; ; Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ; Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ; ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see . ; ; $Header: F:\projects\c&c0\vcs\code\2support.asv 5.0 11 Nov 1996 09:40:36 JOE_BOSTIC $ ;*************************************************************************** ;** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ** ;*************************************************************************** ;* * ;* Project Name : Command & Conquer * ;* * ;* File Name : SUPPORT.ASM * ;* * ;* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * ;* * ;* Start Date : September 23, 1993 * ;* * ;* Last Update : May 10, 1994 [JLB] * ;* * ;*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* ;* Functions: * ;* strtrim -- Remove the trailing white space from a string. * ;* Fat_Put_Pixel -- Draws a fat pixel. * ;* Conquer_Build_Fading_Table -- Builds custom shadow/light fading table.* ;* Remove_From_List -- Removes a pointer from a list of pointers. * ;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * IDEAL P386 MODEL USE32 FLAT INCLUDE "gbuffer.inc" DISPLAY "Command & Conquer assembly support routines." CODESEG ;*************************************************************************** ;* Fat_Put_Pixel -- Draws a fat pixel. * ;* * ;* Use this routine to draw a "pixel" that is bigger than 1 pixel * ;* across. This routine is faster than drawing a similar small shape * ;* and faster than calling Fill_Rect. * ;* * ;* INPUT: x,y -- Screen coordinates to draw the pixel's upper * ;* left corner. * ;* * ;* color -- The color to render the pixel in. * ;* * ;* size -- The number of pixels width of the big "pixel". * ;* * ;* page -- The pointer to a GraphicBuffer class or something * ;* * ;* OUTPUT: none * ;* * ;* WARNINGS: none * ;* * ;* HISTORY: * ;* 03/17/1994 JLB : Created. * ;*=========================================================================* ; VOID cdecl Fat_Put_Pixel(long x, long y, long color, long size, void *page) GLOBAL C Fat_Put_Pixel:NEAR PROC Fat_Put_Pixel C near USES eax, ebx, ecx, edx, edi, esi ARG x:DWORD ; X coordinate of upper left pixel corner. ARG y:DWORD ; Y coordinate of upper left pixel corner. ARG color:DWORD ; Color to use for the "pixel". ARG siz:DWORD ; Size of "pixel" to plot (square). ARG gpage:DWORD ; graphic page address to plot onto cmp [siz],0 je short ??exit ; Set EDI to point to start of logical page memory. ;*=================================================================== ; Get the viewport information and put bytes per row in ecx ;*=================================================================== mov ebx,[gpage] ; get a pointer to viewport mov edi,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPOffset] ; get the correct offset ; Verify the the Y pixel offset is legal. mov eax,[y] cmp eax,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPHeight] ;YPIXEL_MAX jae short ??exit mov ecx,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPWidth] add ecx,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPXAdd] add ecx,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPPitch] mul ecx add edi,eax ; Verify the the X pixel offset is legal. mov edx,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPWidth] cmp edx,[x] mov edx,ecx jbe short ??exit add edi,[x] ; Write the pixel to the screen. mov ebx,[siz] ; Copy of pixel size. sub edx,ebx ; Modulo to reach start of next row. mov eax,[color] ??again: mov ecx,ebx rep stosb add edi,edx ; EDI points to start of next row. dec [siz] jnz short ??again ??exit: ret ENDP Fat_Put_Pixel if 0 ;*************************************************************************** ;* strtrim -- Remove the trailing white space from a string. * ;* * ;* Use this routine to remove white space characters from the beginning * ;* and end of the string. The string is modified in place by * ;* this routine. * ;* * ;* INPUT: buffer -- Pointer to the string to modify. * ;* * ;* OUTPUT: none * ;* * ;* WARNINGS: none * ;* * ;* HISTORY: * ;* 10/07/1992 JLB : Created. * ;*=========================================================================* ; VOID cdecl strtrim(BYTE *buffer); GLOBAL C strtrim :NEAR PROC strtrim C near USES ax, edi, esi ARG buffer:DWORD ; Pointer to string to modify. cmp [buffer],0 je short ??fini ; Prepare for string scanning by loading pointers. cld mov esi,[buffer] mov edi,esi ; Strip white space from the start of the string. ??looper: lodsb cmp al,20h ; Space je short ??looper cmp al,9 ; TAB je short ??looper stosb ; Copy the rest of the string. ??gruntloop: lodsb stosb or al,al jnz short ??gruntloop dec edi ; Strip the white space from the end of the string. ??looper2: mov [edi],al dec edi mov ah,[edi] cmp ah,20h je short ??looper2 cmp ah,9 je short ??looper2 ??fini: ret ENDP strtrim ;*************************************************************************** ;* Conquer_Build_Fading_Table -- Builds custom shadow/light fading table. * ;* * ;* This routine is used to build a special fading table for C&C. There * ;* are certain colors that get faded to and cannot be faded again. * ;* With this rule, it is possible to draw a shadow multiple times and * ;* not have it get any lighter or darker. * ;* * ;* INPUT: palette -- Pointer to the 768 byte IBM palette to build from. * ;* * ;* dest -- Pointer to the 256 byte remap table. * ;* * ;* color -- Color index of the color to "fade to". * ;* * ;* frac -- The fraction to fade to the specified color * ;* * ;* OUTPUT: Returns with pointer to the remap table. * ;* * ;* WARNINGS: none * ;* * ;* HISTORY: * ;* 10/07/1992 JLB : Created. * ;*=========================================================================*/ ;VOID * cdecl Conquer_Build_Fading_Table(VOID *palette, VOID *dest, long color, long frac); GLOBAL C Conquer_Build_Fading_Table : NEAR PROC Conquer_Build_Fading_Table C near USES ebx, ecx, edi, esi ARG palette:DWORD ARG dest:DWORD ARG color:DWORD ARG frac:DWORD LOCAL matchvalue:DWORD ; Last recorded match value. LOCAL targetred:BYTE ; Target gun red. LOCAL targetgreen:BYTE ; Target gun green. LOCAL targetblue:BYTE ; Target gun blue. LOCAL idealred:BYTE LOCAL idealgreen:BYTE LOCAL idealblue:BYTE LOCAL matchcolor:BYTE ; Tentative match color. ALLOWED_COUNT EQU 16 ALLOWED_START EQU 256-ALLOWED_COUNT cld ; If the source palette is NULL, then just return with current fading table pointer. cmp [palette],0 je ??fini1 cmp [dest],0 je ??fini1 ; Fractions above 255 become 255. mov eax,[frac] cmp eax,0100h jb short ??ok mov [frac],0FFh ??ok: ; Record the target gun values. mov esi,[palette] mov ebx,[color] add esi,ebx add esi,ebx add esi,ebx lodsb mov [targetred],al lodsb mov [targetgreen],al lodsb mov [targetblue],al ; Main loop. xor ebx,ebx ; Remap table index. ; Transparent black never gets remapped. mov edi,[dest] mov [edi],bl inc edi ; EBX = source palette logical number (1..255). ; EDI = running pointer into dest remap table. ??mainloop: inc ebx mov esi,[palette] add esi,ebx add esi,ebx add esi,ebx mov edx,[frac] shr edx,1 ; new = orig - ((orig-target) * fraction); lodsb ; orig mov dh,al ; preserve it for later. sub al,[targetred] ; al = (orig-target) imul dl ; ax = (orig-target)*fraction shl eax,1 sub dh,ah ; dh = orig - ((orig-target) * fraction) mov [idealred],dh ; preserve ideal color gun value. lodsb ; orig mov dh,al ; preserve it for later. sub al,[targetgreen] ; al = (orig-target) imul dl ; ax = (orig-target)*fraction shl eax,1 sub dh,ah ; dh = orig - ((orig-target) * fraction) mov [idealgreen],dh ; preserve ideal color gun value. lodsb ; orig mov dh,al ; preserve it for later. sub al,[targetblue] ; al = (orig-target) imul dl ; ax = (orig-target)*fraction shl eax,1 sub dh,ah ; dh = orig - ((orig-target) * fraction) mov [idealblue],dh ; preserve ideal color gun value. ; Sweep through a limited set of existing colors to find the closest ; matching color. mov eax,[color] mov [matchcolor],al ; Default color (self). mov [matchvalue],-1 ; Ridiculous match value init. mov ecx,ALLOWED_COUNT mov esi,[palette] ; Pointer to original palette. add esi,(ALLOWED_START)*3 ; BH = color index. mov bh,ALLOWED_START ??innerloop: xor edx,edx ; Comparison value starts null. ; Build the comparison value based on the sum of the differences of the color ; guns squared. lodsb sub al,[idealred] mov ah,al imul ah add edx,eax lodsb sub al,[idealgreen] mov ah,al imul ah add edx,eax lodsb sub al,[idealblue] mov ah,al imul ah add edx,eax jz short ??perfect ; If perfect match found then quit early. cmp edx,[matchvalue] jae short ??notclose mov [matchvalue],edx ; Record new possible color. mov [matchcolor],bh ??notclose: inc bh ; Checking color index. loop ??innerloop mov bh,[matchcolor] ??perfect: mov [matchcolor],bh xor bh,bh ; Make BX valid main index again. ; When the loop exits, we have found the closest match. mov al,[matchcolor] stosb cmp ebx,ALLOWED_START-1 jne ??mainloop ; Fill the remainder of the remap table with values ; that will remap the color to itself. mov ecx,ALLOWED_COUNT ??fillerloop: inc bl mov al,bl stosb loop ??fillerloop ??fini1: mov esi,[dest] mov eax,esi ret ENDP Conquer_Build_Fading_Table ;*************************************************************************** ;* Remove_From_List -- Removes a pointer from a list of pointers. * ;* * ;* This low level routine is used to remove a pointer from a list of * ;* pointers. The trailing pointers are moved downward to fill the * ;* hole. * ;* * ;* INPUT: list -- Pointer to list of pointer. * ;* * ;* index -- Pointer to length of pointer list. * ;* * ;* ptr -- The pointer value to search for and remove. * ;* * ;* OUTPUT: none * ;* * ;* WARNINGS: none * ;* * ;* HISTORY: * ;* 04/11/1994 JLB : Created. * ;* 04/22/1994 JLB : Convert to assembly language. * ;* 05/10/1994 JLB : Short pointers now. * ;*=========================================================================*/ ;VOID cdecl Remove_From_List(VOID **list, long *index, long ptr); GLOBAL C Remove_From_List:NEAR PROC Remove_From_List C near USES edi, esi, ecx, eax ARG list:DWORD ; Pointer to list. ARG index:DWORD ; Pointer to count. ARG element:DWORD ; Element to remove. ; Fetch the number of elements in the list. If there are no ; elements, then just exit quickly. mov edi,[index] mov ecx,[edi] jcxz short ??fini2 ; Fetch pointer to list. cmp [list],0 je short ??fini2 mov edi,[list] ; Loop through all elements searching for a match. mov eax,[element] repne scasd jne short ??fini2 ; No match found. ; Copy all remaining elements down. If this is the ; last element in the list then nothing needs to be ; copied -- just decrement the list size. jcxz short ??nocopy ; No copy necessary. mov esi,edi sub edi,4 rep movsd ; Reduce the list count by one. ??nocopy: mov edi,[index] dec [DWORD PTR edi] ??fini2: ret ENDP Remove_From_List ; long cdecl Get_EAX(); GLOBAL C Get_EAX :NEAR PROC Get_EAX C near ret ENDP Get_EAX endif DATASEG TabA DD 6949350 DD 4913933 DD 3474675 DD 2456966 DD 1737338 DD 1228483 DD 868669 DD 614242 DD 434334 DD 307121 DD 217167 DD 153560 DD 108584 DD 76780 DD 54292 DD 38390 DD 27146 DD 19195 DD 13573 DD 9598 DD 6786 DD 4799 DD 3393 DD 2399 DD 1697 DD 1200 DD 848 DD 600 DD 424 DD 300 DD 212 DD 150 DD 106 TabB DD 154 DD 218 DD 309 DD 437 DD 618 DD 874 DD 1236 DD 1748 DD 2472 DD 3496 DD 4944 DD 6992 DD 9888 DD 13983 DD 19775 DD 27967 DD 39551 DD 55933 DD 79101 DD 111866 DD 158203 DD 223732 DD 316405 DD 447465 DD 632811 DD 894929 DD 1265621 DD 1789859 DD 2531243 DD 3579718 DD 5062486 DD 7159436 DD 10124971 CODESEG ;*********************************************************************************************** ;* Square_Root -- Finds the square root of the fixed pointer parameter. * ;* * ;* INPUT: val -- The fixed point (16:16) value to find the square root of. * ;* * ;* OUTPUT: Returns with the square root of the fixed pointer parameter. * ;* * ;* WARNINGS: none * ;* * ;* HISTORY: * ;* 10/04/1995 JLB : Adapted. * ;*=============================================================================================*/ ;unsigned Square_Root(unsigned val); GLOBAL C Square_Root :NEAR PROC Square_Root C near USES ebx,edx bsr ebx,eax jz ??zero mul [DWORD 4*ebx + OFFSET TabA] shrd eax,edx,10h add eax, [4*ebx + OFFSET TabB] ??zero: ret ENDP Square_Root ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- END