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** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
/* $Header: /CounterStrike/GADGET.H 1 3/03/97 10:24a Joe_bostic $ */
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* File Name : GADGET.H *
* *
* Programmer : Maria del Mar McCready Legg *
* *
* Start Date : January 3, 1995 *
* *
* Last Update : January 3, 1995 [MML] *
* *
* *
* LinkClass [This is the linked list manager class. It keeps a record *
* <EFBFBD> of the next and previous gadget in the list. It is possible *
* <EFBFBD> delete a gadget out of the middle of the list with this *
* <EFBFBD> class.] *
* <EFBFBD> *
* GadgetClass [The is the basic gadget class. It handles processing of *
* <EFBFBD> input events and dispatching the appropriate functions. *
* <EFBFBD> All gadgets must be derived from this class.] *
* <EFBFBD> ListClass [This list class functions like a list box does in Windows. It *
* <EFBFBD> keeps track of a list of text strings. This list can be *
* <EFBFBD> scrolled and an item selected. If the list becomes larger than *
* <EFBFBD> can be completely displayed, it will automatically create a *
* <EFBFBD> slider (at the right edge) to manage the scrolling.] *
* <EFBFBD> *
* ControlClass [This class adds the concept of giving an ID number to the *
* <EFBFBD> gadget. This ID can then be returned from the Input() *
* <EFBFBD> function as if it were a pseudo-keystroke. Additionally, *
* <EFBFBD> the ability to inform another button that this button has *
* <EFBFBD> been actioned is allowed. This ability allows one button *
* <EFBFBD> to watch what happens to another button. Example: a list *
* <EFBFBD> box gadget can tell when an attached slider has been *
* <EFBFBD> touched.] *
* <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> GaugeClass [This class looks similar to Windows slider, but has *
* <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> a different controlling logic. There is no thumb and *
* <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> it serves as a simple variable control setting. This *
* <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> is analogous to a volume slider.] *
* <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> SliderClass [The slider class is similar to the typical Windows slider. It *
* <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> has a current setting, a thumb, and a controllable scale. This *
* <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> is the object created to handle a scrolling list box.] *
* <EFBFBD> EditClass *
* <EFBFBD> *
* <EFBFBD> *
* ToggleClass [The toggle class is used for buttons that have an image and behave just *
* <EFBFBD> like the buttons in Windows do. That is, they have a separate visual for *
* <EFBFBD> when they are pressed and raised. They are officially triggered (return *
* <EFBFBD> their ID number) when the mouse button is released while over the button. *
* <EFBFBD> This class doesn't perform any rendering itself. It merely provides the *
* <EFBFBD> logic so that the derived classes will function correctly.] *
* <EFBFBD> TextButtonClass [The text button functions like a normal Windows style button, but *
* <EFBFBD> the imagery is based on text that is displayed on the button. A *
* <EFBFBD> typical example would be the "OK" or "Cancel" buttons.] *
* <EFBFBD> *
* ShapeButtonClass [The shape buttons is similar to the TextButton but instead of text *
* being used to give the button its imagery, an actual shape is used *
* instead. This allows graphic buttons. These are similar to the up/down *
* arrows seen in a Windows slider.] *
* *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#ifndef GADGET_H
#define GADGET_H
#include "link.h"
class ControlClass;
class GadgetClass : public LinkClass
typedef enum FlagEnum {
LEFTPRESS = 0x0001, // Left mouse button press.
LEFTHELD = 0x0002, // Left mouse button is being held down.
LEFTRELEASE = 0x0004, // Left mouse button released.
LEFTUP = 0x0008, // Left mouse button is being held up.
RIGHTPRESS = 0x0010, // Right mouse button press.
RIGHTHELD = 0x0020, // Right mouse button is being held down.
RIGHTRELEASE = 0x0040, // Right mouse button released.
RIGHTUP = 0x0080, // Right mouse button is being held up.
KEYBOARD = 0x0100 // Keyboard input processing (maybe).
} FlagEnum;
GadgetClass(int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned flags, int sticky=false);
GadgetClass(NoInitClass const & x) : LinkClass(x) {};
GadgetClass(void) {};
GadgetClass(GadgetClass const & gadget);
virtual ~GadgetClass(void);
** Gadget list management functions.
virtual KeyNumType Input(void);
virtual void Draw_All(bool forced=true);
virtual void Delete_List(void);
virtual ControlClass * Extract_Gadget(unsigned id);
virtual void Flag_List_To_Redraw(void) {LastList = 0;};
virtual GadgetClass * Remove(void);
virtual GadgetClass * Get_Next(void) const;
virtual GadgetClass * Get_Prev(void) const;
** Manages individual gadget states and actions.
virtual void Disable(void);
virtual void Enable(void);
virtual unsigned Get_ID(void) const {return 0;};
virtual void Flag_To_Redraw(void);
virtual void Peer_To_Peer(unsigned , KeyNumType & , ControlClass & ) {};
virtual void Set_Focus(void);
virtual void Clear_Focus(void);
virtual bool Has_Focus(void);
virtual int Is_List_To_Redraw(void);
virtual bool Is_To_Redraw(void) {return (IsToRepaint);}
virtual void Set_Position(int x, int y);
** General render function.
virtual int Draw_Me(int forced=false);
** Sets the current color scheme
static void Set_Color_Scheme(RemapControlType *scheme)
{ ColorScheme = scheme; }
static RemapControlType * Get_Color_Scheme(void)
{ return (ColorScheme); }
** This is the coordinates and dimensions of the gadget region. These are in
** absolute screen pixel coordinates.
int X;
int Y;
int Width;
int Height;
** Processes the event flags so that if this gadget needs to "stick" or
** "unstick", it will be properly flagged. Call this function if you are
** going to clear the button press flags before calling the base class
** Action() function. Otherwise, calling this function manually, is
** unnecessary since the base class Action() function already does so.
virtual void Sticky_Process(unsigned flags);
** This is the action function that will be called whenever the flags and mouse
** input indicates. This is the main method by which this button performs a useful
** function.
virtual int Action(unsigned flags, KeyNumType & key);
** This is a record of the last list passed to the Input() function. If a list
** different than the last recorded one is detected, then the draw function is
** called for every gadget in the list. This causes all buttons to be redrawn the
** fire time Input() is called without forced a manual call to Draw_All().
static GadgetClass * LastList;
** This points to the gadget that has the keyboard focus. All keyboard only
** events are fed to this gadget to the exclusion of all others.
static GadgetClass * Focused;
** This button should call the Draw_Me function because some graphic element needs
** to be redrawn. This flag is set by default if the Action function is called.
unsigned IsToRepaint:1;
public: // HACK HACK HACK.. this is here because the sidebar buttons are static.
** A sticky button is one that is processed to the exclusion of all other buttons
** IF the mouse was pressed down while over this button and the mouse continues
** to remain pressed. This is the standard behavior for all normal Windows style
** buttons.
unsigned IsSticky:1;
// ajw - Publicized StuckOn 7/30/98 (was protected)
** If there is a sticky button being processed, then this will point to it. A sticky
** button is one that will ONLY be processed while the mouse button is being
** held down.
static GadgetClass * StuckOn;
** If the button is disabled, then it won't be processed by the input function. It will
** have its Draw_Me function called as necessary. In order to not display the button
** at all, the appropriate draw function should perform no action -- just return. Or,
** just remove the button from the list.
unsigned IsDisabled:1;
** These are the action flags that are used to determine when the action function
** should be called. Example: If this gadget only wants the action button called when
** the left mouse button is pressed over the its region, then the flag will be set
unsigned Flags;
** This is the current color scheme; it must be initialized by the app.
static RemapControlType *ColorScheme;
virtual int Clicked_On(KeyNumType & key, unsigned flags, int x, int y);
inline GadgetClass::FlagEnum operator |(GadgetClass::FlagEnum, GadgetClass::FlagEnum);
inline GadgetClass::FlagEnum operator &(GadgetClass::FlagEnum, GadgetClass::FlagEnum);
inline GadgetClass::FlagEnum operator ~(GadgetClass::FlagEnum);