/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /CounterStrike/EXPAND.CPP 7 3/17/97 1:05a Steve_tall $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : EXPAND.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : 11/03/95 * * * * Last Update : Mar 01, 1997 [V.Grippi] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * EListClass::Draw_Entry -- Draws entry for expansion scenario. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 #include "WolStrng.h" #endif //#define CS_DEBUG #define ARRAYOFFSET 20 /*********************************************************************************************** * Expansion_CS_Present -- Is the Counterstrike expansion available? * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: true if counterstrike installed * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 3/5/97 1:59PM ST : Fixed to check for EXPAND.MIX * *=============================================================================================*/ bool Expansion_CS_Present(void) { // ajw 9/29/98 return Is_Counterstrike_Installed(); // RawFileClass file("EXPAND.MIX"); // return(file.Is_Available()); } #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 /*********************************************************************************************** * Expansion_AM_Present -- Is the Aftermath expansion available? * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: true if AfterMath is installed * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 7/9/97 1:59PM BG : Fixed to check for EXPAND2.MIX * *=============================================================================================*/ bool Expansion_AM_Present(void) { // ajw 9/29/98 return Is_Aftermath_Installed(); // RawFileClass file("EXPAND2.MIX"); // return(file.Is_Available()); } #endif const char* ExpandNames[] = { "SCG20EA", "SCG21EA", "SCG22EA", "SCG23EA", "SCG24EA", "SCG26EA", "SCG27EA", "SCG28EA", "SCU31EA", "SCU32EA", "SCU33EA", "SCU34EA", "SCU35EA", "SCU36EA", "SCU37EA", "SCU38EA", #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 "SCG43EA", // Harbor Reclamation "SCG41EA", // In the nick of time "SCG40EA", // Caught in the act "SCG42EA", // Production Disruption "SCG47EA", // Negotiations "SCG45EA", // Monster Tank Madness "SCG44EA", // Time Flies "SCG48EA", // Absolut MADness "SCG46EA", // Pawn "SCU43EA", // Testing Grounds "SCU40EA", // Shock Therapy "SCU42EA", // Let's Make a Steal "SCU41EA", // Test Drive "SCU45EA", // Don't Drink The Water "SCU44EA", // Situation Critical "SCU46EA", // Brothers in Arms "SCU47EA", // Deus Ex Machina "SCU48EA", // Grunyev Revolution #endif NULL }; const char* TestNames2[] = { "SCG01EA", "SCG02EA", "SCG03EA", "SCG04EA", "SCG05EA", "SCG06EA", "SCG07EA", "SCG08EA", "SCU01EA", "SCU02EA", "SCU03EA", "SCU04EA", "SCU05EA", "SCU06EA", "SCU07EA", "SCU08EA", "SCU09EA", NULL }; #ifdef GERMAN const char* XlatNames[] = { "Zusammenstoss", "Unter Tage", "Kontrollierte Verbrennung", "Griechenland 1 - Stavros", "Griechenland 2 - Evakuierung", "Sibirien 1 - Frische Spuren", "Sibirien 2 - In der Falle", "Sibirien 3 - Wildnis", "Das Feld der Ehre", "Belagerung", "Mausefalle", "Teslas Erbe", "Soldat Volkov", "Die Spitze der Welt", "Paradoxe Gleichung", "Nukleare Eskalation", #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 "Ein sicherer Hafen", // "SCG43EA", // Harbor Reclamation "Zeitkritische Routine", // "SCG41EA", // In the nick of time "Auf frischer Tat ertappt", // "SCG40EA", // Caught in the act "Drastischer Baustopp", // "SCG42EA", // Production Disruption "Harte Verhandlungen", // "SCG47EA", // Negotiations "Ferngelenktes Kriegsspielzeug",// "SCG45EA", // Monster Tank Madness "Licht aus", // "SCG44EA", // Time Flies "Molekulare Kriegsfhrung", // "SCG48EA", // Absolut MADness "Bauernopfer", // "SCG46EA", // Pawn "Testgel„nde", // "SCU43EA", // Testing Grounds "Schocktherapie", // "SCU40EA", // Shock Therapy "Der Letzte seiner Art", // "SCU42EA", // Let's Make a Steal "Probefahrt", // "SCU41EA", // Test Drive "Schlaftrunk", // "SCU45EA", // Don't Drink The Water "Der jngste Tag", // "SCU44EA", // Situation Critical "Waffenbrder", // "SCU46EA", // Brothers in Arms "Deus Ex Machina", // "SCU47EA", // Deus Ex Machina "Die Replikanten von Grunyev", // "SCU48EA", // Grunyev Revolution #endif NULL }; #endif #ifdef FRENCH const char* XlatNames[] = { "Gaz Sarin 1: Ravitaillement Fatal", "Gaz Sarin 2: En Sous-sol", "Gaz Sarin 3: Attaque Chirurgicale", "GrŠce Occup‚e 1: Guerre Priv‚e", "GrŠce Occup‚e 2: Evacuation", "Conflit Sib‚rien 1: Traces FraŒches", "Conflit Sib‚rien 2: Pris au PiŠge", "Conflit Sib‚rien 3: Terres de Glace", "Mise … l'Epreuve", "Assi‚g‚s", "La SouriciŠre", "L'H‚ritage de Tesla", "Tandem de Choc", "Jusqu'au Sommet du Monde", "Effets Secondaires", "Intensification nucl‚aire", #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 "Le vieux port", // "SCG43EA", // Harbor Reclamation "Juste … temps", // "SCG41EA", // In the nick of time "La main dans le sac", // "SCG40EA", // Caught in the act "Production interrompue", // "SCG42EA", // Production Disruption "N‚gociations", // "SCG47EA", // Negotiations "Tanks en folie!", // "SCG45EA", // Monster Tank Madness "Le temps passe", // "SCG44EA", // Time Flies "D‚mence absolue", // "SCG48EA", // Absolut MADness "Le pion", // "SCG46EA", // Pawn "Terrains d'essais", // "SCU43EA", // Testing Grounds "Th‚rapie de choc", // "SCU40EA", // Shock Therapy "Au voleur!", // "SCU42EA", // Let's Make a Steal "Essai de conduite", // "SCU41EA", // Test Drive "Ne buvez pas la tasse", // "SCU45EA", // Don't Drink The Water "Situation critique", // "SCU44EA", // Situation Critical "FrŠres d'armes", // "SCU46EA", // Brothers in Arms "Deus Ex Machina", // "SCU47EA", // Deus Ex Machina "La R‚volution de Grunyev",// "SCU48EA", // Grunyev Revolution #endif NULL, }; #endif #ifndef WIN32 //VG #define OPTION_WIDTH 236 #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 #error Can never again build without WIN32 defined. #define OPTION_HEIGHT 162 #else #define OPTION_HEIGHT 162 #endif #define OPTION_X ((320 - OPTION_WIDTH) / 2) #define OPTION_Y (200 - OPTION_HEIGHT) / 2 #else #define OPTION_WIDTH 560 #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 #define OPTION_HEIGHT 332 #else #define OPTION_HEIGHT 300 #endif #define OPTION_X ((640 - OPTION_WIDTH) / 2) #define OPTION_Y (400 - OPTION_HEIGHT) / 2 #endif struct EObjectClass { HousesType House; int Scenario; char Name[128]; char FullName[128]; }; /* ** Derived from list class to handle expansion scenario listings. The listings ** are recorded as EObjectClass objects. The data contained specifies the scenario ** number, side, and text description. */ class EListClass : public ListClass { public: EListClass(int id, int x, int y, int w, int h, TextPrintType flags, void const * up, void const * down) : ListClass(id, x, y, w, h, flags, up, down) {}; virtual int Add_Object(EObjectClass * obj) { return(ListClass::Add_Item((char const *)obj)); } virtual EObjectClass * Get_Object(int index) const { return((EObjectClass *)ListClass::Get_Item(index)); } virtual EObjectClass * Current_Object(void) { return((EObjectClass *)ListClass::Current_Item()); } protected: virtual void Draw_Entry(int index, int x, int y, int width, int selected); private: virtual int Add_Item(char const * text) {return(ListClass::Add_Item(text));}; virtual int Add_Item(int text) {return(ListClass::Add_Item(text));}; virtual char const * Current_Item(void) const {return(ListClass::Current_Item());}; virtual char const * Get_Item(int index) const {return(ListClass::Get_Item(index));}; }; /*********************************************************************************************** * EListClass::Draw_Entry -- Draws entry for expansion scenario. * * * * This overrides the normal list class draw action so that the scenario name will be * * displayed along with the house name. * * * * INPUT: index -- The index of the entry that should be drawn. * * * * x,y -- Coordinate of upper left region to draw the entry into. * * * * width -- Width of region (pixels) to draw the entry. * * * * selected -- Is this entry considered selected? * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/17/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void EListClass::Draw_Entry(int index, int x, int y, int width, int selected) { char buffer[128]; RemapControlType * scheme = GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(); int text = TXT_NONE; if (Get_Object(index)->House == HOUSE_GOOD) { text = TXT_ALLIES; } else { text = TXT_SOVIET; } sprintf(buffer, "%s: %s", Text_String(text), Get_Object(index)->Name); TextPrintType flags = TextFlags; if (selected) { flags = flags | TPF_BRIGHT_COLOR; LogicPage->Fill_Rect (x, y, x + width - 1, y + LineHeight - 1, 1); } else { if (!(flags & TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL)) { flags = flags | TPF_MEDIUM_COLOR; } } #ifndef WIN32 Conquer_Clip_Text_Print(buffer, x, y, scheme, TBLACK, flags & ~(TPF_CENTER), width, Tabs); #else Conquer_Clip_Text_Print(buffer, x + 100, y, scheme, TBLACK, flags & ~(TPF_CENTER), width, Tabs); #endif } #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 bool Expansion_Dialog( bool bCounterstrike ) // If not bCounterstrike, then this was called for Aftermath. #else bool Expansion_Dialog(void) #endif { GadgetClass * buttons = NULL; #ifndef WIN32 TextButtonClass ok(200, TXT_OK, TPF_BUTTON, OPTION_X+40, OPTION_Y+OPTION_HEIGHT-15); TextButtonClass cancel(201, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_BUTTON, OPTION_X+OPTION_WIDTH-85, OPTION_Y+OPTION_HEIGHT-15); #else TextButtonClass ok(200, TXT_OK, TPF_BUTTON, OPTION_X+40, OPTION_Y + OPTION_HEIGHT - 50 ); TextButtonClass cancel(201, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_BUTTON, OPTION_X+OPTION_WIDTH-85, OPTION_Y + OPTION_HEIGHT - 50 ); #endif #ifndef WIN32 EListClass list(202, OPTION_X + 20, OPTION_Y+20, OPTION_WIDTH-40, OPTION_HEIGHT-40, TPF_BUTTON, MFCD::Retrieve("BTN-UP.SHP"), MFCD::Retrieve("BTN-DN.SHP")); #else EListClass list(202, OPTION_X+35, OPTION_Y + 30, OPTION_WIDTH-70, OPTION_HEIGHT - 85, TPF_BUTTON, MFCD::Retrieve("BTN-UP.SHP"), MFCD::Retrieve("BTN-DN.SHP")); #endif buttons = &ok; cancel.Add(*buttons); list.Add(*buttons); /* ** Add in all the expansion scenarios. */ CCFileClass file; char buffer[128], buffer2[128]; char * sbuffer = (char*)_ShapeBuffer; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 - Though disgusted. for (int index = 20; index < (36+18); index++) { #else for (int index = 20; index < 36; index++) { #endif #ifndef CS_DEBUG strcpy(buffer,ExpandNames[index - 20]); strcpy(buffer2, ExpandNames[index - 20]); #else strcpy(buffer, TestNames2[index]); strcpy(buffer2, TestNames2[index]); #endif if(buffer[0] == NULL) break; strcat(buffer, ".INI"); strcat(buffer2, ".INI"); Scen.Set_Scenario_Name(buffer); Scen.Scenario = index; file.Set_Name(buffer); #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 bool bOk; if( index < 36 ) bOk = bCounterstrike; else bOk = !bCounterstrike; if( bOk && file.Is_Available() ) { #else // FIXIT_VERSION_3 if (file.Is_Available()) { #endif // FIXIT_VERSION_3 EObjectClass * obj = new EObjectClass; switch(buffer[2]){ case 'G': case 'g': file.Read(sbuffer, 2000); sbuffer[2000] = '\r'; sbuffer[2000+1] = '\n'; sbuffer[2000+2] = '\0'; WWGetPrivateProfileString("Basic", "Name", "x", buffer, sizeof(buffer), sbuffer); #if defined(GERMAN) || defined(FRENCH) strcpy(obj->Name, XlatNames[index - ARRAYOFFSET]); #else strcpy(obj->Name, buffer); #endif // strcpy(obj->Name, buffer); strcpy(obj->FullName, buffer2); obj->House = HOUSE_GOOD; obj->Scenario = index; list.Add_Object(obj); break; case 'U': case 'u': file.Read(sbuffer, 2000); sbuffer[2000] = '\r'; sbuffer[2000+1] = '\n'; sbuffer[2000+2] = '\0'; WWGetPrivateProfileString("Basic", "Name", "x", buffer, sizeof(buffer), sbuffer); #if defined(GERMAN) || defined(FRENCH) strcpy(obj->Name, XlatNames[index - ARRAYOFFSET]); #else strcpy(obj->Name, buffer); #endif // strcpy(obj->Name, buffer); strcpy(obj->FullName, buffer2); obj->House = HOUSE_BAD; obj->Scenario = index; list.Add_Object(obj); break; default: break; } } } Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); bool recalc = true; bool display = true; bool process = true; bool okval = true; while (process) { #ifdef WIN32 /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored) { AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display = true; } #endif Call_Back(); if (display) { display = false; Hide_Mouse(); /* ** Load the background picture. */ Load_Title_Page(); CCPalette.Set(); Dialog_Box(OPTION_X, OPTION_Y, OPTION_WIDTH, OPTION_HEIGHT ); #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 if( bCounterstrike ) Draw_Caption( TXT_WOL_CS_MISSIONS, OPTION_X, OPTION_Y, OPTION_WIDTH); else Draw_Caption( TXT_WOL_AM_MISSIONS, OPTION_X, OPTION_Y, OPTION_WIDTH); #else Draw_Caption(TXT_NEW_MISSIONS, OPTION_X, OPTION_Y, OPTION_WIDTH); #endif buttons->Draw_All(); Show_Mouse(); } KeyNumType input = buttons->Input(); switch (input) { case 200|KN_BUTTON: Whom = list.Current_Object()->House; Scen.Scenario = list.Current_Object()->Scenario; strcpy(Scen.ScenarioName, list.Current_Object()->FullName); process = false; okval = true; break; case KN_ESC: case 201|KN_BUTTON: process = false; okval = false; break; case (KN_RETURN): Whom = list.Current_Object()->House; Scen.Scenario = list.Current_Object()->Scenario; strcpy(Scen.ScenarioName, list.Current_Object()->FullName); process = false; okval = true; break; default: break; } } /* ** Free up the allocations for the text lines in the list box. */ for (index = 0; index < list.Count(); index++) { delete list.Get_Object(index); } return(okval); }