0 Huffman coding. ;* The model (counts) are extracted from the data and a decode tree is ;* built. The data is expanded by reading a bit and traversing the tree ;* until a leaf node is encountered. ;* ;* INPUTS ;* Data - Pointer to Huffman encoded data. ;* Buffer - Pointer to decompress buffer. ;* Length - Maximum decompress length. ;* Temp - Pointer to temporary working buffer. (Must be >= 5120 bytes!) ;* ;* RESULT ;* Size - Size of decompressed data. ;* ;**************************************************************************** GLOBAL C HuffDecompress:NEAR PROC HuffDecompress C NEAR USES esi edi ebx ecx edx ARG data:NEAR PTR ARG buffer:NEAR PTR ARG length:DWORD ARG temp:NEAR PTR LOCAL next:DWORD ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;* Read in the set of counts ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- mov esi,[data] ;Compressed data mov ebx,[temp] ;Nodes array mov ax,[esi] ;Get first and last count xor edx,edx ;i = 0 xor ecx,ecx add esi,2 ??getcounts: cmp al,dl ;Reached start of run? jne ??zerocount ;* Copy the run of counts to the nodes sub ah,al ;Run length = Stop - Start xor ecx,ecx mov cl,ah xor eax,eax inc ecx ;Run length + 1 ??copycounts: mov al,[esi] ;Get count inc edx ;i++ mov [ebx],eax ;Write count to node inc esi add ebx,8 ;Next node dec ecx jnz ??copycounts mov ax,[esi] ;Get next start inc esi cmp al,0 ;Terminator? je short ??nextcount inc esi jmp short ??nextcount ;* Fill empty nodes with 0 ??zerocount: mov [DWORD PTR ebx],ecx inc edx ;i++ add ebx,8 ;Next node ??nextcount: cmp edx,256 jl short ??getcounts mov [WORD PTR ebx],1 mov [data],esi ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;* Build the Huffman tree. All active nodes are scanned in order ;* to locate the two nodes with the minimum weights. These two ;* weights are added together and assigned a new node. The new ;* node makes the two minimum nodes into its 0 child and 1 child. ;* The two minimum nodes are then marked as inactive. This process ;* repeats until their is only one node left, which is the root. ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- mov eax,[temp] ;Nodes array mov esi,eax add eax,(513 * 8) ;Node[513] = guaranteed maximum mov [DWORD PTR eax],-1 mov [next],((HUFF_EOS + 1) * 8) ??sortnext: mov edx,(513 * 8) ;first = 513 mov edi,edx ;last = 513 xor ecx,ecx ;i = 0 mov ebx,esi ;nodes[i] ??sortnodes: cmp [WORD PTR ebx],0 ;Only check non-zero nodes jz ??nextnode ;* nodes[i].count < nodes[first].count mov eax,[DWORD PTR esi + edx] cmp eax,[DWORD PTR ebx] jbe ??checklast mov edi,edx ;last = first mov edx,ecx ;first = i jmp short ??nextnode ;* nodes[i].count < nodes[last].count ??checklast: mov eax,[DWORD PTR esi + edi] cmp eax,[DWORD PTR ebx] jbe ??nextnode mov edi,ecx ;last = i ??nextnode: add ecx,8 ;i++ add ebx,8 ;nodes[i] cmp ecx,[next] jne short ??sortnodes ;* Tree done when last = 513 cmp edi,(513 * 8) je short ??decode mov ebx,[next] add ebx,esi mov [WORD PTR ebx+4],dx ;nodes[next].child0 = first mov [WORD PTR ebx+6],di ;nodes[next].child1 = last add edx,esi mov eax,[DWORD PTR edx] ;nodes[first].count add edi,esi mov [DWORD PTR ebx],eax mov ecx,[DWORD PTR edi] ;nodes[last].count xor eax,eax add [DWORD PTR ebx],ecx mov [DWORD PTR edx],eax ;nodes[first].count = 0 mov [DWORD PTR edi],eax ;nodes[lats].count = 0 add [next],8 jmp ??sortnext ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;* Expand the compressed data. As each new symbol is decoded, the ;* tree is traversed, starting at the root node, reading a bit in, ;* and taking either the child0 or child1 path. Eventually, the ;* tree winds down to a leaf node, and the corresponding symbol is ;* output. If the symbol is the HUFF_EOS symbol the process ;* terminates. ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ??decode: sub [next],8 ;rootnode - 1 xor ecx,ecx mov esi,[data] ;Input data buffer mov al,080h ;mask = 0x80 mov edi,[buffer] ;Output buffer mov ah,[esi] ;Data byte mov ebx,[temp] inc esi ??decodeloop: mov edx,[next] ;node = root ??walktree: mov ecx,4 add ecx,edx test al,ah jz short ??getnode add ecx,2 ??getnode: mov dx,[WORD PTR ebx + ecx] ;nodes[node].child shr al,1 jnz short ??checkleaf mov ah,[esi] ;Get next data byte mov al,080h ;Reset mask inc esi ??checkleaf: cmp edx,(HUFF_EOS * 8) jg short ??walktree je short ??done shr edx,3 mov [edi],dl inc edi jmp short ??decodeloop ??done: mov eax,edi sub eax,[buffer] ret ENDP HuffDecompress ;**************************************************************************** ;* ;* NAME ;* BuildHuffTree - Build the Huffman decode tree. ;* ;* SYNOPSIS ;* Root = BuildHuffTree(Nodes) ;* ;* long BuildHuffTree(TreeNode *); ;* ;* FUNCTION ;* Build the Huffman tree. All active nodes are scanned in order to ;* locate the two nodes with the minimum weights. These two weights are ;* added together and assigned a new node. The new node makes the two ;* minimum nodes into its 0 child and 1 child. The two minimum nodes are ;* then marked as inactive. This process repeats until their is only one ;* node left, which is the root. ;* ;* INPUTS ;* Nodes - Pointer to array of nodes. ;* ;* RESULT ;* Root - Number of root node. ;* ;**************************************************************************** GLOBAL C BuildHuffTree:NEAR PROC BuildHuffTree C NEAR USES esi edi ebx ecx edx ARG temp:NEAR PTR LOCAL next:DWORD mov eax,[temp] ;Nodes array mov esi,eax add eax,(513 * 8) ;Node[513] = guaranteed maximum mov [DWORD PTR eax],-1 mov [next],((HUFF_EOS + 1) * 8) ??sortnext: mov edx,(513 * 8) ;first = 513 mov edi,edx ;last = 513 xor ecx,ecx ;i = 0 mov ebx,esi ;nodes[i] ??sortnodes: cmp [WORD PTR ebx],0 ;Only check non-zero nodes jz ??nextnode ;* nodes[i].count < nodes[first].count mov eax,[DWORD PTR esi + edx] cmp eax,[DWORD PTR ebx] jbe ??checklast mov edi,edx ;last = first mov edx,ecx ;first = i jmp short ??nextnode ;* nodes[i].count < nodes[last].count ??checklast: mov eax,[DWORD PTR esi + edi] cmp eax,[DWORD PTR ebx] jbe ??nextnode mov edi,ecx ;last = i ??nextnode: add ecx,8 ;i++ add ebx,8 cmp ecx,[next] jne short ??sortnodes ;* Tree done when last = 513 cmp edi,(513 * 8) je short ??done mov ebx,[next] add ebx,esi ;nodes[next] mov [WORD PTR ebx+4],dx ;nodes[next].child0 = first mov [WORD PTR ebx+6],di ;nodes[next].child1 = last add edx,esi mov eax,[DWORD PTR edx] ;nodes[first].count add edi,esi mov [DWORD PTR ebx],eax mov ecx,[DWORD PTR edi] ;nodes[last].count xor eax,eax add [DWORD PTR ebx],ecx mov [DWORD PTR edx],eax ;nodes[first].count = 0 mov [DWORD PTR edi],eax ;nodes[lats].count = 0 add [next],8 jmp ??sortnext ??done: mov eax,[next] sub eax,8 ret ENDP BuildHuffTree END