/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef WOLAPI_INTEGRATION // Wol_Logn.cpp - WW online name/password dialog. // ajw 07/16/98 #include "function.h" #include "IconList.h" #include "WolapiOb.h" #include "PassEdit.h" #include "WolStrng.h" #include "BigCheck.h" bool ReadSavedNicks( WolapiObject* pWO, IconListClass& NickList, char* szNameBuffer, char* szPassBuffer ); bool bSaveNick( WolapiObject* pWO, const char* szNickToSave, const char* szPassToSave, bool bPassIsMangled ); void DeleteNick( WolapiObject* pWO, int iOneBasedEntryToDelete ); //char* LoadShpFile( const char* szShpFile ); void DebugChatDef( HRESULT hRes ); extern bool bTabKeyPressedHack; //#include "WolDebug.h" //*********************************************************************************************** int WOL_Login_Dialog( WolapiObject* pWO ) { // Return values: 0 = user cancels, 1 = success, -1 = force game exit if( pWO->bLoggedIn() ) { pWO->bReturningAfterGame = true; // Set trigger for chat dialog. return 1; // We are already logged in, and have just come back from a game. } /* ** Dialog & button dimensions */ #ifdef FRENCH int d_dialog_w = 160 * RESFACTOR; // dialog width #else int d_dialog_w = 150 * RESFACTOR; // dialog width #endif int d_dialog_h = 85 * RESFACTOR; // dialog height int d_dialog_x = (((320 * RESFACTOR) - d_dialog_w) / 2); int d_dialog_y = (((255 * RESFACTOR) - d_dialog_h) / 2); int d_dialog_cx = d_dialog_x + (d_dialog_w / 2); // coord of x-center int d_txt8_h = 11 * RESFACTOR; // ht of 8-pt text int d_margin = 7 * RESFACTOR; // margin width/height int x_margin = 16 * RESFACTOR; // margin width/height int top_margin = 0; int d_name_w = 66 * RESFACTOR; int d_name_h = 10 * RESFACTOR; #ifdef FRENCH int d_name_x = d_dialog_x + 25 * RESFACTOR; #else int d_name_x = d_dialog_x + 20 * RESFACTOR; #endif int d_name_y = d_dialog_y + top_margin + 25 * RESFACTOR; int d_pass_w = 36 * RESFACTOR; int d_pass_h = d_name_h; int d_pass_x = d_name_x + d_name_w + 6 * RESFACTOR; int d_pass_y = d_name_y; int d_list_w = d_name_w; int d_list_h = 20 * RESFACTOR; int d_list_x = d_name_x; int d_list_y = d_dialog_y + top_margin + 40 * RESFACTOR; // int d_save_w = d_pass_w; int d_save_h = 9 * RESFACTOR; int d_save_x = d_pass_x + ( d_pass_w / 2 ) - ( d_pass_w / 2 ); int d_save_y = d_list_y; // + ( d_list_h / 2 ) - ( d_save_h / 2 ); int d_delete_w = d_pass_w; int d_delete_h = 10 * RESFACTOR; int d_delete_x = d_save_x; int d_delete_y = d_list_y + d_list_h - d_delete_h; #ifdef FRENCH int d_connect_w = 45 * RESFACTOR; #else int d_connect_w = 40 * RESFACTOR; #endif int d_connect_h = 13 * RESFACTOR; int d_connect_x = d_name_x + d_name_w/2 - d_connect_w/2; int d_connect_y = d_dialog_y + top_margin + 65 * RESFACTOR; //d_dialog_y + d_dialog_h - d_connect_h - d_margin; #if defined(GERMAN) || defined(FRENCH) int d_cancel_w = 40 * RESFACTOR;//BG:40 #else int d_cancel_w = 40 * RESFACTOR; #endif int d_cancel_h = 13 * RESFACTOR; int d_cancel_x = d_pass_x + d_pass_w/2 - d_cancel_w/2; //d_dialog_cx + d_margin; int d_cancel_y = d_connect_y; /* ** Button enumerations */ enum { BUTTON_CONNECT = 100, BUTTON_CANCEL, LISTBOX_NICKS, EDITBOX_NAME, EDITBOX_PASS, BUTTON_SAVECHECK, BUTTON_DELETE, }; /* ** Redraw values: in order from "top" to "bottom" layer of the dialog */ typedef enum { REDRAW_NONE = 0, REDRAW_BUTTONS, REDRAW_BACKGROUND, REDRAW_ALL = REDRAW_BACKGROUND } RedrawType; /* ** Dialog variables */ int iReturn = 1; // 0 = user cancels, 1 = success, -1 = force game exit /* ** Other Variables */ char szNameBuffer[ WOL_NAME_LEN_MAX ] = {0}; // User name. char szPassBuffer[ WOL_PASSWORD_LEN ] = {0}; // User password. /* ** Buttons */ ControlClass* commands = NULL; // the button list TextButtonClass ConnectBtn( BUTTON_CONNECT, TXT_WOL_CONNECT, TPF_BUTTON, d_connect_x, d_connect_y, d_connect_w ); TextButtonClass CancelBtn( BUTTON_CANCEL, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_BUTTON, d_cancel_x, d_cancel_y, d_cancel_w ); IconListClass NickList( LISTBOX_NICKS, d_list_x, d_list_y, d_list_w, d_list_h, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_NOSHADOW, MFCD::Retrieve("BTN-UP.SHP"), MFCD::Retrieve("BTN-DN.SHP"), true, 1, 0 ); WOLEditClass NameEdit( EDITBOX_NAME, szNameBuffer, sizeof(szNameBuffer), TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_NOSHADOW, d_name_x, d_name_y, d_name_w, -1, EditClass::ALPHANUMERIC ); PassEditClass PassEdit( EDITBOX_PASS, szPassBuffer, sizeof(szPassBuffer), TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_NOSHADOW, d_pass_x, d_pass_y, d_pass_w, -1, EditClass::ALPHANUMERIC ); // Just making sure globals are set right before String_Pixel_Width() call... sigh Fancy_Text_Print( TXT_NONE, 0, 0, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_NOSHADOW ); int iSaveTextWidth = String_Pixel_Width( TXT_WOL_SAVELOGIN ) + BIGCHECK_OFFSETX; BigCheckBoxClass SaveCheckBox( BUTTON_SAVECHECK, d_save_x, d_save_y, iSaveTextWidth, d_save_h, TXT_WOL_SAVELOGIN, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_NOSHADOW, true ); TextButtonClass DeleteBtn( BUTTON_DELETE, TXT_DELETE_BUTTON, TPF_BUTTON, d_delete_x, d_delete_y, d_delete_w ); /* ** Initialize. */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); // Get saved nickname/passwords from the registry. if( ReadSavedNicks( pWO, NickList, szNameBuffer, szPassBuffer ) ) { PassEdit.bClearOnNextSetFocus = true; } else { // Offer user the chance to go to web site now to get a nick. if( pWO->DoWebRegistration() ) { // User chose to go to web page. Leave function so that we'll re-read nicks when they return. return 0; } } /* ** Create the button list. */ commands = &ConnectBtn; CancelBtn.Add_Tail(*commands); NickList.Add_Tail(*commands); NameEdit.Add_Tail(*commands); PassEdit.Add_Tail(*commands); SaveCheckBox.Add_Tail(*commands); DeleteBtn.Add_Tail(*commands); NameEdit.Set_Focus(); if( NickList.Count() == 0 ) DeleteBtn.Disable(); /* ** Main Processing Loop. */ Keyboard->Clear(); bool firsttime = true; bool display = true; bool process = true; while (process) { /* ** Invoke game callback. */ Call_Back(); #ifdef WIN32 /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored) { AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display = true; } #endif /* ** Refresh display if needed. */ if (display) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Clear screen //------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hide_Mouse(); Load_Title_Page(true); // Show_Mouse(); /* ** Display the dialog box. */ // Hide_Mouse(); if (display) { Dialog_Box(d_dialog_x, d_dialog_y, d_dialog_w, d_dialog_h); Draw_Caption(TXT_WOL_LOGINDIALOG, d_dialog_x, d_dialog_y, d_dialog_w); } /* ** Redraw the buttons. */ if (display) { Fancy_Text_Print( TXT_WOL_NAME, d_name_x + ( d_name_w / 2 ), d_name_y - 14, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_TEXT | TPF_CENTER ); Fancy_Text_Print( TXT_WOL_PASSWORD, d_pass_x + ( d_pass_w / 2 ), d_pass_y - 14, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_TEXT | TPF_CENTER ); commands->Flag_List_To_Redraw(); } Show_Mouse(); display = false; } // Force mouse visible, as some beta testers report unexplicable disappearing cursors. while( Get_Mouse_State() ) Show_Mouse(); // Be nice to other apps. Sleep( 50 ); /* ** Get user input. */ bTabKeyPressedHack = false; KeyNumType input = commands->Input(); /* ** The first time through the processing loop, set the edit ** gadget to have the focus. The ** focus must be set here since the gadget list has changed ** and this change will cause any previous focus setting to be ** cleared by the input processing routine. */ if (firsttime ) { firsttime = false; NameEdit.Set_Focus(); NameEdit.Flag_To_Redraw(); } // /* // ** If the key was pressed, then default to the appropriate // ** action button according to the style of this dialog box. // */ /* if (input == KN_RETURN || input == (BUTTON_CONNECT|KN_BUTTON)) { ToggleClass * toggle = NULL; input = (KeyNumType)(BUTTON_CONNECT|KN_BUTTON); CancelBtn.Turn_Off(); toggle = (ToggleClass*)commands->Extract_Gadget(BUTTON_CONNECT); if (toggle != NULL) { toggle->Turn_On(); toggle->IsPressed = true; } Hide_Mouse(); commands->Draw_All(true); Show_Mouse(); } */ /* ** Process input. */ // if( input ) // debugprint( "input: %i\n", input ); if( bTabKeyPressedHack ) { if( NameEdit.Has_Focus() ) PassEdit.Set_Focus(); else NameEdit.Set_Focus(); NameEdit.Flag_To_Redraw(); PassEdit.Flag_To_Redraw(); } switch( input ) { /* ** ESC/Cancel: break */ case ( KN_ESC ): case ( BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON ): iReturn = 0; process = false; break; case KN_RETURN: case ( EDITBOX_NAME | KN_BUTTON ): case ( EDITBOX_PASS | KN_BUTTON ): case ( BUTTON_CONNECT | KN_BUTTON ): { if( !strlen( szNameBuffer ) ) { WWMessageBox().Process( TXT_WOL_MISSINGNAME ); firsttime = true; // Bloody hack. NameEdit.Set_Focus(); Keyboard->Clear(); display = true; break; } if( !strlen( szPassBuffer ) ) { WWMessageBox().Process( TXT_WOL_MISSINGPASSWORD ); firsttime = true; // Bloody hack. PassEdit.Set_Focus(); Keyboard->Clear(); display = true; break; } // If we have not done RequestServerList() yet, do it now. if( !pWO->pChatSink->pServer ) { bool bBreak = false; HRESULT hRes = pWO->GetChatServer(); switch( hRes ) { case E_FAIL: bBreak = true; WWMessageBox().Process( TXT_WOL_CANTCONNECT ); firsttime = true; // Bloody hack. NameEdit.Set_Focus(); Keyboard->Clear(); display = true; break; case USERCANCELLED: bBreak = true; WWMessageBox().Process( TXT_WOL_LOGINCANCEL ); firsttime = true; // Bloody hack. NameEdit.Set_Focus(); Keyboard->Clear(); display = true; break; case PATCHAVOIDED: bBreak = true; firsttime = true; // Bloody hack. NameEdit.Set_Focus(); Keyboard->Clear(); display = true; break; case PATCHDOWNLOADED: bBreak = true; process = false; iReturn = -1; break; } if( bBreak ) break; } // RequestConnection()... HRESULT hRes = pWO->AttemptLogin( szNameBuffer, szPassBuffer, PassEdit.bClearOnNextSetFocus ); if( hRes == S_OK ) { if( SaveCheckBox.IsOn && !bSaveNick( pWO, szNameBuffer, szPassBuffer, PassEdit.bClearOnNextSetFocus ) ) { // Nick/pass save failed. WWMessageBox().Process( TXT_WOL_CANTSAVENICK ); } process = false; } else { switch( hRes ) { case USERCANCELLED: WWMessageBox().Process( TXT_WOL_LOGINCANCEL ); break; case CHAT_E_TIMEOUT: WWMessageBox().Process( TXT_WOL_TIMEOUT ); break; case CHAT_E_BADPASS: WWMessageBox().Process( TXT_WOL_BADPASS ); break; case CHAT_E_NICKINUSE: WWMessageBox().Process( TXT_WOL_NICKINUSE ); break; case CHAT_E_CON_ERROR: // This error value I pass back myself, when the emergency timeout is hit. WWMessageBox().Process( TXT_WOL_TIMEOUT ); break; } firsttime = true; // Bloody hack. NameEdit.Set_Focus(); Keyboard->Clear(); display = true; } break; } /* case( EDITBOX_PASS | KN_BUTTON ): { // Message with delay so that user has time to read it... CDTimerClass timer; timer = TICKS_PER_SECOND*4; WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_WOL_DEBUG2, TXT_NONE); while (timer > 0) { Call_Back(); } Keyboard->Clear(); display = true; break; } */ case ( LISTBOX_NICKS | KN_BUTTON ): strcpy( szNameBuffer, NickList.Get_Item( NickList.Current_Index() ) ); strcpy( szPassBuffer, NickList.Get_Item_ExtraDataString( NickList.Current_Index() ) ); NameEdit.Flag_To_Redraw(); PassEdit.Flag_To_Redraw(); // Because the password is mangled, if the user begins to edit it now, we clear it. // Otherwise we could get a half-mangled, half-unmangled password field. // PassEdit.bClearOnNextSetFocus also acts as a flag telling us whether or not the // password field is mangled or not. PassEdit.bClearOnNextSetFocus = true; // display = true; break; case ( BUTTON_SAVECHECK | KN_BUTTON ): break; case ( BUTTON_DELETE | KN_BUTTON ): if( NickList.Count() > 0 ) { DeleteNick( pWO, NickList.Current_Index() + 1 ); NickList.Remove_Item( NickList.Current_Index() ); NickList.Flag_To_Redraw(); if( NickList.Count() == 0 ) { DeleteBtn.Disable(); DeleteBtn.Flag_To_Redraw(); } } break; default: break; } } return iReturn; } //*********************************************************************************************** bool ReadSavedNicks( WolapiObject* pWO, IconListClass& NickList, char* szNameBuffer, char* szPassBuffer ) { // Read saved nickname/passwords from the registry. // Set up the list of nick/passwords. // Copy the first nick into the nick/password edits. // Returns true if edits are set with a default nick/pass because a nick was found. LPCSTR szNick; LPCSTR szPass; bool bReturn = false; for( int i = 1; i != 3; i++ ) { if( pWO->pChat->GetNick( i, &szNick, &szPass ) == S_OK ) { if( *szNick ) { NickList.Add_Item( szNick, NULL, NULL, ICON_SHAPE, szPass ); if( i == 1 ) { strcpy( szNameBuffer, szNick ); strcpy( szPassBuffer, szPass ); bReturn = true; } } } } return bReturn; } //*********************************************************************************************** bool bSaveNick( WolapiObject* pWO, const char* szNickToSave, const char* szPassToSave, bool bPassIsMangled ) { // Saves specified nick and password in the registry, using SetNick. // Returns false if nick can't be saved. // If slot 1 empty, use slot 1. // Else push nick 1 down to second slot and save new nick in slot 1, unless // nick 1 name matches new entry. LPCSTR szNick; LPCSTR szPass; bool bPushSlot1 = true; switch( pWO->pChat->GetNick( 1, &szNick, &szPass ) ) { case E_FAIL: // Assume that this is because there is no registry entry. We can use this slot. bPushSlot1 = false; break; case S_OK: if( *szNick == 0 ) bPushSlot1 = false; // We can use this blank slot. else if( strcmp( szNick, szNickToSave ) == 0 ) bPushSlot1 = false; // We can use this slot as the name is the same. break; } if( bPushSlot1 ) { // Move nick in slot 1 to slot 2. pWO->pChat->SetNick( 2, szNick, szPass, false ); // (Already mangled.) } // Save new nick in slot 1. return ( pWO->pChat->SetNick( 1, szNickToSave, szPassToSave, !bPassIsMangled ) == S_OK ); /* int iSlot; bool bStop = false; for( iSlot = 1; iSlot != 3; iSlot++ ) { switch( pWO->pChat->GetNick( iSlot, &szNick, &szPass ) ) { case E_FAIL: // Assume that this is because there is no registry entry. We can use this slot. bStop = true; break; case S_OK: if( *szNick == 0 ) bStop = true; // We can use this blank slot. else if( strcmp( szNick, szNickToSave ) == 0 ) bStop = true; // We can use this slot as the name is the same. break; } if( bStop ) break; } if( iSlot == 3 ) { // No open slots were found. // Get nick 1. pWO->pChat->GetNick( 1, &szNick, &szPass ); // Save as nick 2. pWO->pChat->SetNick( 2, szNick, szPass, false ); // (Already mangled.) // Save new nick 1. return ( pWO->pChat->SetNick( 1, szNickToSave, szPassToSave, !bPassIsMangled ) == S_OK ); } else { // iSlot points to an open slot. return ( pWO->pChat->SetNick( iSlot, szNickToSave, szPassToSave, !bPassIsMangled ) == S_OK ); } */ } //*********************************************************************************************** void DeleteNick( WolapiObject* pWO, int iOneBasedEntryToDelete ) { // Delete a nick from the registry via wolapi SetNick. // If nick to delete is in position one, and there is a second nick, move the second nick into position one. if( iOneBasedEntryToDelete == 1 ) { // Check for nick 2. LPCSTR szNick; LPCSTR szPass; if( pWO->pChat->GetNick( 2, &szNick, &szPass ) == S_OK && *szNick != 0 ) { // Copy nick in slot 2 to slot 1. pWO->pChat->SetNick( 1, szNick, szPass, false ); // (Already mangled.) // Delete slot 2. HRESULT hRes = pWO->pChat->SetNick( 2, "", "", false ); DebugChatDef( hRes ); } else { // No second nick. HRESULT hRes = pWO->pChat->SetNick( 1, "", "", false ); DebugChatDef( hRes ); } } else { HRESULT hRes = pWO->pChat->SetNick( 2, "", "", false ); DebugChatDef( hRes ); } } /* //*********************************************************************************************** char* LoadShpFile( const char* szShpFile ) { // Returns pointer to shp data that has been new'ed (and must be delete[]d), or NULL if failure. // ajw: No longer needed - I used this before putting new resources into a mix file. HANDLE hFile; hFile = CreateFile( szShpFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return NULL; DWORD dwFileSize = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); char* pShp = new char[ dwFileSize ]; DWORD dwBytesRead; ReadFile( hFile, pShp, dwFileSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL ); // debugprint( "~~ LoadShpFile() - Read %i bytes out of %i from shp file.\n", dwBytesRead, dwFileSize ); CloseHandle( hFile ); return pShp; } */ #endif