/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: F:\projects\c&c0\vcs\code\inicode.cpv 4.38 03 Jul 1996 05:14:04 JOE_BOSTIC $ */ /*************************************************************************** ** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ** *************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : INICODE.CPP * * * * Programmer : David R Dettmer * * * * Start Date : November 7, 1995 * * * * Last Update : February 20, 1996 [JLB] * * * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #ifdef TOFIX void Get_Scenario_Digest(char * digest, char * buffer) { char buf[128]; // Working string staging buffer. char stage[sizeof(BigInt)*2]; char * stage_ptr = &stage[0]; int len = strlen(buffer) + 2; char * tbuffer = buffer + len; WWGetPrivateProfileString("DIGEST", NULL, NULL, tbuffer, sizeof(_staging_buffer)-len, buffer); stage[0] = '\0'; while (*tbuffer != '\0') { WWGetPrivateProfileString("DIGEST", tbuffer, NULL, buf, sizeof(buf)-1, buffer); strcat(stage, buf); tbuffer += strlen(tbuffer)+1; } len = strlen(stage); char * dbuffer = &stage[0]; tbuffer = &stage[0]; for (int index = 0; index < len/2; index++) { int c; if (isdigit(*tbuffer)) { c = (*tbuffer) - '0'; } else { c = 10 + (toupper(*tbuffer) - 'A'); } tbuffer++; c <<= 4; if (isdigit(*tbuffer)) { c |= (*tbuffer) - '0'; } else { c |= 10 + (toupper(*tbuffer) - 'A'); } tbuffer++; *dbuffer++ = c; } /* ** Decode and decrypt the number. */ BigInt hash = 0; hash.DERDecode((unsigned char*)stage); BigInt d; d = d.Decode_ASCII(KEY_D); BigInt n; n = n.Decode_ASCII(KEY_N); hash = hash.exp_b_mod_c(d, n); memcpy(digest, &hash, 20); buffer = strstr(buffer, "[DIGEST]"); if (buffer) { *buffer = '\0'; } } bool Read_Scenario_INI_Write_INB( char *root, bool fresh) { char *buffer; // Scenario.ini staging buffer pointer. char *binbuf; // Scenario.inb staging buffer pointer. char fname[_MAX_FNAME+_MAX_EXT]; // full INI filename char buf[256]; // Working string staging buffer. char scenarioname[40]; int len; unsigned char val; /* ** Fetch working pointer to the INI staging buffer. Make sure that the buffer ** is cleared out before proceeding. (Don't use the HidPage for this, since ** the HidPage may be needed for various uncompressions during the INI ** parsing.) */ buffer = (char *)_staging_buffer; memset(buffer, '\0', sizeof(_staging_buffer)); /* ** Create scenario filename and read the file. ** The previous routine verifies that the file is available. */ sprintf(fname,"%s.INI",root); CCFileClass file(fname); file.Read(buffer, sizeof(_staging_buffer)-1); /* ** Fetch and slice off any message digest attached. */ char digest[20]; Get_Scenario_Digest(digest, buffer); char real_digest[20]; SHAEngine digest_engine; digest_engine.Hash(buffer, strlen(buffer)); digest_engine.Result(real_digest); if (memcmp(digest, real_digest, sizeof(real_digest)) != 0) { WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_SCENARIO_ERROR, TXT_OK); } /* ** Init the Scenario CRC value */ ScenarioCRC = 0; len = strlen(buffer); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { val = (unsigned char)buffer[i]; Add_CRC(&ScenarioCRC, (unsigned long)val); } sprintf(fname,"%s.INB",root); file.Set_Name(fname); file.Cache(16384); file.Open(WRITE); unsigned long crc = Ini_Binary_Version(); file.Write( (char *)&crc, sizeof(crc) ); binbuf = (char *)Alloc( sizeof(_staging_buffer), MEM_NORMAL ); if (binbuf) { Write_Bin_Init( binbuf, sizeof(_staging_buffer) ); } else { Print_Error_End_Exit( "Unable to alloc space for writing INB" ); } /* ** Fetch the appropriate movie names from the INI file. */ WWGetPrivateProfileString("Basic", "Name", "", scenarioname, sizeof(scenarioname), buffer); WWGetPrivateProfileString("Basic", "Intro", "x", Scen.IntroMovie, sizeof(Scen.IntroMovie), buffer); WWGetPrivateProfileString("Basic", "Brief", "x", Scen.BriefMovie, sizeof(Scen.BriefMovie), buffer); WWGetPrivateProfileString("Basic", "Win", "x", Scen.WinMovie, sizeof(Scen.WinMovie), buffer); WWGetPrivateProfileString("Basic", "Lose", "x", Scen.LoseMovie, sizeof(Scen.LoseMovie), buffer); WWGetPrivateProfileString("Basic", "Action", "x", Scen.ActionMovie, sizeof(Scen.ActionMovie), buffer); Scen.IsToCarryOver = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Basic", "ToCarryOver", 0, buffer); Scen.IsToInherit = WWGetPrivateProfileInt("Basic", "ToInherit", 0, buffer); Write_Bin_String( scenarioname, strlen(scenarioname), binbuf ); Write_Bin_String( Scen.IntroMovie, strlen(Scen.IntroMovie), binbuf ); Write_Bin_String( Scen.BriefMovie, strlen(Scen.BriefMovie), binbuf ); Write_Bin_String( Scen.WinMovie, strlen(Scen.WinMovie), binbuf ); Write_Bin_String( Scen.LoseMovie, strlen(Scen.LoseMovie), binbuf ); Write_Bin_String( Scen.ActionMovie, strlen(Scen.ActionMovie), binbuf ); /* ** Fetch the transition theme for this scenario. */ Scen.TransitTheme = THEME_NONE; WWGetPrivateProfileString("Basic", "Theme", "No Theme", buf, sizeof(buf), buffer); Scen.TransitTheme = Theme.From_Name(buf); WWGetPrivateProfileString( "Basic", "Player", "Greece", buf, 127, buffer); Scen.PlayerHouse = HouseTypeClass::From_Name(buf); if (Scen.PlayerHouse >= HOUSE_MULTI1) { Scen.PlayerHouse = HOUSE_GREECE; } // TCTC To Fix? // Scen.CarryOverPercent = WWGetPrivateProfileInt( "Basic", "CarryOverMoney", 100, buffer); Scen.CarryOverCap = WWGetPrivateProfileInt( "Basic", "CarryOverCap", -1, buffer); Scen.Percent = WWGetPrivateProfileInt( "Basic", "Percent", 0, buffer); Write_Bin_Num( &Scen.TransitTheme, sizeof(Scen.TransitTheme), binbuf ); Write_Bin_Num( &Scen.PlayerHouse, sizeof(Scen.PlayerHouse), binbuf ); Write_Bin_Num( &Scen.CarryOverPercent, 1, binbuf ); Write_Bin_Num( &Scen.CarryOverCap, 2, binbuf ); Write_Bin_Num( &Scen.Percent, 1, binbuf ); /* ** Read in the specific information for each of the house types. This creates ** the houses of different types. */ HouseClass::Read_INI(buffer); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in the team-type data. The team types must be created before any ** triggers can be created. */ TeamTypeClass::Read_INI(buffer); Call_Back(); /* ** Assign PlayerPtr by reading the player's house from the INI; ** Must be done before any TechnoClass objects are created. */ if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { Scen.CarryOverPercent = Cardinal_To_Fixed(100, Scen.CarryOverPercent); PlayerPtr = HouseClass::As_Pointer( Scen.PlayerHouse ); assert(PlayerPtr != NULL); PlayerPtr->IsHuman = true; int carryover; if (Scen.CarryOverCap != -1) { carryover = MIN(Fixed_To_Cardinal(Scen.CarryOverMoney, Scen.CarryOverPercent), (Scen.CarryOverCap * 100) ); } else { carryover = Fixed_To_Cardinal(Scen.CarryOverMoney, Scen.CarryOverPercent); } PlayerPtr->Credits += carryover; PlayerPtr->Control.InitialCredits += carryover; } else { Assign_Houses(); } /* ** Read in the trigger data. The triggers must be created before any other ** objects can be initialized. */ TriggerClass::Read_INI(buffer); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in the map control values. This includes dimensions ** as well as theater information. */ Map.Read_INI(buffer); Call_Back(); /* ** Attempt to read the map's binary image file; if fails, read the ** template data from the INI, for backward compatibility */ if (fresh) { if (!Map.Read_Binary(root, &ScenarioCRC)) { return( false ); } } Call_Back(); /* ** Read in and place the 3D terrain objects. */ TerrainClass::Read_INI(buffer); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in and place the units (all sides). */ UnitClass::Read_INI(buffer); Call_Back(); VesselClass::Read_INI(buffer); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in and place the infantry units (all sides). */ InfantryClass::Read_INI(buffer); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in and place all the buildings on the map. */ BuildingClass::Read_INI(buffer); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in the AI's base information. */ Base.Read_INI(buffer); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in any normal overlay objects. */ OverlayClass::Read_INI(buffer); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in any smudge overlays. */ SmudgeClass::Read_INI(buffer); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in any briefing text. */ char * stage = &Scen.BriefingText[0]; *stage = '\0'; int index = 1; /* ** Build the full text of the mission objective. */ for (;;) { char buff[16]; sprintf(buff, "%d", index++); *stage = '\0'; WWGetPrivateProfileString("Briefing", buff, "", stage, 255, buffer); if (strlen(stage) == 0) break; strcat(stage, " "); stage += strlen(stage); } len = Write_Bin_Length( binbuf ); if (len != -1) { file.Write( binbuf, len ); } Free( binbuf ); file.Close(); return(true); } #endif