52 Mission Editor (52)* 36 Variable difficulty settings (36)* 35 Improve manual (more detailed information) (35)* 26 SVGA graphics (or at least the option) (26) 22 Improve AI (smarter/harder/no traffic jams) (22)* 21 Random map/mission generator (21)* 21 Ability to review missions and cut scenes independent of the game(21)* 18 Terrain Editor (18)* 12 Larger map (12)* 9 Fog of war (9) 8 More than 2 sides/combatants (8) 6 C&C-type games based on other genres (such as Tolwkien, Lands of Lore, Civil War, American old west, etc.) (6) 6 Captions for hearing impaired customers (6)* 6 New Mission Add-ins (6) 4 Remove linear missions (winning and losing paths) (4) 4 (units and money kept in next mission) (4) 3 Variable weather which affects play (3)* 3 No more maze-like levels (3) 3 Ability to play multi-player maps in single-player mode (3) 2 Windows 95 version (2) 2 Optional auto-save feature (2) 2 More varried terrain types (2) 2 Allow player option to remain in mission after goal is met (2) 1 Terrain affects movement/combat ability (1) 1 Option screen to chose which messages are actually heard (1) 1 Multiple resources (1) 1 More continuity between scenarios 1 Civilian riots (1) 1 Add an option key to move to any occuring battle (1) MULTI-PLAYER: 42 Save option for modem/net play (42)* 27 AI players should build bases and be more aggressive (27)* 17 User variable setting for Tiberium regeneration (15) Increase chat message space (17)* 6 Ability to specifically select which units and structures can be used in a game (not according to tech level) (6) 4 Higher setting for credits in modem/net play (4)* 4 Ability to connect to more than 4 players (4)* 3 Ability to pause in modem/network game (3) 2 Handicapping option (2) 1 Ability to connect through a BBS or online service (1) 1 Allow players to build bases before the game starts (1) 1 Allow allys to transfer units (1) UNITS: 31 More land units (31)* 22 More air units (22)* 18 More water units (18)* 16 Air units reveal terrain as they fly over, not just when they land (16) 16 Increase intelligence of Harvester (so it can recognize and avoid enemy threats) (16)* 12 Group loading of APCs (12)* 7 Put the XO armor and Stealth fighters in the game (7) 6 Bridge-laying/amphibious units (6)* 6 Sabotage and espionage teams/infantry (6) 6 Paratroopers that can jump from planes or transport copters (6) 6 Officer infantry that make your troops more effective (hit better, stay in formation) (6) 4 Ability to control hovercraft, gunships, and A-10s (4)* 4 Ability to assign a unit to more than one Hot Key grouping (4)* 4 Engineers should have multiple purposes (mine laying/clearing, bridge building/blowing) (4)* 4 Mobile SAM (4)* 4 Carry-alls (like in dune 2) for Harvesters and damaged units (4) 4 MANY different harvester types, including flying and armed (4) 4 Units should have capability to move and fire at the same time (4) 3 The capability of squad/formation movement (3) 3 Multiple weapons on certain units (machine guns on tanks) (3) 3 Allow infantry to scale cliffs and ford rivers (3) 3 The ability to set down patrol points (2 or more) for a unit or group of units (3) 2 Scout (in conjunction with Fog of War) (2) 2 Make the commando a buildable unit in single-play (2) 2 Ability to put weapons on harvesters (2) 2 Ability to assign multiple targets (2) 1 Mammoth Tanks can crush light vehicles (1) 1 Allow Construction Yard to revert to MCV (1) 1 Sniper Units (1) 1 Medical Vehicals (Ambulances) to heal infantry (1) 1 Mobile Chemical mortar tank (1) 1 Cargo ships and vehicals able to carry more than 5 troopers and vehicles (1) 1 Mobile Anti-aircraft artillery (1) 1 Mobile Laser artillery (1) 1 Increase range of artillery (1) 1 Liquid Nitrogen troopers (like chem troops) (1) 1 Some type of air-to-air fighter craft (1) 1 Automatic scatter (X-key) of infantry units (and no scattering into threats) (1) 1 When a harvester is destroyed, the tiberium should stay on the ground (1) 1 Sound effects for each unit (such as engine whine for Chinooks) (1) 1 Suicide Units (Humm Vees filled with C4) (1) STRUCTURES: 22 Automatic gates for the walls/fences (22)* 21 Ability to lay down mines (21)* 16 More balance to Ion Cannon / Nukes (Ion Cannon should be stronger or faster) (16) 11 Ability to build structures anywhere rather than next to existing structures (11)* 6 Ability to dig trenches (6)* 6 Bridges that can be destroyed (6)* 4 Make SAM sites respond faster (4) 3 Fix the sandbag bug (3) 3 Add a hospital to heal infantry (3) 2 Make capturing buildings more difficult (2) 1 Radar Jamming Center (1) 1 Non-mobile artillery emplacements (1) 1 Generators as backup power to specific buildings (1) 1 Listening Posts (in conjunction with Fog of War) (1) 1 Force fields as a barrier/wall type (1) 1 A defense shield generator to protect buildings from Nuke and Ion cannon (1) 1 Better walls than concrete (Steel?) (1)