// Compiler Options for Watcom C, C++ 32 bit -cwc // This file contains options to allow PC-lint to process source // files for your compiler. It is used as follows: // // lint co-wc32.lnt source-file(s) // -d_M_IX86=200 // assume Intel 80286 architecture -- modify to suit -d__declspec()= // ignore this construct // additional reserve words needed +rw(_loadds,_export) +rw(__interrupt,__near,__far,__huge,__fortran,__pascal,__cdecl) +rw(__export,__loadds,__saveregs,__asm,__fastcall,__stdcall) +rw(_export) +fcd // makes cdecl significant -- used for proto generation +fcu // chars are by default unsigned +fsu // so are strings -d__386__ // pre-defined macro for 386 version, not set by -cwc -d__FLAT__ // not set by -cwc -si4 // sizeof(int) is 4 -spN4 // sizeof(near pointer) is 4 -spF6 // sizeof( far pointer) is 6 -sld10 // sizeof(long double) is 10. -function(exit,_exit) // _exit() is like exit() -emacro(734,putc) // don't complain about items being too large. -emacro(506,putc) // don't complain about constant Boolean -emacro(???,va_arg) // the va_arg() macro can yield 415, 416, 661, 662 // 796 and 797 (out-of-bounds errors). // While processing compiler (library) header files ... -elib(46) // an unsigned short bit field is used as __FILLER__ -elib(522) // function return value ignored -elib(537) // repeated include file (ios.h) -elib(641) // converting enum to int -elib(652) // suppress message about #define of earlier declared symbols -elib(655) // ORing enum's -elib(726) // extraneous comma in enumeration -elib(760) // suppress message about multiple identical macro defs -elib(762) // suppress message about multiple identical declarations and -elib(806) // small bit field is signed -elib(1053) // prototypes cannot be distinguished -elib(1511) // member (rdbuf) hides nonvirtual member -elib(1704) // private copy constructor -elib(1712) // default constructor missing -elib(1717) // empty prototypes -elib(1720) // strange argument to assignment operator -elib(1721) // unusual operator =() declaration -elib(1722) // assignment operator does not return ref to class -elib(1724) // strange argument to copy constructor -esym(1702,operator<<,operator>>) // The following functions exhibit variable return modes. // That is, they may equally-usefully be called for a value // as called just for their effects. Accordingly we inhibit // Warning 534 for these functions. // Feel free to add to or subtract from this list. -esym(534,close,creat,fclose,fflush,fprintf,fputc) -esym(534,fputs,fscanf,fseek,fwrite,lseek,memcpy,memmove,memset) -esym(534,printf,puts,scanf,sprintf,sscanf,strcat,strcpy) -esym(534,strncat,strncpy,unlink,write)