575 lines
22 KiB
575 lines
22 KiB
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** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* $Header: g:/library/wwlib32/file/rcs/loadpict.cpp 1.1 1994/04/20 14:38:08 scott_bowen Exp $ */
** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D A S S O C I A T E S **
* *
* Project Name : Westwood Library *
* *
* File Name : IFFEXTRA.C *
* *
* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic *
* *
* Start Date : June 11, 1991 *
* *
* Last Update : April 20, 1994 [SKB] *
* *
* Functions: *
* ILBM_To_Amiga -- Convert ILBM to bitplane Amiga format. *
* ILBM_To_MCGA -- Converts ILBM picture into MCGA format. *
* PBM_To_Amiga -- Converts a PBM picture into Amiga format. *
* Load_Picture -- Loads a picture file (CPS or LBM format). *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include <wwstd.h>
#include "iff.h"
#include "file.h"
#include <video.h> // For GraphicMode and MCGA_MODE.
#include <wwmem.h> // For Alloc.
#include <mem.h>
// Since we are not currently using AMIGA, this has been put in to
// give us back some code space. If it is needed for a utility,
// this module should be recompiled with that utility and set the
// define to TRUE.
** An IFF picture file can have one of two formats:
** ILBM - InterLeaved Bit Map
** PBM - Packed Bit Map
typedef enum {
} IFFForm_Type;
** These are the various chunks that compose an IFF picture file.
#define ID_FORM MAKE_ID('F','O','R','M')
#define ID_ILBM MAKE_ID('I','L','B','M')
#define ID_PBM MAKE_ID('P','B','M',' ')
#define ID_CMAP MAKE_ID('C','M','A','P')
#define ID_BODY MAKE_ID('B','O','D','Y')
#define ID_BMHD MAKE_ID('B','M','H','D')
** The BMHD (Bit Map HeaDer) chunk in an IFF picture file contains the
** information necessary to extract that picture from the BODY chunk.
** It also indicates the size and depth of the source art.
typedef struct {
UWORD W, H; // Raster width and height in pixels.
WORD X, Y; // Pixel postion for this image.
BYTE BPlanes; // Number of bitplanes.
UBYTE Masking; // Masking control byte.
// 0 = No masking.
// 1 = Has a mask.
// 2 = Has transparent color.
// 3 = Lasso.
UBYTE Compression; // Compression method.
// 0 = No compression.
// 1 = Byte run compression.
BYTE pad;
UWORD Transparent; // Transparent color number.
UBYTE XAspect, // Pixel aspect ratio of source art.
WORD PageWidth, // Source 'page' size in pixels.
} BitMapHeader_Type;
/* The following PRIVATE functions are in this file: */
PRIVATE VOID cdecl ILBM_To_MCGA(BufferClass& src, BufferClass& dest, WORD planes);
PRIVATE VOID cdecl ILBM_To_Amiga(BufferClass& src, BufferClass& dest, WORD planes);
PRIVATE VOID cdecl PBM_To_Amiga(BufferClass& src, BufferClass& dest, WORD planes);
/*= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =*/
* ILBM_TO_MCGA -- Converts ILBM picture into MCGA format. *
* *
* This converts an ILBM picture (typical of DPaint LBM files) and *
* converts it to MCGA mode (byte per pixel). This function would be *
* used after the body of an ILBM picture is loaded. Because the *
* number of bitplanes can vary greatly, it is necessary to pass the *
* bitplane count to this function. The size (320 by 200) of the *
* source picture is presumed. *
* *
* INPUT: src - Buffer number for source ILBM picture. *
* *
* dest - Buffer number for place to put MCGA format. *
* *
* planes- The number of bitplanes in the ILBM picture. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/16/1991 JLB : Created. *
* 04/20/1994 SKB : Update to 32 bit library and make private. *
PRIVATE VOID cdecl ILBM_To_MCGA(BufferClass& src, BufferClass& dest, WORD planes)
BYTE *source; // Source pointer.
BYTE *destination; // Destination pointer.
WORD index,j,i; // Working index values.
WORD bplane; // Bit plane counter.
BYTE bytes[8]; // Byte array holding max bitplanes (8).
BYTE value; // Composed byte(pixel) value.
source = (BYTE *) src.Get_Buffer();
destination = (BYTE *) dest.Get_Buffer();
memset(bytes, '\0', 8); // Makes sure upper bits will be clear.
// Each row is grouped and processed together.
for (index = 0; index < 200 /*bmhd.H*/; index++) {
// Process each line in groups of 8 bytes.
for (j = 0; j < 40 /*(bmhd.W>>3)*/; j++) {
// Get the bitplane bytes.
for (bplane = 0; bplane < planes /*bmhd.BPlanes*/; bplane++) {
bytes[bplane] = *(source + (bplane * 40 /*(bmhd.W>>3)*/));
// Roll the bits out to create 8 pixels (by bytes).
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// 8 bits per byte.
value = 0;
for (bplane = planes - 1/*bmhd.BPlanes-1*/; bplane >= 0; bplane--) {
value <<= 1; // Make room for next bit.
if (bytes[bplane] & 0x80) value |= 1; // Set the bit.
bytes[bplane] <<= 1;
*destination++ = value; // Output the pixel byte.
// Advance to next scan line.
source += 40 /* (bmhd.W >> 3)*/ * (planes /* bmhd.BPlanes */ - 1);
* ILBM_TO_AMIGA -- Convert ILBM to bitplane Amiga format. *
* *
* This converts an InterLeaved BitMap picture into Amiga bitplane *
* format (8K per bitplane). The data of an ILBM picture is controlled *
* by the number of bitplanes it contains. The bitplane count is *
* passed into this program. *
* *
* INPUT: src - Buffer number for source ILBM picture data. *
* *
* dest - Buffer number for destination Amiga picture data. *
* *
* planes- The number of bitplanes in the source ILBM data. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: The amount of data placed into the destination buffer is *
* controlled by the number of bitplanes specified. It is *
* 8000 per bitplane. *
* *
* 05/20/1991 JLB : Created. *
* 04/20/1994 SKB : Update to 32 bit library and make private. *
* 04/20/1994 SKB : #if out for main library. Only used in utils maybe. *
PRIVATE VOID cdecl ILBM_To_Amiga(BufferClass& src, BufferClass& dest, WORD planes)
WORD row; // Working row counter.
WORD bp; // Working bitplane counter.
BYTE *srcptr, // Source buffer pointer.
*dstptr; // Destination buffer pointer.
srcptr = (BYTE *) src.Get_Buffer(); // Source buffer pointer.
dstptr = (BYTE *) dest.Get_Buffer(); // Destination buffer pointer.
for (row = 0; row < 200; row++) {
for (bp = 0; bp < planes; bp++) {
srcptr += 40;
dstptr += 40;
* PBM_TO_AMIGA -- Converts a PBM picture into Amiga format. *
* *
* This converts a PBM (Packed Bit Map) MCGA picture into Amiga *
* bitplane format. A PBM picture presumes 8 bitplanes, but this *
* can be controlled by the 'plane' parameter passed in. *
* *
* INPUT: src - Buffer number for the source PBM data. *
* *
* dest - Buffer number to place the Amiga format picture. *
* *
* planes- The number of bitplanes to extract from the PBM source *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: The amount of data placed into the destination buffer is *
* controlled by the number of bitplanes specified. It is *
* 8000 per bitplane. *
* *
* 05/20/1991 JLB : Created. *
* 04/20/1994 SKB : Update to 32 bit library and make private. *
* 04/20/1994 SKB : #if out for main library. Only used in utils maybe. *
PRIVATE VOID cdecl PBM_To_Amiga(BufferClass& src, BufferClass& dest, WORD planes)
WORD row, // Working row counter.
col, // Working column (by byte) counter.
bit; // Working bitplane counter.
UBYTE *destptr, // Destination byte pointer.
*srcptr; // Source byte pointer.
UBYTE value; // Working input MCGA pixel number.
destptr = (UBYTE *) dest.Get_Buffer();
srcptr = (UBYTE *) src.Get_Buffer();
memset(destptr, 0, 32000);
memset(destptr+32000, 0, 32000);
for (row = 0; row < 200; row++) {
for (col = 0; col < 320; col++) {
value = *srcptr++;
for (bit = 0; bit < planes; bit++) {
if (value & (0x01 << bit)) {
destptr[(WORD)((8000L * (LONG)bit) + (col>>3))] |= 0x80 >> (col & 0x07);
destptr += 40;
#ifdef NEVER
* LOAD_PICTURE -- Loads a picture file (CPS or LBM format). *
* *
* This loads a picture file into a page buffer. The loaded file will *
* be in MCGA or Amiga mode as requested. Supported source formats *
* are CPS or all forms of IFF dpaint files. *
* *
* INPUT: filename - Source filename. The only files that are *
* processed as IFF are those files that end with *
* ".LBM". *
* *
* loadbuf - Buffer type number for the temporary loading *
* buffer. It will be trashed. *
* *
* destbuf - Buffer type number for the picture to be placed. *
* *
* palette - Palette buffer pointer. If this value is NULL *
* then no palette is loaded. *
* *
* format - Desired destination format. *
* BM_AMIGA - Destination buffer will contain the *
* picture in bitplane format (Amiga). *
* The buffer will contain data equal to *
* 8K times the number of bit planes. *
* *
* BM_MCGA - Destination buffer will contain the *
* picture in MCGA format (byte per pixel).*
* The buffer will be 64K in size. *
* *
* OUTPUT: WORD number of bitplanes read into the dest buffer *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/16/1991 JLB : Created. *
* 05/20/1991 JLB : Handles Amiga and IBM destination formats. *
WORD cdecl Load_Picture(BYTE const *filename, BufferClass& scratchbuf, BufferClass& destbuf, UBYTE *palette, PicturePlaneType format)
int fh; // Input file handle.
long ifftype; // Iff form type.
int counter; // Count of the bytes decompressed.
int value; // Working compression code value.
int len; // WORD sized length value.
int index; // Working index values.
BitMapHeader_Type bmhd; // BMHD chunk data.
IFFForm_Type formtype; // ILBM, PBM.
char *src; // Working source body pointer.
char *dest; // Working destination body pointer.
//len = strlen(filename);
fh = Open_File(filename,READ);
if (fh == ERROR) return(FALSE);
if (ifftype != ID_FORM)
UBYTE * ptr = NULL ;
if ( GraphicMode == MCGA_MODE ||
( GraphicMode >= VESA_MIN && GraphicMode <= VESA_MAX ) )
ptr = palette ;
// return((WORD)Load_Uncompress(filename, scratchbuf, destbuf, (GraphicMode == MCGA_MODE) ? palette : NULL) / 8000);
return((WORD)Load_Uncompress(filename, scratchbuf, destbuf, palette ) / 8000 ) ;
fh = Open_Iff_File(filename); // Opens and checks for IFF form.
if (fh == ERROR) return(FALSE);
Read_File(fh, &ifftype, 4L);
if (ifftype == ID_ILBM) {
formtype = FORM_ILBM; // Inter-Leaved Bit Map.
} else {
if (ifftype == ID_PBM) {
formtype = FORM_PBM; // Packed Bit Map.
} else {
return FALSE; // Not a recognizable picture file.
// Load the BMHD chunk.
if (Read_Iff_Chunk(fh,ID_BMHD,(BYTE*)&bmhd,sizeof(BitMapHeader_Type))) {
// Perform necessary IBM conversions to the data.
bmhd.W = Reverse_WORD(bmhd.W);
bmhd.H = Reverse_WORD(bmhd.H);
bmhd.X = Reverse_WORD(bmhd.X);
bmhd.Y = Reverse_WORD(bmhd.Y);
// this is a mistake Xaspect and YAspect are char type
// bmhd.XAspect = Reverse_WORD(bmhd.XAspect);
// bmhd.YAspect = Reverse_WORD(bmhd.YAspect);
value = bmhd.XAspect ;
bmhd.XAspect = bmhd.YAspect ;
bmhd.YAspect = ( unsigned char ) value ;
bmhd.PageWidth = Reverse_WORD(bmhd.PageWidth);
bmhd.PageHeight = Reverse_WORD(bmhd.PageHeight);
if (bmhd.Masking > 2) return FALSE; // Don't allow brushes.
if (bmhd.Compression > 1) return FALSE; // Unknown compression.
} else {
return FALSE; // Unable to read the required BMHD chunk.
// Load the palette if asked.
if (palette)
int pbytes ; // Number of CMAP bytes required.
unsigned char color; // Palette color value.
unsigned char *paletteptr; // Allocated buffer for palette conversions.
unsigned char *source; // Scratch source CMAP data pointer.
unsigned char *dest2; // Scratch destination palette pointer.
// Number of CMAP bytes that are needed.
pbytes = (1 << bmhd.BPlanes) * 3;
// Allocate the temporary palette buffer.
paletteptr = (UBYTE *)Alloc(pbytes, MEM_CLEAR);
source = paletteptr;
dest2 = palette;
// Read in only the bytes that are needed.
pbytes = (WORD)Read_Iff_Chunk(fh, ID_CMAP, (BYTE *) paletteptr, pbytes);
if ( pbytes &&
( ( GraphicMode >= VESA_MIN && GraphicMode <= VESA_MAX ) ||
GraphicMode == MCGA_MODE ) )
if (pbytes) {
** CMAP to machine specific palette conversion code. Conversion
** goes from CMAP three bytes per color register to the machine
** specific form.
switch(format) {
case BM_MCGA:
// Convert CMAP to IBM MCGA palette form.
for (index = 0; index < pbytes; index++) {
*dest2++ = *source++ >> 2;
case BM_AMIGA:
// Convert CMAP to Amiga nibble packed palette form.
for (index = 0; index < pbytes; index += 3) {
*dest2++ = *(source++) >> 4;
color = (*(source++) & 0xf0);
color += *(source++) >> 4;
*dest2++ = color;
// Load in BODY chunk.
dest = (BYTE *) scratchbuf.Get_Buffer();
src = (BYTE *) destbuf.Get_Buffer();
if (Read_Iff_Chunk(fh, ID_BODY, src, destbuf.Get_Size()))
for (index = 0; index < (WORD)bmhd.H; index++)
/* Height of source */
// Transfer (possibly uncompress) one row of data.
// PBM or ILBM reader. Bytes per row (all bitplanes).
counter = bmhd.BPlanes * (bmhd.W >> 3);
// If there is a mask then there is one more bitplane.
if (bmhd.Masking == 1)
counter += bmhd.W >> 3 ;
if (bmhd.Compression == 1)
// The data is compressed.
// Decompress one scanline (all bitplanes) at a time.
while (counter)
value = ( signed char ) *src++; // Decompression code.
if (value == -128) continue; // NOOP code.
if (value >= 0)
// Copy N+1 bytes.
len = ((WORD) value) + 1;
// Ignore the masking bitplane.
if ( bmhd.Masking != 1 ||
(bmhd.Masking==1 && counter > ((WORD)bmhd.W >> 3) ) )
memcpy(dest, src, len);
dest += len;
counter -= len;
src += len;
// Replicate -N+1 bytes.
len = (-((WORD) value)) + 1;
value = *src++;
// Ignore the masking bitplane.
if (bmhd.Masking != 1 || (bmhd.Masking==1 && counter > ((WORD)bmhd.W >> 3)))
dest += len;
counter -= len;
// Plain data is just copied.
dest += counter;
src += counter;
** Perform necessary conversions to the data in order to reach
** the desired format.
switch (format) {
case BM_MCGA: // Byte per pixel desired.
if (formtype == FORM_ILBM) {
ILBM_To_MCGA(scratchbuf, destbuf, bmhd.BPlanes);
} else {
Mem_Copy(scratchbuf.Get_Buffer(), destbuf.Get_Buffer(), 64000L);
case BM_AMIGA: // Bitplane format desired.
if (formtype == FORM_ILBM) {
ILBM_To_Amiga(scratchbuf, destbuf, bmhd.BPlanes);
} else {
PBM_To_Amiga(scratchbuf, destbuf, bmhd.BPlanes);
return((WORD)bmhd.BPlanes); // Loaded the picture successfully.