/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Header: /counterstrike/SAVELOAD.CPP 9 3/17/97 1:04a Steve_tall $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : SAVELOAD.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : August 23, 1994 * * * * Last Update : July 8, 1996 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * Code_All_Pointers -- Code all pointers. * * Decode_All_Pointers -- Decodes all pointers. * * Get_Savefile_Info -- gets description, scenario #, house * * Load_Game -- loads a saved game * * Load_MPlayer_Values -- Loads multiplayer-specific values * * Load_Misc_Values -- loads miscellaneous variables * * MPlayer_Save_Message -- pops up a "saving..." message * * Put_All -- Store all save game data to the pipe. * * Reconcile_Players -- Reconciles loaded data with the 'Players' vector * * Save_Game -- saves a game to disk * * Save_MPlayer_Values -- Saves multiplayer-specific values * * Save_Misc_Values -- saves miscellaneous variables * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #include "vortex.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "tcpip.h" #include "ccdde.h" //#include "WolDebug.h" extern bool SpawnedFromWChat; #endif //#define SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE 512 #define SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE 4096 //#define SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE 1024 /* ********************************** Defines ********************************** */ #define SAVEGAME_VERSION (DESCRIP_MAX + \ 0x01000006 + ( \ sizeof(AircraftClass) + \ sizeof(AircraftTypeClass) + \ sizeof(AnimClass) + \ sizeof(AnimTypeClass) + \ sizeof(BaseClass) + \ sizeof(BuildingClass) + \ sizeof(BuildingTypeClass) + \ sizeof(BulletClass) + \ sizeof(BulletTypeClass) + \ sizeof(CellClass) + \ sizeof(FactoryClass) + \ sizeof(HouseClass) + \ sizeof(HouseTypeClass) + \ sizeof(InfantryClass) + \ sizeof(InfantryTypeClass) + \ sizeof(LayerClass) + \ sizeof(MouseClass) + \ sizeof(OverlayClass) + \ sizeof(OverlayTypeClass) + \ sizeof(SmudgeClass) + \ sizeof(SmudgeTypeClass) + \ sizeof(TeamClass) + \ sizeof(TeamTypeClass) + \ sizeof(TemplateClass) + \ sizeof(TemplateTypeClass) + \ sizeof(TerrainClass) + \ sizeof(TerrainTypeClass) + \ sizeof(TriggerClass) + \ sizeof(TriggerTypeClass) + \ sizeof(UnitClass) + \ sizeof(UnitTypeClass) + \ sizeof(VesselClass) + \ sizeof(ScenarioClass) + \ sizeof(ChronalVortexClass))) // sizeof(Waypoint))) static int Reconcile_Players(void); extern bool Is_Mission_Counterstrike (char *file_name); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 extern bool Is_Mission_Aftermath (char *file_name); #endif /*********************************************************************************************** * Put_All -- Store all save game data to the pipe. * * * * This is the bulk processor of the game related save game data. All the game object * * and state data is stored to the pipe specified. * * * * INPUT: pipe -- Reference to the pipe that will receive the save game data. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/08/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Put_All(Pipe & pipe, int save_net) { /* ** Save the scenario global information. */ pipe.Put(&Scen, sizeof(Scen)); /* ** Save the map. The map must be saved first, since it saves the Theater. */ if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Map.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); /* ** Save all game objects. This code saves every object that's stored in a ** TFixedIHeap class. */ Houses.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); TeamTypes.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Teams.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); TriggerTypes.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Triggers.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Aircraft.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Anims.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Buildings.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Bullets.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Infantry.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Overlays.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Smudges.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Templates.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Terrains.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Units.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Factories.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); Vessels.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); /* ** Save the Logic & Map layers */ Logic.Save(pipe); int count = MapTriggers.Count(); pipe.Put(&count, sizeof(count)); for (int index = 0; index < MapTriggers.Count(); index++) { TARGET target = MapTriggers[index]->As_Target(); pipe.Put(&target, sizeof(target)); } if (!save_net) Call_Back(); count = LogicTriggers.Count(); pipe.Put(&count, sizeof(count)); for (index = 0; index < LogicTriggers.Count(); index++) { TARGET target = LogicTriggers[index]->As_Target(); pipe.Put(&target, sizeof(target)); } if (!save_net) Call_Back(); for (HousesType h = HOUSE_FIRST; h < HOUSE_COUNT; h++) { count = HouseTriggers[h].Count(); pipe.Put(&count, sizeof(count)); for (index = 0; index < HouseTriggers[h].Count(); index++) { TARGET target = HouseTriggers[h][index]->As_Target(); pipe.Put(&target, sizeof(target)); } } if (!save_net) Call_Back(); for (int i = 0; i < LAYER_COUNT; i++) { Map.Layer[i].Save(pipe); } if (!save_net) Call_Back(); /* ** Save the Score */ pipe.Put(&Score, sizeof(Score)); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); /* ** Save the AI Base */ Base.Save(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); /* ** Save out the carry over list (if present). First see how ** many carry over objects are in the list. */ int carry_count = 0; CarryoverClass const * cptr = Carryover; while (cptr != NULL) { carry_count++; cptr = (CarryoverClass const *)cptr->Get_Next(); } if (!save_net) Call_Back(); /* ** Save out the number of objects in the list. */ pipe.Put(&carry_count, sizeof(carry_count)); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); /* ** Now write out the objects themselves. */ CarryoverClass const * object_to_write = Carryover; while (object_to_write != NULL) { pipe.Put(object_to_write, sizeof(*object_to_write)); object_to_write = (CarryoverClass const *)object_to_write->Get_Next(); } if (!save_net) Call_Back(); /* ** Save miscellaneous variables. */ Save_Misc_Values(pipe); if (!save_net) Call_Back(); /* ** Save multiplayer values */ if (save_net) { Save_MPlayer_Values(pipe); } pipe.Flush(); } /*************************************************************************** * Save_Game -- saves a game to disk * * * * Saving the Map: * * DisplayClass::Save() invokes CellClass's Write() for every cell * * that needs to be saved. A cell needs to be saved if it contains * * any special data at all, such as a TIcon, or an Occupier. * * The cell saves its own CellTrigger pointer, converted to a TARGET. * * * * Saving game objects: * * - Any object stored in an ArrayOf class needs to be saved. The ArrayOf* * Save() routine invokes each object's Write() routine, if that * * object's IsActive is set. * * * * Saving the layers: * * The Map's Layers (Ground, Air, etc) of things that are on the map, * * and the Logic's Layer of things to process both need to be saved. * * LayerClass::Save() writes the entire layer array to disk * * * * Saving the houses: * * Each house needs to be saved, to record its Credits, Power, etc. * * * * Saving miscellaneous data: * * There are a lot of miscellaneous variables to save, such as the * * map's dimensions, the player's house, etc. * * * * INPUT: * * id numerical ID, for the file extension * * * * OUTPUT: * * true = OK, false = error * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/28/1994 BR : Created. * * 02/27/1996 JLB : Uses simpler game control value save operation. * *=========================================================================*/ bool Save_Game(int id, char const * descr, bool ) { char name[_MAX_FNAME+_MAX_EXT]; unsigned scenario; HousesType house; int save_net = 0; // 1 = save network/modem game scenario = Scen.Scenario; // get current scenario # house = PlayerPtr->Class->House; // get current house /* ** Generate the filename to save. If 'id' is -1, it means save a ** network/modem game; otherwise, use 'id' as the file extension. */ if (id==-1) { strcpy(name, NET_SAVE_FILE_NAME); save_net = 1; } else { sprintf(name, "SAVEGAME.%03d", id); } /* ** Code everybody's pointers */ Code_All_Pointers(); /* ** Open the file */ BufferIOFileClass file(name); FilePipe fpipe(&file); /* ** Save the description, scenario #, and house ** (scenario # & house are saved separately from the actual Scenario & ** PlayerPtr globals for convenience; we can quickly find out which ** house & scenario this save-game file is for by reading these values. ** Also, PlayerPtr is stored in a coded form in Save_Misc_Values(), ** which may or may not be a HousesType number; so, saving 'house' ** here ensures we can always pull out the house for this file.) */ char descr_buf[DESCRIP_MAX]; memset(descr_buf, '\0', sizeof(descr_buf)); sprintf(descr_buf, "%s\r\n", descr); // put CR-LF after text descr_buf[strlen(descr_buf) + 1] = 26; // put CTRL-Z after NULL fpipe.Put(descr_buf, DESCRIP_MAX); fpipe.Put(&scenario, sizeof(scenario)); fpipe.Put(&house, sizeof(house)); /* ** Save the save-game version, for loading verification */ unsigned long version = SAVEGAME_VERSION; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 version++; #endif fpipe.Put(&version, sizeof(version)); int pos = file.Seek(0, SEEK_CUR); /* ** Store a dummy message digest. */ char digest[20]; fpipe.Put(digest, sizeof(digest)); /* ** Dump the save game data to the file. The data is compressed ** and then encrypted. The message digest is calculated in the ** process by using the data just as it is written to disk. */ SHAPipe sha; BlowPipe bpipe(BlowPipe::ENCRYPT); LZOPipe pipe(LZOPipe::COMPRESS, SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE); // LZWPipe pipe(LZWPipe::COMPRESS, SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE); // LCWPipe pipe(LCWPipe::COMPRESS, SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE); bpipe.Key(&FastKey, BlowfishEngine::MAX_KEY_LENGTH); sha.Put_To(fpipe); bpipe.Put_To(sha); pipe.Put_To(bpipe); Put_All(pipe, save_net); /* ** Output the real final message digest. This is the one that is of ** the data image as it exists on the disk. */ pipe.Flush(); file.Seek(pos, SEEK_SET); sha.Result(digest); fpipe.Put(digest, sizeof(digest)); pipe.End(); Decode_All_Pointers(); return(true); } /*************************************************************************** * Load_Game -- loads a saved game * * * * This routine loads the data in the same way it was saved out. * * * * Loading the Map: * * - DisplayClass::Load() invokes CellClass's Load() for every cell * * that was saved. * * - The cell loads its own CellTrigger pointer. * * * * Loading game objects: * * - IHeap's Load() routine loads the # of objects stored, and loads * * each object. * * - Triggers: Add themselves to the HouseTriggers if they're associated * * with a house * * * * Loading the layers: * * LayerClass::Load() reads the entire layer array to disk * * * * Loading the houses: * * Each house is loaded in its entirety. * * * * Loading miscellaneous data: * * There are a lot of miscellaneous variables to load, such as the * * map's dimensions, the player's house, etc. * * * * INPUT: * * id numerical ID, for the file extension * * * * OUTPUT: * * true = OK, false = error * * * * WARNINGS: * * If this routine returns false, the entire game will be in an * * unknown state, so the scenario will have to be re-initialized. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/28/1994 BR : Created. * * 1/20/97 V.Grippi Added expansion CD check * *=========================================================================*/ bool Load_Game(int id) { char name[_MAX_FNAME+_MAX_EXT]; int i; unsigned scenario; HousesType house; char descr_buf[DESCRIP_MAX]; int load_net = 0; // 1 = save network/modem game /* ** Generate the filename to load. If 'id' is -1, it means save a ** network/modem game; otherwise, use 'id' as the file extension. */ if (id == -1) { strcpy(name, NET_SAVE_FILE_NAME); load_net = 1; } else { sprintf(name, "SAVEGAME.%03d", id); } /* ** Open the file */ RawFileClass file(name); if (!file.Is_Available()) { return(false); } FileStraw fstraw(file); Call_Back(); /* ** Read & discard the save-game's header info */ if (fstraw.Get(descr_buf, DESCRIP_MAX) != DESCRIP_MAX) { return(false); } if (fstraw.Get(&scenario, sizeof(scenario)) != sizeof(scenario)) { return(false); } if (fstraw.Get(&house, sizeof(house)) != sizeof(house)) { return(false); } /* ** Read in & verify the save-game ID code */ unsigned long version; if (fstraw.Get(&version, sizeof(version)) != sizeof(version)) { return(false); } GameVersion = version; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (version != SAVEGAME_VERSION && ((version-1) != SAVEGAME_VERSION) ) { return(false); } #else if (version != SAVEGAME_VERSION /*&& version != 0x0100616D*/){ return(false); } #endif /* ** Get the message digest that is embedded in the file. */ char digest[20]; fstraw.Get(digest, sizeof(digest)); /* ** Remember the file position since we must seek back here to ** perform the real saved game read. */ long pos = file.Seek(0, SEEK_CUR); /* ** Pass the rest of the file through the hash straw so that ** the digest can be compaired to the one in the file. */ SHAStraw sha; sha.Get_From(fstraw); for (;;) { if (sha.Get(_staging_buffer, sizeof(_staging_buffer)) != sizeof(_staging_buffer)) break; } char actual[20]; sha.Result(actual); sha.Get_From(NULL); Call_Back(); /* ** Compare the two digests. If they differ then return a failure condition ** before any damage could be done. */ if (memcmp(actual, digest, sizeof(digest)) != 0) { return(false); } /* ** Set up the pipe so that the scenario data can be read. */ file.Seek(pos, SEEK_SET); BlowStraw bstraw(BlowStraw::DECRYPT); LZOStraw straw(LZOStraw::DECOMPRESS, SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE); // LZWStraw straw(LZWStraw::DECOMPRESS, SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE); // LCWStraw straw(LCWStraw::DECOMPRESS, SAVE_BLOCK_SIZE); bstraw.Key(&FastKey, BlowfishEngine::MAX_KEY_LENGTH); bstraw.Get_From(fstraw); straw.Get_From(bstraw); /* ** Clear the scenario so we start fresh; this calls the Init_Clear() routine ** for the Map, and all object arrays. It has the following important ** effects: ** - Every cell is cleared to 0's, via MapClass::Init_Clear() ** - All heap elements' are cleared ** - The Houses are Initialized, which also clears their HouseTriggers ** array ** - The map's Layers & Logic Layer are cleared to empty ** - The list of currently-selected objects is cleared */ Clear_Scenario(); /* ** Load the scenario global information. */ straw.Get(&Scen, sizeof(Scen)); /* ** Fixup the Sessionclass scenario info so we can work out which ** CD to request later */ if ( load_net ){ CCFileClass scenario_file (Scen.ScenarioName); if ( !scenario_file.Is_Available() ){ int cd = -1; if (Is_Mission_Counterstrike (Scen.ScenarioName)) { cd = 2; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (Expansion_AM_Present()) { int current_drive = CCFileClass::Get_CD_Drive(); int index = Get_CD_Index(current_drive, 1*60); if (index == 3) cd = 3; } #endif } #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (Is_Mission_Aftermath (Scen.ScenarioName)) { cd = 3; #ifdef BOGUSCD cd = -1; #endif } #endif RequiredCD = cd; if (!Force_CD_Available (RequiredCD)) { Emergency_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* ** Update the internal list of scenarios to include the counterstrike ** list. */ Session.Read_Scenario_Descriptions(); } else { /* ** The scenario is available so set RequiredCD to whatever is currently ** in the drive. */ int current_drive = CCFileClass::Get_CD_Drive(); RequiredCD = Get_CD_Index(current_drive, 1*60); } } /* ** Load the map. The map comes first, since it loads the Theater & init's ** mixfiles. The map calls all the type-class's Init routines, telling them ** what the Theater is; this must be done before any objects are created, so ** they'll be properly created. */ Map.Load(straw); Call_Back(); /* ** Load the object data. */ Houses.Load(straw); TeamTypes.Load(straw); Teams.Load(straw); TriggerTypes.Load(straw); Triggers.Load(straw); Aircraft.Load(straw); Anims.Load(straw); Buildings.Load(straw); Bullets.Load(straw); Call_Back(); Infantry.Load(straw); Overlays.Load(straw); Smudges.Load(straw); Templates.Load(straw); Terrains.Load(straw); Units.Load(straw); Factories.Load(straw); Vessels.Load(straw); /* ** Load the Logic & Map Layers */ Logic.Load(straw); int count; straw.Get(&count, sizeof(count)); MapTriggers.Clear(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { TARGET target; straw.Get(&target, sizeof(target)); MapTriggers.Add(As_Trigger(target)); } straw.Get(&count, sizeof(count)); LogicTriggers.Clear(); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { TARGET target; straw.Get(&target, sizeof(target)); LogicTriggers.Add(As_Trigger(target)); } for (HousesType h = HOUSE_FIRST; h < HOUSE_COUNT; h++) { straw.Get(&count, sizeof(count)); HouseTriggers[h].Clear(); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { TARGET target; straw.Get(&target, sizeof(target)); HouseTriggers[h].Add(As_Trigger(target)); } } for (i = 0; i < LAYER_COUNT; i++) { Map.Layer[i].Load(straw); } Call_Back(); /* ** Load the Score */ straw.Get(&Score, sizeof(Score)); new(&Score) ScoreClass(NoInitClass()); /* ** Load the AI Base */ Base.Load(straw); /* ** Delete any carryover pseudo-saved game list. */ while (Carryover != NULL) { CarryoverClass * cptr = (CarryoverClass *)Carryover->Get_Next(); Carryover->Remove(); delete Carryover; Carryover = cptr; } /* ** Load any carryover pseudo-saved game list. */ int carry_count = 0; straw.Get(&carry_count, sizeof(carry_count)); while (carry_count) { CarryoverClass * cptr = new CarryoverClass; assert(cptr != NULL); straw.Get(cptr, sizeof(CarryoverClass)); new (cptr) CarryoverClass(NoInitClass()); cptr->Zap(); if (!Carryover) { Carryover = cptr; } else { cptr->Add_Tail(*Carryover); } carry_count--; } Call_Back(); /* ** Load miscellaneous variables, including the map size & the Theater */ Load_Misc_Values(straw); /* ** Load multiplayer values */ if (load_net) { Load_MPlayer_Values(straw); } file.Close(); Decode_All_Pointers(); Map.Init_IO(); Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); /* ** Fixup any expediency data that can be inferred from the physical ** data loaded. */ Post_Load_Game(load_net); Call_Back(); /* ** Set the required CD to be in the drive according to the scenario ** loaded. */ if (RequiredCD != -2 && !load_net) { #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS /* ** Determines if this an ant mission. Since the ant mission looks no different from ** a regular mission, examining of the scenario name is the only way to tell. */ if (toupper(Scen.ScenarioName[0]) == 'S' && toupper(Scen.ScenarioName[1]) == 'C' && toupper(Scen.ScenarioName[2]) == 'A' && toupper(Scen.ScenarioName[3]) == '0' && toupper(Scen.ScenarioName[5]) == 'E' && toupper(Scen.ScenarioName[6]) == 'A') { AntsEnabled = true; } else{ AntsEnabled = false; } #endif if (Scen.Scenario == 1) { RequiredCD = -1; } else { #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS if (Scen.Scenario > 19 || AntsEnabled) { RequiredCD = 2; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if(Scen.Scenario >= 36) { RequiredCD = 3; #ifdef BOGUSCD RequiredCD = -1; #endif } #endif } else { #endif //FIXIT_ANTS if (PlayerPtr->Class->House != HOUSE_USSR && PlayerPtr->Class->House != HOUSE_UKRAINE) { RequiredCD = 0; } else { RequiredCD = 1; } #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS } #endif //FIXIT_ANTS } }else{ if ( load_net ){ CCFileClass scenario_file (Scen.ScenarioName); /* ** Fix up the session class variables */ for ( int s=0 ; sDescription() == Scen.Description){ memcpy (Session.Options.ScenarioDescription, Scen.Description, sizeof (Session.Options.ScenarioDescription)); memcpy (Session.ScenarioFileName, Scen.ScenarioName, sizeof (Session.ScenarioFileName)); Session.ScenarioFileLength = scenario_file.Size(); memcpy (Session.ScenarioDigest, Session.Scenarios[s]->Get_Digest(), sizeof (Session.ScenarioDigest)); Session.ScenarioIsOfficial = Session.Scenarios[s]->Get_Official(); Scen.Scenario = s; Session.Options.ScenarioIndex = s; break; } } } } if (!Force_CD_Available(RequiredCD)) { //Prog_End(); Emergency_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ScenarioInit = 0; if (load_net) { if (!Reconcile_Players()) { // (must do after Decode pointers) return(false); } //!!!!!!!!!! put Fixup_Player_Units() here Session.LoadGame = true; } Map.Reload_Sidebar(); // re-load sidebar art. /* ** Rescan the scenario file for any rules updates. */ CCINIClass ini; int result = ini.Load(CCFileClass(Scen.ScenarioName), true); /* ** Reset the rules values to their initial settings. */ Rule.General(RuleINI); Rule.Recharge(RuleINI); Rule.AI(RuleINI); Rule.Powerups(RuleINI); Rule.Land_Types(RuleINI); Rule.Themes(RuleINI); Rule.IQ(RuleINI); Rule.Objects(RuleINI); Rule.Difficulty(RuleINI); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 - But does this incorporate *changes*? - NO. Rule.General(AftermathINI); Rule.Recharge(AftermathINI); Rule.AI(AftermathINI); Rule.Powerups(AftermathINI); Rule.Land_Types(AftermathINI); Rule.Themes(AftermathINI); Rule.IQ(AftermathINI); Rule.Objects(AftermathINI); Rule.Difficulty(AftermathINI); #endif /* ** Override any rules values specified in this ** particular scenario file. */ Rule.General(ini); Rule.Recharge(ini); Rule.AI(ini); Rule.Powerups(ini); Rule.Land_Types(ini); \ Rule.Themes(ini); Rule.IQ(ini); Rule.Objects(ini); Rule.Difficulty(ini); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // ajw - Added runtime check for Aftermath to skirmish mode. if (load_net) { bool readini = false; switch(Session.Type) { case GAME_NORMAL: readini = false; break; case GAME_SKIRMISH: readini = Is_Aftermath_Installed(); break; default: #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 readini = bAftermathMultiplayer; #else if (PlayingAgainstVersion >= VERSION_AFTERMATH_CS) { readini = true; } #endif break; } if(readini) { /* ** Find out if the CD in the current drive is the Aftermath disc. */ if(Get_CD_Index(CCFileClass::Get_CD_Drive(), 1*60) != 3) { GamePalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_FAST, Call_Back); if (!Force_CD_Available(3)) { // force Aftermath CD in drive. //Prog_End(); #ifndef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // WChat eliminated. #ifdef WIN32 if(Special.IsFromWChat || SpawnedFromWChat) { char packet[10] = {"Hello"}; Send_Data_To_DDE_Server (packet, strlen(packet), DDEServerClass::DDE_CONNECTION_FAILED); } #endif #endif Emergency_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } CCINIClass mpini; if (mpini.Load(CCFileClass("MPLAYER.INI"), false)) { Rule.General(mpini); Rule.Recharge(mpini); Rule.AI(mpini); Rule.Powerups(mpini); Rule.Land_Types(mpini); Rule.Themes(mpini); Rule.IQ(mpini); Rule.Objects(mpini); Rule.Difficulty(mpini); } } } #endif if (Scen.TransitTheme == THEME_NONE) { Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_FIRST); } else { Theme.Queue_Song(Scen.TransitTheme); } return(true); } /*************************************************************************** * Save_Misc_Values -- saves miscellaneous variables * * * * INPUT: * * file file to use for writing * * * * OUTPUT: * * true = success, false = failure * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/29/1994 BR : Created. * * 03/12/1996 JLB : Simplified. * *=========================================================================*/ bool Save_Misc_Values(Pipe & file) { int i; int count; // # ptrs in 'CurrentObject' ObjectClass * ptr; // for saving 'CurrentObject' ptrs /* ** Player's House. */ int x = PlayerPtr->Class->House; file.Put(&x, sizeof(x)); /* ** Save frame #. */ file.Put(&Frame, sizeof(Frame)); /* ** Save currently-selected objects list. ** Save the # of ptrs in the list. */ count = CurrentObject.Count(); file.Put(&count, sizeof(count)); /* ** Save the pointers. */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { ptr = CurrentObject[i]; file.Put(&ptr, sizeof(ptr)); } /* ** Save the chronal vortex */ ChronalVortex.Save(file); /* ** Save Tanya flags. */ file.Put(&IsTanyaDead, sizeof(IsTanyaDead)); file.Put(&SaveTanya, sizeof(SaveTanya)); return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Load_Misc_Values -- Loads miscellaneous variables. * * * * INPUT: file -- The file to load the misc values from. * * * * OUTPUT: Was the misc load process successful? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/24/1995 BRR : Created. * * 03/12/1996 JLB : Simplified. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool Load_Misc_Values(Straw & file) { ObjectClass * ptr; // for loading 'CurrentObject' ptrs /* ** Player's House. */ int x; file.Get(&x, sizeof(x)); // file.Get(&PlayerPtr, sizeof(PlayerPtr)); PlayerPtr = HouseClass::As_Pointer((HousesType)x); /* ** Load frame #. */ file.Get(&Frame, sizeof(Frame)); /* ** Load currently-selected objects list. ** Load the # of ptrs in the list. */ int count; // # ptrs in 'CurrentObject' file.Get(&count, sizeof(count)); /* ** Load the pointers. */ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { file.Get(&ptr, sizeof(ptr)); CurrentObject.Add(ptr); // add to the list } /* ** Load the chronal vortex */ ChronalVortex.Load(file); /* ** Save Tanya flags. */ file.Get(&IsTanyaDead, sizeof(IsTanyaDead)); file.Get(&SaveTanya, sizeof(SaveTanya)); return(true); } /*************************************************************************** * Save_MPlayer_Values -- Saves multiplayer-specific values * * * * This routine saves multiplayer values that need to be restored for a * * save game. In addition to saving the random # seed for this scenario, * * it saves the contents of the actual random number generator; this * * ensures that the random # sequencer will pick up where it left off when * * the game was saved. * * This routine also saves the header for a Recording file, so it must * * save some data not needed specifically by a save-game file (ie Seed). * * * * INPUT: * * file file to save to * * * * OUTPUT: * * true = success, false = failure * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/28/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ bool Save_MPlayer_Values(Pipe & file) { Session.Save(file); file.Put(&BuildLevel, sizeof(BuildLevel)); file.Put(&Debug_Unshroud, sizeof(Debug_Unshroud)); file.Put(&Seed, sizeof(Seed)); file.Put(&Whom, sizeof(Whom)); file.Put(&Special, sizeof(SpecialClass)); file.Put(&Options, sizeof(GameOptionsClass)); return (true); } /*************************************************************************** * Load_MPlayer_Values -- Loads multiplayer-specific values * * * * INPUT: * * file file to load from * * * * OUTPUT: * * true = success, false = failure * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/28/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ bool Load_MPlayer_Values(Straw & file) { Session.Load(file); file.Get(&BuildLevel, sizeof(BuildLevel)); file.Get(&Debug_Unshroud, sizeof(Debug_Unshroud)); file.Get(&Seed, sizeof(Seed)); file.Get(&Whom, sizeof(Whom)); file.Get(&Special, sizeof(SpecialClass)); file.Get(&Options, sizeof(GameOptionsClass)); return (true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Code_All_Pointers -- Code all pointers. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/24/1995 BRR : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Code_All_Pointers(void) { int i; /* ** The Map. */ Map.Code_Pointers(); /* ** The ArrayOf's. */ TeamTypes.Code_Pointers(); Teams.Code_Pointers(); Triggers.Code_Pointers(); Aircraft.Code_Pointers(); Anims.Code_Pointers(); Buildings.Code_Pointers(); Bullets.Code_Pointers(); Infantry.Code_Pointers(); Overlays.Code_Pointers(); Smudges.Code_Pointers(); Templates.Code_Pointers(); Terrains.Code_Pointers(); Units.Code_Pointers(); Factories.Code_Pointers(); Vessels.Code_Pointers(); /* ** The Layers. */ Logic.Code_Pointers(); for (i = 0; i < LAYER_COUNT; i++) { Map.Layer[i].Code_Pointers(); } /* ** The Score. */ Score.Code_Pointers(); /* ** The Base. */ Base.Code_Pointers(); /* ** PlayerPtr. */ // PlayerPtr = (HouseClass *)(PlayerPtr->Class->House); /* ** Currently-selected objects. */ for (i = 0; i < CurrentObject.Count(); i++) { CurrentObject[i] = (ObjectClass *)CurrentObject[i]->As_Target(); } /* ** Houses must be coded last, because the Class->House member of the HouseClass ** is used to code HouseClass pointers for all other objects, and if Class is ** coded, it will point to a meaningless value. */ Houses.Code_Pointers(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Decode_All_Pointers -- Decodes all pointers. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/24/1995 BRR : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Decode_All_Pointers(void) { /* ** The Map. */ Map.Decode_Pointers(); /* ** Decode houses first, so we can properly decode all other objects' ** House pointers */ Houses.Decode_Pointers(); /* ** The ArrayOf's. */ TeamTypes.Decode_Pointers(); Teams.Decode_Pointers(); Triggers.Decode_Pointers(); Aircraft.Decode_Pointers(); Anims.Decode_Pointers(); Buildings.Decode_Pointers(); Bullets.Decode_Pointers(); Infantry.Decode_Pointers(); Overlays.Decode_Pointers(); Smudges.Decode_Pointers(); Templates.Decode_Pointers(); Terrains.Decode_Pointers(); Units.Decode_Pointers(); Factories.Decode_Pointers(); Vessels.Decode_Pointers(); /* ** The Layers. */ Logic.Decode_Pointers(); for (int i = 0; i < LAYER_COUNT; i++) { Map.Layer[i].Decode_Pointers(); } /* ** The Score. */ Score.Decode_Pointers(); /* ** The Base. */ Base.Decode_Pointers(); /* ** PlayerPtr. */ // PlayerPtr = HouseClass::As_Pointer((HousesType)PlayerPtr); Whom = PlayerPtr->Class->House; assert(PlayerPtr != NULL); /* ** Currently-selected objects. */ for (int index = 0; index < CurrentObject.Count(); index++) { CurrentObject[index] = As_Object((TARGET)CurrentObject[index]); assert(CurrentObject[index] != NULL); } /* ** Last-Minute Fixups; to resolve these pointers properly requires all other ** pointers to be loaded & decoded. */ if (Map.PendingObjectPtr) { Map.PendingObject = &Map.PendingObjectPtr->Class_Of(); assert(Map.PendingObject != NULL); Map.Set_Cursor_Shape(Map.PendingObject->Occupy_List(true)); #ifdef BG Map.Set_Placement_List(Map.PendingObject->Placement_List(true)); #endif } else { Map.PendingObject = 0; Map.Set_Cursor_Shape(0); } } /*************************************************************************** * Get_Savefile_Info -- gets description, scenario #, house * * * * INPUT: * * id numerical ID, for the file extension * * buf buffer to store description in * * scenp ptr to variable to hold scenario * * housep ptr to variable to hold house * * * * OUTPUT: * * true = OK, false = error (save-game file invalid) * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/12/1995 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ bool Get_Savefile_Info(int id, char * buf, unsigned * scenp, HousesType * housep) { char name[_MAX_FNAME+_MAX_EXT]; unsigned long version; char descr_buf[DESCRIP_MAX]; /* ** Generate the filename to load */ sprintf(name, "SAVEGAME.%03d", id); BufferIOFileClass file(name); FileStraw straw(file); /* ** Read in the description, scenario #, and the house */ if (straw.Get(descr_buf, DESCRIP_MAX) != DESCRIP_MAX) { return(false); } descr_buf[strlen(descr_buf) - 2] = '\0'; // trim off CR/LF strcpy(buf, descr_buf); if (straw.Get(scenp, sizeof(unsigned)) != sizeof(unsigned)) { return(false); } if (straw.Get(housep, sizeof(HousesType)) != sizeof(HousesType)) { return(false); } /* ** Read & verify the save-game version # */ if (straw.Get(&version, sizeof(version)) != sizeof(version)) { return(false); } #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (version != SAVEGAME_VERSION && ((version-1 != SAVEGAME_VERSION)) ) { #else if (version != SAVEGAME_VERSION) { #endif return(false); } return(true); } /*************************************************************************** * Reconcile_Players -- Reconciles loaded data with the 'Players' vector * * * * This function is for supporting loading a saved multiplayer game. * * When the game is loaded, we have to figure out which house goes with * * which entry in the Players vector. We also have to figure out if * * everyone who was originally in the game is still with us, and if not, * * turn their stuff over to the computer. * * * * So, this function does the following: * * - For every name in 'Players', makes sure that name is in the House * * array; if not, it's a fatal error. * * - For every human-controlled house, makes sure there's a player * * with that name; if not, it turns that house over to the computer. * * - Fills in the Player's house ID * * * * This assumes that each player MUST keep their name the same as it was * * when the game was saved! It's also assumed that the network * * connections have not been formed yet, since Player[i]->Player.ID will * * be invalid until this routine has been called. * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * true = OK, false = error * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/29/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ static int Reconcile_Players(void) { int i; int found; HousesType house; HouseClass * housep; /* ** If there are no players, there's nothing to do. */ if (Session.Players.Count()==0) return (true); /* ** Make sure every name we're connected to can be found in a House */ for (i = 0; i < Session.Players.Count(); i++) { found = 0; for (house = HOUSE_MULTI1; house < HOUSE_MULTI1 + Session.MaxPlayers; house++) { housep = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house); if (!housep) { continue; } if (!stricmp(Session.Players[i]->Name, housep->IniName)) { found = 1; break; } } if (!found) return (false); } // // Loop through all Houses; if we find a human-owned house that we're // not connected to, turn it over to the computer. // for (house = HOUSE_MULTI1; house < HOUSE_MULTI1 + Session.MaxPlayers; house++) { housep = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house); if (!housep) { continue; } // // Skip this house if it wasn't human to start with. // if (!housep->IsHuman) { continue; } // // Try to find this name in the Players vector; if it's found, set // its ID to this house. // found = 0; for (i = 0; i < Session.Players.Count(); i++) { if (!stricmp(Session.Players[i]->Name, housep->IniName)) { found = 1; Session.Players[i]->Player.ID = house; break; } } /* ** If this name wasn't found, remove it */ if (!found) { /* ** Turn the player's house over to the computer's AI */ housep->IsHuman = false; housep->IsStarted = true; // housep->Smartness = IQ_MENSA; housep->IQ = Rule.MaxIQ; strcpy (housep->IniName, Text_String(TXT_COMPUTER)); Session.NumPlayers--; } } // // If all went well, our Session.NumPlayers value should now equal the value // from the saved game, minus any players we removed. // if (Session.NumPlayers == Session.Players.Count()) { return (true); } else { return (false); } } /*************************************************************************** * MPlayer_Save_Message -- pops up a "saving..." message * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/30/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MPlayer_Save_Message(void) { //char *txt = Text_String( }