/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /CounterStrike/MAPEDSEL.CPP 1 3/03/97 10:25a Joe_bostic $ */ /*************************************************************************** ** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ** *************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : MAPEDSEL.CPP * * * * Programmer : Bill Randolph * * * * Start Date : November 18, 1994 * * * * Last Update : April 30, 1996 [JLB] * * * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Object-selection & manipulation routines * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * MapEditClass::Change_House -- changes CurrentObject's house * * MapEditClass::Grab_Object -- grabs the current object * * MapEditClass::Move_Grabbed_Object -- moves the grabbed object * * MapEditClass::Popup_Controls -- shows/hides the pop-up object controls* * MapEditClass::Select_Next -- selects next object on the map * * MapEditClass::Select_Object -- selects an object for processing * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #ifdef SCENARIO_EDITOR /*************************************************************************** * Select_Object -- selects an object for processing * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = object selected, -1 = none * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/04/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int MapEditClass::Select_Object(void) { ObjectClass * object=NULL; // Generic object clicked on. int x,y; CELL cell; // Cell that was selected. int rc=0; /* ** See if an object was clicked on */ x = Keyboard->MouseQX; y = Keyboard->MouseQY; /* ** Get cell for x,y */ cell = Click_Cell_Calc(x, y); /* ** Convert x,y to offset from cell upper-left */ x = (x-TacPixelX) % ICON_PIXEL_W; y = (y-TacPixelY) % ICON_PIXEL_H; /* ** Get object at that x,y */ object = Cell_Object(cell, x, y); /* ** If no object, unselect the current one */ if (!object) { if (CurrentObject.Count()) { /* ** Unselect all current objects */ Unselect_All(); /* ** Turn off object controls */ Popup_Controls(); } rc = -1; } else { /* ** Select object only if it's different */ if (!CurrentObject.Count() || (CurrentObject.Count() && object != CurrentObject[0])) { /* ** Unselect all current objects */ Unselect_All(); object->Select(); /* ** Set mouse shape back to normal */ Set_Default_Mouse(MOUSE_NORMAL); Override_Mouse_Shape(MOUSE_NORMAL); /* ** Show the popup controls */ Popup_Controls(); } } /* ** Force map to redraw */ HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); return(rc); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Select_Next -- selects next object on the map * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/22/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Select_Next(void) { ObjectClass * obj; CELL obj_cell; int smap_w; // screen map width in icons int smap_h; // screen map height in icons int cell_x; // cell-x of next object int cell_y; // cell-y of next object int tcell_x; // cell-x of TacticalCell int tcell_y; // cell-y of TacticalCell /* ** Get next object on the map */ obj = Map.Next_Object(CurrentObject[0]); if (obj) { /* ** Unselect current object if there is one */ Unselect_All(); /* ** Select this object */ obj->Select(); } /* ** Restore mouse shape to normal */ Set_Default_Mouse(MOUSE_NORMAL); Override_Mouse_Shape(MOUSE_NORMAL); /* ** Show pop-up controls */ Popup_Controls(); /* ** Make sure object is shown on the screen */ /* ** compute screen map dimensions */ smap_w = Lepton_To_Cell(TacLeptonWidth); smap_h = Lepton_To_Cell(TacLeptonHeight); /* ** compute x,y of object's cell */ obj_cell = Coord_Cell(CurrentObject[0]->Coord); cell_x = Cell_X(obj_cell); cell_y = Cell_Y(obj_cell); tcell_x = Coord_XCell(TacticalCoord); tcell_y = Coord_YCell(TacticalCoord); /* ** If object is off-screen, move map */ if (cell_x < tcell_x) { tcell_x = cell_x; } else { if (cell_x >= tcell_x + smap_w) { tcell_x = cell_x - smap_w + 1; } } if (cell_y < tcell_y) { tcell_y = cell_y; } else { if (cell_y >= tcell_y + smap_h) { tcell_y = cell_y - smap_h + 1; } } ScenarioInit++; Set_Tactical_Position(XY_Coord(Cell_To_Lepton(tcell_x), Cell_To_Lepton(tcell_y))); ScenarioInit--; /* ** Force map to redraw */ HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Popup_Controls -- shows/hides the pop-up object controls * * * * Call this routine whenever the CurrentObject changes. The routine will * * selectively enable or disable the popup controls based on whether * * CurrentObject is NULL, or if it's a Techno object, or what type of * * Techno object it is. * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/22/1994 BR : Created. * * 04/30/1996 JLB : Revamped for new buttons and stuff. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Popup_Controls(void) { const TechnoTypeClass * objtype = NULL; HousesType owner; // object's current owner int mission_index; // object's current mission int strength; // object's 0-255 strength value int i; /* ** Remove all buttons from GScreen's button list (so none of them provide ** input any more); then, destroy the list by Zapping each button. Then, ** we'll have to add at least the MapArea button back to the Input button ** list before we return, plus any other buttons to process input for. We ** always must add MapArea LAST in the list, so it doesn't intercept the ** other buttons' input. */ Remove_A_Button(*HouseList); Remove_A_Button(*MissionList); Remove_A_Button(*HealthGauge); Remove_A_Button(*HealthText); Remove_A_Button(*FacingDial); Remove_A_Button(*BaseGauge); Remove_A_Button(*BaseLabel); Remove_A_Button(*MapArea); Remove_A_Button(*Sellable); Remove_A_Button(*Rebuildable); /* ** If no current object, hide the list */ if (!CurrentObject.Count()) { Add_A_Button(*BaseGauge); Add_A_Button(*BaseLabel); Add_A_Button(*MapArea); return; } /* ** If not Techno, no need for editing buttons */ if (!CurrentObject[0]->Is_Techno()) { Add_A_Button(*BaseGauge); Add_A_Button(*BaseLabel); Add_A_Button(*MapArea); return; } objtype = (TechnoTypeClass const *)&CurrentObject[0]->Class_Of(); /* ** Get object's current values */ owner = CurrentObject[0]->Owner(); mission_index = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_EDIT_MISSIONS; i++) { if (CurrentObject[0]->Get_Mission() == MapEditMissions[i]) { mission_index = i; } } strength = CurrentObject[0]->Health_Ratio()*256; switch (objtype->What_Am_I()) { case RTTI_VESSELTYPE: case RTTI_UNITTYPE: case RTTI_INFANTRYTYPE: case RTTI_AIRCRAFTTYPE: MissionList->Set_Selected_Index(mission_index); HealthGauge->Set_Value(strength); sprintf(HealthBuf, "%d", CurrentObject[0]->Strength); FacingDial->Set_Direction(((TechnoClass *)CurrentObject[0])->PrimaryFacing); /* ** Make the list. */ Add_A_Button(*HealthGauge); Add_A_Button(*HouseList); HouseList->Set_Selected_Index(owner); Add_A_Button(*MissionList); Add_A_Button(*HealthText); Add_A_Button(*FacingDial); break; case RTTI_BUILDINGTYPE: HealthGauge->Set_Value(strength); sprintf(HealthBuf, "%d", CurrentObject[0]->Strength); Add_A_Button(*HealthGauge); Add_A_Button(*HouseList); HouseList->Set_Selected_Index(owner); Add_A_Button(*HealthText); Add_A_Button(*Sellable); if (((BuildingClass*)CurrentObject[0])->IsAllowedToSell) { Sellable->Turn_On(); } else { Sellable->Turn_Off(); } Add_A_Button(*Rebuildable); if (((BuildingClass*)CurrentObject[0])->IsToRebuild) { Rebuildable->Turn_On(); } else { Rebuildable->Turn_Off(); } if (objtype->IsTurretEquipped) { FacingDial->Set_Direction(((TechnoClass *) CurrentObject[0])->PrimaryFacing); Add_A_Button(*FacingDial); } break; } /* ** Add the map area last, so it's "underneath" the other buttons, and won't ** intercept input for those buttons. */ Add_A_Button(*BaseGauge); Add_A_Button(*BaseLabel); Add_A_Button(*MapArea); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Grab_Object -- grabs the current object * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/07/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Grab_Object(void) { CELL cell; if (CurrentObject.Count()) { GrabbedObject = CurrentObject[0]; /* ** Find out which cell 'ZoneCell' is in relation to the object's current cell */ cell = Coord_Cell(GrabbedObject->Coord); GrabOffset = cell - ZoneCell; } } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Move_Grabbed_Object -- moves the grabbed object * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = object moved, -1 = it didn't * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/07/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int MapEditClass::Move_Grabbed_Object(void) { COORDINATE new_coord = 0; int retval = -1; /* ** Lift up the object */ GrabbedObject->Mark(MARK_UP); /* ** If infantry, use a free spot in this cell */ if (GrabbedObject->Is_Infantry()) { if (Is_Spot_Free(Pixel_To_Coord(Get_Mouse_X(), Get_Mouse_Y()))) { new_coord = Closest_Free_Spot(Pixel_To_Coord(Get_Mouse_X(), Get_Mouse_Y())); /* ** Clear the occupied bit in this infantry's cell. */ ((InfantryClass *)GrabbedObject)->Clear_Occupy_Bit(GrabbedObject->Coord); } else { new_coord = NULL; } } else { /* ** Non-infantry: use cell's center coordinate */ new_coord = Cell_Coord(ZoneCell + GrabOffset); if (GrabbedObject->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING || GrabbedObject->What_Am_I() == RTTI_TERRAIN) { new_coord = Coord_Whole(new_coord); } /* ** Try to place object at new coordinate */ if (GrabbedObject->Can_Enter_Cell(Coord_Cell(new_coord)) != MOVE_OK) { new_coord = NULL; } } if (new_coord != NULL) { /* ** If this object is part of the AI's Base list, change the coordinate ** in the Base's Node list. */ if (GrabbedObject->What_Am_I()==RTTI_BUILDING && Base.Get_Node((BuildingClass *)GrabbedObject)) Base.Get_Node((BuildingClass *)GrabbedObject)->Cell = Coord_Cell(new_coord); GrabbedObject->Coord = new_coord; retval = 0; } GrabbedObject->Mark(MARK_DOWN); /* ** For infantry, set the bit in its new cell marking that spot as occupied. */ if (GrabbedObject->Is_Infantry()) { ((InfantryClass *)GrabbedObject)->Set_Occupy_Bit(new_coord); } /* ** Re-select the object, and reset the mouse pointer */ Set_Default_Mouse(MOUSE_NORMAL); Override_Mouse_Shape(MOUSE_NORMAL); Flag_To_Redraw(true); return(retval); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Change_House -- changes CurrentObject's house * * * * INPUT: * * newhouse house to change to * * * * OUTPUT: * * 1 = house was changed, 0 = it wasn't * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/17/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ bool MapEditClass::Change_House(HousesType newhouse) { TechnoClass *tp; /* ** Return if no current object */ if (!CurrentObject.Count()) { return(false); } /* ** Only techno objects can be owned by a house; return if not a techno */ if (!CurrentObject[0]->Is_Techno()) { return(false); } /* ** You can't change the house if the object is part of the AI's Base. */ if (CurrentObject[0]->What_Am_I()==RTTI_BUILDING && Base.Is_Node((BuildingClass *)CurrentObject[0])) { return(false); } /* ** Verify that the target house exists */ if (HouseClass::As_Pointer(newhouse)==NULL) { return(false); } /* ** Verify that this is a valid owner */ // if (!Verify_House(newhouse, &CurrentObject[0]->Class_Of())) { // return(false); // } /* ** Change the house */ tp = (TechnoClass *)CurrentObject[0]; tp->House = HouseClass::As_Pointer(newhouse); tp->IsOwnedByPlayer = false; if (tp->House == PlayerPtr) { tp->IsOwnedByPlayer = true; } return(true); } #endif