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; Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
; Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S **
;* *
;* Project Name : Westwood 32 bit Library *
;* *
;* File Name : TXTPRNT.ASM *
;* *
;* Programmer : Phil W. Gorrow *
;* *
;* Start Date : January 17, 1995 *
;* *
;* Last Update : January 17, 1995 [PWG] *
;* *
;* Functions: *
;* VESA_Print -- Assembly VESA text print routine *
;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
;* Extern the font pointer which is defined by the font class *
;* Define the necessary equates for structures and bounds checking *
; The header of the font file looks like this:
; UWORD FontLength; 0
; BYTE FontCompress; 2
; BYTE FontDataBlocks; 3
; UWORD InfoBlockOffset; 4
; UWORD OffsetBlockOffset; 6
; UWORD WidthBlockOffset; 8
; UWORD DataBlockOffset; 10
; UWORD HeightOffset; 12
; For this reason the following equates have these values:
;* Define the color xlate table in the data segment *
;* VESA_PRINT -- Assembly VESA text print routine *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* *
;* PROTO: *
;* *
;* *
;* 01/17/1995 PWG : Created. *
PROC Vesa_Print C near
USES ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi
ARG string:DWORD
ARG x_pixel:DWORD
ARG y_pixel:DWORD
ARG fcolor:DWORD
ARG bcolor:DWORD
LOCAL infoblock:DWORD ; pointer to info block
LOCAL offsetblock:DWORD ; pointer to offset block (UWORD *)
LOCAL widthblock:DWORD ; pointer to width block (BYTE *)
LOCAL heightblock:DWORD ; pointer to height block (UWORD *)
LOCAL curline:DWORD ; pointer to first column of current row.
local ptr_string:dword ; pointer to string
LOCAL bufferwidth:DWORD ; width of buffer (vpwidth + Xadd)
LOCAL nextdraw:DWORD ; bufferwidth - width of cur character.
LOCAL startdraw:DWORD ; where next character will start being drawn.
LOCAL char:DWORD ; current character value.
LOCAL maxheight:BYTE ; max height of characters in font.
LOCAL bottomblank:BYTE ; amount of empty space below current character.
LOCAL charheight:BYTE ; true height of current character.
LOCAL vpheight:DWORD
LOCAL remainder:DWORD
LOCAL fullwidth:DWORD
LOCAL currwidth:DWORD
;-------------------------------- Where to draw -----------------------------------------------
; Set up memory location to start drawing.
mov ebx,[this] ; get a pointer to dest
mov eax,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPHeight] ; get height of viewport
mov [vpheight],eax ; save off height of viewport
mov eax,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPWidth] ; get width of viewport
mov [vpwidth],eax ; save it off for later
add eax,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPXAdd] ; add in xadd for bytes_per_line
mov [bufferwidth],eax ; save it off for later use.
mul [y_pixel] ; multiply rowsize * y_pixel start.
mov edi,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPOffset] ; get start of the viewport
add edi,eax ; add y position to start of vp
mov [curline],edi ; save 0,y address for line feed stuff.
add edi,[x_pixel] ; add to get starting column in starting row.
mov [startdraw],edi ; save it off.
;-------------------------------- Create block pointers ----------------------------------------
; Get the pointer to the font.
; We could check for NULL but why waste the time.
; It is up to programmer to make sure it is set.
mov esi,[FontPtr] ; Get the font pointer
or esi,esi
jz ??done
; Set up some pointers to the different memory blocks.
; esi (FontPtr) is added to each to get the true address of each block.
; Many registers are used for P5 optimizations.
; ebx is used for InfoBlock which is then used in the next section.
movzx eax,[WORD PTR esi+FONTOFFSETBLOCK] ; get offset to offset block
movzx ebx,[WORD PTR esi+FONTINFOBLOCK] ; get offset to info block (must be ebx for height test)
movzx ecx,[WORD PTR esi+FONTWIDTHBLOCK] ; get offset to width block
movzx edx,[WORD PTR esi+FONTHEIGHTBLOCK] ; get offset to height block
add eax,esi ; add offset of FontPtr to offset block
add ebx,esi ; add offset of FontPtr to info block
add ecx,esi ; add offset of FontPtr to width block
add edx,esi ; add offset of FontPtr to height block
mov [offsetblock],eax ; save offset to offset block
mov [infoblock],ebx ; save offset to info block
mov [widthblock],ecx ; save offset to width block
mov [heightblock],edx ; save offset to height block
;------------------------------------------ Test for fit ----------------------------------------------
; Test to make sure the height of the max character will fit on this line
; and and not fall out of the viewport.
; remember we set ebx to FONTINFOBLOCK above.
movzx eax,[BYTE PTR ebx + FONTINFOMAXHEIGHT]; get the max height in font.
mov [maxheight],al ; save it for later use.
add eax,[y_pixel] ; add current y_value.
cmp eax,[vpheight] ; are we over the edge?
jg ??done ; if so, we're outa here.
mov [y_pixel],eax ; save for next line feed. y value for next line.
cld ; Make sure we are always forward copying.
;------------------------ Set palette foreground and background ----------------------------------
mov eax,[fcolor] ; foreground color
mov [ColorXlat+1],al
mov [ColorXlat+16],al
mov eax,[bcolor] ; background color
mov [ColorXlat],al
;----------------------------------------- Main loop ----------------------------------------------
; Now we go into the main loop of reading each character in the string and doing
; something with it.
; while (*string++)
xor eax,eax ; zero out since we will just load al.
mov esi,[string] ; get address on next character.
lodsb ; load the character into al.
test eax,0FFH ; test to see if character is a NULL
jz ??done ; character is NULL, get outa here.
mov edi,[startdraw] ; Load the starting address.
mov [string],esi ; save index into string. (incremented by lodsb)
cmp eax,10 ; is the character a line feed?
je ??line_feed ; if so, go to special case.
cmp eax,13 ; is the character a line feed?
je ??line_feed ; if so, go to special case.
mov [char],eax ; save the character off for later reference.
mov ebx,eax ; save it in ebx for later use also.
add eax,[widthblock] ; figure address of width of character.
mov ecx,[x_pixel] ; get current x_pixel.
movzx edx,[BYTE PTR eax] ; get the width of the character in dl.
add ecx,edx ; add width of char to current x_pixel.
add [startdraw],edx ; save start draw for next character.
cmp ecx,[vpwidth] ; is the pixel greater then the vp width?
jg ??force_line_feed ; if so, force a line feed.
mov [x_pixel],ecx ; save value of start of next character.
mov ecx,[bufferwidth] ; get amount to next y same x (one row down)
sub ecx,edx ; take the current width off.
mov [nextdraw],ecx ; save it to add to edi when done with a row.
; At this point we got the character. It is now time to find out specifics
; about drawing the darn thing.
; ebx = char so they can be used as an indexes.
; edx = width of character for loop later.
; get offset of data for character into esi.
shl ebx,1 ; mult by 2 to later use as a WORD index.
mov esi,[offsetblock] ; get pointer to begining of offset block.
add esi,ebx ; index into offset block.
movzx esi,[WORD PTR esi] ; get true offset into data block from FontPtr.
add esi,[FontPtr] ; Now add FontPtr address to get true address.
; Get top and bottom blank sizes and the true height of the character.
add ebx,[heightblock] ; point ebx to element in height array.
mov al,[ebx+1] ; load the data height into dl.
mov cl,[ebx] ; load the first data row into cl.
mov bl,[maxheight] ; get the max height of characters.
mov [charheight],al ; get number of rows with data.
add al,cl ; add the two heights.
sub bl,al ; subract topblank + char height from maxheight.
mov [bottomblank],bl ; save off the number of blank rows on the bottom.
; leaving this section:
; dl is still the width of the character.
; cl is the height of the top blank area.
mov ebx,OFFSET ColorXlat ; setup ebx for xlat commands.
mov dh,dl ; save the width of the character to restore each loop.
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win ; adjust edi & vesa page
cmp cl,0 ; is there any blank rows on top?
jz ??draw_char ; if not go and draw the real character.
xor eax,eax ; get color 0 for background.
xlat [ebx] ; get translated color into al
test al,al ; is it transparent black
jnz ??loop_top ; if not go and write the color
;----------------------------------------- skip Top blank area ----------------------------------------
; this case, the top is transparrent, but we need to increase our dest pointer to correct row.
movzx eax,cl ; get number of rows into eax;
mov ecx,edx ; save width since edx will be destroyed by mul.
mul [bufferwidth] ; multiply that by the width of the buffer.
mov edx,ecx ; restore the width
add edi,eax ; update the pointer.
cmp edi,0b0000h ; have we gone over win edge
jl ??draw_char ; if not keep writing to window
add edi , [ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win ; instead switch to next window
jmp short ??draw_char ; now go draw the character.
;----------------------------------------- fill Top blank area ----------------------------------------
stosb ; store the value
cmp edi,0b0000h ; have we gone over win edge
jl ??top_no_window_change ; if not keep writing to window
add edi , [ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win ; instead switch to next window
dec dh ; decrement our width.
jnz ??loop_top ; if more width, continue on.
add edi,[nextdraw] ; add amount for entire row.
cmp edi,0b0000h ; have we gone over win edge
jl ??top2_no_window_change ; if not keep writing to window
add edi , [ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win ; instead switch to next window
dec cl ; decrement or row count
mov dh,dl ; restore width in dh for loop.
jz ??draw_char ; we are done here, go draw the character.
jmp short ??loop_top ; go back to top of loop.
;----------------------------------------- Draw character ----------------------------------------------
movzx ecx,[charheight] ; get the height of character to count down rows.
test ecx,ecx ; is there any data? (blank would not have any)
jz ??next_char ; if no data, go on to next character.
lodsb ; get byte value from font data
mov ah,al ; save hinibble
and eax,0F00FH ; mask of low nibble in al hi nibble in ah.
xlat [ebx] ; get new color
test al,al ; is it a transparent?
jz short ??skiplo ; skip over write
mov [es:edi],al ; write it out
inc edi
cmp edi,0b0000h ; have we gone over win edge
jl ??lo_no_window_change ; if not keep writing to window
add edi , [ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win ; instead switch to next window
dec dh ; decrement our width.
jz short ??nextrow ; check if done with width of char
mov al,ah ; restore to get
; test the time difference between looking up in a large table when shr al,4 is not done as
; compared to using only a 16 byte table when using the shr al,4
;shr al,4 ; shift the hi nibble down to low nibble
xlat [ebx] ; get new color
test al,al ; is it a transparent?
jz short ??skiphi ; skip over write
mov [edi],al ; write it out
inc edi
cmp edi,0b0000h ; have we gone over win edge
jl ??hi_no_window_change ; if not keep writing to window
add edi , [ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win ; instead switch to next window
dec dh ; decrement our width.
jnz short ??while_data ; check if done with width of char
add edi,[nextdraw] ; go to next line.
cmp edi,0b0000h ; have we gone over win edge
jl ??next_row_no_window_change ; if not keep writing to window
add edi , [ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win ; instead switch to next window
dec ecx ; decrement the number of rows to go
mov dh,dl ; restore our column count for row.
jnz ??while_data ; more data for character.
; Now it is time to setup for clearing out the bottom of the character.
movzx ecx,[bottomblank] ; get amount on bottom that is blank
cmp ecx,0 ; if there is no blank bottom...
jz ??next_char ; then skip to go to next character
xor eax,eax ; get color 0 for background.
xlat [ebx] ; get translated color into al
test al,al ; is it transparent black
jz ??next_char ; skip the top black section to let the background through
mov dh,dl ; restore width in dh for loop.
;----------------------------------------- Blank below character -----------------------------------
stosb ; store the value
cmp edi,0b0000h ; have we gone over win edge
jl ??bottom_no_window_change ; if not keep writing to window
add edi , [ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win ; instead switch to next window
dec dh ; decrement our width.
jnz ??loop_bottom ; if more width, continue on.
add edi,[nextdraw] ; add amount for entire row.
cmp edi,0b0000h ; have we gone over win edge
jl ??bottom2_no_window_change ; if not keep writing to window
add edi , [ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win ; instead switch to next window
mov dh,dl ; restore width in dh for loop.
dec cl ; decrement or row count
jz ??next_char ; we are done here, go to the next character.
jmp short ??loop_bottom ; go back to top of loop.
;----------------------------------- end of next_char (main) loop ------------------------------------
;----------------------------------- special case line feeds ----------------------------------------
; JRJ 05/01/95 This is the problem However made this change introduced
; a error in the code, this function is not supposed to handle
; Text wrapping
; decrement pointer *string so that it will be back at same character
; when it goes through the loop.
dec [dword ptr string] ; overflow by one charater
jmp ??done
mov edx,[y_pixel] ; get the current y pixel value.
movzx ecx,[maxheight] ; get max height for later use.
add edx,ecx ; add max height to y_pixel
cmp edx,[vpheight] ; are we over the edge?
jg ??done ; if so, we are outa here.
mov eax,[bufferwidth] ; get bytes to next line.
mov edi,[curline] ; get start of current line.
mul ecx ; mult max height * next line.
add edi,eax ; add adjustment to current line.
add [y_pixel],ecx ; increment to our next y position.
mov [curline],edi ; save it off for next line_feed.
mov [startdraw],edi ; save it off so we know where to draw next char.w
mov [x_pixel],0 ; zero out x_pixel
jmp ??next_char
mov eax,[string] ; return the number of charaters
sub eax,[ptr_string] ; printed
ENDP Vesa_Print