/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /CounterStrike/SOUNDDLG.CPP 1 3/03/97 10:25a Joe_bostic $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : SOUNDDLG.CPP * * * * Programmer : Maria del Mar McCready-Legg, Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : Jan 8, 1995 * * * * Last Update : September 22, 1995 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * MusicListClass::Draw_Entry -- Draw the score line in a list box. * * SoundControlsClass::Process -- Handles all the options graphic interface. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #include "sounddlg.h" class MusicListClass : public ListClass { public: MusicListClass(int id, int x, int y, int w, int h) : ListClass(id, x, y, w, h, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_NOSHADOW, MFCD::Retrieve("BTN-UP.SHP"), MFCD::Retrieve("BTN-DN.SHP")) {}; virtual ~MusicListClass(void) {}; protected: virtual void Draw_Entry(int index, int x, int y, int width, int selected); }; /*********************************************************************************************** * SoundControlsClass::Process -- Handles all the options graphic interface. * * * * This routine is the main control for the visual representation of the options * * screen. It handles the visual overlay and the player input. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: 12/31/1994 MML : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void SoundControlsClass::Process(void) { /* ** Adjust dialog controls for resolution */ int option_width= OPTION_WIDTH * RESFACTOR; int option_height= OPTION_HEIGHT * RESFACTOR; int option_x= OPTION_X * RESFACTOR; int option_y= OPTION_Y * RESFACTOR; int listbox_x= LISTBOX_X * RESFACTOR; int listbox_y= LISTBOX_Y * RESFACTOR; int listbox_w= LISTBOX_W * RESFACTOR; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 #ifdef WIN32 int listbox_h= (LISTBOX_H * RESFACTOR)+2; #else int listbox_h= LISTBOX_H * RESFACTOR; #endif #else int listbox_h= LISTBOX_H * RESFACTOR; #endif int button_width= BUTTON_WIDTH * RESFACTOR; int button_x= BUTTON_X * RESFACTOR; int button_y= BUTTON_Y * RESFACTOR; int stop_x= STOP_X * RESFACTOR; int stop_y= STOP_Y * RESFACTOR; int play_x= PLAY_X * RESFACTOR; int play_y= PLAY_Y * RESFACTOR; int onoff_width= ONOFF_WIDTH * RESFACTOR; int shuffle_x= SHUFFLE_X * RESFACTOR; int shuffle_y= SHUFFLE_Y * RESFACTOR; int repeat_x= REPEAT_X * RESFACTOR; int repeat_y= REPEAT_Y * RESFACTOR; int mslider_x= MSLIDER_X * RESFACTOR; int mslider_y= MSLIDER_Y * RESFACTOR; int mslider_w= MSLIDER_W * RESFACTOR; int mslider_height= MSLIDER_HEIGHT * RESFACTOR; int fxslider_x= FXSLIDER_X * RESFACTOR; int fxslider_y= FXSLIDER_Y * RESFACTOR; int fxslider_w= FXSLIDER_W * RESFACTOR; int fxslider_height= FXSLIDER_HEIGHT * RESFACTOR; int button_stop= BUTTON_STOP; int button_play= BUTTON_PLAY; int button_shuffle= BUTTON_SHUFFLE; int button_repeat= BUTTON_REPEAT; int button_options= BUTTON_OPTIONS; int slider_music= SLIDER_MUSIC; int slider_sound= SLIDER_SOUND; int button_listbox= BUTTON_LISTBOX; RemapControlType * scheme = GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(); // ThemeType theme; /* ** List box that holds the score text strings. */ MusicListClass listbox(0, option_x+listbox_x, option_y+listbox_y, listbox_w, listbox_h); /* ** Return to options menu button. */ TextButtonClass returnto(BUTTON_OPTIONS, TXT_OK, TPF_BUTTON, option_x+button_x, option_y+button_y, button_width); // TextButtonClass returnto(BUTTON_OPTIONS, TXT_OPTIONS_MENU, TPF_BUTTON, /* ** Stop playing button. */ ShapeButtonClass stopbtn(BUTTON_STOP, MFCD::Retrieve("BTN-ST.SHP"), option_x+stop_x, option_y+stop_y); /* ** Start playing button. */ ShapeButtonClass playbtn(BUTTON_PLAY, MFCD::Retrieve("BTN-PL.SHP"), option_x+play_x, option_y+play_y); /* ** Shuffle control. */ TextButtonClass shufflebtn(BUTTON_SHUFFLE, TXT_OFF, TPF_BUTTON, option_x+shuffle_x, option_y+shuffle_y, onoff_width); // TextButtonClass shufflebtn(BUTTON_SHUFFLE, TXT_OFF, TPF_BUTTON, option_x+shuffle_x, option_y+shuffle_y, ONOFF_WIDTH); /* ** Repeat control. */ TextButtonClass repeatbtn(BUTTON_REPEAT, TXT_OFF, TPF_BUTTON, option_x+repeat_x, option_y+repeat_y, onoff_width); /* ** Music volume slider. */ SliderClass music(SLIDER_MUSIC, option_x+mslider_x, option_y+mslider_y, mslider_w, mslider_height, true); /* ** Sound volume slider. */ SliderClass sound(SLIDER_SOUND, option_x+fxslider_x, option_y+fxslider_y, fxslider_w, fxslider_height, true); /* ** Causes left mouse clicks inside the dialog area, but not on any ** particular button, to be ignored. */ GadgetClass area(option_x, option_y, option_width, option_height, GadgetClass::LEFTPRESS); /* ** Causes right clicks anywhere or left clicks outside of the dialog ** box area to be the same a clicking the return to game options button. */ ControlClass ctrl(BUTTON_OPTIONS, 0, 0, SeenBuff.Get_Width(), SeenBuff.Get_Height(), GadgetClass::RIGHTPRESS|GadgetClass::LEFTPRESS); /* ** The repeat and shuffle buttons are of the toggle type. They toggle ** between saying "on" and "off". */ shufflebtn.IsToggleType = true; if (Options.IsScoreShuffle) { shufflebtn.Turn_On(); } else { shufflebtn.Turn_Off(); } shufflebtn.Set_Text(shufflebtn.IsOn ? TXT_ON : TXT_OFF); repeatbtn.IsToggleType = true; if (Options.IsScoreRepeat) { repeatbtn.Turn_On(); } else { repeatbtn.Turn_Off(); } repeatbtn.Set_Text(repeatbtn.IsOn ? TXT_ON : TXT_OFF); /* ** Set the initial values of the sliders. */ music.Set_Maximum(255); music.Set_Thumb_Size(16); music.Set_Value(Options.ScoreVolume * 256); sound.Set_Maximum(255); sound.Set_Thumb_Size(16); sound.Set_Value(Options.Volume * 256); /* ** Set up the window. Window x-coords are in bytes not pixels. */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /* ** Create Buttons. */ GadgetClass * optionsbtn = &returnto; listbox.Add_Tail(*optionsbtn); stopbtn.Add_Tail(*optionsbtn); playbtn.Add_Tail(*optionsbtn); shufflebtn.Add_Tail(*optionsbtn); repeatbtn.Add_Tail(*optionsbtn); music.Add_Tail(*optionsbtn); sound.Add_Tail(*optionsbtn); area.Add_Tail(*optionsbtn); ctrl.Add_Tail(*optionsbtn); /* ** Add all the themes to the list box. The list box entries are constructed ** and then stored into allocated EMS memory blocks. */ for (ThemeType index = THEME_FIRST; index < Theme.Max_Themes(); index++) { if (Theme.Is_Allowed(index)) { char buffer[100]; int length = Theme.Track_Length(index); char const * fullname = Theme.Full_Name(index); void * ptr = new char [sizeof(buffer)]; if (ptr) { sprintf((char *)ptr, "%cTrack %d\t%d:%02d\t%s", index, listbox.Count()+1, length / 60, length % 60, fullname); listbox.Add_Item((char const *)ptr); } if (Theme.What_Is_Playing() == index) { listbox.Set_Selected_Index(listbox.Count()-1); } } } static int _tabs[] = { 55 * RESFACTOR, 72 * RESFACTOR, 90 * RESFACTOR }; listbox.Set_Tabs(_tabs); /* ** Main Processing Loop. */ bool display = true; bool process = true; while (process) { /* ** Invoke game callback. */ if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL || Session.Type == GAME_SKIRMISH) { Call_Back(); } else { if (Main_Loop()) { process = false; } } #ifdef WIN32 /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored) { AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display = true; } #endif /* ** Refresh display if needed. */ if (display) { Hide_Mouse(); /* ** Draw the background. */ Dialog_Box(option_x, option_y, option_width, option_height); Draw_Caption(TXT_SOUND_CONTROLS, option_x, option_y, option_width); /* ** Draw the Music, Speech & Sound titles. */ Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_MUSIC_VOLUME, option_x+mslider_x-(5 * RESFACTOR), option_y+mslider_y-(2 * RESFACTOR), scheme, TBLACK, TPF_TEXT|TPF_RIGHT); Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_SOUND_VOLUME, option_x+fxslider_x-(5 * RESFACTOR), option_y+fxslider_y-(2 * RESFACTOR), scheme, TBLACK, TPF_TEXT|TPF_RIGHT); #if defined(GERMAN) || defined(FRENCH) Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_SHUFFLE, option_x+4+shuffle_x-(5 * RESFACTOR), option_y+shuffle_y+(1 * RESFACTOR), scheme, TBLACK, TPF_TEXT|TPF_RIGHT); #else Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_SHUFFLE, option_x+shuffle_x-(5 * RESFACTOR), option_y+shuffle_y+(1 * RESFACTOR), scheme, TBLACK, TPF_TEXT|TPF_RIGHT); #endif Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_REPEAT, option_x+repeat_x-(5 * RESFACTOR), option_y+repeat_y+(1 * RESFACTOR), scheme, TBLACK, TPF_TEXT|TPF_RIGHT); optionsbtn->Draw_All(); Show_Mouse(); display = false; } /* ** Get user input. */ KeyNumType input = optionsbtn->Input(); /* ** Process Input. */ switch (input) { case KN_ESC: case BUTTON_OPTIONS|KN_BUTTON: process = false; break; /* ** Control music volume. */ case SLIDER_MUSIC|KN_BUTTON: Options.Set_Score_Volume(fixed(music.Get_Value(), 256), true); #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 if( Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL ) Options.MultiScoreVolume = Options.ScoreVolume; #endif break; /* ** Control sound volume. */ case SLIDER_SOUND|KN_BUTTON: Options.Set_Sound_Volume(fixed(sound.Get_Value(), 256), true); break; case BUTTON_LISTBOX|KN_BUTTON: break; /* ** Stop all themes from playing. */ case BUTTON_STOP|KN_BUTTON: Theme.Stop(); Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_QUIET); // Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_NONE); break; /* ** Start the currently selected theme to play. */ case KN_SPACE: case BUTTON_PLAY|KN_BUTTON: Theme.Queue_Song( (ThemeType)*((unsigned char *)listbox.Current_Item()) ); break; /* ** Toggle the shuffle button. */ case BUTTON_SHUFFLE|KN_BUTTON: shufflebtn.Set_Text(shufflebtn.IsOn ? TXT_ON : TXT_OFF); Options.Set_Shuffle(shufflebtn.IsOn); break; /* ** Toggle the repeat button. */ case BUTTON_REPEAT|KN_BUTTON: repeatbtn.Set_Text(repeatbtn.IsOn ? TXT_ON : TXT_OFF); Options.Set_Repeat(repeatbtn.IsOn); break; } } /* ** If the score volume was turned all the way down, then actually ** stop the scores from being played. */ if (Options.ScoreVolume == 0) { Theme.Stop(); } /* ** Free the items from the list box. */ while (listbox.Count()) { char const * ptr = listbox.Get_Item(0); listbox.Remove_Item(ptr); delete [] (void*)ptr; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * MusicListClass::Draw_Entry -- Draw the score line in a list box. * * * * This routine will display the score line in a list box. It overrides the list box * * handler for line drawing. * * * * INPUT: index -- The index within the list box that is being drawn. * * * * x,y -- The pixel coordinates of the upper left position of the line. * * * * width -- The width of the line that drawing is allowed to use. * * * * selected-- Is the current line selected? * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/22/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void MusicListClass::Draw_Entry(int index, int x, int y, int width, int selected) { RemapControlType * scheme = GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(); if (TextFlags & TPF_6PT_GRAD) { TextPrintType flags = TextFlags; if (selected) { flags = flags | TPF_BRIGHT_COLOR; LogicPage->Fill_Rect (x, y, x + width - 1, y + LineHeight - 1, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme()->Shadow); } else { if (!(flags & TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL)) { flags = flags | TPF_MEDIUM_COLOR; } } Conquer_Clip_Text_Print((char *)List[index] + 1, x, y, scheme, TBLACK, flags, width, Tabs); } else { Conquer_Clip_Text_Print((char *)List[index] + 1, x, y, (selected ? &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_DIALOG_BLUE] : &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_GREY]), TBLACK, TextFlags, width, Tabs); } }