;	Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
;	Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
;	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;	(at your option) any later version.
;	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;	GNU General Public License for more details.
;	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;**   C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D   A S S O C I A T E S   **
;*                                                                         *
;*                 Project Name : Command & Conquer                        *
;*                                                                         *
;*                    File Name : KEYFBUFF.ASM                             *
;*                                                                         *
;*                   Programmer : David R. Dettmer                         *
;*                                                                         *
;*                   Start Date : March 3, 1995                            *
;*                                                                         *
;*                  Last Update :                                          *
;*                                                                         *
;* Functions:                                                              *
;*   Buffer_Frame_To_Page -- Copies a linear buffer to a virtual viewport  *
;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *

;********************** Model & Processor Directives ***********************

;******************************** Includes *********************************
INCLUDE "gbuffer.inc"
include	"profile.inc"

;******************************** Equates **********************************

TRUE	equ	1			; Boolean 'true' value
FALSE	equ	0			; Boolean 'false' value

;* The following are defines used to control what functions are linked	   *
;* in for Buffer_Frame_To_Page.						   *



SHAPE_NORMAL 		EQU	0000h		; Standard shape
;SHAPE_HORZ_REV 		EQU	0001h		; Flipped horizontally
;SHAPE_VERT_REV 		EQU	0002h		; Flipped vertically
;SHAPE_SCALING 		EQU	0004h		; Scaled (WORD scale_x, WORD scale_y)
;SHAPE_VIEWPORT_REL 	EQU	0010h		; Coords are window-relative
;SHAPE_WIN_REL 		EQU	0010h		; Coordinates are window relative instead of absolute.
SHAPE_CENTER 		EQU	0020h		; Coords are based on shape's center pt
SHAPE_TRANS		EQU	0040h		; has transparency

SHAPE_FADING 		EQU	0100h		; Fading effect (VOID * fading_table,
						;   WORD fading_num)
SHAPE_PREDATOR 		EQU	0200h		; Transparent warping effect
;SHAPE_COMPACT 		EQU	0400h		; Never use this bit
;SHAPE_PRIORITY 		EQU	0800h		; Use priority system when drawing
SHAPE_GHOST		EQU	1000h		; Shape is drawn ghosted
;SHAPE_COLOR 		EQU	8000h		; Remap the shape's colors
						;   (VOID * color_table)

;.......................... Shadow Effect ..................................
SHADOW_COL		EQU	00FFh	; magic number for shadows

;......................... Priority System .................................
CLEAR_UNUSED_BITS  	EQU	0007h	; and with 0000-0111 to clear
					;  non-walkable high bit and
					;  scaling id bits
NON_WALKABLE_BIT  	EQU	0080h	; and with 1000-0000 to clear all
					;  but non-walkable bit
;......................... Predator Effect .................................
;PRED_MASK		EQU	0007h	; mask used for predator pixel puts
PRED_MASK		EQU	000Eh	; mask used for predator pixel puts

; Use a macro to make code a little cleaner.
; The parameter varname is optional.
; Syntax to use macro is :
;  WANT equ expression
;  USE func [,varname]
; If the 'varname' is defined, a table declaration is created like:
; Then, the table entry is created:
;  If WANT is true, the table entry is created for the given function:
;	varname	DD	func
;  If WANT is not TRUE, a Not_Supported entry is put in the table:
;	varname	DD	Not_Supported
; The resulting tables look like:
;	ExampTable	DD	routine1
;			DD	routine2
;			DD	routine3
;			...
; Thus, each table is an array of function pointers.
MACRO USE func, varname
  varname 	DD	func
  varname	DD	Not_Supported

; IFNB <varname>
;	GLOBAL	varname:DWORD



; Predator effect variables
; make table for negative offset and use the used space for other variables

BFPredNegTable	DW	-1, -3, -2, -5, -2, -4, -3, -1
	; 8 words below calculated
		DW	0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0	; index ffffff00
		DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index ffffff10
BFPredOffset	DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index ffffff20
		DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index ffffff30
	; partially faded predator effect value
BFPartialPred	DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index ffffff40
BFPartialCount	DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index ffffff50
		DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index ffffff60
		DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index ffffff70
		DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index ffffff80
		DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index ffffff90
		DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index ffffffa0
		DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index ffffffb0
		DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index ffffffc0
		DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index ffffffd0
		DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index ffffffe0
		DD	0, 0, 0, 0		; index fffffff0
BFPredTable	DW	1, 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, 4, 1
;BFPredTable	DB	1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

		global	C BigShapeBufferStart:dword
		global	C UseBigShapeBuffer:dword
		global	C UseOldShapeDraw:dword
		global	C TheaterShapeBufferStart:dword
		global	C IsTheaterShape:dword
		global	C Single_Line_Trans_Entry:near
		global	C Next_Line:near
		global	C MMX_Done:near
		global	C MMXAvailable:dword
		global	EndNewShapeJumpTable:byte
		global	NewShapeJumpTable:dword

; Jump tables for new line header system
; Each line of shape data now has a header byte which describes the data on the line.

; Header byte control bits

		struc		ShapeHeaderType

		draw_flags	dd	?
		shape_data	dd	?
		shape_buffer	dd	?


; Global definitions for routines that draw a single line of a shape
		global	Short_Single_Line_Copy:near
		global	Single_Line_Trans:near
		global	Single_Line_Ghost:near
		global	Single_Line_Ghost_Trans:near
		global	Single_Line_Fading:near
		global	Single_Line_Fading_Trans:near
		global	Single_Line_Ghost_Fading:near
		global	Single_Line_Ghost_Fading_Trans:near
		global	Single_Line_Predator:near
		global	Single_Line_Predator_Trans:near
		global	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost:near
		global	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost_Trans:near
		global	Single_Line_Predator_Fading:near
		global	Single_Line_Predator_Fading_Trans:near
		global	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost_Fading:near
		global	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost_Fading_Trans:near
		global	Single_Line_Skip:near

		global	Single_Line_Single_Fade:near
		global	Single_Line_Single_Fade_Trans:near

label		NewShapeJumpTable	dword

; Jumptable for shape line drawing with no flags set

		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
label		CriticalFadeRedirections dword
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing routines with transparent flags set
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing routines with ghost flags set

		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing routines with ghost and transparent flags set

		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing routines with fading flag set

		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing routines with fading and transparent flags set

		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Fading_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Fading_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Fading_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing routines with fading and ghost flags set

		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Fading
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing routines with fading, transparent and ghost flags set

		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Fading_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Fading_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Fading_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing with predator flag set

		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing routines with transparent and predator flags set
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing routines with ghost and predator flags set

		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing routines with ghost and transparent and predator flags set

		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing routines with fading and predator flags set

		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing routines with fading and transparent and predator flags set

		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Fading_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Fading_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Fading_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing routines with fading and ghost and predator flags set

		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

; Jumptable for shape line drawing routines with all flags set

label		AllFlagsJumpTable	dword
		dd	Short_Single_Line_Copy
		dd	Single_Line_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade
		dd	Single_Line_Single_Fade_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Ghost_Fading_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Fading_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost_Fading
		dd	Single_Line_Predator_Ghost_Fading_Trans
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip
		dd	Single_Line_Skip

label		EndNewShapeJumpTable	byte


; Code Segment Tables:
; This code uses the USE macro to set up tables of function addresses.
; The tables have the following format:
; Tables defined are:
;	BufferFrameTable

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Copy, BufferFrameTable

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Trans

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Ghost

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Ghost_Trans

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Fading

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Fading_Trans

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Ghost_Fading

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Ghost_Fading_Trans

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Predator

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Predator_Trans

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Predator_Ghost

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Predator_Ghost_Trans

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Predator_Fading

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Predator_Fading_Trans

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Predator_Ghost_Fading

WANT	equ 	<TRUE>
USE	BF_Predator_Ghost_Fading_Trans


;* Set_Shape_Header -- create the line header bytes for a shape                              *
;*                                                                                           *
;* INPUT:	Shape width                                                                  *
;*              Shape height                                                                 *
;*              ptr to raw shape data                                                        *
;*              ptr to shape headers                                                         *
;*              shape flags                                                                  *
;*              ptr to translucency table                                                    *
;*              IsTranslucent                                                                *
;*                                                                                           *
;* OUTPUT:      none                                                                         *
;*                                                                                           *
;* Warnings:                                                                                 *
;*                                                                                           *
;* HISTORY:                                                                                  *
;*   11/29/95 10:09AM ST : Created.                                                          *

		proc	Setup_Shape_Header C near

		ARG	pixel_width 	:DWORD		; width of rectangle to blit
		ARG	pixel_height	:DWORD		; height of rectangle to blit
		ARG  	src         	:DWORD		; this is a member function
		ARG	headers	    	:DWORD
		ARG	flags		:DWORD
		ARG	Translucent	:DWORD
		ARG	IsTranslucent	:DWORD
		LOCAL	trans_count	:DWORD


		mov	esi,[src]		;ptr to raw shape data
		mov	edi,[headers]		;ptr to headers we are going to set up
		mov	eax,[flags]
		mov	[(ShapeHeaderType edi).draw_flags],eax 	;save old flags in header
		add	edi,size ShapeHeaderType
		mov	edx,[pixel_height]	;number of shape lines to scan

??outer_loop:	mov	ecx,[pixel_width]	;number of pixels in shape line
		xor	bl,bl			;flag the we dont know anything about this line yet
		mov	[trans_count],0		;we havnt scanned any transparent pixels yet

; Scan one shape line to see what kind of data it contains
??inner_loop:	xor	eax,eax
		mov	al,[esi]
		inc	esi

; Check for transparent pixel
		test	al,al
		jnz	??not_transp
		test	[flags],SHAPE_TRANS
		jz	??not_transp
		or	bl,BLIT_TRANSPARENT	;flag that pixel is transparent
		inc	[trans_count]		;keep count of the number of transparent pixels on the line
		jmp	??end_lp

; Check for predator effect on this line
??not_transp:	test	[flags],SHAPE_PREDATOR
		jz	??not_pred

; Check for ghost effects
??not_pred:	test	[flags],SHAPE_GHOST
		jz	??not_ghost
		push	edi
		mov	edi,[IsTranslucent]
		cmp	[byte edi+eax],-1
		pop	edi
		jz	??not_ghost
		or	bl,BLIT_GHOST

; Check if fading is required
??not_ghost:	test	[flags],SHAPE_FADING
		jz	??end_lp

??end_lp:       dec	ecx
		jnz	??inner_loop

; Interpret the info we have collected and decide which routine will be
; used to draw this line
		xor	bh,bh

		jz	??no_transparencies
		mov	ecx,[pixel_width]
		cmp	ecx,[trans_count]
		jnz	??not_all_trans

; all pixels in the line were transparent so we dont need to draw it at all
		mov	bh,BLIT_SKIP
		jmp	??got_line_type

		mov	al,bl
		or	bh,al
		mov	al,bl
		and	al,BLIT_GHOST
		or	bh,al
		mov	al,bl
		and	al,BLIT_FADING
		or	bh,al

; Save the line header and do the next line
??got_line_type:mov	[edi],bh
		inc	edi

		dec	edx
		jnz	??outer_loop


		endp	Setup_Shape_Header

; Macro to fetch the header of the next line and jump to the appropriate routine
		macro	next_line

		add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]	;add in dest modulo
		dec	edx				;line counter
		jz	??real_out			;return
		mov	ecx,[save_ecx]			;ecx is pixel count
		mov	eax,[header_pointer]		;ptr to next header byte
		mov	al,[eax]
		inc	[header_pointer]
		and	eax,BLIT_ALL			;Make sure we dont jump to some spurious address
							; if the header is wrong then its better to draw with the wrong
							; shape routine than to die
		shl	eax,2
		add	eax,[ShapeJumpTableAddress]	;get the address to jump to
		jmp	[dword eax]			;do the jump


;* VVC::TOPAGE -- Copies a linear buffer to a virtual viewport		   *
;*                                                                         *
;* INPUT:	WORD	x_pixel		- x pixel on viewport to copy from *
;*		WORD	y_pixel 	- y pixel on viewport to copy from *
;*		WORD	pixel_width	- the width of copy region	   *
;*		WORD	pixel_height	- the height of copy region	   *
;*		BYTE *	src		- buffer to copy from		   *
;*		VVPC *  dest		- virtual viewport to copy to	   *
;*                                                                         *
;* OUTPUT:      none                                                       *
;*                                                                         *
;* WARNINGS:    Coordinates and dimensions will be adjusted if they exceed *
;*	        the boundaries.  In the event that no adjustment is 	   *
;*	        possible this routine will abort.  If the size of the 	   *
;*		region to copy exceeds the size passed in for the buffer   *
;*		the routine will automatically abort.			   *
;*									   *
;* HISTORY:                                                                *
;*   06/15/1994 PWG : Created.                                             *
	GLOBAL	C Buffer_Frame_To_Page:NEAR
	PROC	Buffer_Frame_To_Page C near
	USES	eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi

	;* define the arguements that our function takes.
	ARG	x_pixel     :DWORD		; x pixel position in source
	ARG	y_pixel     :DWORD		; y pixel position in source
	ARG	pixel_width :DWORD		; width of rectangle to blit
	ARG	pixel_height:DWORD		; height of rectangle to blit
	ARG    	src         :DWORD		; this is a member function
	ARG	dest        :DWORD		; what are we blitting to

	ARG	flags       :DWORD		; flags passed

	; Define some locals so that we can handle things quickly
	LOCAL	IsTranslucent		:DWORD	; ptr to the is_translucent table
	LOCAL	Translucent		:DWORD	; ptr to the actual translucent table
	LOCAL	FadingTable		:DWORD	; extracted fading table pointer
	LOCAL	FadingNum		:DWORD	; get the number of times to fade

	LOCAL	StashECX		:DWORD	; temp variable for ECX register

	LOCAL	jflags			:DWORD	; flags used to goto correct buff frame routine
	LOCAL	BufferFrameRout		:DWORD	; ptr to the buffer frame routine

	LOCAL	jmp_loc			:DWORD	; calculated jump location
	LOCAL	loop_cnt		:DWORD

	LOCAL 	x1_pixel		:DWORD
	LOCAL	y1_pixel		:DWORD
	LOCAL	scr_x			:DWORD
	LOCAL	scr_y			:DWORD
	LOCAL	dest_adjust_width	:DWORD
	LOCAL	scr_adjust_width	:DWORD
	LOCAL	header_pointer		:DWORD
	LOCAL	use_old_draw		:DWORD
	LOCAL	save_ecx		:DWORD
	LOCAL	ShapeJumpTableAddress	:DWORD
	LOCAL	shape_buffer_start	:DWORD

	cmp	[ src ] , 0
	jz	??real_out

	cmp	[UseOldShapeDraw],0
	jz	??new_system

	mov	[use_old_draw],1
	jmp	??do_args

	; Save the line attributes pointers and
	; Modify the src pointer to point to the actual image
	cmp	[UseBigShapeBuffer],0
	jz	??do_args			;just use the old shape drawing system
	mov	edi,[src]
	mov	[header_pointer],edi

	mov	eax,[BigShapeBufferStart]
	cmp	[(ShapeHeaderType edi).shape_buffer],0
	jz	??is_ordinary_shape
	mov	eax,[TheaterShapeBufferStart]
	mov	[shape_buffer_start],eax

	mov	edi,[(ShapeHeaderType edi).shape_data]
	add	edi,[shape_buffer_start]
	mov	[src],edi
	mov	[use_old_draw],0

	; Pull off optional arguments:
	; EDI is used as an offset from the 'flags' parameter, to point
	; to the optional argument currently being processed.
	mov	edi , 4	 			; optional params start past flags
	mov	[ jflags ] , 0			; clear jump flags

	; See if we need to center the frame
	test	[ flags ] , SHAPE_CENTER	; does this need to be centered?
	je	??check_trans			; if not the skip over this stuff

	mov	eax , [ pixel_width ]
	mov	ebx , [ pixel_height ]
	sar	eax , 1
	sar	ebx , 1
	sub	[ x_pixel ] , eax
	sub	[ y_pixel ] , ebx

	test	[ flags ] , SHAPE_TRANS
	jz	??check_ghost

	or	[ jflags ] , FLAG_TRANS

	; SHAPE_GHOST: DWORD is_translucent tbl
	test	[ flags ] , SHAPE_GHOST		; are we ghosting this shape
	jz	??check_fading

	mov	eax , [ flags + edi ]
	or	[ jflags ] , FLAG_GHOST
	mov	[ IsTranslucent ] , eax		; save ptr to is_trans. tbl
	add	eax , 0100h			; add 256 for first table
	add	edi , 4				; next argument
	mov	[ Translucent ] , eax		; save ptr to translucent tbl

	; If this is the first time through for this shape then
	; set up the shape header

	cmp	[UseBigShapeBuffer],0		;no big shape buffer so use old system
	jz	??new_shape
	cmp	[UseOldShapeDraw],0		;use old shape system flag
	jnz	??new_shape

	mov	edi,[header_pointer]
	cmp	[(ShapeHeaderType edi).draw_flags],-1
	jz	??setup_headers
	mov	eax,[flags]							 ;Redo the shape headers if this shape was
	and	eax,SHAPE_TRANS or SHAPE_FADING or SHAPE_PREDATOR or SHAPE_GHOST ;initially set up with different flags
	cmp	eax,[(ShapeHeaderType edi).draw_flags]
	jz	??no_header_setup
	mov	[use_old_draw],1
	jmp	??no_header_setup

	push	[IsTranslucent]
	push	[Translucent]
	push	[flags]
	push	[header_pointer]
	push	[src]
	push	[pixel_height]
	push	[pixel_width]
	call	Setup_Shape_Header
	add	esp,7*4
	mov	[ShapeJumpTableAddress],offset AllFlagsJumpTable
	jmp	??headers_set

	xor	eax,eax
	test	[flags],SHAPE_PREDATOR
	jz	??not_shape_predator

	test	[flags],SHAPE_FADING
	jz	??not_shape_fading


	test	[flags],SHAPE_TRANS
	jz	??not_shape_transparent


	test	[flags],SHAPE_GHOST
	jz	??not_shape_ghost


	shl	eax,7
	add	eax,offset NewShapeJumpTable
	mov	[ShapeJumpTableAddress],eax


	; SHAPE_FADING: DWORD fade_table[256], DWORD fade_count
	test	[ flags ] , SHAPE_FADING	; are we fading this shape
	jz	??check_predator

	mov	eax , [ flags + edi ]
	mov	[ FadingTable ] , eax		; save address of fading tbl
	mov	eax , [ flags + edi + 4 ]	; get fade num
	or	[ jflags ] , FLAG_FADING
	and	eax , 03fh			; no need for more than 63
	add	edi , 8				; next argument
	cmp	eax , 0				; check if it's 0
	jnz	??set_fading			; if not, store fade num

	and	[ flags ] , NOT SHAPE_FADING	; otherwise, don't fade

	mov	[ FadingNum ] , eax

	mov	ebx,[ShapeJumpTableAddress]
	mov	[dword ebx+CriticalFadeRedirections-NewShapeJumpTable],offset Single_Line_Single_Fade
	mov	[dword ebx+CriticalFadeRedirections-NewShapeJumpTable+4],offset Single_Line_Single_Fade_Trans
	cmp	eax,1
	jz	??single_fade
	mov	[dword ebx+CriticalFadeRedirections-NewShapeJumpTable],offset Single_Line_Fading
	mov	[dword ebx+CriticalFadeRedirections-NewShapeJumpTable+4],offset Single_Line_Fading_Trans


	; SHAPE_PREDATOR: DWORD init_pred_lookup_offset (0-7)
	test	[ flags ] , SHAPE_PREDATOR	; is predator effect on
	jz	??check_partial

	mov	eax , [ flags + edi ]		; pull the partial value
	or	[ jflags ] , FLAG_PREDATOR
	shl	eax , 1
	cmp	eax , 0
	jge	??check_range

	neg	eax
	mov	ebx , -1
	and	eax , PRED_MASK			; keep entries within bounds
	mov	bl , al
	mov	eax , ebx			; will be ffffff00-ffffff07
	jmp	??pred_cont

	and	eax , PRED_MASK			; keep entries within bounds

	add	edi , 4				; next argument
	mov	[ BFPredOffset ] , eax
	mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , 0		; clear the partial count
	mov	[ BFPartialPred ] , 100h	; init partial to off

	mov  	esi , [ dest ]	    ; get ptr to dest
	mov	ebx, 7 * 2

	movzx	eax , [ WORD PTR BFPredNegTable + ebx ]
	add	eax , [ (GraphicViewPort esi) . GVPWidth ]	; add width
	add	eax , [ (GraphicViewPort esi) . GVPXAdd ]	; add x add
	add	eax , [ (GraphicViewPort esi) . GVPPitch ]	; extra pitch of DD surface	ST - 9/29/95 1:08PM
	mov	[ WORD PTR BFPredNegTable + 16 + ebx ] , ax
	dec	ebx
	dec	ebx
	jge	??pred_loop

	; SHAPE_PARTIAL: DWORD partial_pred_value (0-255)
	test	[ flags ] , SHAPE_PARTIAL		; is this a partial pred?
	jz	??setupfunc

	mov	eax , [ flags + edi ]		; pull the partial value
	add	edi , 4				; next argument
	and	eax , 0ffh			; make sure 0-255
	mov	[ BFPartialPred ] , eax		; store it off

	mov	ebx , [ jflags ]		; load flags value
	and	ebx , FLAG_MASK			; clip high bits
	add	ebx , ebx			; mult by 4 to get DWORD offset
	add	ebx , ebx
	mov	ebx , [ BufferFrameTable + ebx ]	; get table value
	mov	[ BufferFrameRout ] , ebx		; store it in the function pointer

; Clip dest Rectangle against source Window boundaries.

	mov	[ scr_x ] , 0
	mov	[ scr_y ] , 0
	mov  	esi , [ dest ]	    ; get ptr to dest
	xor 	ecx , ecx
	xor 	edx , edx
	mov	edi , [ (GraphicViewPort esi) . GVPWidth ]  ; get width into register
	mov	ebx , [ x_pixel ]
	mov	eax , [ x_pixel ]
	add	ebx , [ pixel_width ]
	shld	ecx , eax , 1
	mov	[ x1_pixel ] , ebx
	inc	edi
	shld	edx , ebx , 1
	sub	eax , edi
	sub	ebx , edi
	shld	ecx , eax , 1
	shld	edx , ebx , 1

	mov	edi,[ ( GraphicViewPort esi) . GVPHeight ] ; get height into register
	mov	ebx , [ y_pixel ]
	mov	eax , [ y_pixel ]
	add	ebx , [ pixel_height ]
	shld	ecx , eax , 1
	mov	[ y1_pixel ] , ebx
	inc	edi
	shld	edx , ebx , 1
	sub	eax , edi
	sub	ebx , edi
	shld	ecx , eax , 1
	shld	edx , ebx , 1

	xor	cl , 5
	xor	dl , 5
	mov	al , cl
	test	dl , cl
	jnz	??real_out

	or	al , dl
	jz	??do_blit

	mov	[use_old_draw],1
	test	cl , 1000b
	jz	??dest_left_ok

	mov	eax , [ x_pixel ]
	neg	eax
	mov	[ x_pixel ] , 0
	mov	[ scr_x ] , eax

	test	cl , 0010b
	jz	??dest_bottom_ok

	mov	eax , [ y_pixel ]
	neg	eax
	mov	[ y_pixel ] , 0
	mov	[ scr_y ] , eax

	test	dl , 0100b
	jz	??dest_right_ok

	mov	eax , [ (GraphicViewPort esi) . GVPWidth ]  ; get width into register
	mov	[ x1_pixel ] , eax

	test	dl , 0001b
	jz	??do_blit

	mov	eax , [ (GraphicViewPort esi) . GVPHeight ]  ; get width into register
	mov	[ y1_pixel ] , eax

	mov	eax , [ (GraphicViewPort esi) . GVPXAdd ]
	add	eax , [ (GraphicViewPort esi) . GVPPitch ]
	add	eax , [ (GraphicViewPort esi) . GVPWidth ]
	mov	edi , [ (GraphicViewPort esi) . GVPOffset ]

	mov	ecx , eax
	mul	[ y_pixel ]
	add	edi , [ x_pixel ]
	add	edi , eax

	add	ecx , [ x_pixel ]
	sub	ecx , [ x1_pixel ]
	mov	[ dest_adjust_width ] , ecx

	mov	esi , [ src ]
	mov	eax , [ pixel_width ]
	sub	eax , [ x1_pixel ]
	add	eax , [ x_pixel ]
	mov	[ scr_adjust_width ] , eax

	mov	eax , [ scr_y ]
	mul	[ pixel_width ]
	add	eax , [ scr_x ]
	add	esi , eax

; If the shape needs to be clipped then we cant handle it with the new header systen
; so draw it with the old shape drawer
	cmp	[use_old_draw],0
	jnz	??use_old_stuff

	add	[header_pointer],size ShapeHeaderType
	mov	edx,[pixel_height]
	mov	ecx,[pixel_width]
	mov	eax,[header_pointer]
	mov	al,[eax]
	mov	[save_ecx],ecx
	inc	[header_pointer]
	and	eax,BLIT_ALL
	shl	eax,2
	add	eax,[ShapeJumpTableAddress]
	jmp	[dword eax]

	mov	edx , [ y1_pixel ]
	mov	eax , [ x1_pixel ]

	sub	edx , [ y_pixel ]
	jle	??real_out

	sub	eax , [ x_pixel ]
	jle	??real_out

	jmp	[ BufferFrameRout ]	; buffer frame to viewport routine



; ********************************************************************
; Forward bitblit only
; the inner loop is so efficient that
; the optimal consept no longer apply because
; the optimal byte have to by a number greather than 9 bytes
; ********************************************************************
global	BF_Copy:near

	cmp	eax , 10
	jl	??forward_loop_bytes

	mov	ecx , edi
	mov	ebx , eax
	neg	ecx
	and	ecx , 3
	sub	ebx , ecx
	rep	movsb
	mov	ecx , ebx
	shr	ecx , 2
	rep	movsd
	mov	ecx , ebx
	and	ecx , 3
	rep	movsb

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??forward_loop_dword


	mov	ecx , eax
	rep	movsb
	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx					; decrement the height
	jnz	??forward_loop_bytes



		segment code page public use32 'code'	; Need stricter segment alignment
							; for pentium optimisations

; Draw a single line with transparent pixels
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32

??slt_mask_map_lp:				; Pentium pipeline usage
						;Pipe	Cycles
		mov	al,[esi]		;U	1
		inc	esi			;Vee	1

		test	al,al			;U	1
		jz	??slt_skip		;Vee	1/5

??slt_not_trans:mov	[edi],al		;u 	1

		inc	edi			;vee	1
		dec	ecx			;u	1

		jnz	??slt_mask_map_lp	;vee  (maybe)	1

??slt_end_line:	epilogue

		align	32

??slt_skip:	inc	edi
		dec	ecx
		jz	??slt_skip_end_line

		mov	al,[esi]
		inc	esi
		test	al,al
		jz	??slt_skip2
		mov	[edi],al
		inc	edi
		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slt_mask_map_lp


		align	32

??slt_skip2:	inc	edi
		dec	ecx
		jz	??slt_end_line

; If we have hit two transparent pixels in a row then we go into
; the transparent optimised bit
	rept	64
		mov	al,[esi]   ;	;pipe 1
		inc	esi	   ;1	;pipe 2
		test	al,al	   ;	;pipe 1
		jnz	??slt_not_trans;pipe 2 (not pairable in 1)
		inc	edi	   ;	;pipe 1
		dec	ecx	   ;3	;pipe 2
		jz	??slt_end_line ;4	;pipe 1 (not pairable)
	endm			   ; best case is 4 cycles per iteration
		jmp	??slt_round_again


; Draw a single line with no transparent pixels
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
; We have to align the destination for cards that dont bankswitch correctly
; when you write non-aligned data.
		align	32

 rept 3
		test	edi,3
		jz	??LSLC_aligned
		dec	ecx

		mov	ebx,ecx

		shr	ecx,2
		rep	movsd
		and	ebx,3
		jz	??out
		dec	bl
		jz	??out
		dec	bl
		jz	??out
??out:		epilogue

; Draw a single short line with no transparent pixels
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32
		cmp	ecx,16
		jge	Long_Single_Line_Copy
		mov	ebx,ecx
		rep	movsb
		mov	ecx,ebx

; Skip a line of source that is all transparent
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST

		align	32
		add	esi,ecx
		add	edi,ecx

; Draw a single line with ghosting
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32

		xor	eax,eax
??slg_loop:	mov	al,[esi]
		mov	ebx,[IsTranslucent]
		inc	esi
		mov	bh,[eax+ebx]
		cmp	bh,-1
		jz	??slg_store_pixel

		and	ebx,0ff00h
		mov	al,[edi]
		add	ebx,[Translucent]
		mov	al,[eax+ebx]

		mov	[edi],al

		inc	edi
		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slg_loop

; Draw a single line with transparent pixels and ghosting
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32
		xor	eax,eax
;		cmp	ecx,3
;		ja	??slgt4

??slgt_loop:	mov	al,[esi]
		inc	esi
		test	al,al
		jz	??slgt_transparent

		mov	ebx,[IsTranslucent]
		mov	bh,[eax+ebx]
		cmp	bh,-1
		jz	??slgt_store_pixel

		and	ebx,0ff00h
		mov	al,[edi]
		add	ebx,[Translucent]
		mov	al,[eax+ebx]

		mov	[edi],al
		inc	edi
		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slgt_loop

		align	32

		inc	edi		;1
		dec	ecx		;2
		jz	??slgt_out	;1 (not pairable)

	rept	64
		mov	al,[esi]   ;	;pipe 1
		inc	esi	   ;1	;pipe 2
		test	al,al	   ;	;pipe 1
		jnz	??slgt_not_transparent	;pipe 2 (not pairable in 1)
		inc	edi	   ;	;pipe 1
		dec	ecx	   ;3	;pipe 2
		jz	??slgt_out ;4	;pipe 1 (not pairable)
	endm			   ; best case is 4 cycles per iteration
		jmp	??slgt_round_again

??slgt_out:	epilogue

; Optimised video memory access version
		align 	32

??slgt4:        push	edx
		mov	edx,[edi]

	rept	4
	local	slgt4_store1
	local	slgt4_trans1
		mov	al,[esi]
		inc	esi
		test	al,al
		jz	slgt4_trans1

		mov	ebx,[IsTranslucent]
		mov	bh,[eax+ebx]
		cmp	bh,-1
		jz	slgt4_store1

		and	ebx,0ff00h
		mov	al,dl
		add	ebx,[Translucent]
		mov	al,[eax+ebx]

slgt4_store1:	mov	dl,al

slgt4_trans1:	ror	edx,8
		mov	[edi],edx
		pop	edx
		lea	edi,[edi+4]
		lea	ecx,[ecx+0fffffffch]
		cmp	ecx,3
		ja	??slgt4
		test	ecx,ecx
		jnz	??slgt_loop


; Draw a single line with fading (colour remapping)
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32

		xor	eax,eax
		mov	ebx,[FadingTable]
		push	ebp
		mov	ebp,[FadingNum]
		push	ebp

??slf_loop:	mov	al,[esi]
		inc	esi

		mov	ebp,[esp]

??slf_fade_loop:mov	al,[ebx+eax]
		dec	ebp
		jnz	??slf_fade_loop

		mov	[edi],al
		inc	edi

		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slf_loop
		add	esp,4
		pop	ebp

; Draw a single line with transparent pixels and fading (colour remapping)
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32

		xor	eax,eax
		mov	ebx,[FadingTable]
		push	ebp
		mov	ebp,[FadingNum]
		push	ebp

??slft_loop:	mov	al,[esi]
		inc	esi
		test	al,al
		jz	??slft_transparent

		mov	ebp,[esp]

		mov	al,[ebx+eax]
		dec	ebp
		jnz	??slft_fade_loop

		mov	[edi],al
		inc	edi

		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slft_loop
		add	esp,4
		pop	ebp

; Draw a single line with a single fade level (colour remap)
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32

		xor	eax,eax
		mov	ebx,[FadingTable]

??slsf_loop:	mov	al,[esi]
		mov	al,[ebx+eax]
		mov	[edi],al
		inc	esi
		inc	edi

		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slsf_loop

; Draw a single line with transparent pixels and a single fade level (colour remap)
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32

		xor	eax,eax
		mov	ebx,[FadingTable]

??slsft_loop:	mov	al,[esi]
		inc	esi
		test	al,al
		jz	??slsft_transparent
		mov	al,[ebx+eax]
		mov	[edi],al
		inc	edi
		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slsft_loop

		align	32

		inc	edi

		dec	ecx
		jz	??slsft_next_line
		mov	al,[esi]
		inc	esi
		test	al,al
		jz	??slsft_transparent
		mov	al,[ebx+eax]
		mov	[edi],al
		inc	edi
		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slsft_loop


; Draw a single line with ghosting and fading (colour remapping)
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32


		mov	[StashECX],ecx

??SLGF_loop:	xor	eax,eax
		mov	al,[esi]
		mov	ebx,[IsTranslucent]
		mov	bh,[eax+ebx]
		cmp	bh,-1
		jz	??slgf_do_fading

		and	ebx,0ff00h

		mov	al,[edi]
		add	ebx,[Translucent]
		mov	al,[ebx+eax]

		mov	ebx,[FadingTable]
		mov	ecx,[FadingNum]

		mov	al,[eax+ebx]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slgf_fade_loop

		mov	[edi],al
		inc	esi
		inc	edi

		dec	[StashECX]
		jnz	??SLGF_loop

; Draw a single line with transparent pixels, ghosting and fading
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32

		mov	[StashECX],ecx
		xor	eax,eax

;		cmp	ecx,3
;		ja	??slgft4

??SLGFT_loop:	mov	al,[esi]
		inc	esi
		test	al,al
		jz	??slgft_trans_pixel
		mov	ebx,[IsTranslucent]
		mov	bh,[eax+ebx]
		cmp	bh,-1
		jz	??slgft_do_fading

		and	ebx,0ff00h

		mov	al,[edi]
		add	ebx,[Translucent]
		mov	al,[ebx+eax]

		mov	ebx,[FadingTable]
		mov	ecx,[FadingNum]

		mov	al,[eax+ebx]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slgft_fade_loop

		mov	[edi],al
		inc	edi

		dec	[StashECX]
		jnz	??SLGFT_loop

		align	32

??slgft4:	push	edx
		mov	edx,[edi]

	rept	4
	local	slgft4_fade
	local	slgft4_fade_lp
	local	slgft4_trans
		mov	al,[esi]
		inc	esi
		test	al,al
		jz	slgft4_trans
		mov	ebx,[IsTranslucent]
		mov	bh,[eax+ebx]
		cmp	bh,-1
		jz	slgft4_fade

		and	ebx,0ff00h

		mov	al,dl
		add	ebx,[Translucent]
		mov	al,[ebx+eax]

slgft4_fade:	mov	ebx,[FadingTable]
		mov	ecx,[FadingNum]

slgft4_fade_lp:	mov	al,[eax+ebx]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	slgft4_fade_lp

		mov	dl,al

slgft4_trans:	ror	edx,8
		mov	[edi],edx
		pop	edx
		lea	edi,[edi+4]
		sub	[StashECX],4
		jz	??slgft4_out
		cmp	[StashECX],3
		ja	??slgft4
		jmp	??SLGFT_loop

??slgft4_out:	epilogue

; Draw a single line with predator effect
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32



??slp_loop:	mov	al,[esi]

		mov	ebx,[BFPartialCount]
		add	ebx,[BFPartialPred]
		or	bh,bh
		jnz	??slp_get_pred

		mov	[BFPartialCount] , ebx
		jmp	??slp_skip_pixel

??slp_get_pred:	xor	bh , bh
		mov	eax,[BFPredOffset]
		mov	[BFPartialCount] , ebx
		add	[BYTE BFPredOffset],2
		mov	eax,[DWORD BFPredTable+eax]
		and	[BYTE BFPredOffset],PRED_MASK
		and	eax,0ffffh

		mov	al,[edi+eax]
		mov	[edi],al

		inc	esi
		inc	edi

		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slp_loop


; Draw a single line with transparent pixels and predator effect
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32



??slpt_loop:	mov	al,[esi]
		inc	esi
		test	al,al
		jz	??slpt_skip_pixel

		mov	ebx,[BFPartialCount]
		add	ebx,[BFPartialPred]
		or	bh,bh
		jnz	??slpt_get_pred

		mov	[BFPartialCount] , ebx
		jmp	??slpt_skip_pixel

??slpt_get_pred:xor	bh , bh
		mov	eax,[BFPredOffset]
		mov	[BFPartialCount] , ebx
		add	[BYTE BFPredOffset],2
		mov	eax,[DWORD BFPredTable+eax]
		and	[BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , PRED_MASK
		and	eax,0ffffh

		mov	al,[edi+eax]
		mov	[edi],al

		inc	edi

		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slpt_loop


; Draw a single line with predator and ghosting
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32



??slpg_loop:	mov	al,[esi]
		mov	ebx,[BFPartialCount]
		add	ebx,[BFPartialPred]
		test	bh,bh
		jnz	??slpg_get_pred		; is this a predator pixel?

		mov	[BFPartialCount],ebx
		jmp	??slpg_check_ghost

		xor	bh,bh
		mov	eax,[BFPredOffset]
		mov	[BFPartialCount],ebx
		add	[BYTE BFPredOffset],2
		mov	eax,[DWORD BFPredTable+eax ]
		and	[BYTE BFPredOffset],PRED_MASK
		and	eax,0ffffh
		mov	al,[edi+eax]

		mov	ebx,[IsTranslucent]
		mov	bh,[ebx+eax]
		cmp	bh,0ffh
		je	??slpg_store_pixel

		xor	eax,eax
		and	ebx,0FF00h

		mov	al,[edi]
		add	ebx,[Translucent]

		mov	al,[ebx+eax]

		mov	[edi],al
		inc	esi
		inc	edi

		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slpg_loop


; Draw a single line with transparent pixels, predator and ghosting
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32


??slpgt_loop:	mov	al,[esi]
		inc	esi
		test	al,al
		jz	??slpgt_transparent

		mov	ebx,[BFPartialCount]
		add	ebx,[BFPartialPred]
		test	bh,bh
		jnz	??slpgt_get_pred		; is this a predator pixel?

		mov	[BFPartialCount],ebx
		jmp	??slpgt_check_ghost

		xor	bh,bh
		mov	eax,[BFPredOffset]
		mov	[BFPartialCount],ebx
		add	[BYTE BFPredOffset],2
		mov	eax,[DWORD BFPredTable+eax ]
		and	[BYTE BFPredOffset],PRED_MASK
		and	eax,0ffffh
		mov	al,[edi+eax]

		mov	ebx,[IsTranslucent]
		mov	bh,[ebx+eax]
		cmp	bh,0ffh
		je	??slpgt_store_pixel

		xor	eax,eax
		and	ebx,0FF00h

		mov	al,[edi]
		add	ebx,[Translucent]

		mov	al,[ebx+eax]

		mov	[edi],al
		inc	edi

		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slpgt_loop

		pop	ecx

; Draw a single line with predator and fading
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32


		mov	[StashECX],ecx

??slpf_loop:	mov	al,[esi]
		mov	ebx,[BFPartialCount]
		inc	esi
		add	ebx,[BFPartialPred]
		test	bh,bh
		jnz	??slpf_get_pred

		mov	[BFPartialCount],ebx
		jmp	??slpf_do_fading

??slpf_get_pred:xor	bh,bh
		mov	eax,[BFPredOffset]
		mov	[BFPartialCount],ebx
		and	[BYTE BFPredOffset],2
		mov	eax,[DWORD BFPredTable+eax]
		and	[BYTE BFPredOffset],PRED_MASK

		and	eax,0ffffh
		mov	al,[eax+edi]

		and	eax,255
		mov	ebx,[FadingTable]
		mov	ecx,[FadingNum]

		mov	al,[eax+ebx]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slpf_fade_loop

		mov	[edi],al
		inc	edi

		dec	[StashECX]
		jnz	??slpf_loop


; Draw a single line with transparent pixels, fading and predator
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32

		mov	[StashECX],ecx

??slpft_loop:	mov	al,[esi]
		inc	esi
		test	al,al
		jz	??slpft_transparent
		mov	ebx,[BFPartialCount]
		add	ebx,[BFPartialPred]
		test	bh,bh
		jnz	??slpft_get_pred

		mov	[BFPartialCount],ebx
		jmp	??slpft_do_fading

		xor	bh,bh
		mov	eax,[BFPredOffset]
		mov	[BFPartialCount],ebx
		and	[BYTE BFPredOffset],2
		mov	eax,[DWORD BFPredTable+eax]
		and	[BYTE BFPredOffset],PRED_MASK

		and	eax,0ffffh
		mov	al,[eax+edi]

		and	eax,255
		mov	ebx,[FadingTable]
		mov	ecx,[FadingNum]

		mov	al,[eax+ebx]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slpft_fade_loop

		mov	[edi],al
		inc	edi

		dec	[StashECX]
		jnz	??slpft_loop


; Draw a single line with predator, ghosting and fading
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32


		mov	[StashECX],ecx

??slpgf_loop:	mov	al,[esi]
		mov	ebx,[BFPartialCount]
		inc	esi
		add	ebx,[BFPartialPred]
		test	bh , bh
		jnz	??slpgf_get_pred		; is this a predator pixel?

		mov	[BFPartialCount],ebx
		jmp	??slpgf_check_ghost

		xor	bh,bh
		mov	eax,[BFPredOffset]
		mov	[BFPartialCount],ebx
		add	[BYTE BFPredOffset],2
		mov	eax,[DWORD BFPredTable+eax]
		and	[BYTE BFPredOffset],PRED_MASK
		and	eax,0ffffh

		mov	al,[edi+eax]

		and	eax,255
		mov	ebx,[IsTranslucent]
		mov	bh,[ebx+eax]
		cmp	bh,0ffh
		je	??slpgf_do_fading

		and	ebx , 0FF00h

		mov	al,[edi]
		add	ebx,[Translucent]

		mov	al,[ebx+eax]

		xor	eax,eax
		mov	ebx,[FadingTable]
		mov	ecx,[FadingNum]

		mov	al,[ebx+eax]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slpgf_fade_loop

		mov	[edi],al
		inc	edi

		dec	[StashECX]
		jnz	??slpgf_loop


; Draw a single line with transparent pixels, predator, ghosting and fading
; 11/29/95 10:21AM - ST
		align	32


		mov	[StashECX],ecx

??slpgft_loop:	mov	al,[esi]
		inc	esi
		test	al,al
		jz	??slpgft_transparent

		mov	ebx,[BFPartialCount]
		add	ebx,[BFPartialPred]
		test	bh , bh
		jnz	??slpgft_get_pred		; is this a predator pixel?

		mov	[BFPartialCount],ebx
		jmp	??slpgft_check_ghost

		xor	bh,bh
		mov	eax,[BFPredOffset]
		mov	[BFPartialCount],ebx
		add	[BYTE BFPredOffset],2
		mov	eax,[DWORD BFPredTable+eax]
		and	[BYTE BFPredOffset],PRED_MASK
		and	eax,0ffffh

		mov	al,[edi+eax]

		and	eax,255
		mov	ebx,[IsTranslucent]
		mov	bh,[ebx+eax]
		cmp	bh,0ffh
		je	??slpgft_do_fading

		and	ebx , 0FF00h

		mov	al,[edi]
		add	ebx,[Translucent]

		mov	al,[ebx+eax]

		xor	eax,eax
		mov	ebx,[FadingTable]
		mov	ecx,[FadingNum]

		mov	al,[ebx+eax]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	??slpgft_fade_loop

		mov	[edi],al
		inc	edi

		dec	[StashECX]
		jnz	??slpgft_loop


		ends		;end of strict alignment segment


global	BF_Trans:near


; calc the code location to skip to 10 bytes per REPT below!!!!
	mov	ecx , eax
	and	ecx , 01fh
	lea	ecx , [ ecx + ecx * 4 ]		; quick multiply by 5
	neg	ecx
	shr	eax , 5
	lea	ecx , [ ??trans_reference + ecx * 2 ] ; next multiply by 2
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , eax
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]

; the following code should NOT be changed without changing the calculation
; above!!!!!!


	REPT	32
	local	trans_pixel
		mov	bl , [ esi ]
		inc	esi
		test	bl , bl
		jz	trans_pixel

		mov	[ edi ] , bl

		inc	edi

	dec	ecx
	jge	??trans_line

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??trans_loop



global	BF_Ghost:near

	mov	ebx , eax			; width

	; NOTE: the below calculation assumes a group of instructions is
	;	less than 256 bytes

	; get length of the 32 groups of instructions

	lea	ecx , [ ??ghost_reference - ??ghost_line ]

	shr	ebx , 5				; width / 32
	shr	ecx , 5				; length of instructions / 32
	and	eax , 01fh			; mod of width / 32
	mul	cl				; calc offset to start of group
	neg	eax				; inverse of width
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , ebx		; save width / 32
	lea	ecx , [ ??ghost_reference + eax ]
	mov	eax , 0
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]


	REPT	32
	local	store_pixel
		mov	al , [ esi ]
		inc	esi
		mov	ebx , [ IsTranslucent ]		; is it a translucent color?
		mov	bh , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]
		cmp	bh , 0ffh
		je	store_pixel

		and	ebx , 0FF00h			; clear all of ebx except bh
							; we have the index to the translation table
							; ((trans_colour * 256) + dest colour)
		mov	al , [ edi ]			; mov pixel at destination to al
		add	ebx , [ Translucent ]		; get the ptr to it!
							; Add the (trans_color * 256) of the translation equ.
		mov	al , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]	; get new pixel in al

		mov	[ edi ] , al
		inc	edi


	dec	ecx
	jge	??ghost_line

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??ghost_loop



global	BF_Ghost_Trans:near

	mov	ebx , eax			; width

	; NOTE: the below calculation assumes a group of instructions is
	;	less than 256 bytes

	; get length of the 32 groups of instructions

	lea	ecx , [ ??ghost_t_reference - ??ghost_t_line ]

	shr	ebx , 5				; width / 32
	shr	ecx , 5				; length of instructions / 32
	and	eax , 01fh			; mod of width / 32
	mul	cl				; calc offset to start of group
	neg	eax				; inverse of width
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , ebx		; save width / 32
	lea	ecx , [ ??ghost_t_reference + eax ]
	mov	eax , 0
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]


	REPT	32
	local	transp_pixel
	local	store_pixel
		mov	al , [ esi ]
		inc	esi
		test	al , al
		jz	transp_pixel

		mov	ebx , [ IsTranslucent ]		; is it a translucent color?
		mov	bh , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]
		cmp	bh , 0ffh
		je	store_pixel

		and	ebx , 0FF00h			; clear all of ebx except bh
							; we have the index to the translation table
							; ((trans_colour * 256) + dest colour)
		mov	al , [ edi ]			; mov pixel at destination to al
		add	ebx , [ Translucent ]		; get the ptr to it!
							; Add the (trans_color * 256) of the translation equ.
		mov	al , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]	; get new pixel in al

		mov	[ edi ] , al

		inc	edi


	dec	ecx
	jge	??ghost_t_line

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??ghost_t_loop



global	BF_Fading:near

	mov	ebx , eax			; width

	; NOTE: the below calculation assumes a group of instructions is
	;	less than 256 bytes

	; get length of the 32 groups of instructions

	lea	ecx , [ ??fading_reference - ??fading_line ]

	shr	ebx , 5				; width / 32
	shr	ecx , 5				; length of instructions / 32
	and	eax , 01fh			; mod of width / 32
	mul	cl				; calc offset to start of group
	neg	eax				; inverse of width
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , ebx		; save width / 32
	lea	ecx , [ ??fading_reference + eax ]
	mov	eax , 0
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later
	mov	ebx , [ FadingTable ]		; run color through fading table
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]

	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later


	REPT	32
	local	fade_loop
		mov	al , [ esi ]
		inc	esi
		mov	ecx , [ FadingNum ]

		mov	al, [BYTE PTR ebx + eax]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	fade_loop

		mov	[ edi ] , al
		inc	edi


	mov	ecx , [ StashECX ]		; restore ecx for main draw loop
	dec	ecx
	jge	??fading_line_begin

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??fading_loop



global	BF_Fading_Trans:near

	mov	ebx , eax			; width

	; NOTE: the below calculation assumes a group of instructions is
	;	less than 256 bytes

	; get length of the 32 groups of instructions

	lea	ecx , [ ??fading_t_reference - ??fading_t_line ]

	shr	ebx , 5				; width / 32
	shr	ecx , 5				; length of instructions / 32
	and	eax , 01fh			; mod of width / 32
	mul	cl				; calc offset to start of group
	neg	eax				; inverse of width
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , ebx		; save width / 32
	lea	ecx , [ ??fading_t_reference + eax ]
	mov	eax , 0
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later
	mov	ebx , [ FadingTable ]		; run color through fading table
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]

	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later


	REPT	32
	local	transp_pixel
	local	fade_loop
		mov	al , [ esi ]
		inc	esi
		test	al , al
		jz	transp_pixel

		mov	ecx , [ FadingNum ]

		mov	al, [BYTE PTR ebx + eax]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	fade_loop

		mov	[ edi ] , al

		inc	edi


	mov	ecx , [ StashECX ]		; restore ecx for main draw loop
	dec	ecx
	jge	??fading_t_line_begin

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??fading_t_loop



global	BF_Ghost_Fading:near

	mov	ebx , eax			; width

	; NOTE: the below calculation assumes a group of instructions is
	;	less than 256 bytes

	; get length of the 32 groups of instructions

	lea	ecx , [ ??ghost_f_reference - ??ghost_f_line ]

	shr	ebx , 5				; width / 32
	shr	ecx , 5				; length of instructions / 32
	and	eax , 01fh			; mod of width / 32
	mul	cl				; calc offset to start of group
	neg	eax				; inverse of width
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , ebx		; save width / 32
	lea	ecx , [ ??ghost_f_reference + eax ]
	mov	eax , 0
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]

	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later


	REPT	32
	local	store_pixel
	local	do_fading
	local	fade_loop
		mov	al , [ esi ]
		inc	esi
		mov	ebx , [ IsTranslucent ]		; is it a lucent color?
		mov	bh , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]
		cmp	bh , 0ffh
		je	do_fading

		and	ebx , 0FF00h			; clear all of ebx except bh
							; we have the index to the lation table
							; ((_colour * 256) + dest colour)
		mov	al , [ edi ]			; mov pixel at destination to al
		add	ebx , [ Translucent ]		; get the ptr to it!
							; Add the (_color * 256) of the lation equ.
		mov	al , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]	; get new pixel in al
; DRD		jmp	store_pixel

		mov	ebx , [ FadingTable ]		; run color through fading table
		mov	ecx , [ FadingNum ]

		mov	al, [BYTE PTR ebx + eax]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	fade_loop

		mov	[ edi ] , al
		inc	edi


	mov	ecx , [ StashECX ]		; restore ecx for main draw loop
	dec	ecx
	jge	??ghost_f_line_begin

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??ghost_f_loop



global	BF_Ghost_Fading_Trans:near

	mov	ebx , eax			; width

	; NOTE: the below calculation assumes a group of instructions is
	;	less than 256 bytes

	; get length of the 32 groups of instructions

	lea	ecx , [ ??ghost_f_t_reference - ??ghost_f_t_line ]

	shr	ebx , 5				; width / 32
	shr	ecx , 5				; length of instructions / 32
	and	eax , 01fh			; mod of width / 32
	mul	cl				; calc offset to start of group
	neg	eax				; inverse of width
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , ebx		; save width / 32
	lea	ecx , [ ??ghost_f_t_reference + eax ]
	mov	eax , 0
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]

	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later


	REPT	32
	local	transp_pixel
	local	store_pixel
	local	do_fading
	local	fade_loop
		mov	al , [ esi ]
		inc	esi
		test	al , al
		jz	transp_pixel

		mov	ebx , [ IsTranslucent ]		; is it a translucent color?
		mov	bh , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]
		cmp	bh , 0ffh
		je	do_fading

		and	ebx , 0FF00h			; clear all of ebx except bh
							; we have the index to the translation table
							; ((trans_colour * 256) + dest colour)
		mov	al , [ edi ]			; mov pixel at destination to al
		add	ebx , [ Translucent ]		; get the ptr to it!
							; Add the (trans_color * 256) of the translation equ.
		mov	al , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]	; get new pixel in al
; DRD		jmp	store_pixel

		mov	ebx , [ FadingTable ]		; run color through fading table
		mov	ecx , [ FadingNum ]

		mov	al, [BYTE PTR ebx + eax]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	fade_loop

		mov	[ edi ] , al

		inc	edi


	mov	ecx , [ StashECX ]		; restore ecx for main draw loop
	dec	ecx
	jge	??ghost_f_t_line_begin

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??ghost_f_t_loop



global	BF_Predator:near

	mov	ebx , eax			; width

	; NOTE: the below calculation assumes a group of instructions is
	;	less than 256 bytes

	; get length of the 32 groups of instructions

	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_reference - ??predator_line ]

	shr	ebx , 5				; width / 32
	shr	ecx , 5				; length of instructions / 32
	and	eax , 01fh			; mod of width / 32
	mul	cl				; calc offset to start of group
	neg	eax				; inverse of width
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , ebx		; save width / 32
	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_reference + eax ]
	mov	eax , 0
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]


	REPT	32
	local	get_pred
	local	skip_pixel
		mov	al , [ esi ]
		inc	esi
		mov	ebx , [ BFPartialCount ]
		add	ebx , [ BFPartialPred ]
		or	bh , bh
		jnz	get_pred		; is this a predator pixel?

		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		jmp	skip_pixel

		xor	bh , bh
		mov	eax, [ BFPredOffset ]
		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		add	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , 2
		movzx	eax , [ WORD PTR BFPredTable + eax ]
		and	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , PRED_MASK
						; pick up a color offset a pseudo-
						;  random amount from the current
		movzx	eax , [ BYTE PTR edi + eax ]	;  viewport address

;		xor	bh , bh
;		mov	eax , [ BFPredValue ]	; pick up a color offset a pseudo-
;						;  random amount from the current
;		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
;		mov	al , [ edi + eax ]	;  viewport address

		mov	[ edi ] , al

		inc	edi


	dec	ecx
	jge	??predator_line

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??predator_loop



global	BF_Predator_Trans:near

	mov	ebx , eax			; width

	; NOTE: the below calculation assumes a group of instructions is
	;	less than 256 bytes

	; get length of the 32 groups of instructions

	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_t_reference - ??predator_t_line ]

	shr	ebx , 5				; width / 32
	shr	ecx , 5				; length of instructions / 32
	and	eax , 01fh			; mod of width / 32
	mul	cl				; calc offset to start of group
	neg	eax				; inverse of width
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , ebx		; save width / 32
	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_t_reference + eax ]
	mov	eax , 0
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]


	REPT	32
	local	trans_pixel
	local	get_pred
	local	store_pixel
		mov	al , [ esi ]
		inc	esi
		test	al , al
		jz	trans_pixel

		mov	ebx , [ BFPartialCount ]
		add	ebx , [ BFPartialPred ]
		or	bh , bh
		jnz	get_pred		; is this a predator pixel?

		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		jmp	store_pixel

		xor	bh , bh
		mov	eax, [ BFPredOffset ]
		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		add	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , 2
		movzx	eax , [ WORD PTR BFPredTable + eax ]
		and	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , PRED_MASK
						; pick up a color offset a pseudo-
						;  random amount from the current
		movzx	eax , [ BYTE PTR edi + eax ]	;  viewport address

		mov	[ edi ] , al

		inc	edi


	dec	ecx
	jge	??predator_t_line

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??predator_t_loop



global	BF_Predator_Ghost:near

	mov	ebx , eax			; width

	; NOTE: the below calculation assumes a group of instructions is
	;	less than 256 bytes

	; get length of the 32 groups of instructions

	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_g_reference - ??predator_g_line ]

	shr	ebx , 5				; width / 32
	shr	ecx , 5				; length of instructions / 32
	and	eax , 01fh			; mod of width / 32
	mul	cl				; calc offset to start of group
	neg	eax				; inverse of width
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , ebx		; save width / 32
	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_g_reference + eax ]
	mov	eax , 0
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]


	REPT	32
	local	get_pred
	local	check_ghost
	local	store_pixel
		mov	al , [ esi ]
		mov	ebx , [ BFPartialCount ]
		inc	esi
		add	ebx , [ BFPartialPred ]
		or	bh , bh
		jnz	get_pred		; is this a predator pixel?

		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		jmp	check_ghost

		xor	bh , bh
		mov	eax, [ BFPredOffset ]
		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		add	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , 2
		movzx	eax , [ WORD PTR BFPredTable + eax ]
		and	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , PRED_MASK
						; pick up a color offset a pseudo-
						;  random amount from the current
		movzx	eax , [ BYTE PTR edi + eax ]	;  viewport address

		mov	ebx , [ IsTranslucent ]		; is it a translucent color?
		mov	bh , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]
		cmp	bh , 0ffh
		je	store_pixel

		and	ebx , 0FF00h			; clear all of ebx except bh
							; we have the index to the translation table
							; ((trans_colour * 256) + dest colour)
		mov	al , [ edi ]			; mov pixel at destination to al
		add	ebx , [ Translucent ]		; get the ptr to it!
							; Add the (trans_color * 256) of the translation equ.
		mov	al , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]	; get new pixel in al

		mov	[ edi ] , al
		inc	edi


	dec	ecx
	jge	??predator_g_line

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??predator_g_loop



global	BF_Predator_Ghost_Trans:near

	mov	ebx , eax			; width

	; NOTE: the below calculation assumes a group of instructions is
	;	less than 256 bytes

	; get length of the 32 groups of instructions

	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_g_t_reference - ??predator_g_t_line ]

	shr	ebx , 5				; width / 32
	shr	ecx , 5				; length of instructions / 32
	and	eax , 01fh			; mod of width / 32
	mul	cl				; calc offset to start of group
	neg	eax				; inverse of width
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , ebx		; save width / 32
	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_g_t_reference + eax ]
	mov	eax , 0
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]


	REPT	32
	local	trans_pixel
	local	get_pred
	local	check_ghost
	local	store_pixel
		mov	al , [ esi ]
		inc	esi
		test	al , al
		jz	trans_pixel

		mov	ebx , [ BFPartialCount ]
		add	ebx , [ BFPartialPred ]
		or	bh , bh
		jnz	get_pred		; is this a predator pixel?

		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		jmp	check_ghost

		xor	bh , bh
		mov	eax, [ BFPredOffset ]
		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		add	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , 2
		movzx	eax , [ WORD PTR BFPredTable + eax ]
		and	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , PRED_MASK
						; pick up a color offset a pseudo-
						;  random amount from the current
		movzx	eax , [ BYTE PTR edi + eax ]	;  viewport address

		mov	ebx , [ IsTranslucent ]		; is it a translucent color?
		mov	bh , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]
		cmp	bh , 0ffh
		je	store_pixel

		and	ebx , 0FF00h			; clear all of ebx except bh
							; we have the index to the translation table
							; ((trans_colour * 256) + dest colour)
		mov	al , [ edi ]			; mov pixel at destination to al
		add	ebx , [ Translucent ]		; get the ptr to it!
							; Add the (trans_color * 256) of the translation equ.
		mov	al , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]	; get new pixel in al

		mov	[ edi ] , al

		inc	edi


	dec	ecx
	jge	??predator_g_t_line

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??predator_g_t_loop



global	BF_Predator_Fading:near

	mov	ebx , eax			; width

	; NOTE: the below calculation assumes a group of instructions is
	;	less than 256 bytes

	; get length of the 32 groups of instructions

	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_f_reference - ??predator_f_line ]

	shr	ebx , 5				; width / 32
	shr	ecx , 5				; length of instructions / 32
	and	eax , 01fh			; mod of width / 32
	mul	cl				; calc offset to start of group
	neg	eax				; inverse of width
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , ebx		; save width / 32
	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_f_reference + eax ]
	mov	eax , 0
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]

	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later


	REPT	32
	local	get_pred
	local	do_fading
	local	fade_loop
		mov	al , [ esi ]
		mov	ebx , [ BFPartialCount ]
		inc	esi
		add	ebx , [ BFPartialPred ]
		or	bh , bh
		jnz	get_pred		; is this a predator pixel?

		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		jmp	do_fading

		xor	bh , bh
		mov	eax, [ BFPredOffset ]
		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		add	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , 2
		movzx	eax , [ WORD PTR BFPredTable + eax ]
		and	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , PRED_MASK
						; pick up a color offset a pseudo-
						;  random amount from the current
		movzx	eax , [ BYTE PTR edi + eax ]	;  viewport address

		mov	ebx , [ FadingTable ]		; run color through fading table
		mov	ecx , [ FadingNum ]

		mov	al, [BYTE PTR ebx + eax]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	fade_loop

		mov	[ edi ] , al
		inc	edi


	mov	ecx , [ StashECX ]		; restore ecx for main draw loop
	dec	ecx
	jge	??predator_f_line_begin

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??predator_f_loop



global	BF_Predator_Fading_Trans:near

	mov	ebx , eax			; width

	; NOTE: the below calculation assumes a group of instructions is
	;	less than 256 bytes

	; get length of the 32 groups of instructions

	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_f_t_reference - ??predator_f_t_line ]

	shr	ebx , 5				; width / 32
	shr	ecx , 5				; length of instructions / 32
	and	eax , 01fh			; mod of width / 32
	mul	cl				; calc offset to start of group
	neg	eax				; inverse of width
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , ebx		; save width / 32
	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_f_t_reference + eax ]
	mov	eax , 0
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]

	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later


	REPT	32
	local	trans_pixel
	local	get_pred
	local	do_fading
	local	fade_loop
		mov	al , [ esi ]
		inc	esi
		test	al , al
		jz	trans_pixel

		mov	ebx , [ BFPartialCount ]
		add	ebx , [ BFPartialPred ]
		or	bh , bh
		jnz	get_pred		; is this a predator pixel?

		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		jmp	do_fading

		xor	bh , bh
		mov	eax, [ BFPredOffset ]
		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		add	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , 2
		movzx	eax , [ WORD PTR BFPredTable + eax ]
		and	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , PRED_MASK
						; pick up a color offset a pseudo-
						;  random amount from the current
		movzx	eax , [ BYTE PTR edi + eax ]	;  viewport address

		mov	ebx , [ FadingTable ]		; run color through fading table
		mov	ecx , [ FadingNum ]

		mov	al, [BYTE PTR ebx + eax]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	fade_loop

		mov	[ edi ] , al

		inc	edi


	mov	ecx , [ StashECX ]		; restore ecx for main draw loop
	dec	ecx
	jge	??predator_f_t_line_begin

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??predator_f_t_loop



global	BF_Predator_Ghost_Fading:near

	mov	ebx , eax			; width

	; NOTE: the below calculation assumes a group of instructions is
	;	less than 256 bytes

	; get length of the 32 groups of instructions

	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_g_f_reference - ??predator_g_f_line ]

	shr	ebx , 5				; width / 32
	shr	ecx , 5				; length of instructions / 32
	and	eax , 01fh			; mod of width / 32
	mul	cl				; calc offset to start of group
	neg	eax				; inverse of width
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , ebx		; save width / 32
	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_g_f_reference + eax ]
	mov	eax , 0
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]

	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later


	REPT	32
	local	get_pred
	local	check_ghost
	local	store_pixel
	local	do_fading
	local	fade_loop
		mov	al , [ esi ]
		mov	ebx , [ BFPartialCount ]
		inc	esi
		add	ebx , [ BFPartialPred ]
		or	bh , bh
		jnz	get_pred		; is this a predator pixel?

		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		jmp	check_ghost

		xor	bh , bh
		mov	eax, [ BFPredOffset ]
		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		add	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , 2
		movzx	eax , [ WORD PTR BFPredTable + eax ]
		and	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , PRED_MASK
						; pick up a color offset a pseudo-
						;  random amount from the current
		movzx	eax , [ BYTE PTR edi + eax ]	;  viewport address

		mov	ebx , [ IsTranslucent ]		; is it a translucent color?
		mov	bh , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]
		cmp	bh , 0ffh
		je	do_fading

		and	ebx , 0FF00h			; clear all of ebx except bh
							; we have the index to the translation table
							; ((trans_colour * 256) + dest colour)
		mov	al , [ edi ]			; mov pixel at destination to al
		add	ebx , [ Translucent ]		; get the ptr to it!
							; Add the (trans_color * 256) of the translation equ.
		mov	al , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]	; get new pixel in al
; DRD		jmp	store_pixel

		mov	ebx , [ FadingTable ]		; run color through fading table
		mov	ecx , [ FadingNum ]

		mov	al, [BYTE PTR ebx + eax]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	fade_loop

		mov	[ edi ] , al
		inc	edi


	mov	ecx , [ StashECX ]		; restore ecx for main draw loop
	dec	ecx
	jge	??predator_g_f_line_begin

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??predator_g_f_loop



global	BF_Predator_Ghost_Fading_Trans:near

	mov	ebx , eax			; width

	; NOTE: the below calculation assumes a group of instructions is
	;	less than 256 bytes

	; get length of the 32 groups of instructions

	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_g_f_t_reference - ??predator_g_f_t_line ]

	shr	ebx , 5				; width / 32
	shr	ecx , 5				; length of instructions / 32
	and	eax , 01fh			; mod of width / 32
	mul	cl				; calc offset to start of group
	neg	eax				; inverse of width
	mov	[ loop_cnt ] , ebx		; save width / 32
	lea	ecx , [ ??predator_g_f_t_reference + eax ]
	mov	eax , 0
	mov	[ jmp_loc ] , ecx

	mov	ecx , [ loop_cnt ]
	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later
	jmp	[ jmp_loc ]

	mov	[ StashECX ] , ecx		; preserve ecx for later


	REPT	32
	local	trans_pixel
	local	get_pred
	local	check_ghost
	local	store_pixel
	local	do_fading
	local	fade_loop
		mov	al , [ esi ]
		inc	esi
		test	al , al
		jz	trans_pixel

		mov	ebx , [ BFPartialCount ]
		add	ebx , [ BFPartialPred ]
		or	bh , bh
		jnz	get_pred		; is this a predator pixel?

		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		jmp	check_ghost

		xor	bh , bh
		mov	eax, [ BFPredOffset ]
		mov	[ BFPartialCount ] , ebx
		add	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , 2
		movzx	eax , [ WORD PTR BFPredTable + eax ]
		and	[ BYTE PTR BFPredOffset ] , PRED_MASK
						; pick up a color offset a pseudo-
						;  random amount from the current
		movzx	eax , [ BYTE PTR edi + eax ]	;  viewport address

		mov	ebx , [ IsTranslucent ]		; is it a translucent color?
		mov	bh , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]
		cmp	bh , 0ffh
		je	do_fading

		and	ebx , 0FF00h			; clear all of ebx except bh
							; we have the index to the translation table
							; ((trans_colour * 256) + dest colour)
		mov	al , [ edi ]			; mov pixel at destination to al
		add	ebx , [ Translucent ]		; get the ptr to it!
							; Add the (trans_color * 256) of the translation equ.
		mov	al , [ BYTE PTR ebx + eax ]	; get new pixel in al
; DRD		jmp	store_pixel

		mov	ebx , [ FadingTable ]		; run color through fading table
		mov	ecx , [ FadingNum ]

		mov	al, [BYTE PTR ebx + eax]
		dec	ecx
		jnz	fade_loop

		mov	[ edi ] , al

		inc	edi


	mov	ecx , [ StashECX ]		; restore ecx for main draw loop
	dec	ecx
	jge	??predator_g_f_t_line_begin

	add	esi , [ scr_adjust_width ]
	add	edi , [ dest_adjust_width ]
	dec	edx
	jnz	??predator_g_f_t_loop




	ENDP	Buffer_Frame_To_Page

;**   C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D   A S S O C I A T E S   **
;*                                                                         *
;*                 Project Name : Westwood Library                         *
;*                                                                         *
;*                    File Name : KEYFBUFF.ASM                             *
;*                                                                         *
;*                   Programmer : Phil W. Gorrow                           *
;*                                                                         *
;*                   Start Date : July 16, 1992                            *
;*                                                                         *
;*                  Last Update : October 2, 1994   [JLB]                  *
;*                                                                         *
;* Functions:                                                              *
;*   BUFFER_FRAME_TO_LOGICPAGE --                                          *
;*   Normal_Draw -- Function that writes a normal pixel line               *
;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *

	INCLUDE "wwlib.i"

	; Extern all the library variables that this module requires

	EXTRN	C BackGroundPage:WORD

	; Define all the equates that this module requires

WIN_X		EQU	0		; offset for the x coordinate
WIN_Y		EQU	2		; offset for the y coordinate
WIN_WIDTH	EQU	4		; offset for the window width
WIN_HEIGHT	EQU	6		; offset for the window height
BYTESPERROW	EQU	320		; number of bytes per row

FLAG_NORMAL		EQU	0		; flag for normal draw

FLAG_GHOST		EQU	1		; This flag enables the ghost
FLAG_PRIORITY_TRANS	EQU	2		; flag for priority and transparent
FLAG_TRANS		EQU	4		; flag for transparent draw
FLAG_PRIORITY		EQU	8		; flag for priority draw

						; fx on the above flags

FLAG_MASK		EQU	15		; used to and of uneeded bits

SHAPE_NORMAL		EQU	0000h		; Standard shape.
;SHAPE_HORZ_REV		EQU	0001h		; Flipped horizontally.
;SHAPE_VERT_REV		EQU	0002h		; Flipped vertically.
;SHAPE_SCALING		EQU	0004h		; Scaled (WORD scale_x, WORD scale_y)

SHAPE_WIN_REL		EQU	0010h		; Coordinates are window relative instead of absolute.
SHAPE_CENTER		EQU	0020h		; Coordinates are based on shape's center point.
SHAPE_TRANS		EQU	0040h		; has transparency

;SHAPE_FADING		EQU	0100h		; Fading effect active (VOID * fading_table, WORD fading_num).
;SHAPE_PREDATOR		EQU	0200h		; Transparent warping effect.
;SHAPE_COMPACT		EQU	0400h		; Never use this bit.
SHAPE_PRIORITY		EQU	0800h		; Use priority system when drawing.

SHAPE_GHOST		EQU	1000h		; Transluscent table process.
;SHAPE_SHADOW		EQU	2000h		; ????
;SHAPE_PARTIAL 		EQU	4000h		; ????
;SHAPE_COLOR		EQU	8000h		; Remap the shape's colors (VOID * color_table).

; MBL MOD 12.1.92

CLEAR_NON_WALK_BIT_AND_SCALE_BITS	EQU	7	; Makes it one AND per pixel in Priority_Trans display
CLEAR_NON_WALK_BIT    	EQU	7fh	; and with 0111-1111 to clear non-walkable high bit
CLEAR_SCALE_BITS  	EQU	87h	; and with 1000-0111 to clear scaling id bits
NON_WALKABLE_BIT  	EQU	80h	; and with 1000-0000 to clear all but non-walkable bit



	;   1 = GHOST (all odd entrys are prefixed with Ghost_)
	;   2 = BLAAAH
	;   4 = Trans (prfx)
	;   8 = Prior (prfx)

; Define the table of different line draw types

LineTable	DW	WSA_Normal_Draw			;0
		DW	Ghost_Normal_Draw		;1
		DW	0				;2
		DW	0				;3

		DW	Transparent_Draw		;4
		DW	Ghost_Transparent_Draw		;5
		DW	0				;6
		DW	0				;7

		DW	Priority_Draw			;8
		DW	Ghost_Priority_Draw		;9
		DW	0				;10
		DW	0				;11

		DW	Priority_Transparent_Draw	;12
		DW	Ghost_Priority_Transparent_Draw	;13
		DW	0				;14
		DW	0				;15

;* BUFFER_FRAME_TO_LOGICPAGE --                                            *
;*                                                                         *
;*                                                                         *
;*                                                                         *
;* INPUT:                                                                  *
;*                                                                         *
;* OUTPUT:                                                                 *
;*                                                                         *
;* WARNINGS:                                                               *
;*                                                                         *
;* HISTORY:                                                                *
;*   07/16/1992 PWG : Created.                                             *
	PUBLIC	C Buffer_Frame_To_LogicPage
	PROC	C Buffer_Frame_To_LogicPage FAR USES ax bx ecx dx ds esi es edi

	; Define the arguements that our program takes.

	ARG	x_pixel:WORD		; x pixel position to draw at
	ARG	y_pixel:WORD		; y pixel position to draw at
	ARG	pixel_w:WORD		; pixel width of draw region
	ARG	pixel_h:WORD		; pixel height of draw region
	ARG	win:WORD		; window to clip around
	ARG	flags:WORD		; flags that this routine will take
	ARG	buffer:DWORD		; pointer to the buffer with data
	ARG	args:WORD

	; Define the local variables that our program uses

	LOCAL	IsTranslucent:DWORD	; ptr to the is_translucent table
	LOCAL	Translucent:DWORD	; ptr to the actual translucent table

	LOCAL	win_x1:WORD		; clip window left x pixel position
	LOCAL	win_x2:WORD		; clip window right x pixel position
	LOCAL	win_y1:WORD		; clip window top y pixel position
	LOCAL	win_y2:WORD		; clip window bottom y pixel position
	LOCAL	clipleft:WORD		; number of pixels to clip on left
	LOCAL	clipright:WORD		; number of pixels to clip on right
	LOCAL	nextline:WORD		; offset to the next line
	LOCAL	putmiddle:WORD 		; routine to call to put the middle
	LOCAL	maskpage:WORD		; location of the depth masks
	LOCAL   background:WORD		; location of the background data
	LOCAL   jflags:WORD		; location of the background data

	LOCAL	priority:BYTE		; the priority level of the back

	push	fs

	xor	ecx,ecx

	; Check to see if we have supplied any GHOST tables.
	push	di

	mov	di,6
	mov	[jflags],0

	test	[flags],SHAPE_GHOST	; are we ghosting this shape
	jz	short ??no_ghost	; if not then skip and do more

	or	[jflags],FLAG_GHOST

	les	ax,[DWORD PTR buffer + di]

	; get the "are we really translucent?" table
	mov	[WORD PTR IsTranslucent],ax
	mov	[WORD PTR IsTranslucent + 2],es
	add	ax,0100h		; add to offset for tables

	; get the "ok we are translucent!!" table
	mov	[WORD PTR Translucent],ax
	mov	[WORD PTR Translucent + 2],es

	add	di,4


	pop	di

	; See if we need to center the frame
	test	[flags],SHAPE_CENTER	; does this need to be centered?
	je	short ??no_centering	; if not the skip over this stuff

	mov	ax,[pixel_w]
	mov	bx,[pixel_h]
	sar	ax,1
	sar	bx,1
	sub	[x_pixel],ax
	sub	[y_pixel],bx

	mov	ax,[flags]
	jne	short ??test_trans

	jmp	short ??priority

	; Get the trans information if we need to get it
	test	[flags],SHAPE_TRANS	; does this draw use transparencies?
	je	short ??test_priority	; if not the skip over this junk

	or	[jflags],FLAG_TRANS

	; Get the priority information if we need to get it
	test	[flags],SHAPE_PRIORITY	; does this draw use priorities?
	je	short ??no_priority	; if not the skip over this junk

	or	[jflags],FLAG_PRIORITY

	mov	ax,[BackGroundPage]	; get the background page from ds
	mov	[background],ax		;    and store it on the stack
	mov	ax,[MaskPage]		; get the mask page from ds
	mov	[maskpage],ax		;    and store it on the stack
	mov	ax,[WORD PTR buffer + 4]; get the priority level from args
	mov	[priority],al		;    and store it in a local

	; Get the draw routine that we are going to draw with
;	mov	bx,[flags]		; load in the current flags byte
;	and	bx,FLAG_MASK		; prevent lockup on bad value
	mov	bx,[jflags]		; load in the jump table flags
	shl	bx,1
	mov	ax,[WORD PTR LineTable + bx]	; get the offset of the skip table
	mov	[putmiddle],ax		; store off the new offset

	; Get a pointer to the logic page to where we will draw our buffer
	push	[LogicPage]		; push the current logic page
	call	FAR PTR Get_Page	; get the physical page address
	add	sp,2			; pull the parameter from the stack
	mov	es,dx			; store the address in the dest

	; Point DI to the beginning of the window that we need to look at.
	;   that way we can access all of the info through di.
	mov	si,OFFSET WindowList	; get the offset of the window list
	mov	cl,4			; shift 3 times = multiply by 16
	mov	ax,[win]		; get the window number we are using
	shl	ax,cl			; each window is 8 words long
	add	si,ax			; add that into the offset of window

	; Place all the clipping values on the stack so our function will
	; be truly re-entrant and will not need to shadow these values.
	mov	cl,3			; to convert x to pixel mult by 8
	mov	ax,[si + WIN_X]		; get the left clip position
	shl	ax,cl			; convert to a pixel x position
	mov	[win_x1],ax		; store the left edge of window
	mov	[win_x2],ax

	mov	ax,[si + WIN_WIDTH]	; get the width of the window
	shl	ax,cl			; convert to a pixel width
	add	[win_x2],ax		; add to get the right window edge

	mov	ax,[si + WIN_Y]		; get the win y coordinate to clip
	mov	[win_y1],ax		; and save it onto the stack

	add	ax,[si + WIN_HEIGHT]	; calculate the bottom win y coord
	mov	[win_y2],ax		; and save it onto the stack

	test	[flags],SHAPE_WIN_REL	; is this window relative?
	je	short ??get_buffer	; if not the skip over

	mov	ax,[win_x1]		; get left edge of window
	add	[x_pixel],ax		; add to x pixel position
	mov	ax,[win_y1]		; get top edge of window
	add	[y_pixel],ax		; add to y pixel position

	; Get a pointer to the source buffer so we can handle the clipping
	lds	si,[buffer]		; get a pointer to the buffer

	; Check the top of our shape and clip any lines that are necessary
	mov	ax,[y_pixel]		; get the y_pixel draw position
	sub	ax,[win_y1]		; subtract out the window y top
	jns	short ??check_bottom		;   skip if y below window top
	add	ax,[pixel_h]		; add in the height of the region
	jg	short ??clip_top		; if positive then clip top lines

	jmp	??exit			; otherwise completely clipped

	xchg	[pixel_h],ax
	sub	ax,[pixel_h]
	add	[y_pixel],ax
	mul	[pixel_w]		; convert to number of bytes to skip
	add	si,ax			; skip past the necessary bytes

	; Check the bottom of our shape and clip it if necessary
	mov	ax,[win_y2]		; get the bottom y of the window
	sub	ax,[y_pixel]		; subtract of the y to draw at
	js	??jump_exit		; if its signed then nothing to draw
	jz	??jump_exit		; if its zero then nothing to draw

	cmp	ax,[pixel_h]		; if more room to draw then height
	jae	short ??clip_x_left		;   then go check the left clip
	mov	[pixel_h],ax		; clip all but amount that will fit

	mov	[clipleft],0		; clear clip on left of region
	mov	ax,[x_pixel]		; get the pixel x of draw region
	sub	ax,[win_x1]		; pull out the window coordinate
	jns	short ??clip_x_right
	neg	ax			; negate to get amnt to skip in buf
	mov	[clipleft],ax		; store it in the left clip info
	add	[x_pixel],ax		; move to the edge of the window
	sub	[pixel_w],ax		; pull it out of the pixel width

	mov	[clipright],0		; clear clip on right of region
	mov	ax,[win_x2]		; get the window x of clip region
	sub	ax,[x_pixel]		; subtract the draw edge of region
	js	??jump_exit		; if its negative then get out
	jz	??jump_exit		; if its zero then get out

	cmp	ax,[pixel_w]		; is space available larger than w
	jae	short ??draw_prep		;   if so then go get drawing

	xchg	[pixel_w],ax		; amt to draw in pixel_w (wid in ax)
	sub	ax,[pixel_w]		; pull out the amount to draw
	mov	[clipright],ax		; this is the amount to clip on right

	push	si			; save off source pos in buffer
	push	ds			;   both offset and segment
	mov	ax,@data
	mov	ds,ax
	mov	bx,[y_pixel]
	shl	bx,1			; shift left by 1 for word table look
	lds	si,[YTable]	; get the address of the ytable
	mov	di,[ds:si+bx]		; look up the multiplied value
	pop	ds			; restore source pos in buffer
	pop	si			;   both offset and segment

	add	di,[x_pixel]		; add in the x pixel position
	mov	[nextline],di		; save it off in the next line

	; Now determine the type of the shape and process it in the proper
	;   way.
	mov	dx,[pixel_h]

	; Check to see if the WSA is the screen width and there is no
	; clipping. In this case, then a special single call to the
	; line processing routine is possible.
	mov	ax,[clipleft]
	add	ax,[clipright]
	jne	short ??top_of_loop
	cmp	[pixel_w],BYTESPERROW
	jne	short ??top_of_loop

	; The width of the WSA is the screen width, so just process as
	; one large WSA line.
	imul	dx
	mov	cx,ax
	call	[putmiddle]
	jmp	short ??exit

	; Process line by line.
	add	si,[clipleft]		; skip whats necessary on left edge
	mov	cx,[pixel_w]		; get the width we need to draw

	; Copy the source to the destination as appropriate. This routine can
	; trash AX, BX, CX, and DI. It must properly modify SI to point one byte past
	; the end of the data.
	call	[putmiddle]

	add	si,[clipright]		; skip past the left clip
	add	[nextline],BYTESPERROW
	mov	di,[nextline]

	dec	dx
	jnz	??top_of_loop

	pop	fs

;* NORMAL_DRAW -- Function that writes a normal pixel line                 *
;*                                                                         *
;* INPUT:	cx    - number of pixels to write                          *
;*		ds:si - buffer which holds the pixels to write		   *
;*		es:di - place to put the pixels we are writing		   *
;*                                                                         *
;* OUTPUT:      ds:si - points to next pixel past last pixel read          *
;*		es:di - points to next pixel past last pixel written	   *
;*                                                                         *
;* WARNINGS:    none                                                       *
;*                                                                         *
;* HISTORY:                                                                *
;*   07/17/1992 PWG : Created.                                             *


 IF 1
 	; This version is marginally faster than the later version.
 	mov	ax,cx
	shr	cx,2
	rep movsd
	and	ax,011b
	mov	cx,ax
	shr	cx,1
	rep movsw
	adc	cx,cx
	rep movsb


	shr	cx,1			; convert to words (odd pix in carry)
	rep	movsw			; write out the needed words
	adc	cx,0			; add the carry into cx
	rep	movsb			; write out the odd byte if any


;* TRANSPARENT_DRAW -- Function that writes a transparent pixel line       *
;*                                                                         *
;* INPUT:	cx    - number of pixels to write                          *
;*		ds:si - buffer which holds the pixels to write		   *
;*		es:di - place to put the pixels we are writing		   *
;*                                                                         *
;* OUTPUT:      ds:si - points to next pixel past last pixel read          *
;*		es:di - points to next pixel past last pixel written	   *
;*                                                                         *
;* WARNINGS:    none                                                       *
;*                                                                         *
;* HISTORY:                                                                *
;*   07/17/1992 PWG : Created.                                             *
;*   10/02/1994 JLB : Optimized for 250% speed improvement.                *

 IF 1
	; Preserve DX since it is used as a scratch register.
	push	dx

	; Swap DS:SI and ES:DI back in preparation for the REP SCASB
	; instruction.
	xchg	di,si
	mov	dx,es
	mov	ax,ds
	mov	ds,dx
	mov	es,ax

	; Remember the bytes remaining in order to calculate the position
	; of the scan when it stops.
	mov	bx,cx

	; Scan looking for a non-zero value in the source buffer.
	xor	al,al
	repe scasb

	; When the loop ends, if the EQ flag is set then the scanning is
	; complete. Jump to the end of the routine in order to fixup the
	; pointers.
	je	short ??fini

	; Advance the destination pointer by the amount necessary to match
	; the source movement. DS:SI points to where data should be written.
	add	si,bx
	inc	cx		; SCASB leaves CX one too low, fix it.
	dec	di		; SCASB leaves DI one byte too far, fix it.
	sub	si,cx

	; Scan for the duration of non-zero pixels. This yields a count which
	; is used to copy the source data to the destination. Preserve DI.
	mov	dx,di
	mov	bx,cx
	repne scasb
	mov	di,dx

	; Set BX to equal the number of bytes to copy from source to dest.
	inc	cx		; SCASB leaves CX one too low, fix it.
	sub	bx,cx

	; Move the data from ES:DI to DS:SI for BX bytes.
	xchg	cx,bx		; Make CX=bytes to move, BX=bytes remaining.

	; Swap DS:SI and ES:DI in preparation for the REP MOV instruction.
	xchg	di,si
	mov	dx,es
	mov	ax,ds
	mov	ds,dx
	mov	es,ax

	; Move the data from source to dest. First try to move double
	; words. Then copy the remainder bytes (if any). Putting jumps in
	; this section doesn't result in any savings -- oh well.
	mov	ax,cx
	shr	cx,2
	rep movsd
	and	ax,0011b
	mov	cx,ax
	shr	cx,1
	rep movsw
	adc	cx,cx
	rep movsb

	; Restore CX with the remaining bytes to process.
	mov	cx,bx

	; If there are more bytes to process, then loop back.
	or	cx,cx
	jne	short ??loop

	; Swap ES:DI and DS:SI back to original orientation.
	mov	ax,ds
	mov	bx,es
	mov	es,ax
	mov	ds,bx
	xchg	di,si

	; Restore DX and return.
	pop	dx


	or	al,al
	jz	short ??skip

	mov	[es:di],al		; store the pixel to the screen
	inc	di
	loop	??loop_top



;* PRIORITY_DRAW -- Function that writes a pixels if they are in front of  *
;*		    the given plate.					   *
;*                                                                         *
;* INPUT:	cx    - number of pixels to write                          *
;*		ds:si - buffer which holds the pixels to write		   *
;*		es:di - place to put the pixels we are writing		   *
;*                                                                         *
;* OUTPUT:      ds:si - points to next pixel past last pixel read          *
;*		es:di - points to next pixel past last pixel written	   *
;*                                                                         *
;* WARNINGS:    none                                                       *
;*                                                                         *
;* HISTORY:                                                                *
;*   07/17/1992 PWG : Created.                                             *
;*   12/01/1992 MBL : Updated to work with latest mask data encoding.      *
;*   17/01/1993 MCC : Updated for 386, and optimized			   *


	mov	fs,[background]		; get the SEG of the background page
	mov	gs,[maskpage]		; get the SEG of the mask info
	mov	ah,[priority]		; keep a copy of priority varible for faster cmp

	lodsb				; get the pixel to draw on the screen

					; get the mask byte for our pixel
	mov	bl,[ds:di]
					; get rid of non-walkable bit and
					; get rid of scaling id bits

	cmp	ah,bl			; are we more toward the front?
	jge	short ??out_pixel	; if so then write the pixel

	mov	al,[fs:di]		; get the pixel to write
	stosb				; write the pixel and inc the DI
	loop	??loop_top


;* PRIORITY_TRANSPARENT_DRAW -- Function that writes a pixels if they are  *
;*		    in front of the given plate.  It also deals with	   *
;*		    transparent pixels.					   *
;*                                                                         *
;* INPUT:	cx    - number of pixels to write                          *
;*		ds:si - buffer which holds the pixels to write		   *
;*		es:di - place to put the pixels we are writing		   *
;*                                                                         *
;* OUTPUT:      ds:si - points to next pixel past last pixel read          *
;*		es:di - points to next pixel past last pixel written	   *
;*                                                                         *
;* WARNINGS:    none                                                       *
;*                                                                         *
;* HISTORY:                                                                *
;*   07/17/1992 PWG : Created.                                             *
;*   12/01/1992 MBL : Updated to work with latest mask data encoding.      *
;*   17/01/1993 MCC : Updated for 386, and optimized			   *

	PROC	NOLANGUAGE Priority_Transparent_Draw NEAR

	mov	fs,[background]		; get the SEG of the background page
	mov	gs,[maskpage]		; get the SEG of the mask info
	mov	ah,[priority]		; keep a copy of priority varible for faster cmp

	lodsb				; get the pixel on the screen
	or	al,al			; check to see if al is transparent
	je	short ??write_back	; if it is go write background

	mov	bl,[gs:di]		; get the mask byte for our pixel

					; get rid of non-walkable bit and
					; get rid of scaling id bits

	cmp	ah,bl			; are we more toward the front?
	jge	short ??out_pixel	; if so then write the pixel

	mov	al,[fs:di]		; get the pixel to write
	stosb				; write the pixel
	loop	??loop_top


;* GHOST_NORMAL_DRAW -- Function that writes a normal pixel line           *
;*                                                                         *
;* INPUT:	cx    - number of pixels to write                          *
;*		ds:si - buffer which holds the pixels to write		   *
;*		es:di - place to put the pixels we are writing		   *
;*                                                                         *
;* OUTPUT:      ds:si - points to next pixel past last pixel read          *
;*		es:di - points to next pixel past last pixel written	   *
;*                                                                         *
;* WARNINGS:    none                                                       *
;*                                                                         *
;* HISTORY:                                                                *
;*   05/27/1993 MCC : Created.                                             *



	; Ok, find out if the colour is a Translucent colour
	push	ax
	push 	ds

	lds	bx,[IsTranslucent]
	mov	ah,al			; preserve real pixel
	xlat				; get new al (transluecent pixel
	xchg	ah,al			; get real pixel back into AL just in case
	cmp	ah,255
	je	short ??normal_pixel		; is it a translucent ?
					; if we get passed here value in
					; AH should be 0-15

	; yes, it is a translucent colour so goto our translucent translation
	; table and set up a ptr to the correct table

	mov	al,[es:di]
					; mov pixel at destination to al and we have
					; the index to the translation table
					; ((trans_colour * 256) + dest colour)
	lds	bx,[Translucent]	; get the ptr to it!
	add	bh,ah			; Add the (trans_color * 256) of the translation equ.
					; XLAT only uses AL so no need to clear AH
	xlat				; get new pixel in AL

	pop	ds
	pop	bx
	mov	ah,bh

	mov	[es:di],al		; store the pixel to the screen

	inc	di
	loop	??loop_top



;* GHOST_TRANSPARENT_DRAW -- Function that writes a transparent pixel line *
;*                                                                         *
;* INPUT:	cx    - number of pixels to write                          *
;*		ds:si - buffer which holds the pixels to write		   *
;*		es:di - place to put the pixels we are writing		   *
;*                                                                         *
;* OUTPUT:      ds:si - points to next pixel past last pixel read          *
;*		es:di - points to next pixel past last pixel written	   *
;*                                                                         *
;* WARNINGS:    none                                                       *
;*                                                                         *
;* HISTORY:                                                                *
;*   05/27/1993 MCC : Created.                                             *
	PROC	NOLANGUAGE Ghost_Transparent_Draw NEAR

	or	al,al
	jz	short ??skip

	; Ok, find out if the colour is a Translucent colour
	push	ax
	push 	ds

	lds	bx,[IsTranslucent]
	mov	ah,al			; preserve real pixel
	xlat				; get new al (transluecent pixel
	xchg	ah,al			; get real pixel back into AL just in case
	cmp	ah,255
	je	short ??normal_pixel		; is it a translucent ?
					; if we get passed here value in
					; AH should be 0-15

	; yes, it is a translucent colour so goto our translucent translation
	; table and set up a ptr to the correct table

	mov	al,[es:di]
					; mov pixel at destination to al and we have
					; the index to the translation table
					; ((trans_colour * 256) + dest colour)
	lds	bx,[Translucent]	; get the ptr to it!
	add	bh,ah			; Add the (trans_color * 256) of the translation equ.
					; XLAT only uses AL so no need to clear AH
	xlat				; get new pixel in AL

	pop	ds
	pop	bx
	mov	ah,bh

	mov	[es:di],al		; store the pixel to the screen

	inc	di
	loop	??loop_top


;* GHOST_PRIORITY_DRAW -- Function that writes a pixels if they are in fron*
;*		    the given plate.					   *
;*                                                                         *
;* INPUT:	cx    - number of pixels to write                          *
;*		ds:si - buffer which holds the pixels to write		   *
;*		es:di - place to put the pixels we are writing		   *
;*                                                                         *
;* OUTPUT:      ds:si - points to next pixel past last pixel read          *
;*		es:di - points to next pixel past last pixel written	   *
;*                                                                         *
;* WARNINGS:    none                                                       *
;*                                                                         *
;* HISTORY:                                                                *
;*   07/17/1992 PWG : Created.                                             *
;*   12/01/1992 MBL : Updated to work with latest mask data encoding.      *
;*   05/27/1993 MCC : Updated to use the new Ghosting fx		   *
;*   17/01/1993 MCC : Updated for 386, and optimized			   *

	mov	fs,[background]		; get the SEG of the background page
	mov	gs,[maskpage]		; get the SEG of the mask info
	mov	ah,[priority]		; keep a copy of priority varible for faster cmp

	lodsb				; get the pixel to draw on the screen
					; get the mask byte for our pixel
	mov	bl,[ds:di]
					; get rid of non-walkable bit and
					; get rid of scaling id bits
	cmp	ah,bl			; are we more toward the front?
	jge	short ??out_pixel	; if so then write the pixel

	mov	al,[fs:di]		; get the pixel to write
	stosb				; write the pixel and inc the DI
	loop	??loop_top



;* GHOST_PRIORITY_TRANSPARENT_DRAW -- Function that writes a pixels if they*
;*		    in front of the given plate.  It also deals with	   *
;*		    transparent pixels.					   *
;*                                                                         *
;* INPUT:	cx    - number of pixels to write                          *
;*		ds:si - buffer which holds the pixels to write		   *
;*		es:di - place to put the pixels we are writing		   *
;*                                                                         *
;* OUTPUT:      ds:si - points to next pixel past last pixel read          *
;*		es:di - points to next pixel past last pixel written	   *
;*                                                                         *
;* WARNINGS:    none                                                       *
;*                                                                         *
;* HISTORY:                                                                *
;*   07/17/1992 PWG : Created.                                             *
;*   12/01/1992 MBL : Updated to work with latest mask data encoding.      *
;*   05/27/1993 MCC : Updated to use the new Ghosting fx		   *
;*   17/01/1993 MCC : Updated for 386, and optimized			   *
	PROC	NOLANGUAGE Ghost_Priority_Transparent_Draw NEAR

	mov	fs,[background]		; get the SEG of the background page
	mov	gs,[maskpage]		; get the SEG of the mask info
	mov	ah,[priority]		; keep a copy of priority varible for faster cmp

	lodsb				; get the pixel on the screen
	or	al,al			; check to see if al is transparent
	je	short ??write_back	;   if it is go write background
	mov	bl,[gs:di]		; get the mask byte for our pixel
					; get rid of non-walkable bit and
					; get rid of scaling id bits
	cmp	ah,bl			; are we more toward the front?
	jge	short ??out_pixel	; if so then write the pixel
	mov	al,[fs:di]		; get the pixel to write
	stosb				; write the pixel
	loop	??loop_top
