/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ //Mono_Printf("%d %s\n",__LINE__,__FILE__); /* $Header: /CounterStrike/SCENARIO.CPP 15 3/13/97 2:06p Steve_tall $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : SCENARIO.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : September 10, 1993 * * * * Last Update : October 21, 1996 [JLB] * * * * This module handles the scenario reading and writing. Scenario related * * code that is executed between scenario play can also be here. * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * Assign_Houses -- Assigns multiplayer houses to various players * * Clear_Flag_Spots -- Clears flag overlays off the map * * Clear_Scenario -- Clears all data in preparation for scenario load. * * Clip_Move -- moves in given direction from given cell; clips to map * * Clip_Scatter -- randomly scatters from given cell; won't fall off map * * Create_Units -- Creates infantry & units, for non-base multiplayer * * Do_Lose -- Display losing comments. * * Do_Restart -- Handle the restart mission process. * * Do_Win -- Display winning congratulations. * * Fill_In_Data -- Recreate all data that is not loaded with scenario. * * Post_Load_Game -- Fill in an inferred data from the game state. * * Read_Scenario -- Reads a scenario from disk. * * Read_Scenario_INI -- Read specified scenario INI file. * * Remove_AI_Players -- Removes the computer AI houses & their units * * Restate_Mission -- Handles restating the mission objective. * * Scan_Place_Object -- places an object >near< the given cell * * ScenarioClass::ScenarioClass -- Constructor for the scenario control object. * * ScenarioClass::Set_Global_To -- Set scenario global to value specified. * * Set_Scenario_Name -- Creates the INI scenario name string. * * Start_Scenario -- Starts the scenario. * * Write_Scenario_INI -- Write the scenario INI file. * * ScenarioClass::Do_BW_Fade -- Cause the palette to temporarily shift to B/W. * * ScenarioClass::Do_Fade_AI -- Process the palette fading effect. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "tcpip.h" #include "ccdde.h" extern bool SpawnedFromWChat; #endif extern int PreserveVQAScreen; //#include "WolDebug.h" #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // Stalemate games. #include "WolStrng.h" #endif static void Remove_AI_Players(void); static void Create_Units(bool official); static CELL Clip_Scatter(CELL cell, int maxdist); static CELL Clip_Move(CELL cell, FacingType facing, int dist); static int _build_tech[11] = { 2,2, // Tech level 0 and 1 are the same (tech 0 is never used). 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 }; #ifdef FRENCH #define TXT_HACKHACK "Accomplie" #endif #if defined(ENGLISH) || defined(GERMAN) #define TXT_HACKHACK Text_String(TXT_ACCOMPLISHED) #endif #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 bool Is_Mission_Counterstrike (char *file_name); bool Is_Mission_Aftermath (char *file_name); #endif /*********************************************************************************************** * ScenarioClass::ScenarioClass -- Constructor for the scenario control object. * * * * This constructs the default scenario control object. Normally, all the default values * * are meaningless since the act of starting a scenario will fill in all of the values with * * settings retrieved from the scenario control file. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/03/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ ScenarioClass::ScenarioClass(void) : Difficulty(DIFF_NORMAL), CDifficulty(DIFF_NORMAL), Timer(0), MissionTimer(0), ShroudTimer(TICKS_PER_MINUTE * Rule.ShroudRate), Scenario(1), Theater(THEATER_TEMPERATE), IntroMovie(VQ_NONE), BriefMovie(VQ_NONE), WinMovie(VQ_NONE), LoseMovie(VQ_NONE), ActionMovie(VQ_NONE), TransitTheme(THEME_NONE), PlayerHouse(HOUSE_GREECE), CarryOverPercent(0), CarryOverMoney(0), CarryOverCap(0), Percent(0), BridgeCount(0), CarryOverTimer(0), IsBridgeChanged(false), IsGlobalChanged(false), IsToCarryOver(false), IsToInherit(false), IsTanyaEvac(false), IsFadingBW(false), IsFadingColor(false), IsEndOfGame(false), IsInheritTimer(false), IsNoSpyPlane(false), IsSkipScore(false), IsOneTimeOnly(false), IsNoMapSel(false), IsTruckCrate(false), IsMoneyTiberium(false), #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // For endgame auto-sonar pulse. #define AUTOSONAR_PERIOD TICKS_PER_SECOND * 40 AutoSonarTimer( AUTOSONAR_PERIOD ), #endif FadeTimer(0) { for (int index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE(Waypoint); index++) { Waypoint[index] = -1; } strcpy(Description, ""); strcpy(ScenarioName, ""); strcpy(BriefingText, ""); memset(GlobalFlags, '\0', sizeof(GlobalFlags)); memset(Views, '\0', sizeof(Views)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * ScenarioClass::Do_BW_Fade -- Cause the palette to temporarily shift to B/W. * * * * This routine will start the palette to fade to B/W for a brief moment. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/21/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void ScenarioClass::Do_BW_Fade(void) { IsFadingBW = true; IsFadingColor = false; FadeTimer = GRAYFADETIME; } /*********************************************************************************************** * ScenarioClass::Do_Fade_AI -- Process the palette fading effect. * * * * This routine will handle the maintenance of the palette fading effect. It should be * * called once per game frame. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/21/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void ScenarioClass::Do_Fade_AI(void) { if (IsFadingColor) { if (FadeTimer == 0) { IsFadingColor = false; } fixed newsat = Options.Get_Saturation() * fixed(GRAYFADETIME-FadeTimer, GRAYFADETIME); Options.Adjust_Palette(OriginalPalette, GamePalette, Options.Get_Brightness(), newsat, Options.Get_Tint(), Options.Get_Contrast()); GamePalette.Set(); } if (IsFadingBW) { if (FadeTimer == 0) { IsFadingBW = false; } fixed newsat = Options.Get_Saturation() * fixed(FadeTimer, GRAYFADETIME); Options.Adjust_Palette(OriginalPalette, GamePalette, Options.Get_Brightness(), newsat, Options.Get_Tint(), Options.Get_Contrast()); GamePalette.Set(); if (!IsFadingBW) { IsFadingColor = true; FadeTimer = GRAYFADETIME; } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * ScenarioClass::Set_Global_To -- Set scenario global to value specified. * * * * This routine will set the global flag to the falue (true/false) specified. It will * * also scan for and spring any triggers that are dependant upon that global. * * * * INPUT: global -- The global flag to change. * * * * value -- The value to change the global flag to. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the previous value of the flag. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/26/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool ScenarioClass::Set_Global_To(int global, bool value) { if ((unsigned)global < ARRAY_SIZE(Scen.GlobalFlags)) { bool previous = GlobalFlags[global]; if (previous != value) { GlobalFlags[global] = value; IsGlobalChanged = true; /* ** Special case to scan through all triggers and if any are found that depend on this ** global being set/cleared, then if there is an elapsed time event associated, it ** will be reset at this time. */ for (int index = 0; index < Triggers.Count(); index++) { TriggerClass * tp = Triggers.Ptr(index); if ((tp->Class->Event1.Event == TEVENT_GLOBAL_SET || tp->Class->Event1.Event == TEVENT_GLOBAL_CLEAR) && tp->Class->Event1.Data.Value == global) { tp->Class->Event2.Reset(tp->Event1); } if ((tp->Class->Event2.Event == TEVENT_GLOBAL_SET || tp->Class->Event2.Event == TEVENT_GLOBAL_CLEAR) && tp->Class->Event2.Data.Value == global) { tp->Class->Event1.Reset(tp->Event1); } } } return(previous); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Start_Scenario -- Starts the scenario. * * * * This routine will start the scenario. In addition to loading the scenario data, it will * * play the briefing and action movies. * * * * INPUT: root -- Pointer to the filename root for this scenario (e.g., "SCG01EA"). * * * * briefing -- Should the briefing be played? Normally this is true except when the * * scenario is restarting. * * * * OUTPUT: Was the scenario started without error? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/04/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool Start_Scenario(char * name, bool briefing) { //BG Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_QUIET); Theme.Stop(); IsTanyaDead = SaveTanya; if (!Read_Scenario(name)) { return(false); } /* ** Play the winning movie and then start the next scenario. */ RequiredCD = -1; // if (RequiredCD != -2 && Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { // if (Scen.Scenario == 1) // RequiredCD = -1; // else { // if((Scen.Scenario >= 20 && Scen.ScenarioName[2] == 'G' || Scen.ScenarioName[2] == 'U') || Scen.ScenarioName[2] == 'A' // || (Scen.ScenarioName[2] == 'M' && Scen.Scenario >= 25)) // RequiredCD = 2; // else if(Scen.ScenarioName[2] == 'U') // RequiredCD = 1; // else if(Scen.ScenarioName[2] == 'G') // RequiredCD = 0; // } // //#ifdef FIXIT_FORCE_CD // Forces the CD to be inserted according to the scenario being loaded. //Hide_Mouse(); //VisiblePage.Clear(); //Show_Mouse(); //GamePalette.Set(); //if (!Force_CD_Available(RequiredCD)) { // Prog_End(); // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); //} //#endif // } Theme.Stop(); if (briefing) { Hide_Mouse(); VisiblePage.Clear(); Show_Mouse(); Play_Movie(Scen.IntroMovie); Play_Movie(Scen.BriefMovie); } /* ** If there's no briefing movie, restate the mission at the beginning. */ char buffer[25]; if (Scen.BriefMovie != VQ_NONE) { sprintf(buffer, "%s.VQA", VQName[Scen.BriefMovie]); } if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL && (Scen.BriefMovie == VQ_NONE || !CCFileClass(buffer).Is_Available())) { /* ** Make sure the mouse is visible before showing the restatement. */ while(Get_Mouse_State()) { Show_Mouse(); } Restate_Mission(Scen.ScenarioName, TXT_OK, TXT_NONE); } if (briefing) { Hide_Mouse(); VisiblePage.Clear(); Show_Mouse(); Play_Movie(Scen.ActionMovie, Scen.TransitTheme); } if (Scen.TransitTheme == THEME_NONE) { Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_FIRST); } /* ** Set the options values, since the palette has been initialized by Read_Scenario */ Options.Set(); return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Read_Scenario -- Reads a scenario from disk. * * * * This will read a scenario from disk. Use this to begin a scenario. * * It doesn't perform any rendering, it merely sets up the system * * with the proper data. Setting of the right game state will start * * the scenario running. * * * * INPUT: root -- Scenario root filename * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: You must clear out the system variables before calling * * this function. Use the Clear_Scenario() function. * * It is assumed that Scenario is set to the current scenario number. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/22/1991 : Created. * * 02/03/1992 JLB : Uses house identification. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool Read_Scenario(char * name) { BStart(BENCH_SCENARIO); Clear_Scenario(); ScenarioInit++; if (Read_Scenario_INI(name)) { #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // ajw - Added runtime check for Aftermath to skirmish mode case. bool readini = false; switch(Session.Type) { case GAME_NORMAL: readini = false; break; case GAME_SKIRMISH: #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 readini = bAftermathMultiplayer; #endif break; case GAME_INTERNET: #ifndef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // Loading of Aftermath rules depends on bAftermathMultiplayer now. if (Is_Mission_Counterstrike(name)) { readini = false; // Don't allow AM units on a CS map in WChat break; } #endif // ( Note lack of break; ) default: #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 readini = bAftermathMultiplayer; #else if (PlayingAgainstVersion >= VERSION_AFTERMATH_CS) { readini = true; } #endif break; } if(readini) { /* ** Find out if the CD in the current drive is the Aftermath disc. */ #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 int cd_index = Get_CD_Index(CCFileClass::Get_CD_Drive(), 1*60); if( !( Using_DVD() && cd_index == 5 ) && cd_index != 3 ) { #else if(Get_CD_Index(CCFileClass::Get_CD_Drive(), 1*60) != 3) { #endif GamePalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_FAST, Call_Back); RequiredCD = 3; if (!Force_CD_Available(RequiredCD)) { // force Aftermath CD in drive. #ifndef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION #ifdef WIN32 if(Special.IsFromWChat || SpawnedFromWChat) { char packet[10] = {"Hello"}; Send_Data_To_DDE_Server (packet, strlen(packet), DDEServerClass::DDE_CONNECTION_FAILED); } #endif #endif Emergency_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } CCINIClass ini; if (ini.Load(CCFileClass("MPLAYER.INI"), false)) { Rule.General(ini); Rule.Recharge(ini); Rule.AI(ini); Rule.Powerups(ini); Rule.Land_Types(ini); Rule.Themes(ini); Rule.IQ(ini); Rule.Objects(ini); Rule.Difficulty(ini); } } #endif Fill_In_Data(); } else { GamePalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_FAST, Call_Back); // Fade_Palette_To(GamePalette, FADE_PALETTE_FAST, Call_Back); Show_Mouse(); WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_UNABLE_READ_SCENARIO); Hide_Mouse(); BEnd(BENCH_SCENARIO); return(false); } ScenarioInit--; BEnd(BENCH_SCENARIO); return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Fill_In_Data -- Recreate all data that is not loaded with scenario. * * * * This routine is called after the INI file for the scenario has been processed. It will * * infer the game state from the scenario INI data. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/07/1992 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Fill_In_Data(void) { /* ** The basic scenario data load does not contain the full set of ** game data. We now must fill in the missing pieces. */ ScenarioInit++; for (int index = 0; index < Buildings.Count(); index++) { Buildings.Ptr(index)->Update_Buildables(); } Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); /* ** Reset the movement zones according to the terrain passability. */ Map.Zone_Reset(MZONEF_ALL); #ifdef WIN32 /* ** Since the sidebar starts up activated, adjust the home start position so that ** the right edge of the map will still be visible. */ if (!Debug_Map) { Map.SidebarClass::Activate(1); // if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { Scen.Views[0] = Scen.Views[1] = Scen.Views[2] = Scen.Views[3] = Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME]; Map.Set_Tactical_Position(Cell_Coord((Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME] - (MAP_CELL_W * 4 * RESFACTOR)) - (5*RESFACTOR))); // } } #endif /* ** Handle any data resetting that can be safely inferred from the actual ** data that has been loaded. */ /* ** Distribute the trigger pointers to the appropriate working lists. */ for (index = 0; index < TriggerTypes.Count(); index++) { TriggerTypeClass * tp = TriggerTypes.Ptr(index); assert(tp != NULL); if (tp->Attaches_To() & ATTACH_MAP) { MapTriggers.Add(Find_Or_Make(tp)); } if (tp->Attaches_To() & ATTACH_GENERAL) { LogicTriggers.Add(Find_Or_Make(tp)); } if (tp->Attaches_To() & ATTACH_HOUSE) { HouseTriggers[tp->House].Add(Find_Or_Make(tp)); } } ScenarioInit--; /* ** Now go through and set all the cells ringing the map to be visible, so ** we won't get the wall of shadow at the edge of the map. */ int x,y; for (x = Map.MapCellX-1; x < ((unsigned)(Map.MapCellX + Map.MapCellWidth + 1)); x++) { Map[XY_Cell(x, Map.MapCellY-1)].IsVisible = Map[XY_Cell(x, Map.MapCellY-1)].IsMapped = true; Map[XY_Cell(x, Map.MapCellY+(unsigned)Map.MapCellHeight)].IsVisible = Map[XY_Cell(x, Map.MapCellY+(unsigned)Map.MapCellHeight)].IsMapped = true; } for (y = Map.MapCellY; y < (Map.MapCellY + Map.MapCellHeight); y++) { Map[XY_Cell(Map.MapCellX-1, y)].IsVisible = Map[XY_Cell(Map.MapCellX-1, y)].IsMapped = true; Map[XY_Cell(Map.MapCellX+Map.MapCellWidth, y)].IsVisible = Map[XY_Cell(Map.MapCellX+Map.MapCellWidth, y)].IsMapped = true; } /* ** If inheriting from a previous scenario was indicated, then create the carry over ** objects at this time. */ if (Scen.IsToInherit) { CarryoverClass * cptr = Carryover; while (cptr != NULL) { cptr->Create(); cptr = (CarryoverClass *)cptr->Get_Next(); } } /* ** The "allow win" action is a special case that is handled here. The total number ** of triggers that have this action must be recorded. */ for (index = 0; index < TriggerTypes.Count(); index++) { TriggerTypeClass * tp = TriggerTypes.Ptr(index); if (tp->Action1.Action == TACTION_ALLOWWIN || (tp->ActionControl != MULTI_ONLY && tp->Action2.Action == TACTION_ALLOWWIN)) { HouseClass::As_Pointer(tp->House)->Blockage++; } } /* ** Move available money to silos, if the scenario flag so indicates. */ if (Scen.IsMoneyTiberium) { for (HousesType house = HOUSE_FIRST; house < HOUSE_COUNT; house++) { HouseClass * hptr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house); if (hptr != NULL) { int tomove = hptr->Capacity - hptr->Tiberium; hptr->Credits -= tomove; hptr->Tiberium += tomove; } } } /* ** Count all non-destroyed bridges on the map. */ Scen.BridgeCount = Map.Intact_Bridge_Count(); Map.All_To_Look(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Post_Load_Game -- Fill in an inferred data from the game state. * * * * This routine is typically called after a game has been loaded. Some working data lists * * can be rebuild from the game state. This working data is rebuilt rather than being * * stored with the game data file. * * * * INPUT: load_multi -- true if we're loading a multiplayer game * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Although it is safe to call this routine whenever, it is only needed after a * * game load. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/30/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Post_Load_Game(int load_multi) { // // Do NOT call Overpass if we're loading a multiplayer game; it calls the // random # generator, which throws the games out of sync if they were // saved on different frame #'s. // if (!load_multi) { Map.Overpass(); } Scen.BridgeCount = Map.Intact_Bridge_Count(); Map.Zone_Reset(MZONEF_ALL); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Clear_Scenario -- Clears all data in preparation for scenario load. * * * * This routine will clear out all data specific to a scenario in * * preparation for a subsequent scenario data load. This will free * * all units, animations, and icon maps. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/22/1991 : Created. * * 03/21/1992 JLB : Changed buffer allocations, so changes memset code. * * 07/13/1995 JLB : End count down moved here. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Clear_Scenario(void) { // TCTCTC -- possibly just use in-place new of scenario object? Scen.MissionTimer = 0; Scen.MissionTimer.Stop(); Scen.Timer = 0; Scen.ShroudTimer = 0; Scen.IntroMovie = VQ_NONE; Scen.BriefMovie = VQ_NONE; Scen.WinMovie = VQ_NONE; Scen.LoseMovie = VQ_NONE; Scen.ActionMovie = VQ_NONE; Scen.IsNoSpyPlane = false; Scen.IsTanyaEvac = false; Scen.IsEndOfGame = false; Scen.IsInheritTimer = false; Scen.IsToCarryOver = false; Scen.IsSkipScore = false; Scen.IsOneTimeOnly = false; Scen.IsTruckCrate = false; Scen.IsMoneyTiberium = false; Scen.IsNoMapSel = false; Scen.CarryOverCap = 0; Scen.CarryOverPercent = 0; Scen.TransitTheme = THEME_NONE; Scen.Percent = 0; memset(Scen.GlobalFlags, 0, sizeof(Scen.GlobalFlags)); MapTriggers.Clear(); LogicTriggers.Clear(); for (HousesType house = HOUSE_FIRST; house < HOUSE_COUNT; house++) { HouseTriggers[house].Clear(); } /* ** Call everyone's Init routine, except the Map's; for the Map, only call ** MapClass::Init, which clears the Cell array. The Display::Init requires ** a Theater argument, and the theater is not known at this point; also, it ** would reload MixFiles, which isn't desired. Display::Read_INI calls its ** own Init, which will Init the entire Map hierarchy. */ Map.Init_Clear(); Score.Init(); Logic.Init(); HouseClass::Init(); ObjectClass::Init(); TeamTypeClass::Init(); TeamClass::Init(); TriggerClass::Init(); TriggerTypeClass::Init(); AircraftClass::Init(); AnimClass::Init(); BuildingClass::Init(); BulletClass::Init(); InfantryClass::Init(); OverlayClass::Init(); SmudgeClass::Init(); TemplateClass::Init(); TerrainClass::Init(); UnitClass::Init(); VesselClass::Init(); FactoryClass::Init(); Base.Init(); CurrentObject.Clear(); for (int index = 0; index < WAYPT_COUNT; index++) { Scen.Waypoint[index] = -1; } #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // For endgame auto-sonar pulse. bAutoSonarPulse = false; #endif #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // Stalemate games. Scen.bLocalProposesDraw = false; Scen.bOtherProposesDraw = false; #endif } /*********************************************************************************************** * Do_Win -- Display winning congratulations. * * * * Perform the win the mission process. This will display any winning movies and the score * * screen. Followed by the map selection screen and then the load of the new scenario. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/05/1992 JLB : Created. * * 01/01/1995 JLB : Carries money forward into next scenario. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Do_Win(void) { Map.Set_Default_Mouse(MOUSE_NORMAL); Hide_Mouse(); Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_QUIET); /* ** If this is a multiplayer game, clear the game's name so we won't respond ** to game queries any more (in Call_Back) */ if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL) { Session.GameName[0] = 0; } /* ** Determine a cosmetic center point for the text. */ int x = Map.TacPixelX + (Lepton_To_Pixel(Map.TacLeptonWidth)/2); /* ** Hack section. If it's allied scenario 10, variation A, then skip the ** score and map selection, don't increment scenario, and set it to ** variation B. */ #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL || !Scen.IsSkipScore || AntsEnabled) { #else if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL || !Scen.IsSkipScore ) { #endif //FIXIT_ANTS /* ** Announce win to player. */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); Map.Flag_To_Redraw (true); Map.Render(); #ifdef WIN32 Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_SCENARIO_WON, x, 90*RESFACTOR, &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_RED], TBLACK, TPF_CENTER|TPF_VCR|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_DROPSHADOW); #else Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_MISSION, x, 90*RESFACTOR, &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_RED], TBLACK, TPF_CENTER|TPF_VCR|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_DROPSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_HACKHACK, x, 110*RESFACTOR, &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_RED], TBLACK, TPF_CENTER|TPF_VCR|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_DROPSHADOW); #endif CountDownTimer = TIMER_SECOND * 3; while (Is_Speaking()) {}; Speak(VOX_ACCOMPLISHED); while (CountDownTimer || Is_Speaking()) { Call_Back(); } } /* ** Stop here if this is a multiplayer game. */ if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL) { if (!Session.Play) { Session.GamesPlayed++; Multi_Score_Presentation(); Session.CurGame++; if (Session.CurGame >= MAX_MULTI_GAMES) { Session.CurGame = MAX_MULTI_GAMES - 1; } } GameActive = 0; Show_Mouse(); return; } Hide_Mouse(); VisiblePage.Clear(); Show_Mouse(); Play_Movie(Scen.WinMovie); Keyboard->Clear(); SaveTanya = IsTanyaDead; Scen.CarryOverTimer = Scen.MissionTimer; // int timer = Scen.MissionTimer; /* ** Do the ending screens only if not playing back a recorded game. */ if (!Session.Play) { /* ** If the score presentation should be performed, then do ** so now. */ Keyboard->Clear(); if (!Scen.IsSkipScore) { Score.Presentation(); } if (Scen.IsOneTimeOnly) { GameActive = false; Show_Mouse(); #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS AntsEnabled = false; // Mono_Printf("Scenario.cpp one time only antsenabled is false\n"); #endif return; } /* ** If this scenario is flagged as ending the game then print the credits and exit. */ if (Scen.IsEndOfGame) { if (PlayerPtr->ActLike == HOUSE_USSR) { Play_Movie(VQ_SOVFINAL); } else { Play_Movie(VQ_ALLYEND); } Show_Who_Was_Responsible(); GameActive = false; Show_Mouse(); #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS AntsEnabled = false; #endif return; } /* ** Hack section. If it's allied scenario 10, variation A, then skip the ** score and map selection, don't increment scenario, and set it to ** variation B. */ if (Scen.IsNoMapSel) { // force it to play the second half of scenario 10 #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS if (AntsEnabled) { char scenarioname[24]; strcpy(scenarioname, Scen.ScenarioName); char buf[10]; Scen.Scenario++; sprintf(buf, "%02d", Scen.Scenario); memcpy(&scenarioname[3], buf, 2); Scen.Set_Scenario_Name(scenarioname); } else { Scen.ScenarioName[6] = 'B'; } #else Scen.ScenarioName[6] = 'B'; #endif } else { Scen.Set_Scenario_Name(Map_Selection()); } Keyboard->Clear(); } Scen.CarryOverMoney = PlayerPtr->Credits; /* ** If requested, record the scenario's objects in the carry over list ** for possible use in a future scenario. */ if (Scen.IsToCarryOver) { /* ** First delete any existing carry over list. Any old list will be ** blasted over by the new list -- there is only one logic carryover ** list to be maintained. */ while (Carryover) { CarryoverClass * cptr = (CarryoverClass *)Carryover->Get_Next(); Carryover->Remove(); delete Carryover; Carryover = cptr; } /* ** Record all objects, that are to be part of the carry over set, into ** the carry over list. */ for (int building_index = 0; building_index < Buildings.Count(); building_index++) { BuildingClass * building = Buildings.Ptr(building_index); if (building && !building->IsInLimbo && building->Strength > 0) { CarryoverClass * cptr = new CarryoverClass(building); if (cptr) { if (Carryover) { cptr->Add_Tail(*Carryover); } else { Carryover = cptr; } } } } for (int unit_index = 0; unit_index < Units.Count(); unit_index++) { UnitClass * unit = Units.Ptr(unit_index); if (unit && !unit->IsInLimbo && unit->Strength > 0) { CarryoverClass * cptr = new CarryoverClass(unit); if (cptr) { if (Carryover) { cptr->Add_Tail(*Carryover); } else { Carryover = cptr; } } } } for (int infantry_index = 0; infantry_index < Infantry.Count(); infantry_index++) { InfantryClass * infantry = Infantry.Ptr(infantry_index); if (infantry && !infantry->IsInLimbo && infantry->Strength > 0) { CarryoverClass * cptr = new CarryoverClass(infantry); if (cptr) { if (Carryover) { cptr->Add_Tail(*Carryover); } else { Carryover = cptr; } } } } for (int vessel_index = 0; vessel_index < Vessels.Count(); vessel_index++) { VesselClass * vessel = Vessels.Ptr(vessel_index); if (vessel && !vessel->IsInLimbo && vessel->Strength > 0) { CarryoverClass * cptr = new CarryoverClass(vessel); if (cptr) { if (Carryover) { cptr->Add_Tail(*Carryover); } else { Carryover = cptr; } } } } } /* ** Generate a new scenario filename */ // Scen.Set_Scenario_Name(Scen.Scenario, Scen.ScenPlayer, Scen.ScenDir, Scen.ScenVar); Start_Scenario(Scen.ScenarioName); /* ** If the mission timer is to be inheriteded from the previous scenario then do it now. */ if (Scen.IsInheritTimer) { Scen.MissionTimer = Scen.CarryOverTimer; Scen.MissionTimer.Start(); } // PlayerPtr->NukePieces = nukes; Map.Render(); GamePalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_FAST, Call_Back); // Fade_Palette_To(GamePalette, FADE_PALETTE_FAST, Call_Back); Show_Mouse(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Do_Lose -- Display losing comments. * * * * Performs the lose mission processing. This will generally display a "would you like * * to replay" dialog and then either reload the scenario or set flags such that the main * * menu will appear. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/05/1992 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Do_Lose(void) { Map.Set_Default_Mouse(MOUSE_NORMAL); Hide_Mouse(); Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_QUIET); /* ** If this is a multiplayer game, clear the game's name so we won't respond ** to game queries any more (in Call_Back) */ if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL) { Session.GameName[0] = 0; } /* ** Determine a cosmetic center point for the text. */ int x = Map.TacPixelX + (Lepton_To_Pixel(Map.TacLeptonWidth)/2); /* ** Announce win to player. */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_SCENARIO_LOST, x, 90*RESFACTOR, &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_RED], TBLACK, TPF_CENTER|TPF_VCR|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_DROPSHADOW); CountDownTimer = TIMER_SECOND * 3; while (Is_Speaking()) {}; Speak(VOX_FAIL); while (CountDownTimer || Is_Speaking()) { Call_Back(); } /* ** Stop here if this is a multiplayer game. */ if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL) { if (!Session.Play) { Session.GamesPlayed++; Multi_Score_Presentation(); Session.CurGame++; if (Session.CurGame >= MAX_MULTI_GAMES) { Session.CurGame = MAX_MULTI_GAMES - 1; } } GameActive = 0; Show_Mouse(); return; } Hide_Mouse(); VisiblePage.Clear(); Show_Mouse(); #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS // Mono_Printf("Trying to play lose movie\n"); #endif //CHEAT_KEYS Play_Movie(Scen.LoseMovie); /* ** Start same scenario again */ GamePalette.Set(); Show_Mouse(); if (!Session.Play && !WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_TO_REPLAY, TXT_YES, TXT_NO)) { Hide_Mouse(); Keyboard->Clear(); Start_Scenario(Scen.ScenarioName, false); /* ** Start the scenario timer with the carried over value if necessary. */ if (Scen.IsInheritTimer) { Scen.MissionTimer = Scen.CarryOverTimer; Scen.MissionTimer.Start(); } Map.Render(); } else { Hide_Mouse(); GameActive = 0; } GamePalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_FAST, Call_Back); Show_Mouse(); } #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // Stalemate games. /*********************************************************************************************** * Do_Draw -- Parallels Do_Win and Do_Lose, for multiplayer games that end in a draw. *=============================================================================================*/ void Do_Draw(void) { Map.Set_Default_Mouse(MOUSE_NORMAL); Hide_Mouse(); Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_QUIET); /* ** If this is a multiplayer game, clear the game's name so we won't respond ** to game queries any more (in Call_Back) */ if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL) { Session.GameName[0] = 0; } /* ** Determine a cosmetic center point for the text. */ int x = Map.TacPixelX + (Lepton_To_Pixel(Map.TacLeptonWidth)/2); /* ** Announce win to player. */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_WOL_DRAW, x, 90*RESFACTOR, &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_RED], TBLACK, TPF_CENTER|TPF_VCR|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_DROPSHADOW); CountDownTimer = TIMER_SECOND * 3; while (Is_Speaking()) {}; Speak(VOX_CONTROL_EXIT); while (CountDownTimer || Is_Speaking()) { Call_Back(); } /* ** Stop here if this is a multiplayer game. */ if (!Session.Play) { Session.GamesPlayed++; Multi_Score_Presentation(); Session.CurGame++; if (Session.CurGame >= MAX_MULTI_GAMES) { Session.CurGame = MAX_MULTI_GAMES - 1; } } GameActive = 0; Show_Mouse(); } #endif /*********************************************************************************************** * Do_Restart -- Handle the restart mission process. * * * * This routine is called in the main game loop when the mission must be restarted. This * * routine will throw away the current game and reload the appropriate mission. The * * game will "resume" at the start of the mission. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/24/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Do_Restart(void) { /* ** Start a timer going, before we restart the scenario */ CDTimerClass timer; timer = TICKS_PER_SECOND * 4; Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_QUIET); WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_RESTARTING, TXT_NONE); Map.Set_Default_Mouse(MOUSE_NORMAL); Keyboard->Clear(); Start_Scenario(Scen.ScenarioName, false); /* ** Start the scenario timer with the carried over value if necessary. */ if (Scen.IsInheritTimer) { Scen.MissionTimer = Scen.CarryOverTimer; Scen.MissionTimer.Start(); } /* ** Make sure the message stays displayed for at least 1 second */ while (timer > 0) { Call_Back(); } Keyboard->Clear(); Map.Render(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Restate_Mission -- Handles restating the mission objective. * * * * This routine will display the mission objective (as text). It will also give the * * option to redisplay the mission briefing video. * * * * INPUT: name -- The scenario name. This is the unique identifier for the scenario * * briefing text as it appears in the "MISSION.INI" file. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns the response from the dialog. This will either be 1 if the video was * * requested, or 0 if the return to game options button was selected. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/23/1995 JLB : Created. * * 08/06/1995 JLB : Uses preloaded briefing text. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool Restate_Mission(char const * name, int button1, int button2) { if (name) { bool brief = true; char buffer[25]; if (Scen.BriefMovie != VQ_NONE) { sprintf(buffer, "%s.VQA", VQName[Scen.BriefMovie]); } if (Scen.BriefMovie == VQ_NONE || !CCFileClass(buffer).Is_Available()) { button2 = TXT_OK; button1 = TXT_NONE; brief = false; } /* ** If mission object text was found, then display it. */ if (strlen(Scen.BriefingText)) { strcpy(_ShapeBuffer, Scen.BriefingText); BlackPalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); if (BGMessageBox(_ShapeBuffer, button2, button1)) { return(true); } if (!brief) return(true); return(false); } } return(false); } #define BUTTON_1 1 #define BUTTON_2 2 #define BUTTON_3 3 #define BUTTON_FLAG 0x8000 bool BGMessageBox(char const * msg, int btn1, int btn2) { #define BUFFSIZE 511 char buffer[BUFFSIZE]; bool retval; bool process; // loop while true KeyNumType input; // user input int selection; bool pressed; int curbutton; TextButtonClass * buttons[3]; BOOL display; // display level int realval[5]; int morebutton = 3; // which button says "more": 2 or 3? const char * b1txt = Text_String(btn1); const char * b2txt = Text_String(btn2); #ifdef FRENCH const char * b3txt = "SUITE"; #else #ifdef GERMAN const char * b3txt = "MEHR"; #else const char * b3txt = "MORE"; #endif #endif const void *briefsnd = MFCD::Retrieve("BRIEFING.AUD"); GadgetClass::Set_Color_Scheme(&ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_TYPE]); /* ** If the message won't be needing the 'more' button, get rid of it. */ if (strlen(msg) <= BUFFSIZE-1) { b3txt = ""; } #ifdef WIN32 GraphicBufferClass seen_buff_save(VisiblePage.Get_Width(), VisiblePage.Get_Height(), (void*)NULL); #endif /* ** If there's no text for button one, zero it out. */ if (*b1txt == '\0') { b1txt = b2txt; b2txt = ""; if(*b1txt == '\0') { b1txt=0; } } /* ** If there's no text for button two, zero it out. However, if there ** is text for button three, move its text (always "MORE") to button two, ** and set the morebutton flag to point to button two. Then, clear out ** button 3. */ if (*b2txt == '\0') { b2txt = 0; if (*b3txt != '\0') { b2txt = b3txt; b3txt = ""; morebutton = 1; } } /* ** If there's no text for button three, zero it out. */ if (*b3txt == '\0') b3txt = 0; Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_NONE, 0, 0, &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_TYPE], TBLACK, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL); /* ** Examine the optional button parameters. Fetch the width and starting ** characters for each. */ char b1char, b2char, b3char; // 1st char of each string int bwidth, bheight; // button width and height int numbuttons = 0; if (b1txt) { b1char = toupper(b1txt[0]); /* ** Build the button list. */ bheight = FontHeight + FontYSpacing + 2; bwidth = max((String_Pixel_Width(b1txt) + 8), 80); if (b2txt) { numbuttons = 2; b2char = toupper(b2txt[0]); bwidth = max((String_Pixel_Width( b2txt ) + 8), bwidth); // b1x = x + 10; // left side if (b3txt) { numbuttons = 3; b3char = toupper(b3txt[0]); bwidth = max((String_Pixel_Width( b3txt ) + 8), bwidth); } } else { numbuttons = 1; // b1x = x + ((width - bwidth) >> 1); // centered } } /* ** Determine the dimensions of the text to be used for the dialog box. ** These dimensions will control how the dialog box looks. */ buffer[BUFFSIZE-1] = 0; int buffend = BUFFSIZE-1; strncpy(buffer, msg, BUFFSIZE-1); /* ** Scan through the string to see if it got clipped, and if so, we'll ** trim it back to the last space so it'll clip on a word. */ if (strlen(buffer) != strlen(msg)) { while (buffer[buffend] != ' ') buffend--; buffer[buffend]=0; } Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_NONE, 0, 0, &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_TYPE], TBLACK, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL); int width; int height; Format_Window_String(buffer, 300, width, height); height += (numbuttons == 0) ? 30 : 60; int x = (SeenBuff.Get_Width() - width) / 2; int y = (SeenBuff.Get_Height() - height) / 2; /* ** Other inits. */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /* ** Initialize the button structures. All are initialized, even though one (or none) may ** actually be added to the button list. */ TextButtonClass button1(BUTTON_1, b1txt, TPF_BUTTON, x + ((numbuttons == 1) ? ((width - bwidth) >> 1) : 10), y + height - (bheight + 5), bwidth); TextButtonClass button2(BUTTON_2, b2txt, TPF_BUTTON, x + width - (bwidth + 10), y + height - (bheight + 5), bwidth); TextButtonClass button3(BUTTON_3, b3txt, TPF_BUTTON, 0, y + height - (bheight + 5)); button3.X = x + ((width - button3.Width) >> 1); TextButtonClass * buttonlist = 0; curbutton = 0; /* ** Add and initialize the buttons to the button list. */ if (numbuttons) { buttonlist = &button1; buttons[0] = &button1; realval[0] = BUTTON_1; if (numbuttons > 2) { button3.Add(*buttonlist); buttons[1] = &button3; realval[1] = BUTTON_3; button2.Add(*buttonlist); buttons[2] = &button2; realval[2] = BUTTON_2; buttons[curbutton]->Turn_On(); } else if (numbuttons == 2) { button2.Add(*buttonlist); buttons[1] = &button2; realval[1] = BUTTON_2; buttons[curbutton]->Turn_On(); } } /* ** Draw the dialog. */ Hide_Mouse(); PaletteClass temp; #ifdef WIN32 char *filename = "SOVPAPER.PCX"; if (PlayerPtr->Class->House != HOUSE_USSR && PlayerPtr->Class->House != HOUSE_UKRAINE) { filename = "ALIPAPER.PCX"; } Load_Title_Screen(filename, &HidPage, temp); #else char *filename = "SOVPAPER.CPS"; if (PlayerPtr->Class->House != HOUSE_USSR && PlayerPtr->Class->House != HOUSE_UKRAINE) { filename = "ALIPAPER.CPS"; } Load_Uncompress(CCFileClass(filename), HidPage, HidPage, temp); #endif HidPage.Blit(SeenPage); #ifdef WIN32 VisiblePage.Blit(seen_buff_save); #endif static char _scorepal[]={0,1,12,13,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,255,252,253,14,248}; Set_Font_Palette(_scorepal); temp.Set(FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); /* ** Main Processing Loop. */ int bufindex = 0; Keyboard->Clear(); Set_Font_Palette(_scorepal); int xprint = x + 20; int yprint = y + 25; do { #ifdef WIN32 /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored) { AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored = false; Hide_Mouse(); seen_buff_save.Blit(VisiblePage); display = true; Show_Mouse(); } #endif char bufprint[2]; bufprint[1]=0; bufprint[0] = buffer[bufindex]; if (bufprint[0] == '\r' || bufprint[0] == '@') { xprint = x + 20; yprint += FontHeight + FontYSpacing; } else { if (bufprint[0] != 20) { SeenPage.Print(bufprint, xprint, yprint, TBLACK, TBLACK); #ifdef WIN32 seen_buff_save.Print(bufprint, xprint, yprint, TBLACK, TBLACK); #endif xprint += Char_Pixel_Width(bufprint[0]); } } if (bufprint[0] == '\r' || bufprint[0] == '@') { #ifdef WIN32 Play_Sample(briefsnd, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(135)); #else Play_Sample(briefsnd, 255, Options.Normalize_Volume(45)); #endif CDTimerClass cd; cd = 5; do { Call_Back(); } while(!Keyboard->Check() && cd); } } while (buffer[++bufindex]); Show_Mouse(); Keyboard->Clear(); if (buttonlist) { process = true; pressed = false; while (process) { #ifdef WIN32 /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored) { AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored = false; Hide_Mouse(); seen_buff_save.Blit(VisiblePage); display = true; Show_Mouse(); } #endif if (display) { display = false; Hide_Mouse(); /* ** Redraw the buttons. */ if (buttonlist) { buttonlist->Draw_All(); } Show_Mouse(); } /* ** Invoke game callback. */ Call_Back(); /* ** Fetch and process input. */ input = buttonlist->Input(); switch (input) { case (BUTTON_1|BUTTON_FLAG): selection = realval[0]; pressed = true; break; case (KN_ESC): if (numbuttons > 2) { selection = realval[1]; pressed = true; } else { selection = realval[2]; pressed = true; } break; case (BUTTON_2|BUTTON_FLAG): selection = BUTTON_2; pressed = true; break; case (BUTTON_3|BUTTON_FLAG): selection = realval[1]; pressed = true; break; case (KN_LEFT): if (numbuttons > 1) { buttons[curbutton]->Turn_Off(); buttons[curbutton]->Flag_To_Redraw(); curbutton--; if (curbutton < 0) { curbutton = numbuttons - 1; } buttons[curbutton]->Turn_On(); buttons[curbutton]->Flag_To_Redraw(); } break; case (KN_RIGHT): if (numbuttons > 1) { buttons[curbutton]->Turn_Off(); buttons[curbutton]->Flag_To_Redraw(); curbutton++; if (curbutton > (numbuttons - 1) ) { curbutton = 0; } buttons[curbutton]->Turn_On(); buttons[curbutton]->Flag_To_Redraw(); } break; case (KN_RETURN): selection = curbutton + BUTTON_1; pressed = true; break; /* ** Check 'input' to see if it's the 1st char of button text */ default: if (b1char == toupper(Keyboard->To_ASCII((KeyNumType)(input & 0xFF)))) { selection = BUTTON_1; pressed = true; } else if (b2txt!=NULL && b2char == toupper(Keyboard->To_ASCII((KeyNumType)(input & 0xFF)))) { selection = BUTTON_2; pressed = true; } else if (b3txt!=NULL && b3char == toupper(Keyboard->To_ASCII((KeyNumType)(input & 0xFF)))) { selection = BUTTON_3; pressed = true; } break; } if (pressed) { switch (selection) { case (BUTTON_1): retval = 1; process = false; break; case (BUTTON_2): retval = 0; process = false; break; case BUTTON_3: retval = 2; process = false; break; } pressed = false; } } } else { Keyboard->Clear(); } if (retval == (morebutton-1) && strlen(msg) > BUFFSIZE-1) { retval = BGMessageBox(msg + buffend + 1, btn1, btn2); } /* ** Restore the screen. */ Hide_Mouse(); /* ** Now set the palette, depending on if we're going to show the video or ** go back to the main menu. */ switch (retval) { case 0: // BlackPalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); // SeenPage.Clear(); //// CCPalette.Set(); // break; case 1: BlackPalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); SeenPage.Clear(); break; default: break; } Show_Mouse(); GadgetClass::Set_Color_Scheme(&ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_DIALOG_BLUE]); return(retval); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Set_Scenario_Name -- Creates the INI scenario name string. * * * * This routine is used by the scenario loading and saving code. It generates the scenario * * INI root file name for the specified scenario parameters. * * * * INPUT: * * buf buffer to store filename in; must be long enough for root.ext * * scenario scenario number * * player player type for this game (GDI, NOD, multi-player, ...) * * dir directional parameter for this game (East/West) * * var variation of this game (Lose, A/B/C/D, etc) * * * * OUTPUT: none. * * * * WARNINGS: none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/28/1994 JLB : Created. * * 05/01/1995 BRR : 2-player scenarios use same names as multiplayer * *=============================================================================================*/ void ScenarioClass::Set_Scenario_Name(int scenario, ScenarioPlayerType player, ScenarioDirType dir, ScenarioVarType var) { Scenario = scenario; // ScenPlayer = player; // ScenDir = dir; // ScenVar = var; char c_player; // character representing player type char c_dir; // character representing direction type char c_var; // character representing variation type ScenarioVarType i; char fname[_MAX_FNAME+_MAX_EXT]; /* ** Set the player-type value. */ switch (player) { case SCEN_PLAYER_SPAIN: c_player = HouseTypeClass::As_Reference(HOUSE_SPAIN).Prefix; break; case SCEN_PLAYER_GREECE: c_player = HouseTypeClass::As_Reference(HOUSE_GREECE).Prefix; break; case SCEN_PLAYER_USSR: c_player = HouseTypeClass::As_Reference(HOUSE_USSR).Prefix; break; case SCEN_PLAYER_JP: c_player = HouseTypeClass::As_Reference(HOUSE_JP).Prefix; break; /* ** Multi player scenario. */ default: c_player = HouseTypeClass::As_Reference(HOUSE_MULTI1).Prefix; break; } /* ** Set the directional character value. ** If SCEN_DIR_NONE is specified, randomly pick a direction; otherwise, use 'E' or 'W' */ switch (dir) { case SCEN_DIR_EAST: c_dir = 'E'; break; case SCEN_DIR_WEST: c_dir = 'W'; break; default: case SCEN_DIR_NONE: c_dir = Percent_Chance(50) ? 'W' : 'E'; break; } /* ** Set the variation value. */ if (var == SCEN_VAR_NONE) { /* ** Find which variations are available for this scenario */ for (i = SCEN_VAR_FIRST; i < SCEN_VAR_COUNT; i++) { sprintf(fname, "SC%c%02d%c%c.INI", c_player, scenario, c_dir, 'A' + i); if (!CCFileClass(fname).Is_Available()) { break; } } if (i==SCEN_VAR_FIRST) { c_var = 'X'; // indicates an error } else { c_var = 'A' + Random_Pick(0, i-1); // ScenVar = (ScenarioVarType)i; } } else { switch (var) { case SCEN_VAR_A: c_var = 'A'; break; case SCEN_VAR_B: c_var = 'B'; break; case SCEN_VAR_C: c_var = 'C'; break; case SCEN_VAR_D: c_var = 'D'; break; default: c_var = 'L'; break; } } /* ** generate the filename */ #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 //Mono_Printf("In set_scenario_name, scenario # = %d\n",scenario);Keyboard->Get();Keyboard->Get(); if (scenario < 100) { sprintf(ScenarioName, "SC%c%02d%c%c.INI", c_player, scenario, c_dir, c_var); } else { char first = (scenario / 36) + 'A'; char second = scenario % 36; if (second < 10) { second += '0'; } else { second = (second - 10) + 'A'; } sprintf(ScenarioName, "SC%c%c%c%c%c.INI", c_player, first, second, c_dir, c_var); } #else sprintf(ScenarioName, "SC%c%02d%c%c.INI", c_player, scenario, c_dir, c_var); #endif } void ScenarioClass::Set_Scenario_Name(char const * name) { if (name != NULL) { strncpy(ScenarioName, name, sizeof(ScenarioName)); ScenarioName[ARRAY_SIZE(ScenarioName)-1] = '\0'; char buf[3]; memcpy(buf, &ScenarioName[3], 2); buf[2] = '\0'; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (buf[0] > '9' || buf[1] > '9') { char first = buf[0]; char second = buf[1]; if (first <= '9') { first -= '0'; } else { first -= 'A'; } if (second <= '9') { second -= '0'; } else { second = (second - 'A') + 10; } Scenario = (36 * first) + second; } else { Scenario = atoi(buf); } #else Scenario = atoi(buf); #endif } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Read_Scenario_INI -- Read specified scenario INI file. * * * * Read in the scenario INI file. This routine only sets the game * * globals with that data that is explicitly defined in the INI file. * * The remaining necessary interpolated data is generated elsewhere. * * * * INPUT: * * root root filename for scenario file to read * * * * fresh true = should the current scenario be cleared? * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the scenario read successful? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/07/1992 JLB : Created. V.Grippi added CS check 2/5/97 * *=============================================================================================*/ bool Read_Scenario_INI(char * fname, bool ) { // char fname[_MAX_FNAME+_MAX_EXT]; // full INI filename ScenarioInit++; Clear_Scenario(); #ifdef OBSOLETE /* ** If we are not dealing with scenario 1, or a multi player scenario ** then make sure the correct disk is in the drive. */ if (RequiredCD != -2) { RequiredCD = -1; } #endif /* ** Only force a CD check if this is a single player game or if its ** a multiplayer game on an official scenario. If its non-official ** (a user scenario) then we dont care which CD is in because the ** scenario is stored locally on the hard drive. In this case, we ** have already verified its existance. ST 3/1/97 4:52PM. */ #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // Avoid CD check if official scenario was downloaded. if( ( Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL || Session.ScenarioIsOfficial ) && _stricmp( Scen.ScenarioName, "download.tmp" ) ){ #else if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL || Session.ScenarioIsOfficial){ #endif /* ** If this is scenario 1 then it should be on all CDs unless its an ant scenario */ if (Scen.Scenario == 1 && Scen.ScenarioName[2] != 'A') { RequiredCD = -1; } else { // Mono_Printf("Read_SCen_INI scenario is: %s\n", Scen.ScenarioName); /* ** If this is a multiplayer scenario we need to find out if its a counterstrike ** scenario. If so then we need CD 2. The original multiplayer scenarios are on ** all CDs. */ if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL) { #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 RequiredCD = -1; // default that any CD will do. // If it's a counterstrike mission, require the counterstrike CD, unless the // Aftermath CD is already in the drive, in which case, leave it there. // Note, this works because this section only tests for multiplayer scenarios. if (Is_Mission_Counterstrike(Scen.ScenarioName)) { RequiredCD = 2; if( Is_Aftermath_Installed() || Get_CD_Index(CCFileClass::Get_CD_Drive(), 1*60) == 3 ) { RequiredCD = 3; } } if(Is_Mission_Aftermath(Scen.ScenarioName)) { RequiredCD = 3; } #else if (Scen.Scenario > 24) { RequiredCD = 2; } else { RequiredCD = -1; } #endif } else { /* ** This is a solo game. If the scenario number is >= 20 or its an ant mission ** then we need the counterstrike CD (2) */ if (Scen.Scenario >= 20 || Scen.ScenarioName[2] == 'A') { RequiredCD = 2; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (Scen.Scenario >= 36 && Scen.ScenarioName[2] != 'A') { RequiredCD = 3; #ifdef BOGUSCD RequiredCD = -1; #endif } #endif } else { /* ** This is a solo mission from the original Red Alert. Choose the Soviet or ** allied CD depending on the scenario name. */ if (Scen.ScenarioName[2] == 'U') { RequiredCD = 1; } else { if (Scen.ScenarioName[2] == 'G') { // Mono_Printf("We are setting REquiredCD to 0"); RequiredCD = 0; } } } } } #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 // If we're asking for a CD swap, check to see if we need to set the palette // to avoid a black screen. If this is a normal RA game, and the CD being // requested is an RA CD, then don't set the palette, leave the map screen up. #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 int cd_index = Get_CD_Index(CCFileClass::Get_CD_Drive(), 1*60); if( !( Using_DVD() && cd_index == 5 ) && cd_index != RequiredCD ) { #else if (Get_CD_Index(CCFileClass::Get_CD_Drive(), 1*60) != RequiredCD) { #endif if ((RequiredCD == 0 || RequiredCD == 1) && Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { SeenPage.Clear(); } GamePalette.Set(FADE_PALETTE_FAST, Call_Back); } #endif if (!Force_CD_Available(RequiredCD)) { //Prog_End(); Emergency_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { /* ** This is a user scenario so any old CD will do. */ RequiredCD = -1; } /* ** Create scenario filename and read the file. */ // sprintf(fname, "%s.INI", root); CCINIClass ini; CCFileClass file(fname); // file.Cache(); int result = ini.Load(file, true); if (result == 0) { // Mono_Printf("ini.Load failed"); return(false); } /* ** If the scenario digest is wrong then the return code will be a 2. */ if (result == 2) { // if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL || Session.ScenarioIsOfficial) { /* ** Make a special exception so that multiplayer maps from 1 through ** 24 will not care if the message digest is in error. All other ** maps will abort the scenario load. */ if (Scen.ScenarioName[2] != 'M' || Scen.Scenario >= 25) { GamePalette.Set(); WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_SCENARIO_ERROR, TXT_OK); #ifdef RELEASE_VERSION return(false); #endif } // } } /* ** Reset the rules values to their initial settings. */ #ifdef FIXIT_NAME_OVERRIDE for (int index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE(NameOverride); index++) { if (NameOverride[index] != NULL) free((void*)NameOverride[index]); NameOverride[index] = NULL; NameIDOverride[index] = 0; } if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { Special.IsShadowGrow = false; } #endif #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS Session.Messages.Reset(); // Session.Messages.Add_Message(NULL, 0, NULL, PCOLOR_GREEN, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_FULLSHADOW, 1); // Session.Messages.Add_Message(NULL, 0, NULL, PCOLOR_GREEN, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_FULLSHADOW, 1); // Session.Messages.Add_Message(NULL, 0, NULL, PCOLOR_GREEN, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_FULLSHADOW, 1); // Session.Messages.Add_Message(NULL, 0, NULL, PCOLOR_GREEN, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_FULLSHADOW, 1); // Session.Messages.Add_Message(NULL, 0, NULL, PCOLOR_GREEN, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_FULLSHADOW, 1); // Session.Messages.Add_Message(NULL, 0, NULL, PCOLOR_GREEN, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_FULLSHADOW, 1); WeaponTypeClass::As_Pointer(WEAPON_FLAMER)->Sound = VOC_NONE; InfantryTypeClass::As_Reference(INFANTRY_THIEF).IsDoubleOwned = false; InfantryTypeClass::As_Reference(INFANTRY_E4).IsDoubleOwned = false; InfantryTypeClass::As_Reference(INFANTRY_SPY).PrimaryWeapon = NULL; InfantryTypeClass::As_Reference(INFANTRY_SPY).SecondaryWeapon = NULL; InfantryTypeClass::As_Reference(INFANTRY_GENERAL).IsBomber = false; UnitTypeClass::As_Reference(UNIT_HARVESTER).IsExploding = false; UnitTypeClass::As_Reference(UNIT_ANT1).Level = -1; UnitTypeClass::As_Reference(UNIT_ANT2).Level = -1; UnitTypeClass::As_Reference(UNIT_ANT3).Level = -1; BuildingTypeClass::As_Reference(STRUCT_QUEEN).Level = -1; BuildingTypeClass::As_Reference(STRUCT_LARVA1).Level = -1; BuildingTypeClass::As_Reference(STRUCT_LARVA2).Level = -1; #endif Rule.General(RuleINI); Rule.Recharge(RuleINI); Rule.AI(RuleINI); Rule.Powerups(RuleINI); Rule.Land_Types(RuleINI); Rule.Themes(RuleINI); Rule.IQ(RuleINI); Rule.Objects(RuleINI); Rule.Difficulty(RuleINI); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 - Except does this _change_ any rules, or just add to them? - Just adds. Rule.General(AftermathINI); Rule.Recharge(AftermathINI); Rule.AI(AftermathINI); Rule.Powerups(AftermathINI); Rule.Land_Types(AftermathINI); Rule.Themes(AftermathINI); Rule.IQ(AftermathINI); Rule.Objects(AftermathINI); Rule.Difficulty(AftermathINI); #endif /* ** Override any rules values specified in this ** particular scenario file. */ Rule.General(ini); Rule.Recharge(ini); Rule.AI(ini); Rule.Powerups(ini); Rule.Land_Types(ini); Rule.Themes(ini); Rule.IQ(ini); Rule.Objects(ini); Rule.Difficulty(ini); /* ** Init the Scenario CRC value */ ScenarioCRC = 0; #ifdef TOFIX len = strlen(buffer); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { val = (unsigned char)buffer[i]; Add_CRC(&ScenarioCRC, (unsigned long)val); } #endif /* ** Fetch the appropriate movie names from the INI file. */ const char * const BASIC = "Basic"; ini.Get_String(BASIC, "Name", "", Scen.Description, sizeof(Scen.Description)); Scen.IntroMovie = ini.Get_VQType(BASIC, "Intro", Scen.IntroMovie); Scen.BriefMovie = ini.Get_VQType(BASIC, "Brief", Scen.BriefMovie); Scen.WinMovie = ini.Get_VQType(BASIC, "Win", Scen.WinMovie); Scen.LoseMovie = ini.Get_VQType(BASIC, "Lose", Scen.LoseMovie); Scen.ActionMovie = ini.Get_VQType(BASIC, "Action", Scen.ActionMovie); Scen.IsToCarryOver = ini.Get_Bool(BASIC, "ToCarryOver", Scen.IsToCarryOver); Scen.IsToInherit = ini.Get_Bool(BASIC, "ToInherit", Scen.IsToInherit); Scen.IsInheritTimer = ini.Get_Bool(BASIC, "TimerInherit", Scen.IsInheritTimer); Scen.IsEndOfGame = ini.Get_Bool(BASIC, "EndOfGame", Scen.IsEndOfGame); Scen.IsTanyaEvac = ini.Get_Bool(BASIC, "CivEvac", Scen.IsTanyaEvac); Scen.TransitTheme = ini.Get_ThemeType(BASIC, "Theme", THEME_NONE); NewINIFormat = ini.Get_Int(BASIC, "NewINIFormat", 0); Scen.CarryOverPercent = ini.Get_Fixed(BASIC, "CarryOverMoney", Scen.CarryOverPercent); Scen.CarryOverPercent = Saturate(Scen.CarryOverPercent, 1); Scen.CarryOverCap = ini.Get_Int(BASIC, "CarryOverCap", Scen.CarryOverCap); Scen.IsNoSpyPlane = ini.Get_Bool(BASIC, "NoSpyPlane", Scen.IsNoSpyPlane); Scen.IsSkipScore = ini.Get_Bool(BASIC, "SkipScore", Scen.IsSkipScore); Scen.IsOneTimeOnly = ini.Get_Bool(BASIC, "OneTimeOnly", Scen.IsOneTimeOnly); Scen.IsNoMapSel = ini.Get_Bool(BASIC, "SkipMapSelect", Scen.IsNoMapSel); Scen.IsTruckCrate = ini.Get_Bool(BASIC, "TruckCrate", Scen.IsTruckCrate); Scen.IsMoneyTiberium = ini.Get_Bool(BASIC, "FillSilos", Scen.IsMoneyTiberium); Scen.Percent = ini.Get_Int(BASIC, "Percent", Scen.Percent); /* ** Read in the specific information for each of the house types. This creates ** the houses of different types. */ HouseClass::Read_INI(ini); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in the team-type data. The team types must be created before any ** triggers can be created. */ TeamTypeClass::Read_INI(ini); Call_Back(); /* ** Assign PlayerPtr by reading the player's house from the INI; ** Must be done before any TechnoClass objects are created. */ if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { PlayerPtr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(ini.Get_HousesType(BASIC, "Player", HOUSE_GREECE)); PlayerPtr->Assign_Handicap(Scen.Difficulty); int carryover; if (Scen.CarryOverCap != -1) { carryover = min(Scen.CarryOverMoney * Scen.CarryOverPercent, Scen.CarryOverCap); } else { carryover = Scen.CarryOverMoney * Scen.CarryOverPercent; } PlayerPtr->Credits += carryover; PlayerPtr->Control.InitialCredits += carryover; } else { Assign_Houses(); } PlayerPtr->IsHuman = true; PlayerPtr->IsPlayerControl = true; /* ** Read in the trigger data. The triggers must be created before any other ** objects can be initialized. */ TriggerTypeClass::Read_INI(ini); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in the map control values. This includes dimensions ** as well as theater information. */ Map.Read_INI(ini); Call_Back(); // if (NewINIFormat < 2 || !ini.Is_Present("MapPack")) { // Map.Read_Binary(root, &ScenarioCRC); // } /* ** Read in and place the 3D terrain objects. */ TerrainClass::Read_INI(ini); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in and place the units (all sides). */ UnitClass::Read_INI(ini); Call_Back(); VesselClass::Read_INI(ini); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in and place the infantry units (all sides). */ InfantryClass::Read_INI(ini); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in and place all the buildings on the map. */ BuildingClass::Read_INI(ini); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in the AI's base information. */ Base.Read_INI(ini); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in any normal overlay objects. */ OverlayClass::Read_INI(ini); Call_Back(); /* ** Read in any smudge overlays. */ SmudgeClass::Read_INI(ini); Call_Back(); /* Moved above ini.Get_TextBlock(...) so Xlat mission.ini could be loaded ** If the briefing text could not be found in the INI file, then search ** the mission.ini file. VG 10/17/96 */ INIClass mini; mini.Load(CCFileClass("MISSION.INI")); mini.Get_TextBlock(fname, Scen.BriefingText, sizeof(Scen.BriefingText)); /* ** Read in any briefing text. */ if (Scen.BriefingText[0] == '\0') { ini.Get_TextBlock("Briefing", Scen.BriefingText, sizeof(Scen.BriefingText)); } /* ** Perform a final overpass of the map. This handles smoothing of certain ** types of terrain (tiberium). */ Map.Overpass(); Call_Back(); /* ** Multi-player last-minute fixups: ** - If computer players are disabled, remove all computer-owned houses ** - If bases are disabled, create the scenario dynamically ** - Remove any flag spot overlays lying around ** - If capture-the-flag is enabled, assign flags to cells. */ if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL /*|| Scen.ScenPlayer == SCEN_PLAYER_2PLAYER || Scen.ScenPlayer == SCEN_PLAYER_MPLAYER*/) { /* ** If Ghosts are disabled and we're not editing, remove computer players ** (Must be done after all objects are read in from the INI) */ if ( (Session.Options.AIPlayers + Session.Players.Count() < Rule.MaxPlayers) && !Debug_Map) { Remove_AI_Players(); } /* ** Units must be created for each house. If bases are ON, this routine ** will create an MCV along with the units; otherwise, it will just create ** a whole bunch of units. Session.Options.UnitCount is the total # of units ** to create. */ if (!Debug_Map) { int save_init = ScenarioInit; // turn ScenarioInit off ScenarioInit = 0; Create_Units(ini.Get_Bool("Basic", "Official", false)); ScenarioInit = save_init; // turn ScenarioInit back on } /* ** Place crates if random crates are enabled for ** this scenario. */ if (Session.Options.Goodies) { int count = max(Rule.CrateMinimum, Session.NumPlayers); count = min(count, Rule.CrateMaximum); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { Map.Place_Random_Crate(); } } /* ** Compute my starting location as the average Coord of all my stuff. */ Map.Compute_Start_Pos(); } Call_Back(); /* ** Return with flag saying that the scenario file was read. */ #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 - Added runtime check. if( Is_Aftermath_Installed() ) { if (Session.Type == GAME_SKIRMISH) { bAftermathMultiplayer = NewUnitsEnabled = true; } } #endif ScenarioInit--; return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Write_Scenario_INI -- Write the scenario INI file. * * * * INPUT: * * root root filename for the scenario * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/07/1992 JLB : Created. * * 05/11/1995 JLB : Updates movie data. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Write_Scenario_INI(char * fname) { #ifndef CHEAT_KEYS fname = fname; #else // CCFileClass file(fname); CCINIClass ini; /* ** Preload the old scenario if it is present because there may ** be some fields in the INI that are processed but not written ** out. Preloading the scenario will preserve these manually ** maintained entries. */ if (CCFileClass(fname).Is_Available()) { ini.Load(CCFileClass(fname), true); } static char const * const BASIC = "Basic"; ini.Clear(BASIC); ini.Put_String(BASIC, "Name", Scen.Description); ini.Put_VQType(BASIC, "Intro", Scen.IntroMovie); ini.Put_VQType(BASIC, "Brief", Scen.BriefMovie); ini.Put_VQType(BASIC, "Win", Scen.WinMovie); ini.Put_VQType(BASIC, "Lose", Scen.LoseMovie); ini.Put_VQType(BASIC, "Action", Scen.ActionMovie); ini.Put_HousesType(BASIC, "Player", PlayerPtr->Class->House); ini.Put_ThemeType(BASIC, "Theme", Scen.TransitTheme); ini.Put_Fixed(BASIC, "CarryOverMoney", Scen.CarryOverPercent); ini.Put_Bool(BASIC, "ToCarryOver", Scen.IsToCarryOver); ini.Put_Bool(BASIC, "ToInherit", Scen.IsToInherit); ini.Put_Bool(BASIC, "TimerInherit", Scen.IsInheritTimer); ini.Put_Bool(BASIC, "CivEvac", Scen.IsTanyaEvac); ini.Put_Int(BASIC, "NewINIFormat", 3); ini.Put_Int(BASIC, "CarryOverCap", Scen.CarryOverCap/100); ini.Put_Bool(BASIC, "EndOfGame", Scen.IsEndOfGame); ini.Put_Bool(BASIC, "NoSpyPlane", Scen.IsNoSpyPlane); ini.Put_Bool(BASIC, "SkipScore", Scen.IsSkipScore); ini.Put_Bool(BASIC, "OneTimeOnly", Scen.IsOneTimeOnly); ini.Put_Bool(BASIC, "SkipMapSelect", Scen.IsNoMapSel); ini.Put_Bool(BASIC, "Official", true); ini.Put_Bool(BASIC, "FillSilos", Scen.IsMoneyTiberium); ini.Put_Bool(BASIC, "TruckCrate", Scen.IsTruckCrate); ini.Put_Int(BASIC, "Percent", Scen.Percent); HouseClass::Write_INI(ini); TeamTypeClass::Write_INI(ini); TriggerTypeClass::Write_INI(ini); Map.Write_INI(ini); TerrainClass::Write_INI(ini); UnitClass::Write_INI(ini); VesselClass::Write_INI(ini); InfantryClass::Write_INI(ini); BuildingClass::Write_INI(ini); Base.Write_INI(ini); OverlayClass::Write_INI(ini); SmudgeClass::Write_INI(ini); if (strlen(Scen.BriefingText)) { ini.Put_TextBlock("Briefing", Scen.BriefingText); } // sprintf(fname, "%s.INI", root); RawFileClass rawfile(fname); ini.Save(rawfile, true); #endif } /*********************************************************************************************** * Assign_Houses -- Assigns multiplayer houses to various players * * * * This routine assigns all players to a multiplayer house slot; it forms network connections * * to each player. The Connection ID used is the value for that player's HousesType. * * * * PlayerPtr is also set here. * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * This routine assumes the 'Players' vector has been properly filled in with players' * * names, addresses, color, etc. * * Also, it's assumed that the HouseClass's have all been created & initialized. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/09/1995 BRR : Created. * * 07/14/1995 JLB : Records name of player in house structure. * *=============================================================================================*/ void Assign_Houses(void) { int assigned[MAX_PLAYERS]; int color_used[8]; int i,j; HousesType house; HouseClass * housep; int lowest_color; int index; HousesType pref_house; int color; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Initialize //------------------------------------------------------------------------ for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { assigned[i] = 0; color_used[i] = 0; } // debugprint( "Assign_Houses()\n" ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Assign each player in 'Players' to a multiplayer house. Players will // be sorted by their chosen color value (this value must be unique among // all the players). //------------------------------------------------------------------------ for (i = 0; i < Session.Players.Count(); i++) { //..................................................................... // Find the player with the lowest color index //..................................................................... index = 0; lowest_color = 255; for (j = 0; j < Session.Players.Count(); j++) { //.................................................................. // If we've already assigned this house, skip it. //.................................................................. if (assigned[j]) { continue; } if (Session.Players[j]->Player.Color < lowest_color) { lowest_color = Session.Players[j]->Player.Color; index = j; } } //..................................................................... // Mark this player as having been assigned. //..................................................................... assigned[index] = 1; color_used[Session.Players[index]->Player.Color] = 1; //..................................................................... // Assign the lowest-color'd player to the next available slot in the // HouseClass array. //..................................................................... house = (HousesType)(i + HOUSE_MULTI1); housep = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house); memset((char *)housep->IniName, 0, MPLAYER_NAME_MAX); strncpy((char *)housep->IniName, Session.Players[index]->Name, MPLAYER_NAME_MAX - 1); #ifdef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION // Make another copy of name, permanent throughout entire game. strncpy((char *)housep->InitialName, Session.Players[index]->Name, MPLAYER_NAME_MAX - 1); #endif housep->IsHuman = true; housep->Init_Data((PlayerColorType)(Session.Players[index]->Player.Color), Session.Players[index]->Player.House, Session.Options.Credits); if (index == 0) { PlayerPtr = housep; } /* ** Convert the build level into an actual tech level to assign to the house. ** There isn't a one-to-one correspondence. */ housep->Control.TechLevel = _build_tech[BuildLevel]; housep->Assign_Handicap(Scen.Difficulty); //..................................................................... // Record where we placed this player //..................................................................... Session.Players[index]->Player.ID = house; // debugprint( "Assigned ID of %i to %s\n", house, Session.Players[index]->Name ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Now assign computer players to the remaining houses. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ for (i = Session.Players.Count(); i < Session.Players.Count() + Session.Options.AIPlayers; i++) { house = (HousesType)(i + HOUSE_MULTI1); housep = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house); if (Percent_Chance(50)) { pref_house = HOUSE_GREECE; } else { pref_house = HOUSE_USSR; } //..................................................................... // Pick a color for this house; keep looping until we find one. //..................................................................... while (1) { color = Random_Pick(0, 7); if (color_used[color] == false) { break; } } color_used[color] = true; //..................................................................... // Set up the house //..................................................................... // housep->Control.MaxUnit = 80; // housep->Control.MaxInfantry = 60; // housep->Control.MaxBuilding = 60; // housep->Control.MaxVessel = 60; housep->IsHuman = false; housep->IsStarted = true; strcpy(housep->IniName, Text_String(TXT_COMPUTER)); if (Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL) { housep->IQ = Rule.MaxIQ; } housep->Init_Data((PlayerColorType)color, pref_house, Session.Options.Credits); housep->Control.TechLevel = _build_tech[BuildLevel]; // housep->Control.TechLevel = BuildLevel; DiffType difficulty = Scen.CDifficulty; if (Session.Players.Count() > 1 && Rule.IsCompEasyBonus && difficulty > DIFF_EASY) { difficulty = (DiffType)(difficulty - 1); } housep->Assign_Handicap(difficulty); } for (i = Session.Players.Count()+Session.Options.AIPlayers; i < Rule.MaxPlayers; i++) { house = (HousesType)(i + HOUSE_MULTI1); housep = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house); if (housep != NULL) { housep->IsDefeated = true; } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Remove_AI_Players -- Removes the computer AI houses & their units * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/09/1995 BRR : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Remove_AI_Players(void) { int i; int aicount = 0; HousesType house; HouseClass * housep; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { house = (HousesType)(i + (int)HOUSE_MULTI1); housep = HouseClass::As_Pointer (house); if (housep->IsHuman == false) { aicount++; if(aicount > Session.Options.AIPlayers) { housep->Clobber_All(); } } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Create_Units -- Creates infantry & units, for non-base multiplayer * * * * This routine uses data tables to determine which units to create for either * * a GDI or NOD house, and how many of each. * * * * It also sets each house's FlagHome & FlagLocation to the Waypoint selected * * as that house's "home" cell. * * * * INPUT: official -- Directs the placement logic to use the full set of waypoints rather * * than biasing toward the first four. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/09/1995 BRR : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static void Create_Units(bool official) { static struct { int MinLevel; UnitType AllyType[2]; UnitType SovietType[2]; } utable[] = { {4, {UNIT_MTANK2, UNIT_LTANK}, {UNIT_MTANK, UNIT_NONE}}, {5, {UNIT_APC, UNIT_NONE}, {UNIT_V2_LAUNCHER, UNIT_NONE}}, {8, {UNIT_ARTY, UNIT_JEEP}, {UNIT_MTANK, UNIT_NONE}}, {10, {UNIT_MTANK2, UNIT_MTANK2}, {UNIT_HTANK, UNIT_NONE}} }; static int num_units[ARRAY_SIZE(utable)]; // # of each type of unit to create int tot_units; // total # units to create static struct { int MinLevel; int AllyCount; InfantryType AllyType; int SovietCount; InfantryType SovietType; } itable[] = { {0, 1,INFANTRY_E1, 1,INFANTRY_E1}, {2, 1,INFANTRY_E3, 1,INFANTRY_E2}, {4, 1,INFANTRY_E3, 1,INFANTRY_E4}, // removed because of bug B478 (inappropriate infantry given in a bases off scenario). // {5, 1,INFANTRY_RENOVATOR, 1,INFANTRY_RENOVATOR}, // {6, 1,INFANTRY_SPY, 1,INFANTRY_DOG}, // {10, 1,INFANTRY_THIEF, 1,INFANTRY_DOG}, // {12, 1,INFANTRY_MEDIC, 2,INFANTRY_DOG} }; static int num_infantry[ARRAY_SIZE(itable)];// # of each type of infantry to create int tot_infantry; // total # infantry to create CELL centroid; // centroid of this house's stuff CELL centerpt; // centroid for a category of objects, as a CELL int u_limit=0; // last allowable index of units for this BuildLevel int i_limit=0; // last allowable index of infantry for this BuildLevel TechnoClass * obj; // newly-created object int i,j,k; // loop counters int scaleval; // value to scale # units or infantry /* ** For the current BuildLevel, find the max allowable index into the tables */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(utable); i++) { if (PlayerPtr->Control.TechLevel >= utable[i].MinLevel) { u_limit = i+1; } } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(itable); i++) { if (PlayerPtr->Control.TechLevel >= itable[i].MinLevel) { i_limit = i+1; } } /* ** Compute how many of each buildable category to create */ /* ** Compute allowed # units */ tot_units = (Session.Options.UnitCount * 2) / 3; if (u_limit == 0) tot_units = 0; /* ** Init # of each category to 0 */ for (i = 0; i < u_limit; i++) { num_units[i] = 0; } /* ** Increment # of each category, until we've used up all units */ j = 0; for (i = 0; i < tot_units; i++) { num_units[j]++; j++; if (j >= u_limit) { j = 0; } } /* ** Compute allowed # infantry */ tot_infantry = Session.Options.UnitCount - tot_units; /* ** Init # of each category to 0 */ for (i = 0; i < i_limit; i++) { num_infantry[i] = 0; } /* ** Increment # of each category, until we've used up all infantry */ j = 0; for (i = 0; i < tot_infantry; i++) { num_infantry[j]++; j++; if (j >= i_limit) { j = 0; } } /* ** Build a list of the valid waypoints. This normally shouldn't be ** necessary because the scenario level designer should have assigned ** valid locations to the first N waypoints, but just in case, this ** loop verifies that. */ bool taken[26]; CELL waypts[26]; assert(Rule.MaxPlayers < ARRAY_SIZE(waypts)); int num_waypts = 0; /* ** Calculate the number of waypoints (as a minimum) that will be lifted from the ** mission file. Bias this number so that only the first 4 waypoints are used ** if there are 4 or fewer players. Unofficial maps will pick from all the ** available waypoints. */ int look_for = max(4, Session.Players.Count()+Session.Options.AIPlayers); if (!official) { look_for = 8; } for (int waycount = 0; waycount < look_for; waycount++) { // for (int waycount = 0; waycount < max(4, Session.Players.Count()+Session.Options.AIPlayers); waycount++) { if (Scen.Waypoint[waycount] != -1) { waypts[num_waypts] = Scen.Waypoint[waycount]; taken[num_waypts] = false; num_waypts++; } } /* ** If there are insufficient waypoints to account for all players, then randomly assign ** starting points until there is enough. */ int deficiency = look_for - num_waypts; // int deficiency = (Session.Players.Count() + Session.Options.AIPlayers) - num_waypts; if (deficiency > 0) { for (int index = 0; index < deficiency; index++) { CELL trycell = XY_Cell(Map.MapCellX + Random_Pick(0, Map.MapCellWidth-1), Map.MapCellY + Random_Pick(0, Map.MapCellHeight-1)); trycell = Map.Nearby_Location(trycell, SPEED_TRACK); waypts[num_waypts] = trycell; taken[num_waypts] = false; num_waypts++; } } /* ** Loop through all houses. Computer-controlled houses, with Session.Options.Bases ** ON, are treated as though bases are OFF (since we have no base-building ** AI logic.) */ int numtaken = 0; for (HousesType house = HOUSE_MULTI1; house < (HOUSE_MULTI1 + Session.MaxPlayers); house++) { /* ** Get a pointer to this house; if there is none, go to the next house */ HouseClass * hptr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house); if (hptr == NULL) { continue; } /* ** Pick the starting location for this house. The first house just picks ** one of the valid locations at random. The other houses pick the furthest ** wapoint from the existing houses. */ if (numtaken == 0) { int pick = Random_Pick(0, num_waypts-1); centroid = waypts[pick]; taken[pick] = true; numtaken++; } else { /* ** Set all waypoints to have a score of zero in preparation for giving ** a distance score to all waypoints. */ int score[26]; memset(score, '\0', sizeof(score)); /* ** Scan through all waypoints and give a score as a value of the sum ** of the distances from this waypoint to all taken waypoints. */ for (int index = 0; index < num_waypts; index++) { /* ** If this waypoint has not already been taken, then accumulate the ** sum of the distance between this waypoint and all other taken ** waypoints. */ if (!taken[index]) { for (int trypoint = 0; trypoint < num_waypts; trypoint++) { if (taken[trypoint]) { score[index] += Distance(Cell_Coord(waypts[index]), Cell_Coord(waypts[trypoint])); } } } } /* ** Now find the waypoint with the largest score. This waypoint is the one ** that is furthest from all other taken waypoints. */ int best = 0; int bestvalue = 0; for (int searchindex = 0; searchindex < num_waypts; searchindex++) { if (score[searchindex] > bestvalue || bestvalue == 0) { bestvalue = score[searchindex]; best = searchindex; } } /* ** Assign this best position to the house. */ centroid = waypts[best]; taken[best] = true; numtaken++; } /* ** Assign the center of this house to the waypoint location. */ hptr->Center = Cell_Coord(centroid); /* ** If Bases are ON, human & computer houses are treated differently */ if (Session.Options.Bases) { /* ** - For a human-controlled house: ** - Set 'scaleval' to 1 ** - Create an MCV ** - Attach a flag to it for capture-the-flag mode */ scaleval = 1; obj = new UnitClass (UNIT_MCV, house); if (!obj->Unlimbo(Cell_Coord(centroid), DIR_N)) { if (!Scan_Place_Object(obj, centroid)) { delete obj; obj = NULL; } } if (obj != NULL) { hptr->FlagHome = 0; hptr->FlagLocation = 0; if (Special.IsCaptureTheFlag) { hptr->Flag_Attach((UnitClass *)obj, true); } } } else { /* ** If bases are OFF, set 'scaleval' to 1 & create a Mobile HQ for ** capture-the-flag mode. */ scaleval = 1; #ifdef TOFIX if (Special.IsCaptureTheFlag) { obj = new UnitClass (UNIT_TRUCK, house); obj->Unlimbo(Cell_Coord(centroid), DIR_N); hptr->FlagHome = 0; // turn house's flag off hptr->FlagLocation = 0; } #endif } /* ** Create units for this house */ for (i = 0; i < u_limit; i++) { /* ** Find the center point for this category. */ centerpt = Clip_Scatter(centroid, 4); /* ** Place objects; loop through all unit in this category */ for (j = 0; j < num_units[i] * scaleval; j++) { /* ** Create an Ally unit */ if (hptr->ActLike != HOUSE_USSR && hptr->ActLike != HOUSE_UKRAINE) { for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) if(utable[i].AllyType[k] != UNIT_NONE) { obj = new UnitClass (utable[i].AllyType[k], house); if (!Scan_Place_Object(obj, centerpt)) { delete obj; } else { if (!hptr->IsHuman) { obj->Set_Mission(MISSION_GUARD_AREA); } else { obj->Set_Mission(MISSION_GUARD); } } } } else { /* ** Create a Soviet unit */ for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) if(utable[i].SovietType[k] != UNIT_NONE) { obj = new UnitClass (utable[i].SovietType[k], house); if (!Scan_Place_Object(obj, centerpt)) { delete obj; } else { if (!hptr->IsHuman) { obj->Set_Mission(MISSION_GUARD_AREA); } else { obj->Set_Mission(MISSION_GUARD); } } } } } } /* ** Create infantry */ for (i = 0; i < i_limit; i++) { /* ** Find the center point for this category. */ centerpt = Clip_Scatter(centroid, 4); /* ** Place objects; loop through all unit in this category */ for (j = 0; j < num_infantry[i] * scaleval; j++) { /* ** Create Ally infantry (Note: Unlimbo calls Enter_Idle_Mode(), which ** assigns the infantry to HUNT; we must use Set_Mission() to override ** this state.) */ if (hptr->ActLike != HOUSE_USSR && hptr->ActLike != HOUSE_UKRAINE) { for (k = 0; k < itable[i].AllyCount; k++) { obj = new InfantryClass (itable[i].AllyType, house); if (!Scan_Place_Object(obj, centerpt)) { delete obj; } else { if (!hptr->IsHuman) { obj->Set_Mission(MISSION_GUARD_AREA); } else { obj->Set_Mission(MISSION_GUARD); } } } } else { /* ** Create Soviet infantry */ for (k = 0; k < itable[i].SovietCount; k++) { obj = new InfantryClass (itable[i].SovietType, house); if (!Scan_Place_Object(obj, centerpt)) { delete obj; } else { if (!hptr->IsHuman) { obj->Set_Mission(MISSION_GUARD_AREA); } else { obj->Set_Mission(MISSION_GUARD); } } } } } } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * Scan_Place_Object -- places an object >near< the given cell * * * * INPUT: * * obj ptr to object to Unlimbo * * cell center of search area * * * * OUTPUT: * * true = object was placed; false = it wasn't * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/09/1995 BRR : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int Scan_Place_Object(ObjectClass * obj, CELL cell) { int dist; // for object placement FacingType rot; // for object placement FacingType fcounter; // for object placement int tryval; CELL newcell; TechnoClass * techno; int skipit; /* ** First try to unlimbo the object in the given cell. */ if (Map.In_Radar(cell)) { techno = Map[cell].Cell_Techno(); if (!techno || (techno->What_Am_I()==RTTI_INFANTRY && obj->What_Am_I()==RTTI_INFANTRY)) { if (obj->Unlimbo(Cell_Coord(cell), DIR_N)) { return(true); } } } /* ** Loop through distances from the given center cell; skip the center cell. ** For each distance, try placing the object along each rotational direction; ** if none are available, try each direction with a random scatter value. ** If that fails, go to the next distance. ** This ensures that the closest coordinates are filled first. */ for (dist = 1; dist < 32; dist++) { /* ** Pick a random starting direction */ rot = Random_Pick(FACING_N, FACING_NW); /* ** Try all directions twice */ for (tryval = 0 ; tryval < 2; tryval++) { /* ** Loop through all directions, at this distance. */ for (fcounter = FACING_N; fcounter <= FACING_NW; fcounter++) { skipit = false; /* ** Pick a coordinate along this directional axis */ newcell = Clip_Move(cell, rot, dist); /* ** If this is our second try at this distance, add a random scatter ** to the desired cell, so our units aren't all aligned along spokes. */ if (tryval > 0) { newcell = Clip_Scatter (newcell, 1); } /* ** If, by randomly scattering, we've chosen the exact center, skip ** it & try another direction. */ if (newcell==cell) { skipit = true; } if (!skipit) { /* ** Only attempt to Unlimbo the object if: ** - there is no techno in the cell ** - the techno in the cell & the object are both infantry */ techno = Map[newcell].Cell_Techno(); if (!techno || (techno->What_Am_I()==RTTI_INFANTRY && obj->What_Am_I()==RTTI_INFANTRY)) { if (obj->Unlimbo(Cell_Coord(newcell), DIR_N)) { return(true); } } } rot++; if (rot > FACING_NW) { rot = FACING_N; } } } } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Clip_Scatter -- randomly scatters from given cell; won't fall off map * * * * INPUT: * * cell cell to scatter from * * maxdist max distance to scatter * * * * OUTPUT: * * new cell number * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/30/1995 BRR : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static CELL Clip_Scatter(CELL cell, int maxdist) { int x,y; int xdist; int ydist; int xmin,xmax; int ymin,ymax; /* ** Get X & Y coords of given starting cell */ x = Cell_X(cell); y = Cell_Y(cell); /* ** Compute our x & y limits */ xmin = Map.MapCellX; xmax = xmin + Map.MapCellWidth - 1; ymin = Map.MapCellY; ymax = ymin + Map.MapCellHeight - 1; /* ** Adjust the x-coordinate */ xdist = Random_Pick(0, maxdist); if (Percent_Chance(50)) { x += xdist; if (x > xmax) { x = xmax; } } else { x -= xdist; if (x < xmin) { x = xmin; } } /* ** Adjust the y-coordinate */ ydist = Random_Pick(0, maxdist); if (Percent_Chance(50)) { y += ydist; if (y > ymax) { y = ymax; } } else { y -= ydist; if (y < ymin) { y = ymin; } } return (XY_Cell(x, y)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * Clip_Move -- moves in given direction from given cell; clips to map * * * * INPUT: * * cell cell to start from * * facing direction to move * * dist distance to move * * * * OUTPUT: * * new cell number * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/30/1995 BRR : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static CELL Clip_Move(CELL cell, FacingType facing, int dist) { int x,y; int xmin,xmax; int ymin,ymax; /* ** Get X & Y coords of given starting cell */ x = Cell_X(cell); y = Cell_Y(cell); /* ** Compute our x & y limits */ xmin = Map.MapCellX; xmax = xmin + Map.MapCellWidth - 1; ymin = Map.MapCellY; ymax = ymin + Map.MapCellHeight - 1; /* ** Adjust the x-coordinate */ switch (facing) { case FACING_N: y -= dist; break; case FACING_NE: x += dist; y -= dist; break; case FACING_E: x += dist; break; case FACING_SE: x += dist; y += dist; break; case FACING_S: y += dist; break; case FACING_SW: x -= dist; y += dist; break; case FACING_W: x -= dist; break; case FACING_NW: x -= dist; y -= dist; break; } /* ** Clip to the map */ if (x > xmax) x = xmax; if (x < xmin) x = xmin; if (y > ymax) y = ymax; if (y < ymin) y = ymin; return (XY_Cell(x, y)); } void Disect_Scenario_Name(char const * name, int & scenario, ScenarioPlayerType & player, ScenarioDirType & dir, ScenarioVarType & var) { if (name == NULL) return; /* ** Fetch the scenario number. */ char buf[3]; memcpy(buf, &name[3], 2); buf[2] = '\0'; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 char first = buf[0]; char second = buf[1]; if (first <= '9' && second <= '9') { scenario = atoi(buf); } else { if (first <= '9') { first -= '0'; } else { if (first >= 'a' && first <= 'z') { first -= 'a'; } else { first -= 'A'; } } if (second <= '9') { second -= '0'; } else { if (second >= 'a' && second <= 'z') { second = (second - 'a') + 10; } else { second = (second - 'A') + 10; } } scenario = (36 * first) + second; } #else scenario = atoi(buf); #endif /* ** Fetch the scenario player (side). */ player = SCEN_PLAYER_GREECE; if (name[2] == HouseTypeClass::As_Reference(HOUSE_SPAIN).Prefix) { player = SCEN_PLAYER_SPAIN; } if (name[2] == HouseTypeClass::As_Reference(HOUSE_GREECE).Prefix) { player = SCEN_PLAYER_GREECE; } if (name[2] == HouseTypeClass::As_Reference(HOUSE_USSR).Prefix) { player = SCEN_PLAYER_USSR; } /* ** Fetch the direction. */ dir = SCEN_DIR_EAST; if (name[5] == 'E') { dir = SCEN_DIR_EAST; } else { dir = SCEN_DIR_WEST; } /* ** Fetch the variation. */ var = SCEN_VAR_A; var = ScenarioVarType((name[6] - 'A') + SCEN_VAR_A); }