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** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
/* $Header: /CounterStrike/TEVENT.H 1 3/03/97 10:25a Joe_bostic $ */
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* File Name : TEVENT.H *
* *
* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic *
* *
* Start Date : 11/28/95 *
* *
* Last Update : November 28, 1995 [JLB] *
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#ifndef TEVENT_H
#define TEVENT_H
** These are the trigger events that are checked for and if qualified, they will signal
** a successful trigger event. This might result in the trigger action being performed.
typedef enum TEventType {
TEVENT_PLAYER_ENTERED, // player enters this square
TEVENT_SPIED, // Spied by.
TEVENT_THIEVED, // Thieved by (raided or stolen vehicle).
TEVENT_DISCOVERED, // player discovers this object
TEVENT_HOUSE_DISCOVERED, // House has been discovered.
TEVENT_ATTACKED, // player attacks this object
TEVENT_DESTROYED, // player destroys this object
TEVENT_ANY, // Any object event will cause the trigger.
TEVENT_UNITS_DESTROYED, // all house's units destroyed
TEVENT_BUILDINGS_DESTROYED, // all house's buildings destroyed
TEVENT_ALL_DESTROYED, // all house's units & buildings destroyed
TEVENT_CREDITS, // house reaches this many credits
TEVENT_TIME, // Scenario elapsed time from start.
TEVENT_MISSION_TIMER_EXPIRED, // Pre expired mission timer.
TEVENT_NBUILDINGS_DESTROYED, // Number of buildings destroyed.
TEVENT_NUNITS_DESTROYED, // Number of units destroyed.
TEVENT_NOFACTORIES, // No factories left.
TEVENT_EVAC_CIVILIAN, // Civilian has been evacuated.
TEVENT_BUILD, // Specified building has been built.
TEVENT_BUILD_UNIT, // Specified unit has been built.
TEVENT_BUILD_INFANTRY, // Specified infantry has been built.
TEVENT_BUILD_AIRCRAFT, // Specified aircraft has been built.
TEVENT_LEAVES_MAP, // Specified team member leaves map.
TEVENT_ENTERS_ZONE, // Enters same zone as waypoint 'x'.
TEVENT_CROSS_HORIZONTAL, // Crosses horizontal trigger line.
TEVENT_CROSS_VERTICAL, // Crosses vertical trigger line.
TEVENT_GLOBAL_SET, // If specified global has been set.
TEVENT_GLOBAL_CLEAR, // If specified global has been cleared.
TEVENT_FAKES_DESTROYED, // If all fake structures are gone.
TEVENT_LOW_POWER, // When power drops below 100%.
TEVENT_ALL_BRIDGES_DESTROYED, // All bridges destroyed.
TEVENT_BUILDING_EXISTS, // Check for building existing.
} TEventType;
TEventType Event_From_Name(char const * name);
NeedType Event_Needs(TEventType event);
char const * Name_From_Event(TEventType event);
** This holds the changable data that is associated with an event as
** it relates to a trigger.
struct TDEventClass {
** If this event has been triggered by something that is temporal, then
** this flag will be set to true so that subsequent trigger examination
** will return a successful event trigger flag. Typical use of this is
** for when objects of a specific type are built.
unsigned IsTripped:1;
** Timer based events require a special timer control handler.
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> Timer;
TDEventClass(void) : IsTripped(false), Timer(0) {};
TDEventClass(NoInitClass const & x) : Timer(x) {};
** This elaborates the information necessary to trigger
** an event.
class TeamTypeClass;
struct TEventClass {
** This is the event that will controls how this event gets triggered.
TEventType Event;
** If this event needs to reference a team type, then this is the pointer
** to the team type object. This must be separated from the following
** union because Watcom compiler won't allow a class that has a
** constructor to be declared in a union.
CCPtr<TeamTypeClass> Team;
union {
StructType Structure; // Used for structure type checking.
UnitType Unit; // Used for unit type checking.
InfantryType Infantry; // Used for infantry type checking.
AircraftType Aircraft; // Used for aircraft type checking.
HousesType House; // Used for house specific events.
long Value; // Used for other events that need data.
} Data;
TEventClass(void) : Event(TEVENT_NONE) {Data.Value = 0;};
TEventClass(TEventType event) : Event(event) {Data.Value = 0;};
TEventClass(NoInitClass const & x) : Team(x) {};
void Code_Pointers(void);
void Decode_Pointers(void);
void Reset(TDEventClass & td) const;
bool operator () (TDEventClass & td, TEventType event, HousesType house, ObjectClass const * object, bool forced);
void Read_INI(void);
void Build_INI_Entry(char * buffer) const;
typedef enum AttachType {
ATTACH_NONE=0x00, // Trigger doesn't attach to anything (orphan trigger types).
ATTACH_CELL=0x01, // Trigger can only attach to a cell.
ATTACH_OBJECT=0x02, // Trigger can attach only to object (usually building or vehicle).
ATTACH_MAP=0x04, // Trigger applies to the general map (usually zone or parallel triggers).
ATTACH_HOUSE=0x08, // Trigger applies only to a house.
ATTACH_GENERAL=0x10, // General purpose trigger attached to game state.
ATTACH_TEAM=0x20 // Trigger applies to team object.
} AttachType;
AttachType Attaches_To(TEventType event);
class EventChoiceClass {
EventChoiceClass(TEventType event=TEVENT_NONE) : Event(event) {}
operator TEventType (void) const {return(Event);}
bool operator == (EventChoiceClass const & rvalue) const {return(Event == rvalue.Event);}
bool operator != (EventChoiceClass const & rvalue) const {return(Event != rvalue.Event);}
bool operator > (EventChoiceClass const & rvalue) const {return(stricmp(Description(), rvalue.Description()) > 0);}
bool operator < (EventChoiceClass const & rvalue) const {return(stricmp(Description(), rvalue.Description()) < 0);}
bool operator <= (EventChoiceClass const & rvalue) const {return(Event == rvalue.Event || stricmp(Description(), rvalue.Description()) < 0);}
bool operator >= (EventChoiceClass const & rvalue) const {return(Event == rvalue.Event || stricmp(Description(), rvalue.Description()) > 0);}
char const * Description(void) const {return(Name_From_Event(Event));}
void Draw_It(int index, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool selected, TextPrintType flags) const;
TEventType Event;
extern EventChoiceClass EventChoices[TEVENT_COUNT];