/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /CounterStrike/FUNCTION.H 2 3/13/97 2:05p Steve_tall $*/ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : FUNCTION.H * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : May 27, 1994 * * * * Last Update : May 27, 1994 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #ifndef FUNCTION_H #define FUNCTION_H /* ** !!!DEFINE!!! "NDEBUG" if the assertion code is to be !!!REMOVED!!! from the project. */ #define NDEBUG #pragma warn -hid #ifdef NEVER Map (screen) class heirarchy. MapeditClass (most derived class) -- scenario editor ³ MouseClass -- handles mouse animation and display control ³ ScrollClass -- map scroll handler ³ HelpClass -- pop-up help text handler ³ TabClass -- file folder tab screen mode control dispatcher ³ SidebarClass -- displays and controls construction list sidebar ³ PowerClass -- display power production/consumption bargraph ³ RadarClass -- displays and controls radar map ³ DisplayClass -- general tactical map display handler ³ MapClass -- general tactical map data handler ³ GScreenClass (pure virtual base class) -- generic screen control AbstractClass ³ ³ ³ ³ ObjectClass ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ AnimClass ³ TemplateClass ³ ÃÄ FuseClass ³ TerrainClass ³ ³ ÃÄ FlyClass ³ ³ ³ BulletClass ³ OverlayClass MissionClass SmudgeClass ³ RadioClass ³ ÃÄ CrewClass ÃÄ FlasherClass ÃÄ StageClass ÃÄ CargoClass TechnoClass ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ FootClass BuildingClass ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ DriveClass InfantryClass ÃÄ FlyClass ³ AircraftClass ÚÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ VesselClass ³ UnitClass AbstractTypeClass ³ ObjectTypeClass ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ TechnoTypeClass ³ ³ ³ ³ BulletTypeClass ³ ³ ³ TemplateTypeClass ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ TerrainTypeClass ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ UnitTypeClass ³ BuildingTypeClass ³ VesselTypeClass ³ ³ AircraftTypeClass InfantryTypeClass #endif #include "watcom.h" #include "lint.h" #ifdef WIN32 //#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #define WWFILE_H #define RAWFILE_H #define MONOC_H #define _MAX_NAME _MAX_FNAME #endif /* ** The "bool" integral type was defined by the C++ comittee in ** November of '94. Until the compiler supports this, use the following ** definition. */ #ifndef __BORLANDC__ #ifndef TRUE_FALSE_DEFINED #define TRUE_FALSE_DEFINED enum {false=0,true=1}; typedef int bool; #endif #endif #ifndef BITMAPCLASS #define BITMAPCLASS class BitmapClass { public: BitmapClass(int w, int h, unsigned char * data) : Width(w), Height(h), Data(data) {}; int Width; int Height; unsigned char * Data; }; class TPoint2D { public: TPoint2D(int xx, int yy) : x(xx), y(yy) {}; TPoint2D(void) : x(0), y(0) {}; int x; int y; }; #endif /********************************************************************** ** This class is solely used as a parameter to a constructor that does ** absolutely no initialization to the object being constructed. By using ** this method, it is possible to load and save data directly from a ** class that has virtual functions. The construction process automatically ** takes care of initializing the virtual function table pointer and the ** rest of the constructor doesn't initialize any data members. After loading ** into a class object, simply perform an in-place new operation. */ #ifndef NOINITCLASS #define NOINITCLASS struct NoInitClass { public: void operator () (void) const {}; }; #endif #define FILE_H #define WWMEM_H #ifndef WIN32 #define TIMER_H #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include "key.h" #endif #include #include "mpu.h" #include "bench.h" #include "rect.h" #include "jshell.h" #include "buff.h" #include "face.h" #include "random.h" #include "crc.h" #include "compat.h" #include "fixed.h" #include "base64.h" #include "pipe.h" #include "xpipe.h" #include "ramfile.h" #include "lcw.h" #include "lzw.h" #include "lcwpipe.h" #include "lzwpipe.h" #include "lzopipe.h" #include "crcpipe.h" #include "shapipe.h" #include "b64pipe.h" #include "straw.h" #include "xstraw.h" #include "b64straw.h" #include "lcwstraw.h" #include "lzwstraw.h" #include "lzostraw.h" #include "crcstraw.h" #include "shastraw.h" #include "rndstraw.h" // Should be part of WWLIB.H. This is used in JSHELL.CPP. typedef struct { unsigned char SourceColor; unsigned char DestColor; unsigned char Fading; unsigned char reserved; } TLucentType; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #define int386x(a,b,c,d) 0 #define int386(a,b,c) 0 #endif /* ** VQ player specific includes. */ #include #include extern bool GameActive; extern long LParam; #include #include "vector.h" #include "heap.h" #include "ccfile.h" #include "monoc.h" #include "conquer.h" #include "debug.h" #include "special.h" #include "defines.h" #include "ccini.h" #include "ccptr.h" #include "bar.h" /* ** Greenleaf specific includes. */ #include #include extern long Frame; CELL Coord_Cell(COORDINATE coord); #include "utracker.h" #include "crate.h" #include "rules.h" #include "ini.h" #include "int.h" #include "pk.h" #include "pkpipe.h" #include "pkstraw.h" #include "sha.h" #include "blowfish.h" #include "blowpipe.h" #include "blwstraw.h" #include "language.h" #include "hsv.h" #include "rgb.h" #include "palette.h" #include "version.h" #include "facing.h" #include "ftimer.h" #include "theme.h" #include "link.h" #include "gadget.h" #include "control.h" #include "toggle.h" #include "checkbox.h" #include "shapebtn.h" #include "textbtn.h" #include "statbtn.h" #include "slider.h" #include "list.h" #include "drop.h" #include "cheklist.h" #include "colrlist.h" #include "edit.h" #include "gauge.h" #include "msgbox.h" #include "dial8.h" #include "txtlabel.h" #include "loaddlg.h" #include "super.h" #include "house.h" #include "gscreen.h" #include "map.h" #include "display.h" #include "radar.h" #include "power.h" #include "sidebar.h" #include "tab.h" #include "help.h" #include "mouse.h" #include "help.h" #include "target.h" #include "theme.h" #include "team.h" // Team objects. #include "warhead.h" #include "weapon.h" #include "trigtype.h" #include "teamtype.h" // Team type objects. #include "taction.h" #include "tevent.h" #include "trigger.h" // Trigger event objects. #include "mapedit.h" // map editor class #include "abstract.h" #include "object.h" #include "mission.h" #include "door.h" #include "bullet.h" // Bullet objects. #include "terrain.h" // Terrain objects. #include "anim.h" // Animation objects. #include "template.h" // Icon template objects. #include "overlay.h" // Overlay objects. #include "smudge.h" // Stains on the terrain objects. #include "aircraft.h" // Aircraft objects. #include "unit.h" // Ground unit objects. #include "vessel.h" // Sea unit objects. #include "infantry.h" // Infantry objects. #include "credits.h" // Credit counter class. #include "score.h" // Scoring system class. #include "factory.h" // Production manager class. #include "intro.h" #include "ending.h" #include "logic.h" #include "queue.h" #include "event.h" #include "base.h" // defines the AI's pre-built base #include "carry.h" #include "scenario.h" #include "msglist.h" // Multiplayer chat message system #include "session.h" // Multiplayer session class #include "phone.h" // Phone list manager #include "ipxmgr.h" // IPX connection manager #include "nullmgr.h" // Modem connection manager #include "readline.h" #include "vortex.h" #include "egos.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "pcx.h" #endif #if(TEN) #include "tenmgr.h" #endif #if(MPATH) #ifdef WIN32 #include "mpmgrw.h" #else #include "mpmgrd.h" #endif #endif // Denzil 5/18/98 - Mpeg movie playback #ifdef MPEGMOVIE bool InitDDraw(void); bool PlayMpegMovie(const char* name); #endif #include "externs.h" extern int Get_CD_Drive(void); extern void Fatal(char const *message, ...); #ifdef WIN32 /* ** For WIN32, replace the assert macro so we get an error on the debugger screen ** where we can see it. ** */ #ifndef __BORLANDC__ #ifdef assert #undef assert #endif //assert void Assert_Failure (char *expression, int line, char *file); #ifdef NDEBUG #define assert(__ignore) ((void)0) #else #define assert(expr) ((expr)?(void)0:Assert_Failure(#expr,__LINE__,__FILE__)) #endif //NDEBUG #endif //__BORLANDC__ extern void Free_Interpolated_Palettes(void); extern int Load_Interpolated_Palettes(char const *filename, BOOL add=FALSE); extern void Rebuild_Interpolated_Palette(unsigned char *interpal); extern void Interpolate_2X_Scale( GraphicBufferClass *source, GraphicViewPortClass *dest ,char const *palette_file_name); void Increase_Palette_Luminance (unsigned char *palette , int red_percentage , int green_percentage , int blue_percentage ,int cap); #endif /* ** ADATA.CPP */ char const * Anim_Name(AnimType anim); /* ** AIRCRAFT.CPP */ bool Building_Check(void); /* ** ANIM.CPP */ void Shorten_Attached_Anims(ObjectClass * obj); AnimType Anim_From_Name(char const * name); /* ** AUDIO.CPP */ VocType Voc_From_Name(char const * name); char const * Speech_Name(VoxType speech); char const * Voc_Name(VocType voc); int Sound_Effect(VocType voc, fixed volume=1, int variation=1, signed short panvalue=0, HousesType house=HOUSE_NONE); void Speak(VoxType voice); void Speak_AI(void); void Stop_Speaking(void); void Sound_Effect(VocType voc, COORDINATE coord, int variation=1, HousesType house=HOUSE_NONE); bool Is_Speaking(void); /* ** CDFILE.CPP */ #ifdef WIN32 int harderr_handler(unsigned, unsigned, unsigned *); #else int harderr_handler(unsigned, unsigned, unsigned __far *); #endif /* ** COMBAT.CPP */ int Modify_Damage(int damage, WarheadType warhead, ArmorType armor, int distance); void Explosion_Damage(COORDINATE coord, int strength, TechnoClass * source, WarheadType warhead); AnimType Combat_Anim(int damage, WarheadType warhead, LandType land); void Wide_Area_Damage(COORDINATE coord, LEPTON radius, int damage, TechnoClass * source, WarheadType warhead); /* ** CONQUER.CPP */ void List_Copy(short const * source, int len, short * dest); int Get_CD_Index (int cd_drive, int timeout); int Owner_From_Name(char const * text); CrateType Crate_From_Name(char const * name); Rect const Shape_Dimensions(void const * shapedata, int shapenum); void IPX_Call_Back(void); bool Is_Counterstrike_Installed (void); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 bool Is_Aftermath_Installed (void); #endif #if(TEN) void Ten_Call_Back(void); #endif // TEN #if(MPATH) void MPATH_Call_Back(void); #endif // MPATH void Center_About_Objects(void); bool Force_CD_Available(int cd); void Handle_View(int view, int action=0); void Handle_Team(int team, int action=0); TechnoTypeClass const * Fetch_Techno_Type(RTTIType type, int id); char const * Fading_Table_Name(char const * base, TheaterType theater); void Unselect_All(void); void Play_Movie(char const * name, ThemeType theme=THEME_NONE, bool clrscrn=true); void Play_Movie(VQType name, ThemeType theme=THEME_NONE, bool clrscrn=true); bool Main_Loop(void); TheaterType Theater_From_Name(char const * name); void Main_Game(int argc, char * argv[]); long VQ_Call_Back(unsigned char * buffer=NULL, long frame=0); void Call_Back(void); char const *Language_Name(char const * basename); SourceType Source_From_Name(char const * name); char const *Name_From_Source(SourceType source); FacingType KN_To_Facing(int input); void const *Get_Radar_Icon(void const * shapefile, int shapenum, int frames, int zoomfactor); void CC_Draw_Shape(void const * shapefile, int shapenum, int x, int y, WindowNumberType window, ShapeFlags_Type flags, void const * fadingdata=0, void const * ghostdata=0, DirType rotation=DIR_N, long scale=0x0100); void Go_Editor(bool flag); long MixFileHandler(VQAHandle * vqa, long action, void * buffer, long nbytes); char *CC_Get_Shape_Filename(void const * shapeptr ); void CC_Add_Shape_To_Global(void const * shapeptr, char * filename, char code ); void Bubba_Print(char * format,...); void Heap_Dump_Check(char * string ); void Dump_Heap_Pointers(void); unsigned long Disk_Space_Available(void); void * Hires_Load(char * name); void Shake_The_Screen(int shakes); /* ** COORD.CPP */ short const * Coord_Spillage_List(COORDINATE coord, Rect const & rect, bool nocenter=true); void Normal_Move_Point(short &x, short &y, register DirType dir, unsigned short distance); void Move_Point(short &x, short &y, register DirType dir, unsigned short distance); COORDINATE Coord_Move(COORDINATE start, DirType facing, unsigned short distance); COORDINATE Coord_Scatter(COORDINATE coord, unsigned distance, bool lock=false); DirType Direction(CELL cell1, CELL cell2); DirType Direction(COORDINATE coord1, COORDINATE coord2); DirType Direction256(COORDINATE coord1, COORDINATE coord2); DirType Direction8(COORDINATE coord1, COORDINATE coord2); int Distance(COORDINATE coord1, COORDINATE coord2); int Distance(TARGET target1, TARGET target2); short const * Coord_Spillage_List(COORDINATE coord, int maxsize); /* ** DEBUG.CPP */ void Log_Event(char const *text, ...); void Debug_Key(unsigned input); void Self_Regulate(void); /* ** DIALOG.CPP */ void Draw_Caption(int text, int x, int y, int w); void Draw_Caption(char const * text, int x, int y, int w); int Format_Window_String(char * string, int maxlinelen, int & width, int & height); extern void Dialog_Box(int x, int y, int w, int h); void Conquer_Clip_Text_Print(char const *, unsigned x, unsigned y, RemapControlType * fore, unsigned back=(unsigned)TBLACK, TextPrintType flag=TPF_8POINT|TPF_DROPSHADOW, int width=-1, int const * tabs=0); void Draw_Box(int x, int y, int w, int h, BoxStyleEnum up, bool filled); int cdecl Dialog_Message(char *errormsg, ...); void Window_Box(WindowNumberType window, BoxStyleEnum style); void Fancy_Text_Print(char const *text, unsigned x, unsigned y, RemapControlType * fore, unsigned back, TextPrintType flag, ...); void Fancy_Text_Print(int text, unsigned x, unsigned y, RemapControlType * fore, unsigned back, TextPrintType flag, ...); void Simple_Text_Print(char const *text, unsigned x, unsigned y, RemapControlType * fore, unsigned back, TextPrintType flag); void Plain_Text_Print(int text, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned fore, unsigned back, TextPrintType flag, ...); void Plain_Text_Print(char const *text, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned fore, unsigned back, TextPrintType flag, ...); /* ** DISPLAY.CPP */ /* ** ENDING.CPP */ void GDI_Ending(void); void Nod_Ending(void); /* ** EXPAND.CPP */ bool Expansion_Present(void); bool Expansion_Dialog(void); bool Expansion_CS_Present(void); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 bool Expansion_AM_Present(void); #endif /* ** FINDPATH.CPP */ int Optimize_Moves(PathType *path, int (*callback)(CELL, FacingType), int threshhold); /* ** GOPTIONS.CPP */ /* ** INI.CPP */ void Write_Scenario_INI(char *root); bool Read_Scenario_INI(char *root, bool fresh=true); int Scan_Place_Object(ObjectClass *obj, CELL cell); void Assign_Houses(void); /* ** INIBIN.CPP */ unsigned long Ini_Binary_Version( void ); bool Read_Scenario_INB( CCFileClass *file, char *root, bool fresh ); bool Valid_Scenario_INB( CCFileClass *file ); /* ** INICODE.CPP */ bool Read_Scenario_INI_Write_INB( char *root, bool fresh ); /* ** INIT.CPP */ void Load_Title_Page(bool visible=false); long Obfuscate(char const * string); void Anim_Init(void); bool Init_Game(int argc, char *argv[]); bool Select_Game(bool fade = false); bool Parse_Command_Line(int argc, char *argv[]); void Parse_INI_File(void); /* ** INTERPAL.CPP */ #define SIZE_OF_PALETTE 256 extern "C" unsigned char *InterpolationPalette; extern BOOL InterpolationPaletteChanged; extern void Interpolate_2X_Scale( GraphicBufferClass *source, GraphicViewPortClass *dest ,char const *palette_file_name); void Read_Interpolation_Palette (char const *palette_file_name); void Write_Interpolation_Palette (char const *palette_file_name); void Increase_Palette_Luminance(unsigned char *InterpolationPalette , int RedPercentage ,int GreenPercentage ,int BluePercentage ,int cap); extern "C"{ extern unsigned char PaletteInterpolationTable[SIZE_OF_PALETTE][SIZE_OF_PALETTE]; extern unsigned char *InterpolationPalette; void __cdecl Asm_Create_Palette_Interpolation_Table(void); } /* ** JSHELL.CPP */ int Load_Picture(char const *filename, BufferClass& scratchbuf, BufferClass& destbuf, unsigned char *palette, PicturePlaneType format); void * Conquer_Build_Fading_Table(PaletteClass const & palette, void *dest, int color, int frac); void * Small_Icon(void const * iconptr, int iconnum); void Set_Window(int window, int x, int y, int w, int h); void * Load_Alloc_Data(FileClass &file); long Load_Uncompress(FileClass &file, BuffType &uncomp_buff, BuffType &dest_buff, void *reserved_data); long Translucent_Table_Size(int count); void *Build_Translucent_Table(PaletteClass const & palette, TLucentType const *control, int count, void *buffer); void *Conquer_Build_Translucent_Table(PaletteClass const & palette, TLucentType const *control, int count, void *buffer); void * Make_Fading_Table(PaletteClass const & palette, void * dest, int color, int frac); /* ** KEYFBUFF.ASM */ extern "C" { long __cdecl Buffer_Frame_To_Page(int x, int y, int w, int h, void *Buffer, GraphicViewPortClass &view, int flags, ...); } /* ** KEYFRAME.CPP */ unsigned long Build_Frame(void const *dataptr, unsigned short framenumber, void *buffptr); unsigned short Get_Build_Frame_Count(void const *dataptr); unsigned short Get_Build_Frame_X(void const *dataptr); unsigned short Get_Build_Frame_Y(void const *dataptr); unsigned short Get_Build_Frame_Width(void const *dataptr); unsigned short Get_Build_Frame_Height(void const *dataptr); bool Get_Build_Frame_Palette(void const *dataptr, void *palette); /* ** MAP.CPP */ int Terrain_Cost(CELL cell, FacingType facing); int Coord_Spillage_Number(COORDINATE coord, int maxsize); /* ** MENUS.CPP */ void Setup_Menu(int menu, char const *text[], unsigned long field, int index, int skip); int Check_Menu(int menu, char const *text[], char *selection, long field, int index); int Do_Menu(char const **strings, bool blue); extern int UnknownKey; int Main_Menu(unsigned long timeout); /* ** MPLAYER.CPP */ GameType Select_MPlayer_Game (void); void Clear_Listbox(ListClass *list); void Clear_Vector(DynamicVectorClass *vector); void Computer_Message(void); int Surrender_Dialog(int text); #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // Stalemate games. int Surrender_Dialog(const char* text); bool Determine_If_Using_DVD(); bool Using_DVD(); #endif int Abort_Dialog(void); #if(TEN) int Read_TEN_Game_Options(void); #endif // TEN #if(MPATH) int Read_MPATH_Game_Options(void); #endif // MPATH #if(TEN) /* ** CCTEN.CPP */ int Init_TEN(void); void Shutdown_TEN(void); void Connect_TEN(void); void Destroy_TEN_Connection(int id, int error); void Send_TEN_Win_Packet(void); void Send_TEN_Alliance(char *whom, int ally); void Send_TEN_Out_Of_Sync(void); void Send_TEN_Packet_Too_Late(void); #endif // TEN #if(MPATH) /* ** CCMPATH.CPP */ int Init_MPATH(void); void Shutdown_MPATH(void); void Connect_MPATH(void); void Destroy_MPATH_Connection(int id, int error); #endif // MPATH /* ** NETDLG.CPP */ bool Init_Network (void); void Shutdown_Network (void); bool Remote_Connect (void); void Destroy_Connection(int id, int error); bool Process_Global_Packet(GlobalPacketType *packet, IPXAddressClass *address); unsigned long Compute_Name_CRC(char *name); void Net_Reconnect_Dialog(int reconn, int fresh, int oldest_index, unsigned long timeval); /* ** NULLDLG.CPP */ int Init_Null_Modem( SerialSettingsType *settings ); void Shutdown_Modem( void ); void Modem_Signoff( void ); int Test_Null_Modem( void ); int Reconnect_Modem( void ); void Destroy_Null_Connection(int id, int error); GameType Select_Serial_Dialog( void ); int Com_Scenario_Dialog(bool skirmish=false); int Com_Show_Scenario_Dialog(void); void Smart_Printf( char *format, ... ); void Hex_Dump_Data( char *buffer, int length ); void itoh( int i, char *s); void Log_Start_Time( char *string ); void Log_End_Time( char *string ); void Log_Time( char *string ); void Log_Start_Nest_Time( char *string ); void Log_End_Nest_Time( char *string ); /* ** OBJECT.CPP */ /* ** PROFILE.CPP */ int WWGetPrivateProfileInt(char const *section, char const *entry, int def, char *profile); bool WWWritePrivateProfileInt(char const *section, char const *entry, int value, char *profile); bool WWWritePrivateProfileString(char const *section, char const *entry, char const *string, char *profile); char * WWGetPrivateProfileString(char const *section, char const *entry, char const *def, char *retbuffer, int retlen, char const * profile); unsigned WWGetPrivateProfileHex (char const *section, char const *entry, char * profile); char *Read_Bin_Buffer( void ); bool Read_Bin_Init( char *buffer, int length ); int Read_Bin_Length( char *buffer ); bool Read_Bin_Num( void *num, int length, char *buffer ); int Read_Bin_Pos( char *buffer ); int Read_Bin_PosSet( unsigned int pos, char *buffer ); bool Read_Bin_String( char *string, char *buffer ); char *Write_Bin_Buffer( void ); bool Write_Bin_Init( char *buffer, int length ); int Write_Bin_Length( char *buffer ); bool Write_Bin_Num( void *num, int length, char *buffer ); int Write_Bin_Pos( char *buffer ); int Write_Bin_PosSet( unsigned int pos, char *buffer ); bool Write_Bin_String( char *string, int length, char *buffer ); /* ** QUEUE.CPP */ bool Queue_Target(TargetClass whom, TARGET target); bool Queue_Destination(TargetClass whom, TARGET target); bool Queue_Mission(TargetClass whom, MissionType mission); bool Queue_Mission(TargetClass whom, MissionType mission, TARGET target, TARGET destination); bool Queue_Mission(TargetClass whom, MissionType mission, TARGET target, TARGET destination, SpeedType speed, MPHType maxspeed); bool Queue_Options(void); bool Queue_Exit(void); void Queue_AI(void); void Add_CRC(unsigned long *crc, unsigned long val); /* ** RANDOM.CPP */ /* ** REINF.CPP */ bool Do_Reinforcements(TeamTypeClass const * team); bool Create_Special_Reinforcement(HouseClass * house, TechnoTypeClass const * type, TechnoTypeClass const * another, TeamMissionType mission = TMISSION_NONE, int argument =0); int Create_Air_Reinforcement(HouseClass *house, AircraftType air, int number, MissionType mission, TARGET tarcom, TARGET navcom, InfantryType passenger=INFANTRY_NONE); /* ** ROTBMP.CPP */ int Rotate_Bitmap(GraphicViewPortClass *srcvp,GraphicViewPortClass *destvp,int angle); /* ** SAVELOAD.CPP */ bool Load_Misc_Values(Straw & file); bool Save_Misc_Values(Pipe & file); bool Load_MPlayer_Values(Straw & file); bool Save_MPlayer_Values(Pipe & file); bool Get_Savefile_Info(int id, char * buf, unsigned * scenp, HousesType * housep); bool Load_Game(int id); bool Read_Object (void * ptr, int base_size, int class_size, FileClass & file, void * vtable); bool Save_Game(int id, char const * descr, bool bargraph=false); bool Write_Object (void * ptr, int class_size, FileClass & file); void Code_All_Pointers(void); void Decode_All_Pointers(void); void Dump(void); /* ** SCENARIO.CPP */ void Disect_Scenario_Name(char const * name, int & scenario, ScenarioPlayerType & player, ScenarioDirType & dir, ScenarioVarType & var); void Post_Load_Game(int load_net); bool End_Game(void); bool Read_Scenario(char *root); bool Start_Scenario(char *root, bool briefing=true); HousesType Select_House(void); void Clear_Scenario(void); void Do_Briefing(char const * text); void Do_Lose(void); void Do_Win(void); void Do_Restart(void); void Fill_In_Data(void); bool Restate_Mission(char const * name, int button1, int button2); int BGMessageBox(char const *text, int button1, int button2); /* ** SCORE.CPP */ char const * Map_Selection(void); void Bit_It_In(int x, int y, int w, int h, GraphicBufferClass *src, GraphicBufferClass *dest, int delay=0, int dagger=0); void Call_Back_Delay(int time); int Alloc_Object(ScoreAnimClass *obj); /* ** SPECIAL.CPP */ void Special_Dialog(bool simple=false); char const * Fetch_Password(int caption, int message, int btext=TXT_OK); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 int Fetch_Difficulty(bool amath=false); #else int Fetch_Difficulty(void); #endif /* ** STARTUP.CPP */ void Print_Error_End_Exit(char *string); void Emergency_Exit ( int code ); /* ** SUPPORT.ASM */ /* ** TARGET.CPP */ TechnoTypeClass const * As_TechnoType(TARGET target); COORDINATE As_Movement_Coord(TARGET target); AircraftClass * As_Aircraft(TARGET target); AnimClass * As_Animation(TARGET target); BuildingClass * As_Building(TARGET target); BulletClass * As_Bullet(TARGET target); CELL As_Cell(TARGET target); COORDINATE As_Coord(TARGET target); InfantryClass * As_Infantry(TARGET target); TeamClass * As_Team(TARGET target); TeamTypeClass * As_TeamType(TARGET target); TechnoClass * As_Techno(TARGET target); TriggerClass * As_Trigger(TARGET target); TriggerTypeClass * As_TriggerType(TARGET target); UnitClass * As_Unit(TARGET target); VesselClass * As_Vessel(TARGET target); inline bool Target_Legal(TARGET target) {return(target != TARGET_NONE);}; ObjectClass * As_Object(TARGET target); /* ** TEAMTYPE.CPP */ NeedType TeamMission_Needs(TeamMissionType tmtype); /* ** TRACKER.CPP */ void Detach_This_From_All(TARGET target, bool all=true); /* ** TRIGGER.CPP */ TriggerClass * Find_Or_Make(TriggerTypeClass * trigtype); /* ** ULOGIC.CPP */ int Terrain_Cost(CELL cell, FacingType facing); /* ** VERSION.CPP */ char const * Version_Name(void); /* ** WEAPON.CPP */ WeaponType Weapon_From_Name(char const * name); ArmorType Armor_From_Name(char const * name); /* ** Winstub.cpp */ void Load_Title_Screen(char *name, GraphicViewPortClass *video_page, unsigned char *palette); /* ** Egos.CPP */ void Show_Who_Was_Responsible (void); #include "inline.h" /* ** These declarations ensure that the templates will be expanded for these specified ** types. Doing this is required because some of the body functions for this template class ** are located in a .CPP module. Doing so results in faster compilation but requires declarations ** such as this for all types that will be required. There are no actual objects of with these ** names ever created, however there are other objects of this type (with different names) that ** are created. */ extern CCPtr y1; extern CCPtr y2; extern CCPtr y3; extern CCPtr y4; extern CCPtr y5; extern CCPtr y6; extern CCPtr y7; extern CCPtr y8; extern CCPtr y9; extern CCPtr y10; extern CCPtr y11; extern CCPtr y12; extern CCPtr y13; extern CCPtr y14; extern CCPtr y15; extern CCPtr y16; extern CCPtr y17; extern CCPtr y18; extern CCPtr y19; extern CCPtr y20; extern CCPtr y21; extern CCPtr y22; extern CCPtr y23; extern CCPtr y24; extern CCPtr y25; extern CCPtr y26; extern CCPtr y27; class DynamicVectorClass >; extern DynamicVectorClass > y002; class DynamicVectorClass >; extern DynamicVectorClass > y001; class DynamicVectorClass; extern DynamicVectorClass xxx1; class DynamicVectorClass; extern DynamicVectorClass xxx2; class DynamicVectorClass; extern DynamicVectorClass xxx3; class DynamicVectorClass; extern DynamicVectorClass whatever; #endif