/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /CounterStrike/RULES.CPP 1 3/03/97 10:25a Joe_bostic $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : RULES.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : 05/12/96 * * * * Last Update : September 10, 1996 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * Difficulty_Get -- Fetch the difficulty bias values. * * RulesClass::AI -- Processes the AI control constants from the database. * * RulesClass::General -- Process the general main game rules. * * RulesClass::Heap_Maximums -- Fetch and process the heap override values. * * RulesClass::IQ -- Fetches the IQ control values from the INI database. * * RulesClass::Land_Types -- Inits the land type values. * * RulesClass::MPlayer -- Fetch and process the multiplayer default settings. * * RulesClass::Powerups -- Process the powerup values from the database. * * RulesClass::Process -- Fetch the bulk of the rule data from the control file. * * RulesClass::Recharge -- Process the super weapon recharge statistics. * * RulesClass::RulesClass -- Default constructor for rules class object. * * RulesClass::Themes -- Fetches the theme control values from the INI database. * * Techno_Get -- Get rule data common for all techno type objects. * * _Scale_To_256 -- Scales a 1..100 number into a 1..255 number. * * RulesClass::Difficulty -- Fetch the various difficulty group settings. * * RulesClass::Objects -- Fetch all the object characteristic values. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #include "vortex.h" /*********************************************************************************************** * _Scale_To_256 -- Scales a 1..100 number into a 1..255 number. * * * * This is a helper routine that will take a decimal percentage number and convert it * * into a game based fixed point number. * * * * INPUT: val -- Decimal percent number to convert. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the decimal percent number converted to a game fixed point number. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/17/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static inline int _Scale_To_256(int val) { val = fixed(100, 256) * val; val = min(val, 255); return(val); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RulesClass::RulesClass -- Default constructor for rules class object. * * * * This is the default constructor for the rules class object. Although it initializes the * * rule data with default values, it is expected that they will all be overridden by the * * rules control file. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/17/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ RulesClass::RulesClass(void) : TurboBoost("1.5"), AttackInterval(3), AttackDelay(5), PowerEmergencyFraction(fixed::_3_4), BadgerBombCount(1), AirstripRatio(".12"), AirstripLimit(5), HelipadRatio(".12"), HelipadLimit(5), TeslaRatio(".16"), TeslaLimit(10), AARatio(".14"), AALimit(10), DefenseRatio(".5"), DefenseLimit(40), WarRatio(".1"), WarLimit(2), BarracksRatio(".16"), BarracksLimit(2), RefineryLimit(4), RefineryRatio(".16"), BaseSizeAdd(3), PowerSurplus(50), InfantryReserve(2000), InfantryBaseMult(2), ChronoDuration(3), WaterCrateChance(".2"), SoloCrateMoney(2000), GPSTechLevel(0), UnitCrateType(UNIT_NONE), PatrolTime(".016"), TeamDelay(".6"), CloakDelay(0), GameSpeedBias(1), NervousBias(1), VortexRange(10*CELL_LEPTON_W), VortexSpeed((MPHType)10), VortexDamage(200), VortexChance(".2"), ExplosionSpread(fixed::_1_2), SupressRadius(CELL_LEPTON_W), ParaInfantryTechLevel(10), SpyPlaneTechLevel(10), ParaBombTechLevel(10), MaxIQ(5), IQSuperWeapons(4), IQProduction(5), IQGuardArea(4), IQRepairSell(3), IQCrush(2), IQScatter(3), IQContentScan(4), IQAircraft(4), IQHarvester(3), IQSellBack(2), SilverCrate(CRATE_HEAL_BASE), WoodCrate(CRATE_MONEY), WaterCrate(CRATE_MONEY), CrateMinimum(1), CrateMaximum(255), LZScanRadius(16*CELL_LEPTON_W), MPDefaultMoney(3000), MPMaxMoney(10000), IsMPShadowGrow(true), IsMPBasesOn(true), IsMPTiberiumGrow(true), IsMPCrates(true), IsMPAIPlayers(false), IsMPCaptureTheFlag(false), DropZoneRadius(4*CELL_LEPTON_W), MessageDelay(".6"), SavourDelay(".03"), AVMineDamage(1200), APMineDamage(1000), MaxPlayers(8), BaseDefenseDelay(fixed::_1_4), SuspendPriority(20), SuspendDelay(2), SurvivorFraction(fixed::_1_2), ReloadRate(".05"), AutocreateTime(5), BuildupTime(".05"), OreDumpRate(2), AtomDamage(1000), IsComputerParanoid(true), IsCurleyShuffle(false), IsFlashLowPower(true), IsCompEasyBonus(true), IsFineDifficulty(false), IsExplosiveHarvester(false), IsHealthBar(true), IsMCVDeploy(false), IsAllyReveal(true), IsSeparate(false), IsTreeTarget(false), IsMineAware(true), IsTGrowth(true), IsTSpread(true), IsNamed(false), IsAutoCrush(false), IsSmartDefense(false), IsScatter(false), IsChronoKill(true), ProneDamageBias(fixed::_1_2), QuakeDamagePercent(".33"), QuakeChance(".2"), GrowthRate(2), ShroudRate(4), CrateTime(10), TimerWarning(2), ChronoTechLevel(1), SonarTime(14), ChronoTime(3), ParaBombTime(14), ParaInfantryTime(2), ParaSaboteurTime(14), SpyTime(2), IronCurtainTime(14), GPSTime(1), NukeTime(14), SpeakDelay(2), DamageDelay(1), Gravity(3), GapShroudRadius(10), GapRegenInterval(".1"), RadarJamRadius(10*CELL_LEPTON_W), Incoming(MPH_IMMOBILE), MinDamage(1), MaxDamage(1000), RepairStep(5), RepairPercent(fixed::_1_4), URepairStep(5), URepairPercent(fixed::_1_4), RepairRate(".016"), ConditionGreen(1), ConditionYellow(fixed::_1_2), ConditionRed(fixed::_1_4), RandomAnimateTime(".083"), BailCount(28), GoldValue(35), GemValue(110), AircraftMax(100), AnimMax(100), BuildingMax(500), BulletMax(40), FactoryMax(20), InfantryMax(500), OverlayMax(1), SmudgeMax(1), TeamMax(60), TeamTypeMax(60), TemplateMax(1), TerrainMax(500), TriggerMax(60), UnitMax(500), VesselMax(100), ProjectileMax(20), WeaponMax(20), WarheadMax(20), TrigTypeMax(80), CloseEnoughDistance(0x0280), StrayDistance(0x0200), CrushDistance(0x0180), CrateRadius(0x0280), HomingScatter(0x0200), BallisticScatter(0x0100), RefundPercent(fixed::_1_2), IronCurtainDuration(fixed::_1_2), BridgeStrength(1000), BuildSpeedBias(1), C4Delay(".03"), RepairThreshhold(1000), PathDelay(".016"), MovieTime(fixed::_1_4), TiberiumShortScan(0x0600), TiberiumLongScan(0x2000) { #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 NewUnitsEnabled = SecretUnitsEnabled = 0; MTankDistance = 30; QuakeUnitDamage = 0x080; QuakeBuildingDamage = 0x040; QuakeInfantryDamage = 0; QuakeDelay = 120; ChronoTankDuration = 0x300; #ifdef FIXIT_ENGINEER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 EngineerDamage=(fixed)1 / (fixed)3; // Amount of damage an engineer does EngineerCaptureLevel=ConditionRed; // Building damage level before engineer can capture #endif #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 CarrierLaunchDelay = 60; #endif #endif } /*********************************************************************************************** * Difficulty_Get -- Fetch the difficulty bias values. * * * * This will fetch the difficulty bias values for the section specified. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference the INI database to fetch the values from. * * * * diff -- Reference to the difficulty class object to fill in with the values. * * * * section -- The section identifier to lift the values from. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/11/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Difficulty_Get(CCINIClass & ini, DifficultyClass & diff, char const * section) { if (ini.Is_Present(section)) { diff.FirepowerBias = ini.Get_Fixed(section, "FirePower", 1); diff.GroundspeedBias = ini.Get_Fixed(section, "Groundspeed", 1); diff.AirspeedBias = ini.Get_Fixed(section, "Airspeed", 1); diff.ArmorBias = ini.Get_Fixed(section, "Armor", 1); diff.ROFBias = ini.Get_Fixed(section, "ROF", 1); diff.CostBias = ini.Get_Fixed(section, "Cost", 1); diff.RepairDelay = ini.Get_Fixed(section, "RepairDelay", ".02"); diff.BuildDelay = ini.Get_Fixed(section, "BuildDelay", ".03"); diff.IsBuildSlowdown = ini.Get_Bool(section, "BuildSlowdown", false); diff.BuildSpeedBias = ini.Get_Fixed(section, "BuildTime", 1); diff.IsWallDestroyer = ini.Get_Bool(section, "DestroyWalls", true); diff.IsContentScan = ini.Get_Bool(section, "ContentScan", false); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * RulesClass::Process -- Fetch the bulk of the rule data from the control file. * * * * This routine will fetch the rule data from the control file. * * * * INPUT: file -- Reference to the rule file to process. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the rule file processed? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/17/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool RulesClass::Process(CCINIClass & ini) { BStart(BENCH_RULES); General(ini); MPlayer(ini); Recharge(ini); Heap_Maximums(ini); AI(ini); Powerups(ini); Land_Types(ini); Themes(ini); IQ(ini); Objects(ini); Difficulty(ini); BEnd(BENCH_RULES); return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RulesClass::General -- Process the general main game rules. * * * * This fetches the control constants uses for regular game processing. Any game behavior * * controlling values that don't properly fit in any of the other catagories will be * * stored here. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the database to fetch the values from. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the general section found and processed? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/08/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool RulesClass::General(CCINIClass & ini) { static char const * const GENERAL = "General"; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 static char const * const AFTERMATH = "Aftermath"; if(ini.Is_Present(AFTERMATH)) { //debugprint( "NewUnitsEnabled previously %i\n", NewUnitsEnabled ); NewUnitsEnabled = ini.Get_Int(AFTERMATH, "NewUnitsEnabled", 0); //debugprint( "NewUnitsEnabled set to %i by Rules\n", NewUnitsEnabled ); MTankDistance = ini.Get_Int(AFTERMATH,"MTankDistance",MTankDistance); QuakeUnitDamage = ini.Get_Fixed(AFTERMATH, "QuakeUnitDamage", QuakeUnitDamage); QuakeBuildingDamage = ini.Get_Fixed(AFTERMATH, "QuakeBuildingDamage", QuakeBuildingDamage); QuakeInfantryDamage = ini.Get_Int(AFTERMATH,"QuakeInfantryDamage",QuakeInfantryDamage); QuakeDelay = ini.Get_Int(AFTERMATH,"QuakeDelay",QuakeDelay); ChronoTankDuration = ini.Get_Fixed(AFTERMATH, "ChronoTankDuration", ChronoTankDuration); //Mono_Set_Cursor(0,0);Mono_Printf("Chrono duration: %08x \n",ChronoTankDuration);Keyboard->Get();Keyboard->Get(); #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 CarrierLaunchDelay = ini.Get_Int(AFTERMATH,"CarrierLaunchDelay",120); #endif #ifdef FIXIT_ENGINEER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 // Engineer changing fields were specifically left out of Aftrmath.ini, thus these values are not found to set. ajw // Implies interesting security hole if user creates a separate Aftrmath.ini file! EngineerDamage = ini.Get_Fixed(AFTERMATH, "EngineerDamage", EngineerDamage); // Amount of damage an engineer does EngineerCaptureLevel = ini.Get_Fixed(AFTERMATH, "EngineerCaptureLevel", EngineerCaptureLevel); // Building damage level before engineer can capture #endif } #endif if (ini.Is_Present(GENERAL)) { TurboBoost = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "TurboBoost", TurboBoost); BadgerBombCount = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "BadgerBombCount", BadgerBombCount); IsCurleyShuffle = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "CurleyShuffle", IsCurleyShuffle); IsFlashLowPower = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "FlashLowPower", IsFlashLowPower); IsChronoKill = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "ChronoKillCargo", IsChronoKill); ChronoDuration = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "ChronoDuration", ChronoDuration); IsFineDifficulty = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "FineDiffControl", IsFineDifficulty); WaterCrateChance = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "WaterCrateChance", WaterCrateChance); SoloCrateMoney = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "SoloCrateMoney", SoloCrateMoney); ParaBombTechLevel = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "ParabombTech", ParaBombTechLevel); GPSTechLevel = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "GPSTechLevel", GPSTechLevel); UnitCrateType = ini.Get_UnitType(GENERAL, "UnitCrateType", UnitCrateType); IsExplosiveHarvester = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "OreExplosive", IsExplosiveHarvester); GapRegenInterval = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "GapRegenInterval", GapRegenInterval); TeamDelay = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "TeamDelay", TeamDelay); CloakDelay = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "SubmergeDelay", CloakDelay); GameSpeedBias = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "GameSpeedBias", GameSpeedBias); NervousBias = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "BaseBias", NervousBias); ExplosionSpread = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "ExpSpread", ExplosionSpread); SupressRadius = ini.Get_Lepton(GENERAL, "FireSupress", SupressRadius); ParaInfantryTechLevel = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "ParaTech", ParaInfantryTechLevel); SpyPlaneTechLevel = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "SpyPlaneTech", SpyPlaneTechLevel); SilverCrate = ini.Get_CrateType(GENERAL, "SilverCrate", SilverCrate); WoodCrate = ini.Get_CrateType(GENERAL, "WoodCrate", WoodCrate); WaterCrate = ini.Get_CrateType(GENERAL, "WaterCrate", WaterCrate); CrateMinimum = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "CrateMinimum", CrateMinimum); CrateMaximum = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "CrateMaximum", CrateMaximum); IsScatter = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "PlayerScatter", IsScatter); IsSmartDefense = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "PlayerReturnFire", IsSmartDefense); IsAutoCrush = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "PlayerAutoCrush", IsAutoCrush); IsNamed = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "NamedCivilians", IsNamed); IsTGrowth = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "OreGrows", IsTGrowth); IsTSpread = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "OreSpreads", IsTSpread); IsMineAware = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "MineAware", IsMineAware); IsTreeTarget = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "TreeTargeting", IsTreeTarget); IsSeparate = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "SeparateAircraft", IsSeparate); DropZoneRadius = ini.Get_Lepton(GENERAL, "DropZoneRadius", DropZoneRadius); MessageDelay = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "MessageDelay", MessageDelay); SavourDelay = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "SavourDelay", SavourDelay); AVMineDamage = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "AVMineDamage", AVMineDamage); APMineDamage = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "APMineDamage", APMineDamage); BaseDefenseDelay = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "BaseDefenseDelay", BaseDefenseDelay); SuspendPriority = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "SuspendPriority", SuspendPriority); SuspendDelay = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "SuspendDelay", SuspendDelay); SurvivorFraction = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "SurvivorRate", SurvivorFraction); RadarJamRadius = ini.Get_Lepton(GENERAL, "RadarJamRadius", RadarJamRadius); ReloadRate = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "ReloadRate", ReloadRate); RandomAnimateTime = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "IdleActionFrequency", RandomAnimateTime); BuildupTime = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "BuildupTime", BuildupTime); OreDumpRate = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "OreTruckRate", OreDumpRate); AtomDamage = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "AtomDamage", AtomDamage); BailCount = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "BailCount", BailCount); BallisticScatter = ini.Get_Lepton(GENERAL, "BallisticScatter", BallisticScatter); BridgeStrength = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "BridgeStrength", BridgeStrength); BuildSpeedBias = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "BuildSpeed", BuildSpeedBias); ConditionGreen = 1; ConditionRed = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "ConditionRed", ConditionRed); ConditionYellow = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "ConditionYellow", ConditionYellow); CrateRadius = ini.Get_Lepton(GENERAL, "CrateRadius", CrateRadius); CrushDistance = ini.Get_Lepton(GENERAL, "Crush", CrushDistance); DamageDelay = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "DamageDelay", DamageDelay); GapShroudRadius = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "GapRadius", GapShroudRadius); GemValue = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "GemValue", GemValue); GoldValue = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "GoldValue", GoldValue); Gravity = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "Gravity", Gravity); GrowthRate = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "GrowthRate", GrowthRate); HomingScatter = ini.Get_Lepton(GENERAL, "HomingScatter", HomingScatter); Incoming = ini.Get_MPHType(GENERAL, "Incoming", MPH_IMMOBILE); IronCurtainDuration = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "IronCurtain", IronCurtainDuration); IsAllyReveal = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "AllyReveal", IsAllyReveal); IsHealthBar = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "EnemyHealth", IsHealthBar); IsMCVDeploy = ini.Get_Bool(GENERAL, "MCVUndeploy", IsMCVDeploy); MaxDamage = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "MaxDamage", MaxDamage); MinDamage = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "MinDamage", MinDamage); ProneDamageBias = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "ProneDamage", ProneDamageBias); QuakeDamagePercent = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "QuakeDamage", QuakeDamagePercent); QuakeChance = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "QuakeChance", QuakeChance); RefundPercent = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "RefundPercent", RefundPercent); RepairPercent = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "RepairPercent", RepairPercent); RepairStep = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "RepairStep", RepairStep); URepairPercent = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "URepairPercent", URepairPercent); URepairStep = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "URepairStep", URepairStep); RepairRate = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "RepairRate", RepairRate); ShroudRate = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "ShroudRate", ShroudRate); SpeakDelay = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "SpeakDelay", SpeakDelay); StrayDistance = ini.Get_Lepton(GENERAL, "Stray", StrayDistance); CloseEnoughDistance = ini.Get_Lepton(GENERAL, "CloseEnough", CloseEnoughDistance); TimerWarning = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "TimerWarning", TimerWarning); MovieTime = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "MovieTime", MovieTime); C4Delay = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "C4Delay", C4Delay); ChronoTechLevel = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "ChronoTechLevel", ChronoTechLevel); CrateTime = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "CrateRegen", CrateTime); VortexRange = ini.Get_Lepton(GENERAL, "VortexRange", VortexRange); VortexSpeed = MPHType(_Scale_To_256(ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "VortexSpeed", VortexSpeed))); VortexDamage = ini.Get_Int(GENERAL, "VortexDamage", VortexDamage); VortexChance = ini.Get_Fixed(GENERAL, "VortexChance", VortexChance); ChronalVortex.Set_Range(VortexRange / CELL_LEPTON_W); ChronalVortex.Set_Speed(VortexSpeed); ChronalVortex.Set_Damage(VortexDamage); //ChronalVortex.Set_Range ( ini.Get_Int (GENERAL, "VortexRange", ChronalVortex.Get_Range() ) ); //ChronalVortex.Set_Speed ( ini.Get_Int (GENERAL, "VortexSpeed", ChronalVortex.Get_Speed() ) ); //ChronalVortex.Set_Damage ( ini.Get_Int (GENERAL, "VortexDamage", ChronalVortex.Get_Damage() ) ); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RulesClass::MPlayer -- Fetch and process the multiplayer default settings. * * * * This is used to set the default settings for the multiplayer system. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the INI database. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the multiplayer default override section found and processed? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/08/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool RulesClass::MPlayer(CCINIClass & ini) { static char const * const MPLAYER = "MultiplayerDefaults"; if (ini.Is_Present(MPLAYER)) { MPDefaultMoney = ini.Get_Int(MPLAYER, "Money", MPDefaultMoney); MPMaxMoney = ini.Get_Int(MPLAYER, "MaxMoney", MPMaxMoney); IsMPShadowGrow = ini.Get_Bool(MPLAYER, "ShadowGrow", IsMPShadowGrow); IsMPBasesOn = ini.Get_Bool(MPLAYER, "Bases", IsMPBasesOn); IsMPTiberiumGrow = ini.Get_Bool(MPLAYER, "OreGrows", IsMPTiberiumGrow); IsMPCrates = ini.Get_Bool(MPLAYER, "Crates", IsMPCrates); IsMPCaptureTheFlag = ini.Get_Bool(MPLAYER, "CaptureTheFlag", IsMPCaptureTheFlag); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RulesClass::Recharge -- Process the super weapon recharge statistics. * * * * Use this to set the recharge times for the various super weapons available. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the database. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the recharge section found and processed? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/08/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool RulesClass::Recharge(CCINIClass & ini) { static char const * const RECHARGE = "Recharge"; if (ini.Is_Present(RECHARGE)) { SonarTime = ini.Get_Fixed(RECHARGE, "Sonar", SonarTime); ChronoTime = ini.Get_Fixed(RECHARGE, "Chrono", ChronoTime); ParaBombTime = ini.Get_Fixed(RECHARGE, "ParaBomb", ParaBombTime); ParaInfantryTime = ini.Get_Fixed(RECHARGE, "Paratrooper", ParaInfantryTime); SpyTime = ini.Get_Fixed(RECHARGE, "SpyPlane", SpyTime); IronCurtainTime = ini.Get_Fixed(RECHARGE, "IronCurtain", IronCurtainTime); GPSTime = ini.Get_Fixed(RECHARGE, "GPS", GPSTime); NukeTime = ini.Get_Fixed(RECHARGE, "Nuke", NukeTime); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RulesClass::Heap_Maximums -- Fetch and process the heap override values. * * * * This fetches the maximum heap sizes from the database specified. The heaps will be * * initialized by this routine as indicated. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the INI database. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the maximum section found and processed? * * * * WARNINGS: This process is catastrophic to any data currently existing in the heaps * * modified. This should only be processed during the game initialization stage. * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/08/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool RulesClass::Heap_Maximums(CCINIClass & ini) { /* ** Heap maximum values. */ static char const * const MAXIMUMS = "Maximums"; if (ini.Is_Present(MAXIMUMS)) { MaxPlayers = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Players", MaxPlayers); AircraftMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Aircraft", AircraftMax); AnimMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Anim", AnimMax); BuildingMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Building", BuildingMax); BulletMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Bullet", BulletMax); FactoryMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Factory", FactoryMax); InfantryMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Infantry", InfantryMax); OverlayMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Overlay", OverlayMax); SmudgeMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Smudge", SmudgeMax); TeamMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Team", TeamMax); TeamTypeMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "TeamType", TeamTypeMax); TemplateMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Template", TemplateMax); TerrainMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Terrain", TerrainMax); TriggerMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Trigger", TriggerMax); UnitMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Unit", UnitMax); VesselMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Vessel", VesselMax); ProjectileMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Projectile", ProjectileMax); WeaponMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Weapon", WeaponMax); WarheadMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "Warhead", WarheadMax); TrigTypeMax = ini.Get_Int(MAXIMUMS, "TrigType", TrigTypeMax); } /* ** Any heaps that use the maximums that were just loaded, must ** be initialized as necessary. */ Warheads.Set_Heap(WarheadMax); new WarheadTypeClass("SA"); new WarheadTypeClass("HE"); new WarheadTypeClass("AP"); new WarheadTypeClass("Fire"); new WarheadTypeClass("HollowPoint"); new WarheadTypeClass("Super"); new WarheadTypeClass("Organic"); new WarheadTypeClass("Nuke"); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 new WarheadTypeClass("Mechanical"); #endif Weapons.Set_Heap(WeaponMax); new WeaponTypeClass("Colt45"); new WeaponTypeClass("ZSU-23"); new WeaponTypeClass("Vulcan"); new WeaponTypeClass("Maverick"); new WeaponTypeClass("Camera"); new WeaponTypeClass("FireballLauncher"); new WeaponTypeClass("Sniper"); new WeaponTypeClass("ChainGun"); new WeaponTypeClass("Pistol"); new WeaponTypeClass("M1Carbine"); new WeaponTypeClass("Dragon"); new WeaponTypeClass("Hellfire"); new WeaponTypeClass("Grenade"); new WeaponTypeClass("75mm"); new WeaponTypeClass("90mm"); new WeaponTypeClass("105mm"); new WeaponTypeClass("120mm"); new WeaponTypeClass("TurretGun"); new WeaponTypeClass("MammothTusk"); new WeaponTypeClass("155mm"); new WeaponTypeClass("M60mg"); new WeaponTypeClass("Napalm"); new WeaponTypeClass("TeslaZap"); new WeaponTypeClass("Nike"); new WeaponTypeClass("8Inch"); new WeaponTypeClass("Stinger"); new WeaponTypeClass("TorpTube"); new WeaponTypeClass("2Inch"); new WeaponTypeClass("DepthCharge"); new WeaponTypeClass("ParaBomb"); new WeaponTypeClass("DogJaw"); new WeaponTypeClass("Heal"); new WeaponTypeClass("SCUD"); new WeaponTypeClass("Flamer"); new WeaponTypeClass("RedEye"); #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS new WeaponTypeClass("Mandible"); #endif #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 new WeaponTypeClass("PortaTesla"); new WeaponTypeClass("GoodWrench"); new WeaponTypeClass("SubSCUD"); new WeaponTypeClass("TTankZap"); new WeaponTypeClass("APTusk"); new WeaponTypeClass("Democharge"); #endif #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 new WeaponTypeClass("AirAssault"); #endif return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RulesClass::AI -- Processes the AI control constants from the database. * * * * This will examine the database specified and set the AI override values accordingly. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the INI database that holds the AI overrides. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the AI section found and processed? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/08/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool RulesClass::AI(CCINIClass & ini) { static char const * const AI = "AI"; if (ini.Is_Present(AI)) { AttackInterval = ini.Get_Fixed(AI, "AttackInterval", AttackInterval); AttackDelay = ini.Get_Fixed(AI, "AttackDelay", AttackDelay); PatrolTime = ini.Get_Fixed(AI, "PatrolScan", PatrolTime); RepairThreshhold = ini.Get_Int(AI, "CreditReserve", RepairThreshhold); PathDelay = ini.Get_Fixed(AI, "PathDelay", PathDelay); TiberiumShortScan = ini.Get_Lepton(AI, "OreNearScan", TiberiumShortScan); TiberiumLongScan = ini.Get_Lepton(AI, "OreFarScan", TiberiumLongScan); AutocreateTime = ini.Get_Fixed(AI, "AutocreateTime", AutocreateTime); InfantryReserve = ini.Get_Int(AI, "InfantryReserve", InfantryReserve); InfantryBaseMult = ini.Get_Int(AI, "InfantryBaseMult", InfantryBaseMult); PowerSurplus = ini.Get_Int(AI, "PowerSurplus", PowerSurplus); BaseSizeAdd = ini.Get_Int(AI, "BaseSizeAdd", BaseSizeAdd); RefineryRatio = ini.Get_Fixed(AI, "RefineryRatio", RefineryRatio); RefineryLimit = ini.Get_Int(AI, "RefineryLimit", RefineryLimit); BarracksRatio = ini.Get_Fixed(AI, "BarracksRatio", BarracksRatio); BarracksLimit = ini.Get_Int(AI, "BarracksLimit", BarracksLimit); WarRatio = ini.Get_Fixed(AI, "WarRatio", WarRatio); WarLimit = ini.Get_Int(AI, "WarLimit", WarLimit); DefenseRatio = ini.Get_Fixed(AI, "DefenseRatio", DefenseRatio); DefenseLimit = ini.Get_Int(AI, "DefenseLimit", DefenseLimit); AARatio = ini.Get_Fixed(AI, "AARatio", AARatio); AALimit = ini.Get_Int(AI, "AALimit", AALimit); TeslaRatio = ini.Get_Fixed(AI, "TeslaRatio", TeslaRatio); TeslaLimit = ini.Get_Int(AI, "TeslaLimit", TeslaLimit); HelipadRatio = ini.Get_Fixed(AI, "HelipadRatio", HelipadRatio); HelipadLimit = ini.Get_Int(AI, "HelipadLimit", HelipadLimit); AirstripRatio = ini.Get_Fixed(AI, "AirstripRatio", AirstripRatio); AirstripLimit = ini.Get_Int(AI, "AirstripLimit", AirstripLimit); IsCompEasyBonus = ini.Get_Bool(AI, "CompEasyBonus", IsCompEasyBonus); IsComputerParanoid = ini.Get_Bool(AI, "Paranoid", IsComputerParanoid); PowerEmergencyFraction = ini.Get_Fixed(AI, "PowerEmergency", PowerEmergencyFraction); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RulesClass::Powerups -- Process the powerup values from the database. * * * * This will examine the database and initialize the powerup override values accordingly. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the INI database the the powerup values are to be * * initialized from. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the powerup section found and processed? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/08/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool RulesClass::Powerups(CCINIClass & ini) { static char const * const POWERUPS = "Powerups"; if (ini.Is_Present(POWERUPS)) { for (CrateType crate = CRATE_FIRST; crate < CRATE_COUNT; crate++) { char buffer[128]; if (ini.Get_String(POWERUPS, CrateNames[crate], "0,NONE", buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { /* ** Share odds. */ char * token = strtok(buffer, ","); if (token) { strtrim(token); CrateShares[crate] = atoi(token); } /* ** Animation to use. */ token = strtok(NULL, ","); if (token) { strtrim(token); CrateAnims[crate] = Anim_From_Name(token); } /* ** Optional data number. */ token = strtok(NULL, ","); if (token != NULL) { if (strpbrk(token, ".%") != NULL) { CrateData[crate] = fixed(token) * 256; } else { strtrim(token); CrateData[crate] = atoi(token); } } } } return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RulesClass::Land_Types -- Inits the land type values. * * * * This will set the land movement attributes from the database specified. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the database that has the land value overrides. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the land type sections found and processed? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/08/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool RulesClass::Land_Types(CCINIClass & ini) { /* ** Fetch the movement characteristic data for terrain types. */ for (LandType land = LAND_FIRST; land < LAND_COUNT; land++) { static char const * _lands[LAND_COUNT] = { "Clear", "Road", "Water", "Rock", "Wall", "Ore", "Beach", "Rough", "River" }; GroundType * gptr = &Ground[land]; if (ini.Is_Present(_lands[land])) { gptr->Cost[SPEED_FOOT] = Sub_Saturate(ini.Get_Fixed(_lands[land], "Foot", 1), 1); gptr->Cost[SPEED_TRACK] = Sub_Saturate(ini.Get_Fixed(_lands[land], "Track", 1), 1); gptr->Cost[SPEED_WHEEL] = Sub_Saturate(ini.Get_Fixed(_lands[land], "Wheel", 1), 1); gptr->Cost[SPEED_WINGED] = Sub_Saturate(1, 1); gptr->Cost[SPEED_FLOAT] = Sub_Saturate(ini.Get_Fixed(_lands[land], "Float", 1), 1); gptr->Build = ini.Get_Bool(_lands[land], "Buildable", false); } } return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RulesClass::Themes -- Fetches the theme control values from the INI database. * * * * The musical theme availability is controlled by the scenario and the player's house * * choice. These controls can be specified in the theme control section of the INI * * database. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the INI database to process. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the theme section found and processed? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/11/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool RulesClass::Themes(CCINIClass & ini) { static char const * const THEMECONTROL = "ThemeControl"; if (ini.Is_Present(THEMECONTROL)) { for (ThemeType theme = THEME_FIRST; theme < THEME_COUNT; theme++) { if (ini.Is_Present(THEMECONTROL, Theme.Base_Name(theme))) { char buffer[128]; int scen = 1; int owners = HOUSEF_ALLIES | HOUSEF_SOVIET | HOUSEF_OTHERS; ini.Get_String(THEMECONTROL, Theme.Base_Name(theme), "", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); char const * token = strtok(buffer, ","); if (token != NULL) { scen = atoi(token); } token = strtok(NULL, ","); if (token != NULL) { owners = Owner_From_Name(token); } Theme.Set_Theme_Data(theme, scen, owners); } } return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RulesClass::IQ -- Fetches the IQ control values from the INI database. * * * * This will scan the database specified and retrieve the IQ control values from it. These * * IQ control values are what gives the IQ rating meaning. It fundimentally controls how * * the computer behaves. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the INI database to read the IQ controls from. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the IQ section found and processed? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/11/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool RulesClass::IQ(CCINIClass & ini) { static char const * const IQCONTROL = "IQ"; if (ini.Is_Present(IQCONTROL)) { MaxIQ = ini.Get_Int(IQCONTROL, "MaxIQLevels", MaxIQ); IQSuperWeapons = ini.Get_Int(IQCONTROL, "SuperWeapons", IQSuperWeapons); IQProduction = ini.Get_Int(IQCONTROL, "Production", IQProduction); IQGuardArea = ini.Get_Int(IQCONTROL, "GuardArea", IQGuardArea); IQRepairSell = ini.Get_Int(IQCONTROL, "RepairSell", IQRepairSell); IQCrush = ini.Get_Int(IQCONTROL, "AutoCrush", IQCrush); IQScatter = ini.Get_Int(IQCONTROL, "Scatter", IQScatter); IQContentScan = ini.Get_Int(IQCONTROL, "ContentScan", IQContentScan); IQAircraft = ini.Get_Int(IQCONTROL, "Aircraft", IQAircraft); IQHarvester = ini.Get_Int(IQCONTROL, "Harvester", IQHarvester); IQSellBack = ini.Get_Int(IQCONTROL, "SellBack", IQSellBack); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RulesClass::Objects -- Fetch all the object characteristic values. * * * * This will parse the specified INI database and fetch all the object characteristic * * values specified therein. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the ini database to scan. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/10/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool RulesClass::Objects(CCINIClass & ini) { /* ** Fetch the game object values from the rules file. */ for (int index = 0; index < Warheads.Count(); index++) { Warheads.Ptr(index)->Read_INI(ini); } for (int proj = 0; proj < BulletTypes.Count(); proj++) { BulletTypes.Ptr(proj)->Read_INI(ini); } for (int windex = 0; windex < Weapons.Count(); windex++) { Weapons.Ptr(windex)->Read_INI(ini); } for (int uindex = 0; uindex < UnitTypes.Count(); uindex++) { UnitTypes.Ptr(uindex)->Read_INI(ini); } for (int iindex = 0; iindex < InfantryTypes.Count(); iindex++) { InfantryTypes.Ptr(iindex)->Read_INI(ini); } for (int vindex = 0; vindex < VesselTypes.Count(); vindex++) { VesselTypes.Ptr(vindex)->Read_INI(ini); } for (int aindex = 0; aindex < AircraftTypes.Count(); aindex++) { AircraftTypes.Ptr(aindex)->Read_INI(ini); } for (int bindex = 0; bindex < BuildingTypes.Count(); bindex++) { BuildingTypes.Ptr(bindex)->Read_INI(ini); } /* ** Fetch the house attribute override values. */ for (HousesType house = HOUSE_FIRST; house < HOUSE_COUNT; house++) { HouseTypeClass::As_Reference(house).Read_INI(ini); } /* ** Fetch the mission control values. */ for (MissionType mission = MISSION_FIRST; mission < MISSION_COUNT; mission++) { MissionControlClass * miss = &MissionControl[mission]; miss->Mission = mission; miss->Read_INI(ini); } return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * RulesClass::Difficulty -- Fetch the various difficulty group settings. * * * * This routine is used to fetch the various group settings for the difficulty levels. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the INI database that has the difficulty setting values. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the difficulty section found and processed. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/10/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool RulesClass::Difficulty(CCINIClass & ini) { Difficulty_Get(ini, Diff[DIFF_EASY], "Easy"); Difficulty_Get(ini, Diff[DIFF_NORMAL], "Normal"); Difficulty_Get(ini, Diff[DIFF_HARD], "Difficult"); return(true); }