/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\monoc.cpv 2.12 06 Sep 1995 16:37:54 JOE_BOSTIC $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : MONO.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : July 2, 1994 * * * * Last Update : October 17, 1994 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * MonoClass::Clear -- Clears the monochrome screen object. * * MonoClass::Draw_Box -- Draws a box using the IBM linedraw characters. * * MonoClass::MonoClass -- The default constructor for monochrome screen object. * * MonoClass::operator = -- Handles making one mono object have the same imagery as another. * * MonoClass::Print -- Prints the text string at the current cursor coordinates. * * MonoClass::Printf -- Prints a formatted string to the monochrome screen. * * MonoClass::Scroll -- Scroll the monochrome screen up by the specified lines. * * MonoClass::Set_Cursor -- Sets the monochrome cursor to the coordinates specified. * * MonoClass::Text_Print -- Prints text to the monochrome object at coordinates indicated. * * MonoClass::View -- Brings the mono object to the main display. * * MonoClass::~MonoClass -- The default destructor for a monochrome screen object. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ //#pragma inline #include "mono.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include extern void output(short port, short data); #pragma aux output parm [dx] [ax] = \ "out dx,al" \ "inc dx" \ "mov al,ah" \ "out dx,al" int MonoClass::Enabled = 0; MonoClass * MonoClass::PageUsage[MonoClass::MAX_MONO_PAGES] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; void * MonoClass::MonoSegment = (void*)0x000b0000; /* ** These are the IBM linedraw characters. */ MonoClass::BoxDataType const MonoClass::CharData[MonoClass::COUNT] = { {0xDA,0xC4,0xBF,0xB3,0xD9,0xC4,0xC0,0xB3}, // Single line {0xD5,0xCD,0xB8,0xB3,0xBE,0xCD,0xD4,0xB3}, // Double horz. {0xD6,0xC4,0xB7,0xBA,0xBD,0xC4,0xD3,0xBA}, // Double vert. {0xC9,0xCD,0xBB,0xBA,0xBC,0xCD,0xC8,0xBA} // Double horz and vert. }; /*********************************************************************************************** * MonoClass::MonoClass -- The default constructor for monochrome screen object. * * * * This is the constructor for monochrome screen objects. It handles allocating a free * * monochrome page. If there are no more pages available, then this is a big error. The * * page allocated may not be the visible one. Call the View function in order to bring * * it to the displayed page. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ MonoClass::MonoClass(void) { int index; Attrib = DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE; // Normal text color. X = Y = 0; for (index = 0; index < MAX_MONO_PAGES; index++) { if (!PageUsage[index]) { PageUsage[index] = this; Page = (char)index; break; } } if (index == MAX_MONO_PAGES) { // Major error message should pop up here! delete this; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * MonoClass::~MonoClass -- The default destructor for a monochrome screen object. * * * * This is the default destructor for a monochrome screen object. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ MonoClass::~MonoClass(void) { PageUsage[Page] = 0; } /*********************************************************************************************** * MonoClass::Draw_Box -- Draws a box using the IBM linedraw characters. * * * * Use this routine to draw a box to the monochrome screen. The IBM line draw characters * * are used to give the it a fancy appearance. There are several line draw modes supported. * * * * INPUT: x,y -- The coordinates of the upper left corner of the box. * * * * w,y -- The width and height (respectively) to make the box. * * * * attrib -- The text attribute to use when drawing the box outline characters. * * * * thick -- The thickness style to use. Examine the BoxStyleType enum for * * elaboration on the supported styles. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: The interior of the box is NOT cleared by this routine. It is advised that this * * area be cleared before the box is drawn. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void MonoClass::Draw_Box(int x, int y, int w, int h, char attrib, BoxStyleType thick) { CellType cell; char oldattrib = Attrib; if (!Enabled || !w || !h) return; cell.Attribute = attrib; /* ** Draw the horizontal lines. */ for (int xpos = 0; xpos < w-2; xpos++) { cell.Character = CharData[thick].TopEdge; Store_Cell(cell, x+xpos+1, y); cell.Character = CharData[thick].BottomEdge; Store_Cell(cell, x+xpos+1, y+h-1); } /* ** Draw the vertical lines. */ for (int ypos = 0; ypos < h-2; ypos++) { cell.Character = CharData[thick].LeftEdge; Store_Cell(cell, x, y+ypos+1); cell.Character = CharData[thick].RightEdge; Store_Cell(cell, x+w-1, y+ypos+1); } /* ** Draw the four corners. */ if (w > 1 && h > 1) { cell.Character = CharData[thick].UpperLeft; Store_Cell(cell, x, y); cell.Character = CharData[thick].UpperRight; Store_Cell(cell, x+w-1, y); cell.Character = CharData[thick].BottomRight; Store_Cell(cell, x+w-1, y+h-1); cell.Character = CharData[thick].BottomLeft; Store_Cell(cell, x, y+h-1); } Attrib = oldattrib; } /*********************************************************************************************** * MonoClass::Set_Cursor -- Sets the monochrome cursor to the coordinates specified. * * * * Use this routine to set the monochrome's cursor position to the coordinates specified. * * This is the normal way of controlling where the next Print or Printf will output the * * text to. * * * * INPUT: x,y -- The coordinate to position the monochrome cursor. 0,0 is the upper left * * corner. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void MonoClass::Set_Cursor(int x, int y) { #if(0) int pos = (y*COLUMNS)+x; if (!Enabled) return; X = (char)(x%COLUMNS); Y = (char)(y%LINES); if (Page == 0) { _DX = CONTROL_PORT; _AX = (short)(0x0E|(pos&0xFF00)); asm { out dx,al inc dx mov al,ah out dx,al } _DX = CONTROL_PORT; _AX = (short)(0x0F|(pos<<8)); asm { out dx,al inc dx mov al,ah out dx,al } } #else int pos = (y*COLUMNS)+x; if (!Enabled) return; X = (char)(x%COLUMNS); Y = (char)(y%LINES); if (Page == 0) { output(CONTROL_PORT, (short)0x0E|(short)(pos&0xFF00)); output(CONTROL_PORT, (short)0x0F|(short)(pos<<8)); } #endif } /*********************************************************************************************** * MonoClass::Clear -- Clears the monochrome screen object. * * * * This routine will fill the monochrome screen object with spaces. It is clearing the * * screen of data, making it free for output. The cursor is positioned at the upper left * * corner of the screen by this routine. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void MonoClass::Clear(void) { CellType cell; if (!Enabled) return; Set_Cursor(0, 0); cell.Attribute = Attrib; cell.Character = ' '; for (int y = 0; y < LINES; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < COLUMNS; x++) { Store_Cell(cell, x, y); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * MonoClass::Scroll -- Scroll the monochrome screen up by the specified lines. * * * * Use this routine to scroll the monochrome screen up by the number of lines specified. * * This routine is typically called by the printing functions so that the monochrome screen * * behaves in the expected manner -- printing at the bottom of the screen scrolls it up * * to make room for new text. * * * * INPUT: lines -- The number of lines to scroll the monochrome screen. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void MonoClass::Scroll(int lines) { CellType cell; if (!Enabled || lines <= 0) return; memmove( (void*)((long)MonoSegment + Offset(0, 0)), (void*)((long)MonoSegment + Offset(0, lines)), (LINES-lines)*COLUMNS*sizeof(CellType)); Y--; cell.Attribute = Attrib; cell.Character = ' '; for (int l = LINES-lines; l < LINES; l++) { for (int index = 0; index < COLUMNS; index++) { Store_Cell(cell, index, l); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * MonoClass::Printf -- Prints a formatted string to the monochrome screen. * * * * Use this routine to output a formatted string, using the standard formatting options, * * to the monochrome screen object's current cursor position. * * * * INPUT: text -- Pointer to the text to print. * * * * ... -- Any optional parameters to supply in formatting the text. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: The total formatted text length must not exceed 255 characters. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void MonoClass::Printf(char const *text, ...) { va_list va; /* ** The buffer object is placed at the end of the local variable list ** so that if the sprintf happens to spill past the end, it isn't likely ** to trash anything (important). The buffer is then manually truncated ** to maximum allowed size before being printed. */ char buffer[256]; if (!Enabled) return; va_start(va, text); vsprintf(buffer, text, va); buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0'; Print(buffer); va_end(va); } #ifdef NEVER void MonoClass::Printf(int text, ...) { va_list va; /* ** The buffer object is placed at the end of the local variable list ** so that if the sprintf happens to spill past the end, it isn't likely ** to trash anything (important). The buffer is then manually truncated ** to maximum allowed size before being printed. */ char buffer[256]; if (!Enabled) return; va_start(va, text); vsprintf(buffer, Text_String(text), va); buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0'; Print(buffer); va_end(va); } #endif /*********************************************************************************************** * MonoClass::Print -- Prints the text string at the current cursor coordinates. * * * * Use this routine to output the specified text string at the monochrome object's current * * text coordinate position. * * * * INPUT: ptr -- Pointer to the string to print. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void MonoClass::Print(char const *ptr) { char startcol = X; char const * text; CellType cell; if (!ptr || !Enabled) return; text = ptr; cell.Attribute = Attrib; while (*text) { /* ** Sometimes the character string is used for cursor control instead ** of plain text output. Check for this case. */ switch (*text) { /* ** The "return" code behaves as it did in the old C library ** mono system. That is, it returns the cursor position to ** the next line but at the starting column of the print. */ case '\r': X = startcol; Y++; Scroll(Y-(LINES-1)); break; /* ** The "newline" code behaves like the console newline character. ** That is, it moves the cursor down one line and at the first ** column. */ case '\n': X = 0; Y++; Scroll(Y-(LINES-1)); break; /* ** All other characters are output directly and the cursor moves ** rightward to match. If the cursor wraps past the right ** edge is it moved to the next now down at left margin. If the ** cursor goes off the bottom of the display, the display is scrolled ** upward a line. */ default: cell.Character = *text; Store_Cell(cell, X, Y); X++; if (X >= COLUMNS) { X = 0; Y++; if (Y > (LINES-1)) { Scroll(Y-(LINES-1)); } } break; } text++; } Set_Cursor(X, Y); } /*********************************************************************************************** * MonoClass::Text_Print -- Prints text to the monochrome object at coordinates indicated. * * * * Use this routine to output text to the monochrome object at the X and Y coordinates * * specified. * * * * INPUT: text -- Pointer to the text string to display. * * * * x,y -- The X and Y character coordinates to start the printing at. * * * * attrib-- Optional parameter that specifies what text attribute code to use. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void MonoClass::Text_Print(char const *text, int x, int y, char attrib) { char oldx = X; char oldy = Y; char oldattrib = Attrib; X = (char)x; Y = (char)y; Attrib = attrib; Print(text); Attrib = oldattrib; Set_Cursor(oldx, oldy); } #ifdef NEVER void MonoClass::Text_Print(int text, int x, int y, char attrib) { char oldx = X; char oldy = Y; char oldattrib = Attrib; if (text != TXT_NONE) { X = (char)x; Y = (char)y; Attrib = attrib; Print(Text_String(text)); Attrib = oldattrib; Set_Cursor(oldx, oldy); } } void MonoClass::Print(int text) { Print(Text_String(text)); } #endif /*********************************************************************************************** * MonoClass::operator = -- Handles making one mono object have the same imagery as another. * * * * The assignment operator will handle copying the imagery from one monochrome object to * * another. Use this routine in to make two monochrome class objects visually identical. * * * * INPUT: src -- A reference to the source (right side) monochrome object. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ MonoClass & MonoClass::operator = (MonoClass const & src) { memcpy((void*)((long)MonoSegment + src.Offset(0, 0)), (void*)((long)MonoSegment + Offset(0, 0)), SIZE_OF_PAGE); Set_Cursor(src.X, src.Y); return(*this); } /*********************************************************************************************** * MonoClass::View -- Brings the mono object to the main display. * * * * Use this routine to display the mono object on the monochrome screen. It is possible * * that the mono object exists on some background screen memory. Calling this routine will * * perform the necessary memory swapping to bring the data to the front. The mono object * * that was currently being viewed is not destroyed by this function. It is merely moved * * off to some background page. It can be treated normally, except that is just isn't * * visible. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void MonoClass::View(void) { MonoClass *displace; // The page that is being displaced. if (Get_Current() == this) return; /* ** If the visible page is already assigned to a real monochrome page ** object, then it must be swapped with the new one. */ displace = Get_Current(); if (displace) { char temp[SIZE_OF_PAGE]; memcpy(&temp[0], MonoSegment, SIZE_OF_PAGE); memcpy(MonoSegment, (void*)((long)MonoSegment + Offset(0, 0)), SIZE_OF_PAGE); memcpy((void*)((long)MonoSegment + Offset(0, 0)), &temp[0], SIZE_OF_PAGE); displace->Page = Page; } else { /* ** Just copy the new page over since the display page is not assigned ** to a real monochrome page object. */ memcpy(MonoSegment, (void*)((long)MonoSegment + Offset(0, 0)), SIZE_OF_PAGE); } PageUsage[Page] = displace; PageUsage[0] = this; Page = 0; Set_Cursor(X, Y); } /************************************************************************************ ** This is the set of C wrapper functions that access the MonoClass support routines. ** Since the C interface doesn't have the ability to write to non-visible pages, it ** will just blast the output to whichever mono page is currently visible. If there is ** no mono class object that is visible, then one will be created -- BUT NOT FREED. ** Typically, this is ok, since the C interface will create only one MonoClass object ** and the system supports up to 8. */ void Mono_Set_Cursor(int x, int y) { if (MonoClass::Is_Enabled()) { MonoClass *mono = MonoClass::Get_Current(); if (!mono) { mono = new MonoClass(); mono->View(); } mono->Set_Cursor(x, y); } } int Mono_Printf(char const *string, ...) { va_list va; char buffer[256]; buffer[0] = '\0'; if (MonoClass::Is_Enabled()) { MonoClass *mono = MonoClass::Get_Current(); if (!mono) { mono = new MonoClass(); mono->View(); } va_start(va, string); vsprintf(buffer, string, va); mono->Print(buffer); va_end(va); } return((short)strlen(buffer)); } void Mono_Clear_Screen(void) { if (MonoClass::Is_Enabled()) { MonoClass *mono = MonoClass::Get_Current(); if (!mono) { mono = new MonoClass(); mono->View(); } mono->Clear(); } } void Mono_Text_Print(void const *text, int x, int y, int attrib) { if (MonoClass::Is_Enabled()) { MonoClass *mono = MonoClass::Get_Current(); if (!mono) { mono = new MonoClass(); mono->View(); } mono->Text_Print((const char*)text, x, y, (char)attrib); } } void Mono_Draw_Rect(int x, int y, int w, int h, int attrib, int thick) { if (MonoClass::Is_Enabled()) { MonoClass *mono = MonoClass::Get_Current(); if (!mono) { mono = new MonoClass(); mono->View(); } mono->Draw_Box(x, y, w, h, (char)attrib, (MonoClass::BoxStyleType)thick); } } void Mono_Print(void const *text) { if (MonoClass::Is_Enabled()) { MonoClass *mono = MonoClass::Get_Current(); if (!mono) { mono = new MonoClass(); mono->View(); } mono->Print((const char*)text); } } int Mono_X(void) { if (MonoClass::Is_Enabled()) { MonoClass *mono = MonoClass::Get_Current(); if (!mono) { mono = new MonoClass(); mono->View(); } return(short)mono->Get_X(); } return(0); } int Mono_Y(void) { if (MonoClass::Is_Enabled()) { MonoClass *mono = MonoClass::Get_Current(); if (!mono) { mono = new MonoClass(); mono->View(); } return(short)mono->Get_X(); } return(0); } void Mono_Put_Char(char , int ) { } void Mono_Scroll(int ) { } void Mono_View_Page(int ) { } #ifdef NEVER int Mono_Printf(int string, ...) { va_list va; char buffer[256]; buffer[0] = '\0'; if (MonoClass::Is_Enabled()) { MonoClass *mono = MonoClass::Get_Current(); if (!mono) { mono = new MonoClass(); mono->View(); } va_start(va, string); vsprintf(buffer, Text_String(string), va); mono->Print(buffer); va_end(va); } return((short)strlen(buffer)); } #endif