210 lines
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210 lines
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; Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
; Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; $Header: g:/library/source/rcs/./shadow.asm 1.9 1994/05/20 15:30:49 joe_bostic Exp $
;** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D A S S O C I A T E S **
;* *
;* Project Name : LIBRARY *
;* *
;* File Name : SHADOW.ASM *
;* *
;* Programmer : Christopher Yates *
;* *
;* Last Update : February 28, 1995 [BG] *
;* *
;* Functions: *
;* *
;* void Shadow_Blit(int xpix, int ypix, int width, int height, GVPC src, GVPC dst, void *shadowbuff);
;* *
;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
INCLUDE ".\drawbuff.inc"
INCLUDE ".\gbuffer.inc"
INCLUDE ".\keystruc.inc"
GLOBAL C Shadow_Blit : NEAR
GLOBAL C Hide_Mouse : NEAR
GLOBAL C Show_Mouse : NEAR
; void Shadow_Blit(int xpix, int ypix, int width, int height, GVPC src, VBC dst, void *shadowbuff);
; Warning: Shadow_Blit appears to be relatively stupid, in that while it is
; optimized to perform word or dword blits, it only does so if the
; entire region is word or dword-sized. In other words, if you blit
; a region that is 200 pixels wide (clearly dword-sized), then it
; will use the dword loop. However, if you blit a region that is
; 201 pixels wide, the dumb thing will use the byte loop for the
; entire blit.
PROC Shadow_Blit C near
USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi
ARG region_width:DWORD
ARG region_height:DWORD
ARG srcpage:DWORD
ARG dstpage:DWORD
ARG shadow:DWORD
LOCAL modulo:DWORD ; Row modulo
LOCAL hidemouse:DWORD ; Was the mouse hidden?
LOCAL dwordwidth:DWORD
LOCAL bytewidth:DWORD
cld ; Always move forward.
mov [hidemouse],0 ; Presume mouse hasn't been hidden.
; Fetch the segment of the seenpage.
mov ebx,[dstpage]
mov ebx,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPOffset]
; Determine if the mouse needs to be hidden at all. If this happens to be
; a shadow blit to non visible page (who knows why!?) then don't bother to
; hide the mouse since it isn't necessary.
; cmp ebx,0A0000h
; setne [BYTE PTR hidemouse] ; Flag that mouse need not be hidden.
; jne short ??itsok
mov esi,[RealModePtr]
cmp [(KeyboardType esi).MState],0
je short ??itsok
mov [hidemouse],1
call Hide_Mouse C ; Hides mouse again (just to be sure).
mov edi,[srcpage]
mov esi,[(GraphicViewPort edi).GVPOffset]
mov eax,[(GraphicViewPort edi).GVPWidth]
add eax,[(GraphicViewPort edi).GVPXAdd]
add eax,[(GraphicViewPort edi).GVPPitch]
push eax ; save width+xadd for later calc
mov edx,[y]
mul edx
add eax,[x]
add esi,eax
; At this point, esi points to the source page and ebx points to the dest page
sub ebx,esi ; esi+ebx == dest page pointer
mov edi,[shadow] ; EDI points to shadow buffer.
mov ecx,[region_height] ; get the height of the window in cx
mov edx,[RealModePtr]
; Calculate the row add module.
pop eax ; restore width+xadd
sub eax,[region_width]
mov [modulo],eax
mov eax,[region_width]
shr eax,2
mov [dwordwidth],eax
mov eax,[region_width]
and eax,3
mov [bytewidth],eax
; DOUBLE WORD shadow blit if possible.
push ecx
mov ecx,[dwordwidth]
repe cmpsd ; check the entire row for changed longs
je short ??loop_top
; If this row would interfere with the mouse image, then hide it.
cmp [hidemouse],0
jnz short ??dok
mov eax,[(KeyboardType edx).MouseY]
sub eax,[(KeyboardType edx).MouseYHot]
cmp eax,[y]
jg short ??dok
add eax,[(KeyboardType edx).MouseHeight]
cmp eax,[y]
jb short ??dok
mov [hidemouse],1 ; Manual hide of the mouse.
call Hide_Mouse C
mov eax,[esi-4]
mov [ebx+esi-4],eax ; Update destination page.
mov [edi-4],eax ; Update shadow buffer.
or ecx,ecx
jne short ??lcontinue
; Row loop start for BYTES.
mov ecx,[bytewidth]
; Column loop start -- by bytes.
repe cmpsb ; check the entire row for changed longs
je short ??done_x
; If this row would interfere with the mouse image, then hide it.
cmp [hidemouse],0
jnz short ??bok
mov eax,[(KeyboardType edx).MouseY]
sub eax,[(KeyboardType edx).MouseYHot]
cmp eax,[y]
jg short ??bok
add eax,[(KeyboardType edx).MouseHeight]
cmp eax,[y]
jl short ??bok
mov [hidemouse],1 ; Manual hide of the mouse.
call Hide_Mouse C
mov al,[esi-1]
mov [ebx+esi-1],al ; Update destination page.
mov [edi-1],al ; Update shadow buffer.
or ecx,ecx
jne short ??continue
inc [y]
add esi,[modulo]
pop ecx
dec ecx
jnz ??dloop_top
; Re show the mouse if it was hidden by this routine.
cmp [hidemouse],0
je short ??reallyfini
call Show_Mouse C
ENDP Shadow_Blit