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2227 lines
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; Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
; Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D A S S O C I A T E S **
;* *
;* Project Name : Westwood 32 bit Library *
;* (Mouse Routines) *
;* *
;* File Name : MOUSE.ASM *
;* *
;* Programmer : Phil W. Gorrow *
;* *
;* Start Date : August 26, 1994 *
;* *
;* Last Update : November 3, 1994 [PWG] *
;* *
;* Functions: *
;* Install_Mouse -- Initializes mouse driver and verifies mouse exists *
;* Remove_Mouse -- uninstalls the mouse interrupt by disabling the call *
;* Get_Mouse_X -- Returns the mouses x pixel position *
;* Get_Mouse_Y -- Returns the mouse's y pixel position *
;* Get_Mouse_Button -- Gets the values of the mouse button *
;* Set_Mouse_Cursor -- Sets the shape to be used as the mouse. *
;* Low_Hide_Mouse -- Low-level routine which hides the mouse *
;* Low_Show_Mouse -- Low level routine which shows the mouse *
;* Mouse_Shadow_Buffer -- Handles storing and restoring the mouse buffer *
;* Draw_Mouse -- Handles drawing the mouse cursor *
;* Hide_Mouse -- Hides mouse cursor on screen if it was show *
;* Show_Mouse -- Display mouse cursor on screen if it was hidden *
;* Conditional_Hide_Mouse -- Hides mouse if its with given region *
;* Conditional_Show_Mouse -- shows mouse if it was conditionally hidden *
;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
IDEAL ; the product runs in ideal mode
P386 ; use 386 real mode instructions
LOCALS ?? ; ?? is the symbol for a local
;WARN ; generate all warnings we can
;JUMPS ; optimize jumps if possible
; Include all of the keyboard specific defines
INCLUDE "keystruc.inc"
INCLUDE "shape.inc"
include "svgaprim.inc"
DOS_SYS_CALL EQU 21h ; to do TNT DOS-XNDR system calls.
CONDHIDE EQU 08000H ; bit for testing conditional region
CONDHIDDEN EQU 04000H ; bit for testing conditional hidden
; Define any data which needs to be global...
GLOBAL Get_Shape_Uncomp_Size :NEAR
GLOBAL Get_Shape_Width :NEAR
GLOBAL Get_Shape_Original_Height :NEAR
GLOBAL Size_Of_Region :NEAR
GLOBAL _ShapeBuffer :DWORD
GLOBAL XRes : dword
GLOBAL YRes : dword
GLOBAL VesaFunc : dword
GLOBAL Vesa_XRes : near
GLOBAL Vesa_YRes : near
_edi dd ?
_esi dd ?
_ebp dd ?
dd ?
_ebx dd ?
_edx dd ?
_ecx dd ?
_eax dd ?
Flags dw ?
_es dw ?
_ds dw ?
_fs dw ?
_gs dw ?
_ip dw ?
_cs dw ?
_sp dw ?
_ss dw ?
dd ?
dd ?
nothing dd ?
; Now lets handle any data in the data segment
RealInt DPMI_REGS <> ; structure to call a real mode int
MInstalled DD 0 ; is the mouse installed?
MouseCursor DD 0
MouseBuffer DD 0
BufferWidth DD 0
BufferHeight DD 0
BufferSize DD 0
PrevMousePtr DD 0
MouseBufferSel DD 0
Draw_Mouse dd VGA_Draw_Mouse
Mouse_Shadow_Buffer dd VGA_Mouse_Shadow_Buffer
; Time to write some code
;* INSTALL_MOUSE -- Initializes mouse driver and verifies mouse connected *
;* *
;* First check the mouse interupt to see if the vector is pointing to zero *
;* page. If it is not then make sure it is not pointing to an IRET. If *
;* not call the mouse reset to verify that the hardware is attached. *
;* *
;* INPUT: int mouse_max_width - the max width of the mouse cursor *
;* int mouse_max_height - the max height of the mouse cursor *
;* int screen_width - width of the physical screen *
;* int screen_height - height of the physical screen *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: TRUE is mouse driver is initialized, FALSE if unable to *
;* initialize mouse driver. *
;* *
;* PROTO: int Install_Mouse( int mouse_max_width, *
;* int mouse_max_height, *
;* int screen_width, *
;* int screen_height); *
;* *
;* 08/26/1994 PWG : Created. *
GLOBAL Install_Mouse:NEAR
PROC Install_Mouse C NEAR
USES ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi
ARG mouse_max_width:DWORD
ARG mouse_max_height:DWORD
ARG screen_width:DWORD
ARG screen_height:DWORD
;* Initialize all of the general mouse variables
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get offset of real mode data start
test esi , esi ; mouse driver should be install
jz ??exit ; after keyboard interrup is install
mov eax , [ XRes ]
shr eax , 1
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseX],eax ; set the mouses x coordinate to 160
mov eax , [ YRes ]
shr eax , 1
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseY],eax ; set the mouses y coordinate to 100
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MState],1 ; flag the mouse as hidden
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MCState],0 ; turn off conditional region
mov eax , [ XRes ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight],eax
mov eax , [ YRes ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom],eax
; Get the real mode interrupt vector keyboard
; input ax = 0200, bl = number of interrupt to get
; output cf error, cx,dx= address (seg:off) of RM int handler routine.
; cl set above
mov eax,0200h
mov bl,033h
int DPMI_INTR ; do call.
jc ??error ; no mouse driver present
;* If the interupt vector is pointing to 0000:0000h, there is no mouse
mov ax,cx
or ax,dx
jz short ??nomouse
and edx , 0ffffh
and ecx , 0ffffh
shl ecx,4
add ecx,edx
;* If the first instruction is an IRET, there is no mouse
cmp [byte ptr ecx],0CFH ; is this an IRET
jne short ??mouse_buff ; if it isnt then reset the mouse
mov eax,FALSE ; flag no mouse driver
mov [MInstalled],FALSE ; flag no mouse driver
jmp ??exit ; exit
;* Allocate two real mode memory buffers for the mouse cursor and the
;* mouse shadow
mov eax,[mouse_max_width] ; get the is max width
mov [BufferWidth],eax ; save it off for set cursor
mov edx,[mouse_max_height] ; get the max height
mov [BufferHeight],edx ; save it off for set cursor
mul edx ; size = max_width * max_height
add eax,22 ; add width/height(8) + para align(15)
and al, 0f0h ; now size is even paragraphs
mov [BufferSize],eax ; store off the buffer size
shl eax,1 ; make two of them
mov ebx,eax ; get size of RM binary.
mov ecx,eax ; ecx will use it later.
add ebx,15 ; round up
shr ebx,4 ; convert to pages.
mov eax,0100h ; alloc real buffer
int DPMI_INTR ; do call.
jc ??error ; check for error.
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get offset of real mode data start
mov [MouseBufferSel], edx
shl eax , 16
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseCursor],eax ; store off the real mode segment
mov edx,eax ; get the buffer position
add edx,[BufferSize] ; add in the buffer size
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffer],edx ; store off the real mode segment
shr eax,12 ; convert the seg/off to 32 bit offset
mov edx,eax
add edx,[BufferSize]
mov [MouseCursor],eax ; store it off in the mouse buffer
mov [MouseBuffer],edx ; store it off in the mouse buffer
mov eax,0600h ; function number.
mov ecx,[MouseCursor] ; ecx must have start of memory.
mov edi,[BufferSize]
shl edi,1
shld ebx,ecx,16
shld esi,edi,16
int DPMI_INTR ; do call.
jc ??error ; eax = 8 if mem err, eax = 9 if invalid mem region.
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get offset of real mode data start
; Reset mouse thru int 33h funtion 0
call Clear_RM_regs
mov eax , 0300h
mov ebx , 033h
xor ecx , ecx
mov [RealInt . _eax ] , 0
lea edi, [RealInt]
mov eax ,[RealInt . _eax]
cmp ax,-1 ; was the mouse attached to system
jne ??nomouse ; if not exit out of the routine
mov [(KeyboardType esi).Adjust],0 ; assume we do not need to adjust mouse
; Set the Vesa Parameters
mov eax , [ VesaFunc ]
test eax , eax
jz ??set_vga_mouse
mov [(KeyboardType esi). VesaPtr ] , eax
mov ax , [(KeyboardType esi). VESAMouseShadow ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi). ShadowPtr] , ax
mov ax , [(KeyboardType esi). VESAMouseDraw ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi). DrawMousePtr ] , ax
lea eax , [ VESA_Draw_Mouse ]
mov [ Draw_Mouse ] , eax
lea eax , [ VESA_Mouse_Shadow_Buffer ]
mov [ Mouse_Shadow_Buffer ] , eax
mov eax , [ XRes ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi). MouseRight ] , eax
mov eax , [ YRes ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi). MouseBottom ] , eax
lea edi , [(KeyboardType esi). VesaBankTable]
lea esi , [ BankTable ]
mov ecx , 8
rep movsd
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get offset of real mode data start
jmp ??end_vesa
mov ax , [(KeyboardType esi). VGAMouseShadow ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi). ShadowPtr] , ax
mov ax , [(KeyboardType esi). VGAMouseDraw ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi). DrawMousePtr ] , ax
lea eax , [ VGA_Draw_Mouse ]
mov [ Draw_Mouse ] , eax
lea eax , [ VGA_Mouse_Shadow_Buffer ]
mov [ Mouse_Shadow_Buffer ] , eax
call Reset_Mouse
mov eax , TRUE
mov eax,FALSE
ENDP Install_Mouse
;* ResET_MOUSE -- Reset mouse to a new graphif mode *
;* *
;* reset mouse driver funtions to a a currently graphic mode *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* PROTO: Reset_Mouse ( void ) *
;* *
;* *
;* 08/26/1994 JRJ : Created. *
PROC Reset_Mouse C NEAR
USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi
;* Initialize all of the general mouse variables
mov esi , [RealModePtr] ; get offset of real mode data start
test esi , esi
jz ??exit
mov eax , [ XRes ]
shr eax , 1
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseX],eax ; set the mouses x coordinate to 160
mov eax , [ YRes ]
shr eax , 1
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseY],eax ; set the mouses y coordinate to 100
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MState],1 ; flag the mouse as hidden
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MCState],0 ; turn off conditional region
mov eax , [ XRes ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight],eax
mov eax , [ YRes ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom],eax
mov [(KeyboardType esi).Adjust],0 ; assume we do not need to adjust mouse
; Set the Vesa Parameters
mov eax , [ VesaFunc ]
test eax , eax
jz ??set_vga_mouse
mov [(KeyboardType esi). VesaPtr ] , eax
mov ax , [(KeyboardType esi). VESAMouseShadow ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi). ShadowPtr] , ax
mov ax , [(KeyboardType esi). VESAMouseDraw ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi). DrawMousePtr ] , ax
lea eax , [ VESA_Draw_Mouse ]
mov [ Draw_Mouse ] , eax
lea eax , [ VESA_Mouse_Shadow_Buffer ]
mov [ Mouse_Shadow_Buffer ] , eax
mov eax , [ XRes ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi). MouseRight ] , eax
mov eax , [ YRes ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi). MouseBottom ] , eax
lea edi , [(KeyboardType esi). VesaBankTable]
lea esi , [ BankTable ]
mov ecx , 8
rep movsd
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get offset of real mode data start
jmp ??end_vesa
mov ax , [(KeyboardType esi). VGAMouseShadow ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi). ShadowPtr] , ax
mov ax , [(KeyboardType esi). VGAMouseDraw ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi). DrawMousePtr ] , ax
lea eax , [ VGA_Draw_Mouse ]
mov [ Draw_Mouse ] , eax
lea eax , [ VGA_Mouse_Shadow_Buffer ]
mov [ Mouse_Shadow_Buffer ] , eax
; S Mickey/pixel Ratio cursor limits
call Clear_RM_regs
mov eax , 0300h
mov ebx , 033h
mov ecx , 8
mov edx , 16
mov [RealInt . _eax ] , 0fh
mov [RealInt . _ecx] , ecx
mov [RealInt . _edx] , edx
xor ecx , ecx
lea edi, [RealInt]
; Set Min/Max X pos
call Clear_RM_regs
mov eax , 0300h
mov ebx , 033h
mov ecx , 0
mov edx , [ XRes ]
cmp edx , 320
jne ??set_it
shl edx , 1
mov [(KeyboardType esi).Adjust],1
; dec edx
mov [RealInt . _eax ] , 7
mov [RealInt . _ecx] , ecx
mov [RealInt . _edx] , edx
xor ecx , ecx
lea edi, [RealInt]
; Set Min/Max Y pos
call Clear_RM_regs
mov eax , 0300h
mov ebx , 033h
mov ecx , 0
mov edx , [ YRes ]
dec edx
mov [RealInt . _eax ] , 8
mov [RealInt . _ecx] , ecx
mov [RealInt . _edx] , edx
xor ecx , ecx
lea edi, [RealInt]
IF 0
; Check for scale factors in X and Y pos
call Clear_RM_regs
mov eax , 0300h
mov ebx , 033h
mov ecx , [ XRes ]
mov edx , [ YRes ]
sub ecx , 8
sub edx , 16
mov [RealInt . _eax ] , 4
mov [RealInt . _ecx] , ecx
mov [RealInt . _edx] , edx
xor ecx , ecx
lea edi, [RealInt]
; Read mouse position thru int 33 funtion 3
call Clear_RM_regs
mov eax , 0300h
mov ebx , 033h
xor ecx , ecx
mov [RealInt . _eax ] , 3
lea edi, [RealInt]
mov ecx ,[RealInt . _ecx]
mov edx ,[RealInt . _edx]
; compute Scale values X Y for different vendor mouse driver if nessesary
add ecx , 8
add edx , 16
cmp ecx , [ XRes ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi).Adjust_XPos],0
jz ??No_scaleX
mov [(KeyboardType esi).Adjust_XPos],ecx
cmp edx , [ YRes ]
mov [(KeyboardType esi).Adjust_YPos],0
jz ??No_scaleY
mov [(KeyboardType esi).Adjust_YPos],edx
mov ecx, [ XRes ] ; set the mouses x coordinate to 160
mov edx, [ YRes ] ; set the mouses x coordinate to 160
cmp [(KeyboardType esi).Adjust],1
je ??no_ecx_shift
shr ecx , 1
shr edx , 1
mov [MInstalled],TRUE ; set the fact that mouse is installed
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MDisabled],TRUE ; disable mouse until the overlay is loaded
; Set new Mouse position any way
call Clear_RM_regs
mov eax , 0300h
mov ebx , 033h
mov [RealInt . _eax ] , 4
mov [RealInt . _ecx] , ecx
mov [RealInt . _edx] , edx
xor ecx , ecx
lea edi, [RealInt]
call Clear_RM_regs
mov eax, 0300h
mov ebx ,33h ; mouse is in 33h
mov ecx,0 ; any mouse condition generates int
mov edx,[RealModePtr] ; get real mode memory address
shr edx,4 ; convert it to a segment
mov [RealInt. _es],dx ; store it in the real mode es
movzx edx,[(KeyboardType PTR esi).MouseCodeOffset] ; Get address of code
mov [RealInt._edx],edx ; set edx to offset of code
mov [RealInt._eax],12 ; set eax to set interrupt routine
mov [RealInt._ecx],31
lea edi, [RealInt]
mov eax,TRUE ; return TRUE if all is well
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MDisabled],FALSE ; no 32 bit overlays installed
je ??exit
mov eax,FALSE
ENDP Reset_Mouse
;* REMOVE_MOUSE -- uninstalls the mouse interrupt by disabling the call *
;* *
;* This routine will uninstall the mouse interrupt. It does this by *
;* simply disabling the call condition. The interrupt itself is still *
;* present, just uncalled until dos removes it at program termination. *
;* *
;* INPUT: none *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: none *
;* *
;* PROTO: VOID Remove_Mouse(VOID); *
;* *
;* 08/29/1994 PWG : Created. *
GLOBAL Remove_Mouse:NEAR
PROC Remove_Mouse C NEAR
USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi
call Clear_RM_regs
cmp [MInstalled],FALSE ; check to see if mouse installed
je ??exit ; if not then no need to remove it
mov [MInstalled],FALSE ; Force to NOT-Installed.
;;PWG cmp [_MSWIFTDevice],1 ; check to see if SWIFT device installed
;;PWG je short ??prevSWIFT ; if so use previous SWIFT event handler
mov ebx , 033h
mov edx,[RealModePtr] ; get real mode memory address
test edx,edx ; check that the memory block is valid
jz ??exit
shr edx,4 ; convert it to a segment
mov [RealInt._es],dx ; store it in the real mode es
xor edx,edx
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get offset of real mode data start
mov dx,[(KeyboardType PTR esi).MouseCodeOffset] ; Get address of code
mov [RealInt._edx],edx ; set edx to offset of code
mov [RealInt._eax],12 ; set eax to set interrupt routine
mov [RealInt._ecx],0
mov ecx,0 ; no mouse condition generates an int
mov eax,0300h
lea edi,[RealInt]
mov eax,0601h ; function number.
mov ecx,[MouseCursor] ; ecx must have start of memory.
mov edi,[BufferSize]
shl edi,1
shld ebx,ecx,16
shld esi,edi,16
int DPMI_INTR ; do call.
; Deallocate real memory buffer
mov edx ,[MouseBufferSel]
test dx ,dx
jz ??exit
mov eax ,0101h
ENDP Remove_Mouse
GLOBAL Clear_RM_regs :NEAR
PROC Clear_RM_regs NEAR
push eax
push ecx
push edi
lea edi , [ RealInt ]
lea ecx , [ RealInt . nothing ]
sub ecx , edi
xor eax , eax
shr ecx , 2
rep stosd
pop edi
pop ecx
pop eax
ENDP Clear_RM_regs
;* GET_MOUSE_X -- Returns the mouses x pixel position *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: none *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: int - the mouse x position in pixels *
;* *
;* WARNINGS: int Get_Mouse_X(void); *
;* *
;* 08/29/1994 PWG : Created. *
USES esi
mov esi,[RealModePtr]
mov eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseX]
ENDP Get_Mouse_X
;* GET_MOUSE_STATE -- Returns the current mouse state *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: none *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: int - the mouse's current state *
;* *
;* WARNINGS: int Get_Mouse_State(void); *
;* *
;* 08/29/1994 PWG : Created. *
GLOBAL Get_Mouse_State:NEAR
PROC Get_Mouse_State C NEAR
USES esi
mov esi,[RealModePtr]
mov eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MState]
ENDP Get_Mouse_State
;* GET_MOUSE_X -- Returns the mouses x pixel position *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: none *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: int - the mouse x position in pixels *
;* *
;* WARNINGS: int Get_Mouse_X(void); *
;* *
;* 08/29/1994 PWG : Created. *
GLOBAL Get_Mouse_Disabled:NEAR
PROC Get_Mouse_Disabled C NEAR
USES esi
mov esi,[RealModePtr]
movzx eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MDisabled]
ENDP Get_Mouse_Disabled
;* GET_MOUSE_Y -- Returns the mouse's y pixel position *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: none *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: int - the mouses y position in pixels *
;* *
;* PROTO: int Get_Mouse_Y(void); *
;* *
;* 08/29/1994 PWG : Created. *
USES esi
mov esi,[RealModePtr]
mov eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseY]
ENDP Get_Mouse_Y
;* GET_MOUSE_BUTTON -- Gets the values of the mouse button *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* *
;* PROTO: *
;* *
;* *
;* 09/19/1994 PWG : Created. *
GLOBAL Get_Mouse_Button:NEAR
PROC Get_Mouse_Button C NEAR
USES eax,esi
mov esi,[RealModePtr]
xor eax,eax
mov al,[(KeyboardType esi).Button]
ENDP Get_Mouse_Button
;* SET_MOUSE_CURSOR -- Sets the shape to be used as the mouse. *
;* *
;* This will inform the system of the shape desired as the mouse *
;* cursor. *
;* *
;* INPUT: xhotspot -- Offset of click point into shape. *
;* *
;* yhotspot -- Offset of click point into shape. *
;* *
;* cursor -- Shape to use as the new mouse shape. *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: Returns with a pointer to the original mouse shape. *
;* *
;* PROTO: VOID *Set_Mouse_Cursor( int xhotspot, *
;* int yhotspot, *
;* void *cursor); *
;* *
;* 02/13/1992 JLB : Created. *
GLOBAL Set_Mouse_Cursor:NEAR
PROC Set_Mouse_Cursor C NEAR
USES ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi
ARG xhotspot:DWORD ; the x hot spot of the mouse
ARG yhotspot:DWORD ; the y hot spot of the mouse
ARG cursor:DWORD ; ptr to the new mouse cursor
LOCAL datasize:DWORD
LOCAL swidth:DWORD ; Shape width.
LOCAL sheight:DWORD ; Shape height.
LOCAL ssize:DWORD ; Size of raw shape.
; Direction flag must be forward in this routine.
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get offset of real mode data start
; Make sure the mouse is Enabled and Installed before continuing
mov eax,[cursor]
cmp eax,0 ; if the mouse cursor is in zero page
je ??exit ; it is completely invalid
cmp eax,[PrevMousePtr]
je ??exit
cmp [(KeyboardType esi).MDisabled],FALSE ; make sure the mouse is not disabled
jne ??exit ; if it is not then give it a try
; We need to wait if a mouse interrupt is in progress. Once the
; interrupt is finished flag that it is occuring so that it will
; not attempt to draw the mouse while we are changing the cursor.
inc [(KeyboardType esi).MouseUpdate] ; flag that mouse can not be drawn
; If the mouse is currently on the screen hide it.
call Low_Hide_Mouse
; Calculate the size of the buffer needed.
push [cursor]
call Get_Shape_Uncomp_Size
pop edx
mov [datasize],eax
push [cursor]
call Get_Shape_Width
pop edx
mov [swidth],eax
cmp eax,[BufferWidth]
jg ??end
push [cursor]
call Get_Shape_Original_Height
pop edx
mov [sheight],eax
cmp eax,[BufferHeight]
jg ??end
mov ebx,[sheight]
mov eax,[swidth]
imul ebx,eax
mov esi,[cursor] ; set esi to point to mouse shape
mov ax,[esi] ; get the shape type byte
mov [stype],ax ; save off the shape type
test ax,MAKESHAPE_NOCOMP ; is it marked as no compression?
je ??comp_shape ; if not go to the comped shape code
mov edi,[MouseCursor] ; set edi to point to mouse buffer
test [stype],MAKESHAPE_COMPACT ; if the shape a 16 color shape?
jne ??16_color_copy ; if it is then go handle it
;* Uncompressed NORMAL shapes just get run-length uncompressed
add esi,10 ; adjust past header of shape
mov eax,[swidth] ; load up the width
mul [sheight] ; find size of shape in pixels
mov edx,eax ; save this in number of bytes
xor ecx,ecx ; clear high of loop variable
mov al,[esi] ; get a byte out of the file
inc esi ; increment to the next pos
or al,al ; set the flags on register state
jz ??norm_trans ; if its a zero its transparent
mov [edi],al ; write out the pixel to dest
inc edi ; move to next dest position
dec edx ; we have now written another pix
jnz ??norm_unrle ; if more to write then do it
jmp ??done_copy ; otherwise we are all done
mov cl,[esi] ; get how many zeros to write
sub edx,ecx
inc esi ; increment the source position
xor al,al ; clear out al cuz we're writing zeros
rep stosb ; write all of them out
or edx,edx
jnz ??norm_unrle ; if more to do then do it
jmp ??done_copy ; otherwise we are done
;* Uncompressed 16 color shapes just get remaped and UN-RLE'd
add esi,10 ; adjust past header of shape
mov ebx,esi ; save of position of remap
add esi,16 ; move past remap table
mov eax,[swidth] ; load up the width
mul [sheight] ; load up the height
mov edx,eax ; save this in number of bytes
xor eax,eax ; clear high of lookup variable
xor ecx,ecx ; clear high of loop variable
mov al,[esi] ; get a byte out of the file
inc esi ; increment to the next pos
or al,al ; set the flags on register state
jz ??16_color_trans ; if its a zero its transparent
mov al,[ebx+eax] ; remap the pixel from 16 color table
mov [edi],al ; store it out to the dest address
inc edi ; move to next dest address
dec edx ; we have now written a pixel
jnz ??16_color_unrle
jmp ??done_copy
mov cl,[esi] ; get how many zeros to write
sub edx,ecx ; subtract off count ahead of time
inc esi ; increment the source position
xor al,al ; clear out al cuz we're writing zeros
rep stosb ; write all of them out
or edx,edx ; or edx to test for zero
jnz ??16_color_unrle
jmp ??done_copy
; Deal with the compressed shape by copying it into the shape
; staging buffer.
mov edi,[_ShapeBuffer] ; get a pointer to ShapeBuffer
mov ax,[esi] ; load in the shape type
add esi,2 ; increment the shape pointer
or ax,MAKESHAPE_NOCOMP ; make the shape as uncompressed
mov [stype],ax ; save off the shape type
mov [edi],ax ; write out uncompressed shape
add edi,2
; Process the shape header information and copy it over to the new
; location.
mov ecx,4 ; transfer height, width, org and
test eax,MAKESHAPE_COMPACT ; is it a 16 color shape?
je ??copy_head ; no - don't worry about it
add ecx,8 ; otherwise adjust ecx for header
rep movsw ; copy the necessary bytes
mov eax,[datasize] ; get uncompressed length
push eax ; push as third param
push edi ; push the destination offset
push esi ; push the source offset
call LCW_Uncompress ; do the uncompress
pop eax
pop eax
pop eax
mov esi,[_ShapeBuffer]
mov edi,[MouseCursor] ; set edi to point to mouse buffer
jmp ??copy_type
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get offset of real mode data start
mov eax,[xhotspot] ; get the mouse cursors x hotspot
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseXHot],eax
mov eax,[yhotspot] ; get the mouse cursors y hotspot
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseYHot],eax
mov ebx,[sheight] ; get shape height
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseHeight],ebx
mov ebx,[swidth]
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseWidth],ebx
call Low_Show_Mouse
; Final cleanup and exit.
dec [(KeyboardType esi).MouseUpdate] ; we are done modifying the cursor
push [cursor]
push [PrevMousePtr]
pop eax
pop [PrevMousePtr]
ret ; and return back to the world
ENDP Set_Mouse_Cursor
;* LOW_HIDE_MOUSE -- Low-level routine which hides the mouse *
;* *
;* INPUT: none *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: none *
;* *
;* WARNINGS: none *
;* *
;* 09/19/1994 PWG : Created. *
GLOBAL C Low_Hide_Mouse:NEAR
PROC Low_Hide_Mouse C NEAR
USES eax,ebx,esi
mov ebx,[RealModePtr] ; get 32 bit offset of dos data
;* Is the mouse disabled or hidden?
cmp [(KeyboardType ebx).MDisabled],0 ; is the mouse disabled?
jne short ??end
cmp [(KeyboardType ebx).MState],0 ; is the mouse hidden?
jne short ??endnodraw ; no need to hide again
;* Take care of restoring the mouse cursor
push eax
call [ Mouse_Shadow_Buffer]
pop eax
;* The mouse is now hidden -- again.
add [(KeyboardType ebx).MState],1
adc [(KeyboardType ebx).MState],0
ENDP Low_Hide_Mouse
;* LOW_SHOW_MOUSE -- Low level routine which shows the mouse *
;* *
;* INPUT: none *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: none *
;* *
;* WARNINGS: none *
;* *
;* 09/19/1994 PWG : Created. *
GLOBAL C Low_Show_Mouse:NEAR
PROC Low_Show_Mouse C NEAR
USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx,edi,esi
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get offset of real mode data start
;* Don't show the mouse if it is not hidden or it is disabled
cmp [(KeyboardType esi).MDisabled],0 ; is the mouse disabled
jne ??exit ; if so then exit
cmp [(KeyboardType esi).MState],0 ; is the mouse already visible
je ??exit ; if so then exit
;* Don't show the mouse if it was hidden multiple times
dec [(KeyboardType esi).MState] ; show the mouse one level
cmp [(KeyboardType esi).MState],0 ; can the mouse be shown
jne short ??exit
;* Determine the theoretcial drawing position of the mouse
mov ecx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseWidth] ; Theoretical buffer width (pixel).
mov edx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseHeight] ; Theoretical buffer height (pixel).
mov eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseX]
mov [mousex],eax ; Draw X pixel.
mov ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseY]
mov [mousey],ebx ; Draw Y pixel.
;* Determine the theoretical coordinates and dimensions of the
;* area the mouse shape will be rendered upon.
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffX],eax
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffY],ebx
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffW],ecx
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffH],edx
;------ Move the area that will be drawn upon, to the graphic buffer.
push eax
call [ Mouse_Shadow_Buffer ]
pop eax
;------ Draw the mouse shape to the seenpage.
push [mousey]
push [mousex]
call [ Draw_Mouse ]
pop eax
pop eax
ENDP Low_Show_Mouse
;* HIDE_MOUSE -- Hides mouse cursor on screen if it was show *
;* *
;* INPUT: none *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: none *
;* *
;* PROTO: void Hide_Mouse(void); *
;* *
;* 11/03/1994 PWG : Created. *
PROC Hide_Mouse C NEAR
USES eax,esi
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get the real mode offset
;* Mark us as updating the mouse and then run and do the update
inc [(KeyboardType esi).MouseUpdate] ; were drawing the mouse
call Low_Hide_Mouse ; make the function call
dec [(KeyboardType esi).MouseUpdate] ; were done drawing mouse
ENDP Hide_Mouse
;* SHOW_MOUSE -- Display mouse cursor on screen if it was hidden *
;* *
;* INPUT: none *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: none *
;* *
;* PROTO: void Show_Mouse(void) *
;* *
;* 11/03/1994 PWG : Created. *
PROC Show_Mouse C NEAR
USES eax,esi
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get the real mode offset
;* Mark us as updating the mouse and then run and do the update
inc [(KeyboardType esi).MouseUpdate] ; were drawing the mouse
call Low_Show_Mouse ; make the function call
dec [(KeyboardType esi).MouseUpdate] ; were done drawing mouse
ENDP Show_Mouse
;* CONDITIONAL_HIDE_MOUSE -- Hides mouse if its with given region *
;* *
;* INPUT: int sx_pixel - the left-most pixel position of the region *
;* int sy_pixel - the upper-most pixel position of the region *
;* int dx_pixel - the right most pixel position of the region *
;* int dy_pixel - the lower most pixel position of the region *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: none *
;* *
;* PROTO: void Conditional_Hide_Mouse( int sx_pixel, *
;* int sy_pixel, *
;* int dx_pixel, *
;* int dy_pixel); *
;* *
;* 11/03/1994 PWG : Created. *
GLOBAL Conditional_Hide_Mouse:NEAR
PROC Conditional_Hide_Mouse C NEAR
USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi
ARG sx_pixel:DWORD ; left x pixel pos
ARG sy_pixel:DWORD ; upper y pixel pos
ARG dx_pixel:DWORD ; right x pixel pos
ARG dy_pixel:DWORD ; lower y pixel pos
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get the real mode offset
;* Widen region leftward by amount mouse shape spills to the right of
;* its hot point. Limited to the left edge of the screen.
mov eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseWidth]
sub eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseXHot]
neg eax
add eax,[sx_pixel]
jns short ??noleftlimit
xor eax,eax
;* Widen region upward by amount mouse shape spills below the
;* mouse's hot point. Limited by the top edge of the screen.
mov ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseHeight]
sub ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseYHot]
neg ebx
add ebx,[sy_pixel]
jns short ??notoplimit
xor ebx,ebx
;* Widen region rightward by amount mouse shape spills to the
;* left of its hot point. Limited by the right edge of the
;* screen.
mov ecx,[dx_pixel]
add ecx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseXHot]
cmp ecx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight]
jb short ??norightlimit
mov ecx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight]
dec ecx
;* Widen region downward by amout the mouse shape extends above
;* its hot point. Limited to the bottom of the screen.
mov edx,[dy_pixel]
add edx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseYHot]
cmp edx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom]
jb short ??nobottomlimit
mov edx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom]
dec edx
inc [(KeyboardType esi).MouseUpdate] ; don't let interrupt scrag variables
;* The mouse could be in one of four conditions.
;* 1) The mouse is visible and no conditional hide has been specified.
;* (perform normal region checking with possible hide)
;* 2) The mouse is hidden and no conditional hide as been specified.
;* (record region and do nothing)
;* 3) The mouse is visible and a conditional region has been specified
;* (expand region and perform check with possible hide).
;* 4) The mouse is already hidden by a previous conditional.
;* (expand region and do nothing)
;* First: Set or expand the region according to the specified parameters
cmp [(KeyboardType esi).MCState],0
jne short ??expand
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseCXLeft],eax
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseCYUpper],ebx
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseCXRight],ecx
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseCYLower],edx
jmp ??noylower
;* Expand the clipping rectangle.
cmp eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseCXLeft]
jb short ??noxleft
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseCXLeft],eax
cmp ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseCYUpper]
jb short ??noyupper
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseCYUpper],ebx
cmp ecx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseCXRight]
ja short ??noxright
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseCXRight],ecx
cmp edx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseCYLower]
ja short ??noylower
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MouseCYLower],edx
;* If the mouse isn't already hidden, then check its location against
;* the hiding region and hide if necessary.
test [(KeyboardType esi).MCState],CONDHIDDEN
jne short ??nohide
mov eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseX]
mov ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseY]
cmp eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseCXLeft]
jb short ??nohide
cmp eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseCXRight]
ja short ??nohide
cmp ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseCYUpper]
jb short ??nohide
cmp ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseCYLower]
ja short ??nohide
;* The mouse falls within the region for hiding, so hide it.
call Low_Hide_Mouse ; make the function call
or [(KeyboardType esi).MCState],CONDHIDDEN
;* Record the fact that a Conditional_Hide_Mouse was
;* called and then exit.
or [(KeyboardType esi).MCState],CONDHIDE
add [BYTE PTR (KeyboardType esi).MCState],1
adc [BYTE PTR (KeyboardType esi).MCState],0
dec [(KeyboardType esi).MouseUpdate]
ENDP Conditional_Hide_Mouse
;* CONDITIONAL_SHOW_MOUSE -- shows mouse if it was conditionally hidden *
;* *
;* INPUT: none *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: none *
;* *
;* PROTO: void Conditional_Show_Mouse(void); *
;* *
;* 11/03/1994 PWG : Created. *
GLOBAL Conditional_Show_Mouse:NEAR
PROC Conditional_Show_Mouse C NEAR
USES eax,esi
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get the real mode offset
; Notify the interrupt that we are updating the mouse
inc [(KeyboardType esi).MouseUpdate]
mov ax,[(KeyboardType esi).MCState]
cmp al,0
je short ??exit ; if no more nesting clear cond
;* Decrement the conditional hide counter.
dec al
;* If there are more conditional levels to undo, then just abort the show.
jne short ??exit
;* Yup, the mouse should be show, but only if it was previously hidden.
test ax,CONDHIDDEN ; was it hidden by interrupt??
je short ??exit1 ; or initial check for level 0
call Low_Show_Mouse
mov ax,0
mov [(KeyboardType esi).MCState],ax
dec [(KeyboardType esi).MouseUpdate]
ENDP Conditional_Show_Mouse
;* MOUSE_SHADOW_BUFFER -- Handles storing and restoring the mouse buffer *
;* *
;* INPUT: int store - indicates whether we are storing the buffer or *
;* not. *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: none *
;* *
;* PROTO: Asm callable only! *
;* *
;* 10/27/1994 PWG : Created. *
GLOBAL C VGA_Mouse_Shadow_Buffer:NEAR
PROC VGA_Mouse_Shadow_Buffer C NEAR
USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx,edi,esi
local x0 : dword
local y0 : dword
local x1 : dword
local y1 : dword
local buffx0 : dword
local buffy0 : dword
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get 32 bit offset of dos data
; Direction flag must be forward in this routine.
;* Copy of X, Y, Width and Height into local registers
mov eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffX]
mov ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffY]
sub eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseXHot]
sub ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseYHot]
mov [ x0 ] , eax
mov [ y0 ] , ebx
add eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffW]
add ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffH]
mov [ x1 ] , eax
mov [ y1 ] , ebx
mov [ buffx0 ] , 0
mov eax , [ MouseBuffer ]
mov [ buffy0 ] , eax
;* Bounds check source X.
xor eax , eax
xor edx , edx
mov ecx , [ x0 ]
mov ebx , [ x1 ]
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
mov ecx , [ x0 ]
mov ebx , [ x1 ]
sub ecx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight]
sub ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight]
dec ecx
dec ebx
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
mov ecx , [ y0 ]
mov ebx , [ y1 ]
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
mov ecx , [ y0 ]
mov ebx , [ y1 ]
sub ecx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom]
sub ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom]
dec ecx
dec ebx
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
xor al , 5
xor dl , 5
mov ah , al
test dl , al
jnz ??out
or al , dl
jz ??not_clip
test ah , 1000b
jz ??scr_left_ok
mov ebx , [ x0 ]
neg ebx
mov [ buffx0 ] , ebx
mov [ x0 ] , 0
test ah , 0010b
jz ??scr_bottom_ok
mov ebx , [ y0 ]
neg ebx
imul ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffW]
add [ buffy0 ] , ebx
mov [ y0 ] , 0
test dl , 0100b
jz ??scr_right_ok
mov eax , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight] ; get width into register
mov [ x1 ] , eax
test dl , 0001b
jz ??not_clip
mov eax , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom] ; get width into register
mov [ y1 ] , eax
;* Get the offset into the screen.
mov eax , [ y0 ]
mov edx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight]
imul eax , edx
add eax , [ x0 ]
lea edi , [ 0a0000h + eax ]
;* Adjust the source for the top clip.
mov ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffW] ; turn this into an offset
mov esi , [ buffy0 ] ; edx points to source
add esi , [ buffx0 ] ; plus clipped lines
;* Calculate the bytes per row add value
mov eax , [ x1 ]
mov ecx , [ y1 ]
sub eax , [ x0 ]
jle ??out
sub ecx , [ y0 ]
jle ??out
sub edx , eax
sub ebx , eax
push ebp
cmp [store],RESTORE_VISIBLE_PAGE ; are we restoring page?
jne ??store_entry ; if not the go to store
;* Handle restoring the buffer to the visible page
mov ebp , ecx
mov ecx,eax ; get number to really write
rep movsb ; store them into the buffer
add esi,ebx ; move past right clipped pixels
add edi,edx ; adjust dest to next line
dec ebp ; decrement number of rows to do
jnz ??restore_loop ; if more to do, do it
pop ebp
;* Handle soting the visible page into the Mouse Shadow Buffer
xchg esi,edi ; xchg the source and the dest
mov ebp , ecx
mov ecx,eax ; get number to really write
rep movsb ; store them into the buffer
add esi,edx ; move past right clipped pixels
add edi,ebx ; adjust dest to next line
dec ebp ; decrement number of rows to do
jnz ??store_loop ; if more to do, do it
pop ebp
ENDP VGA_Mouse_Shadow_Buffer
;* DRAW_MOUSE -- Handles drawing the mouse cursor *
;* *
;* INPUT: none *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: none *
;* *
;* PROTO: Asm callable only! *
;* *
;* 10/27/1994 PWG : Created. *
USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx,edi,esi
ARG mousex:DWORD
ARG mousey:DWORD
local x0 : dword
local y0 : dword
local x1 : dword
local y1 : dword
local buffx0 : dword
local buffy0 : dword
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get 32 bit offset of dos data
;* Copy of X, Y, Width and Height into local registers
mov eax,[mousex]
mov ebx,[mousey]
sub eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseXHot]
sub ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseYHot]
mov [ x0 ] , eax
mov [ y0 ] , ebx
add eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseWidth]
add ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseHeight]
mov [ x1 ] , eax
mov [ y1 ] , ebx
mov [ buffx0 ] , 0
mov eax , [ MouseCursor ]
mov [ buffy0 ] , eax
;* Bounds check source X. Y.
xor eax , eax
xor edx , edx
mov ecx , [ x0 ]
mov ebx , [ x1 ]
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
mov ecx , [ x0 ]
mov ebx , [ x1 ]
sub ecx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight]
sub ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight]
dec ecx
dec ebx
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
mov ecx , [ y0 ]
mov ebx , [ y1 ]
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
mov ecx , [ y0 ]
mov ebx , [ y1 ]
sub ecx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom]
sub ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom]
dec ecx
dec ebx
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
xor al , 5
xor dl , 5
mov ah , al
test dl , al
jnz ??out
or al , dl
jz ??not_clip
test ah , 1000b
jz ??scr_left_ok
mov ebx , [ x0 ]
neg ebx
mov [ buffx0 ] , ebx
mov [ x0 ] , 0
test ah , 0010b
jz ??scr_bottom_ok
mov ebx , [ y0 ]
neg ebx
imul ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseWidth]
add [ buffy0 ] , ebx
mov [ y0 ] , 0
test dl , 0100b
jz ??scr_right_ok
mov eax , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight] ; get width into register
mov [ x1 ] , eax
test dl , 0001b
jz ??not_clip
mov eax , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom] ; get width into register
mov [ y1 ] , eax
;* Get the offset into the screen.
mov eax , [ y0 ]
mov edx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight]
imul eax , edx
add eax , [ x0 ]
lea edi , [ 0a0000h + eax ]
;* Adjust the source for the top clip.
mov ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseWidth] ; turn this into an offset
mov esi , [ buffy0 ] ; edx points to source
add esi , [ buffx0 ] ; plus clipped lines
;* Calculate the bytes per row add value
mov eax , [ x1 ]
mov ecx , [ y1 ]
sub eax , [ x0 ]
jle ??out
sub ecx , [ y0 ]
jle ??out
sub edx , eax
sub ebx , eax
;* Handle restoring the buffer to the visible page
mov ah,al
mov ch ,[esi]
inc esi
or ch,ch
jz ??inc_edi
mov [edi],ch
inc edi
dec ah
jnz ??inner_loop
add esi,ebx ; move past right clipped pixels
add edi,edx ; adjust dest to next line
dec cl ; decrement number of rows to do
jnz ??top_loop ; if more to do, do it
ENDP VGA_Draw_Mouse
;* MOUSE_SHADOW_BUFFER -- Handles storing and restoring the mouse buffer *
;* *
;* INPUT: int store - indicates whether we are storing the buffer or *
;* not. *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: none *
;* *
;* PROTO: Asm callable only! *
;* *
;* 10/27/1994 PWG : Created. *
GLOBAL C VESA_Mouse_Shadow_Buffer:NEAR
PROC VESA_Mouse_Shadow_Buffer C NEAR
USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx,edi,esi
local x0 : dword
local y0 : dword
local x1 : dword
local y1 : dword
local buffx0 : dword
local buffy0 : dword
local vesa_linear : dword
mov eax , [ cpu_video_page ]
mov [ vesa_linear ] , eax
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get 32 bit offset of dos data
; Direction flag must be forward in this routine.
;* Copy of X, Y, Width and Height into local registers
mov eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffX]
mov ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffY]
sub eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseXHot]
sub ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseYHot]
mov [ x0 ] , eax
mov [ y0 ] , ebx
add eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffW]
add ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffH]
mov [ x1 ] , eax
mov [ y1 ] , ebx
mov [ buffx0 ] , 0
mov eax , [ MouseBuffer ]
mov [ buffy0 ] , eax
;* Bounds check source X.
xor eax , eax
xor edx , edx
mov ecx , [ x0 ]
mov ebx , [ x1 ]
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
mov ecx , [ x0 ]
mov ebx , [ x1 ]
sub ecx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight]
sub ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight]
dec ecx
dec ebx
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
mov ecx , [ y0 ]
mov ebx , [ y1 ]
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
mov ecx , [ y0 ]
mov ebx , [ y1 ]
sub ecx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom]
sub ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom]
dec ecx
dec ebx
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
xor al , 5
xor dl , 5
mov ah , al
test dl , al
jnz ??out
or al , dl
jz ??not_clip
test ah , 1000b
jz ??scr_left_ok
mov ebx , [ x0 ]
neg ebx
mov [ buffx0 ] , ebx
mov [ x0 ] , 0
test ah , 0010b
jz ??scr_bottom_ok
mov ebx , [ y0 ]
neg ebx
imul ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffW]
add [ buffy0 ] , ebx
mov [ y0 ] , 0
test dl , 0100b
jz ??scr_right_ok
mov eax , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight] ; get width into register
mov [ x1 ] , eax
test dl , 0001b
jz ??not_clip
mov eax , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom] ; get width into register
mov [ y1 ] , eax
;* Get the offset into the screen.
mov eax , [ y0 ]
mov edx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight]
imul eax , edx
add eax , [ x0 ]
lea edi , [ 0a0000h + eax ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win
;* Adjust the source for the top clip.
mov ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBuffW] ; turn this into an offset
mov esi , [ buffy0 ] ; edx points to source
add esi , [ buffx0 ] ; plus clipped lines
;* Calculate the bytes per row add value
mov eax , [ x1 ]
mov ecx , [ y1 ]
sub eax , [ x0 ]
jle ??out
sub ecx , [ y0 ]
jle ??out
sub edx , eax
sub ebx , eax
cmp [store],RESTORE_VISIBLE_PAGE ; are we restoring page?
jne ??store_entry ; if not the go to store
;* Handle restoring the buffer to the visible page
mov [ tempreg ] , ebx
mov ah,al
mov ch ,[esi]
mov [edi],ch
inc esi
inc edi
mov ebx , edi
add ebx , [ cpu_video_page ]
cmp ebx , [ cpu_page_limit ]
jl ??restore__in_range
add edi , [ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win
dec ah
jnz ??restore__inner_loop
add esi,[ tempreg ] ; move past right clipped pixels
add edi,edx ; adjust dest to next line
mov ebx , edi
add ebx , [ cpu_video_page ]
cmp ebx , [ cpu_page_limit ]
jl ??restore__in_range1
add edi ,[ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win
dec cl ; decrement number of rows to do
jnz ??restore__top_loop ; if more to do, do it
jmp ??out ; get the heck outta the routine
;* Handle soting the visible page into the Mouse Shadow Buffer
mov [ tempreg ] , ebx
mov ah,al
mov ch ,[edi]
mov [esi],ch
inc esi
inc edi
mov ebx , edi
add ebx , [ cpu_video_page ]
cmp ebx , [ cpu_page_limit ]
jl ??store_in_range
add edi ,[ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win
dec ah
jnz ??store_inner_loop
add esi,[ tempreg ] ; move past right clipped pixels
add edi,edx ; adjust dest to next line
mov ebx , edi
add ebx , [ cpu_video_page ]
cmp ebx , [ cpu_page_limit ]
jl ??store_in_range1
add edi ,[ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win
dec cl ; decrement number of rows to do
jnz ??store_top_loop ; if more to do, do it
mov edi , [ vesa_linear ]
add edi , 0a0000h
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win
ENDP VESA_Mouse_Shadow_Buffer
;* DRAW_MOUSE -- Handles drawing the mouse cursor *
;* *
;* INPUT: none *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: none *
;* *
;* PROTO: Asm callable only! *
;* *
;* 10/27/1994 PWG : Created. *
USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx,edi,esi
ARG mousex:DWORD
ARG mousey:DWORD
local x0 : dword
local y0 : dword
local x1 : dword
local y1 : dword
local buffx0 : dword
local buffy0 : dword
local tempreg : dword
local vesa_linear : dword
mov eax , [ cpu_video_page ]
mov [ vesa_linear ] , eax
mov esi,[RealModePtr] ; get 32 bit offset of dos data
;* Copy of X, Y, Width and Height into local registers
mov eax,[mousex]
mov ebx,[mousey]
sub eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseXHot]
sub ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseYHot]
mov [ x0 ] , eax
mov [ y0 ] , ebx
add eax,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseWidth]
add ebx,[(KeyboardType esi).MouseHeight]
mov [ x1 ] , eax
mov [ y1 ] , ebx
mov [ buffx0 ] , 0
mov eax , [ MouseCursor ]
mov [ buffy0 ] , eax
;* Bounds check source X. Y.
xor eax , eax
xor edx , edx
mov ecx , [ x0 ]
mov ebx , [ x1 ]
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
mov ecx , [ x0 ]
mov ebx , [ x1 ]
sub ecx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight]
sub ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight]
dec ecx
dec ebx
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
mov ecx , [ y0 ]
mov ebx , [ y1 ]
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
mov ecx , [ y0 ]
mov ebx , [ y1 ]
sub ecx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom]
sub ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom]
dec ecx
dec ebx
shld eax , ecx , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
xor al , 5
xor dl , 5
mov ah , al
test dl , al
jnz ??out
or al , dl
jz ??not_clip
test ah , 1000b
jz ??scr_left_ok
mov ebx , [ x0 ]
neg ebx
mov [ buffx0 ] , ebx
mov [ x0 ] , 0
test ah , 0010b
jz ??scr_bottom_ok
mov ebx , [ y0 ]
neg ebx
imul ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseWidth]
add [ buffy0 ] , ebx
mov [ y0 ] , 0
test dl , 0100b
jz ??scr_right_ok
mov eax , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight] ; get width into register
mov [ x1 ] , eax
test dl , 0001b
jz ??not_clip
mov eax , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseBottom] ; get width into register
mov [ y1 ] , eax
;* Get the offset into the screen.
mov eax , [ y0 ]
mov edx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseRight]
imul eax , edx
add eax , [ x0 ]
lea edi , [ 0a0000h + eax ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win
;* Adjust the source for the top clip.
mov ebx , [(KeyboardType esi).MouseWidth] ; turn this into an offset
mov esi , [ buffy0 ] ; edx points to source
add esi , [ buffx0 ] ; plus clipped lines
;* Calculate the bytes per row add value
mov eax , [ x1 ]
mov ecx , [ y1 ]
sub eax , [ x0 ]
jle ??out
sub ecx , [ y0 ]
jle ??out
sub edx , eax
sub ebx , eax
;* Handle restoring the buffer to the visible page
mov [ tempreg ] , ebx
mov ah,al
mov ch ,[esi]
inc esi
or ch,ch
jz ??inc_edi
mov [edi],ch
inc edi
mov ebx , edi
add ebx , [ cpu_video_page ]
cmp ebx , [ cpu_page_limit ]
jl ??in_range
add edi ,[ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win
dec ah
jnz ??inner_loop
add esi,[ tempreg ] ; move past right clipped pixels
add edi,edx ; adjust dest to next line
mov ebx , edi
add ebx , [ cpu_video_page ]
cmp ebx , [ cpu_page_limit ]
jl ??in_range1
add edi ,[ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win
dec cl ; decrement number of rows to do
jnz ??top_loop ; if more to do, do it
mov edi , [ vesa_linear ]
add edi , 0a0000h
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win
ENDP VESA_Draw_Mouse