/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /counterstrike/SCORE.CPP 3 3/14/97 12:02a Steve_tall $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : SCORE.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : April 19, 1994 * * * * Last Update : May 3, 1995 [BWG] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * Call_Back_Delay -- Combines Call_Back() and Delay() functions * * Draw_Bar_Graphs -- Draw "Casualties" bar graphs * * Draw_InfantryMan -- Draw one guy in score screen, update animation * * Draw_Infantrymen -- Draw all the guys on the score screen * * New_Infantry_Anim -- Start up a new animation for one of the infantrymen * * ScoreClass::Count_Up_Print -- Prints a number (up to its max) into a string, cleanly * * ScoreClass::DO_GDI_GRAPH -- Show # of people or buildings killed on GDI score screen * * ScoreClass::Delay -- Pauses waiting for keypress. * * ScoreClass::Presentation -- Main routine to display score screen. * * ScoreClass::Print_Graph_Title -- Prints title on score screen. * * ScoreClass::Print_Minutes -- Print out hours/minutes up to max * * ScoreClass::Pulse_Bar_Graph -- Pulses the bargraph color. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #ifndef WIN32 extern short StreamLowImpact; #endif #include "function.h" #define SCORETEXT_X 184 #define SCORETEXT_Y 8 #define CASUALTY_Y 88 #define BUILDING_X 256 #define BUILDING_Y 128 #define BARGRAPH_X 266 #define MAX_BAR_X 318 // max possible is 319 because of bar's right shadow #define SIZEGBAR 118 #define HALLFAME_X 11 #define HALLFAME_Y 120 #define MULTISCOREX 30 #define TEDIT_FAME 1 #define NUMINFANTRYMEN 10 #define NUMFAMENAMES 7 #define MAX_FAMENAME_LENGTH 11 #ifndef WIN32 extern short StreamLowImpact; #endif //WIN32 GraphicBufferClass *PseudoSeenBuff; struct InfantryAnim { int xpos; int ypos; void const *shapefile; void const *remap; int anim; int stage; char delay; InfantryTypeClass const *Class; } InfantryMan[NUMINFANTRYMEN]; void Draw_InfantryMen(void); void Draw_InfantryMan(int index); void New_Infantry_Anim(int index, int anim); void Draw_Bar_Graphs(int i, int gkilled, int nkilled); void Animate_Cursor(int pos, int ypos); void Animate_Score_Objs(void); void Cycle_Wait_Click(bool cycle=true); #ifdef FIXIT_SCORE_CRASH void Disable_Uncompressed_Shapes (void); void Enable_Uncompressed_Shapes (void); #endif //FIXIT void const * Beepy6; int ControlQ; // cheat key to skip past score/mapsel screens bool StillUpdating; #ifdef WIN32 char *ScreenNames[2]={"ALIBACKH.PCX", "SOVBACKH.PCX"}; #else char *ScreenNames[2]={"ALI-TRAN.WSA", "SOV-TRAN.WSA"}; #endif //#ifdef WIN32 //TextBlitClass BlitList; //#endif struct Fame { char name[MAX_FAMENAME_LENGTH]; int score; int level; int side; }; ScoreAnimClass *ScoreObjs[MAXSCOREOBJS]; ScoreAnimClass::ScoreAnimClass(int x, int y, void const * data) { XPos = x * RESFACTOR; YPos = y * RESFACTOR; Timer = 0; DataPtr = data; } ScoreTimeClass::ScoreTimeClass(int xpos, int ypos, void const * data, int maxval, int xtimer) : ScoreAnimClass(xpos, ypos, data) { Stage = 0; MaxStage = maxval; TimerReset = xtimer; } void ScoreTimeClass::Update(void) { #ifdef WIN32 GraphicViewPortClass *oldpage; #else GraphicBufferClass *oldpage; #endif if (!Timer) { Timer = TimerReset; if (++Stage >= MaxStage) Stage = 0; oldpage = LogicPage; Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); CC_Draw_Shape(DataPtr, Stage, XPos, YPos, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_WIN_REL, 0, 0); #ifdef WIN32 Set_Logic_Page(*PseudoSeenBuff); CC_Draw_Shape(DataPtr, Stage, XPos, YPos, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_WIN_REL, 0, 0); #endif Set_Logic_Page(oldpage); } } ScoreCredsClass::ScoreCredsClass(int xpos, int ypos, void const * data, int maxval, int xtimer) : ScoreAnimClass(xpos, ypos, data) { Stage = 0; MaxStage = maxval; TimerReset = xtimer; Clock1 = MFCD::Retrieve("CLOCK1.AUD"); CashTurn = MFCD::Retrieve("CASHTURN.AUD"); } void ScoreCredsClass::Update(void) { #ifdef WIN32 GraphicViewPortClass *oldpage; #else GraphicBufferClass *oldpage; #endif if (!Timer) { Timer = TimerReset; if (++Stage >= MaxStage) Stage = 0; oldpage = LogicPage; Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); #ifdef WIN32 Play_Sample(Clock1, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(130)); #else Play_Sample(Clock1, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(50)); #endif CC_Draw_Shape(DataPtr, Stage, XPos, YPos, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_WIN_REL, 0, 0); #ifdef WIN32 Set_Logic_Page(*PseudoSeenBuff); CC_Draw_Shape(DataPtr, Stage, XPos, YPos, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_WIN_REL, 0, 0); #endif Set_Logic_Page(oldpage); } } ScorePrintClass::ScorePrintClass(int string, int xpos, int ypos, void const * palette, int background) : ScoreAnimClass(xpos, ypos, Text_String(string)) { Background = background; PrimaryPalette = palette; Stage = 0; } ScorePrintClass::ScorePrintClass(void const * string, int xpos, int ypos, void const * palette, int background) : ScoreAnimClass(xpos, ypos, string) { Background = background; PrimaryPalette = palette; Stage = 0; } void ScorePrintClass::Update(void) { static char localstr[2]={0,0}; static char _whitepal[]={0x0F,0x0F,0x0F,0x0F,0x0F,0x0F,0x0F,0x0F,0x0F,0x0F,0x0F,0x0F,0x0F,0x0F,0x0F,0x0F}; if (Stage && (((char *)DataPtr)[Stage-1]==0) ) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXSCOREOBJS; i++) { if (ScoreObjs[i] == this) { ScoreObjs[i] = 0; } } delete this; return; } #ifdef WIN32 StillUpdating = true; #endif if (!Timer) { Timer = 1; int pos = XPos+(Stage*(6*RESFACTOR)); // print the letter properly if (Stage) { Set_Font_Palette(PrimaryPalette); localstr[0]=((char *)DataPtr)[Stage-1]; HidPage.Print(localstr, pos-6*RESFACTOR, YPos, TBLACK, TBLACK); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage, pos-6*RESFACTOR, YPos-1*RESFACTOR, pos-6*RESFACTOR, YPos-1*RESFACTOR, 7*RESFACTOR, 8*RESFACTOR); #ifdef WIN32 HidPage.Blit(*PseudoSeenBuff, pos-6*RESFACTOR, YPos-1*RESFACTOR, pos-6*RESFACTOR, YPos-1*RESFACTOR, 7*RESFACTOR, 8*RESFACTOR); PseudoSeenBuff->Print(localstr, pos-6*RESFACTOR, YPos, TBLACK, TBLACK); #endif } if (((char *)DataPtr)[Stage]) { localstr[0]=((char *)DataPtr)[Stage]; Set_Font_Palette(_whitepal); SeenPage.Print(localstr, pos, YPos-1, TBLACK, TBLACK); SeenPage.Print(localstr, pos, YPos+1, TBLACK, TBLACK); SeenPage.Print(localstr, pos+1, YPos , TBLACK, TBLACK); #ifdef WIN32 PseudoSeenBuff->Print(localstr, pos, YPos-1, TBLACK, TBLACK); PseudoSeenBuff->Print(localstr, pos, YPos+1, TBLACK, TBLACK); PseudoSeenBuff->Print(localstr, pos+1, YPos , TBLACK, TBLACK); #endif } Stage++; } } ScoreScaleClass::ScoreScaleClass(void const * string, int xpos, int ypos, char const palette[]) : ScoreAnimClass(xpos, ypos, string) { Palette = &palette[0]; #ifdef WIN32 Stage = 0; #else Stage = 5; #endif } void ScoreScaleClass::Update(void) { static int _destx[]={0,80,107,134,180,228}; static int _destw[]={6,20, 30, 40, 60, 80}; /* ** Restore the background for the scaled-up letter */ if (!Timer) { Timer = 1; #ifndef WIN32 if (Stage != 5) { int destx = _destx[Stage+1]*RESFACTOR; int destw = _destw[Stage+1]*RESFACTOR; HidPage.Blit(SeenPage, destx, YPos, destx, YPos, (destx + destw) <= 320 * RESFACTOR ? destw : (320 * RESFACTOR) - destx, (YPos + destw) <= 200 * RESFACTOR ? destw : (200 * RESFACTOR) - YPos); } #endif if (Stage) { Set_Font_Palette(Palette); HidPage.Fill_Rect(0, 0, 7*RESFACTOR, 7*RESFACTOR, TBLACK); HidPage.Print((char *)DataPtr, 0, 0, TBLACK, TBLACK); HidPage.Scale(SeenPage, 0, 0, _destx[Stage]*RESFACTOR, YPos, 5*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR, _destw[Stage]*RESFACTOR, _destw[Stage]*RESFACTOR, true); Stage--; } else { Set_Font_Palette(Palette); for (int i = 0; i < MAXSCOREOBJS; i++) { if (ScoreObjs[i]==this) ScoreObjs[i] = 0; } HidPage.Print((char *)DataPtr, XPos, YPos, TBLACK, TBLACK); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage, XPos, YPos, XPos, YPos, 6*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR); #ifdef WIN32 HidPage.Blit(*PseudoSeenBuff, XPos, YPos, XPos, YPos, 6*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR); #endif delete this; return; } } } int Alloc_Object(ScoreAnimClass *obj) { int i,ret; for (i = ret = 0; i < MAXSCOREOBJS; i++) { if (!ScoreObjs[i]) { ScoreObjs[i] = obj; ret = i; break; } } return(ret); } /*********************************************************************************************** * ScoreClass::Presentation -- Main routine to display score screen. * * * * This is the main routine that displays the score screen graphics. * * It gets called at the end of each scenario and is used to present * * the results and a rating of the player's battle. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/02/1994 : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static char const _bluepal[]={0xC0,0xC1,0xC1,0xC3,0xC2,0xC5,0xC3,0xC7,0xC4,0xC9,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC,0xCD,0xC0,0xCF}; static char const _greenpal[]={0x70,0x71,0x7C,0x73,0x7D,0x75,0x7E,0x77,0x7F,0x79,0x7A,0x7B,0x7C,0x7D,0x7C,0x7F}; static char const _redpal[]={0xD0,0xD1,0xD7,0xD3,0xD9,0xD5,0xDA,0xD7,0xDB,0xD9,0xDA,0xDB,0xDC,0xDD,0xD6,0xDF}; static char const _yellowpal[]={0x0,0x0,0xEC,0x0,0xEB,0x0,0xEA,0x0,0xE9,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0xED,0x0}; void ScoreClass::Presentation(void) { #ifdef WIN32 // if (Keyboard != NULL) return; #endif static int const _casuax[2]={144,150}; static int const _casuay[2]={ 78, 78}; static int const _gditxy[2]={ 90, 90}; #if defined(FRENCH) || defined(GERMAN) static int const _gditxx[2]={130,150}; static int const _nodtxx[2]={130,150}; #else static int const _gditxx[2]={135,150}; static int const _nodtxx[2]={135,150}; #endif static int const _nodtxy[2]={102,102}; static int const _bldggy[2]={138,138}; static int const _bldgny[2]={150,150}; #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef FIXIT_SCORE_CRASH /* ** Fix for the score screen crash due to uncompressed shape buffer overflow. */ Disable_Uncompressed_Shapes(); #endif //FIXIT PseudoSeenBuff = new GraphicBufferClass(SeenBuff.Get_Width(),SeenBuff.Get_Height(),(void*)NULL); #endif int i; void const * yellowptr; void const * redptr; CCFileClass file(FAME_FILE_NAME); struct Fame hallfame[NUMFAMENAMES]; void *oldfont; int oldfontxspacing = FontXSpacing; int house = (PlayerPtr->Class->House == HOUSE_USSR || PlayerPtr->Class->House == HOUSE_UKRAINE); // 0 or 1 #ifdef WIN32 char inter_pal[15]; sprintf(inter_pal, "SCORPAL1.PAL"); #endif ControlQ = 0; FontXSpacing = 0; Map.Override_Mouse_Shape(MOUSE_NORMAL); Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_SCORE); #ifdef WIN32 VisiblePage.Clear(); SysMemPage.Clear(); WWMouse->Erase_Mouse(&HidPage, TRUE); HiddenPage.Clear(); Set_Logic_Page(SysMemPage); #else SeenPage.Clear(); HidPage.Clear(); Set_Logic_Page(HidPage); #endif BlackPalette.Set(); void const * country4 = MFCD::Retrieve("COUNTRY4.AUD"); void const * sfx4 = MFCD::Retrieve("SFX4.AUD"); Beepy6 = MFCD::Retrieve("BEEPY6.AUD"); /* ** Load the background for the score screen */ #ifndef WIN32 void *anim = Open_Animation(ScreenNames[house], NULL, 0L, (WSAOpenType)(WSA_OPEN_FROM_MEM | WSA_OPEN_TO_PAGE), ScorePalette); #endif unsigned minutes = (unsigned)((ElapsedTime / (long)TIMER_MINUTE))+1; // Load up the shapes for the Nod score screen #ifdef WIN32 yellowptr = MFCD::Retrieve("BAR3BHR.SHP"); redptr = MFCD::Retrieve("BAR3RHR.SHP"); #else if (!house) { yellowptr = MFCD::Retrieve("BAR3BLU.SHP"); redptr = MFCD::Retrieve("BAR3RED.SHP"); } #endif /* Change to the six-point font for Text_Print */ oldfont = Set_Font(ScoreFontPtr); Call_Back(); /* --- Now display the background animation --- */ Hide_Mouse(); #ifdef WIN32 Load_Title_Screen(ScreenNames[house], &HidPage, ScorePalette); Increase_Palette_Luminance (ScorePalette , 30, 30, 30, 63); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage); HidPage.Blit(*PseudoSeenBuff); #else Animate_Frame(anim, HidPage, 1); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage); #endif ScorePalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_FAST, Call_Back); #ifdef WIN32 Play_Sample(country4, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(150)); #else Play_Sample(country4, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(60)); #endif #ifndef WIN32 int frame = 1; StreamLowImpact = true; while (frame < Get_Animation_Frame_Count(anim)) { Animate_Frame(anim, SeenPage, frame++); Call_Back_Delay(2); } StreamLowImpact = false; Call_Back(); Close_Animation(anim); #endif /* ** Background's up, so now load various shapes and animations */ #ifdef WIN32 void const * timeshape = MFCD::Retrieve("TIMEHR.SHP"); void const * hiscore1shape = MFCD::Retrieve("HISC1-HR.SHP"); void const * hiscore2shape = MFCD::Retrieve("HISC2-HR.SHP"); #else void const * timeshape = MFCD::Retrieve("TIME.SHP"); void const * hiscore1shape = MFCD::Retrieve("HISCORE1.SHP"); void const * hiscore2shape = MFCD::Retrieve("HISCORE2.SHP"); #endif ScoreObjs[0] = new ScoreTimeClass(238, 2, timeshape, 30, 4); ScoreObjs[1] = new ScoreTimeClass(4, 89, hiscore1shape, 10, 4); ScoreObjs[2] = new ScoreTimeClass(4, 180, hiscore2shape, 10, 4); /* Now display the stuff */ #ifdef WIN32 #else SeenPage.Blit(HidPage); #endif Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); #ifdef FRENCH Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SCORE_TIME, 198, 9, _greenpal)); #else Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SCORE_TIME, 204, 9, _greenpal)); #endif Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SCORE_LEAD, 164, 26, _greenpal)); Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SCORE_EFFI, 164, 38, _greenpal)); Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SCORE_TOTA, 164, 50, _greenpal)); #ifdef WIN32 Play_Sample(sfx4, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(150)); #else Play_Sample(sfx4, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(60)); #endif Call_Back_Delay(13); int scorecounter = 0; Keyboard->Clear(); /* ** Determine leadership rating. */ int leadership = 0; for (int index = 0; index < Logic.Count(); index++) { ObjectClass * object = Logic[index]; HousesType owner = object->Owner(); if ( (house) && (owner == HOUSE_USSR || owner == HOUSE_BAD || owner == HOUSE_UKRAINE) ) { leadership++; } else { if ( (!house) && (object->Owner() == HOUSE_GREECE) ) { leadership++; } } } int uspoints = 0; for (HousesType hous = HOUSE_SPAIN; hous <= HOUSE_BAD; hous++) { HouseClass *hows = HouseClass::As_Pointer(hous); if (hous == HOUSE_USSR || hous == HOUSE_BAD || hous == HOUSE_UKRAINE) { NKilled += hows->UnitsLost; NBKilled += hows->BuildingsLost; } else { GKilled += hows->UnitsLost; GBKilled += hows->BuildingsLost; } if (PlayerPtr->Is_Ally(hous) ) { uspoints += hows->PointTotal; } } // if(uspoints < 0) uspoints = 0; // uspoints += 1000; //BG 1000 bonus points for winning mission /* ** Bias the base score upward according to the difficulty level. */ switch (PlayerPtr->Difficulty) { case DIFF_EASY: uspoints += 500; break; case DIFF_NORMAL: uspoints += 1500; break; case DIFF_HARD: uspoints += 3500; break; } if (!leadership) leadership++; leadership = 100*fixed(leadership, (house ? NKilled+NBKilled+leadership : GKilled+GBKilled+leadership)); leadership = min(150,leadership); /* ** Determine economy rating. */ int init = PlayerPtr->Control.InitialCredits; int cred = PlayerPtr->Available_Money(); int economy = 100*fixed((unsigned)PlayerPtr->Available_Money()+1+PlayerPtr->StolenBuildingsCredits, PlayerPtr->HarvestedCredits + (unsigned)PlayerPtr->Control.InitialCredits+1); economy=min(economy,150); int total = ((uspoints * leadership) / 100) + ((uspoints * economy) / 100); if (total < -9999) total = -9999; total = min(total, 99999); Keyboard->Clear(); for (i = 0; i <= 130; i++) { Set_Font_Palette(_greenpal); int lead = (leadership * i) / 100; Count_Up_Print("%3d%%", lead, leadership, 244, 26); if (i>=30) { int econo = (economy * (i-30)) / 100; Count_Up_Print("%3d%%", econo, economy, 244, 38); } Print_Minutes(minutes); Call_Back_Delay(1); #ifdef WIN32 Play_Sample(Beepy6, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(100)); #else Play_Sample(Beepy6, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(40)); #endif if ( (i >= 30) && (i >= leadership) && ((i-30) >= economy) ) break; //BG if (Keyboard->Check()) break; } Count_Up_Print("%3d%%", leadership, leadership, 244, 26); Count_Up_Print("%3d%%", economy, economy, 244, 38); char buffer[16]; sprintf(buffer, "x %5d",uspoints); Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(buffer, 274, 26, _greenpal)); Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(buffer, 274, 38, _greenpal)); Call_Back_Delay(8); SeenBuff.Draw_Line(274*RESFACTOR, 48*RESFACTOR, 313*RESFACTOR, 48*RESFACTOR, WHITE); Call_Back_Delay(1); SeenBuff.Draw_Line(274*RESFACTOR, 48*RESFACTOR, 313*RESFACTOR, 48*RESFACTOR, GREEN); sprintf(buffer,"%5d", total); Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(buffer, 286, 50, _greenpal)); //BG if (!Keyboard->Check()) { Call_Back_Delay(60); //BG } if (house) Show_Credits(house, _greenpal); /*BG if (!Keyboard->Check()) */ Call_Back_Delay(60); /* ** Show stats on # of units killed */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); #ifdef WIN32 Play_Sample(sfx4, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(150)); #else Play_Sample(sfx4, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(60)); #endif int indx = house; #ifdef WIN32 indx = 0; #endif Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SCORE_CASU, _casuax[indx], _casuay[indx], _greenpal)); Call_Back_Delay(9); if (house) { Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SOVIET, _nodtxx[indx], _gditxy[indx], _redpal)); Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_ALLIES, _gditxx[indx], _nodtxy[indx], _bluepal)); } else { Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_ALLIES, _gditxx[indx], _gditxy[indx], _bluepal)); Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SOVIET, _nodtxx[indx], _nodtxy[indx], _redpal)); } Call_Back_Delay(6); Set_Font_Palette(_redpal); #ifdef WIN32 Do_GDI_Graph(yellowptr, redptr, GKilled + CKilled, NKilled, 89); #else if (house) { Do_Nod_Casualties_Graph(); } else { Do_GDI_Graph(yellowptr, redptr, GKilled + CKilled, NKilled, 89); } #endif Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /* ** Print out stats on buildings destroyed */ #ifdef WIN32 Play_Sample(sfx4, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(150)); #else Play_Sample(sfx4, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(60)); #endif #ifdef WIN32 Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SCORE_BUIL, 144, 126, _greenpal)); Call_Back_Delay(9); #else if (!house) { Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SCORE_BUIL, 144, 126, _greenpal)); Call_Back_Delay(9); } else { Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SCORE_BUIL1, 150, 118, _greenpal)); Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SCORE_BUIL2, 150, 126, _greenpal)); Call_Back_Delay(13); } #endif if(house) { Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SOVIET, _gditxx[indx], _bldggy[indx], _redpal)); Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_ALLIES, _gditxx[indx], _bldgny[indx], _bluepal)); } else { Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_ALLIES, _gditxx[indx], _bldggy[indx], _bluepal)); Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SOVIET, _gditxx[indx], _bldgny[indx], _redpal)); } Call_Back_Delay(7); #ifdef WIN32 Do_GDI_Graph(yellowptr, redptr, GBKilled + CBKilled, NBKilled, 137); #else if (house) { Call_Back_Delay(6); Set_Font_Palette(_greenpal); Do_Nod_Buildings_Graph(); } else { Do_GDI_Graph(yellowptr, redptr, GBKilled + CBKilled, NBKilled, 137); } #endif #ifdef WIN32 // Wait for text printing to complete while (StillUpdating) { Call_Back_Delay(1); } #endif Keyboard->Clear(); if (!house) Show_Credits(house, _greenpal); /* ** Hall of fame display and processing */ #ifdef WIN32 Play_Sample(sfx4, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(150)); #else Play_Sample(sfx4, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(60)); #endif Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SCORE_TOP, 28, 110, _greenpal)); Call_Back_Delay(9); /* ** First check for the existence of the file, and if there isn't one, ** make a new one filled with blanks. */ if (!file.Is_Available()) { // hall of fame doesn't exist, so blank it out & write it file.Open(WRITE); for (i = 0; i < NUMFAMENAMES; i++) { hallfame[i].name[0] = hallfame[i].score = hallfame[i].level = 0; hallfame[i].side = 0; file.Write(&hallfame[i], sizeof(struct Fame)); } file.Close(); } file.Open(READ); for (i = 0; i < NUMFAMENAMES; i++) { file.Read(&hallfame[i], sizeof(struct Fame)); } file.Close(); /* ** If the player's score is good enough to bump someone off the list, ** remove their data, move everyone down a notch, and set index = where ** their info goes */ if (hallfame[NUMFAMENAMES-1].score >= total) hallfame[NUMFAMENAMES-1].score = 0; for (index = 0; index < NUMFAMENAMES; index++) { if (total > hallfame[index].score) { if (index < (NUMFAMENAMES-1)) for (i = (NUMFAMENAMES-1); i > index; i--) hallfame[i] = hallfame[i-1]; hallfame[index].score = total; hallfame[index].level = Scen.Scenario; hallfame[index].name[0] = 0; // blank out the name hallfame[index].side = house; break; } } /* ** Now display the hall of fame */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); #ifdef WIN32 char maststr[NUMFAMENAMES*32]; #endif char const *pal; for (i = 0; i < NUMFAMENAMES; i++) { pal = hallfame[i].side ? _redpal : _bluepal; Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(hallfame[i].name, HALLFAME_X, HALLFAME_Y + (i*8), pal)); if (hallfame[i].score) { #ifdef WIN32 char *str = maststr + i*32; #else char *str = (char *)(HidPage.Get_Buffer()) + i*32; #endif sprintf(str, "%d", hallfame[i].score); Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(str, HALLFAME_X+(6*14), HALLFAME_Y + (i*8), pal, BLACK)); if (hallfame[i].level < 20) { sprintf(str+16, "%d", hallfame[i].level); } else { strcpy(str+16, "**"); } Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(str+16, HALLFAME_X+(6*11), HALLFAME_Y + (i*8), pal, BLACK)); Call_Back_Delay(13); } } #ifdef WIN32 // Wait for text printing to complete while (StillUpdating) { Call_Back_Delay(1); } #endif /* ** If the player's on the hall of fame, have him enter his name now */ Keyboard->Clear(); if (index < NUMFAMENAMES) { pal = hallfame[index].side ? _redpal : _bluepal; Input_Name(hallfame[index].name, HALLFAME_X, HALLFAME_Y + (index*8), pal); file.Open(WRITE); for (i = 0; i < NUMFAMENAMES; i++) { file.Write(&hallfame[i], sizeof(struct Fame)); } file.Close(); } else { Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_CLICK_CONTINUE, 149, 190, _yellowpal)); ControlQ = false; Cycle_Wait_Click(); } Keyboard->Clear(); /* get rid of all the animating objects */ for (i = 0; i < MAXSCOREOBJS; i++) if (ScoreObjs[i]) { delete ScoreObjs[i]; ScoreObjs[i] = 0; } BlackPalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_FAST, NULL); #ifdef WIN32 VisiblePage.Clear(); #else SeenPage.Clear(); #endif Show_Mouse(); // Map_Selection(); // Scen.ScenVar = SCEN_VAR_A; // Scen.ScenDir = SCEN_DIR_EAST; Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_NONE); BlackPalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_FAST, NULL); #ifdef WIN32 VisiblePage.Clear(); #else SeenPage.Clear(); #endif GamePalette.Set(); Set_Font(oldfont); FontXSpacing = oldfontxspacing; ControlQ = 0; #ifdef WIN32 delete PseudoSeenBuff; #ifdef FIXIT_SCORE_CRASH /* ** Fix for the score screen crash due to uncompressed shape buffer overflow. */ Enable_Uncompressed_Shapes(); #endif //FIXIT #endif } void Cycle_Wait_Click(bool cycle) { int counter = 0; int minclicks = 20; unsigned long timingtime = TickCount; SerialPacketType sendpacket; SerialPacketType receivepacket; int packetlen; Keyboard->Clear(); while (minclicks || (!Keyboard->Check() && !ControlQ) ) { if (Session.Type == GAME_NULL_MODEM || Session.Type == GAME_MODEM) { // // send a timing packet if enough time has gone by. // if ( (TickCount - timingtime) > PACKET_TIMING_TIMEOUT) { memset (&sendpacket, 0, sizeof(SerialPacketType)); sendpacket.Command = SERIAL_SCORE_SCREEN; sendpacket.ScenarioInfo.ResponseTime = NullModem.Response_Time(); sendpacket.ID = Session.ModemType; NullModem.Send_Message (&sendpacket, sizeof(sendpacket), 0); timingtime = TickCount; } if (NullModem.Get_Message (&receivepacket, &packetlen) > 0) { // throw packet away packetlen = packetlen; } NullModem.Service(); } Call_Back_Delay(1); if (minclicks) { minclicks--; Keyboard->Clear(); } if(cycle) { counter = ((++counter) & 7); if (counter == 0 && Options.IsPaletteScroll) { RGBClass rgb = ScorePalette[233]; for (int i = 233; i < 237; i++) { ScorePalette[i] = ScorePalette[i+1]; } ScorePalette[237] = rgb; ScorePalette.Set(); } } } Keyboard->Clear(); } void ScoreClass::Do_Nod_Buildings_Graph(void) { int shapenum; InfantryTypeClass const *ramboclass; void const * factptr = MFCD::Retrieve("POWR.SHP"); void const * rmboptr = MFCD::Retrieve("E7.SHP"); void const * fball1ptr = MFCD::Retrieve("FBALL1.SHP"); ramboclass = &InfantryTypeClass::As_Reference(INFANTRY_TANYA); /* ** Print the # of buildings on the hidpage so we only need to do it once */ SeenPage.Blit(HidPage); Set_Logic_Page(HidPage); Call_Back_Delay(30); Set_Font_Palette(_redpal); HidPage.Print( 0, BUILDING_X + 16, BUILDING_Y + 10, TBLACK, TBLACK); Set_Font_Palette(_bluepal); HidPage.Print( 0, BUILDING_X + 16, BUILDING_Y + 22, TBLACK, TBLACK); /* ** Here's the animation/draw loop for blowing up the factory */ for (int i=0; i<98; i++) { HidPage.Blit(HidPage, BUILDING_X, BUILDING_Y, 0, 0, 320-BUILDING_X, 48); shapenum = 0; // no damage if (i >= 60) { shapenum = Extract_Shape_Count(factptr) - 2; // some damage if (i == 60) { Shake_The_Screen(6); Sound_Effect(VOC_CRUMBLE); } if (i > 65) { shapenum = Extract_Shape_Count(factptr) - 1; // mega damage } } /* ** Draw the building before Rambo */ if (i < 68) { CC_Draw_Shape(factptr, shapenum, 0, 0, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_GHOST|SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_WIN_REL, ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_GOLD].RemapTable, DisplayClass::UnitShadow); } /* ** Now draw some fires, if appropriate */ if (i >= 61) { int firecount = Extract_Shape_Count(fball1ptr); int shapeindex = (i-61) / 2; if (shapeindex < firecount) { CC_Draw_Shape(fball1ptr, shapeindex, 10, 10, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL); } if (i > 64) { shapeindex = (i-64) / 2; if (shapeindex < firecount) { CC_Draw_Shape(fball1ptr, shapeindex, 50, 30, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL); } } } /* ** Draw the Tanya character running away from the building */ CC_Draw_Shape(rmboptr, (ramboclass->DoControls[DO_WALK].Frame + ramboclass->DoControls[DO_WALK].Jump*6) + ((unsigned(i)>>1)%ramboclass->DoControls[DO_WALK].Count), i+32, 40, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL|SHAPE_GHOST, ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_RED].RemapTable, DisplayClass::UnitShadow); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage, 0, 0, BUILDING_X, BUILDING_Y, 320-BUILDING_X, 48); /*BG if (!Keyboard->Check()) */ Call_Back_Delay(1); } i = max(GBKilled, NBKilled); for (int q = 0; q <= i; q++) { Set_Font_Palette(_redpal); Count_Up_Print( "%d", q, NBKilled, BUILDING_X + 16, BUILDING_Y + 10); Set_Font_Palette(_bluepal); Count_Up_Print( "%d", q, GBKilled, BUILDING_X + 16, BUILDING_Y + 22); //BG if (!Keyboard->Check()) { #ifdef WIN32 Play_Sample(Beepy6, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(150)); #else Play_Sample(Beepy6, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(60)); #endif Call_Back_Delay(1); //BG } } Set_Font_Palette(_redpal); Count_Up_Print( "%d", NBKilled, NBKilled, BUILDING_X + 16, BUILDING_Y + 10); Set_Font_Palette(_bluepal); Count_Up_Print( "%d", GBKilled, GBKilled, BUILDING_X + 16, BUILDING_Y + 22); } /*************************************************************************** * DO_GDI_GRAPH -- Show # of people or buildings killed on GDI score screen* * * * * * * * INPUT: yellowptr, redptr = pointers to shape file for graphs * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/03/1995 BWG : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void ScoreClass::Do_GDI_Graph(void const * yellowptr, void const * redptr, int gkilled, int nkilled, int ypos) { int i, maxval; #ifdef WIN32 int xpos = 174; int house = (PlayerPtr->Class->House == HOUSE_USSR || PlayerPtr->Class->House == HOUSE_UKRAINE); // 0 or 1 if(house) { int temp = gkilled; gkilled = nkilled; nkilled = temp; void const *tempptr = yellowptr; yellowptr = redptr; redptr = tempptr; } #else int xpos = 173; #endif int gdikilled = gkilled, nodkilled=nkilled; maxval = max(gdikilled, nodkilled); if (!maxval) maxval=1; gdikilled = (gdikilled * SIZEGBAR) / maxval; nodkilled = (nodkilled * SIZEGBAR) / maxval; if (maxval < 20) { gdikilled = gkilled * 5; nodkilled = nkilled * 5; } maxval = max(gdikilled, nodkilled); if (!maxval) maxval=1; // Draw the white-flash shape on the hidpage Set_Logic_Page(HidPage); HidPage.Fill_Rect(0, 0, 124*RESFACTOR, 9*RESFACTOR, TBLACK); CC_Draw_Shape(redptr, 119, 0, 0, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_WIN_REL, 0, 0); Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); #ifdef WIN32 Set_Font_Palette(house ? _redpal : _bluepal); #else Set_Font_Palette(_bluepal); #endif for (i = 1; i <= gdikilled; i++) { if (i != gdikilled) { #ifdef WIN32 Set_Logic_Page(*PseudoSeenBuff); CC_Draw_Shape(yellowptr, i, xpos*RESFACTOR, ypos*RESFACTOR, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_WIN_REL, 0, 0); Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); #endif CC_Draw_Shape(yellowptr, i, xpos*RESFACTOR, ypos*RESFACTOR, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_WIN_REL, 0, 0); } else { HidPage.Blit(SeenPage, 0, 0, xpos*RESFACTOR, ypos*RESFACTOR, (3+gdikilled)*RESFACTOR, 8*RESFACTOR); #ifdef WIN32 HidPage.Blit(*PseudoSeenBuff, 0, 0, xpos*RESFACTOR, ypos*RESFACTOR, (3+gdikilled)*RESFACTOR, 8*RESFACTOR); #endif } Count_Up_Print("%d", (i*gkilled) / maxval, gkilled, 297, ypos+2); //BG if (!Keyboard->Check()) { #ifdef WIN32 Play_Sample(Beepy6, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(150)); #else Play_Sample(Beepy6, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(60)); #endif Call_Back_Delay(2); //BG } } CC_Draw_Shape(yellowptr, gdikilled, xpos*RESFACTOR, ypos*RESFACTOR , WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_WIN_REL, 0, 0); #ifdef WIN32 Set_Logic_Page(*PseudoSeenBuff); CC_Draw_Shape(yellowptr, gdikilled, xpos*RESFACTOR, ypos*RESFACTOR , WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_WIN_REL, 0, 0); Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); #endif Count_Up_Print("%d", gkilled, gkilled, 297, ypos+ 2); /*BG if (!Keyboard->Check()) */ Call_Back_Delay(40); #ifdef WIN32 Set_Font_Palette(house ? _bluepal : _redpal); #else Set_Font_Palette(_redpal); #endif for (i = 1; i <= nodkilled; i++) { if (i != nodkilled) { #ifdef WIN32 Set_Logic_Page(*PseudoSeenBuff); CC_Draw_Shape(redptr, i, xpos*RESFACTOR, (ypos+12)*RESFACTOR, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_WIN_REL, 0, 0); Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); #endif CC_Draw_Shape(redptr, i, xpos*RESFACTOR, (ypos+12)*RESFACTOR, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_WIN_REL, 0, 0); } else { HidPage.Blit(SeenPage, 0, 0, xpos*RESFACTOR, (ypos+12)*RESFACTOR, (3+nodkilled)*RESFACTOR, 8*RESFACTOR); #ifdef WIN32 HidPage.Blit(*PseudoSeenBuff, 0, 0, xpos*RESFACTOR, (ypos+12)*RESFACTOR, (3+nodkilled)*RESFACTOR, 8*RESFACTOR); #endif } Count_Up_Print("%d", (i*nkilled) / maxval, nkilled, 297, ypos+14); //BG if (!Keyboard->Check()) { #ifdef WIN32 Play_Sample(Beepy6, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(150)); #else Play_Sample(Beepy6, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(60)); #endif Call_Back_Delay(2); //BG } } // if (Keyboard::Check()) Keyboard::Clear(); /* ** Make sure accurate count is printed at end */ #ifdef WIN32 Set_Logic_Page(*PseudoSeenBuff); CC_Draw_Shape( redptr, nodkilled, xpos*RESFACTOR, (ypos+12)*RESFACTOR, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_WIN_REL, 0, 0); Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); #endif CC_Draw_Shape( redptr, nodkilled, xpos*RESFACTOR, (ypos+12)*RESFACTOR, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_WIN_REL, 0, 0); Count_Up_Print("%d", nkilled, nkilled, 297, ypos+14); /*BG if (!Keyboard->Check()) */ Call_Back_Delay(40); } void ScoreClass::Do_Nod_Casualties_Graph(void) { int i, gdikilled, nodkilled, maxval; void const * e1ptr = MFCD::Retrieve("E1.SHP"); gdikilled = GKilled; nodkilled = NKilled; maxval = max(gdikilled, nodkilled); if (!maxval) maxval=1; if ((gdikilled > (MAX_BAR_X - BARGRAPH_X)) || (nodkilled > (MAX_BAR_X - BARGRAPH_X)) ) { gdikilled = (gdikilled * (MAX_BAR_X - BARGRAPH_X)) / maxval; nodkilled = (nodkilled * (MAX_BAR_X - BARGRAPH_X)) / maxval; } maxval = max(gdikilled, nodkilled); if (!maxval) maxval=1; /* ** Initialize a bunch of objects for the infantrymen who pose for the bar ** graphs of casualties. */ int r = NUMINFANTRYMEN/2; for (i = 0; i < NUMINFANTRYMEN/2; i++) { InfantryMan[i+0].xpos = InfantryMan[i+r].xpos = (i*10) + 7; InfantryMan[i+0].ypos = 11; InfantryMan[i+r].ypos = 21; InfantryMan[i+0].shapefile = InfantryMan[i+r].shapefile = e1ptr; InfantryMan[i+0].remap = ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_RED].RemapTable; InfantryMan[i+r].remap = ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_BLUE].RemapTable; InfantryMan[i+0].anim = InfantryMan[i+r].anim = 0; InfantryMan[i+0].stage = InfantryMan[i+r].stage = 0; InfantryMan[i+0].delay = InfantryMan[i+r].delay = NonCriticalRandomNumber & 0x1F; InfantryMan[i+0].Class = InfantryMan[i+r].Class = &InfantryTypeClass::As_Reference(INFANTRY_E1); } /* ** Draw the infantrymen and pause briefly before running the graph */ Draw_InfantryMen(); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage, 0, 0, BARGRAPH_X, CASUALTY_Y, 320-BARGRAPH_X, 34); Call_Back_Delay(40); for (i = 1; i <= maxval; i++) { // Draw & update infantrymen 3 times for every tick on the graph (i) for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++) { Draw_InfantryMen(); Draw_Bar_Graphs(i, nodkilled, gdikilled); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage, 0, 0, BARGRAPH_X, CASUALTY_Y, 320-BARGRAPH_X, 34); Set_Font_Palette(_redpal); Count_Up_Print("%d", (i*NKilled) / maxval, NKilled, SCORETEXT_X+64, CASUALTY_Y + 2); Set_Font_Palette(_bluepal); Count_Up_Print("%d", (i*GKilled) / maxval, GKilled, SCORETEXT_X+64, CASUALTY_Y + 14); /*BG if (!Keyboard->Check()) */ Call_Back_Delay(3); } #ifdef WIN32 Play_Sample(Beepy6, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(150)); #else Play_Sample(Beepy6, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(60)); #endif } //BG if (Keyboard->Check()) Keyboard->Clear(); /* ** Make sure accurate count is printed at end */ Set_Font_Palette(_redpal); Count_Up_Print("%d", NKilled, NKilled, SCORETEXT_X+64, CASUALTY_Y + 2); Set_Font_Palette(_bluepal); Count_Up_Print("%d", GKilled, GKilled, SCORETEXT_X+64, CASUALTY_Y + 14); /* ** Finish up death animations, if there are any active */ int k = 1; while (k) { for (i=k=0; i= DO_GUN_DEATH) { k=1; } } if (k) { Draw_InfantryMen(); } Draw_Bar_Graphs(maxval, nodkilled, gdikilled); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage, 0, 0, BARGRAPH_X, CASUALTY_Y, 320-BARGRAPH_X, 34); Call_Back_Delay(1); } } void ScoreClass::Show_Credits(int house, char const pal[]) { static int _credsx[2]={276,276}; static int _credsy[2]={173,58}; static int _credpx[2]={228,236}; #ifdef GERMAN static int _credpy[2]={181, 74}; static int _credtx[2]={162,162}; static int _credty[2]={173, 62}; #else static int _credpy[2]={189-12, 74}; static int _credtx[2]={182,182}; static int _credty[2]={179-12, 62}; #endif int credobj,i; int minval,add; #ifdef WIN32 void const * credshape = MFCD::Retrieve(house ? "CREDSUHR.SHP" : "CREDSAHR.SHP"); #else void const * credshape = MFCD::Retrieve(house ? "CREDSU.SHP" : "CREDSA.SHP"); #endif Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SCORE_ENDCRED, _credtx[house], _credty[house], pal)); Call_Back_Delay(15); credobj = Alloc_Object(new ScoreCredsClass(_credsx[house], _credsy[house], credshape, 32, 2)); minval = PlayerPtr->Available_Money() / 100; /* ** Print out total credits left at end of scenario */ i = -50; do { add = 5; if ((PlayerPtr->Available_Money() - i) > 100 ) add += 15; if ((PlayerPtr->Available_Money() - i) > 500 ) add += 30; if ((PlayerPtr->Available_Money() - i) > 1000) add += PlayerPtr->Available_Money() / 40; if (add < minval) add = minval; i += add; if (i < 0) i=0; Set_Font_Palette(pal); Count_Up_Print("%d", i, PlayerPtr->Available_Money(), _credpx[house], _credpy[house]); Call_Back_Delay(2); /*BG if (Keyboard->Check()) { Count_Up_Print("%d", PlayerPtr->Available_Money(), PlayerPtr->Available_Money(), _credpx[house], _credpy[house]); Keyboard->Clear(); break; }*/ } while (i < PlayerPtr->Available_Money()) ; delete ScoreObjs[credobj]; ScoreObjs[credobj] = 0; } /*************************************************************************** * SCORECLASS::PRINT_MINUTES -- Print out hours/minutes up to max * * * * Same as count-up-print, but for the time * * * * INPUT: current minute count and maximum * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/13/1995 BWG : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void ScoreClass::Print_Minutes(int minutes) { char str[20]; if (minutes >= 60) { if ((minutes/60) > 9) minutes = (9*60 + 59); sprintf(str, Text_String(TXT_SCORE_TIMEFORMAT1), (minutes / 60), (minutes % 60)); } else { sprintf(str, Text_String(TXT_SCORE_TIMEFORMAT2), minutes); } SeenPage.Print(str, 275*RESFACTOR, 9*RESFACTOR, TBLACK, TBLACK); #ifdef WIN32 PseudoSeenBuff->Print(str, 275*RESFACTOR, 9*RESFACTOR, TBLACK, TBLACK); #endif } /*********************************************************************************************** * ScoreClass::Count_Up_Print -- Prints a number (up to its max) into a string, cleanly. * * * * This routine prints out a number (like 70) or its maximum number, into a string, onto * * the screen, on a clean section of the screen, and blits it forward to the seenpage so you* * can print without flashing and can print over something (to count up %'s). * * * * INPUT: str = string to print into * * percent = # to print * * max = # to print if percent > max * * xpos = x pixel coord * * ypos = y pixel coord * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/07/1995 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void ScoreClass::Count_Up_Print(char *str, int percent, int maxval, int xpos, int ypos) { char destbuf[64]; sprintf(destbuf, str, percent <= maxval ? percent : maxval); SeenPage.Print( destbuf, xpos * RESFACTOR, ypos * RESFACTOR, TBLACK, BLACK); #ifdef WIN32 PseudoSeenBuff->Print( destbuf, xpos * RESFACTOR, ypos * RESFACTOR, TBLACK, BLACK); #endif } /*********************************************************************************************** * ScoreClass::Input_Name -- Gets the name from the keyboard * * * * This routine handles keyboard input, and does a nifty zooming letter effect too. * * * * INPUT: str = string to put user's typing into * * xpos = x pixel coord * * ypos = y pixel coord * * pal = text remapping palette to print using * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/15/1995 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void ScoreClass::Input_Name(char str[], int xpos, int ypos, char const pal[]) { int key = 0; int ascii, index=0; void const * keystrok = MFCD::Retrieve("KEYSTROK.AUD"); /* ** Ready the hidpage so it can restore background under zoomed letters */ SeenPage.Blit(HidPage); /* ** Put a copy of the high score area on a spare area of the hidpage, so ** we can use it to restore the letter's background instead of filling ** with black. */ HidPage.Blit(HidPage, 0, 100*RESFACTOR, 0, 0, 100*RESFACTOR, 100*RESFACTOR); do { Call_Back(); Animate_Score_Objs(); Animate_Cursor(index, ypos); if (Keyboard->Check()) { key = Keyboard->To_ASCII(Keyboard->Get()) & 0xFF; Call_Back(); if (index == MAX_FAMENAME_LENGTH-2) { while (Keyboard->Check()) { Keyboard->Get(); } } /* ** If they hit 'backspace' when they're on the last letter, ** turn it into a space instead. */ if ((key == KA_BACKSPACE) && (index == MAX_FAMENAME_LENGTH-2) ) { if (str[index] && str[index]!=32) key = 32; } if (key == KA_BACKSPACE) { //if (key == KN_BACKSPACE) { if (index) { str[--index] = 0; int xposindex6 = (xpos+(index*6))*RESFACTOR; HidPage.Blit(SeenPage, xposindex6, (ypos-100)*RESFACTOR, xposindex6, ypos*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR); #ifdef WIN32 HidPage.Blit(*PseudoSeenBuff, xposindex6, (ypos-100)*RESFACTOR, xposindex6, ypos*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR); #endif HidPage.Blit(HidPage, xposindex6, (ypos-100)*RESFACTOR, xposindex6, ypos*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR); } } else if (key != KA_RETURN) { //else if (key != KN_RETURN && key!=KN_KEYPAD_RETURN) { ascii = key; //ascii = KN_To_KA(key); if (ascii >= 'a' && ascii <= 'z') ascii -= ('a' - 'A'); if ( (ascii >= '!' && ascii <= KA_TILDA) || ascii == ' ') { HidPage.Blit(SeenPage, (xpos + (index*6))*RESFACTOR, (ypos-100)*RESFACTOR, (xpos + (index*6))*RESFACTOR, ypos*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR); #ifdef WIN32 HidPage.Blit(*PseudoSeenBuff, (xpos + (index*6))*RESFACTOR, (ypos-100)*RESFACTOR, (xpos + (index*6))*RESFACTOR, ypos*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR); #endif HidPage.Blit(HidPage, (xpos + (index*6))*RESFACTOR, (ypos-100)*RESFACTOR, (xpos + (index*6))*RESFACTOR, ypos*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR, 6*RESFACTOR); str[index] = ascii; str[index+1] = 0; int objindex; #ifdef WIN32 Play_Sample(keystrok, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(150)); #else Play_Sample(keystrok, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(105)); #endif objindex = Alloc_Object(new ScoreScaleClass(str+index, xpos+(index*6), ypos, pal)); while (ScoreObjs[objindex]) Call_Back_Delay(1); if (index < (MAX_FAMENAME_LENGTH-2) ) index++; } } } } while (key != KA_RETURN); // } while(key != KN_RETURN && key!=KN_KEYPAD_RETURN); } void Animate_Cursor(int pos, int ypos) { static int _lastpos = 0, _state; static CDTimerClass _timer; ypos += 6; // move cursor to bottom of letter ypos *= RESFACTOR; // If they moved the cursor, erase old one and force state=0, to make green draw right away if (pos != _lastpos) { HidPage.Blit(SeenPage, (HALLFAME_X + (_lastpos*6))*RESFACTOR, ypos-100*RESFACTOR, (HALLFAME_X + (_lastpos*6))*RESFACTOR, ypos, 6*RESFACTOR, 1*RESFACTOR); #ifdef WIN32 HidPage.Blit(*PseudoSeenBuff, (HALLFAME_X + (_lastpos*6))*RESFACTOR, ypos-100*RESFACTOR, (HALLFAME_X + (_lastpos*6))*RESFACTOR, ypos, 6*RESFACTOR, 1*RESFACTOR); #endif _lastpos = pos; _state = 0; } SeenBuff.Draw_Line((HALLFAME_X + (pos*6))*RESFACTOR, ypos, (HALLFAME_X + (pos*6)+5)*RESFACTOR, ypos, _state ? LTBLUE : TBLACK); #ifdef WIN32 PseudoSeenBuff->Draw_Line((HALLFAME_X + (pos*6))*RESFACTOR, ypos, (HALLFAME_X + (pos*6)+5)*RESFACTOR, ypos, _state ? LTBLUE : TBLACK); #endif /* ** Toggle the color of the cursor, green or black, if it's time to do so. */ if (!_timer) { _state ^= 1; _timer = 5; } } /*************************************************************************** * Draw_InfantryMen -- Draw all the guys on the score screen * * * * * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/13/1995 BWG : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void Draw_InfantryMen() { int k; // Only draw the infantrymen if we're playing USSR... Allies wouldn't execute // people like that. /* ** First restore the background */ HidPage.Blit(HidPage, BARGRAPH_X, CASUALTY_Y, 0, 0, 320-BARGRAPH_X, 34); Set_Logic_Page(HidPage); /* ** Then draw all the infantrymen on the clean hidpage */ for (k = 0; k < NUMINFANTRYMEN; k++) Draw_InfantryMan(k); /* ** They'll all be blitted over to the seenpage after the graphs are drawn */ } /*************************************************************************** * Draw_InfantryMan -- Draw one guy in score screen, update animation * * * * This routine draws one of the infantrymen in the "Casualties" area * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/13/1995 BWG : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void Draw_InfantryMan(int index) { int stage; /* If the infantryman's dead, just abort this function */ if (InfantryMan[index].anim == -1) return; stage = InfantryMan[index].stage + InfantryMan[index].Class->DoControls[InfantryMan[index].anim].Frame; CC_Draw_Shape(InfantryMan[index].shapefile, stage, InfantryMan[index].xpos, InfantryMan[index].ypos, WINDOW_MAIN, SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL|SHAPE_GHOST, InfantryMan[index].remap, DisplayClass::UnitShadow); /* ** see if it's time to run a new anim */ if (--InfantryMan[index].delay <= 0) { InfantryMan[index].delay = 3; if (++InfantryMan[index].stage >= InfantryMan[index].Class->DoControls[InfantryMan[index].anim].Count) { /* ** was he playing a death anim? If so, and it's done, erase him */ if (InfantryMan[index].anim >= DO_GUN_DEATH) { InfantryMan[index].anim = -1; } else { New_Infantry_Anim(index, DO_STAND_READY); } } } } /*************************************************************************** * New_Infantry_Anim -- Start up a new animation for one of the infantrymen* * * * * * * * INPUT: index: which of the 30 infantrymen to affect * * anim: which animation sequence to start him into * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/13/1995 BWG : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void New_Infantry_Anim(int index, int anim) { InfantryMan[index].anim = anim; InfantryMan[index].stage = 0; if (anim >= DO_GUN_DEATH) { InfantryMan[index].delay = 1; // start right away } else { InfantryMan[index].delay = NonCriticalRandomNumber & 15; } } /*************************************************************************** * Draw_Bar_Graphs -- Draw "Casualties" bar graphs * * * * * * * * INPUT: i = current count of how far to draw graph * * gkilled = # of GDI forces killed (adjusted to fit in space) * * nkilled = # of Nod forces killed (adjusted to fit in space) * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/13/1995 BWG : Created. * * 07/02/1996 BWG : Removed references to civilians. * *=========================================================================*/ void Draw_Bar_Graphs(int i, int gkilled, int nkilled) { if (gkilled) { LogicPage->Fill_Rect(0, 0+4*RESFACTOR, 0+min(i, gkilled)*RESFACTOR, 0+5*RESFACTOR, RED); LogicPage->Draw_Line(0+1*RESFACTOR, 0+6*RESFACTOR, (0+min(i, gkilled)+1)*RESFACTOR, 0+6*RESFACTOR, TBLACK); LogicPage->Draw_Line((0+MIN(i, gkilled)+1)*RESFACTOR, 0+5*RESFACTOR, (0+min(i, gkilled)+1)*RESFACTOR, 0+5*RESFACTOR, TBLACK); if (i <= gkilled) { int anim = InfantryMan[i/11].anim; if (anim!=-1 && anim < DO_GUN_DEATH) { if (i/11) { New_Infantry_Anim(i/11, DO_GUN_DEATH + (NonCriticalRandomNumber & 3)); } else { New_Infantry_Anim(i/11, DO_GUN_DEATH); } // Sound_Effect(Random_Pick(VOC_SCREAM1, VOC_SCREAM5)); } } } if (nkilled) { LogicPage->Fill_Rect( 0, 0+16*RESFACTOR, 0+min(i, nkilled)*RESFACTOR, 0+17*RESFACTOR, LTCYAN); LogicPage->Draw_Line( 0+1*RESFACTOR, 0+18*RESFACTOR, (0+min(i, nkilled)+1)*RESFACTOR, 0+18*RESFACTOR, TBLACK); LogicPage->Draw_Line((0+MIN(i, nkilled)+1)*RESFACTOR, 0+17*RESFACTOR, (0+min(i, nkilled)+1)*RESFACTOR, 0+17*RESFACTOR, TBLACK); if (i <= nkilled) { int anim = InfantryMan[(NUMINFANTRYMEN/2)+(i/11)].anim; if (anim!=-1 && anim < DO_GUN_DEATH) { if (i/11) { New_Infantry_Anim((NUMINFANTRYMEN/2)+(i/11), DO_GUN_DEATH + (NonCriticalRandomNumber & 3)); } else { New_Infantry_Anim((NUMINFANTRYMEN/2)+(i/11), DO_GUN_DEATH); } // Sound_Effect(Random_Pick(VOC_SCREAM1, VOC_SCREAM5)); } } } } /*************************************************************************** * Call_Back_Delay -- Combines Call_Back() and Delay() functions * * * * This is just to cut down on code size and typing a little. * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/13/1995 BWG : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void Call_Back_Delay(int time) { if (time < 0 ) time = 0; if (time > 60) time = 60; CDTimerClass cd; CDTimerClass callbackcd = 0; if (!ControlQ) { if (Keyboard->Down(KN_LCTRL) && Keyboard->Down(KN_Q)) { ControlQ = 1; Keyboard->Clear(); } } if (ControlQ) time=0; cd = time; StreamLowImpact = true; do { if (callbackcd == 0) { Call_Back(); callbackcd = TIMER_SECOND/4; } Animate_Score_Objs(); } while (cd); StreamLowImpact = false; } void Animate_Score_Objs() { #ifdef WIN32 StillUpdating = false; /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored) { AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; PseudoSeenBuff->Blit(SeenPage); } #endif for (int i = 0; i < MAXSCOREOBJS; i++) { if (ScoreObjs[i]) { ScoreObjs[i]->Update(); } } } char *Int_Print(int a) { static char str[10]; sprintf(str, "%d", a); return str; } /*********************************************************************************************** * Multi_Score_Presentation -- Multiplayer routine to display score screen. * * * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/11/1995 BWG: Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ extern int CopyType; void Multi_Score_Presentation(void) { char remap[16]; #ifdef WIN32 GraphicBufferClass *pseudoseenbuff = new GraphicBufferClass(320, 200, (void*)NULL); PseudoSeenBuff = new GraphicBufferClass(SeenBuff.Get_Width(),SeenBuff.Get_Height(),(void*)NULL); #endif int i,k; void *oldfont; int oldfontxspacing = FontXSpacing; FontXSpacing = 0; Map.Override_Mouse_Shape(MOUSE_NORMAL); // Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_WIN); BlackPalette.Set(); SeenPage.Clear(); HidPage.Clear(); Hide_Mouse(); void *anim = Open_Animation("MLTIPLYR.WSA", NULL, 0L, (WSAOpenType)(WSA_OPEN_FROM_MEM | WSA_OPEN_TO_PAGE), ScorePalette); /* ** Display the background animation */ #ifdef WIN32 pseudoseenbuff->Clear(); Animate_Frame(anim, *pseudoseenbuff, 1); for(int x=0; x<256; x++) memset(&PaletteInterpolationTable[x][0],x,256); CopyType = 1; Interpolate_2X_Scale(pseudoseenbuff , &SeenBuff , 0); #else Animate_Frame(anim, HidPage, 1); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage); #endif ScorePalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_FAST, Call_Back); int frame = 1; while (frame < Get_Animation_Frame_Count(anim)) { #ifdef WIN32 Animate_Frame(anim, *pseudoseenbuff, frame++); CopyType = 1; Interpolate_2X_Scale(pseudoseenbuff , &SeenBuff , NULL); CopyType = 0; #else Animate_Frame(anim, SeenPage, frame++); #endif Call_Back_Delay(2); } Close_Animation(anim); #ifdef WIN32 CopyType = 1; Interpolate_2X_Scale(pseudoseenbuff , PseudoSeenBuff , NULL); CopyType = 0; #endif /* Change to the six-point font for Text_Print */ oldfont = Set_Font(ScoreFontPtr); Call_Back(); Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); #ifdef FRENCH Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SCORE_TOP, 113, 13, _greenpal)); #else Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_SCORE_TOP, 130, 13, _greenpal)); #endif Call_Back_Delay(5); Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_COMMANDER, 27, 31, _greenpal)); Call_Back_Delay(10); #ifdef FRENCH Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_BATTLES_WON, 113, 31, _greenpal)); #endif #ifdef GERMAN Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_BATTLES_WON, 118, 31, _greenpal)); #endif #ifdef ENGLISH Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_BATTLES_WON, 126, 31, _greenpal)); #endif Call_Back_Delay(13); Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_KILLS_COLON, 249, 31, _greenpal)); Call_Back_Delay(6); /* ** Move all the scores over a notch if there's more games than can be ** shown (which is known by Session.CurGame == MAX_MULTI_GAMES-1); */ if (Session.CurGame == MAX_MULTI_GAMES-1) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_MULTI_NAMES; i++) { for (k = 0; k < MAX_MULTI_GAMES-1; k++) { Session.Score[i].Kills[k] = Session.Score[i].Kills[k+1]; } } } int y = 41; for (i = 0; i < MAX_MULTI_NAMES; i++) { if (strlen(Session.Score[i].Name)) { int color = Session.Score[i].Color; remap[ 8] = ColorRemaps[color].FontRemap[11]; remap[ 6] = ColorRemaps[color].FontRemap[12]; remap[ 4] = ColorRemaps[color].FontRemap[13]; remap[ 2] = ColorRemaps[color].FontRemap[14]; remap[14] = ColorRemaps[color].FontRemap[15]; Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(Session.Score[i].Name, 15, y, remap)); Call_Back_Delay(20); Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(Int_Print(Session.Score[i].Wins), 118, y, remap)); Call_Back_Delay(6); for (k = 0; k <= min(Session.CurGame, MAX_MULTI_GAMES-2); k++) { if (Session.Score[i].Kills[k] >= 0) { Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(Int_Print(Session.Score[i].Kills[k]), 225+(24*k), y, remap)); Call_Back_Delay(6); } } y += 12; } } #if defined(GERMAN) || defined(FRENCH) Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_CLICK_CONTINUE, 95 /*(320-strlen(Text_String(TXT_MAP_CLICK2)))/2*/, 190, _yellowpal)); #else Alloc_Object(new ScorePrintClass(TXT_CLICK_CONTINUE, 109 /*(320-strlen(Text_String(TXT_MAP_CLICK2)))/2*/, 190, _yellowpal)); #endif Cycle_Wait_Click(false); /* get rid of all the animating objects */ for (i = 0; i < MAXSCOREOBJS; i++) if (ScoreObjs[i]) { delete ScoreObjs[i]; ScoreObjs[i] = 0; } Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_NONE); BlackPalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_FAST, NULL); SeenPage.Clear(); GamePalette.Set(); #ifdef WIN32 delete PseudoSeenBuff; #endif Set_Font(oldfont); FontXSpacing = oldfontxspacing; ControlQ = 0; Show_Mouse(); } void ScoreClass::Init(void) { Score = 0; NKilled = 0; GKilled = 0; CKilled = 0; NBKilled = 0; GBKilled = 0; CBKilled = 0; NHarvested = 0; GHarvested = 0; CHarvested = 0; ElapsedTime = 0; RealTime = 0; ChangingGun = 0; }