/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /**************************************************************************** File : sos.h Programmer(s) : Don Fowler, Nick Skrepetos Date : Purpose : Include Files For Zortech C++ Compiler Last Updated : **************************************************************************** Copyright(c) 1993,1994 Human Machine Interfaces All Rights Reserved ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SOS_DEFINED #define _SOS_DEFINED #include "sosdefs.h" #pragma pack(4) // error definition for sound operating system #define _SOS_ERR -1 // number of drivers allowed to be open at one time #define _SOS_MAX_DRIVERS 5 // structure definition for the capabilities typedef struct _tagCAPABILITIES { BYTE szDeviceName[ 32 ]; // device name WORD wDeviceVersion; // device version WORD wBitsPerSample; // bits per sound sample WORD wChannels; // stereo/mono sound card WORD wMinRate; // minimum rate WORD wMaxRate; // maximum rate WORD wMixerOnBoard; // board contains mixer WORD wMixerFlags; // mixer capabilities WORD wFlags; // miscellaneous flags short far * lpPortList; // list of usable ports short far * lpDMAList; // list of usable dma channels short far * lpIRQList; // list of usable irq channels short far * lpRateList; // list of usable rates, -1 if any in min to max WORD fBackground; // foreground or background driver WORD wDeviceID; // ID for the device WORD wTimerID; // ID for the timer } _SOS_CAPABILITIES; // far pointer to the device capabilities structure typedef _SOS_CAPABILITIES far * LPSOSDEVICECAPS; // flag types for driver #define _FLAGS_SIGNED 0x8000 // devices that can be loaded #define _SOUND_BLASTER_8_MONO 0xe000 #define _SOUND_BLASTER_8_ST 0xe001 #define _SBPRO_8_ST _SOUND_BLASTER_8_ST #define _SBPRO_8_MONO 0xe00f #define _SOUND_MASTER_II_8_MONO 0xe002 #define _MV_PAS_8_MONO 0xe003 #define _MV_PAS_16_MONO 0xe004 #define _MV_PAS_8_ST 0xe005 #define _MV_PAS_16_ST 0xe006 #define _ADLIB_GOLD_8_ST 0xe007 #define _ADLIB_GOLD_16_ST 0xe008 #define _ADLIB_GOLD_8_MONO 0xe009 #define _ADLIB_GOLD_16_MONO 0xe00a #define _MICROSOFT_8_MONO 0xe00b #define _MICROSOFT_8_ST 0xe00c #define _MICROSOFT_16_MONO 0xe00d #define _MICROSOFT_16_ST 0xe00e #define _SOUND_SOURCE_8_MONO_PC 0xe010 #define _SOUND_SOURCE_8_MONO_TANDY 0xe011 #define _GENERAL_PORT_8_MONO 0xe012 #define _GENERAL_PORT_8_MONO_R 0xe013 #define _SIERRA_8_MONO 0xe014 #define _SB16_8_MONO 0xe015 #define _SB16_8_ST 0xe016 #define _SB16_16_MONO 0xe017 #define _SB16_16_ST 0xe018 #define _ESS_AUDIODRIVE_8_MONO 0xe019 #define _ESS_AUDIODRIVE_8_ST 0xe01a #define _ESS_AUDIODRIVE_16_MONO 0xe01b #define _ESS_AUDIODRIVE_16_ST 0xe01c #define _SOUNDSCAPE_8_MONO 0xe01d #define _SOUNDSCAPE_8_ST 0xe01e #define _SOUNDSCAPE_16_MONO 0xe01f #define _SOUNDSCAPE_16_ST 0xe020 #define _RAP10_8_MONO 0xe021 #define _RAP10_16_MONO 0xe022 #define _GUS_8_MONO 0xe023 #define _GUS_8_ST 0xe024 #define _GUS_16_MONO 0xe025 #define _GUS_16_ST 0xe026 #define _GUS_MAX_8_MONO 0xe027 #define _GUS_MAX_8_ST 0xe028 #define _GUS_MAX_16_MONO 0xe029 #define _GUS_MAX_16_ST 0xe02a #define _WAVEJAMMER_8_MONO 0xe02b #define _WAVEJAMMER_8_ST 0xe02c #define _WAVEJAMMER_16_MONO 0xe02d #define _WAVEJAMMER_16_ST 0xe02e #define _TEMPOCS_8_MONO 0xe02f #define _TEMPOCS_8_ST 0xe030 #define _TEMPOCS_16_MONO 0xe031 #define _TEMPOCS_16_ST 0xe032 #define _WAVEJAMMERCD_8_MONO 0xe033 #define _WAVEJAMMERCD_8_ST 0xe034 #define _WAVEJAMMERCD_16_MONO 0xe035 #define _WAVEJAMMERCD_16_ST 0xe036 #define _SOUND_BLASTER_8_MONO_R 0xe050 #define _MICROSOFT_8_MONO_R 0xe051 #define _SOUND_MASTER_II_8_MONO_R 0xe052 #define _ADLIB_GOLD_8_MONO_R 0xe053 #define _MV_PAS_8_MONO_R 0xe054 #define _RAP10_8_MONO_R 0xe058 #define _RAP10_16_MONO_R 0xe059 #define _SB16_8_MONO_R 0xe05a #define _SB16_8_ST_R 0xe05b #define _SB16_16_MONO_R 0xe05c #define _SB16_16_ST_R 0xe05d #define _MV_PAS_16_MONO_R 0xe060 #define _SOUNDSCAPE_8_MONO_R 0xe061 #define _SOUNDSCAPE_8_ST_R 0xe062 #define _SOUNDSCAPE_16_MONO_R 0xe063 #define _SOUNDSCAPE_16_ST_R 0xe064 #define _ESS_AUDIODRIVE_8_MONO_R 0xe065 #define _ESS_AUDIODRIVE_8_ST_R 0xe066 #define _ESS_AUDIODRIVE_16_MONO_R 0xe067 #define _ESS_AUDIODRIVE_16_ST_R 0xe068 #define _SPEECH_THING_8_MONO 0xe090 #define _YAMAHA_8_MONO 0xe106 #define _INT_SPEAKER_8_MONO 0xe107 // call indexes for the loadable drivers enum { _DRV_INIT, _DRV_UNINIT, _DRV_SETRATE, _DRV_SETACTION, _DRV_START, _DRV_STOP, _DRV_PAUSE, _DRV_RESUME, _DRV_CAPABILITIES, _DRV_PLAY_FOREGROUND, _DRV_GET_FILL_INFO, _DRV_GET_CALL_FUNCTIONS, _DRV_SET_CALL_FUNCTIONS }; // fill info typedef struct _tagFillInfo { LPSTR lpFillHandler; // pointer to fill handler LPWORD lpDMAFillCount; // pointer to dma count LPSTR lpSampleList; // pointer to sample list LPWORD lpDMAMasterVolume; // pointer to dma count } _SOS_FILL_INFO; // caps info structure typedef struct _tagCapsInfo { LPSTR lpPortList; // pointer to port list LPSTR lpDMAList; // pointer to DMA list LPSTR lpIRQList; // pointer to IRQ list LPSTR lpRateList; // pointer to rate list } _SOS_CAPS_INFO; // maximum number of available voice #define _MAX_VOICES 32 // structure definition typedef struct _tagSAMPLE { LPSTR samplePtr; // pointer to data buffer LPSTR sampleData; // pointer to active data LPSTR sampleLoopPtr; // pointer for loop back WORD sampleLength; // length of sample WORD sampleIndex; // index into sample WORD sampleLoopLength; // length of loop WORD sampleBytesLeft; // bytes left to play in sample WORD sampleLoopPoint; // byte count for loop point WORD sampleLoopEndLength; // length of remaining chunk short sampleFlags; // control sample short sampleVolume; // volume control short sampleID; // sample ID short sampleChannel; // channel to play sample on short sampleLoopCount; // loop count short sampleLastFill; // last fill position VOID ( far cdecl * sampleCallback )( WORD, WORD, WORD ); // callback function for sample WORD samplePitchAdd; short samplePitchFraction; short samplePort; // port to use for non-dma digitized WORD sampleTotalBytes; WORD sampleByteLength; short samplePanLocation; short samplePanSpeed; short samplePanDirection; short samplePanStart; short samplePanEnd; short sampleDelayBytes; short sampleDelayRepeat; WORD sampleADPCMPredicted; short sampleADPCMIndex; short sampleRootNoteMIDI; WORD sampleTemp1; } _SOS_SAMPLE; // enumeration for left or right channel enum { _LEFT_CHANNEL, _RIGHT_CHANNEL, _CENTER_CHANNEL, _INTERLEAVED }; // enumeration for foreground and background enum { _FOREGROUND, _BACKGROUND }; // defines for the sample flags #define _ACTIVE 0x8000 #define _LOOPING 0x4000 #define _FIRST_TIME 0x2000 #define _PENDING_RELEASE 0x1000 #define _CONTINUE_BLOCK 0x0800 #define _PITCH_SHIFT 0x0400 #define _PANNING 0x0200 #define _VOLUME 0x0100 #define _TRANSLATE16TO8 0x0080 #define _STAGE_LOOP 0x0040 #define _TRANSLATE8TO16 0x0020 #define _STEREOTOMONO 0x0010 // defines for the wParam flags #define _SINGLE_SAMPLE 0x01 #define _SOS_DCAPS_AUTO_REINIT 0x01 #define _SOS_DCAPS_MPU_401 0x02 #define _SOS_DCAPS_OPL2 0x04 #define _SOS_DCAPS_OPL3 0x08 #define _SOS_DCAPS_OPL4 0x10 #define _SOS_DCAPS_WAVETABLE 0x20 #define _SOS_DCAPS_DL_SAMPLES 0x40 #define _SOS_DCAPS_FIFO_DEVICE 0x80 #define _SOS_DCAPS_ENV_NEEDED 0x100 #define _SOS_DCAPS_PSEUDO_DMA1 0x200 #define _SOS_DCAPS_SIGNED_DATA 0x8000 // file header structure typedef struct { // name ID BYTE szName[ 32 ]; // number of drivers in the file WORD wDrivers; // offset of first driver WORD lOffset; // size of the file WORD lFileSize; } _FILEHEADER; // driver header structure typedef struct { // name ID BYTE szName[ 32 ]; // offset of next driver WORD lNextDriver; // size of current driver WORD wSize; // id for the current device WORD wDeviceID; // id for the type of DOS extender WORD wExtenderType; } _DRIVERHEADER; // device hardware information typedef struct { // port to be used WORD wPort; // irq to use WORD wIRQ; // dma channel to se WORD wDMA; // extra parameter WORD wParam; } _SOS_HARDWARE; // structure definition for start sample typedef struct { // pointer to sample LPSTR lpSamplePtr; // size of the sample WORD dwSampleSize; // number of times to loop the sample -1 is infinite WORD wLoopCount; // channel to play sample on WORD wChannel; // volume to play sample at WORD wVolume; // id for the sample WORD wSampleID; // far pointer to the callback function VOID ( far cdecl *lpCallback )( WORD, WORD, WORD ); // port to use if driver is a non-dma background driver WORD wSamplePort; // flags field WORD wSampleFlags; // total length of sample including loops, etc.. WORD dwSampleByteLength; // loop point for the sample WORD dwSampleLoopPoint; WORD dwSampleLoopLength; // pitch shifting components WORD dwSamplePitchAdd; WORD wSamplePitchFraction; // pan components WORD wSamplePanLocation; WORD wSamplePanSpeed; WORD wSamplePanDirection; WORD wSamplePanStart; WORD wSamplePanEnd; // delay parts WORD wSampleDelayBytes; WORD wSampleDelayRepeat; // compression components WORD dwSampleADPCMPredicted; WORD wSampleADPCMIndex; // root note for pitch shifting WORD wSampleRootNoteMIDI; // filler for future upgrades WORD dwSampleTemp1; WORD dwSampleTemp2; WORD dwSampleTemp3; } _SOS_START_SAMPLE; // structure for initializing a driver typedef struct { WORD wBufferSize; LPSTR lpBuffer; BOOL wAllocateBuffer; WORD wSampleRate; WORD wParam; LONG dwParam; VOID ( far *lpFillHandler )( VOID ); LPSTR lpDriverMemory; LPSTR lpDriverMemoryCS; LPSTR lpTimerMemory; LPSTR lpTimerMemoryCS; WORD wTimerID; WORD wPhysical; } _SOS_INIT_DRIVER; // define for the timer types to use #define _SOS_NORMAL_TIMER 0x00 // enumeration for the timer types enum { _TIMER_8_MONO = 0x1000, _TIMER_8_ST, _TIMER_16_MONO, _TIMER_16_ST, _TIMER_8_MONO_ULAW, _TIMER_8_ST_ULAW, _TIMER_16_MONO_ULAW, _TIMER_16_ST_ULAW, _TIMER_8_MONO_REC, _TIMER_8_MONO_ULAW_REC, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_1, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_2, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_3, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_4, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_5, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_6, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_7, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_8, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_9, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_A, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_B, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_C, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_D, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_E, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_F, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_10, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_11, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_12, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_13, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_14, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_15, _TIMER_UNDEFINED_16, _TIMER_8_SOUND_SOURCE, _TIMER_8_SOUND_SOURCE_TANDY, _TIMER_8_GENERAL_PORT, _TIMER_8_GENERAL_PORT_REC }; // define for no slots available #define _ERR_NO_SLOTS ( WORD )-1 // error codes for the system enum { _ERR_NO_ERROR, _ERR_DRIVER_NOT_LOADED, _ERR_INVALID_POINTER, _ERR_DETECT_INITIALIZED, _ERR_FAIL_ON_FILE_OPEN, _ERR_MEMORY_FAIL, _ERR_INVALID_DRIVER_ID, _ERR_NO_DRIVER_FOUND, _ERR_DETECTION_FAILURE, _ERR_DRIVER_LOADED, _ERR_INVALID_HANDLE, _ERR_NO_HANDLES, _ERR_PAUSED, _ERR_NOT_PAUSED, _ERR_INVALID_DATA, _ERR_DRV_FILE_FAIL, _ERR_INVALID_PORT, _ERR_INVALID_IRQ, _ERR_INVALID_DMA, _ERR_INVALID_DMA_IRQ }; // maximum number of timer events that can be registered #define _TIMER_MAX_EVENTS 0x10 // flags for the debugging system #define _SOS_DEBUG_NORMAL 0x0000 #define _SOS_DEBUG_NO_TIMER 0x0001 #define _SOS_TIMER_DPMI 0x0002 // define for types of DOS extenders #define _SOS_RATIONAL 0x8000 #define _SOS_FLASHTECK 0x4000 // defines for the types of timers for different // dos extenders #define _SOS_TIMER_NEAR 0x8000 #define _SOS_TIMER_FAR 0x4000 // values for callback information enum { _SAMPLE_PROCESSED, _SAMPLE_LOOPING, _SAMPLE_DONE }; // define for special 18.2 callback rate to dos #define _TIMER_DOS_RATE 0xff00 #pragma pack() #pragma aux int_3 = "int 3" #pragma pack( 1 ) typedef struct { unsigned region_size; unsigned offset; unsigned segment; unsigned short number_available; unsigned short number_used; unsigned page0; } EVDS_STRUCT; typedef struct { unsigned region_size; unsigned offset; unsigned short segment; unsigned short ID; unsigned physical; } VDS_STRUCT; #pragma pack() #include "sosdata.h" #include "sosfnct.h" #endif