/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /CounterStrike/DIALOG.CPP 1 3/03/97 10:24a Joe_bostic $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : DIALOG.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : September 10, 1993 * * * * Last Update : July 31, 1996 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * Clip_Text_Print -- Prints text with clipping and support. * * Dialog_Box -- draws a dialog background box * * Display_Place_Building -- Displays the "place building" dialog box. * * Display_Select_Target -- Displays the "choose target" prompt. * * Display_Status -- Display the player scenario status box. * * Draw_Box -- Displays a highlighted box. * * Draw_Caption -- Draws a caption on a dialog box. * * Fancy_Text_Print -- Prints text with a drop shadow. * * Plain_Text_Print -- Prints text without using a color scheme * * Redraw_Needed -- Determine if sidebar needs to be redrawn. * * Render_Bar_Graph -- Renders a specified bargraph. * * Simple_Text_Print -- Prints text with a drop shadow. * * Window_Box -- Draws a fancy box over the specified window. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #include "defines.h" //VG 10/17/96 unsigned char * Font_Palette(int color); /*********************************************************************************************** * Dialog_Box -- draws a dialog background box * * * * INPUT: * * x,y,w,h the usual * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/26/1995 BR : Created. * * 07/31/1996 JLB : Uses shapes to draw the box. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Dialog_Box(int x, int y, int w, int h) { // Try to expand the box a little taller and a little wider to make room for // the dialog box graphics in the DOS version. #ifndef WIN32 x = max(0, x-4); y = max(0, y-4); w = min(w+8, 320-x); h = min(h+8, 200-y); #endif WindowList[WINDOW_PARTIAL][WINDOWX] = x; WindowList[WINDOW_PARTIAL][WINDOWY] = y; WindowList[WINDOW_PARTIAL][WINDOWWIDTH] = w; WindowList[WINDOW_PARTIAL][WINDOWHEIGHT] = h; /* ** Always draw to the hidpage and then blit forward. */ #ifdef WIN32 GraphicViewPortClass * oldpage = Set_Logic_Page(HidPage); #else GraphicBufferClass * oldpage = Set_Logic_Page(HidPage); #endif /* ** Draw the background block. */ int cx = w/2; int cy = h/2; void const * shapedata = MFCD::Retrieve("DD-BKGND.SHP"); #ifdef WIN32 CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 0, cx-312, cy-192, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 1, cx, cy-192, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 2, cx-312, cy, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 3, cx, cy, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); #else CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 0, cx-156, cy-96, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); #endif /* ** Draw the side strips. */ shapedata = MFCD::Retrieve("DD-EDGE.SHP"); for (int yy = 0; yy < h; yy += 6) { CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 0, 7*RESFACTOR, yy, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 1, w-((7+8)*RESFACTOR), yy, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); } /* ** Draw the border bars. */ shapedata = MFCD::Retrieve("DD-LEFT.SHP"); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 0, 0, cy-100*RESFACTOR, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 0, 0, cy, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); shapedata = MFCD::Retrieve("DD-RIGHT.SHP"); int rightx = w - (7*RESFACTOR); #ifndef WIN32 rightx--; #endif CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 0, rightx, cy-100*RESFACTOR, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 0, rightx, cy, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); shapedata = MFCD::Retrieve("DD-BOTM.SHP"); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 0, cx-160*RESFACTOR, h-8*RESFACTOR, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 0, cx, h-8*RESFACTOR, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); shapedata = MFCD::Retrieve("DD-TOP.SHP"); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 0, cx-160*RESFACTOR, 0, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 0, cx, 0, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); /* ** Draw the corner caps. */ shapedata = MFCD::Retrieve("DD-CRNR.SHP"); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 0, 0, 0, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 1, w-(12*RESFACTOR-1), 0, WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 2, 0, h-(12*RESFACTOR), WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); CC_Draw_Shape(shapedata, 3, w-(12*RESFACTOR-1), h-(12*RESFACTOR), WINDOW_PARTIAL, SHAPE_WIN_REL); #ifdef WIN32 WWMouse->Draw_Mouse(&HidPage); HidPage.Blit(SeenBuff, x, y, x, y, w, h, false); WWMouse->Erase_Mouse(&HidPage, FALSE); #else // Shadow_Blit(0, 0, 320, 200, HidPage, SeenPage, Map.ShadowPage->Get_Buffer()); Hide_Mouse(); HidPage.Blit(SeenBuff); Show_Mouse(); // Shadow_Blit(0, 0, 320, 200, HidPage, SeenPage, ((GraphicBufferClass*)Map.Shadow_Address())->Get_Buffer()); #endif Set_Logic_Page(oldpage); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Draw_Box -- Displays a highlighted box. * * * * This will draw a highlighted box to the logicpage. It can * * optionally fill the box with a color as well. This is a low level * * function and thus, it doesn't do any graphic mode color adjustments. * * * * INPUT: x,y -- Upper left corner of the box to be drawn (pixels). * * * * w,h -- Width and height of box (in pixels). * * * * up -- Is the box rendered in the "up" stated? * * * * filled-- Is the box to be filled. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/28/1991 JLB : Created. * * 05/30/1992 JLB : Embedded color codes. * * 07/31/1992 JLB : Depressed option added. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Draw_Box(int x, int y, int w, int h, BoxStyleEnum up, bool filled) { RemapControlType * scheme = GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(); // Filler, Shadow, Hilite, Corner colors BoxStyleType const ButtonColors[BOXSTYLE_COUNT] = { { scheme->Background, scheme->Highlight, scheme->Shadow, scheme->Corners}, // Down { scheme->Background, scheme->Shadow, scheme->Highlight, scheme->Corners}, // Raised { DKGREY, WHITE, BLACK, DKGREY}, // Disabled down { DKGREY, BLACK, LTGREY, DKGREY}, // Disabled up { BLACK, scheme->Box, scheme->Box, BLACK}, // List box { BLACK, scheme->Box, scheme->Box, BLACK}, // Dialog box }; w--; h--; BoxStyleType const &style = ButtonColors[up]; if (filled) { LogicPage->Fill_Rect( x, y, x+w, y+h, style.Filler); } switch (up) { case (BOXSTYLE_BOX): LogicPage->Draw_Rect(x, y, x+w, y+h, style.Highlight); break; case (BOXSTYLE_BORDER): LogicPage->Draw_Rect(x+1, y+1, x+w-1, y+h-1, style.Highlight); break; default: LogicPage->Draw_Line(x, y+h, x+w, y+h, style.Shadow); LogicPage->Draw_Line(x+w, y, x+w, y+h, style.Shadow); LogicPage->Draw_Line(x, y, x+w, y, style.Highlight); LogicPage->Draw_Line(x, y, x, y+h, style.Highlight); LogicPage->Put_Pixel(x, y+h, style.Corner); LogicPage->Put_Pixel(x+w, y, style.Corner); break; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Format_Window_String -- Separates a String into Lines. * * This function will take a long string and break it up into lines * * which are not longer then the window width. Any character < ' ' is * * considered a new line marker and will be replaced by a NULL. * * * * INPUT: char *String - string to be formated. * * int maxlinelen - Max length of any line in pixels. * * * * OUTPUT: int - number of lines string is. * * * * WARNINGS: The string passed in will be modified - NULLs will be put * * into each position that will be a new line. * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/27/1992 SB : Created. * * 05/18/1995 JLB : Greatly revised for new font system. * * 09/04/1996 BWG : Added '@' is treated as a carriage return for width calculations. * *=============================================================================================*/ int Format_Window_String(char * string, int maxlinelen, int & width, int & height) { int linelen; int lines = 0; width = 0; height = 0; // In no string was passed in, then there are no lines. if (!string) return(0); // While there are more letters left divide the line up. while (*string) { linelen = 0; height += FontHeight + FontYSpacing; lines++; /* ** Look for special line break character and force a line break when it is ** discovered. */ if (*string == '@') { *string = '\r'; } // While the current line is less then the max length... while (linelen < maxlinelen && *string != '\r' && *string != '\0' && *string != '@') { linelen += Char_Pixel_Width(*string++); } // if the line is to long... if (linelen >= maxlinelen) { /* ** Back up to an appropriate location to break. */ while (*string != ' ' && *string != '\r' && *string != '\0' && *string != '@') { linelen -= Char_Pixel_Width(*string--); } } /* ** Record the largest width of the worst case string. */ if (linelen > width) { width = linelen; } /* ** Force a break at the end of the line. */ if (*string) { *string++ = '\r'; } } return(lines); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Window_Box -- Draws a fancy box over the specified window. * * * * This routine will draw a fancy (shaded) box over the specified * * window. This is the effect used to give the polished look to * * screen rectangles without having to use art. * * * * INPUT: window -- Specified window to fill and border. * * * * style -- The style to render the window. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: The rendering is done to the LogicPage. * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/03/1992 JLB : Created. * * 07/31/1992 JLB : Cool raised border effect. * * 06/08/1994 JLB : Takes appropriate enumeration parameters. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Window_Box(WindowNumberType window, BoxStyleEnum style) { int x = WindowList[window][WINDOWX]; int y = WindowList[window][WINDOWY]; int w = WindowList[window][WINDOWWIDTH]; int h = WindowList[window][WINDOWHEIGHT]; /* ** If it is to be rendered to the seenpage, then ** hide the mouse. */ if (LogicPage == (&SeenBuff)) Conditional_Hide_Mouse(x ,y, x+w, y+h); Draw_Box(x, y, w, h, style, true); /* ** Restore the mouse if it has been hidden and return. */ if (LogicPage == &SeenBuff) Conditional_Show_Mouse(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Simple_Text_Print -- Prints text with a drop shadow. * * * * This routine functions like Text_Print, but will render a drop * * shadow (in black). * * * * The C&C gradient font colors are as follows: * * 0 transparent (background) * * 1 foreground color for mono-color fonts only * * 2 shadow under characters ("drop shadow") * * 3 shadow all around characters ("full shadow") * * 4-10 unused * * 11 top row * * 12 next row * * 13 next row * * 14 next row * * 15 bottom row * * * * INPUT: text -- Pointer to text to render. * * * * x,y -- Pixel coordinate for to print text. * * * * fore -- Foreground color. * * * * back -- Background color. * * * * flag -- Text print control flags. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/24/1991 JLB : Created. * * 10/26/94 JLB : Handles font X spacing in a more friendly manner. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Simple_Text_Print(char const * text, unsigned x, unsigned y, RemapControlType * fore, unsigned back, TextPrintType flag) { static int yspace=0; // Y spacing adjustment for font. static int xspace=0; // Spacing adjustment for font. void const * font=0; // Font to use. int shadow; // Requested shadow value. unsigned char fontpalette[16]; // Working font palette array. int forecolor; if (fore == NULL) { fore = &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_RED]; } /* ** Init the font palette to the given background color */ memset(&fontpalette[0], back, 16); forecolor = fore->Color; /* ** A gradient font always requires special fixups for the palette */ int point = (flag & (TextPrintType)0x000F); if (point == TPF_VCR || point == TPF_6PT_GRAD || point == TPF_METAL12 || point == TPF_EFNT || point == TPF_TYPE) { /* ** If a gradient palette is specified, copy the remap table directly, otherwise ** use the foreground color as the entire font remap color. */ if (flag & TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL) { memcpy(fontpalette, fore->FontRemap, 16); forecolor = fore->Color; if (point == TPF_TYPE) { forecolor = fontpalette[1]; } } else { memset(&fontpalette[4], fore->Color, 12); forecolor = fore->Color; } /* ** Medium color: set all font colors to a medium value. This flag ** overrides any gradient effects. */ if (flag & TPF_MEDIUM_COLOR) { forecolor = fore->Color; memset(&fontpalette[4], fore->Color, 12); } /* ** Bright color: set all font colors to a bright value. This flag ** overrides any gradient effects. */ if (flag & TPF_BRIGHT_COLOR) { forecolor = fore->Bright; memset(&fontpalette[4], fore->BrightColor, 12); } } /* ** Change the current font if it differs from the font desired. */ #ifdef WIN32 xspace = 1; #else xspace = 0; #endif yspace = 0; switch (point) { case TPF_SCORE: font = ScoreFontPtr; break; case TPF_METAL12: font = Metal12FontPtr; //xspace += 1; break; case TPF_MAP: font = MapFontPtr; xspace -= 1; break; case TPF_VCR: font = VCRFontPtr; break; case TPF_6PT_GRAD: font = GradFont6Ptr; xspace -= 1; break; case TPF_3POINT: xspace += 1; font = Font3Ptr; flag = flag & ~(TPF_DROPSHADOW|TPF_FULLSHADOW|TPF_NOSHADOW); break; case TPF_6POINT: font = Font6Ptr; xspace -= 1; break; case TPF_EFNT: font = EditorFont; #ifdef WIN32 yspace += 1; xspace -= 1; #endif xspace -= 1; break; case TPF_8POINT: font = Font8Ptr; #ifdef WIN32 xspace -= 2; yspace -= 4; #else xspace -= 1; yspace -= 2; #endif break; case TPF_LED: #ifdef WIN32 xspace -= 4; #else xspace -= 2; #endif font = FontLEDPtr; break; case TPF_TYPE: font = TypeFontPtr; xspace -= 1; #ifdef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION xspace -= 2; yspace += 2; #else // I am implicitly assuming that TPF_TYPE was no longer being used, before I came along, despite the following. ajw #ifdef GERMAN yspace += 4; //VG 10/17/96 #endif #endif break; default: font = FontPtr; break; } /* ** Change the current font palette according to the dropshadow flags. */ shadow = (flag & (TPF_NOSHADOW|TPF_DROPSHADOW|TPF_FULLSHADOW|TPF_LIGHTSHADOW)); switch (shadow) { /* ** The text is rendered plain. */ case TPF_NOSHADOW: fontpalette[2] = back; fontpalette[3] = back; xspace -= 1; #ifdef WIN32 yspace -= 2; #else yspace -= 1; #endif break; /* ** The text is rendered with a simple ** drop shadow. */ case TPF_DROPSHADOW: fontpalette[2] = BLACK; fontpalette[3] = back; xspace -= 1; break; /* ** Special engraved text look for the options ** dialog system. */ case TPF_LIGHTSHADOW: fontpalette[2] = ((14 * 16) + 7)+1; fontpalette[3] = back; xspace -= 1; break; /* ** Each letter is surrounded by black. This is used ** when the text will be over a non-plain background. */ case TPF_FULLSHADOW: fontpalette[2] = BLACK; fontpalette[3] = BLACK; xspace -= 1; break; default: break; } if (point != TPF_TYPE) { fontpalette[0] = back; fontpalette[1] = fore->Color; } /* ** Set the font and spacing according to the values they should be. */ FontXSpacing = xspace; FontYSpacing = yspace; Set_Font(font); Set_Font_Palette(fontpalette); /* ** Display the (centered) message if there is one. */ if (text && *text) { switch (flag & (TPF_CENTER|TPF_RIGHT)) { case TPF_CENTER: x -= String_Pixel_Width(text)>>1; break; case TPF_RIGHT: x -= String_Pixel_Width(text); break; default: break; } if ((unsigned)x < LogicPage->Get_Width() && (unsigned)y < LogicPage->Get_Height()) { LogicPage->Print(text, x, y, forecolor, back); // LogicPage->Print(text, x, y, fore->Color, back); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Fancy_Text_Print -- Prints text with a drop shadow. * * * * This routine functions like Text_Print, but will render a drop * * shadow (in black). * * * * INPUT: text -- Text number to print. * * * * x,y -- Pixel coordinate for to print text. * * * * fore -- Foreground color. * * * * back -- Background color. * * * * flag -- Text print control flags. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: This routine is much slower than normal text print and * * if rendered to the SEENPAGE, the intermediate rendering * * steps could be visible. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/29/1994 JLB : Created * *=============================================================================================*/ void Fancy_Text_Print(int text, unsigned x, unsigned y, RemapControlType * fore, unsigned back, TextPrintType flag, ...) { char buffer[512]; // Working staging buffer. va_list arg; // Argument list var. /* ** If the text number is valid, then process it. */ if (text != TXT_NONE) { va_start(arg, flag); /* ** The text string must be locked since the vsprintf function doesn't know ** how to handle EMS pointers. */ char const * tptr = Text_String(text); vsprintf(buffer, tptr, arg); va_end(arg); Simple_Text_Print(buffer, x, y, fore, back, flag); } else { /* ** Just the flags are to be changed, since the text number is TXT_NONE. */ Simple_Text_Print((char const *)0, x, y, fore, back, flag); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Fancy_Text_Print -- Prints text with a drop shadow. * * * * This routine functions like Text_Print, but will render a drop * * shadow (in black). * * * * INPUT: text -- Pointer to text to render. * * * * x,y -- Pixel coordinate for to print text. * * * * fore -- Foreground color. * * * * back -- Background color. * * * * flag -- Text print control flags. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: This routine is much slower than normal text print and * * if rendered to the SEENPAGE, the intermediate rendering * * steps could be visible. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/24/1991 JLB : Created. * * 10/26/94 JLB : Handles font X spacing in a more friendly manner. * * 11/29/1994 JLB : Separated actual draw action. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Fancy_Text_Print(char const * text, unsigned x, unsigned y, RemapControlType * fore, unsigned back, TextPrintType flag, ...) { char buffer[512]; // Working staging buffer. va_list arg; // Argument list var. /* ** If there is a valid text string pointer then build the final string into the ** working buffer before sending it to the simple string printing routine. */ if (text) { /* ** Since vsprintf doesn't know about EMS pointers, be sure to surround this ** call with locking code. */ va_start(arg, flag); vsprintf(buffer, text, arg); va_end(arg); Simple_Text_Print(buffer, x, y, fore, back, flag); } else { /* ** Just the flags are desired to be changed, so call the simple print routine with ** a NULL text pointer. */ Simple_Text_Print((char const *)0, x, y, fore, back, flag); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Clip_Text_Print -- Prints text with clipping and support. * * * * Use this routine to print text that that should be clipped at an arbitrary right margin * * as well as possibly recognizing characters. Typical users of this routine would * * be list boxes. * * * * INPUT: text -- Reference to the text to print. * * * * x,y -- Pixel coordinate of the upper left corner of the text position. * * * * fore -- The foreground color to use. * * * * back -- The background color to use. * * * * flag -- The text print flags to use. * * * * width -- The maximum pixel width to draw the text. Extra characters beyond this * * point will not be printed. * * * * tabs -- Optional pointer to a series of pixel tabstop positions. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/21/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Conquer_Clip_Text_Print(char const * text, unsigned x, unsigned y, RemapControlType * fore, unsigned back, TextPrintType flag, int width, int const * tabs) { char buffer[512]; if (text) { strcpy(buffer, text); /* ** Set the font and spacing characteristics according to the flag ** value passed in. */ Simple_Text_Print(TXT_NONE, 0, 0, TBLACK, TBLACK, flag); char * source = &buffer[0]; unsigned offset = 0; int processing = true; while (processing && offset < width) { char * ptr = strchr(source, '\t'); /* ** Zap the tab character. It will be processed later. */ if (ptr) { *ptr = '\0'; } if (*source) { /* ** Scan forward until the end of the string is reached or the ** maximum width, whichever comes first. */ int w = 0; char * bptr = source; do { w += Char_Pixel_Width(*bptr++); } while (*bptr && offset+w < width); /* ** If the maximum width has been exceeded, then remove the last ** character and signal that further processing is not necessary. */ if (offset+w >= width) { bptr--; w -= Char_Pixel_Width(*bptr); *bptr = '\0'; processing = 0; } /* ** Print this text block and advance the offset accordingly. */ Simple_Text_Print(source, x+offset, y, fore, back, flag); offset += w; } /* ** If a was the terminator for this text block, then advance ** to the next tabstop. */ if (ptr) { if (tabs) { while (offset > *tabs) { tabs++; } offset = *tabs; } else { offset = ((offset+1 / 50) + 1) * 50; } source = ptr+1; } else { break; } } } } /*************************************************************************** * Plain_Text_Print -- Prints text without using a color scheme * * * * INPUT: * * text text to print * * x,y coords to print at * * fore desired foreground color * * back desired background color * * flag text print control flags * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * Do not use the gradient control flag with this routine! For * * a gradient appearance, use Fancy_Text_Print. * * Despite this routine's name, it is actually faster to call * * Fancy_Text_Print than this routine. * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/05/1996 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void Plain_Text_Print(int text, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned fore, unsigned back, TextPrintType flag, ...) { RemapControlType scheme; memset(&scheme, 0, sizeof(RemapControlType)); memset(&(scheme.FontRemap[4]), fore, 12); scheme.BrightColor = fore; scheme.Color = fore; scheme.Shadow = fore; scheme.Background = fore; scheme.Corners = fore; scheme.Highlight = fore; scheme.Box = fore; scheme.Bright = fore; scheme.Underline = fore; scheme.Bar = fore; Fancy_Text_Print(text, x, y, &scheme, back, flag); } /*************************************************************************** * Plain_Text_Print -- Prints text without using a color scheme * * * * INPUT: * * text text to print * * x,y coords to print at * * fore desired foreground color * * back desired background color * * flag text print control flags * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * Do not use the gradient control flag with this routine! For * * a gradient appearance, use Fancy_Text_Print. * * Despite this routine's name, it is actually faster to call * * Fancy_Text_Print than this routine. * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/05/1996 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void Plain_Text_Print(char const * text, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned fore, unsigned back, TextPrintType flag, ...) { RemapControlType scheme; memset(&scheme, 0, sizeof(RemapControlType)); memset(&(scheme.FontRemap[4]), fore, 12); scheme.BrightColor = fore; scheme.Color = fore; scheme.Shadow = fore; scheme.Background = fore; scheme.Corners = fore; scheme.Highlight = fore; scheme.Box = fore; scheme.Bright = fore; scheme.Underline = fore; scheme.Bar = fore; Fancy_Text_Print(text, x, y, &scheme, back, flag); } unsigned char * Font_Palette(int color) { static unsigned char _fpalette[16]; memset(_fpalette, '\0', sizeof(_fpalette)); memset(&_fpalette[11], color, 5); return(_fpalette); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Draw_Caption -- Draws a caption on a dialog box. * * * * This routine draws the caption text and any fancy filigree that the dialog may require. * * * * INPUT: text -- The text of the caption. This is the text number. * * * * x,y -- The dialog box X and Y pixel coordinate of the upper left corner. * * * * w -- The width of the dialog box (in pixels). * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/23/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Draw_Caption(int text, int x, int y, int w) { Draw_Caption(Text_String(text), x, y, w); } void Draw_Caption(char const * text, int x, int y, int w) { /* ** Draw the caption. */ if (text != NULL && *text != '\0') { if (Debug_Map) { Fancy_Text_Print(text, w/2 + x, (2 * RESFACTOR) + y, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_CENTER|TPF_EFNT|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_NOSHADOW); } else { Fancy_Text_Print(text, w/2 + x, (8 * RESFACTOR) + y, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_CENTER|TPF_TEXT); int length = String_Pixel_Width(text); LogicPage->Draw_Line((x+(w/2))-(length/2), y+FontHeight+FontYSpacing + (8 * RESFACTOR), (x+(w/2))+(length/2), y+FontHeight+FontYSpacing + (8 * RESFACTOR), GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme()->Box); } } }