/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /CounterStrike/INFANTRY.CPP 2 3/03/97 10:35p Joe_bostic $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : INFANTRY.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : August 15, 1994 * * * * Last Update : October 28, 1996 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * InfantryClass::AI -- Handles the infantry non-graphic related AI processing. * * InfantryClass::Active_Click_With -- Handles action when clicking with infantry soldier. * * InfantryClass::Assign_Destination -- Gives the infantry a movement destination. * * InfantryClass::Assign_Target -- Gives the infantry a combat target. * * InfantryClass::Can_Enter_Cell -- Determines if the infantry can enter the cell specified. * * InfantryClass::Can_Fire -- Can the infantry fire its weapon? * * InfantryClass::Class_Of -- Returns the class reference for this object. * * InfantryClass::Clear_Occupy_Bit -- Clears occupy bit and given cell * * InfantryClass::Debug_Dump -- Displays debug information about infantry unit. * * InfantryClass::Detach -- Removes the specified target from targeting computer. * * InfantryClass::Do_Action -- Launches the infantry into an animation sequence. * * InfantryClass::Doing_AI -- Handles the animation AI processing. * * InfantryClass::Draw_It -- Draws a unit object. * * InfantryClass::Edge_Of_World_AI -- Detects when infantry has left the map. * * InfantryClass::Enter_Idle_Mode -- The infantry unit enters idle mode by this routine. * * InfantryClass::Fear_AI -- Process any fear related affects on this infantry. * * InfantryClass::Fire_At -- Fires projectile from infantry unit. * * InfantryClass::Firing_AI -- Handles firing and combat AI for the infantry. * * InfantryClass::Full_Name -- Fetches the full name of the infantry unit. * * InfantryClass::Get_Image_Data -- Fetches the image data for this infantry unit. * * InfantryClass::Greatest_Threat -- Determines greatest threat (target) for infantry unit. * * InfantryClass::InfantryClass -- The constructor for infantry objects. * * InfantryClass::Init -- Initialize the infantry object system. * * InfantryClass::Is_Ready_To_Random_Anima -- Checks to see if it is ready to perform an idle* * InfantryClass::Limbo -- Performs cleanup operations needed when limboing. * * InfantryClass::Mission_Attack -- Intercept attack mission for special handling. * * InfantryClass::Movement_AI -- This routine handles all infantry movement logic. * * InfantryClass::Overlap_List -- The list of cells that the infantry overlaps, but doesn't o* * InfantryClass::Paradrop -- Handles paradropping infantry. * * InfantryClass::Per_Cell_Process -- Handles special operations that occur once per cell. * * InfantryClass::Random_Animate -- Randomly animate the infantry (maybe) * * InfantryClass::Read_INI -- Reads units from scenario INI file. * * InfantryClass::Response_Attack -- Plays infantry audio response to attack order. * * InfantryClass::Response_Move -- Plays infantry response to movement order. * * InfantryClass::Response_Select -- Plays infantry audio response due to being selected. * * InfantryClass::Scatter -- Causes the infantry to scatter to nearby cell. * * InfantryClass::Set_Occupy_Bit -- Sets the occupy bit cell and bit pos * * InfantryClass::Set_Primary_Facing -- Change infantry primary facing -- always and instantl* * InfantryClass::Shape_Number -- Fetch the shape number for this infantry. * * InfantryClass::Start_Driver -- Handles giving immediate destination and move orders. * * InfantryClass::Stop_Driver -- Stops the infantry from moving any further. * * InfantryClass::Take_Damage -- Applies damage to the infantry unit. * * InfantryClass::Unlimbo -- Unlimbo infantry unit in legal sub-location. * * InfantryClass::What_Action -- Determines what action to perform for the cell specified. * * InfantryClass::What_Action -- Infantry units might be able to capture -- check. * * InfantryClass::Write_INI -- Store the infantry to the INI database. * * InfantryClass::operator delete -- Returns the infantry object back to the free pool * * InfantryClass::operator new -- Allocates an infantry object from the free pool. * * InfantryClass::~InfantryClass -- Default destructor for infantry units. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" int const InfantryClass::HumanShape[32] = {0,0,7,7,7,7,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,0}; /*************************************************************************** ** This is the array of constant data associated with infantry maneuvers. It ** specifies the frame rate as well as if the animation can be aborted. */ // interruptible, mobile, randomstart, rate DoStruct const InfantryClass::MasterDoControls[DO_COUNT] = { {true, false, false, 0}, // DO_STAND_READY {true, false, false, 0}, // DO_STAND_GUARD {true, false, false, 0}, // DO_PRONE {true, true, true, 2}, // DO_WALK {true, false, false, 1}, // DO_FIRE_WEAPON {false, true, false, 2}, // DO_LIE_DOWN {true, true, true, 2}, // DO_CRAWL {false, false, false, 3}, // DO_GET_UP {true, false, false, 1}, // DO_FIRE_PRONE {true, false, false, 2}, // DO_IDLE1 {true, false, false, 2}, // DO_IDLE2 {false, false, false, 2}, // DO_GUN_DEATH {false, false, false, 2}, // DO_EXPLOSION_DEATH {false, false, false, 2}, // DO_EXPLOSION2_DEATH {false, false, false, 2}, // DO_GRENADE_DEATH {false, false, false, 2}, // DO_FIRE_DEATH {false, false, false, 2}, // DO_GESTURE1 {false, false, false, 2}, // DO_SALUTE1 {false, false, false, 2}, // DO_GESTURE2 {false, false, false, 2}, // DO_SALUTE2 {false, false, false, 2}, // DO_DOG_MAUL }; #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Debug_Dump -- Displays debug information about infantry unit. * * * * This routine is used by the debug version to display pertinent information about the * * infantry unit. * * * * INPUT: mono -- The monochrome screen to display the debug information to. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/01/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Debug_Dump(MonoClass * mono) const { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); mono->Set_Cursor(0, 0); mono->Print(Text_String(TXT_DEBUG_INFANTRY)); mono->Set_Cursor(1, 11);mono->Printf("%3d", Doing); mono->Set_Cursor(8, 11);mono->Printf("%3d", Fear); mono->Fill_Attrib(66, 13, 12, 1, IsTechnician ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Fill_Attrib(66, 14, 12, 1, IsStoked ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Fill_Attrib(66, 15, 12, 1, IsProne ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); FootClass::Debug_Dump(mono); } #endif /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::InfantryClass -- The constructor for infantry objects. * * * * This is the constructor used when creating an infantry unit. All values are required * * except for facing and position. If these are absent, then the infantry is created in * * a state of limbo -- not placed upon the map. * * * * INPUT: see below... * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/01/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ InfantryClass::InfantryClass(InfantryType classid, HousesType house) : FootClass(RTTI_INFANTRY, Infantry.ID(this), house), Class(InfantryTypes.Ptr((int)classid)), Doing(DO_NOTHING), Comment(0), IsTechnician(false), IsStoked(false), IsProne(false), IsZoneCheat(false), WasSelected(false), Fear(FEAR_NONE) { House->Tracking_Add(this); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 IsCloakable = Class->IsCloakable; #endif /* ** For two shooters, clear out the second shot flag -- it will be set the first time ** the object fires. For non two shooters, set the flag since it will never be cleared ** and the second shot flag tells the system that normal rearm times apply -- this is ** what is desired for non two shooters. */ if (Class->Is_Two_Shooter()) { IsSecondShot = false; } else { IsSecondShot = true; } Strength = Class->MaxStrength; /* ** Civilians carry much less ammo than soldiers do. */ Ammo = Class->MaxAmmo; } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::~InfantryClass -- Default destructor for infantry units. * * * * This is the default destructor for infantry type units. It will put the infantry into * * a limbo state if it isn't already in that state and the game is still active. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/10/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ InfantryClass::~InfantryClass(void) { if (GameActive && Class.Is_Valid()) { /* ** Remove this member from any team it may be associated with. This must occur at the ** top most level of the inheritance hierarchy because it may call virtual functions. */ if (Team.Is_Valid()) { Team->Remove(this); Team = NULL; } House->Tracking_Remove(this); Limbo(); } ID = -1; } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::operator new -- Allocates an infantry object from the free pool. * * * * This will allocate an infantry object from the infantry object free pool. If there is * * no available slot, then NULL is returned. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a pointer to the allocated infantry object or NULL if none could be * * allocated. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/01/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void * InfantryClass::operator new(size_t) { void * ptr = Infantry.Allocate(); if (ptr != NULL) { ((InfantryClass *)ptr)->IsActive = true; } return(ptr); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::operator delete -- Returns the infantry object back to the free pool * * * * This routine is used return an infantry object back to the system. * * * * INPUT: ptr -- Pointer to the infantry object to delete. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/08/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::operator delete(void * ptr) { if (ptr != NULL) { ((InfantryClass *)ptr)->IsActive = false; } Infantry.Free((InfantryClass *)ptr); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Take_Damage -- Applies damage to the infantry unit. * * * * This routine applies the damage specified to the infantry object. It is possible that * * this routine will DESTROY the infantry unit in the process. * * * * INPUT: damage -- The damage points to inflict. * * * * distance -- The distance from the damage center point to the object's center point.* * * * warhead -- The warhead type that is inflicting the damage. * * * * source -- Who is responsible for inflicting the damage. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the infantry unit destroyed by this damage? * * * * WARNINGS: Since the infantry unit could be destroyed by this routine, be sure to check * * for this in the code that follows the call to Take_Damage(). * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/08/1994 JLB : Created. * * 11/22/1994 JLB : Shares base damage handler for techno objects. * * 03/31/1995 JLB : Revenge factor. * *=============================================================================================*/ ResultType InfantryClass::Take_Damage(int & damage, int distance, WarheadType warhead, TechnoClass * source, int forced) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); ResultType res = RESULT_NONE; /* ** Prone infantry take only half damage, but never below one damage point. */ if (IsProne && damage > 0) { damage = damage * Rule.ProneDamageBias; } /* ** If we're taking damage from a dog, we have to decide if we're the ** target of the dog. Dogs don't spill collateral damage onto anyone ** else, so if we're the target of a valid dog, take full damage, but if ** we're not the target, or the dog doesn't exist, then take no damage. */ if (source != NULL && source->What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY && ((InfantryClass *)source)->Class->IsDog) { if (source->TarCom == As_Target()) { damage = Strength; } else { damage = 0; } } res = FootClass::Take_Damage(damage, distance, warhead, source, forced); /* ** hack for dog: if you're hit by a dog, and you're the target, your ** damage gets upped to max. */ if (res == RESULT_NONE) return(res); if (res == RESULT_DESTROYED) { if (*this == INFANTRY_TANYA) { IsTanyaDead = true; } Death_Announcement(source); Stop_Driver(); Stun(); Mission = MISSION_NONE; Assign_Mission(MISSION_GUARD); Commence(); VocType sound; VocType altsound; sound = Sim_Random_Pick(VOC_SCREAM1, VOC_SCREAM11); altsound = VOC_YELL1; if (*this == INFANTRY_TANYA) { sound = altsound = VOC_TANYA_DIE; } if (Class->IsDog) { sound = altsound = VOC_DOG_HURT; } /* ** The type of warhead determines the animation the infantry ** will perform when killed. */ bool delthis = false; TARGET us = As_Target(); switch (WarheadTypeClass::As_Pointer(warhead)->InfantryDeath) { default: case 0: delthis = true; break; case 1: Sound_Effect(sound, Coord); Do_Action(DO_GUN_DEATH, true); break; case 2: Sound_Effect(sound, Coord); Do_Action(DO_EXPLOSION_DEATH, true); break; case 3: Sound_Effect(sound, Coord); Do_Action(DO_GRENADE_DEATH, true); break; case 4: Sound_Effect(altsound, Coord); Do_Action(DO_FIRE_DEATH, true); break; case 5: Sound_Effect(sound, Coord); AnimType anim = ANIM_ELECT_DIE; if (Class->IsDog) anim = ANIM_DOG_ELECT_DIE; new AnimClass(anim, Coord); delthis = true; break; } if (delthis) { delete this; } return(res); } /* ** When infantry gets hit, it gets scared. */ if (res != RESULT_DESTROYED) { COORDINATE source_coord = (source) ? source->Coord : NULL; /* ** If an engineer is damaged and it is just sitting there, then tell it ** to go do something since it will definitely die if it doesn't. */ if (!House->IsHuman && *this == INFANTRY_RENOVATOR && (Mission == MISSION_GUARD || Mission == MISSION_GUARD_AREA)) { Assign_Mission(MISSION_HUNT); } if (source != NULL) { Scatter(source_coord); } if (source != NULL && Fear < FEAR_SCARED) { if (Class->IsFraidyCat) { Fear = FEAR_PANIC; } else { Fear = FEAR_SCARED; } } else { /* ** Increase the fear of the infantry by a bit. The fear increases more ** quickly if the infantry is damaged. */ int morefear = FEAR_ANXIOUS; if (Health_Ratio() > Rule.ConditionRed) morefear /= 2; if (Health_Ratio() > Rule.ConditionYellow) morefear /= 2; Fear = FearType(min((int)Fear + morefear, FEAR_MAXIMUM)); } } return(res); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Shape_Number -- Fetch the shape number for this infantry. * * * * This will determine the shape number to use for this infantry soldier. The shape number * * is relative to the shape file associated with this infantry unit. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the shape number for this infantry object to be used when drawing. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int InfantryClass::Shape_Number(void) const { /* ** Fetch the shape pointer to use for the infantry. This is controlled by what ** choreograph sequence the infantry is performing, it's facing, and whether it ** is prone. */ DoType doit = Doing; if (doit == DO_NOTHING) doit = DO_STAND_READY; /* ** The infantry shape is always modulo the number of animation frames ** of the action stage that the infantry is doing. */ int shapenum = Fetch_Stage() % max(Class->DoControls[doit].Count, 1); /* ** If facing makes a difference, then the shape number will be incremented ** by the facing accordingly. */ if (Class->DoControls[doit].Jump) { shapenum += HumanShape[Dir_To_32(PrimaryFacing.Current())] * Class->DoControls[doit].Jump; } /* ** Finally, the shape number is biased according to the starting frame number for ** that action in the infantry shape file. */ shapenum += Class->DoControls[doit].Frame; /* ** Return with the final infantry shape number. */ return(shapenum); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Draw_It -- Draws a unit object. * * * * This routine is the one that actually draws a unit object. It displays the unit * * according to its current state flags and centered at the location specified. * * * * INPUT: x,y -- The X and Y coordinate of where to draw the unit. * * * * window -- The clipping window to use. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/20/1994 JLB : Created. * * 06/27/1994 JLB : Takes a window parameter. * * 08/15/1994 JLB : Converted to infantry support. * * 08/14/1996 JLB : Simplified. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Draw_It(int x, int y, WindowNumberType window) const { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); /* ** Verify the legality of the unit class by seeing if there is shape imagery for it. If ** there is no shape image, then it certainly can't be drawn -- bail. */ void const * shapefile = Get_Image_Data(); if (shapefile == NULL) return; y += 4; x -= 2; /* ** Actually draw the root body of the unit. */ Techno_Draw_Object(shapefile, Shape_Number(), x, y, window); FootClass::Draw_It(x, y, window); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Per_Cell_Process -- Handles special operations that occur once per cell. * * * * This routine will handle any special operations that need to be performed once each * * cell travelled. This includes radioing a transport that it is now clear and the * * transport is free to leave. * * * * INPUT: why -- Specifies the circumstances under which this routine was called. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/08/1994 JLB : Created. * * 03/01/1995 JLB : Capture building options. * * 05/31/1995 JLB : Capture is always successful now. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Per_Cell_Process(PCPType why) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); BStart(BENCH_PCP); CellClass * cellptr = &Map[Coord]; if (why == PCP_END) { /* ** If the infantry unit is entering a cell that contains the building it is trying to ** capture, then capture it. */ if (Mission == MISSION_CAPTURE) { TechnoClass * tech = cellptr->Cell_Building(); if (tech == NULL) tech = cellptr->Cell_Techno(); if (tech != NULL && (tech->As_Target() == NavCom || tech->As_Target() == TarCom)) { if (*this == INFANTRY_RENOVATOR) { /* ** An engineer will either mega-repair a friendly or allied ** building or it will damage/capture an enemy building. Whether ** it damages or captures depends on how badly damaged the ** enemy building is. */ #ifdef FIXIT_ENGINEER_CAPTURE if (House->Is_Ally(tech)) { #else if (tech->House->Is_Ally(House)) { #endif tech->Renovate(); } else { bool iscapturable = false; if (tech->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { iscapturable = ((BuildingClass *)tech)->Class->IsCaptureable; } #ifdef FIXIT_ENGINEER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (tech->Health_Ratio() <= EngineerCaptureLevel && iscapturable) { #else if (tech->Health_Ratio() <= Rule.ConditionRed && iscapturable) { #endif if (tech->Trigger.Is_Valid()) { tech->Trigger->Spring(TEVENT_PLAYER_ENTERED, this); } tech->House->IsThieved = true; tech->Captured(House); } else { #ifdef FIXIT_ENGINEER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 int damage = min( (tech->Techno_Type_Class()->MaxStrength) * EngineerDamage, tech->Strength-1); #else int damage = min( (tech->Techno_Type_Class()->MaxStrength) / 3, tech->Strength-1); #endif tech->Take_Damage(damage, 0, WARHEAD_HE, this, true); } BEnd(BENCH_PCP); delete this; return; } } else { if (*this != INFANTRY_SPY && tech->Trigger.Is_Valid()) { tech->Trigger->Spring(TEVENT_PLAYER_ENTERED, this); } if (*this == INFANTRY_SPY) { int housespy = (1 << (House->Class->House)); // tech->House->IsSpied = true; if (tech->Trigger.Is_Valid()) { tech->Trigger->Spring(TEVENT_SPIED, this); } if (IsOwnedByPlayer) Speak(VOX_BUILDING_INFILTRATED); tech->Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_UP); tech->SpiedBy |= housespy; tech->Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_DOWN); if (tech->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { StructType build = *(BuildingClass *)tech; if (build == STRUCT_RADAR /* || build == STRUCT_EYE */ ) { tech->House->RadarSpied |= housespy; } // If they're spying on a sub pen, give 'em a sonar pulse if (build == STRUCT_SUB_PEN) { House->SuperWeapon[SPC_SONAR_PULSE].Enable(false, true, false); if (IsOwnedByPlayer) { Map.Add(RTTI_SPECIAL, SPC_SONAR_PULSE); Map.Column[1].Flag_To_Redraw(); } } } } else { if (*this == INFANTRY_THIEF) { // Thief just raided a storage facility tech->House->IsThieved = true; if (tech->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { BuildingClass * bldg = (BuildingClass *)tech; if (bldg->Class->Capacity) { /* ** If we just raided a storage facility (refinery or silo) ** then give the thief up to half the capacity of the ** storage facility. */ if (IsOwnedByPlayer || bldg->IsOwnedByPlayer) Speak(VOX_MONEY_STOLEN); #ifdef OBSOLETE long capacity = bldg->Class->Capacity * 256; capacity /= (bldg->House->Tiberium+1); int bldgcap = bldg->Class->Capacity; long cash = (bldgcap * 256) / (capacity+1); if (cash > (bldgcap / 2)) cash = bldgcap / 2; #else long cash = bldg->House->Available_Money() / 2; #endif bldg->House->Spend_Money(cash); House->Refund_Money(cash); } } } } } BEnd(BENCH_PCP); delete this; return; } else { #ifdef OBSOLETE // are we trying to repair a bridge? if (Is_Target_Cell(TarCom) ) { CELL cell = Coord_Cell(Coord); if (cell == ::As_Cell(NavCom)) { TemplateType tt = cellptr->TType; int icon = cellptr->TIcon; int w = TemplateTypeClass::As_Reference(cellptr->TType).Width; int h = TemplateTypeClass::As_Reference(cellptr->TType).Height; cell -= icon % w; cell -= MAP_CELL_W * (icon / w); if (tt == TEMPLATE_BRIDGE1D || tt == TEMPLATE_BRIDGE2D) { new TemplateClass(TemplateType(cellptr->TType-1), cell); Map.Zone_Reset(MZONEF_ALL); delete this; return; } else { // Trying to repair multi-segment bridge. Look for the // start tile, then fix it, and determine the direction to // go in and repair it all that way. TemplateType newtt = TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1A; int xmov = -1; // coords to move to for next template int ymov = 2; bool valid = false; switch (tt) { case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1B: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1C: valid = true; break; case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2B: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2C: newtt = TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2A; xmov = 2; ymov = -1; valid = true; break; case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3C: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3D: newtt = TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3A; valid = true; break; case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3E: newtt = TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3A; xmov = 2; ymov = -1; valid = true; break; } // Did we find a valid repairable bridge piece? if (valid) { bool doing = true; while (doing) { new TemplateClass(TemplateType(newtt), cell); cell += (MAP_CELL_W * ymov) + xmov; if (xmov < 0) { xmov = -1; ymov = 1; } else { xmov = 1; ymov = -1; } cellptr = &Map[cell]; tt = cellptr->TType; if ((tt >= TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3B && tt <= TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3F) || tt == TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1B || tt == TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1C || tt == TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2B || tt == TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2C ) { if (tt >= TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3B) { newtt = TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3A; } else { if (tt < TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2A) { newtt = TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1A; } else { newtt = TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2A; } } icon = cellptr->TIcon; w = TemplateTypeClass::As_Reference(cellptr->TType).Width; h = TemplateTypeClass::As_Reference(cellptr->TType).Height; cell -= icon % w; cell -= MAP_CELL_W * (icon / w); } else { doing = false; } } Map.Zone_Reset(MZONEF_ALL); delete this; return; } } } } else { #endif if (!Target_Legal(NavCom)) { Enter_Idle_Mode(); if (Map[Coord].Cell_Building()) { Scatter(0, true); } } #ifdef OBSOLETE } #endif } } /* ** Infantry entering a transport vehicle will break radio contact ** at attach itself to the transporter. */ TechnoClass * techno = Contact_With_Whom(); if (Mission == MISSION_ENTER && techno != NULL && Coord_Cell(Coord) == Coord_Cell(techno->Coord) && techno == As_Techno(NavCom)) { if (Transmit_Message(RADIO_IM_IN) == RADIO_ATTACH) { Limbo(); techno->Attach(this); } BEnd(BENCH_PCP); return; } /* ** If the infantry unit is entering a cell that contains the building it is trying to ** sabotage, then sabotage it. */ if (Mission == MISSION_SABOTAGE) { BuildingClass * building = cellptr->Cell_Building(); if (building != NULL && building->As_Target() == NavCom) { if (!building->IronCurtainCountDown && building->Mission != MISSION_DECONSTRUCTION) { building->IsGoingToBlow = true; building->Clicked_As_Target((Rule.C4Delay * TICKS_PER_MINUTE) / 2); building->CountDown = Rule.C4Delay * TICKS_PER_MINUTE; building->WhomToRepay = As_Target(); } NavCom = TARGET_NONE; Do_Uncloak(); Arm = Rearm_Delay(true); Scatter(building->Center_Coord(), true, true); // RUN AWAY! BEnd(BENCH_PCP); return; } else { if (::As_Target(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord())) == NavCom) { Explosion_Damage(Coord, Rule.BridgeStrength, this, WARHEAD_HE); Stop_Driver(); Scatter(Adjacent_Cell(Coord, PrimaryFacing), true, true); Assign_Mission(MISSION_MOVE); CELL cell = Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()); CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell]; if (!Target_Legal(NavCom) || Map[As_Cell(NavCom)].Land_Type() == LAND_WATER) { Mark(MARK_DOWN); // Needed only so that Tanya will get destroyed by the explosion. } Explosion_Damage(Coord, Rule.BridgeStrength, NULL, WARHEAD_HE); Explosion_Damage(Coord, Rule.BridgeStrength, NULL, WARHEAD_HE); if (!IsActive) { BEnd(BENCH_PCP); return; } Mark(MARK_DOWN); } } } /* ** If this unit is on a teather, then cut it at this time so that ** the "parent" unit is free to proceed. Note that the parent ** unit might actually be a building. */ if (IsTethered) { Transmit_Message(RADIO_UNLOADED); if (House->ActLike == HOUSE_USSR || House->ActLike == HOUSE_UKRAINE) { Do_Action(DO_GESTURE1); } else { Do_Action(DO_GESTURE2); } /* ** Special voice play. */ if (*this == INFANTRY_TANYA) { Sound_Effect(VOC_TANYA_LAUGH, Coord); } /* ** If the cell is now full of infantry, tell them all to scatter ** in order to make room for more. */ if ((cellptr->Flag.Composite & 0x01F) == 0x01F) { cellptr->Incoming(0, true, true); // cellptr->Incoming(0, true); } } /* ** When the infantry reaches the center of the cell, it may begin a new mission. */ if (MissionQueue == MISSION_NONE && !Target_Legal(NavCom) && !Target_Legal(TarCom) && !In_Radio_Contact()) { Enter_Idle_Mode(); } Commence(); /* ** If entering a cell with a land mine in it, blow up the mine. */ BuildingClass * bldng = cellptr->Cell_Building(); if (bldng != NULL && *bldng == STRUCT_APMINE) { /* ** Show the animation and get rid of the land mine */ COORDINATE blcoord = bldng->Center_Coord(); new AnimClass(Combat_Anim(Rule.APMineDamage, WARHEAD_HE, cellptr->Land_Type()), blcoord); delete bldng; int damage; for (int index = 0; index < Infantry.Count(); index++) { InfantryClass * obj = Infantry.Ptr(index); if (obj != NULL && !obj->IsInLimbo) { int dist = ::Distance(obj->Coord, blcoord); if (dist <= 0xC0) { damage = Rule.APMineDamage; obj->Take_Damage(damage, 0, WARHEAD_HE); } } } if (!IsActive) { BEnd(BENCH_PCP); return; } } Look(true); #if 1 /* ** If after all is said and done, the unit finishes its move on an impassable cell, then ** it must presume that it is in the case of a unit driving onto a bridge that blows up ** before the unit completes it's move. In such a case the unit should have been destroyed ** anyway, so blow it up now. */ LandType land = Map[Coord].Land_Type(); if (!IsDriving && !Class->IsBomber && (land == LAND_ROCK || land == LAND_WATER || land == LAND_RIVER)) { int damage = Strength; Take_Damage(damage, 0, WARHEAD_AP, NULL, true); return; } #endif } if (IsActive) { FootClass::Per_Cell_Process(why); } BEnd(BENCH_PCP); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Detach -- Removes the specified target from targeting computer. * * * * This is a support routine that removes the target specified from any targeting or * * navigation computers. When a target is destroyed or removed from the game system, * * the target must be removed from any tracking systems of the other units. This routine * * handles removal for infantry units. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target to remove from the infantry unit's tracking systems. * * * * all -- Is the target going away for good as opposed to just cloaking/hiding? * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/08/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Detach(TARGET target, bool all) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (TarCom == target) { Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_UP); IsFiring = false; Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_DOWN); } FootClass::Detach(target, all); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Init -- Initialize the infantry object system. * * * * This routine will force the infantry object system into its empty initial state. It * * is called when the scenario needs to be cleared in preparation for a scenario load. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/08/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Init(void) { Infantry.Free_All(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Assign_Destination -- Gives the infantry a movement destination. * * * * This routine updates the infantry's navigation computer so that the infantry will * * travel to the destination target specified. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target to have the infantry unit move to. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/08/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Assign_Destination(TARGET target) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); /* ** Special flag so that infantry will start heading in the right direction immediately. */ if (IsDriving && !IsFormationMove && Target_Legal(target) && Map[Center_Coord()].Is_Clear_To_Move(Class->Speed, true, false)) { Stop_Driver(); } /* ** When telling an infantry soldier to move to a location twice, then this ** means that movement is more important than safety. Get up and run! */ if (House->IsHuman && Target_Legal(target) && NavCom == target && IsProne && !Class->IsFraidyCat && !Class->IsDog) { Do_Action(DO_GET_UP); } /* ** If telling a dog to attack a human, start the dog running */ TechnoClass * tech = As_Techno(target); /* ** Handle entry logic here. */ if (Mission == MISSION_ENTER || MissionQueue == MISSION_ENTER) { /* ** If not already in radio contact (presumed with the transport), then ** either try to establish contact if allowed, or just move close and ** wait until radio contact can be established. */ if (!In_Radio_Contact()) { TechnoClass * techno = As_Techno(target); if (techno != NULL) { /* ** Determine if the transport is already in radio contact. If so, then just move ** toward the transport and try to establish contact at a later time. */ if (techno->In_Radio_Contact()) { // TCTCTC -- call for an update from the transport to get a good rendezvous position. ArchiveTarget = target; } else { if (Transmit_Message(RADIO_HELLO, techno) == RADIO_ROGER) { if (Transmit_Message(RADIO_DOCKING) != RADIO_ROGER) { Transmit_Message(RADIO_OVER_OUT); } else { //BG: keep retransmitted navcom from radio-move-here. return; } } } } } else { Path[0] = FACING_NONE; } } else { Path[0] = FACING_NONE; } FootClass::Assign_Destination(target); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Assign_Target -- Gives the infantry a combat target. * * * * This routine will update the infantry's targeting computer so that it will try to * * attack the target specified. This might result in it moving to be within range and thus * * also cause adjustment of the navigation computer. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target that this infantry should attack. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/08/1994 JLB : Created. * * 06/30/1995 JLB : Tries to capture target if possible. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Assign_Target(TARGET target) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); Path[0] = FACING_NONE; if (Class->IsDog) { if (::As_Object(target) && ::As_Object(target)->What_Am_I() != RTTI_INFANTRY) { target = TARGET_NONE; } } FootClass::Assign_Target(target); /* ** If this is an infantry that can only capture, then also assign its destination to the ** target specified. */ if (!Target_Legal(NavCom) && Class->IsCapture && !Is_Weapon_Equipped()) { BuildingClass const * building = As_Building(target); if (building != NULL && building->Class->IsCaptureable) { Assign_Destination(target); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::AI -- Handles the infantry non-graphic related AI processing. * * * * This routine is used to handle the non-graphic AI processing the infantry requires. * * Call this routine ONCE per game frame. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/08/1994 JLB : Created. * * 08/14/1996 JLB : Simplified. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::AI(void) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); FootClass::AI(); if (!IsActive) { return; } if (IsUnloading) Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); /* ** Infantry that are not on the ground should always be redrawn. Such is ** the case when they are parachuting to the ground. */ if (In_Which_Layer() != LAYER_GROUND) { Mark(MARK_CHANGE); } /* ** Special hack to make sure that if this infantry is in firing animation, but the ** stage class isn't set, then abort the firing flag. */ if (IsFiring && Fetch_Rate() == 0) { Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_UP); IsFiring = false; Do_Action(DO_STAND_READY); Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_DOWN); } /* ** Delete this unit if it finds itself off the edge of the map and it is in ** guard or other static mission mode. */ if (Edge_Of_World_AI()) { return; } /* ** Act on new orders if the unit is at a good position to do so. */ if (!IsFiring && !IsFalling && !IsDriving && (Doing == DO_NOTHING || MasterDoControls[Doing].Interrupt)) { if (Mission == MISSION_NONE && MissionQueue == MISSION_NONE) Enter_Idle_Mode(); Commence(); } /* ** Special hack to make sure the dog never attacks a cell. */ if (Class->IsDog && Target_Legal(TarCom) && Is_Target_Cell(TarCom)) { Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); } /* ** Handle any infantry fear logic or related actions. */ Fear_AI(); /* ** Special victory dance action. */ if (!Target_Legal(NavCom) && !IsProne && IsStoked && Comment == 0) { IsStoked = false; Do_Action(Percent_Chance(50) ? DO_GESTURE1 : DO_GESTURE2); } /* ** Determine if this infantry unit should fire off an ** attack or not. */ Firing_AI(); /* ** Handle the completion of the animation sequence. */ Doing_AI(); /* ** Perform movement operations at this time. */ Movement_AI(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Can_Enter_Cell -- Determines if the infantry can enter the cell specified. * * * * This routine is used to examine the cell specified and determine if the infantry is * * allowed to enter it. It is used by the path finding algorithm. * * * * INPUT: cell -- The cell to examine. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns the type of blockage in the cell. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/01/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ MoveType InfantryClass::Can_Enter_Cell(CELL cell, FacingType ) const { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); /* ** If we are moving into an illegal cell, then we can't do that. */ if ((unsigned)cell >= MAP_CELL_TOTAL) return(MOVE_NO); /* ** If moving off the edge of the map, then consider that an illegal move. */ if (!ScenarioInit && !Map.In_Radar(cell) && !Is_Allowed_To_Leave_Map()) { return(MOVE_NO); } CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell]; /* ** Walls are considered impassable for infantry UNLESS the wall has a hole ** in it. */ if (cellptr->Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE) { OverlayTypeClass const & otype = OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(cellptr->Overlay); if (otype.IsCrate && !((Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) ? House->IsPlayerControl : House->IsHuman) && Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { return(MOVE_NO); } if (otype.IsWall) { if ((cellptr->OverlayData / 16) != otype.DamageLevels) { /* ** If the wall can be destroyed, then return this fact instead of ** a complete failure to enter. */ if (Is_Weapon_Equipped() && Class->PrimaryWeapon->Is_Wall_Destroyer()) { return(MOVE_DESTROYABLE); } return(MOVE_NO); } } } /* ** Loop through all of the objects in the square setting a bit ** for how they affect movement. */ MoveType retval = MOVE_OK; ObjectClass * obj = cellptr->Cell_Occupier(); while (obj != NULL) { if (obj != this) { /* ** Always allow movement if the cell is the object to be captured or sabotaged. */ if (((Mission == MISSION_ENTER && In_Radio_Contact()) || Mission == MISSION_CAPTURE || Mission == MISSION_SABOTAGE) && (obj->As_Target() == NavCom || obj->As_Target() == TarCom)) { return(MOVE_OK); } /* ** Guard area should not allow the guarding unit to enter the cell with the ** guarded unit. */ if (Mission == MISSION_GUARD_AREA && ArchiveTarget == obj->As_Target() && Is_Target_Unit(ArchiveTarget)) { return(MOVE_NO); } /* ** If object is a land mine, allow movement */ if (obj->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { if ((*(BuildingClass *)obj) == STRUCT_AVMINE) { obj = obj->Next; continue; } else { if (!Rule.IsMineAware || !((BuildingClass *)obj)->House->Is_Ally(House)) { if ((*(BuildingClass *)obj) == STRUCT_APMINE) { obj = obj->Next; continue; } } } } /* ** Special case check so that a landed aircraft that is in radio contact, will not block ** a capture attempt. It is presumed that this case happens when a helicopter is landed ** at a helipad. */ // if ((Mission != MISSION_CAPTURE && Mission != MISSION_SABOTAGE) || obj->What_Am_I() != RTTI_AIRCRAFT || !((AircraftClass *)obj)->In_Radio_Contact()) { /* ** Special check to always allow entry into the building that this infantry ** is trying to capture. */ // if (obj->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING || obj->What_Am_I() == RTTI_AIRCRAFT || obj->What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT) { // if ((Mission == MISSION_CAPTURE || Mission == MISSION_SABOTAGE) && (obj->As_Target() == NavCom || obj->As_Target() == TarCom)) { // return(MOVE_OK); // } // } /* ** Special check to always allow entry into the building that this infantry ** is trying to capture. */ if (Mission == MISSION_ENTER && obj->As_Target() == NavCom && IsTethered) { return(MOVE_OK); } /* ** Allied objects block movement using different rules than for enemy ** objects. */ if (House->Is_Ally(obj) || ScenarioInit) { switch (obj->What_Am_I()) { /* ** A unit blocks as either a moving blockage or a stationary temp blockage. ** This depends on whether the unit is currently moving or not. */ case RTTI_UNIT: if (((UnitClass *)obj)->IsDriving || Target_Legal(((UnitClass *)obj)->NavCom)) { if (retval < MOVE_MOVING_BLOCK) retval = MOVE_MOVING_BLOCK; } else { if (retval < MOVE_TEMP) retval = MOVE_TEMP; } break; /* ** Aircraft and buildings always block movement. If for some reason there is an ** allied terrain object, that blocks movement as well. */ case RTTI_TERRAIN: case RTTI_AIRCRAFT: case RTTI_BUILDING: return(MOVE_NO); default: break; } } else { /* ** Cloaked enemy objects are not considered if this is a Find_Path() ** call. */ if (!obj->Is_Techno() || ((TechnoClass *)obj)->Cloak != CLOAKED) { /* ** Any non-allied blockage is considered impassible if the infantry ** is not equipped with a weapon. */ if (Combat_Damage() <= 0) return(MOVE_NO); /* ** Some kinds of terrain are considered destroyable if the infantry is equipped ** with the weapon that can destroy it. Otherwise, the terrain is considered ** impassable. */ switch (obj->What_Am_I()) { case RTTI_TERRAIN: #ifdef OBSOLETE if (((TerrainClass *)obj)->Class->Armor == ARMOR_WOOD && Class->PrimaryWeapon->WarheadPtr->IsWoodDestroyer) { if (retval < MOVE_DESTROYABLE) retval = MOVE_DESTROYABLE; } else { return(MOVE_NO); } break; #else return(MOVE_NO); #endif case RTTI_INFANTRY: if ( *(InfantryClass *)obj == INFANTRY_SPY && !Class->IsDog) { retval = MOVE_TEMP; break; } // otherwise, fall thru. default: if (retval < MOVE_DESTROYABLE) retval = MOVE_DESTROYABLE; break; } } else { if (retval < MOVE_CLOAK) retval = MOVE_CLOAK; } } // } } /* ** Move to next object in chain. */ obj = obj->Next; } /* ** If foot soldiers cannot travel on the cell -- consider it impassable. */ if (retval == MOVE_OK && !IsTethered && Ground[cellptr->Land_Type()].Cost[SPEED_FOOT] == 0) { #ifdef OBSOLETE /* ** Special case - if it's an engineer, and the cell under consideration ** is his NavCom, and his mission is mission_capture, then he's most ** likely moving to his final destination to repair a bridge, so we ** should let him. */ if (*this == INFANTRY_RENOVATOR && Is_Target_Cell(TarCom) && (cell == ::As_Cell(NavCom)) && (cellptr->TType == TEMPLATE_BRIDGE1D || cellptr->TType == TEMPLATE_BRIDGE2D || (cellptr->TType >= TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1C && cellptr->TType <= TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3E) ) ) { return(MOVE_OK); } #endif return(MOVE_NO); } /* ** if a unit has the cell reserved then we just can't go in there. */ if (retval == MOVE_OK && cellptr->Flag.Occupy.Vehicle) { return(MOVE_NO); } /* ** if a block of infantry has the cell reserved then there are two ** possibilities... */ if (cellptr->InfType != HOUSE_NONE) { if (House->Is_Ally(cellptr->InfType)) { if ((cellptr->Flag.Composite & 0x1F) == 0x1f) { if (retval < MOVE_MOVING_BLOCK) retval = MOVE_MOVING_BLOCK; } } else { if (Combat_Damage() > 0) { if (retval < MOVE_DESTROYABLE) { retval = MOVE_DESTROYABLE; } } else { return(MOVE_NO); } } } /* ** If it is still ok to move the infantry, then perform the last check ** to see if the cell is already full of infantry. */ if (retval == MOVE_OK && (cellptr->Flag.Composite & 0x1F) == 0x1F) { return(MOVE_NO); } /* ** Return with the most severe reason why this cell would be impassable. */ return(retval); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Overlap_List -- The list of cells that the infantry overlaps, but doesn't occ* * * * This is a rendering support routine that will return a pointer to a list of cell offsets * * that specify the cells the infantry unit is currently overlapping (graphic wise) but * * is not considered to occupy. This list is used to update the map display. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns a pointer to an offset list for cells that the unit overlaps but doesn't * * occupy. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/01/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ #ifdef PARTIAL short const * InfantryClass::Overlap_List(bool redraw) const #else short const * InfantryClass::Overlap_List(bool ) const #endif { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (Class->IsDog) { return(Coord_Spillage_List(Coord, 24 + (Doing == DO_DOG_MAUL ? 40 : 0) + (Doing >= DO_GUN_DEATH && Doing <= DO_FIRE_DEATH ? 40 : 0) )); } else { /* ** The default infantry rectangle will be as large as the largest shape the infantry ** can be. */ #ifdef PARTIAL Rect rect(-16, -24, 32, 36); /* ** If this is for a visual change redraw, then the overlap list will be based ** on the actual dimensions of the shape data. If the dimensions have already ** been calculated then use them, otherwise, use the default large rectangle ** previously created. */ if (Height == 0 && !IsSelected && redraw && Class->DimensionData != NULL) { int shapenum = Shape_Number(); if (!Class->DimensionData[shapenum].Is_Valid()) { Class->DimensionData[shapenum] = Shape_Dimensions(Get_Image_Data(), shapenum); } rect = Class->DimensionData[shapenum]; rect.Y += 4; rect.X -= 2; } return(Coord_Spillage_List(Coord, rect, true)); #else static Rect rect(-16, -24, 32, 36); return(Coord_Spillage_List(Coord, rect, true)); #endif // return(Coord_Spillage_List(Coord, 24 /*+ ((Doing > DO_WALK || IsSelected)?12:0)*/ )); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Can_Fire -- Can the infantry fire its weapon? * * * * Determines if the infantry unit can fire on the target. If it can't fire, then the * * reason why is returned. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target to determine if the infantry can fire upon. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns the fire error type that indicates if the infantry can fire and if it * * can't, why not. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/01/1994 JLB : Created. * * 06/27/1995 JLB : Flame thrower can fire while prone now. * *=============================================================================================*/ FireErrorType InfantryClass::Can_Fire(TARGET target, int which) const { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); /* ** Don't allow firing if the infantry is still firing on previous target. */ // if (IsFiring) return(FIRE_REARM); /* ** If a medic is shooting at a healed target, let's declare the target ** illegal so he won't be constantly healing healed infantrymen. */ if (Combat_Damage() < 0) { #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 TechnoClass * targ = As_Techno(target); #else InfantryClass * targ = As_Infantry(target); #endif if (targ == NULL || targ->Health_Ratio() >= Rule.ConditionGreen) { return(FIRE_ILLEGAL); } } /* ** If this unit cannot fire while moving, then bail. */ if (IsDriving || (Target_Legal(NavCom) && Doing != DO_NOTHING && !MasterDoControls[Doing].Interrupt)) { return(FIRE_MOVING); } return(FootClass::Can_Fire(target, which)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Enter_Idle_Mode -- The infantry unit enters idle mode by this routine. * * * * Use this routine when the infantry unit as accomplished its task and needs to find * * something to do. The default behavior is to enter some idle state such as guarding. * * * * INPUT: initial -- Is this called when the unit just leaves a factory or is initially * * or is initially placed on the map? * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/01/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Enter_Idle_Mode(bool ) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); MissionType order = MISSION_GUARD; if (Target_Legal(TarCom)) { order = MISSION_ATTACK; if (Mission == MISSION_SABOTAGE) { order = MISSION_SABOTAGE; } if (Mission == MISSION_CAPTURE) { order = MISSION_CAPTURE; } } else { Handle_Navigation_List(); if (Target_Legal(NavCom)) { order = MISSION_MOVE; if (Mission == MISSION_CAPTURE) { order = MISSION_CAPTURE; } if (Mission == MISSION_SABOTAGE) { order = MISSION_SABOTAGE; } } else { if (Mission == MISSION_GUARD || Mission == MISSION_GUARD_AREA || MissionControl[Mission].IsZombie || MissionControl[Mission].IsParalyzed) { return; } if (Class->IsDog) { if (House->IsHuman || Team.Is_Valid()) { order = MISSION_GUARD; } else { order = MISSION_GUARD_AREA; ArchiveTarget = ::As_Target(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord())); } } else { if (House->IsHuman || Team.Is_Valid()) { order = MISSION_GUARD; } else { if (House->IQ < Rule.IQGuardArea) { order = MISSION_GUARD; } else { if (Is_Weapon_Equipped()) { order = MISSION_GUARD_AREA; } else { order = MISSION_GUARD; } } } } } } Assign_Mission(order); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Random_Animate -- Randomly animate the infantry (maybe) * * * * This routine is the random animator initiator for infantry units. This routine should * * be called regularly. On occasion, it will cause the infantry to go into an idle * * animation. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/01/1994 JLB : Created. * * 12/13/1994 JLB : Does random facing change. * * 07/02/1995 JLB : Nikoomba special effects. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool InfantryClass::Random_Animate(void) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (Is_Ready_To_Random_Animate()) { IdleTimer = Random_Pick(Rule.RandomAnimateTime * (TICKS_PER_MINUTE/2), Rule.RandomAnimateTime * (TICKS_PER_MINUTE*2)); /* ** Scared infantry will always follow the golden rule of civilians; ** "When in darkness or in doubt, run in circles, scream, and shout!" */ if (Class->IsFraidyCat && !House->IsHuman && Fear > FEAR_ANXIOUS) { Scatter(NULL, true); return(true); } switch (Random_Pick(0, 10)) { case 0: if (Class->IsDog) { Do_Action(DO_IDLE1); } break; case 1: Do_Action(DO_SALUTE1); break; case 2: Do_Action(DO_SALUTE2); break; case 3: Do_Action(DO_GESTURE1); break; case 4: Do_Action(DO_GESTURE2); break; case 5: Do_Action(DO_IDLE1); break; case 6: Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); PrimaryFacing.Set(Facing_Dir(Random_Pick(FACING_N, FACING_NW))); Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); break; case 7: Do_Action(DO_IDLE2); Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); PrimaryFacing.Set(Facing_Dir(Random_Pick(FACING_N, FACING_NW))); Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); if (!IsSelected && IsOwnedByPlayer && *this == INFANTRY_TANYA && Sim_Random_Pick(0, 2) == 0) { Sound_Effect(VOC_TANYA_SHAKE, Coord); } break; /* ** On occasion, civilian types will wander about. */ case 8: Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); PrimaryFacing.Set(Facing_Dir(Random_Pick(FACING_N, FACING_NW))); Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); if (!House->IsHuman && Class->IsFraidyCat) { Scatter(NULL, true); } break; case 9: case 10: Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); PrimaryFacing.Set(Facing_Dir(Random_Pick(FACING_N, FACING_NW))); Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); } return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Scatter -- Causes the infantry to scatter to nearby cell. * * * * This routine is used when the infantry should scatter to a nearby cell. Scattering * * occurs as an occasional consequence of being fired upon. It is one of the features * * that makes infantry so "charming". * * * * INPUT: threat -- The coordinate source of the threat that is causing the infantry to * * scatter. If the threat isn't from a particular direction, then this * * parameter will be NULL. * * * * forced -- The threat is real and a serious effort to scatter should be made. * * * * nokidding-- The scatter should affect the player's infantry even if it otherwise * * wouldn't have. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/24/1994 JLB : Created. * * 12/12/1994 JLB : Flame thrower infantry always scatter. * * 08/02/1996 JLB : Added the nokidding parameter * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Scatter(COORDINATE threat, bool forced, bool nokidding) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); /* ** A unit that is in the process of going somewhere will never scatter. */ if (IsDriving) forced = false; /* ** Certain missions prevent scattering regardless of whether it would be ** a good idea or not. */ if (!MissionControl[Mission].IsScatter && !forced) return; /* ** If the infantry is currently engaged in legitimate combat, then don't ** scatter unless forced to. */ if (!Class->IsFraidyCat && Target_Legal(TarCom) && !forced) return; /* ** Don't scatter if performing an action that can't be interrupted. */ if (Doing != DO_NOTHING && !MasterDoControls[Doing].Interrupt) return; /* ** For human players, don't scatter the infantry, if the special ** flag has not been enabled that allows infantry scatter. */ if (!Rule.IsScatter && !nokidding && House->IsHuman && !forced && !Team.Is_Valid()) return; if (forced || Class->IsFraidyCat /*|| !(Random_Pick(1, 4) == 1)*/) { FacingType toface; if (threat) { toface = Dir_Facing(Direction8(threat, Coord)); toface = toface + FacingType(Random_Pick(0, 4)-2); } else { COORDINATE coord = Coord_Fraction(Center_Coord()); if (coord != 0x00800080L) { toface = Dir_Facing((DirType)Desired_Facing8(0x0080, 0x0080, Coord_X(coord), Coord_Y(coord))); } else { toface = Dir_Facing(PrimaryFacing.Current()); } toface = toface + FacingType(Random_Pick(0, 4)-2); } CELL newcell = 0; CELL altcell = 0; for (FacingType face = FACING_N; face < FACING_COUNT; face++) { FacingType newface = toface + face; newcell = Adjacent_Cell(Coord_Cell(Coord), newface); if (Map.In_Radar(newcell) && Can_Enter_Cell(newcell) == MOVE_OK) { if (altcell == 0) altcell = newcell; if (!Map[newcell].Is_Bridge_Here()) break; // Assign_Mission(MISSION_MOVE); // Assign_Destination(::As_Target(newcell)); } } if (face == FACING_COUNT) { newcell = 0; } if (newcell == 0) { newcell = altcell; } if (newcell != 0) { Assign_Mission(MISSION_MOVE); Assign_Destination(::As_Target(newcell)); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Do_Action -- Launches the infantry into an animation sequence. * * * * This starts the infantry into a choreographed animation sequence. These sequences can * * be as simple as standing up or lying down, but can also be complex, such as dying or * * performing some idle animation. * * * * INPUT: todo -- The choreographed sequence to start. * * * * force -- Force starting this animation even if the current animation is flagged * * as uninterruptible. This is necessary for death animations. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the animation started? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/24/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool InfantryClass::Do_Action(DoType todo, bool force) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (todo == DO_NOTHING || Class->DoControls[todo].Count == 0) { return(false); } if (*this == INFANTRY_SPY && todo >= DO_GESTURE1) { todo = (DoType)(DO_IDLE1 + Random_Pick(0,1)); } if (todo != Doing && (Doing == DO_NOTHING || force || MasterDoControls[Doing].Interrupt)) { Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_UP); Doing = todo; Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_DOWN); if (todo == DO_IDLE1 || todo == DO_IDLE2) { Set_Rate(Options.Normalize_Delay(MasterDoControls[Doing].Rate)); } else { Set_Rate(MasterDoControls[Doing].Rate); } Set_Stage(0); /* ** Kludge to make sure that if infantry is in the dying animation, it isn't still ** moving as well. */ if (Strength == 0) { Stop_Driver(); } /* ** Since the animation sequence might be interrupted. Set any flags ** necessary so that if interrupted, the affect on the infantry is ** still accomplished. */ switch (todo) { case DO_LIE_DOWN: IsProne = true; break; case DO_GET_UP: IsProne = false; break; default: break; } return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Stop_Driver -- Stops the infantry from moving any further. * * * * This is used to stop the infantry from animating in movement. This function will stop * * the infantry moving and revert it to either a prone or standing. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the driving stopped? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/24/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool InfantryClass::Stop_Driver(void) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (Head_To_Coord()) { /* ** Remove the "reservation" bit in the destination location. */ Clear_Occupy_Bit(Head_To_Coord()); } /* ** Set the occupation bit at the current location. */ Set_Occupy_Bit(Coord); if (Class->IsDog) { Do_Action(DO_STAND_READY); } else { if (IsProne) { Do_Action(DO_PRONE); } else { Do_Action(DO_STAND_READY); } } if (Can_Enter_Cell(Coord_Cell(Coord)) == MOVE_OK) { IsZoneCheat = false; } else { IsZoneCheat = true; } return(FootClass::Stop_Driver()); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Start_Driver -- Handles giving immediate destination and move orders. * * * * Use this routine to being the infantry moving toward the destination specified. The * * destination is first checked to see if there is a free spot available. Then the infantry * * reserves that spot and begins movement toward it. * * * * INPUT: headto -- The coordinate location desired for the infantry to head to. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the infantry successfully started on its journey? Failure may be because * * the specified destination could not contain the infantry unit. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/21/1994 JLB : Created. * * 05/14/1995 JLB : Tries to move to closest spot possible. * * 05/15/1995 JLB : Uses closest spot if moving onto transport. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool InfantryClass::Start_Driver(COORDINATE & headto) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); COORDINATE old = headto; /* ** Convert the head to coordinate to a legal sub-position location. */ headto = Map[headto].Closest_Free_Spot(Coord_Move(headto, Direction(headto)+DIR_S, 0x007C)); if (!headto && Can_Enter_Cell(Coord_Cell(old)) == MOVE_OK) { headto = Map[old].Closest_Free_Spot(Coord_Move(old, Direction(headto)+DIR_S, 0x0080), true); } /* ** If the infantry started moving, then fixup the occupation bits. */ if (headto && FootClass::Start_Driver(headto)) { if (!IsActive) return(false); /* ** Remove the occupation bit from the infantry's current location. */ Clear_Occupy_Bit(Coord); /* ** Set the occupation bit for the new headto location. */ Set_Occupy_Bit(headto); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Limbo -- Performs cleanup operations needed when limboing. * * * * This routine will clean up the infantry occupation bits (as necessary) as well as stop * * the infantry movement process when it gets limboed. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the infantry unit limboed? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/22/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool InfantryClass::Limbo(void) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (!IsInLimbo) { Stop_Driver(); Clear_Occupy_Bit(Coord); } return(FootClass::Limbo()); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Fire_At -- Fires projectile from infantry unit. * * * * Use this routine when the infantry unit wishes to fire a projectile. This routine * * will launch the projectile and perform any other necessary infantry specific operations. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target of the attack. * * * * which -- Which weapon to use for firing. 0=primary, 1=secondary. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with pointer to the projectile launched. If none could be launched, then * * NULL is returned. If there is already the maximum bullet objects in play, then * * this could happen. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/26/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ BulletClass * InfantryClass::Fire_At(TARGET target, int which) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_UP); IsFiring = false; Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_DOWN); BulletClass * bullet = FootClass::Fire_At(target, which); if (bullet != NULL && !IsInLimbo) { /* ** For fraidycat infantry that run out of ammo, always go into ** a maximum fear state at that time. */ if (Class->IsFraidyCat && !Ammo) { Fear = FEAR_MAXIMUM; if (Mission == MISSION_ATTACK || Mission == MISSION_HUNT) { Assign_Mission(MISSION_GUARD); } } } return(bullet); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Unlimbo -- Unlimbo infantry unit in legal sub-location. * * * * This will attempt to unlimbo the infantry unit at the designated coordinate, but will * * ensure that the coordinate is a legal subposition. * * * * INPUT: coord -- The coordinate to unlimbo the infantry at. * * * * facing -- The desired initial facing for the infantry unit. * * * * strength -- The desired initial strength for the infantry unit. * * * * mission -- The desired initial mission for the infantry unit. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the infantry unlimboed successfully? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/26/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool InfantryClass::Unlimbo(COORDINATE coord, DirType facing) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); /* ** Make sure that the infantry start in a legal position on the map. */ coord = Map[coord].Closest_Free_Spot(coord, ScenarioInit); if (coord == NULL) { return(false); } if (FootClass::Unlimbo(coord, facing)) { /* ** Ensure that the owning house knows about the ** new object. */ House->IScan |= (1L << Class->Type); House->ActiveIScan |= (1L << Class->Type); /* ** If there is no sight range, then this object isn't discovered by the player unless ** it actually appears in a cell mapped by the player. */ if (Class->SightRange == 0) { IsDiscoveredByPlayer = false; } Set_Occupy_Bit(coord); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Greatest_Threat -- Determines greatest threat (target) for infantry unit. * * * * This routine intercepts the Greatest_Threat request and adds the appropriate target * * types to search for. For regular infantry, this consists of all the ground types. For * * rocket launching infantry, this also includes aircraft. * * * * INPUT: threat -- The basic threat control value. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the best target for this infantry unit to attack. If no suitable * * target could be found, then TARGET_NONE is returned. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/01/1995 JLB : Created. * * 09/28/1995 JLB : Engineers try to recapture buildings first. * *=============================================================================================*/ TARGET InfantryClass::Greatest_Threat(ThreatType threat) const { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); /* ** Engineers consider only buildings that can be captured as being a threat. All others ** are ignored. If there is a building that needs to be recaptured and it is nearby ** then automatically head toward it to recapture it. */ if (!House->IsHuman && Class->IsCapture && !Is_Weapon_Equipped()) { if (House->ToCapture != TARGET_NONE && Distance(House->ToCapture) < 0x0F00) { return(House->ToCapture); } threat = threat | THREAT_CAPTURE; } if (!Is_Weapon_Equipped()) { if (!Class->IsCapture && *this != INFANTRY_RENOVATOR && *this != INFANTRY_SPY && *this != INFANTRY_THIEF) { return(TARGET_NONE); } } /* ** Special hack to make Tanya not auto-fire if controlled by a ** human player. */ if (*this == INFANTRY_TANYA && House->IsHuman) { return(TARGET_NONE); } if (Class->PrimaryWeapon != NULL) { threat = threat | Class->PrimaryWeapon->Allowed_Threats(); } if (Class->SecondaryWeapon != NULL) { threat = threat | Class->SecondaryWeapon->Allowed_Threats(); } /* ** Organic weapon types don't consider anything but infantry to be a threat. Such ** weapon types would be the dog jaw and the medic first aid kit. */ if (Is_Weapon_Equipped() && Class->PrimaryWeapon->WarheadPtr->IsOrganic) { threat = threat & ~(THREAT_BUILDINGS|THREAT_VEHICLES|THREAT_BOATS|THREAT_AIR); } /* ** Human controlled infantry don't automatically fire upon buildings. */ if (Is_Weapon_Equipped() && House->IsHuman) { threat = threat & ~THREAT_BUILDINGS; } /* ** If this is a bomber type, then allow buildings to be considered a threat. */ if (Class->IsBomber && !House->IsHuman) { threat = threat | THREAT_BUILDINGS; } /* ** Special hack: if it's a thief, then the only possible objects to ** consider are tiberium-processing objects (silos & refineries). */ if (*this == INFANTRY_THIEF) { threat = threat | THREAT_CAPTURE | THREAT_TIBERIUM; // threat = (ThreatType)(THREAT_CAPTURE | THREAT_TIBERIUM); } return(FootClass::Greatest_Threat(threat)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Response_Select -- Plays infantry audio response due to being selected. * * * * This routine handles playing an audio response as a result of the player selecting the * * infantry unit. This occurs prior to giving it an order and may not be followed by any * * order at all. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/01/1995 JLB : Created. * * 05/05/1995 JLB : Rambo response types added. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Response_Select(void) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (!AllowVoice) return; if (Class->IsCivilian && *this != INFANTRY_EINSTEIN) { VocType response = VOC_NONE; if (Class->IsFemale) { response = VOC_GIRL_YEAH; } else { response = VOC_GUY_YEAH; } Sound_Effect(response, fixed(1), ID+1); } else { static VocType _eng_response[] = {VOC_ENG_YES,VOC_ENG_ENG}; static VocType _ein_response[] = {VOC_E_AH}; static VocType _dog_response[] = {VOC_DOG_YES}; static VocType _spy_response[] = {VOC_SPY_COMMANDER,VOC_SPY_YESSIR}; static VocType _medic_response[] = {VOC_MED_REPORTING,VOC_MED_YESSIR}; static VocType _tanya_response[] = {VOC_TANYA_YEA,VOC_TANYA_YES,VOC_TANYA_WHATS}; static VocType _thief_response[] = {VOC_THIEF_YEA,VOC_THIEF_WHAT}; static VocType _default_response[] = {VOC_ACKNOWL,VOC_REPORT,VOC_REPORT,VOC_YESSIR,VOC_YESSIR,VOC_READY,VOC_AWAIT}; static VocType _stavros[] = {VOC_STAVCMDR,VOC_STAVYES}; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 static VocType _mechanic_response[] = {VOC_MECHHOWDY1,VOC_MECHHUH1,VOC_MECHLAFF1}; static VocType _shock_response[] = {VOC_STYES1,VOC_STJUMP1,VOC_STJUICE1}; #endif int size = 0; VocType * response = NULL; HousesType house = PlayerPtr->ActLike; switch (Class->Type) { case INFANTRY_GENERAL: if (house != HOUSE_USSR && house != HOUSE_BAD) { response = _stavros; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_stavros); } else { response = _default_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_default_response); } house = HOUSE_USSR; break; case INFANTRY_DOG: response = _dog_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_dog_response); break; case INFANTRY_EINSTEIN: response = _ein_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_ein_response); break; case INFANTRY_SPY: response = _spy_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_spy_response); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if(house == HOUSE_USSR) { response = _default_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_default_response); } #endif break; case INFANTRY_MEDIC: response = _medic_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_medic_response); break; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 case INFANTRY_MECHANIC: response = _mechanic_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_mechanic_response); break; case INFANTRY_SHOCK: response = _shock_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_shock_response); break; #endif case INFANTRY_TANYA: response = _tanya_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_tanya_response); break; case INFANTRY_THIEF: response = _thief_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_thief_response); break; case INFANTRY_RENOVATOR: response = _eng_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_eng_response); break; default: response = _default_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_default_response); break; } if (response != NULL) { Sound_Effect(response[Sim_Random_Pick(0, size-1)], fixed(1), ID+1, 0, house); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Response_Move -- Plays infantry response to movement order. * * * * When the infantry is given the order to move, this routine handles the audio response * * generated by the infantry unit. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/01/1995 JLB : Created. * * 05/05/1995 JLB : Rambo response types added. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Response_Move(void) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (!AllowVoice) return; if (Class->IsCivilian && *this != INFANTRY_EINSTEIN) { VocType response; if (Class->IsFemale) { response = VOC_GIRL_OKAY; } else { response = VOC_GUY_OKAY; } Sound_Effect(response, fixed(1), ID+1); } else { static VocType _eng_response[] = {VOC_ENG_AFFIRM,VOC_ENG_AFFIRM}; static VocType _ein_response[] = {VOC_E_OK,VOC_E_YES}; static VocType _dog_response[] = {VOC_DOG_BARK}; static VocType _spy_response[] = {VOC_SPY_ONWAY,VOC_SPY_KING,VOC_SPY_INDEED}; static VocType _medic_response[] = {VOC_MED_AFFIRM,VOC_MED_MOVEOUT}; #ifdef ENGLISH static VocType _tanya_response[] = {VOC_TANYA_THERE,VOC_TANYA_ROCK}; #else static VocType _tanya_response[] = {VOC_TANYA_THERE,VOC_TANYA_GIVE}; #endif static VocType _thief_response[] = {VOC_THIEF_MOVEOUT,VOC_THIEF_OKAY,VOC_THIEF_AFFIRM}; static VocType _default_response[] = {VOC_ROGER,VOC_RIGHT_AWAY,VOC_UGOTIT,VOC_AFFIRM,VOC_AFFIRM}; static VocType _stavros[] = {VOC_STAVMOV,VOC_STAVCRSE}; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 static VocType _mechanic[] = {VOC_MECHYES1,VOC_MECHRISE1,VOC_MECHHEAR1,VOC_MECHBOSS1}; static VocType _shock[] = {VOC_STPOWER1,VOC_STDANCE1,VOC_STCHRGE1}; #endif int size = 0; VocType * response = NULL; HousesType house = PlayerPtr->ActLike; switch (Class->Type) { case INFANTRY_GENERAL: if (house != HOUSE_USSR && house != HOUSE_BAD) { response = _stavros; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_stavros); } else { response = _default_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_default_response); } house = HOUSE_USSR; break; case INFANTRY_DOG: response = _dog_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_dog_response); break; case INFANTRY_EINSTEIN: response = _ein_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_ein_response); break; case INFANTRY_RENOVATOR: response = _eng_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_eng_response); break; case INFANTRY_SPY: response = _spy_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_spy_response); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if(house == HOUSE_USSR) { response = _default_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_default_response); } #endif break; case INFANTRY_MEDIC: response = _medic_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_medic_response); break; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 case INFANTRY_MECHANIC: response = _mechanic; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_mechanic); break; case INFANTRY_SHOCK: response = _shock; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_shock); break; #endif case INFANTRY_TANYA: response = _tanya_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_tanya_response); break; case INFANTRY_THIEF: response = _thief_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_thief_response); break; default: response = _default_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_default_response); break; } if (response != NULL) { Sound_Effect(response[Sim_Random_Pick(0, size-1)], fixed(1), ID+1, 0, house); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Response_Attack -- Plays infantry audio response to attack order. * * * * When the player gives an infantry unit the order to attack, this routine handles * * the audio response by that unit. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/01/1995 JLB : Created. * * 05/05/1995 JLB : Rambo response types added. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Response_Attack(void) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (!AllowVoice) return; if (Class->IsCivilian && *this != INFANTRY_EINSTEIN) { VocType response; if (Class->IsFemale) { response = VOC_GIRL_OKAY; } else { response = VOC_GUY_OKAY; } Sound_Effect(response, fixed(1), ID+1); } else { static VocType _eng_response[] = {VOC_ENG_AFFIRM,VOC_ENG_AFFIRM}; static VocType _dog_response[] = {VOC_DOG_GROWL2}; static VocType _ein_response[] = {VOC_E_OK,VOC_E_YES}; static VocType _spy_response[] = {VOC_SPY_ONWAY,VOC_SPY_KING,VOC_SPY_INDEED}; static VocType _medic_response[] = {VOC_MED_AFFIRM,VOC_MED_MOVEOUT}; #ifdef ENGLISH static VocType _tanya_response[] = {VOC_TANYA_CHEW,VOC_TANYA_CHING,VOC_TANYA_LAUGH}; #else static VocType _tanya_response[] = {VOC_TANYA_CHEW,VOC_TANYA_CHING,VOC_TANYA_LAUGH,VOC_TANYA_ROCK}; #endif static VocType _thief_response[] = {VOC_NONE}; static VocType _default_response[] = {VOC_RIGHT_AWAY,VOC_AFFIRM,VOC_AFFIRM,VOC_UGOTIT,VOC_NO_PROB,VOC_YESSIR,VOC_YESSIR,VOC_YESSIR}; static VocType _stavros[] = {VOC_STAVCRSE}; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 static VocType _mechanic[] = {VOC_MECHYEEHAW1,VOC_MECHHOTDIG1,VOC_MECHWRENCH1}; static VocType _shock[] = {VOC_STLIGHT1,VOC_STBURN1,VOC_STCRISP1,VOC_STSHOCK1}; #endif int size = 0; VocType * response = NULL; HousesType house = PlayerPtr->ActLike; switch (Class->Type) { case INFANTRY_GENERAL: if (house != HOUSE_USSR && house != HOUSE_BAD) { response = _stavros; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_stavros); } else { response = _default_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_default_response); } house = HOUSE_USSR; break; case INFANTRY_DOG: response = _dog_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_dog_response); break; case INFANTRY_SPY: response = _spy_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_spy_response); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if(house == HOUSE_USSR) { response = _default_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_default_response); } #endif break; case INFANTRY_EINSTEIN: response = _ein_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_ein_response); break; case INFANTRY_RENOVATOR: response = _eng_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_eng_response); break; case INFANTRY_MEDIC: response = _medic_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_medic_response); break; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 case INFANTRY_MECHANIC: response = _mechanic; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_mechanic); break; case INFANTRY_SHOCK: response = _shock; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_shock); break; #endif case INFANTRY_TANYA: response = _tanya_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_tanya_response); break; case INFANTRY_THIEF: response = _thief_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_thief_response); break; default: response = _default_response; size = ARRAY_SIZE(_default_response); break; } if (response != NULL) { Sound_Effect(response[Sim_Random_Pick(0, size-1)], fixed(1), ID+1, 0, house); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::What_Action -- Infantry units might be able to capture -- check. * * * * This routine checks to see if the infantry unit can capture the specified object rather * * than merely attacking it. If this is the case, then ACTION_CAPTURE will be returned. * * * * INPUT: object -- The object that the mouse is currently over. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns the action that will be performed if the mouse were clicked over the * * object specified. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/01/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ ActionType InfantryClass::What_Action(ObjectClass const * object) const { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); assert(object != NULL); ActionType action = FootClass::What_Action(object); /* ** If this is an engineer/renovator, we have to make some adjustments. ** If the cursor is over an enemy building, return action-none. If it's ** over a friendly building, we have to return action-capture so he can ** renovate it. ** However, abort the whole thing if the building is a barrel or mine. */ if (*this == INFANTRY_RENOVATOR && object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING && House->IsPlayerControl) { BuildingClass const * bldg = (BuildingClass *)object; if (bldg->Class->IsRepairable) { if (House->Is_Ally(bldg)) { if (bldg->Health_Ratio() == 1) { return(ACTION_NO_GREPAIR); } return(ACTION_GREPAIR); } else { if (bldg->Class->IsCaptureable) { #ifdef FIXIT_ENGINEER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (bldg->Health_Ratio() <= EngineerCaptureLevel) { #else if (bldg->Health_Ratio() <= Rule.ConditionRed) { #endif return(ACTION_CAPTURE); } return(ACTION_DAMAGE); } // if (bldg->Health_Ratio() <= Rule.ConditionRed && bldg->Class->IsCaptureable) { } } } /* ** If this is a medic, and the cursor's over a friendly infantryman, ** execute an action-attack. In CSII, if this is a mechanic and the ** cursor's over a friendly vehicle, execute an action-attack. */ if (Combat_Damage() < 0 && House->IsPlayerControl) { if (House->Is_Ally(object)) { #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if( (object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY && object != this && *this == INFANTRY_MEDIC) || (*this == INFANTRY_MECHANIC && (object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT || object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_AIRCRAFT) ) ) { if (object->Health_Ratio() < Rule.ConditionGreen) { // If it's a mechanic force-moving into an APC, don't try to heal it. if(*this == INFANTRY_MECHANIC && object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT && *(UnitClass *)object == UNIT_APC && (Keyboard->Down(Options.KeyForceMove1) || Keyboard->Down(Options.KeyForceMove2)) ) { } else { return(ACTION_HEAL); } } } #else if(object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY && object != this) { if (object->Health_Ratio() < Rule.ConditionGreen) { return(ACTION_HEAL); } } #endif if(!object->Is_Techno() || !((TechnoClass *)object)->Techno_Type_Class()->Max_Passengers()) { if (action == ACTION_GUARD_AREA || action == ACTION_MOVE) { return(action); } return(ACTION_SELECT); } } else { return(ACTION_NOMOVE); } } #ifdef OBSOLETE /* ** See if it's a thief attacking an enemy vehicle, let him CAPTURE it. */ if (*this == INFANTRY_THIEF && object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT) { if (((UnitClass *)object)->House != House) { return(ACTION_CAPTURE); } } #endif /* ** Dogs can only attack infantrymen */ if (Class->IsDog && action == ACTION_ATTACK && object->What_Am_I() != RTTI_INFANTRY) { action = ACTION_NONE; } /* ** See if it's a commando, and if he's attacking a building, ** have him return ACTION_SABOTAGE instead */ if (Class->IsBomber && action == ACTION_ATTACK && object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { BuildingClass const * obj = (BuildingClass *)object; /* ** Hack: Tanya should shoot barrels, bomb other structures. */ if (obj->Class->IsRepairable) { // if (*obj != STRUCT_BARREL && *obj != STRUCT_BARREL3) { return(ACTION_SABOTAGE); } else { return(ACTION_ATTACK); } } /* ** See if this infantry is trying to move onto where a land mine is. */ if (action == ACTION_NONE && object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING && House->IsPlayerControl) { StructType blah = *((BuildingClass *)object); if (blah == STRUCT_AVMINE || blah == STRUCT_APMINE) return(ACTION_MOVE); } /* ** There is no self-select action available for infantry types. */ if (action == ACTION_SELF) { action = ACTION_NONE; } /* ** Check to see if it can enter a transporter. */ if ( House->Is_Ally(object) && House->IsPlayerControl && object->Is_Techno()) { #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (object->What_Am_I() != RTTI_VESSEL || *(VesselClass *)object != VESSEL_CARRIER) { #endif switch (((InfantryClass *)this)->Transmit_Message(RADIO_CAN_LOAD, (TechnoClass*)object)) { case RADIO_ROGER: action = ACTION_ENTER; break; case RADIO_NEGATIVE: action = ACTION_NO_ENTER; break; default: break; } #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 } #endif } if (Class->IsCapture && action == ACTION_ATTACK) { if (!House->Is_Ally(object) && ( //Disable capturing of helicopters (object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_AIRCRAFT && ((AircraftClass *)object)->Pip_Count() == 0 && *((AircraftClass *)object) == AIRCRAFT_TRANSPORT) || (object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING && ((BuildingClass *)object)->Class->IsCaptureable) ) ) { if (*this == INFANTRY_THIEF && (object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING && ((BuildingClass *)object)->Class->Capacity == 0)) { action = ACTION_NONE; } else { /* ** If we're trying to capture a building, make sure we can get ** to it. Find an adjacent cell that's the same zone as us. ** The target circumstance is a naval yard that doesn't touch ** the shore - a total island. In that case, we can't capture ** it, so we shouldn't show the action-capture cursor. */ action = ACTION_CAPTURE; if (object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { CELL cell = ::As_Cell(object->As_Target()); int targzone = Map[::As_Cell(As_Target())].Zones[Class->MZone]; short const *list = ((BuildingClass *)object)->Class->Occupy_List(false); bool found = false; while (*list != REFRESH_EOL && !found) { CELL newcell = cell + *list++; for (FacingType i=FACING_N; i < FACING_COUNT; i++) { if (Map[Adjacent_Cell(newcell, i)].Zones[Class->MZone] == targzone) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { action = ACTION_NONE; } } } } else { if (!Is_Weapon_Equipped()) { action = ACTION_NONE; } } } /* ** If it doesn't know what to do with the object, then just ** say it can't move there. */ if (action == ACTION_NONE) action = ACTION_NOMOVE; return(action); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Active_Click_With -- Handles action when clicking with infantry soldier. * * * * This routine is called when the player clicks over an object while this infantry soldier * * is selected. Capture attempts are prohibited if the infantry cannot capture. The * * command might respond if told to sabotage something. * * * * INPUT: action -- The action that is nominally to be performed. * * * * object -- The object over which the mouse was clicked. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/08/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Active_Click_With(ActionType action, ObjectClass * object) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); action = What_Action(object); switch (action) { case ACTION_GREPAIR: case ACTION_DAMAGE: case ACTION_CAPTURE: action = ACTION_CAPTURE; break; case ACTION_HEAL: action = ACTION_ATTACK; break; // case ACTION_ENTER: // action = ACTION_MOVE; // break; case ACTION_SABOTAGE: case ACTION_ATTACK: case ACTION_GUARD_AREA: case ACTION_MOVE: action = action; break; default: // action = ACTION_NONE; break; } FootClass::Active_Click_With(action, object); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Set_Occupy_Bit -- Sets the occupy bit cell and bit pos * * * * INPUT: CELL - the cell we are setting the bit in * * * * int - the spot index we are setting the bit for * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/08/1995 PWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Set_Occupy_Bit(CELL cell, int spot_index) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); /* ** Set the occupy position for the spot that we passed in */ Map[cell].Flag.Composite |= (1 << spot_index); /* ** Record the type of infantry that now owns the cell */ Map[cell].InfType = Owner(); } /*************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Clear_Occupy_Bit -- Clears occupy bit and given cell * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/08/1995 PWG : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Clear_Occupy_Bit(CELL cell, int spot_index) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); /* ** Clear the occupy bit for the infantry in that cell */ Map[cell].Flag.Composite &= ~(1 << spot_index); /* ** If he was the last infantry recorded in the cell then ** remove the infantry ownership flag. */ if (!(Map[cell].Flag.Composite & 0x1F)) { Map[cell].InfType = HOUSE_NONE; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Full_Name -- Fetches the full name of the infantry unit. * * * * This routine will return with the full name (as a text number) for this infantry * * unit. Typically, this is the normal name, but in cases of civilian type survivors from * * a building explosion, it might be a technician instead. In such a case, the special * * technician name number is returned instead. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the full name to use for this infantry unit. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/30/1995 JLB : Created. * * 10/28/1996 JLB : Spy returns "enemy soldier" text name. * *=============================================================================================*/ int InfantryClass::Full_Name(void) const { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (IsTechnician) { return(TXT_TECHNICIAN); } if (*this == INFANTRY_SPY && !House->IsPlayerControl) { return(TXT_E1); } return(Class->Full_Name()); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Mission_Attack -- Intercept attack mission for special handling. * * * * This routine intercepts the normal attack mission and if an engineer is detected and the * * target is a building, then the engineer will be automatically assigned the capture * * mission. In other cases, the normal attack logic will proceed. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of game frames to delay before calling this routine again. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/07/1995 JLB : Created. * * 04/15/1996 BWG : Engineers can only attack their own house's buildings now. * * 05/29/1996 JLB : Engineers can now damage/capture enemy buildings. * *=============================================================================================*/ int InfantryClass::Mission_Attack(void) { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); if (Class->IsBomber && As_Building(TarCom)) { Assign_Destination(TarCom); Assign_Mission(MISSION_SABOTAGE); return(1); } if (Class->IsCapture && As_Building(TarCom) != NULL) { Assign_Destination(TarCom); Assign_Mission(MISSION_CAPTURE); return(1); } return(FootClass::Mission_Attack()); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::What_Action -- Determines what action to perform for the cell specified. * * * * This routine will determine what action to perform if the mouse was clicked on the cell * * specified. This is just a courier function since the lower level classes actually * * perform the work. The need for this routine at this level is due to the existence of * * a similarly named function at this level as well. C++ namespace rules require this * * function courier to be in place or an error will result. * * * * INPUT: cell -- The cell that the mouse might be clicked upon. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the action that would be given to this infantry unit if the mouse * * were clicked at the cell specified. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/21/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ ActionType InfantryClass::What_Action(CELL cell) const { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); ActionType action = FootClass::What_Action(cell); /* ** Dogs can only attack infantrymen */ if (Class->IsDog && action == ACTION_ATTACK) { action = ACTION_NONE; } /* ** If this is a medic, and the cursor's over a friendly infantryman, ** execute an action-attack. */ if (Combat_Damage() < 0 && House->IsPlayerControl) { if (action == ACTION_ATTACK) { action = ACTION_NOMOVE; } } /* ** Demolitioners may destroy a bridge */ if (Class->IsBomber && action == ACTION_MOVE && !Special.IsCaptureTheFlag) { switch (Map[cell].TType) { case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE1: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE2: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE1H: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE2H: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1A: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1B: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2A: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2B: // case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3A: // case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3B: return(ACTION_SABOTAGE); } } #ifdef OBSOLETE /* ** Engineers may repair a destroyed bridge. */ if (*this == INFANTRY_RENOVATOR && action == ACTION_NOMOVE) { /* ** If they're pointing on the wrong side of the bridge, ignore it ** 'cause we can't get there. */ TemplateType tt = Map[cell].TType; if (tt == TEMPLATE_BRIDGE1D || tt == TEMPLATE_BRIDGE2D || tt == TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1C || tt == TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2C || (tt >= TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3C && tt <= TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3E) ) { /* ** We know they're pointing at a destroyed bridge cell. If the cell ** they're pointing at is surrounded by impassables, return this ** cell as impassable. But, if any cell surrounding this cell is ** passable, return that this is a capturable cell. */ if (Map[cell].Land_Type() == LAND_ROCK) { if (tt == TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3C) return(ACTION_CAPTURE); if (tt == TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3C) return(ACTION_CAPTURE); int y = Cell_Y(cell); if (y) { LandType above = Map[(CELL)(cell-(MAP_CELL_W-1))].Land_Type(); if (above == LAND_CLEAR || above == LAND_ROAD) { if (Map[(CELL)(cell-(MAP_CELL_W-1))].Zone == Map[As_Cell(As_Target())].Zone) { return(ACTION_CAPTURE); } return(ACTION_NOMOVE); } } if (y < MAP_CELL_H) { LandType below = Map[(CELL)(cell + MAP_CELL_W-1)].Land_Type(); if (below == LAND_CLEAR || below == LAND_ROAD) { if (Map[(CELL)(cell+MAP_CELL_W-1)].Zone == Map[As_Cell(As_Target())].Zone) { return(ACTION_CAPTURE); } return(ACTION_NOMOVE); } } } return(ACTION_NOMOVE); } } #endif return(action); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Class_Of -- Returns the class reference for this object. * * * * This routine will return a reference to the infantry type class object that describes * * this infantry's characteristics. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a reference to the InfantryTypeClass object associated with this * * infantry object. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/21/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ ObjectTypeClass const & InfantryClass::Class_Of(void) const { assert(Infantry.ID(this) == ID); assert(IsActive); return(*Class); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Read_INI -- Reads units from scenario INI file. * * * * This routine is used to read all the starting units from the * * scenario control INI file. The units are created and placed on the * * map by this routine. * * * * INI entry format: * * Housename, Typename, Strength, Cellnum, CellSublocation, Missionname, * * Facingnum, Triggername * * * * INPUT: buffer -- Pointer to the loaded scenario INI file. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/24/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Read_INI(CCINIClass & ini) { InfantryClass * infantry; // Working infantry pointer. HousesType inhouse; // Infantry house. InfantryType classid; // Infantry class. char buf[128]; char * validation; DirType dir; TriggerTypeClass * tp; int len = ini.Entry_Count(INI_Name()); for (int index = 0; index < len; index++) { char const * entry = ini.Get_Entry(INI_Name(), index); /* ** Get an infantry entry */ ini.Get_String(INI_Name(), entry, NULL, buf, sizeof(buf)); /* ** 1st token: house name. */ inhouse = HouseTypeClass::From_Name(strtok(buf, ",\n\r")); if (inhouse != HOUSE_NONE) { /* ** 2nd token: infantry type name. */ classid = InfantryTypeClass::From_Name(strtok(NULL, ",\n\r")); if (classid != INFANTRY_NONE) { infantry = new InfantryClass(classid, inhouse); if (infantry != NULL) { /* ** 3rd token: strength. */ int strength = atoi(strtok(NULL, ",\n\r")); /* ** 4th token: cell #. */ CELL cell = atoi(strtok(NULL, ",\n\r")); COORDINATE coord = Cell_Coord(cell); /* ** 5th token: cell sub-location. */ int sub = atoi(strtok(NULL, ",")); coord = Coord_Add(Coord_Whole(coord), StoppingCoordAbs[ sub ]); /* ** Fetch the mission and facing. */ MissionType mission = MissionClass::Mission_From_Name(strtok(NULL, ",\n\r")); validation = strtok(NULL, ",\n\r"); if (validation) { dir = (DirType)atoi(validation); validation = strtok(NULL, ",\n\r"); if (validation) { tp = TriggerTypeClass::From_Name(validation); } else { tp = NULL; } } else { dir = (DirType)0; tp = NULL; } infantry->Trigger = NULL; if (tp != NULL) { TriggerClass * tt = Find_Or_Make(tp); if (tt != NULL) { tt->AttachCount++; infantry->Trigger = tt; } } if (infantry->Unlimbo(coord, dir)) { infantry->Strength = infantry->Class_Of().MaxStrength * fixed(strength, 256); if (infantry->Strength > infantry->Class->MaxStrength-3) infantry->Strength = infantry->Class->MaxStrength; // infantry->Strength = Fixed_To_Cardinal(infantry->Class_Of().MaxStrength, strength); if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL || infantry->House->IsHuman) { infantry->Assign_Mission(mission); infantry->Commence(); } else { infantry->Enter_Idle_Mode(); } } else { /* ** If the infantry could not be unlimboed, then this is a big error. ** Delete the infantry. */ delete infantry; } } } } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Write_INI -- Store the infantry to the INI database. * * * * This will store all the infantry objects to the INI database specified. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the INI database to store the infantry data to. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Write_INI(CCINIClass & ini) { /* ** First, clear out all existing infantry data from the ini file. */ ini.Clear(INI_Name()); /* ** Write the infantry data out. */ for (int index = 0; index < Infantry.Count(); index++) { InfantryClass * infantry = Infantry.Ptr(index); if (!infantry->IsInLimbo) { char uname[10]; char buf[128]; sprintf(uname, "%d", index); sprintf(buf, "%s,%s,%d,%u,%d,%s,%d,%s", infantry->House->Class->IniName, infantry->Class->IniName, infantry->Health_Ratio()*256, Coord_Cell(infantry->Coord), CellClass::Spot_Index(infantry->Coord), MissionClass::Mission_Name((infantry->Mission == MISSION_NONE) ? infantry->MissionQueue : infantry->Mission), infantry->PrimaryFacing.Current(), infantry->Trigger.Is_Valid() ? infantry->Trigger->Class->IniName : "None" ); ini.Put_String(INI_Name(), uname, buf); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Fear_AI -- Process any fear related affects on this infantry. * * * * Use this routine to handle the fear logic for this infantry. It will slowly increase * * the bravery of the infantry as well as cause it to stand up or lie down as appropriate. * * It will even handle the special fraidy cat logic for civilian infantry. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Only call this once per game logic loop per infantry unit. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Fear_AI(void) { /* ** After a time, the infantry will gain courage. */ if (Fear > 0) { Fear--; /* ** When an armed civilian becomes unafraid, he will then reload ** another clip into his pistol. */ if (Fear == 0 && Ammo == 0 && Is_Weapon_Equipped()) { Ammo = Class->MaxAmmo; } /* ** Stand up if brave and lie down if afraid. */ if (IsProne) { if (Fear < FEAR_ANXIOUS) { Do_Action(DO_GET_UP); } } else { /* ** Drop to the ground if anxious. Don't drop to the ground while moving ** and the special elite flag is active. */ if (!Class->IsDog && Height == 0 && Fear >= FEAR_ANXIOUS && ((!Target_Legal(NavCom) && !IsDriving))) { Do_Action(DO_LIE_DOWN); } } } /* ** When in darkness or in doubt, ** run in circles, scream, and shout. */ if (Class->IsFraidyCat && Fear > FEAR_ANXIOUS && !IsFalling && !IsDriving && !Target_Legal(NavCom)) { Scatter(0, true); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Edge_Of_World_AI -- Detects when infantry has left the map. * * * * This routine will detect when the infantry has left the edge of the world and will * * delete it as necessary. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the infantry unit deleted by this routine? * * * * WARNINGS: Be sure the check the return value and if true, abort any further processing * * for this infantry unit. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool InfantryClass::Edge_Of_World_AI(void) { /* ** Delete this unit if it finds itself off the edge of the map and it is in ** guard or other static mission mode. */ if (Team.Is_Valid() && IsLocked) Team->IsLeaveMap = true; if (!Team.Is_Valid() && Mission == MISSION_GUARD && !Map.In_Radar(Coord_Cell(Coord))) { Stun(); delete this; return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Firing_AI -- Handles firing and combat AI for the infantry. * * * * This will examine the infantry and determine what firing action is required. It will * * search for targets, starting firing animations, and launch bullets as necessary. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Only call this routine once per infantry per game logic loop. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Firing_AI(void) { if (Target_Legal(TarCom)) { int primary = What_Weapon_Should_I_Use(TarCom); if (!IsFiring) { switch (Can_Fire(TarCom, primary)) { case FIRE_ILLEGAL: if (Combat_Damage(primary) < 0) { ObjectClass * targ= As_Object(TarCom); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (targ) { if( (targ->What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY && *this == INFANTRY_MEDIC) || (*this == INFANTRY_MECHANIC && (targ->What_Am_I() == RTTI_AIRCRAFT || targ->What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT )) ) { if (targ->Health_Ratio() >= Rule.ConditionGreen) { Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); } } } else { Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); } #else if (targ && targ->What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY) { if (targ->Health_Ratio() >= Rule.ConditionGreen) { Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); } } else { Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); } #endif } break; case FIRE_CLOAKED: Do_Uncloak(); break; case FIRE_OK: /* ** Start firing animation. */ if (IsProne) { Do_Action(DO_FIRE_PRONE); } else { Do_Action(DO_FIRE_WEAPON); } Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_UP); IsFiring = true; Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_DOWN); PrimaryFacing.Set(Direction8(Center_Coord(), As_Coord(TarCom))); /* ** If the target is in range, and the NavCom is the same, then just ** stop and keep firing. */ if (TarCom == NavCom) { NavCom = TARGET_NONE; Path[0] = FACING_NONE; } break; } } /* ** If in the middle of firing animation, then only ** process that. Infantry cannot fire and move simultaneously. ** At some point in the firing animation process, a projectile ** will be launched. When the required animation frames have ** been completed, the firing animation stops. */ int firestage = Class->FireLaunch; if (IsProne) firestage = Class->ProneLaunch; if (IsFiring && Fetch_Stage() == firestage) { Fire_At(TarCom, primary); /* ** Run away from slowly approaching projectiles. */ if (Class->PrimaryWeapon->MaxSpeed < Rule.Incoming) { Map[::As_Cell(TarCom)].Incoming(Coord, true); } /* ** If it's a dog, get rid of him (he'll be re-created when he hits) */ if (Class->IsDog) { WasSelected = IsSelected; ScenarioInit++; Limbo(); ScenarioInit--; } } } else { if (IsFiring) { Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_UP); IsFiring = false; Mark(MARK_OVERLAP_DOWN); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Doing_AI -- Handles the animation AI processing. * * * * Infantry can be in one of many different animation sequences. At the conclusion of each * * sequence, the infantry will quite likely transition to a new animation state. This * * routine handles detecting when that trasition should occur and starting the infantry * * into its new state. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Only call this routine once per infantry unit per game logic loop. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Doing_AI(void) { if (Doing == DO_NOTHING || Fetch_Stage() >= Class->DoControls[Doing].Count) { switch (Doing) { default: if (IsDriving) { if (Class->IsDog) { /* ** Dog crawl animation is actually the run animation. */ if (Target_Legal(TarCom)) { Do_Action(DO_CRAWL, true); } else { Do_Action(DO_WALK, true); } } else { if (IsProne) { Do_Action(DO_CRAWL, true); } else { Do_Action(DO_WALK, true); } } } else { if (Class->IsDog) { Do_Action(DO_STAND_READY, true); } else { if (IsProne) { Do_Action(DO_PRONE, true); } else { Do_Action(DO_STAND_READY, true); } } } break; case DO_DOG_MAUL: Do_Action(DO_STAND_READY, true); break; case DO_GUN_DEATH: case DO_EXPLOSION_DEATH: case DO_EXPLOSION2_DEATH: case DO_GRENADE_DEATH: case DO_FIRE_DEATH: if (Fetch_Stage() >= Class->DoControls[Doing].Count) { if (Doing == DO_GUN_DEATH && !Class->IsDog && Height==0) { new AnimClass(ANIM_CORPSE1, Coord_Add(Center_Coord(), XYP_Coord(-2, 4))); } if (Doing == DO_GRENADE_DEATH && !Class->IsDog && Height==0) { new AnimClass(ANIM_CORPSE1, Coord_Add(Center_Coord(), XYP_Coord(-10, 3))); } if (Doing == DO_EXPLOSION_DEATH && !Class->IsDog && Height==0) { new AnimClass(ANIM_CORPSE3, Coord_Add(Center_Coord(), XYP_Coord(-2, 4))); } if (Doing == DO_EXPLOSION2_DEATH && !Class->IsDog && Height==0) { new AnimClass(ANIM_CORPSE2, Center_Coord()); } delete this; return; } } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Movement_AI -- This routine handles all infantry movement logic. * * * * It examines the infantry state and determines what movement action should be initiated * * or processed. It handles the actual movement of the infantry as well as any path finding * * or infantry startup logic. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Only call this routine once per infantry unit per game logic loop. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void InfantryClass::Movement_AI(void) { /* ** Special hack check to ensure that infantry will never get stuck in a movement order if ** there is no place to go. */ if (Mission == MISSION_MOVE && !Target_Legal(NavCom)) { Enter_Idle_Mode(); } if (!IsFiring && !IsFalling && Doing != DO_DOG_MAUL) { if (!IsDriving) { /* ** When in guard mode, never allow a valid navcom. */ if (Mission == MISSION_GUARD && MissionQueue == MISSION_NONE && Target_Legal(NavCom)) { Assign_Destination(TARGET_NONE); // if (IsTethered) Scatter(0, true); } /* ** Double check to make sure it doesn't have a movement destination into a zone ** that it can't travel to. In such a case, abort the movement process by clearing ** the navigation computer. */ if ((!IsZoneCheat || Can_Enter_Cell(Coord_Cell(Coord)) != MOVE_NO) && !IsDriving && !IsTethered && Target_Legal(NavCom) && IsLocked && Map[Coord].Zones[Class->MZone] != Map[As_Cell(NavCom)].Zones[Class->MZone]) { // hack: if it's tanya, spy, or engineer, let 'em move there anyway. if (!Class->IsCapture && Mission != MISSION_ENTER) { // if (*this != INFANTRY_TANYA && *this != INFANTRY_SPY && *this != INFANTRY_RENOVATOR) { Assign_Destination(TARGET_NONE); } } /* ** A head to coordinate is needed. If there is no path ** available, then create one. */ if (Target_Legal(NavCom) && Strength && Mission != MISSION_GUARD) { /* ** Determine if the next cell in the list is available ** to be entered. If not, then abort the path and try ** again. */ if (Path[0] != FACING_NONE && Can_Enter_Cell(Adjacent_Cell(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()), Path[0])) != MOVE_OK) { Path[0] = FACING_NONE; } /* ** Check to see if the target is closer than expected. This occurs ** when heading toward a moving object and that object is heading ** toward the unit. Shorten the precalculated path to be no longer ** than the distance to the target. */ int d = Lepton_To_Cell(Distance(NavCom)); if (d < CONQUER_PATH_MAX) { Path[d] = FACING_NONE; } /* ** Find a path to follow if one isn't already calculated. */ if (Path[0] == FACING_NONE) { /* ** Calculate the path from the current location to the ** destination indicated by the navigation computer. If there ** was a fundamental error with finding a path, then this ** indicates that basic path & movement logic needs to be ** aborted. */ if (PathDelay != 0) { return; } if (!Basic_Path()) { /* ** Check to ensure that if a computer controlled unit is in ** hunt mode, but cannot reach the target it would like to, ** abort the target tracking and let the normal hunt logic ** assign a new one. */ if (!House->IsHuman && Mission == MISSION_HUNT) { Assign_Destination(TARGET_NONE); Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); } else { /* ** If the infantry unit is close enough to the target, then ** tell it to stop. */ if (Distance(NavCom) < Rule.CloseEnoughDistance && !IsTethered) { Assign_Destination(TARGET_NONE); } else { /* ** Update the try try again counter so that this ** infantry unit will try again at a later time. */ if (TryTryAgain) { TryTryAgain--; } else { if (IsNewNavCom) Sound_Effect(VOC_SCOLD); IsNewNavCom = false; /* ** Abort the target and destination process since the path ** could not be found. In such a case, processing should stop ** or else the game will bog down with repeated path failures. ** Only perform the abort of the target is in a different zone. */ if ((!IsZoneCheat || Can_Enter_Cell(Coord_Cell(Coord)) != MOVE_NO) && IsLocked && Target_Legal(NavCom) && Map[As_Cell(NavCom)].Zones[Class->MZone] != Map[Coord].Zones[Class->MZone]) { Assign_Destination(TARGET_NONE); } if (IsLocked && Target_Legal(TarCom) && Map[As_Cell(TarCom)].Zones[Class->MZone] != Map[Coord].Zones[Class->MZone]) { Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); } } } } Stop_Driver(); return; } TryTryAgain = PATH_RETRY; } /* ** Determine the coordinate to head to based on the infantry's ** current location and the next location in the path. */ COORDINATE acoord = Adjacent_Cell(Coord, Path[0]); CELL acell = Coord_Cell(acoord); if (Can_Enter_Cell(acell) != MOVE_OK) { if ((Mission == MISSION_MOVE || Mission == MISSION_ENTER) && !IsTethered /*&& House->IsHuman*/ && Distance(NavCom) < Rule.CloseEnoughDistance) { Assign_Destination(TARGET_NONE); } else { /* ** If blocked by a moving block then just exit start of move and ** try again next tick. */ if (Can_Enter_Cell(acell) == MOVE_DESTROYABLE) { if (Map[acell].Cell_Object()) { if (!House->Is_Ally(Map[acell].Cell_Object())) { Override_Mission(MISSION_ATTACK, Map[acell].Cell_Object()->As_Target(), TARGET_NONE); } } else { if (Map[acell].Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE && OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(Map[acell].Overlay).IsWall) { Override_Mission(MISSION_ATTACK, ::As_Target(acell), TARGET_NONE); } } } } Path[0] = FACING_NONE; Stop_Driver(); if (IsNewNavCom) Sound_Effect(VOC_SCOLD); IsNewNavCom = false; } else { if (Start_Driver(acoord)) { if (!IsActive) return; PrimaryFacing.Set(Direction8(Center_Coord(), Head_To_Coord())); if (IsFormationMove) { Set_Speed(Ground[Map[Coord].Land_Type()].Cost[FormationSpeed] * 256); } else { Set_Speed(0xFF); } if (Class->IsDog) { /* ** Dog crawl animation is actually the run animation. */ if (Target_Legal(TarCom)) { Do_Action(DO_CRAWL); } else { Do_Action(DO_WALK); } } else { if (IsProne) { Do_Action(DO_CRAWL); } else { Do_Action(DO_WALK); } } } } } } else { /* ** The infantry knows where it should be headed, so head there. Check ** to see if the infantry is "close enough" to the desired location that ** it should just consider itself to have arrived. In this case, force ** the infantry to the destination location and mark this path step ** as complete. */ Mark(MARK_UP); if (Distance(Head_To_Coord()) < 0x0010) { memcpy(&Path[0], &Path[1], sizeof(Path)-sizeof(Path[0])); Path[(sizeof(Path)/sizeof(Path[0]))-1] = FACING_NONE; Coord = Head_To_Coord(); Per_Cell_Process(PCP_END); if (!IsActive || IsInLimbo) return; Stop_Driver(); if (!IsActive || IsInLimbo) return; if (Coord_Cell(Coord) == As_Cell(NavCom)) { NavCom = TARGET_NONE; if (Mission == MISSION_MOVE) { Enter_Idle_Mode(); } //Stop_Driver(); Path[0] = FACING_NONE; } } else { int movespeed = Speed; /* ** When prone, the infantry moves at half speed or double ** speed. This depends on whether the infantry actually has ** prone animation stages. Civilians don't, and so they ** run instead. */ if (Class->IsDog && Target_Legal(TarCom)) { movespeed *= 2; } if (IsProne && !Class->IsDog) { if ((Class->IsFraidyCat && !Class->IsCrawling) ) { movespeed = Speed*2; } else { movespeed = Speed/2; } } if (IsTethered) { Transmit_Message(RADIO_REDRAW); } /* ** Advance the infantry as far as it should go. */ MPHType maxspeed = MPHType(min(Class->MaxSpeed * SpeedBias * House->GroundspeedBias, MPH_LIGHT_SPEED)); if (IsFormationMove) maxspeed = FormationMaxSpeed; Coord = Coord_Move(Coord, Direction(Head_To_Coord()), maxspeed * fixed(movespeed, 256)); } Mark(MARK_DOWN); } IsNewNavCom = false; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Get_Image_Data -- Fetches the image data for this infantry unit. * * * * The image data for the infantry differs from normal if this is a spy. A spy always * * appears like a minigunner to the non-owning players. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a pointer to the image data to use for this infantry soldier. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/06/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void const * InfantryClass::Get_Image_Data(void) const { if (!IsOwnedByPlayer && *this == INFANTRY_SPY) { return(MFCD::Retrieve("E1.SHP")); } return(TechnoClass::Get_Image_Data()); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Is_Ready_To_Random_Anima -- Checks to see if it is ready to perform an idle * * * * This routine will examine this infantry and determine if it is allowed and ready to * * perform an idle animation. The conditions under which idle animations can be performed * * are restrictive. Hence this routine. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is this infantry ready to do an idle animation? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/01/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool InfantryClass::Is_Ready_To_Random_Animate(void) const { /* ** See if the base classes (more rudimentary checking) determines that idle animations ** cannot occur. If they cannot, then return with the failure code. */ if (!FootClass::Is_Ready_To_Random_Animate()) { return(false); } /* ** While the infantry is in the air (such as when paradropping), it won't be allowed ** to idle animate. */ if (Height > 0) { return(false); } /* ** When the infantry is walking or otherwise engauged in travel, it won't idle animate. */ if (IsDriving) { return(false); } /* ** When prone, idle animations cannot occur. This is primarily because there are no prone ** idle animations. */ if (IsProne) { return(false); } /* ** When firing, the infantry should not perform any idle animations. */ if (IsFiring) { return(false); } /* ** Only if the infantry is in guard or ready stance is idle animations allowed. This is ** because the idle animations start and end with these frames. */ if (Doing != DO_STAND_GUARD && Doing != DO_STAND_READY) { return(false); } /* ** Since no reason was found to indicate it is not a good time to idle ** animate, then it must be a good time to do so. */ return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * InfantryClass::Paradrop -- Handles paradropping infantry. * * * * This routine will paradrop this soldier at the location specified. It will cause the * * soldier to hunt if controlled by the computer and to guard if controlledy by the * * human. * * * * INPUT: coord -- The coordinate to paradrop the soldier to. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the paradrop successful? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/19/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool InfantryClass::Paradrop(COORDINATE coord) { if (FootClass::Paradrop(coord)) { if (House->IsHuman) { Assign_Mission(MISSION_GUARD); } else { Assign_Mission(MISSION_HUNT); } return(true); } return(false); }