/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /CounterStrike/INIT.CPP 8 3/14/97 5:15p Joe_b $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : INIT.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : January 20, 1992 * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * Anim_Init -- Initialize the VQ animation control structure. * * Bootstrap -- Perform the initial bootstrap procedure. * * Calculate_CRC -- Calculates a one-way hash from a data block. * * Init_Authorization -- Verifies that the player is authorized to play the game. * * Init_Bootstrap_Mixfiles -- Registers and caches any mixfiles needed for bootstrapping. * * Init_Bulk_Data -- Initialize the time-consuming mixfile caching. * * Init_CDROM_Access -- Initialize the CD-ROM access handler. * * Init_Color_Remaps -- Initialize the text remap tables. * * Init_Expansion_Files -- Fetch any override expansion mixfiles. * * Init_Fonts -- Initialize all the game font pointers. * * Init_Game -- Main game initialization routine. * * Init_Heaps -- Initialize the game heaps and buffers. * * Init_Keys -- Initialize the cryptographic keys. * * Init_Mouse -- Initialize the mouse system. * * Init_One_Time_Systems -- Initialize internal pointers to the bulk data. * * Init_Random -- Initializes the random-number generator * * Init_Secondary_Mixfiles -- Register and cache secondary mixfiles. * * Load_Recording_Values -- Loads recording values from recording file * * Load_Title_Page -- Load the background art for the title page. * * Obfuscate -- Sufficiently transform parameter to thwart casual hackers. * * Parse_Command_Line -- Parses the command line parameters. * * Parse_INI_File -- Parses CONQUER.INI for special options * * Play_Intro -- plays the introduction & logo movies * * Save_Recording_Values -- Saves recording values to a recording file * * Select_Game -- The game's main menu * * Load_Prolog_Page -- Loads the special pre-prolog "please wait" page. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #include "loaddlg.h" #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef WINSOCK_IPX #include "WSProto.h" #include "WSPUDP.h" #include "WSPIPX.h" #include "internet.h" #else //WINSOCK_IPX #include "tcpip.h" #endif //WINSOCK_IPX #endif #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif #include "ccdde.h" #include #ifdef DONGLE #include "cbn_.h" #endif #ifdef MPEGMOVIE // Denzil 6/25/98 #include "mpgset.h" #endif RemapControlType SidebarScheme; #include "WolDebug.h" #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS extern bool bNoMovies; #endif /**************************************** ** Function prototypes for this module ** *****************************************/ static void Play_Intro(bool sequenced=false); static void Init_Color_Remaps(void); static void Init_Heaps(void); static void Init_Expansion_Files(void); static void Init_One_Time_Systems(void); static void Init_Fonts(void); static void Init_CDROM_Access(void); static void Init_Bootstrap_Mixfiles(void); static void Init_Secondary_Mixfiles(void); static void Init_Mouse(void); static void Bootstrap(void); //static void Init_Authorization(void); static void Init_Bulk_Data(void); static void Init_Keys(void); extern int UnitBuildPenalty; extern "C" { extern long RandNumb; } #ifndef WIN32 static int UsePageFaultHandler = 1; // 1 = install PFH #endif //WIN32 //extern int SimRandIndex; void Init_Random(void); #define ATTRACT_MODE_TIMEOUT 3600 // timeout for attract mode bool Load_Recording_Values(CCFileClass & file); bool Save_Recording_Values(CCFileClass & file); #ifdef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION extern int WOL_Main(); #include "WolapiOb.h" extern WolapiObject* pWolapi; #endif #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 bool Expansion_Dialog( bool bCounterstrike ); #endif extern bool Is_Mission_Counterstrike (char *file_name); /*********************************************************************************************** * Load_Prolog_Page -- Loads the special pre-prolog "please wait" page. * * * * This loads and displays the prolog page that is displayed before the prolog movie * * is played. This page is necessary because there is much loading that occurs before * * the prolog movie is played and looking at a picture is better than looking at a blank * * screen. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Load_Prolog_Page(void) { Hide_Mouse(); #ifdef WIN32 Load_Title_Screen("PROLOG.PCX", &HidPage, CCPalette); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage); #else Load_Picture("PROLOG.CPS", HidPage, HidPage, CCPalette, BM_DEFAULT); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage); #endif CCPalette.Set(); Show_Mouse(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Init_Game -- Main game initialization routine. * * * * Perform all one-time game initializations here. This includes all * * allocations and table setups. The intro and other one-time startup * * tasks are also performed here. * * * * INPUT: argc,argv -- Command line arguments. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Only call this ONCE! * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/07/1992 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ #include "sha.h" //#include bool Init_Game(int , char * []) { /* ** Allocate the benchmark tracking objects only if the machine and ** compile flags indicate. */ #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS if (Processor() >= 2) { Benches = new Benchmark [BENCH_COUNT]; } #endif /* ** Initialize the encryption keys. */ Init_Keys(); /* ** Bootstrap as much as possible before error-prone initializations are ** performed. This bootstrap process will enable the error message ** handler to function. */ Bootstrap(); /* ** Check for an initialize a working mouse pointer. Display error and bail if ** no mouse driver is installed. */ Init_Mouse(); /* ** Initialize access to the CD-ROM and ensure that the CD is inserted. This can, and ** most likely will, result in a visible prompt. */ Init_CDROM_Access(); if (Special.IsFromInstall) { Load_Prolog_Page(); } /* ** Register and cache any secondary mixfiles. */ Init_Secondary_Mixfiles(); /* ** This is a special hack to initialize the heaps that must be in place before the ** rules file is processed. These heaps should properly be allocated as a consequence ** of processing the rules.ini file, but that is a bit beyond the capabilities of ** the rule parser routine (currently). */ HouseTypes.Set_Heap(HOUSE_COUNT); BuildingTypes.Set_Heap(STRUCT_COUNT); AircraftTypes.Set_Heap(AIRCRAFT_COUNT); InfantryTypes.Set_Heap(INFANTRY_COUNT); BulletTypes.Set_Heap(BULLET_COUNT); AnimTypes.Set_Heap(ANIM_COUNT); UnitTypes.Set_Heap(UNIT_COUNT); VesselTypes.Set_Heap(VESSEL_COUNT); TemplateTypes.Set_Heap(TEMPLATE_COUNT); TerrainTypes.Set_Heap(TERRAIN_COUNT); OverlayTypes.Set_Heap(OVERLAY_COUNT); SmudgeTypes.Set_Heap(SMUDGE_COUNT); HouseTypeClass::Init_Heap(); BuildingTypeClass::Init_Heap(); AircraftTypeClass::Init_Heap(); InfantryTypeClass::Init_Heap(); BulletTypeClass::Init_Heap(); AnimTypeClass::Init_Heap(); UnitTypeClass::Init_Heap(); VesselTypeClass::Init_Heap(); TemplateTypeClass::Init_Heap(); TerrainTypeClass::Init_Heap(); OverlayTypeClass::Init_Heap(); SmudgeTypeClass::Init_Heap(); /* ** Find and process any rules for this game. */ if (RuleINI.Load(CCFileClass("RULES.INI"), false)) { Rule.Process(RuleINI); } #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 // Aftermath runtime change 9/29/98 // This is safe to do, as only rules for aftermath units are included in this ini. if (Is_Aftermath_Installed() == true) { if (AftermathINI.Load(CCFileClass("AFTRMATH.INI"), false)) { Rule.Process(AftermathINI); } } #endif Session.MaxPlayers = Rule.MaxPlayers; /* ** Initialize the game object heaps as well as other rules-dependant buffer allocations. */ Init_Heaps(); /* ** Initialize the animation system. */ Anim_Init(); #ifndef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // WChat eliminated. #ifdef WIN32 if (SpawnedFromWChat){ Special.IsFromWChat = true; } #endif #endif #ifdef MPEGMOVIE // Denzil 6/15/98 if( Using_DVD() ) { #ifdef MCIMPEG MciMovie = new MCIMovie(MainWindow); #endif MpgSettings = new MPGSettings(NULL); //RawFileClass(CONFIG_FILE_NAME)); } #endif /* ** Play the startup animation. */ if (!Special.IsFromInstall && !Special.IsFromWChat) { VisiblePage.Clear(); // Mono_Printf("Playing Intro\n"); Play_Intro(); memset(CurrentPalette, 0x01, 768); WhitePalette.Set(); } else { memset(CurrentPalette, 0x01, 768); } /* ** Initialize the text remap tables. */ Init_Color_Remaps(); /* ** Get authorization to access the game. */ // Init_Authorization(); // Show_Mouse(); /* ** Set the logic page to the seenpage. */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /* ** If not automatically launching into the intro, then display the title ** page while the bulk data is cached. */ if (!Special.IsFromInstall) { Load_Title_Page(true); Hide_Mouse(); Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_STAND_BY, 160*RESFACTOR, 120*RESFACTOR, &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_DIALOG_BLUE], TBLACK, TPF_CENTER|TPF_TEXT|TPF_DROPSHADOW); Show_Mouse(); CCPalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_SLOW); Call_Back(); } /* ** Initialize the bulk data. This takes the longest time and must be performed once ** before the regular game starts. */ Init_Bulk_Data(); /* ** Initialize the multiplayer score values */ Session.GamesPlayed = 0; Session.NumScores = 0; Session.CurGame = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MULTI_NAMES; i++) { Session.Score[i].Name[0] = '\0'; Session.Score[i].Wins = 0; for (int j = 0; j < MAX_MULTI_GAMES; j++) { Session.Score[i].Kills[j] = -1; // -1 = this player didn't play this round } } /* ** Copy the title screen's palette into the GamePalette & OriginalPalette, ** because the options Load routine uses these palettes to set the brightness, etc. */ GamePalette = CCPalette; // InGamePalette = CCPalette; OriginalPalette = CCPalette; /* ** Read game options, so the GameSpeed is initialized when multiplayer ** dialogs are invoked. (GameSpeed must be synchronized between systems.) */ Options.Load_Settings(); return(true); } #ifdef WINSOCK_IPX // Steve Tall missed this one - ajw extern bool Get_Broadcast_Addresses (void); #endif /*********************************************************************************************** * Select_Game -- The game's main menu * * * * INPUT: * * fade if true, will fade the palette in gradually * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/05/1995 BRR : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool Select_Game(bool fade) { // Enums in Select_Game() must match order of buttons in Main_Menu(). #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 enum { SEL_TIMEOUT = -1, // main menu timeout--go into attract mode SEL_NEW_SCENARIO_CS, // Expansion scenario to play. SEL_NEW_SCENARIO_AM, // Expansion scenario to play. SEL_START_NEW_GAME, // start a new game SEL_LOAD_MISSION, // load a saved game SEL_MULTIPLAYER_GAME, // play modem/null-modem/network game SEL_INTRO, // couch-potato mode SEL_EXIT, // exit to DOS SEL_FAME, // view the hall o' fame SEL_NONE, // placeholder default value }; #else // FIXIT_VERSION_3 enum { SEL_TIMEOUT = -1, // main menu timeout--go into attract mode SEL_NEW_SCENARIO, // Expansion scenario to play. SEL_START_NEW_GAME, // start a new game #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(INTERNET_OFF) // Denzil 5/1/98 - Internet play SEL_INTERNET, #endif //WIN32 //#if defined(MPEGMOVIE) // Denzil 6/25/98 // SEL_MOVIESETTINGS, //#endif SEL_LOAD_MISSION, // load a saved game SEL_MULTIPLAYER_GAME, // play modem/null-modem/network game SEL_INTRO, // couch-potato mode SEL_EXIT, // exit to DOS SEL_FAME, // view the hall o' fame SEL_NONE, // placeholder default value }; #endif // FIXIT_VERSION_3 bool gameloaded=false; // Has the game been loaded from the menu? int selection; // the default selection bool process = true; // false = break out of while loop bool display = true; #ifdef DONGLE /* These where added by ColinM for the dongle checking */ short iRet = 0; unsigned short iPortNr = 1; /* automatic port scan enabled */ unsigned char cSCodeSER[] = "\x41\x42"; unsigned long ulIdRet = 0; unsigned char cBoxName[]= "\x00\x00"; #endif #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 int cdcheck = 0; bool cs = Is_Counterstrike_Installed(); #endif // #ifndef DVD // Denzil - We want the menu screen ajw No we don't // if (Special.IsFromInstall) { // display = false; // } // #endif Show_Mouse(); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 NewUnitsEnabled = SecretUnitsEnabled = 0; // Assume new units disabled, unless specifically .INI enabled or multiplayer negotiations enable it. #endif #ifndef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION #ifdef WIN32 /* ** Enable the DDE Server so we can get internet start game packets from WChat */ DDEServer.Enable(); #endif //WIN32 #endif // !WOLAPI_INTEGRATION /* ** [Re]set any globals that need it, in preparation for a new scenario */ GameActive = true; DoList.Init(); #ifdef MIRROR_QUEUE MirrorList.Init(); #endif OutList.Init(); Frame = 0; Scen.MissionTimer = 0; Scen.MissionTimer.Stop(); Scen.CDifficulty = DIFF_NORMAL; Scen.Difficulty = DIFF_NORMAL; PlayerWins = false; PlayerLoses = false; Session.ObiWan = false; Debug_Unshroud = false; Map.Set_Cursor_Shape(0); Map.PendingObjectPtr = 0; Map.PendingObject = 0; Map.PendingHouse = HOUSE_NONE; Session.ProcessTicks = 0; Session.ProcessFrames = 0; Session.DesiredFrameRate = 30; #if(TIMING_FIX) NewMaxAheadFrame1 = 0; NewMaxAheadFrame2 = 0; #endif /* ColinM added to check for dongle */ #ifdef DONGLE iRet = CbN_BoxReady( iPortNr , cBoxName); if (cBoxName[0] != 0xc5 && cBoxName[0] != 0xc9) { WWMessageBox().Process("Please ensure dongle is attached. Run the dongle batch file too.", TXT_OK); Emergency_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } iRet = CbN_ReadSER( iPortNr, cSCodeSER, &ulIdRet); if (ulIdRet != 0xa0095) { WWMessageBox().Process("Please ensure dongle is attached. Run the dongle batch file too.", TXT_OK); Emergency_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif /* ** Init multiplayer game scores. Let Wins accumulate; just init the current ** Kills for this game. Kills of -1 means this player didn't play this round. */ for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_MULTI_GAMES; i++) { Session.Score[i].Kills[Session.CurGame] = -1; } /* ** Set default mouse shape */ Map.Set_Default_Mouse(MOUSE_NORMAL, false); /* ** If the last game we played was a multiplayer game, jump right to that ** menu by pre-setting 'selection'. */ if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { selection = SEL_NONE; } else { selection = SEL_MULTIPLAYER_GAME; } /* ** Main menu processing; only do this if we're not in editor mode. */ if (!Debug_Map) { /* ** Menu selection processing loop */ Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_CRUS); /* ** If we're playing back a recording, load all pertinent values & skip ** the menu loop. Hide the now-useless mouse pointer. */ if (Session.Play && Session.RecordFile.Is_Available()) { if (Session.RecordFile.Open(READ)) { Load_Recording_Values(Session.RecordFile); process = false; Theme.Fade_Out(); } else Session.Play = false; } #ifndef FIXIT_VERSION_3 #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(INTERNET_OFF) // Denzil 5/1/98 - Internet play /* ** Handle case where we were spawned from Wchat */ if (SpawnedFromWChat) { Special.IsFromInstall = false; //Dont play intro if we were spawned from wchat selection = SEL_INTERNET; Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_QUIET); Session.Type = GAME_INTERNET; display = false; Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); } #endif //WIN32 #endif while (process) { /* ** Redraw the title page if needed */ if (display) { Hide_Mouse(); /* ** Display the title page; fade it in if this is the first time ** through the loop, and the 'fade' flag is true */ Load_Title_Page(); GamePalette = CCPalette; HidPage.Blit(SeenPage); // if (fade) { // WhitePalette.Set(); // CCPalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_SLOW, Call_Back); // fade = false; // } else { CCPalette.Set(); // } Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); display = false; Show_Mouse(); } /* ** Display menu and fetch selection from player. */ if (Special.IsFromInstall) selection = SEL_START_NEW_GAME; #ifndef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(INTERNET_OFF) // Denzil 5/1/98 - Internet play /* ** Handle case where we were spawned from Wchat and our start game ** packet has already arrived */ if (Special.IsFromWChat && DDEServer.Get_MPlayer_Game_Info()) { Check_From_WChat(NULL); selection = SEL_MULTIPLAYER_GAME; Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_QUIET); Session.Type = GAME_INTERNET; } else { /* ** We werent spawned but we could still receive a DDE packet from wchat */ if (DDEServer.Get_MPlayer_Game_Info()) { Check_From_WChat(NULL); /* ** Make sure top and bottom of screen are clear in 640x480 mode */ if (ScreenHeight == 480) { VisiblePage.Fill_Rect (0, 0, 639, 40, 0); VisiblePage.Fill_Rect (0, 440, 639, 479, 0); } } } #endif //WIN32 #endif #ifdef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION if( pWolapi ) selection = SEL_MULTIPLAYER_GAME; // We are returning from a game. #endif if (selection == SEL_NONE) { #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS AntsEnabled = false; #endif selection = Main_Menu(ATTRACT_MODE_TIMEOUT); } Call_Back(); switch (selection) { /* ** Pick an expansion scenario. */ #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 case SEL_NEW_SCENARIO_CS: case SEL_NEW_SCENARIO_AM: #else // FIXIT_VERSION_3 case SEL_NEW_SCENARIO: #endif // FIXIT_VERSION_3 Scen.CarryOverMoney = 0; IsTanyaDead = false; SaveTanya = false; #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 if( selection == SEL_NEW_SCENARIO_CS ) { if(!Force_CD_Available(2)) { selection = SEL_NONE; break; } if(!Expansion_Dialog( true )){ selection = SEL_NONE; break; } } else { if(!Force_CD_Available(3)) { selection = SEL_NONE; break; } if(!Expansion_Dialog( false )){ selection = SEL_NONE; break; } } #else // FIXIT_VERSION_3 #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (cs) { cdcheck = 2; } if (Is_Aftermath_Installed()) { if (!cdcheck) { cdcheck = 3; } else { cdcheck = 4; // special case: means check for 3 or 4 } } if(!Force_CD_Available(cdcheck)) { return(false); } #else if(!Force_CD_Available(2)) { return(false); } #endif if(!Expansion_Dialog()){ selection = SEL_NONE; break; } #endif // FIXIT_VERSION_3 #ifdef FIXIT_DIFFICULTY #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 switch (Fetch_Difficulty(cdcheck >= 3)) { #else switch (Fetch_Difficulty()) { #endif case 0: Scen.CDifficulty = DIFF_HARD; Scen.Difficulty = DIFF_EASY; break; case 1: Scen.CDifficulty = DIFF_HARD; Scen.Difficulty = DIFF_NORMAL; break; case 2: Scen.CDifficulty = DIFF_NORMAL; Scen.Difficulty = DIFF_NORMAL; break; case 3: Scen.CDifficulty = DIFF_EASY; Scen.Difficulty = DIFF_NORMAL; break; case 4: Scen.CDifficulty = DIFF_EASY; Scen.Difficulty = DIFF_HARD; break; } #endif Theme.Fade_Out(); Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_FIRST); Session.Type = GAME_NORMAL; process = false; break; /* ** SEL_START_NEW_GAME: Play the game */ case SEL_START_NEW_GAME: if (Special.IsFromInstall) { Scen.CDifficulty = DIFF_NORMAL; Scen.Difficulty = DIFF_NORMAL; } else { switch (Fetch_Difficulty()) { case 0: Scen.CDifficulty = DIFF_HARD; Scen.Difficulty = DIFF_EASY; break; case 1: Scen.CDifficulty = DIFF_HARD; Scen.Difficulty = DIFF_NORMAL; break; case 2: Scen.CDifficulty = DIFF_NORMAL; Scen.Difficulty = DIFF_NORMAL; break; case 3: Scen.CDifficulty = DIFF_EASY; Scen.Difficulty = DIFF_NORMAL; break; case 4: Scen.CDifficulty = DIFF_EASY; Scen.Difficulty = DIFF_HARD; break; } } Scen.CarryOverMoney = 0; BuildLevel = 10; IsTanyaDead = false; SaveTanya = false; Whom = HOUSE_GOOD; if (!Special.IsFromInstall) { #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS if (AntsEnabled) { Scen.Set_Scenario_Name("SCA01EA.INI"); } else { #endif #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 switch (WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_CHOOSE, TXT_ALLIES, TXT_CANCEL, TXT_SOVIET)) { case 2: Scen.Set_Scenario_Name("SCU01EA.INI"); break; default: selection = SEL_NONE; continue; #else switch (WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_CHOOSE, TXT_ALLIES, TXT_SOVIET)) { case 1: Scen.Set_Scenario_Name("SCU01EA.INI"); break; default: #endif case 0: Scen.Set_Scenario_Name("SCG01EA.INI"); break; } #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS } #endif Theme.Fade_Out(); Load_Title_Page(); } else { Theme.Fade_Out(); #ifdef DVD // Denzil ajw Presumably a bug fix. Choose_Side(); Hide_Mouse(); #else Hide_Mouse(); Choose_Side(); #endif if (CurrentCD == 0) { Scen.Set_Scenario_Name("SCG01EA.INI"); } else { Scen.Set_Scenario_Name("SCU01EA.INI"); } } Session.Type = GAME_NORMAL; process = false; break; #ifndef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // Removed button from main menu. #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(INTERNET_OFF) // Denzil 5/1/98 - Internet play /* ** Internet game is requested */ case SEL_INTERNET: /* ** Only call up the internet menu code if we dont already have connect info from WChat */ if (!DDEServer.Get_MPlayer_Game_Info()) { if (Do_The_Internet_Menu_Thang() && DDEServer.Get_MPlayer_Game_Info()) { Check_From_WChat(NULL); selection = SEL_MULTIPLAYER_GAME; display = false; Session.Type = GAME_INTERNET; } else { selection = SEL_NONE; display = true; } } else { Check_From_WChat(NULL); display = false; Session.Type = GAME_INTERNET; selection = SEL_MULTIPLAYER_GAME; } break; #endif //WIN32 #endif // #if defined(MPEGMOVIE) // Denzil 6/25/98 // case SEL_MOVIESETTINGS: // MpgSettings->Dialog(); // display = true; // selection = SEL_NONE; // break; // #endif /* ** Load a saved game. */ case SEL_LOAD_MISSION: if (LoadOptionsClass(LoadOptionsClass::LOAD).Process()) { Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_FIRST); process = false; gameloaded = true; } else { display = true; selection = SEL_NONE; } break; /* ** SEL_MULTIPLAYER_GAME: set 'Session.Type' to NULL-modem, modem, or ** network play. */ case SEL_MULTIPLAYER_GAME: #ifdef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION if( !pWolapi ) { #endif switch (Session.Type) { /* ** If 'Session.Type' isn't already set up for a multiplayer game, ** we must prompt the user for which type of multiplayer game ** they want. */ case GAME_NORMAL: Session.Type = Select_MPlayer_Game(); if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { // 'Cancel' display = true; selection = SEL_NONE; } break; case GAME_SKIRMISH: if ( !Com_Scenario_Dialog(true) ) { Session.Type = Select_MPlayer_Game(); if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { // user hit Cancel display = true; selection = SEL_NONE; } } else { // Ever hits? Session.Type set to GAME_SKIRMISH without user selecting in Select_MPlayer_Game()? #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // If mission is Counterstrike, CS CD will be required. But aftermath units require AM CD. bAftermathMultiplayer = Is_Aftermath_Installed() && !Is_Mission_Counterstrike( Scen.ScenarioName ); // ajw I'll bet this was needed before also... Session.ScenarioIsOfficial = Session.Scenarios[Session.Options.ScenarioIndex]->Get_Official(); #endif } break; case GAME_NULL_MODEM: case GAME_MODEM: if ( Session.Type != GAME_SKIRMISH && NullModem.Num_Connections() ) { NullModem.Init_Send_Queue(); if ((Session.Type == GAME_NULL_MODEM && Session.ModemType == MODEM_NULL_HOST) || (Session.Type == GAME_MODEM && Session.ModemType == MODEM_DIALER) ) { if ( !Com_Scenario_Dialog() ) { Session.Type = Select_Serial_Dialog(); if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { // user hit Cancel display = true; selection = SEL_NONE; } } } else { if ( !Com_Show_Scenario_Dialog() ) { Session.Type = Select_Serial_Dialog(); if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { // user hit Cancel display = true; selection = SEL_NONE; } } } } else { Session.Type = Select_MPlayer_Game(); if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { // 'Cancel' display = true; selection = SEL_NONE; } } break; #ifndef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(INTERNET_OFF) // Denzil 5/1/98 - Internet play /* ** Handle being spawned from WChat. Internet play based on IPX code. */ case GAME_INTERNET: // ajw No longer hit. if (Special.IsFromWChat) { /* ** Give myself focus. */ SetForegroundWindow ( MainWindow ); ShowWindow ( MainWindow, ShowCommand ); #ifdef WINSOCK_IPX if (PacketTransport ) delete PacketTransport; PacketTransport = new UDPInterfaceClass; assert ( PacketTransport != NULL); if (PacketTransport->Init()) { WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to read multiplayer settings.\n"); Session.Read_MultiPlayer_Settings (); WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to call Start_Server or Start_Client.\n"); PacketTransport->Start_Listening(); /* ** Flush out any pending packets from a previous game. */ PacketTransport->Discard_In_Buffers(); PacketTransport->Discard_Out_Buffers(); } else { delete PacketTransport; PacketTransport = NULL; WWDebugString ("RA95 - Winsock failed to initialise.\n"); Session.Type = GAME_NORMAL; selection = SEL_EXIT; Special.IsFromWChat = false; break; } WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to call Init_Network.\n"); Init_Network(); #else //WINSOCK_IPX WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to initialise Winsock.\n"); if (Winsock.Init()) { WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to read multiplayer settings.\n"); Session.Read_MultiPlayer_Settings (); Server = PlanetWestwoodIsHost; WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to set addresses.\n"); Winsock.Set_Host_Address(PlanetWestwoodIPAddress); WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to call Start_Server or Start_Client.\n"); if (Server) { Winsock.Start_Server(); } else { Winsock.Start_Client(); } /* ** Flush out any pending packets from a previous game. */ WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to flush packet queue.\n"); WWDebugString ("RA95 - Allocating scrap memory.\n"); char *temp_buffer = new char[1024]; WWDebugString ("RA95 - Creating timer class instance.\n"); CountDownTimerClass ptimer; WWDebugString ("RA95 - Entering read loop.\n"); while (Winsock.Read(temp_buffer, 1024)) { WWDebugString ("RA95 - Discarding a packet.\n"); ptimer.Set (30, true); while (ptimer.Time()) {}; WWDebugString ("RA95 - Ready to check for more packets.\n"); } WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to delete scrap memory.\n"); delete temp_buffer; } else { WWDebugString ("RA95 - Winsock failed to initialise.\n"); Session.Type = GAME_NORMAL; selection = SEL_EXIT; Special.IsFromWChat = false; break; } #endif //WINSOCK_IPX WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to call Init_Network.\n"); Init_Network(); if (DDEServer.Get_MPlayer_Game_Info()) { WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to call Read_Game_Options.\n"); Read_Game_Options( NULL ); } else { Read_Game_Options( "C&CSPAWN.INI" ); } #ifdef WINSOCK_IPX WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to set addresses.\n"); PacketTransport->Set_Broadcast_Address (PlanetWestwoodIPAddress); #endif //WINSOCK_IPX if (PlanetWestwoodIsHost) { WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to call Server_Remote_Connect.\n"); if (Server_Remote_Connect()) { WWDebugString ("RA95 - Server_Remote_Connect returned success.\n"); break; } else { /* ** We failed to connect to the other player */ #ifdef WINSOCK_IPX delete PacketTransport; PacketTransport = NULL; #else //WINSOCK_IPX Winsock.Close(); #endif //WINSOCK_IPX Session.Type = GAME_NORMAL; selection = SEL_NONE; DDEServer.Delete_MPlayer_Game_Info(); // Make sure we dont go round in an infinite loop break; } } else { WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to call Client_Remote_Connect.\n"); if (Client_Remote_Connect()) { WWDebugString ("RA95 - Client_Remote_Connect returned success.\n"); break; } else { /* ** We failed to connect to the other player */ #ifdef WINSOCK_IPX delete PacketTransport; PacketTransport = NULL; #else //WINSOCK_IPX Winsock.Close(); #endif //WINSOCK_IPX Session.Type = GAME_NORMAL; selection = SEL_NONE; DDEServer.Delete_MPlayer_Game_Info(); // Make sure we dont go round in an infinite loop break; } } } else { Session.Type = Select_MPlayer_Game(); if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { // 'Cancel' display = true; selection = SEL_NONE; } } break; #endif //WIN32 #endif // !WOLAPI_INTEGRATION } #ifdef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION } // if( !pWolapi ) if( pWolapi ) Session.Type = GAME_INTERNET; #endif //debugprint( "Session.Type = %i\n", Session.Type ); switch (Session.Type) { /* ** Modem, Null-Modem or internet */ case GAME_MODEM: case GAME_NULL_MODEM: #ifndef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION case GAME_INTERNET: #endif case GAME_SKIRMISH: Theme.Fade_Out(); process = false; #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 Options.ScoreVolume = Options.MultiScoreVolume; #else Options.ScoreVolume = 0; #endif break; #ifdef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION // implies also WINSOCK_IPX case GAME_INTERNET: if( PacketTransport ) delete PacketTransport; PacketTransport = new UDPInterfaceClass; assert( PacketTransport != NULL ); if( PacketTransport->Init() ) { switch( WOL_Main() ) { case 1: // Start game. #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 Options.ScoreVolume = Options.MultiScoreVolume; #else Options.ScoreVolume = 0; #endif process = false; Theme.Fade_Out(); break; case 0: // User cancelled. Session.Type = GAME_NORMAL; display = true; selection = SEL_MULTIPLAYER_GAME; //SEL_NONE; delete PacketTransport; PacketTransport = NULL; break; case -1: // Patch was downloaded. Exit app. Theme.Fade_Out(); BlackPalette.Set( FADE_PALETTE_SLOW ); return false; } } else { Session.Type = GAME_NORMAL; display = true; selection = SEL_MULTIPLAYER_GAME; //SEL_NONE; delete PacketTransport; PacketTransport = NULL; } break; #endif /* ** Network (IPX): start a new network game. */ case GAME_IPX: WWDebugString ("RA95 - Game type is IPX.\n"); /* ** Init network system & remote-connect */ #ifdef WINSOCK_IPX if (PacketTransport ) delete PacketTransport; // if (WWMessageBox().Process("Select a protocol to use for network play.", "UDP", "IPX")) { PacketTransport = new IPXInterfaceClass; assert ( PacketTransport != NULL); // }else{ // PacketTransport = new UDPInterfaceClass; //IPXInterfaceClass; // assert ( PacketTransport != NULL); // if (!Get_Broadcast_Addresses()) { // Session.Type = GAME_NORMAL; // display = true; // selection = SEL_NONE; // delete PacketTransport; // PacketTransport = NULL; // break; // } // } #endif //WINSOCK_IPX WWDebugString ("RA95 - About to call Init_Network.\n"); if (Session.Type == GAME_IPX && Init_Network() && Remote_Connect()) { #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 Options.ScoreVolume = Options.MultiScoreVolume; #else Options.ScoreVolume = 0; #endif process = false; Theme.Fade_Out(); } else { // user hit cancel, or init failed Session.Type = GAME_NORMAL; display = true; selection = SEL_NONE; #ifdef WINSOCK_IPX delete PacketTransport; PacketTransport = NULL; #endif //WINSOCK_IPX } break; #if(TEN) /* ** TEN: jump straight into the game */ case GAME_TEN: if (Init_TEN()) { #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 Options.ScoreVolume = Options.MultiScoreVolume; #else Options.ScoreVolume = 0; #endif process = false; Theme.Fade_Out(); } else { WWMessageBox().Process("Unable to initialize TEN!"); //Prog_End(); Emergency_Exit(1); } break; #endif // TEN #if(MPATH) /* ** MPATH: jump straight into the game */ case GAME_MPATH: if (Init_MPATH()) { #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 Options.ScoreVolume = Options.MultiScoreVolume; #else Options.ScoreVolume = 0; #endif process = false; Theme.Fade_Out(); } else { WWMessageBox().Process("Unable to initialize MPATH!"); //Prog_End(); Emergency_Exit(1); } break; #endif // MPATH } break; /* ** Play a VQ */ case SEL_INTRO: Theme.Fade_Out(); if (Debug_Flag) { Play_Intro(Debug_Flag); } else { Hide_Mouse(); VisiblePage.Clear(); Show_Mouse(); Play_Movie(VQ_INTRO_MOVIE, THEME_NONE, true); // no transition picture to briefing Keyboard->Clear(); Play_Movie(VQ_SIZZLE, THEME_NONE, true); Play_Movie(VQ_SIZZLE2, THEME_NONE, true); // Play_Movie(VQ_INTRO_MOVIE, THEME_NONE, false); // has transitino picture to briefing } Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_CRUS); display = true; fade = true; selection = SEL_NONE; break; /* ** Exit to DOS. */ case SEL_EXIT: Theme.Fade_Out(); BlackPalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_SLOW); return(false); /* ** Display the hall of fame. */ case SEL_FAME: break; case SEL_TIMEOUT: if (Session.Attract && Session.RecordFile.Is_Available()) { Session.Play = true; if (Session.RecordFile.Open(READ)) { Load_Recording_Values(Session.RecordFile); process = false; Theme.Fade_Out(); } else { Session.Play = false; selection = SEL_NONE; } } else { selection = SEL_NONE; } break; default: break; } } } else { /* ** For Debug_Map (editor) mode to load scenario */ Scen.Set_Scenario_Name("SCG01EA.INI"); } /* ** Don't carry stray keystrokes into game. */ Keyboard->Clear(); /* ** Initialize the random number generator(s) */ Init_Random(); /* ** Save initialization values if we're recording this game. */ if (Session.Record) { if (Session.RecordFile.Open(WRITE)) { Save_Recording_Values(Session.RecordFile); } else { Session.Record = false; } } #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 switch(Session.Type) { case GAME_MODEM: case GAME_NULL_MODEM: case GAME_IPX: #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 if( !bAftermathMultiplayer ) { #else if (PlayingAgainstVersion < VERSION_AFTERMATH_CS) { #endif NewUnitsEnabled = SecretUnitsEnabled = false; } else { NewUnitsEnabled = true; } // debugprint( "Non Internet game: NewUnitsEnabled = %i\n", NewUnitsEnabled ); break; case GAME_INTERNET: if( !pWolapi ) { // debugprint( "pWolapi is null on internet game!" ); Fatal( "pWolapi is null on internet game!" ); } //if( pWolapi->bEnableNewAftermathUnits ) if( bAftermathMultiplayer ) NewUnitsEnabled = true; else NewUnitsEnabled = SecretUnitsEnabled = false; // debugprint( "Internet game: NewUnitsEnabled = %i\n", NewUnitsEnabled ); break; default: break; } #endif /* ** Load the scenario. Specify variation 'A' for the editor; for the game, ** don't specify a variation, to make 'Set_Scenario_Name()' pick a random one. ** Skip this if we've already loaded a save-game. */ if (!gameloaded && !Session.LoadGame) { // if (Debug_Map) { // Set_Scenario_Name(Scen.ScenarioName, Scen.Scenario, Scen.ScenPlayer, Scen.ScenDir, SCEN_VAR_A); // } else { // Set_Scenario_Name(Scen.ScenarioName, Scen.Scenario, Scen.ScenPlayer, Scen.ScenDir); // } /* ** Start_Scenario() changes the palette; so, fade out & clear the screen ** before calling it. */ Hide_Mouse(); if (selection != SEL_START_NEW_GAME) { BlackPalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); #ifdef WIN32 HiddenPage.Clear(); VisiblePage.Clear(); #else HidPage.Clear(); SeenPage.Clear(); #endif //WIN32 } Show_Mouse(); //Mono_Printf("About to call Start Scenario with %s\n", Scen.ScenarioName); if (!Start_Scenario(Scen.ScenarioName)) { return(false); } if (Special.IsFromInstall) Show_Mouse(); Special.IsFromInstall = false; } /* ** For multiplayer games, initialize the inter-player message system. ** Do this after loading the scenario, so the map's upper-left corner is ** properly set. */ Session.Messages.Init( Map.TacPixelX, Map.TacPixelY, // x,y for messages 6, // max # msgs MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH-14, // max msg length 7 * RESFACTOR, // font height in pixels -1, -1, // x,y for edit line (appears above msgs) 0,//BG 1, // enable edit overflow 20, // min, MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH - 14, // max for trimming overflow #ifdef WIN32 Lepton_To_Pixel(Map.TacLeptonWidth)); // Width in pixels of buffer #else (320-SIDEBAR_WID)); // Width in pixels of buffer #endif if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL && Session.Type != GAME_SKIRMISH && !Session.Play) { if (Session.Type == GAME_TEN) { #if(TEN) Session.Create_TEN_Connections(); #endif // TEN } else if (Session.Type == GAME_MPATH) { #if(MPATH) Session.Create_MPATH_Connections(); #endif } else { Session.Create_Connections(); } } /* ** If this isnt an internet game that set the unit build rate to its default value */ if (Session.Type != GAME_INTERNET){ UnitBuildPenalty = 100; } /* ** Hide the SeenPage; force the map to render one frame. The caller can ** then fade the palette in. ** (If we loaded a game, this step will fade out the title screen. If we ** started a scenario, Start_Scenario() will have played a couple of VQ ** movies, which will have cleared the screen to black already.) */ Call_Back(); Hide_Mouse(); BlackPalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); // Fade_Palette_To(BlackPalette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); #ifdef WIN32 HiddenPage.Clear(); VisiblePage.Clear(); #else HidPage.Clear(); SeenPage.Clear(); #endif //WIN32 Show_Mouse(); Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); #ifdef WIN32 /* ** Sidebar is always active in hi-res. */ if (!Debug_Map) { Map.SidebarClass::Activate(1); } #endif //WIN32 Map.Flag_To_Redraw(); Call_Back(); Map.Render(); #ifdef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION //ajw debugging only // debugprint( "Debugging Session...\n" ); // debugprint( "Session.Players count is %i.\n", Session.Players.Count() ); for (i = 0; i < Session.Players.Count(); i++) { NetNumType net; NetNodeType node; Session.Players[i]->Address.Get_Address( net, node ); // debugprint( "Player %i, %s, color %i, ip %i.%i.%i.%i.%i.%i\n", i, Session.Players[i]->Name, // Session.Players[i]->Player.Color, node[0], node[1], node[2], node[3], node[4], node[5] ); } // debugprint( "PlanetWestwoodPortNumber is %i\n", PlanetWestwoodPortNumber ); #endif return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Play_Intro -- plays the introduction & logo movies * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/06/1995 BRR : Created. * * 05/08/1996 JLB : Modified for Red Alert and direction control. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Play_Intro(bool sequenced) { static VQType _counter = VQ_FIRST; Keyboard->Clear(); if (sequenced) { if (_counter <= VQ_FIRST) _counter = VQ_COUNT; if (_counter == VQ_COUNT) _counter--; if (_counter == VQ_REDINTRO) _counter--; if (_counter == VQ_TITLE) _counter--; Hide_Mouse(); VisiblePage.Clear(); Show_Mouse(); Play_Movie(VQType(_counter--), THEME_NONE); // Show_Mouse(); } else { Hide_Mouse(); VisiblePage.Clear(); Show_Mouse(); #ifdef WIN32 Play_Movie(VQ_REDINTRO, THEME_NONE, false); #else Play_Movie(VQ_TITLE, THEME_NONE, false); #endif } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Anim_Init -- Initialize the VQ animation control structure. * * * * VQ animations are controlled by a structure passed to the VQ player. This routine * * initializes the structure to values required by C&C. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Only need to call this routine once at the beginning of the game. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/20/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef MOVIE640 GraphicBufferClass VQ640(640, 400, (void *)NULL); #endif #endif void Anim_Init(void) { #ifdef WIN32 /* Configure player with INI file */ VQA_DefaultConfig(&AnimControl); AnimControl.DrawFlags = VQACFGF_TOPLEFT; AnimControl.DrawFlags |= VQACFGF_BUFFER; //AnimControl.DrawFlags |= VQACFGF_NODRAW; //BG - M. Grayford says turn this off AnimControl.DrawFlags |= VQACFGF_NOSKIP; AnimControl.DrawFlags |= VQACFGF_NOSKIP; AnimControl.FrameRate = -1; AnimControl.DrawRate = -1; AnimControl.DrawerCallback = VQ_Call_Back; AnimControl.ImageWidth = 320; AnimControl.ImageHeight = 200; AnimControl.ImageBuf = (unsigned char *)SysMemPage.Get_Offset(); #ifdef MOVIE640 if(IsVQ640) { AnimControl.ImageWidth = 640; AnimControl.ImageHeight = 400; AnimControl.ImageBuf = (unsigned char *)VQ640.Get_Offset(); } #endif AnimControl.Vmode = 0; AnimControl.OptionFlags |= VQAOPTF_CAPTIONS|VQAOPTF_EVA; if (SlowPalette) { AnimControl.OptionFlags |= VQAOPTF_SLOWPAL; } AnimControl.SoundObject = SoundObject; AnimControl.PrimaryBufferPtr = PrimaryBufferPtr; if (MonoClass::Is_Enabled()) { AnimControl.OptionFlags |= VQAOPTF_MONO; } #else //WIN32 /* Configure player with INI file */ VQA_DefaultConfig(&AnimControl); // void const * font = Load_Font(FONT8); // AnimControl.EVAFont = (char *)font; // AnimControl.CapFont = (char *)font; AnimControl.DrawerCallback = VQ_Call_Back; AnimControl.ImageWidth = 320; AnimControl.ImageHeight = 200; AnimControl.Vmode = MCGA_MODE; AnimControl.VBIBit = VertBlank; AnimControl.DrawFlags |= VQACFGF_TOPLEFT; AnimControl.OptionFlags |= VQAOPTF_HMIINIT|VQAOPTF_CAPTIONS|VQAOPTF_EVA; // AnimControl.AudioBuf = (unsigned char *)HidPage.Get_Buffer(); // AnimControl.AudioBufSize = 32768U; AnimControl.DigiCard = NewConfig.DigitCard; AnimControl.HMIBufSize = 8192; AnimControl.DigiHandle = Get_Digi_Handle(); AnimControl.Volume = 0x00FF; AnimControl.AudioRate = 22050; // if (NewConfig.Speed) AnimControl.AudioRate = 11025; if (!Debug_Quiet && Get_Digi_Handle() != -1) { AnimControl.OptionFlags |= VQAOPTF_AUDIO; } if (MonoClass::Is_Enabled()) { AnimControl.OptionFlags |= VQAOPTF_MONO; } #endif //WIN32 } /*********************************************************************************************** * Parse_Command_Line -- Parses the command line parameters. * * * * This routine should be called before the graphic mode is initialized. It examines the * * command line parameters and sets the appropriate globals. If there is an error, then * * it outputs a command summary and then returns false. * * * * INPUT: argc -- The number of command line arguments. * * * * argv -- Pointer to character string array that holds the individual arguments. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the command line parsed successfully? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/18/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool Parse_Command_Line(int argc, char * argv[]) { /* ** Parse the command line and set globals to reflect the parameters ** passed in. */ Whom = HOUSE_GOOD; Special.Init(); Debug_Map = false; Debug_Unshroud = false; for (int index = 1; index < argc; index++) { char * string; // Pointer to argument. long code = 0; string = strupr(argv[index]); /* ** Print usage text only if requested. */ if (stricmp("/?", string) == 0 || stricmp("-?", string) == 0 || stricmp("-h", string) == 0 || stricmp("/h", string) == 0) { /* ** Unrecognized command line parameter... Display usage ** and then exit. */ puts(TEXT_OPTIONS); return(false); } bool processed = true; long ob = Obfuscate(string); /* ** Check to see if the parameter is a cheat enabling one. */ long const * optr = &CheatCodes[0]; while (*optr) { if (*optr++ == ob) { Debug_Playtest = true; Debug_Flag = true; break; } } /* ** Check to see if the parameter is a cheat enabling one. */ optr = &PlayCodes[0]; while (*optr) { if (*optr++ == ob) { Debug_Playtest = true; Debug_Flag = true; break; } } /* ** Check to see if the parameter is a scenario editor ** enabling one. */ optr = &EditorCodes[0]; while (*optr) { if (*optr++ == ob) { Debug_Map = true; Debug_Unshroud = true; Debug_Flag = true; Debug_Playtest = true; break; } } switch (ob) { #ifdef VIRGIN_CHEAT_KEYS case PARM_PLAYTEST: Debug_Playtest = true; break; #endif /* ** Special flag - is C&C being run from the install program? */ case PARM_INSTALL: Special.IsFromInstall = true; // If uncommented, will disable the key during the first movie run. // BreakoutAllowed = false; break; #if(TEN) case PARM_ALLOW_SOLO: Session.AllowSolo = 1; break; #endif #if(MPATH) case PARM_ALLOW_SOLO: Session.AllowSolo = 1; break; #endif default: processed = false; break; } if (processed) continue; #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS /* ** Scenario Editor Mode */ if (stricmp(string, "-CHECKMAP") == 0) { Debug_Check_Map = true; continue; } #endif /* ** File search path override. */ if (strstr(string, "-CD")) { CCFileClass::Set_Search_Drives(&string[3]); continue; } #if (0) /* ** Build speed modifier */ if (strstr (string, "-UNITRATE:")){ int unit_rate; sscanf (string, "-UNITRATE:%d", &unit_rate); UnitBuildPenalty = unit_rate; } #endif //(0) /* ** Specify destination connection for network play */ if (strstr(string, "-DESTNET")) { NetNumType net; NetNodeType node; /* ** Scan the command-line string, pulling off each address piece */ int i = 0; char * p = strtok(string + 8, "."); while (p) { int x; sscanf(p, "%x", &x); // convert from hex string to int if (i < 4) { net[i] = (char)x; // fill NetNum } else { node[i-4] = (char)x; // fill NetNode } i++; p = strtok(NULL, "."); } /* ** If all the address components were successfully read, fill in the ** BridgeNet with a broadcast address to the network across the bridge. */ if (i >= 4) { Session.IsBridge = 1; memset(node, 0xff, 6); Session.BridgeNet = IPXAddressClass(net, node); } continue; } /* ** Specify socket ID, as an offset from 0x4000. */ if (strstr(string, "-SOCKET")) { unsigned short socket; socket = (unsigned short)(atoi(string + strlen("SOCKET"))); socket += 0x4000; if (socket >= 0x4000 && socket < 0x8000) { Ipx.Set_Socket (socket); } continue; } /* ** Set the Net Stealth option */ if (strstr(string, "-STEALTH")) { Session.NetStealth = true; continue; } /* ** Set the Net Protection option */ if (strstr(string, "-MESSAGES")) { Session.NetProtect = false; continue; } /* ** Allow "attract" mode */ if (strstr(string, "-ATTRACT")) { Session.Attract = true; continue; } #ifdef WIN32 /* ** Set screen to 640x480 instead of 640x400 */ if (strstr(string, "-480")) { ScreenHeight = 480; continue; } /* ** Check for spawn from WChat */ #ifndef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // WChat eliminated. if (strstr(string,"-WCHAT")){ SpawnedFromWChat = true; } #endif #endif #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS /* ** Specify the random number seed (for debugging) */ if (strstr(string, "-SEED")) { CustomSeed = (unsigned short)(atoi(string + strlen("SEED"))); continue; } #ifndef WIN32 /* ** Don't install Page Fault Handler (MUST use this for debugger) */ if (stricmp(string, "-NOPFS") == 0) { UsePageFaultHandler = 0; continue; } #endif #endif #if(TEN) /* ** Enable TEN */ if (strstr(string, "TEN")) { #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS Debug_Flag = true; MonoClass::Enable(); #endif Session.Type = GAME_TEN; Special.IsFromInstall = false; // // Create the Ten network manager. This allows us to keep // the packet queues clean even while we're initializing the game, // so the queues don't fill up in case we're slow, or the user // didn't insert a CD. // Ten = new TenConnManClass(); Ten->Init(); strcpy(Session.OptionsFile, "OPTIONS.INI"); Ten->Flush_All(); continue; } /* ** Set the game options filename */ if (strstr(string, "OPTIONS:")) { strcpy(Session.OptionsFile, string + 8); continue; } #endif // TEN #if(MPATH) /* ** Enable MPATH */ if (strstr(string, "MPATH")) { #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS Debug_Flag = true; MonoClass::Enable(); #endif Session.Type = GAME_MPATH; Special.IsFromInstall = false; // // Create the MPath network manager. This allows us to keep // the packet queues clean even while we're initializing the game, // so the queues don't fill up in case we're slow, or the user // didn't insert a CD. // MPath = new MPlayerManClass(); MPath->Init(); strcpy(Session.OptionsFile, "OPTIONS.INI"); MPath->Flush_All(); continue; } /* ** Set the game options filename */ if (strstr(string, "OPTIONS:")) { strcpy(Session.OptionsFile, string + 8); continue; } #endif // MPATH #ifdef NEVER /* ** Handle the prog init differently in this case. */ if (strstr(string, "-V")) { continue; } #endif /* ** look for passed-in video mode to default to */ #ifndef WIN32 if (strnicmp(string, "-V", strlen("-V")) == 0) { Set_Video_Mode(MCGA_MODE); // do this to get around first_time variable... Set_Original_Video_Mode(atoi(string+2)); continue; } #endif #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS if (strstr(string,"-NOMOVIES")){ bNoMovies = true; } #endif /* ** Special command line control parsing. */ if (strnicmp(string, "-X", strlen("-O")) == 0) { string += strlen("-X"); while (*string) { char code = *string++; switch (toupper(code)) { #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS /* ** Monochrome debug screen enable. */ case 'M': MonoClass::Enable(); break; /* ** Inert weapons -- no units take damage. */ case 'I': Special.IsInert = true; break; /* ** Hussled recharge timer. */ case 'H': Special.IsSpeedBuild = true; break; /* ** "Record" a multi-player game */ case 'X': Session.Record = 1; break; /* ** "Play Back" a multi-player game */ case 'Y': Session.Play = 1; break; /* ** Print lots of debug stuff about events & packets */ case 'P': Debug_Print_Events = true; break; #endif /* ** Quiet mode override control. */ case 'Q': Debug_Quiet = true; break; default: puts(TEXT_INVALID); return(false); } } continue; } } return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Obfuscate -- Sufficiently transform parameter to thwart casual hackers. * * * * This routine borrows from CRC and PGP technology to sufficiently alter the parameter * * in order to make it difficult to reverse engineer the key phrase. This is designed to * * be used for hidden game options that will be released at a later time over Westwood's * * Web page or through magazine hint articles. * * * * This algorithm is cryptographically categorized as a "one way hash". * * * * Since this is a one way transformation, it becomes much more difficult to reverse * * engineer the pass phrase even if the resultant pass code is known. This has an added * * benefit of making this algorithm immune to traditional cryptographic attacks. * * * * The largest strength of this transformation algorithm lies in the restriction on the * * source vector being legal ASCII uppercase characters. This restriction alone makes even * * a simple CRC transformation practically impossible to reverse engineer. This algorithm * * uses far more than a simple CRC transformation to achieve added strength from advanced * * attack methods. * * * * INPUT: string -- Pointer to the key phrase that will be transformed into a code. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the code that the key phrase is translated into. * * * * WARNINGS: A zero length pass phrase results in a 0x00000000 result code. * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/19/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ long Obfuscate(char const * string) { char buffer[128]; if (!string) return(0); memset(buffer, '\xA5', sizeof(buffer)); /* ** Copy key phrase into a working buffer. This hides any transformation done ** to the string. */ strncpy(buffer, string, sizeof(buffer)); buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0'; int length = strlen(buffer); /* ** Only upper case letters are significant. */ strupr(buffer); /* ** Ensure that only visible ASCII characters compose the key phrase. This ** discourages the direct forced illegal character input method of attack. */ for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) { if (!isgraph(buffer[index])) { buffer[index] = 'A' + (index%26); } } /* ** Increase the strength of even short pass phrases by extending the ** length to be at least a minimum number of characters. This helps prevent ** a weak pass phrase from compromising the obfuscation process. This ** process also forces the key phrase to be an even multiple of four. ** This is necessary to support the cypher process that occurs later. */ if (length < 16 || (length & 0x03)) { int maxlen = 16; if (((length+3) & 0x00FC) > maxlen) { maxlen = ((length+3) & 0x00FC); } for (index = length; index < maxlen; index++) { buffer[index] = 'A' + ((('?' ^ buffer[index-length]) + index) % 26); } length = index; buffer[length] = '\0'; } /* ** Transform the buffer into a number. This transformation is character ** order dependant. */ long code = Calculate_CRC(buffer, length); /* ** Record a copy of this initial transformation to be used in a later ** self referential transformation. */ long copy = code; /* ** Reverse the character string and combine with the previous transformation. ** This doubles the workload of trying to reverse engineer the CRC calculation. */ strrev(buffer); code ^= Calculate_CRC(buffer, length); /* ** Perform a self referential transformation. This makes a reverse engineering ** by using a cause and effect attack more difficult. */ code = code ^ copy; /* ** Unroll and combine the code value into the pass phrase and then perform ** another self referential transformation. Although this is a trivial cypher ** process, it gives the sophisticated hacker false hope since the strong ** cypher process occurs later. */ strrev(buffer); // Restore original string order. for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { code ^= (unsigned char)buffer[index]; unsigned char temp = (unsigned char)code; buffer[index] ^= temp; code >>= 8; code |= (((long)temp)<<24); } /* ** Introduce loss into the vector. This strengthens the key against traditional ** cryptographic attack engines. Since this also weakens the key against ** unconventional attacks, the loss is limited to less than 10%. */ for (index = 0; index < length; index++) { static unsigned char _lossbits[] = {0x00,0x08,0x00,0x20,0x00,0x04,0x10,0x00}; static unsigned char _addbits[] = {0x10,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x04}; buffer[index] |= _addbits[index % (sizeof(_addbits)/sizeof(_addbits[0]))]; buffer[index] &= ~_lossbits[index % (sizeof(_lossbits)/sizeof(_lossbits[0]))]; } /* ** Perform a general cypher transformation on the vector ** and use the vector itself as the cypher key. This is a variation on the ** cypher process used in PGP. It is a very strong cypher process with no known ** weaknesses. However, in this case, the cypher key is the vector itself and this ** opens up a weakness against attacks that have access to this transformation ** algorithm. The sheer workload of reversing this transformation should be enough ** to discourage even the most determined hackers. */ for (index = 0; index < length; index += 4) { short key1 = buffer[index]; short key2 = buffer[index+1]; short key3 = buffer[index+2]; short key4 = buffer[index+3]; short val1 = key1; short val2 = key2; short val3 = key3; short val4 = key4; val1 *= key1; val2 += key2; val3 += key3; val4 *= key4; short s3 = val3; val3 ^= val1; val3 *= key1; short s2 = val2; val2 ^= val4; val2 += val3; val2 *= key3; val3 += val2; val1 ^= val2; val4 ^= val3; val2 ^= s3; val3 ^= s2; buffer[index] = val1; buffer[index+1] = val2; buffer[index+2] = val3; buffer[index+3] = val4; } /* ** Convert this final vector into a cypher key code to be ** returned by this routine. */ code = Calculate_CRC(buffer, length); /* ** Return the final code value. */ return(code); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Calculate_CRC -- Calculates a one-way hash from a data block. * * * * This routine is used to create a hash value from a data block. The algorithm is similar * * to a CRC, but is faster. * * * * INPUT: buffer -- Pointer to a buffer of data to be 'hashed'. * * * * len -- The length of the buffer to compute the hash upon. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a 32bit hash value calculated from the specified buffer. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/02/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ extern "C" { long Calculate_CRC(void * buffer, long len) { return(CRCEngine()(buffer, len)); } } /*************************************************************************** * Init_Random -- Initializes the random-number generator * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/04/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void Init_Random(void) { #ifdef WIN32 /* ** Gather some "random" bits from the system timer. Actually, only the ** low order millisecond bits are secure. The other bits could be ** easily guessed from the system clock (most clocks are fairly accurate ** and thus predictable). */ SYSTEMTIME t; GetSystemTime(&t); CryptRandom.Seed_Byte(t.wMilliseconds); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wSecond); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wSecond>>1); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wSecond>>2); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wSecond>>3); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wSecond>>4); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wMinute); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wMinute>>1); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wMinute>>2); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wMinute>>3); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wMinute>>4); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wHour); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wDay); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wDayOfWeek); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wMonth); CryptRandom.Seed_Bit(t.wYear); #else /* ** Gather some "random" bits from the DOS mode timer. */ struct timeb t; ftime(&t); CryptRandom.Seed_Byte(t.millitm); CryptRandom.Seed_Byte(t.time); #endif #ifdef FIXIT_MULTI_SAVE // // If we've loaded a multiplayer save game, return now; the random # // class is loaded along with ScenarioClass. // if (Session.LoadGame) { return; } // // If we're playing a recording, the Seed is loaded in // Load_Recording_Values(). Just init the random # and return. // if (Session.Play) { RandNumb = Seed; Scen.RandomNumber = Seed; return; } #else /* ** Do nothing if we've loaded a multiplayer game, or we're playing back ** a recording; the random number generator is initialized by loading ** the game. */ if (Session.LoadGame || Session.Play) { RandNumb = Seed; Scen.RandomNumber = Seed; return; } #endif // FIXIT_MULTI_SAVE /* ** Initialize the random number Seed. For multiplayer, this will have been done ** in the connection dialogs. For single-player games, AND if we're not playing ** back a recording, init the Seed to a random value. */ if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL || Session.Type == GAME_SKIRMISH && !Session.Play) { /* ** Set the optional user-specified seed */ if (CustomSeed != 0) { Seed = CustomSeed; } else { srand(time(NULL)); Seed = rand(); } } /* ** Initialize the random-number generators */ Scen.RandomNumber = Seed; RandNumb = Seed; } /*********************************************************************************************** * Load_Title_Page -- Load the background art for the title page. * * * * This routine will load the background art in a machine independent format. There is * * different art required for the hi-res and lo-res versions of the game. * * * * INPUT: visible -- Should the title page art be copied to the visible page by this * * routine? * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Be sure the mouse is hidden if the image is to be copied to the visible page. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Load_Title_Page(bool visible) { #ifdef WIN32 Load_Title_Screen("TITLE.PCX", &HidPage, CCPalette); if (visible) { HidPage.Blit(SeenPage); } #else Load_Picture("TITLE.CPS", HidPage, HidPage, CCPalette, BM_DEFAULT); if (visible) { HidPage.Blit(SeenPage); } #endif } /*********************************************************************************************** * Init_Color_Remaps -- Initialize the text remap tables. * * * * There are various color scheme remap tables that are dependant upon the color remap * * information embedded within the palette control file. This routine will fetch that * * data and build the text remap tables as indicated. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Init_Color_Remaps(void) { /* ** Setup the remap tables. PALETTE.CPS contains a special set of pixels in ** the upper-left corner. Each row of 16 pixels is one range of colors. The ** first row represents unity (the default color units are drawn in); rows ** after that are the remap colors. */ #ifdef WIN32 SysMemPage.Clear(); Load_Picture("PALETTE.CPS", SysMemPage, SysMemPage, NULL, BM_DEFAULT); SysMemPage.Blit(HidPage); #else Load_Picture("PALETTE.CPS", HidPage, HidPage, NULL, BM_DEFAULT); #endif for (PlayerColorType pcolor = PCOLOR_FIRST; pcolor < PCOLOR_COUNT; pcolor++) { unsigned char * ptr = ColorRemaps[pcolor].RemapTable; for (int color = 0; color < 256; color++) { ptr[color] = color; } for (int index = 0; index < 16; index++) { ptr[HidPage.Get_Pixel(index, 0)] = HidPage.Get_Pixel(index, pcolor); } for (index = 0; index < 6; index++) { ColorRemaps[pcolor].FontRemap[10+index] = HidPage.Get_Pixel(2+index, pcolor); } ColorRemaps[pcolor].BrightColor = WHITE; // ColorRemaps[pcolor].BrightColor = HidPage.Get_Pixel(1, pcolor); ColorRemaps[pcolor].Color = HidPage.Get_Pixel(4, pcolor); ColorRemaps[pcolor].Shadow = HidPage.Get_Pixel(10, pcolor); ColorRemaps[pcolor].Background = HidPage.Get_Pixel(9, pcolor); ColorRemaps[pcolor].Corners = HidPage.Get_Pixel(7, pcolor); ColorRemaps[pcolor].Highlight = HidPage.Get_Pixel(4, pcolor); ColorRemaps[pcolor].Bright = HidPage.Get_Pixel(0, pcolor); ColorRemaps[pcolor].Underline = HidPage.Get_Pixel(0, pcolor); ColorRemaps[pcolor].Bar = HidPage.Get_Pixel(6, pcolor); /* ** This must grab from column 4 because the multiplayer color dialog palette counts ** on this to be true. */ ColorRemaps[pcolor].Box = HidPage.Get_Pixel(4, pcolor); } /* ** Now do the special dim grey scheme */ for (int color = 0; color < 256; color++) { GreyScheme.RemapTable[color] = color; } for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++) { GreyScheme.FontRemap[10+index] = HidPage.Get_Pixel(9+index, PCOLOR_GREY) & 0x00FF; } GreyScheme.BrightColor = HidPage.Get_Pixel(3, PCOLOR_GREY) & 0x00FF; GreyScheme.Color = HidPage.Get_Pixel(7, PCOLOR_GREY) & 0x00FF; GreyScheme.Shadow = ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_GREY].RemapTable[HidPage.Get_Pixel(15, PCOLOR_GREY) & 0x00FF]; GreyScheme.Background = ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_GREY].RemapTable[HidPage.Get_Pixel(14, PCOLOR_GREY) & 0x00FF]; GreyScheme.Corners = ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_GREY].RemapTable[HidPage.Get_Pixel(13, PCOLOR_GREY) & 0x00FF]; GreyScheme.Highlight = ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_GREY].RemapTable[HidPage.Get_Pixel(9, PCOLOR_GREY) & 0x00FF]; GreyScheme.Bright = ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_GREY].RemapTable[HidPage.Get_Pixel(5, PCOLOR_GREY) & 0x00FF]; GreyScheme.Underline = ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_GREY].RemapTable[HidPage.Get_Pixel(5, PCOLOR_GREY) & 0x00FF]; GreyScheme.Bar = ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_GREY].RemapTable[HidPage.Get_Pixel(11, PCOLOR_GREY) & 0x00FF]; GreyScheme.Box = ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_GREY].RemapTable[HidPage.Get_Pixel(11, PCOLOR_GREY) & 0x00FF]; /* ** Set up the metallic remap table for the font that prints over the tabs */ memset ((void*)&MetalScheme, 4, sizeof(MetalScheme)); for (int color_counter = 0; color_counter < 16; color_counter++) { MetalScheme.FontRemap[color_counter] = color_counter; } MetalScheme.FontRemap[1] = 128; MetalScheme.FontRemap[2] = 12; MetalScheme.FontRemap[3] = 13; MetalScheme.FontRemap[4] = 14; MetalScheme.Color = 128; MetalScheme.Background = 0; MetalScheme.Underline = 128; /* ** Set up the font remap table for the mission briefing font */ for (int colr = 0; colr < 16; colr++) { ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_TYPE].FontRemap[colr] = HidPage.Get_Pixel(colr, PCOLOR_TYPE); } ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_TYPE].Shadow = 11; ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_TYPE].Background = 10; ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_TYPE].Corners = 10; ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_TYPE].Highlight = 9; ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_TYPE].Bright = 15; ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_TYPE].Underline = 11; ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_TYPE].Bar = 11; ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_TYPE].Box = 10; ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_TYPE].BrightColor = 15; ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_TYPE].Color = 9; GadgetClass::Set_Color_Scheme(&ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_DIALOG_BLUE]); // GadgetClass::Set_Color_Scheme(&ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_BLUE]); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Init_Heaps -- Initialize the game heaps and buffers. * * * * This routine will allocate the game heaps and buffers. The rules file has already been * * processed by the time that this routine is called. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Init_Heaps(void) { /* ** Initialize the game object heaps. */ Vessels.Set_Heap(Rule.VesselMax); Units.Set_Heap(Rule.UnitMax); Factories.Set_Heap(Rule.FactoryMax); Terrains.Set_Heap(Rule.TerrainMax); Templates.Set_Heap(Rule.TemplateMax); Smudges.Set_Heap(Rule.SmudgeMax); Overlays.Set_Heap(Rule.OverlayMax); Infantry.Set_Heap(Rule.InfantryMax); Bullets.Set_Heap(Rule.BulletMax); Buildings.Set_Heap(Rule.BuildingMax); Anims.Set_Heap(Rule.AnimMax); Aircraft.Set_Heap(Rule.AircraftMax); Triggers.Set_Heap(Rule.TriggerMax); TeamTypes.Set_Heap(Rule.TeamTypeMax); Teams.Set_Heap(Rule.TeamMax); Houses.Set_Heap(HOUSE_MAX); TriggerTypes.Set_Heap(Rule.TrigTypeMax); // Weapons.Set_Heap(Rule.WeaponMax); /* ** Speech holding tank buffer. Since speech does not mix, it can be placed ** into a custom holding tank only as large as the largest speech file to ** be played. */ for (int index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE(SpeechBuffer); index++) { SpeechBuffer[index] = new char [SPEECH_BUFFER_SIZE]; SpeechRecord[index] = VOX_NONE; assert(SpeechBuffer[index] != NULL); } /* ** Allocate the theater buffer block. */ TheaterBuffer = new Buffer(THEATER_BUFFER_SIZE); assert(TheaterBuffer != NULL); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Init_Expansion_Files -- Fetch any override expansion mixfiles. * * * * This routine will search for and register/cache any override mixfiles found. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Init_Expansion_Files(void) { /* ** Before all else, cache any additional mixfiles. */ struct find_t ff; // for _dos_findfirst if (!_dos_findfirst("SC*.MIX", _A_NORMAL, &ff)) { char * ptr; do { ptr = strdup(ff.name); new MFCD(ptr, &FastKey); MFCD::Cache(ptr); } while (!_dos_findnext(&ff)); } if (!_dos_findfirst("SS*.MIX", _A_NORMAL, &ff)) { char * ptr; do { ptr = strdup(ff.name); new MFCD(ptr, &FastKey); } while (!_dos_findnext(&ff)); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Init_One_Time_Systems -- Initialize internal pointers to the bulk data. * * * * This performs the one-time processing required after the bulk data has been cached but * * before the game actually starts. Typically, this routine extracts pointers to all the * * embedded data sub-files within the main game data mixfile. This routine must be called * * AFTER the bulk data has been cached. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Call this routine AFTER the bulk data has been cached. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Init_One_Time_Systems(void) { Call_Back(); Map.One_Time(); Logic.One_Time(); Options.One_Time(); Session.One_Time(); ObjectTypeClass::One_Time(); BuildingTypeClass::One_Time(); BulletTypeClass::One_Time(); HouseTypeClass::One_Time(); TemplateTypeClass::One_Time(); OverlayTypeClass::One_Time(); SmudgeTypeClass::One_Time(); TerrainTypeClass::One_Time(); UnitTypeClass::One_Time(); VesselTypeClass::One_Time(); InfantryTypeClass::One_Time(); AnimTypeClass::One_Time(); AircraftTypeClass::One_Time(); HouseClass::One_Time(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Init_Fonts -- Initialize all the game font pointers. * * * * This routine is used to fetch pointers to the game fonts. The mixfile containing these * * fonts must have been previously cached. This routine is a necessary prerequisite to * * displaying any dialogs or printing any text. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Init_Fonts(void) { Metal12FontPtr = MFCD::Retrieve("12METFNT.FNT"); MapFontPtr = MFCD::Retrieve("HELP.FNT"); Font6Ptr = MFCD::Retrieve("6POINT.FNT"); GradFont6Ptr = MFCD::Retrieve("GRAD6FNT.FNT"); EditorFont = MFCD::Retrieve("EDITFNT.FNT"); Font8Ptr = MFCD::Retrieve("8POINT.FNT"); FontPtr = (char *)Font8Ptr; Set_Font(FontPtr); Font3Ptr = MFCD::Retrieve("3POINT.FNT"); ScoreFontPtr = MFCD::Retrieve("SCOREFNT.FNT"); FontLEDPtr = MFCD::Retrieve("LED.FNT"); VCRFontPtr = MFCD::Retrieve("VCR.FNT"); TypeFontPtr = MFCD::Retrieve("8POINT.FNT"); //("TYPE.FNT"); //VG 10/17/96 } /*********************************************************************************************** * Init_CDROM_Access -- Initialize the CD-ROM access handler. * * * * This routine is called to setup the CD-ROM access or emulation handler. It will ensure * * that the appropriate CD-ROM is present (dependant on the RequiredCD global). * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: The fonts, palettes, and other bootstrap systems must have been initialized * * prior to calling this routine since this routine will quite likely display * * a dialog box requesting the appropriate CD be inserted. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Init_CDROM_Access(void) { VisiblePage.Clear(); HidPage.Clear(); #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // Determine if we're going to be running from a DVD. // The entire session will either require a DVD, or the regular CDs. Never both. // Call Using_DVD() to determine which case it is. // Here we set the value that Using_DVD() returns. Determine_If_Using_DVD(); // Force_CD_Available() is modified when Using_DVD() is true so that all requests become requests for the DVD. #endif /* ** Always try to look at the CD-ROM for data files. */ if (!CCFileClass::Is_There_Search_Drives()) { /* ** This call is needed because of a side effect of this function. It will examine the ** CD-ROMs attached to this computer and set the appropriate status values. Without this ** call, the "?:\\" could not be filled in correctly. */ Force_CD_Available(-1); /* ** If there are no search drives specified then we must be playing ** off cd, so read files from there. */ int error; do { error = CCFileClass::Set_Search_Drives("?:\\"); switch (error) { case 1: VisiblePage.Clear(); GamePalette.Set(); Show_Mouse(); WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_CD_ERROR1, TXT_OK); //Prog_End(); Emergency_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); case 2: VisiblePage.Clear(); GamePalette.Set(); Show_Mouse(); if (WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_CD_DIALOG_1, TXT_OK, TXT_CANCEL) == 1) { //Prog_End(); Emergency_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Hide_Mouse(); break; default: VisiblePage.Clear(); Show_Mouse(); if (!Force_CD_Available(RequiredCD)) { //Prog_End(); Emergency_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Hide_Mouse(); break; } } while (error); RequiredCD = -1; } else { /* ** If there are search drives specified then all files are to be ** considered local. */ RequiredCD = -2; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Init_Bootstrap_Mixfiles -- Registers and caches any mixfiles needed for bootstrapping. * * * * This routine will register the initial mixfiles that are required to display error * * messages and get input from the player. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Be sure to call this routine before any dialogs would be displayed to the * * player. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Init_Bootstrap_Mixfiles(void) { int temp = RequiredCD; RequiredCD = -2; #ifdef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION CCFileClass fileWolapiMix( "WOLAPI.MIX" ); if( fileWolapiMix.Is_Available() ) { new MFCD( "WOLAPI.MIX", &FastKey ); MFCD::Cache( "WOLAPI.MIX" ); } #endif #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // Ok. ajw CCFileClass file2("EXPAND2.MIX"); if (file2.Is_Available()) { new MFCD("EXPAND2.MIX", &FastKey); bool ok = MFCD::Cache("EXPAND2.MIX"); assert(ok); } #endif #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // Ok. ajw bool ok1; #ifdef WIN32 new MFCD("HIRES1.MIX", &FastKey); ok1 = MFCD::Cache("HIRES1.MIX"); assert(ok1); #else new MFCD("LORES1.MIX", &FastKey); ok1 = MFCD::Cache("LORES1.MIX"); assert(ok1); #endif #endif #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS // Ok. ajw CCFileClass file("EXPAND.MIX"); if (file.Is_Available()) { new MFCD("EXPAND.MIX", &FastKey); bool ok = MFCD::Cache("EXPAND.MIX"); assert(ok); } #endif new MFCD("REDALERT.MIX", &FastKey); /* ** Bootstrap enough of the system so that the error dialog box can successfully ** be displayed. */ new MFCD("LOCAL.MIX", &FastKey); // Cached. bool ok = MFCD::Cache("LOCAL.MIX"); assert(ok); #ifdef WIN32 new MFCD("HIRES.MIX", &FastKey); ok = MFCD::Cache("HIRES.MIX"); assert(ok); new MFCD("NCHIRES.MIX", &FastKey); //Non-cached hires stuff incl VQ palettes #else new MFCD("LORES.MIX", &FastKey); ok = MFCD::Cache("LORES.MIX"); assert(ok); #endif //WIN32 RequiredCD = temp; } /*********************************************************************************************** * Init_Secondary_Mixfiles -- Register and cache secondary mixfiles. * * * * This routine is used to register the mixfiles that are needed for main menu processing. * * Call this routine before the main menu is display and processed. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ //#define DENZIL_MIXEXTRACT #ifdef DENZIL_MIXEXTRACT void Extract(char* filename, char* outfile); #endif static void Init_Secondary_Mixfiles(void) { MainMix = new MFCD("MAIN.MIX", &FastKey); assert(MainMix != NULL); //Denzil extract mixfile #ifdef DENZIL_MIXEXTRACT #if(0) Extract("CONQUER.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\conquer.mix"); Extract("EDHI.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\edhi.mix"); Extract("EDLO.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\edlo.mix"); Extract("GENERAL.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\general.mix"); Extract("INTERIOR.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\interior.mix"); Extract("MOVIES1.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\movies1.mix"); Extract("SCORES.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\scores.mix"); Extract("SNOW.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\snow.mix"); Extract("SOUNDS.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\sounds.mix"); Extract("RUSSIAN.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\russian.mix"); Extract("ALLIES.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\allies.mix"); Extract("TEMPERAT.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\temperat.mix"); #else Extract("CONQUER.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\conquer.mix"); Extract("EDHI.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\edhi.mix"); Extract("EDLO.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\edlo.mix"); Extract("GENERAL.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\general.mix"); Extract("INTERIOR.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\interior.mix"); Extract("MOVIES2.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\movies2.mix"); Extract("SCORES.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\scores.mix"); Extract("SNOW.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\snow.mix"); Extract("SOUNDS.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\sounds.mix"); Extract("RUSSIAN.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\russian.mix"); Extract("ALLIES.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\allies.mix"); Extract("TEMPERAT.MIX", "o:\\projects\\radvd\\data\\extract\\temperat.mix"); #endif #endif /* ** Inform the file system of the various MIX files. */ ConquerMix = new MFCD("CONQUER.MIX", &FastKey); // Cached. // new MFCD("TRANSIT.MIX", &FastKey); if (GeneralMix == NULL) GeneralMix = new MFCD("GENERAL.MIX", &FastKey); // Never cached. if (CCFileClass("MOVIES1.MIX").Is_Available()) { MoviesMix = new MFCD("MOVIES1.MIX", &FastKey); // Never cached. } else { MoviesMix = new MFCD("MOVIES2.MIX", &FastKey); // Never cached. } assert(MoviesMix != NULL); /* ** Register the score mixfile. */ ScoresPresent = true; ScoreMix = new MFCD("SCORES.MIX", &FastKey); ThemeClass::Scan(); /* ** These are sound card specific, but the install program would have ** copied the correct versions to the hard drive. */ new MFCD("SPEECH.MIX", &FastKey); // Never cached. new MFCD("SOUNDS.MIX", &FastKey); // Cached. new MFCD("RUSSIAN.MIX", &FastKey); // Cached. new MFCD("ALLIES.MIX", &FastKey); // Cached. } /*********************************************************************************************** * Bootstrap -- Perform the initial bootstrap procedure. * * * * This routine will load and initialize the game engine such that a dialog box could be * * displayed. Because this is very critical, call this routine before any other game * * initialization code. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Bootstrap(void) { BlackPalette.Set(); /* ** Be sure to short circuit the CD-ROM check if there is a CD-ROM override ** path. */ if (CCFileClass::Is_There_Search_Drives()) { RequiredCD = -2; } /* ** Process the message loop until we are in focus. We need to be in focus to read pixels from ** the screen. */ #ifdef WIN32 do { Keyboard->Check(); } while (!GameInFocus); AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored = false; #endif /* ** Perform any special debug-only processing. This includes preparing the ** monochrome screen. */ Mono_Clear_Screen(); /* ** Register and make resident all local mixfiles with particular emphasis ** on the mixfiles that are necessary to display and error messages and ** process further initialization. */ Init_Bootstrap_Mixfiles(); /* ** Initialize the resident font pointers. */ Init_Fonts(); #ifndef WIN32 /* ** Install the hard error handler. */ _harderr(harderr_handler); // BG: Install hard error handler /* ** Install a Page Fault handler */ if (UsePageFaultHandler) { Install_Page_Fault_Handle(); } #endif /* ** Setup the keyboard processor in preparation for the game. */ #ifdef WIN32 Keyboard->Clear(); #else Keyboard_Attributes_Off(BREAKON | SCROLLLOCKON | TRACKEXT | PAUSEON | CTRLSON | CTRLCON | FILTERONLY | TASKSWITCHABLE); Keyboard_Attributes_On(PASSBREAKS); Keyboard->Clear(); #endif /* ** This is the shape staging buffer. It must always be available, so it is ** allocated here and never freed. The library sets the globals ShapeBuffer ** and ShapeBufferSize to these values, so it can be accessed for other ** purposes. */ Set_Shape_Buffer(new unsigned char[SHAPE_BUFFER_SIZE], SHAPE_BUFFER_SIZE); /* ** Fetch the language text from the hard drive first. If it cannot be ** found on the hard drive, then look for it in the mixfile. */ #ifdef STEVES_LOAD_OVERRIDE RawFileClass strings ("CONQUER.ENG"); if (strings.Is_Available()){ SystemStrings = new char [strings.Size()]; strings.Read((void*)SystemStrings, strings.Size()); }else{ SystemStrings = (char const *)MFCD::Retrieve(Language_Name("CONQUER")); } #else SystemStrings = (char const *)MFCD::Retrieve(Language_Name("CONQUER")); #endif DebugStrings = (char const *)MFCD::Retrieve("DEBUG.ENG"); /* ** Default palette initialization. */ memmove((unsigned char *)&GamePalette[0], (void *)MFCD::Retrieve("TEMPERAT.PAL"), 768L); WhitePalette[0] = BlackPalette[0]; // GamePalette.Set(); /* ** Initialize expansion files (if present). Expansion files must be located ** in the current directory. */ Init_Expansion_Files(); SidebarScheme.Background = BLACK; SidebarScheme.Corners = LTGREY; SidebarScheme.Shadow = DKGREY; SidebarScheme.Highlight = WHITE; SidebarScheme.Color = LTGREY; SidebarScheme.Bright = WHITE; SidebarScheme.BrightColor = WHITE; SidebarScheme.Box = LTGREY; GadgetClass::Set_Color_Scheme(&SidebarScheme); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Init_Mouse -- Initialize the mouse system. * * * * This routine will ensure that a valid mouse driver is present and a working mouse * * pointer can be displayed. The mouse is hidden when this routine exits. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Init_Mouse(void) { /* ** Since there is no mouse shape currently available we need ** to set one of our own. */ #ifdef WIN32 ShowCursor(false); #endif if (MouseInstalled) { void const * temp_mouse_shapes = MFCD::Retrieve("MOUSE.SHP"); if (temp_mouse_shapes) { Set_Mouse_Cursor(0, 0, Extract_Shape(temp_mouse_shapes, 0)); while (Get_Mouse_State() > 1) Show_Mouse(); } } else { char buffer[255]; GamePalette.Set(); GamePalette.Set(); sprintf(buffer, TEXT_NO_MOUSE); VisiblePage.Clear(); WWMessageBox().Process(buffer, TXT_OK); //Prog_End(); Emergency_Exit(1); } Map.Set_Default_Mouse(MOUSE_NORMAL, false); Show_Mouse(); while (Get_Mouse_State() > 1) Show_Mouse(); Call_Back(); Hide_Mouse(); } #ifdef OBSOLETE /*********************************************************************************************** * Init_Authorization -- Verifies that the player is authorized to play the game. * * * * This is a development routine that restricts access to the game by way of passwords. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Init_Authorization(void) { if (Special.IsFromInstall) return; Load_Title_Page(); #ifdef WIN32 Wait_Vert_Blank(); #else //WIN32 Init_Delay(); Wait_Vert_Blank(VertBlank); #endif //WIN32 CCPalette.Set(); // Set_Palette(Palette); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage); Show_Mouse(); /* ** Fetch the type of game to be played. This will be either ** C&C:Red Alert or C&C:Plus. */ //tryagain: bool ok = Debug_Flag; int counter = 3; if (Debug_Flag) ok = true; /* ** C&C:Red Alert requires a password for legal entry. Try (three times) to get a correct ** password. If not found, then try again. */ bool skipper = false; #ifdef NEVER while (!ok && counter) { SmartPtr str = Fetch_Password(TXT_PASSWORD_CAPTION, TXT_PASSWORD_MESSAGE, TXT_OK); SmartPtr lptr = &CheatCodes[0]; while (*lptr) { if (Obfuscate(str) == *lptr++) { ok = true; break; } } lptr = &EditorCodes[0]; while (*lptr) { if (Obfuscate(str) == *lptr++) { ok = true; break; } } lptr = &PlayCodes[0]; while (*lptr) { if (Obfuscate(str) == *lptr++) { ok = true; skipper = true; break; } } if (ok) break; Hide_Mouse(); Load_Title_Page(); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage); Show_Mouse(); Delay(TIMER_SECOND*(4-counter)*1); if (WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_PASSWORD_ERROR, TXT_TRY_AGAIN, TXT_CANCEL)) { goto tryagain; } counter--; if (counter == 0) goto tryagain; } #endif if (!skipper) { CCPalette.Set(); } Hide_Mouse(); Load_Title_Page(); HidPage.Blit(SeenPage); Show_Mouse(); Call_Back(); } #endif /*********************************************************************************************** * Init_Bulk_Data -- Initialize the time-consuming mixfile caching. * * * * This routine is called to handle the time consuming process of game initialization. * * The title page will be displayed when this routine is called. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: This routine will take a very long time. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Init_Bulk_Data(void) { /* ** Cache the main game data. This operation can take a very long time. */ MFCD::Cache("CONQUER.MIX"); if (SampleType != 0 && !Debug_Quiet) { MFCD::Cache("SOUNDS.MIX"); MFCD::Cache("RUSSIAN.MIX"); MFCD::Cache("ALLIES.MIX"); } Call_Back(); /* ** Fetch the tutorial message data. */ INIClass ini; ini.Load(CCFileClass("TUTORIAL.INI")); for (int index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE(TutorialText); index++) { TutorialText[index] = NULL; char buffer[128]; char num[10]; sprintf(num, "%d", index); if (ini.Get_String("Tutorial", num, "", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { TutorialText[index] = strdup(buffer); } } /* ** Perform one-time game system initializations. */ Init_One_Time_Systems(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Init_Keys -- Initialize the cryptographic keys. * * * * This routine will initialize the fast cryptographic key. It will also initialize the * * slow one if this is a scenario editor version of the game. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/08/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Init_Keys(void) { RAMFileClass file((void*)Keys, strlen(Keys)); INIClass ini; ini.Load(file); FastKey = ini.Get_PKey(true); #ifdef SCENARIO_EDITOR SlowKey = ini.Get_PKey(false); #endif } /*************************************************************************** * Save_Recording_Values -- Saves multiplayer-specific values * * * * This routine saves multiplayer values that need to be restored for a * * save game. In addition to saving the random # seed for this scenario, * * it saves the contents of the actual random number generator; this * * ensures that the random # sequencer will pick up where it left off when * * the game was saved. * * This routine also saves the header for a Recording file, so it must * * save some data not needed specifically by a save-game file (ie Seed). * * * * INPUT: * * file file to save to * * * * OUTPUT: * * true = success, false = failure * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/28/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ bool Save_Recording_Values(CCFileClass & file) { Session.Save(file); file.Write(&BuildLevel, sizeof(BuildLevel)); file.Write(&Debug_Unshroud, sizeof(Debug_Unshroud)); file.Write(&Seed, sizeof(Seed)); file.Write(&Scen.Scenario, sizeof(Scen.Scenario)); file.Write(Scen.ScenarioName, sizeof(Scen.ScenarioName)); file.Write(&Whom, sizeof(Whom)); file.Write(&Special, sizeof(SpecialClass)); file.Write(&Options, sizeof(GameOptionsClass)); return (true); } /*************************************************************************** * Load_Recording_Values -- Loads multiplayer-specific values * * * * INPUT: * * file file to load from * * * * OUTPUT: * * true = success, false = failure * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/28/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ bool Load_Recording_Values(CCFileClass & file) { Session.Load(file); file.Read(&BuildLevel, sizeof(BuildLevel)); file.Read(&Debug_Unshroud, sizeof(Debug_Unshroud)); file.Read(&Seed, sizeof(Seed)); file.Read(&Scen.Scenario, sizeof(Scen.Scenario)); file.Read(Scen.ScenarioName, sizeof(Scen.ScenarioName)); file.Read(&Whom, sizeof(Whom)); file.Read(&Special, sizeof(SpecialClass)); file.Read(&Options, sizeof(GameOptionsClass)); return (true); } extern "C" { void __PRO(void) { // printf("_pro\n"); } } #ifdef DENZIL_MIXEXTRACT void Extract(char* filename, char* outname) { CCFileClass inFile(filename); CCFileClass outFile(outname); inFile.Open(); outFile.Open(WRITE); void* buffer = malloc(32768); if (buffer) { unsigned long size = inFile.Size(); unsigned long bytes; while (size > 0) { bytes = inFile.Read(buffer, 32768); outFile.Write(buffer, bytes); size -= bytes; } free(buffer); } } #endif #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 bool bUsingDVD = false; const char* Game_Registry_Key(); //*********************************************************************************************** bool Is_DVD_Installed() { bool bInstalled; HKEY hKey; if( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Game_Registry_Key(), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return false; DWORD dwValue; DWORD dwBufSize = sizeof( DWORD ); if( RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "DVD", 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwBufSize ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) bInstalled = false; else bInstalled = (bool)dwValue; // (Presumably true, if it's there...) RegCloseKey( hKey ); return bInstalled; } //*********************************************************************************************** bool Determine_If_Using_DVD() { // Determines if the user has a DVD currently available. If they do, we'll use it throughout the // session. Else we won't check for it again and will always ask for CDs. if( Is_DVD_Installed() ) { if( Force_CD_Available( 5 ) ) { bUsingDVD = true; } else { // User hit cancel. Allow things to progress normally. They will be prompted for // a Red Alert disk as usual. bUsingDVD = false; } } else bUsingDVD = false; return bUsingDVD; } //*********************************************************************************************** bool Using_DVD() { return bUsingDVD; } #endif