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; Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
; Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S **
;* *
;* Project Name : WWLIB32 *
;* *
;* File Name : DRAWSHP.ASM *
;* *
;* Programmer : Phil W. Gorrow *
;* *
;* Start Date : April 13, 1992 *
;* *
;* Last Update : September 14, 1994 [IML] *
;* *
;* Functions: *
;* Draw_Shape -- Draws a shape at given buffer coordinates and clips *
;* Not_Supported -- Replacement function for Draw_Shape routines not used*
;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
;********************* Model & Processor Directives ************************
; this struct is here to remove the hardwire way of programing
; implemented in the funtion Draw_Shape in ian image of
Off dd ?
Width dd ?
Height dd ?
Page dd ?
vvpc VVPC_IMAGE <>
Xpos dd ?
Ypos dd ?
GraphicBuff dd ?
;******************************** Includes *********************************
;****************************** Declarations ********************************
GLOBAL _ShapeBufferSize:DWORD
GLOBAL MaskPage : dword
GLOBAL BackGroundPage : dword
;********************************* Data ************************************
; Shape buffer & its size, set by Set_Shape_Buffer()
_ShapeBuffer DD 0
_ShapeBufferSize DD 0
; Address of MaskPage & BackGroundPage, set by Init_Priority_System()
MaskPage DD 0
BackGroundPage DD 0
; Predator effect variables
PredCount DD 0
PredTable DB 1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
PredValue DD 1
PartialPred DD 0 ; partially faded predator effect value
PartialCount DD 0
; 32 bit versions of 16 bit stack variables
Flags DD ? ; globally accessible copy of flags
viewport_ptr DD ? ; pointer to upper-left corner of viewport
viewport_width DD ? ; viewport width
viewport_height DD ? ; viewport height
viewport_yadd DD ? ; viewport y add
viewport_x DD ? ; viewport x-coord
viewport_y DD ? ; viewport y-coord
buff_ptr DD ? ; pointer to buffer containing viewport
;********************************* Code ************************************
;* Draw_Shape -- Draws a shape at given buffer coordinates and clips *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* DWORD gvp_ptr ; pointer to graphic viewport info *
;* DWORD shape_ptr ; the shape pointer to draw *
;* DWORD draw_x ; x-coord of hotspot in viewport *
;* DWORD draw_y ; y-coord of hotspot in viewport *
;* DWORD flags ; the flags for drawing the shape *
;* *
;* Optional Arguments: If the following flags are used, the given args *
;* MUST be present. Note that, if more than one one set of args is used, *
;* they must appear in this order (alphabetical). *
;* SHAPE_COLOR: DWORD color_table (256 bytes) *
;* SHAPE_FADING: DWORD fade_table (256 bytes), DWORD fade_count *
;* SHAPE_GHOST: DWORD is_translucent tbl, DWORD translucent tbl *
;* SHAPE_PARTIAL: DWORD predator partial_value (0-255) *
;* SHAPE_PRIORITY: DWORD priority_level *
;* SHAPE_SCALING: DWORD x_scale, WORD y_scale *
;* SHAPE_SHADOW: DWORD shadowing_table (256 bytes) *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* none. *
;* *
;* none. *
;* *
;* *
;* File Organization: *
;* drawshp.asm : this file *
;* : main shape header file; contains declarations for all *
;* globals, procedures and constants *
;* ds_table.asm: contains the procedure address tables for LSkipRout, *
;* RSkipRout, DrawRout, & PixelRout *
;* ds_l*.asm : left-skip routines *
;* ds_r*.asm : right-skip routines *
;* ds_d*.asm : drawing routines *
;* *
;* *
;* Shape format: *
;* Header: *
;* UWORD SType (0=normal, 1=16-color, 2=uncompressed, 4=variable-color) *
;* UBYTE Height *
;* UWORD Width *
;* UBYTE unmodified height *
;* UWORD size of shape in memory, including this header *
;* UWORD uncompressed data size *
;* Normal Shape: *
;* UBYTE [compressed] Shape data *
;* 16-color shape: *
;* UBYTE 16-color table *
;* UBYTE [compressed] Shape data *
;* variable-color shape: *
;* UBYTE # colors *
;* UBYTE color table (variable-length) *
;* UBYTE [compressed] Shape data *
;* *
;* *
;* Uncompressed shape data format: *
;* Data is stored as a bitmap, with 0's treated as a special case. Every *
;* 0 byte is followed by a repetition count byte. Every scan line is *
;* compressed separately. Thus, the following bitmap results in the *
;* following shape data: *
;* 0 0 0 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 *
;* 0 0 0 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 *
;* 0 0 0 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 *
;* *
;* 0 3 5 6 7 0 4 *
;* 0 3 5 6 7 0 4 *
;* 0 3 5 6 7 0 4 *
;* *
;* *
;* How scaling is handled: *
;* Scaling is done by accumulating the x & y scale values. When the high *
;* byte of the accumulated value is set, the pixel (for x-scaling) or *
;* the line (for y-scaling) is drawn. The high byte is then cleared, *
;* and the low byte is left so roundoffs continue to accumulate. *
;* *
;* *
;* Drawing Procedures: *
;* *
;*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*
;* *
;* RSkipRout: skips given # bytes of data on the right-hand side of a *
;* shape. Just has to handle changing the current byte offset in the *
;* shape data buffer, since the draw routine knows where the left-hand *
;* side of the drawable region is. The routine may skip more bytes than *
;* it was told if it encounters a run of 0's, but it's assumed that a *
;* run of 0's will never go past the right edge of a shape. *
;* Input: *
;* ECX - number of uncompressed bytes to skip *
;* ESI - shape buffer data address *
;* Output: *
;* ECX - negative # bytes overrun, or 0 *
;* ESI - updated to the current location in the shape data *
;* *
;*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*
;* *
;* LSkipRout: skips given # bytes of data on the left-hand side of a *
;* shape. This routine must update the shape data byte offset, and it *
;* must properly update the current drawing position due to scaling, so *
;* it's a little more involved than the RSkip routine. The routine may *
;* skip more bytes than it's told if it encounters a run of 0's. If this *
;* happens, the draw routine must take these extra bytes into *
;* consideration. *
;* Input: *
;* ECX = number of uncompressed bytes to skip *
;* ESI = shape (source) buffer data address *
;* EDI = viewport (destination) address *
;* [WidthCount] = shape's width in bytes *
;* Output: *
;* ECX - negative # pixels (not bytes) overrun, or 0 *
;* EDX - accumulated XTotal value at new pixel location *
;* ESI - updated to the current location in the shape data *
;* EDI - incr/decr by # pixels (not bytes) overrun *
;* [WidthCount] - decremented by # bytes skipped *
;* *
;*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*
;* *
;* DrawRout: draws one row of pixels, handles scaling, reversal and *
;* any per pixel effects like predator, shadow etc. *
;* EDX must be set up as follows: *
;* - No scaling: 0 *
;* - No left-clipping: 0 *
;* - Left clipping, but no overrun: set to computed initial value for *
;* that viewport coordinate *
;* - Left clipping, with overrun: set to XTotal value for that coordinate *
;* In any case, only the low byte of DL should contain data; the current *
;* byte in the shapebuffer should always be the first drawable pixel, *
;* even if it's partially clipped (in which case DL will contain data). *
;* Input: *
;* ECX = number of pixels (not bytes) to draw *
;* EDX = XTotal initializer value *
;* ESI = shape (source) buffer address *
;* EDI = viewport (destination) address *
;* [WidthCount] = remaining bytes on the line *
;* Output: *
;* ESI - updated to current location in the shape data *
;* EDI - incr/decr by # pixels (not bytes) drawn/skipped *
;* [WidthCount] - decremented by # bytes (not pixels) drawn *
;* *
;* *
;* Algorithm: *
;* - Initialize globals *
;* - Pull optional arguments off the stack *
;* - Set up drawing procedure pointers based on drawing flags *
;* - Read the values from the shape header *
;* - Compute the shape's scaled width & height *
;* - Adjust the shape's drawing coordinates based on centering & *
;* viewport-relative flag settings *
;* - Compute the clipped areas of the shape *
;* - Compute the number of drawn pixels horizontally & vertically *
;* - Compute the starting drawing offset in the viewport *
;* - Draw the shape *
;* *
;* *
;* 04/13/1992 PWG : Created. *
;* 08/19/1993 SKB : Split drawshp.asm into several modules. *
;* 05/26/1994 BR : Converted to 32-bit, restructured quite a bit. *
;* 08/09/1994 IML : Added C++ style interface. Various optimizations. *
;* 09/06/1994 IML : Ammendments for integration of p_* and ds_* routines.*
;* 09/14/1994 IML : Now handles LCW compression. *
PROC Draw_Shape C NEAR
USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx,edi,esi
; Arguments:
ARG gvp_ptr:DWORD ; pointer to graphic viewport info
ARG shape_ptr:DWORD ; the shape pointer to draw
ARG draw_x:DWORD ; the destination x pixel
ARG draw_y:DWORD ; the destination y pixel
ARG flags:DWORD ; the flags for drawing the shape
; Define the local stack variables that Draw_Shape needs. These
; parameters are defined in They're included here
; just for reference.
;...................... proc addresses ..............................
LOCAL LSkipRout:DWORD ; pointer to the skip routine
LOCAL RSkipRout:DWORD ; pointer to the skip routine
LOCAL DrawRout:DWORD ; pointer to the draw routine
;.................... optional arguments ............................
LOCAL ColorTable:DWORD ; ptr to the shapes color table
LOCAL FadingTable:DWORD ; extracted fading table pointer
LOCAL FadingNum:DWORD ; get the number of times to fade
LOCAL IsTranslucent:DWORD ; ptr to "are we translucent?" tbl
LOCAL Translucent:DWORD ; ptr to "ok we are translucent!" tbl
LOCAL PriLevel:BYTE ; the priority level of the object
LOCAL ScaleX:DWORD ; the x increment to scale by
LOCAL ScaleY:DWORD ; the y increment to scale by
LOCAL ShadowingTable:DWORD ; ptr to the shadowing table
;.................... Shape header values ...........................
LOCAL ShapeType:DWORD ; shape type
LOCAL ShapeWidth:DWORD ; shape's unscaled width
LOCAL ShapeHeight:DWORD ; shape's unscaled height
LOCAL UncompDataLen:DWORD ; uncompressed data length
LOCAL ShapeData:DWORD ; pointer to [compressed] shape data
;.................. Scaled shape dimensions .........................
LOCAL ScaledWidth:DWORD ; shape's scaled width
LOCAL ScaledHeight:DWORD ; shape's scaled height
;.................. Pixel clipping variables ........................
LOCAL LeftClipPixels:DWORD ; # left-clipped pixels
LOCAL RightClipPixels:DWORD ; # right-clipped pixels
LOCAL TopClipPixels:DWORD ; # top-clipped pixels
LOCAL BotClipPixels:DWORD ; # bottom-clipped pixels
LOCAL PixelWidth:DWORD ; width of drawable area in pixels
LOCAL PixelHeight:DWORD ; height of drawable area in pixels
;..................... Drawing variables ............................
LOCAL NumColors:DWORD ; # colors for 16-color shapes
LOCAL StartDraw:DWORD ; ptr to starting draw position
LOCAL NextLine:DWORD ; offset of next drawing line
LOCAL LeftClipBytes:DWORD ; # left-clipped bytes
LOCAL XTotal:DWORD ; accumulated x-pixels for scaling
LOCAL XTotalInit:DWORD ; initial roundoff bits for XTotal
LOCAL YTotal:DWORD ; accumulated y-pixels for scaling
LOCAL HeightCount:DWORD ; height counter for drawing lines
LOCAL LineStart:DWORD ; address of start of line
LOCAL WidthCount:DWORD ; counts down # bytes skipped
LOCAL StashReg:DWORD ; temp variable for draw routines
LOCAL MaskAdjust:DWORD ; priority buffer offset
LOCAL BackAdjust:DWORD ; background buffer offset
LOCAL StashECX:DWORD ; temp variable for ECX register
LOCAL StashEDX:DWORD ; temp variable for EDX register
; Initialization:
; - allocate space for globals
; - validate shape pointer
; - set SHAPE_COMPACT flag if needed
; Allocate stack space for our local variables.
LOCAL Local_Stack:BYTE:Local_Size
; Make sure the shape pointer is not NULL
cmp [shape_ptr],0 ; compare shape ptr value to NULL
jnz ??valid_shp ; if non-zero, it's valid
jmp ??exit ; otherwise get the heck outta here
; Move gvp info into local variables
mov edi,[gvp_ptr] ; get pointer to graphic viewport info
mov esi, [(type GVPC_IMAGE ptr edi). vvpc . Off ] ; extract viewport pointer
mov [viewport_ptr],esi
mov ebx,[(type GVPC_IMAGE ptr edi) . vvpc . Width ] ; extract viewport width
mov [viewport_width],ebx
mov eax,[(type GVPC_IMAGE ptr edi) . vvpc . Height ] ; extract viewport height
mov [viewport_height],eax
mov ecx,[(type GVPC_IMAGE ptr edi) . vvpc . Page ] ; calculate y add value
add ecx,ebx
mov [viewport_yadd],ecx
mov eax,[(type GVPC_IMAGE ptr edi) . Xpos ] ; extract viewport x-coord
mov [viewport_x],eax
mov eax, [(type GVPC_IMAGE ptr edi) . Ypos ] ; extract viewport y-coord
mov [viewport_y],eax
mul ecx ; calculate buffer pointer
add eax,[viewport_x]
sub esi,eax
mov [buff_ptr],esi
; If this shape is a compact shape, set that bit in the flags arg
mov edi,[shape_ptr] ; check for compact shape flag
jz ??do_args ; if not process flags as is
or [flags],SHAPE_COMPACT ; mark it as a compact shape
; Pull off optional arguments:
; EDI is used as an offset from the 'flags' parameter, to point
; to the optional argument currently being processed.
mov edi,4 ; optional params start past flags
; Initialize optional argument values:
mov [ColorTable],0 ; default = NULL
mov [FadingTable],0 ; default = NULL
mov [FadingNum],0 ; default = no fading
mov [IsTranslucent],0 ; default = NULL
mov [Translucent],0 ; default = NULL
mov [PriLevel],0 ; default = no priority
mov [ScaleX],100h ; default = unity X scaling
mov [ScaleY],100h ; default = unity Y scaling
mov [ShadowingTable],0 ; default = NULL
; SHAPE_COLOR: DWORD color_table[256]
test [flags],SHAPE_COLOR ; does it have a color table
jz ??fading ; if not skip to fading
or [flags],SHAPE_COMPACT ; mark it as a compact shape
; (for remapping purposes only)
mov eax,[flags + edi]
mov [ColorTable],eax ; save address of color table
add edi,4 ; point to next optional argument
; SHAPE_FADING: DWORD fade_table[256], DWORD fade_count
test [flags],SHAPE_FADING ; are we fading this shape
jz ??ghost ; skip to ghosting check
mov eax,[flags + edi]
mov [FadingTable],eax ; save address of fading tbl
mov eax,[flags + edi + 4] ; get fade num
add edi,8 ; next argument
cmp eax,0 ; check if it's 0
jnz ??set_fading ; if not, store fade num
and [flags],NOT SHAPE_FADING ; otherwise, don't fade
mov [FadingNum],eax
; SHAPE_GHOST: DWORD is_translucent tbl, DWORD translucent tbl
test [flags],SHAPE_GHOST ; are we ghosting this shape
jz ??init_predator ; skip to predator check
mov eax,[flags + edi]
mov [IsTranslucent],eax ; save ptr to is_trans. tbl
mov eax,[flags + edi + 4]
mov [Translucent],eax ; save ptr to translucent tbl
add edi,8 ; next argument
; SHAPE_PREDATOR: Initialize the predator effect variables
test [flags],SHAPE_PREDATOR ; is predator effect on
jz ??partial ; if not skip to partial
inc [PredCount] ; the pred table is byte aligned
and [PredCount],PRED_MASK ; keep entries within bounds
mov eax,[PredCount]
mov al,[BYTE PTR PredTable + eax]
mov [PredValue],eax ; put the pred value cs
mov [PartialCount],0 ; clear the partial count
mov [PartialPred],100h ; init partial to off
; SHAPE_PARTIAL: DWORD partial_pred_value (0-255)
test [flags],SHAPE_PARTIAL ; is this a partial pred?
jz ??priority ; if not check priority
mov eax,[flags + edi] ; pull the partial value
mov [PartialPred],eax ; store it off
add edi,4 ; next argument
; SHAPE_PRIORITY: DWORD priority_level
test [flags],SHAPE_PRIORITY ; is this a priority draw
jz ??scale ; if not skip to scale
mov eax,[flags + edi]
mov [PriLevel],al ; store priority level
add edi,4 ; next argument
mov eax,[MaskPage] ; calculate priority buffer
sub eax,[buff_ptr] ; offset
mov [MaskAdjust],eax
mov eax,[BackGroundPage] ; calculate background buffer
sub eax,[buff_ptr] ; offset
mov [BackAdjust],eax
; SHAPE_SCALING: DWORD x_scale, WORD y_scale
test [flags],SHAPE_SCALING ; are we scaling this shape.
jz ??shadow ; if not then skip scale y value
mov eax,[flags + edi]
mov [ScaleX],eax
mov eax,[flags + edi + 4]
mov [ScaleY],eax
add edi,8 ; next argument
; SHAPE_SHADOW: DWORD shadow_table[256]
test [flags],SHAPE_SHADOW ; are we ghosting this shape
jz short ??get_header ; if not then skip
mov eax,[flags + edi]
mov [ShadowingTable],eax ; save address of shadow table
add edi,4 ; next argument
; Get Shape header values
mov esi,[shape_ptr] ; prepare to read header
movzx eax,[WORD PTR esi]
mov [ShapeType],eax ; extract shape type
movzx eax,[BYTE PTR esi + 2]
mov [ShapeHeight],eax
movzx eax,[WORD PTR esi + 3] ; extract shape height
mov [ShapeWidth],eax
movzx eax,[WORD PTR esi + 8] ; extract uncompressed data length
mov [UncompDataLen],eax
add esi,10 ; reposition index
; Now get NumColors, ColorTable address, & data pointer:
; <16-color shape:
; shape.Colortable[0] = # colors
; shape data is after that many colors
; 16-color shape:
; shape.Colortable[] contains colors
; shape data is after those colors
; default 256-color shape:
; shape data starts at shape.Colortable[0]
; Note: ColorTable is set only if flags & SHAPE_COLOR is 0; otherwise,
; the color table was passed in & we already have a pointer to it
;....................... <16-color shape: ...........................
jz ??check_16
movzx eax,[BYTE PTR esi] ; read # colors
mov [NumColors],eax ; save # colors
inc esi
test [flags],SHAPE_COLOR ; don't set ColorTable if
jnz ??norm_get_data_addr ; it was passed in
mov [ColorTable],esi ; save color table pointer
add esi,[NumColors] ; skip past color data
mov [ShapeData],esi ; set data address
jmp ??setup_procs
;....................... 16-color shape: ............................
jz ??256_get_data_addr
mov [NumColors],16 ; save # colors
test [flags],SHAPE_COLOR ; don't set ColorTable if
jnz ??16_get_data_addr ; it was passed in
mov [ColorTable],esi ; save color table pointer
add esi,[NumColors] ; skip past color data
mov [ShapeData],esi ; set data address
jmp ??setup_procs
;....................... 256-color shape: ...........................
mov [ShapeData],esi ; set data address
; Set up the drawing procedure addresses
; This code uses HORZ_REV, VERT_REV, & SCALING flags as an
; offset into the LSkipTable, RSkipTable, and DrawTable. These
; flags combined have values from 00h-07h, so each table must have
; at least 8 entries.
mov ebx,[flags] ; load flags value
and ebx,07h ; clip high bits
add ebx,ebx ; mult by 4 to get DWORD offset
add ebx,ebx
mov eax,[LSkipTable + ebx] ; get table value
mov [LSkipRout],eax ; store it in the function pointer
mov eax,[RSkipTable + ebx] ; get table value
mov [RSkipRout],eax ; store it in the function pointer
mov eax,[DrawTable + ebx] ; get table value
mov [DrawRout],eax ; store it in the function pointer
; Now compute scaled width & height. If the shape scales down to 0
; either horizontally or vertically, exit.
test [flags],SHAPE_SCALING ; skip if no scaling
jz ??no_scaling
;........................ scaled width: .............................
mov eax,[ShapeWidth] ; get byte width
mov ebx,[ScaleX] ; prepare for register mul
mul ebx ; EDX:EAX = result
shrd eax,edx,8 ; EAX = result rounded down
or eax,eax
jz ??exit ; exit if EAX is 0
mov [ScaledWidth],eax ; save the scaled width
;........................ scaled height: ............................
mov eax,[ShapeHeight] ; get byte height
mov ebx,[ScaleY] ; prepare for register mul
mul ebx ; EDX:EAX = result
shrd eax,edx,8 ; EAX = result rounded down
or eax,eax
jz ??exit ; exit if EAX is 0
mov [ScaledHeight],eax ; save the scaled height
jmp ??handle_centering
;......................... no scaling: ..............................
mov eax,[ShapeWidth]
mov [ScaledWidth],eax ; pixel width = byte width
mov eax,[ShapeHeight]
mov [ScaledHeight],eax ; pixel height = byte height
; Allow for SHAPE_CENTER by adjusting the draw_x & draw_y arguments:
; draw_x -= ScaledWidth / 2
; draw_y -= ScaledHeight / 2
;........................ adjust draw_x .............................
test [flags],SHAPE_CENTER ; skip if not centered
jz ??handle_vp_rel
mov eax,[draw_x] ; load in draw_x
mov edx,[ScaledWidth] ; load in ScaledWidth
shr edx,1 ; divide it by 2
sub eax,edx ; subract it from eax
mov [draw_x],eax ; store it back into draw_x
;........................ adjust draw_y .............................
mov eax,[draw_y] ; load in draw_y
mov edx,[ScaledHeight] ; load in ScaledHeight
shr edx,1 ; divide it by 2
sub eax,edx ; subract it from eax
mov [draw_y],eax ; store it back into draw_y
; Allow for SHAPE_VIEWPORT_REL by adjusting draw_x & draw_y by the
; viewport's coordinates
test [flags],SHAPE_VIEWPORT_REL ; skip if not vp-relative
jz ??compute_horz_clip
mov eax,[viewport_x]
add [draw_x],eax ; draw_x += viewport_x
mov eax,[viewport_y]
add [draw_y],eax ; draw_y += viewport_y
; Now that we have the scaled size and adjusted x & y drawing
; coordinates, we can compute the clipped areas of the shape:
; LeftClipPixels = viewport_x - draw_x
; - if negative, set to 0
; RightClipPixels = (draw_x + ScaledWidth) -
; (viewport_x + viewport_width)
; - if negative, set to 0
; TopClipPixels = viewport_y - draw_y
; - if negative, set to 0
; BotClipPixels = (draw_y + ScaledHeight) -
; (viewport_y + viewport_height)
; - if negative, set to 0
;...................... left-clipped pixels .........................
mov eax,[viewport_x]
sub eax,[draw_x] ; EAX = viewport_x - draw_x
jge ??set_left_clip
mov eax,0 ; if EAX<0, set to 0
mov [LeftClipPixels],eax ; store # left-clipped pixels
;...................... right-clipped pixels ........................
mov eax,[draw_x]
add eax,[ScaledWidth] ; EAX = draw_x + ScaledWidth
mov edx,[viewport_x]
add edx,[viewport_width] ; EDX = viewport_x + viewport_width
sub eax,edx
jge ??set_right_clip
mov eax,0 ; if EAX<0, set to 0
mov [RightClipPixels],eax ; store # right-clipped pixels
;...................... top-clipped pixels ..........................
mov eax,[viewport_y]
sub eax,[draw_y] ; EAX = viewport_y - draw_y
jge ??set_top_clip
mov eax,0 ; if EAX<0, set to 0
mov [TopClipPixels],eax ; store # top-clipped pixels
;.................... bottom-clipped pixels .........................
mov eax,[draw_y]
add eax,[ScaledHeight] ; EAX = draw_y + ScaledHeight
mov edx,[viewport_y]
add edx,[viewport_height] ; EDX = viewport_y + viewport_height
sub eax,edx
jge ??set_bottom_clip
mov eax,0 ; if EAX<0, set to 0
mov [BotClipPixels],eax ; store # bottom-clipped pixels
; Now compute the number of pixels actually drawn, horizontally and
; vertically; exit if either is <= 0
;.................... pixel width of drawn area .....................
mov eax,[ScaledWidth] ; get total width in pixels
sub eax,[LeftClipPixels] ; subtract off left-clipped pixels
sub eax,[RightClipPixels] ; subtract off right-clipped pixels
jle ??exit ; exit if no horizontal pixels drawn
mov [PixelWidth],eax ; store drawn pixel width
;.................... pixel height of drawn area ....................
mov eax,[ScaledHeight] ; get total height in pixels
sub eax,[TopClipPixels] ; subtract off top-clipped pixels
sub eax,[BotClipPixels] ; subtract off bottom-clipped pixels
jle ??exit ; exit if no horizontal pixels drawn
mov [PixelHeight],eax ; store drawn pixel height
; So, we're actually going to draw something; if (ShapeType &
; MAKESHAPE_NOCOMP == 0) decompress the shape data into _ShapeBuffer:
; LCW_Uncompress(ShapeData, _ShapeBuffer, UncompDataLen);
; shape.DataLength
; &_ShapeBuffer
; &(shape's data)
; - otherwise the shape data is already uncompressed
jnz ??uncompressed
mov eax,[UncompDataLen]
push eax ; push arg 3
mov eax,[_ShapeBuffer]
push eax ; push arg 2
mov eax,[ShapeData]
push eax ; push arg 1
call LCW_Uncompress ; call routine
add esp,12 ; restore stack
mov eax,[_ShapeBuffer]
mov [ShapeData],eax
jmp ??copy_flags
; mov eax,[ShapeData] ; set up pointer to shape data
; mov [_ShapeBuffer],eax
; Set the global Flags variable
mov eax,[flags]
mov [Flags],eax
; Now compute the actual buffer offset where drawing (not skipping)
; will begin
; First, compute the x & y offsets of the shape's clipped upper-left
; corner, relative to the viewport's upper-left corner:
; x-offset = draw_x + LeftClipPixels - viewport_x
; y-offset = draw_y + TopClipPixels - viewport_y
mov ebx,[draw_x]
add ebx,[LeftClipPixels]
sub ebx,[viewport_x] ; EBX = viewport x-offset
mov eax,[draw_y]
add eax,[TopClipPixels]
sub eax,[viewport_y] ; EAX = viewport y-offset
; Then, adjust the viewport offsets due to horizontal & vertical
; reversal:
; if HORZ_REV, x-offset += (PixelWidth - 1)
; if VERT_REV, y-offset += (PixelHeight - 1)
;................. Adjust for horizontal reversal ...................
test [flags],SHAPE_HORZ_REV
jz ??adjust_vert_offset
add ebx,[PixelWidth]
dec ebx ; EBX = true x-offset
;................ Swap LeftClip & RightClip pixels ..................
mov edx,[LeftClipPixels] ; exchange left & right-clipped pixels
xchg edx,[RightClipPixels]
mov [LeftClipPixels],edx
;.................. Adjust for vertical reversal ....................
test [flags],SHAPE_VERT_REV
jz ??adjust_pointer
add eax,[PixelHeight]
dec eax ; EAX = true y-offset
;.................. Swap TopClip & BotClip pixels ...................
mov edx,[TopClipPixels]
xchg edx,[BotClipPixels]
mov [TopClipPixels],edx
; Now, adjust the starting position pointer:
??adjust_pointer: ;!!!!!!! convert to register mul for speed !!!!!!!!
add ebx,[viewport_ptr] ; add initial ptr to x-offset
mul [viewport_yadd] ; convert y-offset (EAX) to bytes
add ebx,eax ; add those bytes in
mov [StartDraw],ebx ; store the starting pointer
; Finally, if VERT_REV, negate yadd to move up not down:
test [flags],SHAPE_VERT_REV
jz ??init_xtotal
neg [viewport_yadd] ; move up, not down
; Initialize the horizontal scale accumulation value:
; If there are any left-clipped pixels, the scale accumulator will
; have to be initialized with the value it >would< have by stepping
; over that many pixels. This initial value can be computed by
; dividing the # of left-clipped pixels by the x-scale value itself,
; picking off the remainder from this division & negating it. This
; sets the low byte of the remainder to the correct accumulation
; value (the high bytes will be garbage).
; (The alternative to this approach would be to multiply the
; scale factor by the # clipped bytes, which is the result of the
; division; however, negating the remainder is much faster than
; the multiply would be.)
mov edx,0 ; prepare for divide
mov eax,[LeftClipPixels] ; get # left-clipped pixels
shl eax,8 ; multiply by 100h
mov ebx,[ScaleX] ; load ScaleX value
div bx ; 16-bit div: AX = rslt, DX = rem
mov [LeftClipBytes],eax ; save # left-clipped bytes
neg edx ; generate roundoff bits
and edx,0Fh ; only save low byte
mov [XTotalInit],edx ; save initial roundoff value
; Initialize drawing variables:
mov esi,[ShapeData] ; ESI = shape buffer starting point
mov edi,[StartDraw] ; EDI = drawing address
mov [YTotal],0 ; initialize accumulated scale
; Clip the top-clipped lines. The object here is to set ESI to the
; first drawable line in the _ShapeBuffer, and YTotal to:
; high byte = # times to draw that line,
; low byte = roundoff bits
; - Initialize values (ESI, HeightCount, YTotal)
; - Skip loop if no top lines to clip
; - Loop:
; - save this line's byte position in _ShapeBuffer, in case we
; overrun
; - call RSkipRout with ECX set to # bytes to skip (one row)
; - accumulate ScaleY into YTotal
; - if high byte is non-zero, there are that many drawn lines:
; - decrement HeightCount by that many lines
; - clear the high byte in YTotal, but keep the roundoff bits
; - if HeightCount > 0, loop again to clip more lines
; - if HeightCount is 0, start drawing:
; - ESI points to first non-clipped line in _ShapeBuffer
; - YTotal contains 0 in high byte, roundoff bits in low byte
; - otherwise, we've clipped too many lines:
; - put ESI back to the line we just clipped
; - set high byte of YTotal to # lines overrun
; - subtract ScaleY from YTotal, to set it up for drawing loop
;..................... skip if nothing to clip ......................
mov eax,[TopClipPixels]
cmp eax,0 ; see if any top-clipped pixels
jz ??draw_loop ; if not, skip this
mov [HeightCount],eax ; save off # lines to clip
;...................... skip this row of bytes ......................
mov [LineStart],esi ; save this line's byte position
mov ecx,[ShapeWidth] ; set up ECX for RSkipRout
call [RSkipRout] ; skip 'ShapeWidth' bytes
;............... see if this row would have been drawn ..............
mov eax,[ScaleY]
add [YTotal],eax ; accumulate scale factor
test [YTotal],0FF00h ; check to see if we draw the line
jz ??clip_y_loop ; if not loop again
;...................... decrement HeightCount .......................
mov eax,0 ; clear EAX
xchg al,[BYTE PTR YTotal+1] ; get # lines, clear it in YTotal
sub [HeightCount],eax ; subtract # drawn lines from HtCt
jg ??clip_y_loop ; if more lines remain, loop again
jns ??draw_loop ; is exactly 0; we're done clipping
;....................... adjust for overrun .........................
mov esi,[LineStart] ; point ESI back to this line
mov eax,[HeightCount]
neg eax ; EAX = # lines overrun
shl eax,8 ; multiply by 100h
add eax,[YTotal] ; add in roundoff bits
sub eax,[ScaleY] ; adjust down by y-scale
mov [YTotal],eax ; store in YTotal
; The drawing loop (at long last!):
; - Accumulate YTotal; if high byte is 0, skip this row of bytes &
; loop again
; - Skip left-clipped pixels:
; - If we've skipped all the bytes on the line, just go to the
; next line
; - Draw middle pixels:
; - Add the shape's pixel width to ECX (which could be negative
; if we left-skipped into the drawable area)
; - If ECX is still 0, there are no pixels to draw
; - Otherwise, leave ECX as is & draw the pixels
; - Skip right-clipped pixels:
; - Add # right-clipped pixels to ECX (which could be negative if
; the draw routine uncompressed 0's into the right-clipped
; region)
; - if ECX > 0, skip the remaining bytes
; - Go to the next line:
; - point EDI to the start of the next line in the viewport
; - decrement the height counter, exit if it's 0
; - decrement YTotal's high byte
; - if it's 0, go to the loop top
; - otherwise, reset ESI to this line's start & redraw the line,
; starting at left-clipped pixels
; (NOTE: why not start drawing at middle pixels??????????)
;................... accumulate YTotal & test it ....................
mov eax,[ScaleY] ; get y scaling factor
add [YTotal],eax ; accumulate YTotal
test [YTotal],0FF00h ; see if we need to draw anything
jnz ??draw_line ; draw this line
;......................... skip this line ...........................
mov ecx,[ShapeWidth] ; load shape's width in bytes
call [RSkipRout] ; skip this row & loop again
jmp ??draw_loop
;--------------------- start drawing this line ----------------------
mov [LineStart],esi ; save current byte position
; Skip left-clipped pixels:
; - initialize [WidthCount] to total shape width in bytes
; - set ECX to # >bytes< to clip
; When LSkipRout returns:
; - ECX will contain # >pixels< overrun
; - EDX will contain the XTotal init value
; - [WidthCount] will be decremented by total bytes skipped
mov eax,[ShapeWidth] ; load shape width
mov [WidthCount],eax ; set up for LSkipRout
mov ecx,[LeftClipBytes] ; bytes, not pixels!
call [LSkipRout] ; skip the bytes
cmp [WidthCount],0
jz ??next_line ; The whole line was 0's
; Draw middle pixels:
; - add PixelWidth to ECX (which may be negative)
; - if ECX is 0, don't bother drawing
; When DrawRout returns:
; - ECX will contain # >pixels< overrun
; - [WidthCount] will be decremented by # bytes drawn
add ecx,[PixelWidth] ; since ECX could overrun, add width
jle ??draw_right ; if ECX<=0, no middle pixels to draw
call [DrawRout] ; draw the pixels
;................... skip past right-clipped pixels .................
mov ecx,[WidthCount] ; ECX = remaining # bytes
jecxz ??next_line ; don't bother if no bytes remain
call [RSkipRout] ; skip right-clipped bytes
;----------------------- go to the next line ------------------------
;................. adjust EDI to start of next line .................
mov eax,[viewport_yadd] ; get yadd
add [StartDraw],eax ; add it to this line's position
mov edi,[StartDraw] ; EDI = next line
;................. decrement our pixel row counter ..................
dec [PixelHeight] ; count down a line
jz ??exit ; we're done!
;.................. decrement YTotal's high byte ....................
dec [BYTE PTR YTotal + 1] ; decrement high byte
jz ??draw_loop ; draw next line if 0
;....................... re-draw this line ..........................
mov esi,[LineStart] ; reset to this line's start
jmp ??draw_left ; redraw this line
ENDP Draw_Shape
;* Not_Supported -- Replacement function for Draw_Shape routines not used. *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* none. *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* none. *
;* *
;* none. *
;* *
;* 08/24/1993 SKB : Created. *
ENDP Not_Supported
;************************** End of drawshp.asm *****************************