/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION // Wol_Main.cpp - Bottom level wolapi-stuff function. // ajw 07/16/98 #include "function.h" #include "WolapiOb.h" #include "wol_gsup.h" #include "WolStrng.h" int WOL_Login_Dialog( WolapiObject* pWolapi ); int WOL_Chat_Dialog( WolapiObject* pWolapi ); const char* Game_Registry_Key(); bool ReregisterWolapiDLL(); void HandleDLLFail(); WolapiObject* pWolapi = NULL; #include "WolDebug.h" //*********************************************************************************************** // The first time through, pWolapi is NULL thus wolapi gets set up. WOL_Login_Dialog presents the user // with the login dialog and attempts to log us on to the server. If the user continues on all the // way to a game start, we will drop out of here with pWolapi still pointing to a valid WolapiObject, // and with pWolapi's iLobbyReturnAfterGame set to the number of the lobby to return to automatically // after the game ends. // Init() automatically brings us here if pWolapi is non-null. //*********************************************************************************************** int WOL_Main() { // Return values: // 0 = cancel // 1 = start game // -1 = patch downloaded, shut down app int iReturn = 0; if( pWolapi ) { // We have returned from a game started through ww online. // Start theme up again. Theme.Play_Song( THEME_INTRO ); // Verify that we are still connected. If we aren't, kill WolapiObject and start over. // (This will likely occur during the game, if connection is lost. Ensure that it is done here.) pWolapi->pChat->PumpMessages(); // Causes OnNetStatus() call if no longer connected. if( pWolapi->bConnectionDown ) { //debugprint( "Re-entering WOL_Main(), pWolapi->bConnectionDown is true. Deleting old WolapiObject...\n" ); WWMessageBox().Process( TXT_WOL_WOLAPIREINIT ); // Kill wolapi. pWolapi->UnsetupCOMStuff(); delete pWolapi; pWolapi = NULL; } } if( !pWolapi ) { // Start up wolapi. pWolapi = new WolapiObject; if( !pWolapi->bSetupCOMStuff() ) { // Things are really bad if this happens. A COM call failed. // We first assume that their wolapi.dll failed to register during wolsetup.exe, part of the patch process. // This happens if they have an outdated oleaut32.dll, such as the one that comes with original // version of Windows 95. // debugprint( "bSetupCOMStuff failed. Attemping to reregister wolapi.dll...\n" ); // Attempt to re-register wolapi.dll... if( ReregisterWolapiDLL() ) { if( !pWolapi->bSetupCOMStuff() ) { // Still failed after reregistering seemed to work. HandleDLLFail(); return 0; } } else { HandleDLLFail(); return 0; } } pWolapi->PrepareButtonsAndIcons(); // Undocumented hack needed for patch downloading, per Neal. pWolapi->pChat->SetAttributeValue( "RegPath", Game_Registry_Key() ); // (Not that anything's really "documented".) } pWolapi->bInGame = false; int iLoginResult = WOL_Login_Dialog( pWolapi ); if( iLoginResult == 1 ) { pWolapi->SetOptionDefaults(); bool bKeepGoing = true; while( bKeepGoing ) { bool bCreator; switch( WOL_Chat_Dialog( pWolapi ) ) { case -1: bKeepGoing = false; break; case 1: // User created game channel. bCreator = true; break; case 2: // User joined game channel. bCreator = false; break; } if( bKeepGoing ) { WOL_GameSetupDialog GSupDlg( pWolapi, bCreator ); switch( GSupDlg.Run() ) { case RESULT_WOLGSUP_LOGOUT: // User logged out. bKeepGoing = false; break; case RESULT_WOLGSUP_BACKTOCHAT: case RESULT_WOLGSUP_HOSTLEFT: case RESULT_WOLGSUP_RULESMISMATCH: // Return to chat. break; case RESULT_WOLGSUP_STARTGAMEHOST: // Proceed with game. bKeepGoing = false; iReturn = 1; pWolapi->bGameServer = true; break; case RESULT_WOLGSUP_STARTGAME: // Proceed with game. bKeepGoing = false; iReturn = 1; pWolapi->bGameServer = false; break; case RESULT_WOLGSUP_FATALERROR: // debugprint( "RESULT_WOLGSUP_FATALERROR from game setup dialog.\n" ); // Fatal( "RESULT_WOLGSUP_FATALERROR from game setup dialog.\n" ); if( pWolapi->pChatSink->bConnected ) pWolapi->Logout(); bKeepGoing = false; break; } } } } if( iReturn != 1 ) { // Kill wolapi. pWolapi->UnsetupCOMStuff(); delete pWolapi; pWolapi = NULL; } else { pWolapi->bInGame = true; pWolapi->bConnectionDown = false; } if( iLoginResult == -1 ) { WWMessageBox().Process( TXT_WOL_DOWNLOADEXITWARNING ); iReturn = -1; } return iReturn; } //*********************************************************************************************** bool ReregisterWolapiDLL() { // Attempt to reregister wolapi.dll. // Returns true if we think we succeeded. HKEY hKey; char szInstallPath[ _MAX_PATH ]; if( ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Westwood\\WOLAPI", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD dwBufSize = _MAX_PATH; if( ::RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "InstallPath", 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)szInstallPath, &dwBufSize ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HANDLE handle = FindFirstFile( szInstallPath, &wfd ); if( handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { // File is not there. FindClose( handle ); ::RegCloseKey( hKey ); return false; } // debugprint( "Found dll -> %s\n", szInstallPath ); // Get the DLL to register itself. HINSTANCE hLib = LoadLibrary( szInstallPath ); if( !hLib ) { // debugprint( "LoadLibrary failed, GetLastError is %i\n", GetLastError() ); ::RegCloseKey( hKey ); return false; } FARPROC lpDllRegisterFunction = GetProcAddress( hLib, "DllRegisterServer" ); if( !lpDllRegisterFunction ) { ::RegCloseKey( hKey ); return false; } if( lpDllRegisterFunction() != S_OK ) { ::RegCloseKey( hKey ); return false; } // There is a bug in wolapi.dll that makes the following delay necessary. // Something about Neal's extra threads only getting half-way set up before they get deleted. // (The extra threads shouldn't really be created in this case, anyway...) ::Sleep( 1000 ); FreeLibrary( hLib ); FindClose( handle ); } else { ::RegCloseKey( hKey ); return false; } ::RegCloseKey( hKey ); } else { return false; } return true; } //*********************************************************************************************** void HandleDLLFail() { // The DLL failed to load. Either we failed to reregister it, or we think we succeeded at this but it // still is not working. Show an error message and delete pWolapi. // We show either "call tech support" or "download IE3", depending on whether oleaut32.dll looks out of date. char szPath[ _MAX_PATH + 1 ]; ::GetSystemDirectory( szPath, _MAX_PATH ); if( *szPath && szPath[ strlen( szPath ) - 1 ] != '\\' ) strcat( szPath, "\\" ); strcat( szPath, "oleaut32.dll" ); WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HANDLE handle = FindFirstFile( szPath, &wfd ); // debugprint( "HandleDLLFail(): filesize of oleaut32 is %i\n", wfd.nFileSizeLow ); if( handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && wfd.nFileSizeLow <= 232720 ) WWMessageBox().Process( TXT_WOL_DLLERROR_GETIE3 ); else WWMessageBox().Process( TXT_WOL_DLLERROR_CALLUS ); FindClose( handle ); delete pWolapi; pWolapi = NULL; } #endif