/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION // SEditDlg.cpp - "SimpleEditDlgClass": An ok/cancel type dialog with 1 or 2 edit boxes. // Mostly a hack for what I need right now - not necessarily very flexible. // Still - I can't believe there isn't a set of dialog classes in here already. // ajw 07/21/98 #include "SEditDlg.h" #include "WOLEdit.h" extern bool cancel_current_msgbox; bool disable_current_msgbox = false; //*********************************************************************************************** SimpleEditDlgClass::SimpleEditDlgClass( int iDialogWidth, const char* szTitle, const char* szPrompt, int iEditCharsAccept, const char* szPrompt2 /* = NULL */, int iEditCharsAccept2 /* = 0 */ ) : iDialogWidth( iDialogWidth ), iEditCharsAccept( iEditCharsAccept ), iEditCharsAccept2( iEditCharsAccept2 ) { // Copy strings. if( szTitle ) { this->szTitle = new char[ strlen( szTitle ) + 1 ]; strcpy( this->szTitle, szTitle ); } else this->szTitle = NULL; if( szPrompt ) { this->szPrompt = new char[ strlen( szPrompt ) + 1 ]; strcpy( this->szPrompt, szPrompt ); } else this->szPrompt = NULL; // I wouldn't try this ... not totally implemented. if( szPrompt2 ) { this->szPrompt2 = new char[ strlen( szPrompt2 ) + 1 ]; strcpy( this->szPrompt2, szPrompt2 ); } else this->szPrompt2 = NULL; // This is the flag for whether or not there is a second edit box. *szEdit = 0; *szEdit2 = 0; szOkButton = Text_String( TXT_OK ); szCancelButton = Text_String( TXT_CANCEL ); szMiddleButton = NULL; } //*********************************************************************************************** SimpleEditDlgClass::~SimpleEditDlgClass() { delete [] szTitle; delete [] szPrompt; delete [] szPrompt2; } //*********************************************************************************************** void SimpleEditDlgClass::SetButtons( const char* szOk, const char* szCancel, const char* szMiddle /*= NULL*/ ) { szOkButton = szOk; szCancelButton = szCancel; szMiddleButton = szMiddle; } //*********************************************************************************************** const char* SimpleEditDlgClass::Show() { // Shows dialog, returns text of button pressed. // Unless SetButtons() is used, value will be TXT_OK or TXT_CANCEL string values. bool bEscapeDown = false; bool bReturnDown = false; /* ** Dialog & button dimensions */ int x_margin = 18 * RESFACTOR; // margin width/height int y_margin = 10 * RESFACTOR; // margin width/height int d_gap_y = 5 * RESFACTOR; int d_dialog_w = iDialogWidth; int d_dialog_h = szPrompt2 ? ( 29 * RESFACTOR ) + 2 * d_gap_y + 2 * y_margin : ( 19 * RESFACTOR ) + d_gap_y + 2 * y_margin; if( szTitle ) d_dialog_h += 10 * RESFACTOR + 2 * d_gap_y; int d_dialog_x = (((320 * RESFACTOR) - d_dialog_w) / 2); int d_dialog_y = (((200 * RESFACTOR) - d_dialog_h) / 2); int d_dialog_cx = d_dialog_x + (d_dialog_w / 2); // coord of x-center /* if( szTitle ) { d_title_w = String_Pixel_Width( szTitle ); d_title_h = 10 * RESFACTOR; d_title_x = d_dialog_cx - d_title_w / 2; d_title_y = d_dialog_y + d_gap_y; } */ int d_prompt_w = String_Pixel_Width( szPrompt ); int d_prompt_h = 10 * RESFACTOR; int d_prompt_x = d_dialog_x + x_margin; int d_prompt_y = szTitle ? ( d_dialog_y + 3 * d_gap_y + 10 * RESFACTOR ) : ( d_dialog_y + d_gap_y ); int d_edit_w = d_dialog_w - d_prompt_w - 2 * x_margin; int d_edit_h = 10 * RESFACTOR; int d_edit_x = d_dialog_x + d_prompt_w + x_margin; int d_edit_y = d_prompt_y; int d_prompt2_w = szPrompt2 ? String_Pixel_Width( szPrompt2 ) : 0; int d_prompt2_h = 10 * RESFACTOR; int d_prompt2_x = d_dialog_x + x_margin; int d_prompt2_y = d_prompt_y + d_prompt2_h + d_gap_y; int d_edit2_w = d_dialog_w - d_prompt2_w - 2 * x_margin; int d_edit2_h = 10 * RESFACTOR; int d_edit2_x = d_dialog_x + d_prompt2_w + x_margin; int d_edit2_y = d_prompt2_y; int d_ok_w, d_ok_h, d_ok_x, d_ok_y, d_cancel_w, d_cancel_h, d_cancel_x, d_cancel_y, d_mid_x, d_mid_y, d_mid_w, d_mid_h; if( !szMiddleButton ) { d_ok_w = 40 * RESFACTOR; d_ok_h = 9 * RESFACTOR; d_ok_x = d_dialog_cx - d_ok_w - 10 * RESFACTOR; d_ok_y = d_dialog_y + d_dialog_h - d_ok_h - y_margin; d_cancel_w = 40 * RESFACTOR; d_cancel_h = 9 * RESFACTOR; d_cancel_x = d_dialog_cx + 10 * RESFACTOR; d_cancel_y = d_ok_y; } else { d_ok_w = 40 * RESFACTOR; d_ok_h = 9 * RESFACTOR; d_ok_x = d_dialog_cx - d_ok_w - 30 * RESFACTOR; d_ok_y = d_dialog_y + d_dialog_h - d_ok_h - y_margin; d_mid_w = 40 * RESFACTOR; d_mid_h = 9 * RESFACTOR; d_mid_x = d_dialog_cx - ( d_mid_w / 2 ); d_mid_y = d_ok_y; d_cancel_w = 40 * RESFACTOR; d_cancel_h = 9 * RESFACTOR; d_cancel_x = d_dialog_cx + 30 * RESFACTOR; d_cancel_y = d_ok_y; } /* ** Button enumerations */ enum { BUTTON_OK = 100, BUTTON_CANCEL, BUTTON_MIDDLE, BUTTON_EDIT, BUTTON_EDIT2 }; /* ** Redraw values: in order from "top" to "bottom" layer of the dialog */ typedef enum { REDRAW_NONE = 0, REDRAW_BUTTONS, REDRAW_BACKGROUND, REDRAW_ALL = REDRAW_BACKGROUND } RedrawType; /* ** Dialog variables */ const char* szReturn = NULL; /* ** Buttons */ ControlClass* commands = NULL; // the button list TextButtonClass OkBtn( BUTTON_OK, szOkButton, TPF_BUTTON, d_ok_x, d_ok_y, d_ok_w ); TextButtonClass CancelBtn( BUTTON_CANCEL, szCancelButton, TPF_BUTTON, d_cancel_x, d_cancel_y, d_cancel_w ); TextButtonClass MiddleBtn( BUTTON_MIDDLE, szMiddleButton, TPF_BUTTON, d_mid_x, d_mid_y, d_mid_w ); WOLEditClass EditBox( BUTTON_EDIT, szEdit, min( sizeof(szEdit), iEditCharsAccept ), TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_NOSHADOW, d_edit_x, d_edit_y, d_edit_w, -1, EditClass::ALPHANUMERIC ); WOLEditClass EditBox2( BUTTON_EDIT2, szEdit2, min( sizeof(szEdit2), iEditCharsAccept2 ), TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_NOSHADOW, d_edit2_x, d_edit2_y, d_edit2_w, -1, EditClass::ALPHANUMERIC ); /* ** Initialize. */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /* ** Create the button list. */ commands = &OkBtn; CancelBtn.Add_Tail(*commands); if( szMiddleButton ) MiddleBtn.Add_Tail(*commands); EditBox.Add_Tail(*commands); if( szPrompt2 ) EditBox2.Add_Tail(*commands); EditBox.Set_Focus(); /* ** Main Processing Loop. */ Keyboard->Clear(); bool firsttime = true; bool display = true; bool process = true; while (process) { /* ** Invoke game callback. */ Call_Back(); #ifdef WIN32 /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored) { AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display = true; } #endif /* ** Refresh display if needed. */ if (display) { /* ** Display the dialog box. */ Hide_Mouse(); if (display) { Dialog_Box(d_dialog_x, d_dialog_y, d_dialog_w, d_dialog_h); if( szTitle ) Draw_Caption( szTitle, d_dialog_x, d_dialog_y, d_dialog_w ); } /* ** Redraw the buttons. */ if (display) { Fancy_Text_Print( szPrompt, d_prompt_x, d_prompt_y, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_TEXT ); if( szPrompt2 ) Fancy_Text_Print( szPrompt2, d_prompt2_x, d_prompt2_y, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_TEXT ); commands->Flag_List_To_Redraw(); } Show_Mouse(); display = false; } /* ** Get user input. */ KeyNumType input = commands->Input(); /* ** The first time through the processing loop, set the edit ** gadget to have the focus. The ** focus must be set here since the gadget list has changed ** and this change will cause any previous focus setting to be ** cleared by the input processing routine. */ if (firsttime ) { firsttime = false; EditBox.Set_Focus(); EditBox.Flag_To_Redraw(); } // My hack for triggering escape and return on key up instead of down... // The problem that was occurring was that the calling dialog would act on the key up, // though this dialog handled the key down. ajw if( ( ::GetAsyncKeyState( VK_ESCAPE ) & 0x8000 ) ) { bEscapeDown = true; } else if( bEscapeDown ) { input = (KeyNumType)( BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON ); bEscapeDown = false; } if( ( ::GetAsyncKeyState( VK_RETURN ) & 0x8000 ) ) { bReturnDown = true; } else if( bReturnDown ) { input = (KeyNumType)( BUTTON_OK | KN_BUTTON ); bReturnDown = false; } // I really hate to do this, but... ajw if( cancel_current_msgbox ) { cancel_current_msgbox = false; input = (KeyNumType)( BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON ); } if( disable_current_msgbox ) { disable_current_msgbox = false; EditBox.Disable(); // These do not actually draw. I am actually clearing the "draw" flag! // Problem is Disable sets them to redraw, and I don't want to, and there is no Flag_To_Redraw( false ). EditBox.GadgetClass::Draw_Me( true ); if( szPrompt2 ) { EditBox2.Disable(); EditBox2.GadgetClass::Draw_Me( true ); } OkBtn.Disable(); OkBtn.GadgetClass::Draw_Me( true ); CancelBtn.Disable(); CancelBtn.GadgetClass::Draw_Me( true ); if( szMiddleButton ) { MiddleBtn.Disable(); MiddleBtn.GadgetClass::Draw_Me( true ); } } /* ** Process input. */ switch( input ) { // case ( KN_ESC ): case ( BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON ): szReturn = szCancelButton; process = false; break; // case KN_RETURN: case ( BUTTON_EDIT | KN_BUTTON ): // (Return pressed while on edit.) case ( BUTTON_OK | KN_BUTTON ): szReturn = szOkButton; process = false; break; case ( BUTTON_MIDDLE | KN_BUTTON ): szReturn = szMiddleButton; process = false; break; default: break; } } return szReturn; } #endif