**	Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
**	Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
**	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
**	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
**	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
**	(at your option) any later version.
**	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**	GNU General Public License for more details.
**	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
**	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef VQAPLAYP_H
#define VQAPLAYP_H
*         C O N F I D E N T I A L -- W E S T W O O D  S T U D I O S
*     VQA player library. (32-Bit protected mode)
*     vqaplayp.h
*     VQAPlay private library definitions.
*     Denzil E. Long, Jr.
*     Bill Randolph
*     August 21, 1995

#include <vqm32\video.h>
#include <vqm32\soscomp.h>
#include <vqm32\captoken.h>
#include "vqafile.h"
#include "vqaplay.h"
#include "caption.h"

#include "sos.h"


/* Internal library version. */
#define VQA_VERSION "2.41"
#define VQA_DATE    __DATE__" "__TIME__

#define VQA_REQUIRES "VQM32 2.12 or better."

/* Block dimensions macro and identifiers. */
#define BLOCK_DIM(a,b) (((a&0xFF)<<8)|(b&0xFF))
#define BLOCK_2X2 BLOCK_DIM(2,2)
#define BLOCK_2X3 BLOCK_DIM(2,3)
#define BLOCK_4X2 BLOCK_DIM(4,2)
#define BLOCK_4X4 BLOCK_DIM(4,4)

/* Memory limits */
#define	VQA_MAX_CBBUFS    10 /* Maximum number of codebook buffers */
#define	VQA_MAX_FRAMEBUFS 30 /* Maximum number of frame buffers */

/* Special Constants */
#define	VQA_MASK_POINTER 0x8000 /* Pointer value to use for masking. */


/* ChunkHeader: IFF chunk identifier header.
 * id   - 4 Byte chunk id.
 * size - Size of chunk.
typedef struct _ChunkHeader {
	unsigned long id;
	unsigned long size;
} ChunkHeader;

/* ZAPHeader: ZAP audio compression header. NOTE: If the uncompressed size
 *            and the compressed size are equal then the audio frame is RAW
 *            (NOT COMPRESSED).
 * UnCompSize - Uncompressed size in bytes.
 * CompSize   - Compressed size in bytes.
typedef struct _ZAPHeader {
	unsigned short UnCompSize;
	unsigned short CompSize;
} ZAPHeader;

/* VQACBNode: A circular list of codebook buffers, used by the load task.
 *            If the data is compressed, it is loaded into the end of the
 *            buffer and the compression flags is set. Otherwise the data
 *            is loaded into the start of the buffer.
 *            (Make sure this structure's size is always DWORD aligned.)
 * Buffer   - Pointer to Codebook data.
 * Next     - Pointer to next VQACBNode in the codebook list.
 * Flags    - Used by the drawer to tell if certain operations have been
 *            performed on this codebook, such as downloading to VRAM,
 *            or pre-scaling it. This field is cleared by the Loader when a
 *            new codebook is loaded.
 * CBOffset - Offset into the buffer of the compressed data.
typedef struct _VQACBNode {
	unsigned char     *Buffer;
	struct _VQACBNode *Next;
	unsigned long     Flags;
	unsigned long     CBOffset;
} VQACBNode;

/* VQACBNode flags */
#define	VQACBB_DOWNLOADED 0 /* Download codebook to VRAM (XMODE VRAM) */
#define VQACBB_CBCOMP     1 /* Codebook is compressed */

/* VQAFrameNode: A circular list of frame buffers, filled in by the load
 *               task. If the data is compressed, it is loaded into the end
 *               of the buffer and the compress flag is set. Otherwise, it's
 *               loaded into the start of the buffer.
 *               (Make sure this structure's size is always DWORD aligned.)
 * Pointers    - Pointer to the vector pointer data.
 * Codebook    - Pointer to VQACBNode list entry for this frame.
 * Palette     - Pointer to an array of palette colors (R,G,B).
 * Next        - Pointer to the next entry in the Frame Buffer List.
 * Flags       - Inter-process communication flags for this frame (see below)
 *               set by Loader, cleared by Flipper.
 * FrameNum    - Number of this frame in the animation.
 * PtrOffset   - Offset into buffer of the compressed vector pointer data.
 * PalOffset   - Offset into buffer of the compressed palette data.
 * PaletteSize - Size of the palette for this frame (in bytes).
typedef struct _VQAFrameNode {
	unsigned char        *Pointers;
	VQACBNode            *Codebook;
	unsigned char        *Palette;
	struct _VQAFrameNode *Next;
	unsigned long        Flags; 
	long                 FrameNum;
	long                 PtrOffset;
	long                 PalOffset;
	long                 PaletteSize;
} VQAFrameNode;

/* FrameNode flags */
#define	VQAFRMB_LOADED  0 /* Frame loaded */
#define	VQAFRMB_KEY     1 /* Key Frame (must be drawn) */
#define	VQAFRMB_PALETTE 2 /* Palette needs set */
#define VQAFRMB_PALCOMP 3 /* Palette is compressed */
#define VQAFRMB_PTRCOMP 4 /* Vector pointer data is compressed */
#define	VQAFRMF_KEY     (1<<VQAFRMB_KEY)

/* VQALoader: Data needed exclusively by the Loader.
 *            (Make sure this structure's size is always DWORD aligned.)
 * CurCB         - Pointer to the current codebook node to load data into.
 * FullCB        - Pointer to the last fully-loaded codebook node.
 * CurFrame      - Pointer to the current frame node to load data into.
 * NumPartialCB  - Number of partial codebooks accumulated.
 * PartialCBSize - Size of partial codebook (LCW'd or not), in bytes
 * CurFrameNum   - The number of the frame being loaded by the Loader.
 * LastCBFrame   - Last frame in the animation that contains a partial CB
 * LastFrameNum  - Number of the last loaded frame
 * WaitsOnDrawer - Number of wait states Loader hits waiting on the Drawer
 * WaitsOnAudio  - Number of wait states Loader hits waiting on HMI
 * FrameSize     - Size of the last frame in bytes.
 * MaxFrameSize  - Size of the largest frame in the animation.
 * CurChunkHdr   - Chunk header of the chunk currently being processed.
typedef struct _VQALoader {
	VQACBNode    *CurCB;
	VQACBNode    *FullCB;
	VQAFrameNode *CurFrame;
	long         NumPartialCB;
	long         PartialCBSize;
	long         CurFrameNum;
	long         LastCBFrame;
	long         LastFrameNum;
	long         WaitsOnDrawer;
	long         WaitsOnAudio;
	long         FrameSize;
	long         MaxFrameSize;
	ChunkHeader  CurChunkHdr;
} VQALoader;

/* VQADrawer: Data needed exclusively by the Drawer.
 *            (Make sure this structure's size is always DWORD aligned.)
 * CurFrame       - Pointer to the current frame to draw.
 * Flags          - Flags for the draw routines (IE: VQADRWF_SETPAL)
 * Display        - Pointer to DisplayInfo structure for active video mode.
 * ImageBuf       - Buffer to un-vq into, must be DWORD aligned.
 * ImageWidth     - Width of Image buffer (in pixels).
 * ImageHeight    - Height of Image buffer (in pixels).
 * X1,Y1,X2,Y2    - Coordinates of image corners (in pixels).
 * ScreenOffset   - Offset into screen memory, for centering small images.
 * CurPalSize     - Size of the current palette in bytes.
 * Palette_24     - Copy of the last-loaded palette
 * Palette_15     - 15-bit version of Palette_24, for 32K-color modes
 * BlocksPerRow   - # of VQ blocks per row for this resolution/block width.
 * NumRows        - # of rows of VQ blocks for this resolution/block height.
 * NumBlocks      - Total number of blocks in the image.
 * MaskStart      - Pointer index of start of mask rectangle.
 * MaskWidth      - Width of mask rectangle, in blocks.
 * MaskHeight     - Height of mask rectangle, in blocks.
 * LastTime       - The time when that last frame was drawn.
 * LastFrame      - The number of the last frame selected.
 * LastFrameNum   - Number of the last frame drawn.
 * DesiredFrame   - The number of the frame that should be drawn.
 * NumSkipped     - Number of frames skipped.
 * WaitsOnFlipper - Number of wait states Drawer hits waiting on the Flipper.
 * WaitsOnLoader  - Number of wait states Drawer hits waiting on the Loader.
typedef struct _VQADrawer {
	VQAFrameNode  *CurFrame;
	unsigned long Flags;
	DisplayInfo   *Display;
	unsigned char *ImageBuf;
	long          ImageWidth;
	long          ImageHeight;
	long          X1,Y1,X2,Y2;
	long          ScreenOffset;
	long          CurPalSize;
	unsigned char Palette_24[768];
	unsigned char Palette_15[512];
	long          BlocksPerRow;
	long          NumRows;
	long          NumBlocks;
	long          MaskStart;
	long          MaskWidth;
	long          MaskHeight;
	long          LastTime;
	long          LastFrame;
	long          LastFrameNum;
	long          DesiredFrame;
	long          NumSkipped;
	long          WaitsOnFlipper;
	long          WaitsOnLoader;
} VQADrawer;

/* Drawer flags */
#define	VQADRWB_SETPAL 0  /* Set palette */

/* VQAFlipper: Data needed exclusively by the page-flipper.
 *             (Make sure this structure's size is always DWORD aligned.)
 * CurFrame     - Pointer to current flipper frame.
 * LastFrameNum - Number of last flipped frame
 * pad          - DWORD alignment padding.
typedef struct _VQAFlipper {
	VQAFrameNode *CurFrame;
	long         LastFrameNum;
} VQAFlipper;


#ifdef __WATCOMC__
#pragma pack(4);

/* VQAAudio: Data needed exclusively by audio playback.
 *           (Make sure this structure's size is always DWORD aligned.)
 * Buffer         - Pointer to the audio buffer.
 * AudBufPos      - Current audio buffer position, for copying data in buffer.
 * IsLoaded       - Inter-process communication flag:
 *                  0 = is loadable, 1 = is not. Loader sets it when it
 *                  loads, audio callback clears it when it plays one.
 * NumAudBlocks   - Number of HMI blocks in the audio buffer.
 * CurBlock       - Current audio block
 * NextBlock      - Next audio block
 * TempBuf        - Pointer to temp buffer for loading/decompressing audio
 *                  data.
 * TempBufLen     - Number of bytes loaded into temp buffer.
 * TempBufSize    - Size of temp buffer in bytes.
 * Flags          - Various audio flags. (See below)
 * PlayPosition   - HMI's current buffer position.
 * SamplesPlayed  - Total samples played.
 * NumSkipped     - Count of buffers missed.
 * SampleRate     - Recorded sampling rate of the track.
 * Channels       - Number of channels in the track.
 * BitsPerSample  - Bit resolution size of sample (8,16)
 * BytesPerSec    - Recorded data transfer for one second.
 * DigiHandle     - HMI digital device handle.
 * SampleHandle   - HMI sample handle.
 * DigiTimer      - HMI digital fill handler timer handle.
 * sSOSSampleData - HMI sample structure.
 * ADPCM_Info     - ADPCM decompression information structure.
 * DigiCaps       - HMI sound card digital capabilities.
 * DigiHardware   - HMI sound card digital hardware settings.
 * sSOSInitDriver - HMI driver initialization structure.
typedef struct _VQAAudio {
	unsigned char      *Buffer;
	unsigned long      AudBufPos;
	short              *IsLoaded;
	unsigned long      NumAudBlocks;
	unsigned long      CurBlock;
	unsigned long      NextBlock;
	unsigned char      *TempBuf;
	unsigned long      TempBufLen;
	unsigned long      TempBufSize;
	unsigned long      Flags;
	unsigned long      PlayPosition;
	unsigned long      SamplesPlayed;
	unsigned long      NumSkipped;
	unsigned short     SampleRate;
	unsigned char      Channels;
	unsigned char      BitsPerSample;
	unsigned long      BytesPerSec;
	WORD               DigiHandle;
	WORD               SampleHandle;
	WORD               DigiTimer;
	_SOS_HARDWARE      DigiHardware;
} VQAAudio;

/* Audio flags. */
#define VQAAUDB_DIGIINIT  0  /* HMI digital driver initialized (2 bits) */
#define VQAAUDB_TIMERINIT 2  /* HMI timer system initialized (2 bits) */
#define VQAAUDB_HMITIMER  4  /* HMI timer callback initialized (2 bits) */
#define VQAAUDB_ISPLAYING 6  /* Audio playing flag. */
#define VQAAUDB_MEMLOCKED 30 /* Audio memory page locked. */
#define VQAAUDB_MODLOCKED 31 /* Audio module page locked. */


/* HMI device initialization conditions. (DIGIINIT, TIMERINIT, HMITIMER) */
#define HMI_UNINIT  0  /* Unitialize state. */
#define HMI_VQAINIT 1  /* VQA initialized */
#define HMI_APPINIT 2  /* Application initialized */

#ifdef __WATCOMC__
#pragma pack(1);

#endif /* VQAAUDIO_ON */

/* VQAData: This stucture contains all the data used for playing a VQA.
 * Draw_Frame   - Pointer to the draw-frame routine for this video mode.
 * Page_Flip    - Pointer to the page flip function for this video mode.
 * UnVQ         - Pointer to the UnVQ routine for this vid mode & blk size.
 * FrameData    - Frame buffer circular list head.
 * CBData       - Codebook circular list head.
 * Audio        - Audio buffer
 * Loader       - Loader's data
 * Drawer       - Drawer's data
 * Flipper      - Flipper's data
 * Flags        - Flags used by the player.
 * Foff         - Pointer to frame offset table.
 * VBIBit       - Vertical blank bit polarity.
 * Max_CB_Size  - Maximum size of an uncompressed codebook
 * Max_Pal_Size - Maximum size of an uncompressed palette
 * Max_Ptr_Size - Maximum size of uncompressed pointer data
 * LoadedFrames - Number of frames loaded
 * DrawnFrames  - Number of frames drawn
 * StartTime    - Start time in VQA time ticks
 * EndTime      - Stop time in VQA time ticks
 * MemUsed      - Number of bytes allocated by VQA_AllocBuffers
typedef struct _VQAData {
	long (*Draw_Frame)(VQAHandle *vqa);
	long (*Page_Flip)(VQAHandle *vqa);

	#ifndef PHARLAP_TNT
	void cdecl (*UnVQ)(unsigned char *codebook, unsigned char *pointers,
			unsigned char *buffer, unsigned long blocksperrow,
			unsigned long numrows, unsigned long bufwidth);
	void cdecl (*UnVQ)(unsigned char *codebook, unsigned char *pointers,
			FARPTR buffer, unsigned long blocksperrow, unsigned long numrows,
			unsigned long bufwidth);

	VQAFrameNode  *FrameData;
	VQACBNode     *CBData;

	VQAAudio      Audio;

	VQALoader     Loader;
	VQADrawer     Drawer;
	VQAFlipper    Flipper;
	unsigned long Flags;
	long          *Foff;
	long          VBIBit;
	long          Max_CB_Size;
	long          Max_Pal_Size;
	long          Max_Ptr_Size;
	long          LoadedFrames;
	long          DrawnFrames;
	long          StartTime;
	long          EndTime;
	long          MemUsed;
} VQAData;

/* VQAData flags */
#define VQADATB_UPDATE 0 /* Update the display. */
#define VQADATB_DSLEEP 1 /* Drawer sleep state. */
#define VQADATB_LSLEEP 2 /* Loader sleep state. */
#define VQADATB_DDONE  3 /* Drawer done flag. (0 = done) */
#define VQADATB_LDONE  4 /* Loader done flag. (0 = done) */
#define VQADATB_PRIMED 5 /* Buffers are primed. */
#define VQADATB_PAUSED 6 /* The player is paused. */

/* VQAHandleP: Private VQA file handle. Must be obtained by calling
 *             VQA_Alloc() and freed through VQA_Free(). This is the only
 *             legal way to obtain and dispose of a VQAHandle.
 * VQAio     - Something meaningful to the IO manager. (See DOCS)
 * IOHandler - IO handler callback.
 * VQABuf    - Pointer to internal data buffers.
 * Config    - Configuration structure.
 * Header    - VQA header structure.
 * vocfh     - Override audiotrack file handle.
typedef struct _VQAHandleP {
	unsigned long VQAio;
	long          (*IOHandler)(VQAHandle *vqa, long action, void *buffer,
	                          long nbytes);
	VQAData       *VQABuf;
	VQAConfig     Config;
	VQAHeader     Header;
	long          vocfh;
	CaptionInfo   *Caption;
	CaptionInfo   *EVA;
} VQAHandleP;


/* Loader/Drawer system. */
long VQA_LoadFrame(VQAHandle *vqa);
void VQA_Configure_Drawer(VQAHandleP *vqap);
long User_Update(VQAHandle *vqa);

/* Timer system. */
long VQA_StartTimerInt(VQAHandleP *vqap, long init);
void VQA_StopTimerInt(VQAHandleP *vqap);
void VQA_SetTimer(VQAHandleP *vqap, long time, long method);
unsigned long VQA_GetTime(VQAHandleP *vqap);
long VQA_TimerMethod(void);

/* Audio system. */
long VQA_OpenAudio(VQAHandleP *vqap);
void VQA_CloseAudio(VQAHandleP *vqap);
long VQA_StartAudio(VQAHandleP *vqap);
void VQA_StopAudio(VQAHandleP *vqap);
long CopyAudio(VQAHandleP *vqap);

/* Debugging system. */
void VQA_InitMono(VQAHandleP *vqap);
void VQA_UpdateMono(VQAHandleP *vqap);

#endif /* VQAPLAYP_H */