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** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S **
* *
* Project Name : Westwood 32 bit Library *
* *
* File Name : SOUNDINT.H *
* *
* Programmer : Phil W. Gorrow *
* *
* Start Date : June 23, 1995 *
* *
* Last Update : June 23, 1995 [PWG] *
* *
* This file is the include file for the Westwood Sound Sytem defines and *
* routines that are handled in an interrupt.
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "sound.h"
** Defines for true and false. These are included because we do not allow
** the sound int to include any of the westwood standard headers. If we
** did, there might be too much temptation to call another library function.
** this would be bad, because then that function would not be locked.
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
** Define the different type of sound compression avaliable to the westwood
** library.
typedef enum {
SCOMP_NONE=0, // No compression -- raw data.
SCOMP_WESTWOOD=1, // Special sliding window delta compression.
SCOMP_SONARC=33, // Sonarc frame compression.
SCOMP_SOS=99 // SOS frame compression.
} SCompressType;
** This is the safety overrun margin for the sonarc compressed
** data frames. This value should be equal the maximum 'order' times
** the maximum number of bytes per sample. It should be evenly divisible
** by 16 to aid paragraph alignment.
#define SONARC_MARGIN 32
** Define the sample control structure which helps us to handle feeding
** data to the sound interrupt.
#pragma pack(1);
typedef struct {
** This flags whether this sample structure is active or not.
unsigned Active:1;
** This flags whether the sample is loading or has been started.
unsigned Loading:1;
** This semaphore ensures that simultaneous update of this structure won't
** occur. This is necessary since both interrupt and regular code can modify
** this structure.
unsigned DontTouch:1;
** If this sample is really to be considered a score rather than
** a sound effect, then special rules apply. These largely fall into
** the area of volume control.
unsigned IsScore:1;
** This is the original sample pointer. It is used to control the sample based on
** pointer rather than handle. The handle method is necessary when more than one
** sample could be playing simultaneously. The pointer method is necessary when
** the dealing with a sample that may have stopped behind the programmer's back and
** this occurance is not otherwise determinable. It is also used in
** conjunction with original size to unlock a sample which has been DPMI
** locked.
void const *Original;
long OriginalSize;
** These are pointers to the double buffers in low ram.
VOID *Buffer[2];
** The number of bytes in the buffer that has been filled but is not
** yet playing. This value is normally the size of the buffer,
** except for the case of the last bit of the sample.
LONG DataLength;
** This is the buffer index for the low buffer that
** has been filled with data but not yet being
** played.
WORD Index;
** Pointer to the sound data that has not yet been copied
** to the playback buffers.
VOID *Source;
** This is the number of bytes remaining in the source data as
** pointed to by the "Source" element.
LONG Remainder;
** Samples maintain a priority which is used to determine
** which sounds live or die when the maximum number of
** sounds are being played.
WORD Priority;
** This is the handle as returned by sosDIGIStartSample function.
WORD Handle;
** This is the current volume of the sample as it is being played.
WORD Volume;
WORD Reducer; // Amount to reduce volume per tick.
** This flags whether the sample is in stereo.
WORD Stereo;
** This is the compression that the sound data is using.
SCompressType Compression;
WORD TrailerLen; // Number of trailer bytes in buffer.
BYTE Trailer[SONARC_MARGIN]; // Maximum number of 'order' samples needed.
DWORD Pitch;
WORD Flags;
** This flag indicates whether this sample needs servicing.
** Servicing entails filling one of the empty low buffers.
WORD Service;
** This flag is TRUE when the sample has stopped playing,
** BUT there is more data available. The sample must be
** restarted upon filling the low buffer.
BOOL Restart;
** Streaming control handlers.
BOOL (*Callback)(WORD id, WORD *odd, VOID **buffer, LONG *size);
VOID *QueueBuffer; // Pointer to continued sample data.
LONG QueueSize; // Size of queue buffer attached.
WORD Odd; // Block number tracker (0..StreamBufferCount-1).
int FilePending; // Number of buffers already filled ahead.
long FilePendingSize; // Number of bytes in last filled buffer.
** The file variables are used when streaming directly off of the
** hard drive.
WORD FileHandle; // Streaming file handle (ERROR = not in use).
VOID *FileBuffer; // Temporary streaming buffer (allowed to be freed).
** The following structure is used if the sample if compressed using
** the sos 16 bit compression Codec.
} SampleTrackerType;
typedef struct LockedData {
unsigned int DigiHandle; // = -1;
BOOL ServiceSomething; // = FALSE;
long MagicNumber; // = 0xDEAF;
VOID *UncompBuffer; // = NULL;
long StreamBufferSize; // = (2*SFX_MINI_STAGE_BUFFER_SIZE)+128;
short StreamBufferCount; // = 32;
SampleTrackerType SampleTracker[MAX_SFX];
unsigned int SoundVolume;
unsigned int ScoreVolume;
BOOL _int;
int MaxSamples;
int Rate;
} LockedDataType;
extern LockedDataType LockedData;
#pragma pack(4);
void Init_Locked_Data(void);
void Unlock_Locked_Data(void);
long Simple_Copy(void ** source, long * ssize, void ** alternate, long * altsize, void **dest, long size);
long Sample_Copy(SampleTrackerType *st, void ** source, long * ssize, void ** alternate, long * altsize, void * dest, long size, SCompressType scomp, void * trailer, WORD *trailersize);
VOID far cdecl maintenance_callback(VOID);
VOID cdecl far DigiCallback(unsigned int driverhandle, unsigned int callsource, unsigned int sampleid);
void far HMI_TimerCallback(void);
void *Audio_Add_Long_To_Pointer(void const *ptr, long size);
void DPMI_Unlock(VOID const *ptr, long const size);
extern "C" {
void Audio_Mem_Set(void const *ptr, unsigned char value, long size);
void Mem_Copy(void *source, void *dest, unsigned long bytes_to_copy);
long Decompress_Frame(void * source, void * dest, long size);
int Decompress_Frame_Lock(void);
int Decompress_Frame_Unlock(void);
int sosCODEC_Lock(void);
int sosCODEC_Unlock(void);
void __GETDS(void);